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Last active October 1, 2018 05:21
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Primitive SHA-256 Hash Function Implementation without External Libraries
======================= Author =======================
Mason Ticehurst - September 28th, 2018
======================= Notice =======================
================= Documentation Used =================
const INPUT = "meme_xd_aa$%9-02_##$(%()$%()aaaaa!!!!aaaa3789a7897aaaaaaaaa3543455435345345";
// Reasoning:
// 1 (zero seperator bit)
// + length of input (multiplied by 8 because each character is 8 bits)
// + 16 bits
// + 64 bits (padded input length appended)
$NUM_BLOCKS = floor( 1 + ( ( ( 8 * strlen( INPUT ) ) + 16 + 64 ) / 512 ) );
genConstants( $aConstants )
Description: Used to generate the prime numbers defined by the Department of Commerce
- 8 assumes query for H constants (fractional portions of the SQUARE root of the first 8 prime numbers)
- 64 assumes query K constants (fractional portions of the CUBE root of the first 64 prime numbers)
- Constant array (fail if input not valid in SHA256's context (8 or 64))
function genConstants( $aConstants ){
$newConstants = array();
if( sizeof( $aConstants ) != 8 && sizeof( $aConstants ) != 64 ){
// Invalid constant generation
// H0-H7 ( 8 Constants )
// K0-K63 ( 64 Constants )
if( sizeof( $aConstants ) == 8 ){
foreach( $aConstants as $val ){
$v = floor( fmod( sqrt( $val ), 1 ) * pow( 2, 32 ) );
$newConstants[] = $v;
if( sizeof( $aConstants ) == 64 ){
foreach( $aConstants as $val ){
$v = floor( fmod( pow( $val, 1/3 ), 1 ) * pow( 2, 32 ) );
$newConstants[] = $v;
return $newConstants;
genPrimes( $iPrimes )
Description: Generates array of iPrimes primes
function genPrimes( $iPrimes ){
$totalPrimes = 0;
$pArray = array();
for( $i = 0; $totalPrimes < $iPrimes; ){
$curPrime = gmp_nextprime( $i );
$pArray[] = gmp_strval( $curPrime );
$i = $curPrime;
return $pArray;
Ch( $x, $y, $z )
Description: Choose function defined by NSA/Department of Commerce ( x AND y ) XOR ( ( NOT x ) AND z )
function Ch( $x, $y, $z ){
$x = $x;
$y = $y;
$z = $z;
return ( ( $x & $y ) ^ ( ( ~$x ) & $z ) );
Maj( $x, $y, $z )
Description: Majority function defined by NSA/Department of Commerce ( x AND y ) XOR ( x AND z ) XOR ( y AND z )
function Maj( $x, $y, $z ){
$x = $x;
$y = $y;
$z = $z;
return ( ( $x & $y ) ^ ( $x & $z ) ^ ( $y & $z ) );
ROTL( $x, $t )
Description: Rotate-left function defined by NSA/Department of Commerce (circular bitshift left T times)
function ROTL( $x, $t ){
return( $x << $t ) | ( $x >> ( 32 - $t ) ) & ( ( 1 << 32 ) - 1 );
ROTR( $x, $t )
Description: Rotate-right function defined by NSA/Department of Commerce (circular bitshift right T times)
function ROTR( $x, $t ){
return( ($x >> $t ) | ( $x << ( 32 - $t ) ) ) & ( ( 1 << 32 ) - 1 );
SHR( $x, $t )
Description: Rotate-right function defined by Department of Commerce (right shift T times)
function SHR( $x, $t ){
return ( $x >> $t );
Σ0( $x )
Description: Σ0 (Big-Sigma0) function defined by Department of Commerce ( ROTR( x, 2 ) XOR ROTR( x, 13 ) XOR ROTR( x, 22 ) )
function Σ0( $x ){
$s0 = ROTR( $x, 2 );
$s1 = ROTR( $x, 13 );
$s2 = ROTR( $x, 22 );
return ( $s0^ $s1 ^ $s2 );
Σ1( $x )
Description: Σ1 (Big-Sigma1) function defined by Department of Commerce ( ROTR( x, 6 ) XOR ROTR( x, 11 ) XOR ROTR( x, 25 ) )
function Σ1( $x ){
return ( ROTR( $x, 6 ) ^ ROTR( $x, 11 ) ^ ROTR( $x, 25 ) );
σ0( $x )
Description: σ0 (little-sigma0) function defined by Department of Commerce ( ROTR( x, 7 ) XOR ROTR( x, 18 ) XOR SHR( x, 3 ) )
function σ0( $x ){
return ( ROTR( $x, 7 ) ^ ROTR( $x, 18 ) ^ SHR( $x, 3 ) );
σ1( $x )
Description: σ1 (little-sigma1) function defined by Department of Commerce ( ROTR( x, 17 ) XOR ROTR( x, 19 ) XOR SHR( x, 10 ) )
function σ1( $x ){
return ( ROTR( $x, 17 ) ^ ROTR( $x, 19 ) ^ SHR( $x, 10 ) );
padLength( $x )
Description: Returns number of zeros required to make string a length in a multiple of 512
function padLength( $x ){
global $NUM_BLOCKS;
$k = ( 512 * ( $NUM_BLOCKS - 1 ) + 447 - ( 8 * strlen( $x ) ) );
return $k;
messageBinary( $str )
Description: Returns the binary representation of our string input
function messageBinary( $str ){
$msg = "";
for( $i = 0; $i < strlen( $str ); $i++ ){
$bin = unpack( 'H*', $str[$i] );
$msg .= str_pad( base_convert( $bin[1], 16, 2 ), 8, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT );
