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def get_conf_mask(best_ious, true_box_conf, true_box_conf_IOU,LAMBDA_NO_OBJECT, LAMBDA_OBJECT):
== input ==
best_ious : tensor of shape (Nbatch, N grid h, N grid w, N anchor)
true_box_conf : tensor of shape (Nbatch, N grid h, N grid w, N anchor)
true_box_conf_IOU : tensor of shape (Nbatch, N grid h, N grid w, N anchor)
== output ==
conf_mask : tensor of shape (Nbatch, N grid h, N grid w, N anchor)
conf_mask[iframe, igridy, igridx, ianchor] = 0
when there is no object assigned in (grid cell, anchor) pair and the region seems useless i.e.
y_true[iframe,igridx,igridy,4] = 0 "and" the predicted region has no object that has IoU > 0.6
conf_mask[iframe, igridy, igridx, ianchor] = NO_OBJECT_SCALE
when there is no object assigned in (grid cell, anchor) pair but region seems to include some object
y_true[iframe,igridx,igridy,4] = 0 "and" the predicted region has some object that has IoU > 0.6
conf_mask[iframe, igridy, igridx, ianchor] = OBJECT_SCALE
when there is an object in (grid cell, anchor) pair
conf_mask = tf.cast(best_ious < 0.6, tf.float32) * (1 - true_box_conf) * LAMBDA_NO_OBJECT
# penalize the confidence of the boxes, which are reponsible for corresponding ground truth box
conf_mask = conf_mask + true_box_conf_IOU * LAMBDA_OBJECT
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