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Last active April 22, 2018 11:47
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Examples for writing self-documenting code.
// Awful - hard to parse the grammar with your eyes, easier to mix up parentheses
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((loc) => this.located(loc.coords.latitude, loc.coords.longitude), () => this.located(lat, lng))
// Better - easy to parse out what is happening, but not the meaning... what are the arrow functions for?
(loc) => this.located(loc.coords.latitude, loc.coords.longitude),
() => this.located(lat, lng)
// Good - I can tell exactly what's going on now.
// success handler
(loc) => this.located(loc.coords.latitude, loc.coords.longitude),
// error handler
() => this.located(lat, lng)
// Best - the handlers will now show up as `onSuccess` or `onError` in stack traces. Looking at a
// call-stack 30 frames deep is **MUCH** more tenable when every frame has a meaningful name
// instead of "anonymous". It also makes the purpose of the callbacks clear without needing comments,
// which makes the code self-documenting (and in this case more concise).
onSuccess = (loc) => this.located(loc.coords.latitude, loc.coords.longitude)
onError = () => this.located(lat, lng)
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError)
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