return $msg;
// Initialize our constants
$hConstants = genConstants( genPrimes( 8 ) );
$kConstants = genConstants( genPrimes( 64 ) );
messageStruct( $str )
Description: Returns the padded out binary (string in binary + 1 seperator + padding zeros + 64 bit length of binary before seperator)
function messageStruct( $str ){
$m = messageBinary( $str );
$l = strlen( $m );
$m .= "1";
for( $i = 0; $i < padLength( $str ); $i++ ){
$m .= "0";
$m .= str_pad( decbin( $l ), 64, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT );
return $m;
messageScheduler( $str, &$x, &$h, &$K )
((1 << 32) - 1) is used several times to prevent integer overflow on systems higher than 32 bits (allows them to wrap around)
function messageScheduler( $str, &$h, &$K ){
$hash = 0x00000000;
$x = messageStruct( $str );
global $NUM_BLOCKS;
// Iterate for X amount of chunks (for each time our binary input meets 512 bits)
for( $chunk = 0; $chunk < $NUM_BLOCKS; $chunk++ ){
$M = array();
// Define our 64-entry message schedule array (32 bit words)
for( $i = ( 512 * $chunk ); $i < ( 512 * ( $chunk + 1 ) ); $i += 32 ){
$M[] = substr( $x, $i, 32 );
// Create a fixed length array for our working values
$W = new SplFixedArray( 64 );
// Initialize our working values
for( $i = 0; $i < 64; $i++ ){
$W[ $i ] = 0x00000000;
// Copy chunk into first 16 words [0..15] of the message scheduler array
for( $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++ ){
$n = base_convert( $M[ $i ], 2, 10 );
$W[ $i ] = $n;
// Remaining [16..63] all defined on page 22 of FIPS 180-4
for( $i = 16; $i < 64; $i++ ){
// run littleSigma0 on word 15 before current
$s0 = σ0( $W[ $i - 15 ] );
$s0 &= (1 << 32) - 1;
// run littleSigma1 on word 2 before current
$s1 = σ1( $W[ $i - 2 ] );
$s1 &= (1 << 32) - 1;
// Sum word from 16 before current, littleSigma0, word from 7 before current, and littleSigma1
$W[ $i ] = $W[ $i - 16 ] + $s0 + $W[ $i - 7 ] + $s1;
$W[ $i ] &= (1 << 32) - 1;
// initialize 8 working variables with constants
$A = $h[0];
$A &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$B = $h[1];
$B &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$C = $h[2];
$C &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$D = $h[3];
$D &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$E = $h[4];
$E &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$F = $h[5];
$F &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$G = $h[6];
$G &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$H = $h[7];
$H &= (1 << 32) - 1;
for( $t = 0; $t < 64; $t++ ){
$S1 = Σ1( $E );
$ch = Ch( $E, $F, $G );
$temp1 = $H;
$temp1 += $S1;
$temp1 += $ch;
$temp1 += $K[ $t ];
$temp1 += $W[ $t ];
$S0 = Σ0( $A );
$maj = Maj( $A, $B, $C );
$temp2 = $S0 + $maj;
$H = $G;
$H &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$G = $F;
$G &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$F = $E;
$F &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$E = $D + $temp1;
$E &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$D = $C;
$D &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$C = $B;
$C &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$B = $A;
$B &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$A = $temp1 + $temp2;
$A &= (1 << 32) - 1;
// Redefine constants for next chunk loop
$h[0] += $A;
$h[0] &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$h[1] += $B;
$h[1] &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$h[2] += $C;
$h[2] &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$h[3] += $D;
$h[3] &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$h[4] += $E;
$h[4] &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$h[5] += $F;
$h[5] &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$h[6] += $G;
$h[6] &= (1 << 32) - 1;
$h[7] += $H;
$h[7] &= (1 << 32) - 1;
// concatenate our 8 hash pieces into final hash (make always 4 capital bytes)
$d = sprintf( "%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X%08X", $h[0], $h[1], $h[2], $h[3], $h[4], $h[5], $h[6], $h[7] );
// Final hash assignment
$hash = $d;
// last hash/final iteration is the input's hash
return $hash;
// Constants are generated and therefore cannot be defined as "constant", though they always will return the same results
// pass by reference for performance purposes
echo( messageScheduler( INPUT, $hConstants, $kConstants ) );
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