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Last active October 23, 2020 11:17
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from numpy import zeros, int_
from unionfind import UnionFind
from meta import GameMeta
class GameState:
Stores information representing the current state of a game of hex, namely
the board and the current turn. Also provides functions for playing game.
# dictionary associating numbers with players
# PLAYERS = {"none": 0, "white": 1, "black": 2}
# move value of -1 indicates the game has ended so no move is possible
# GAME_OVER = -1
# represent edges in the union find structure for detecting the connection
# for player 1 Edge1 is high and EDGE2 is low
# for player 2 Edge1 is left and EDGE2 is right
# neighbor_patterns = ((-1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, -1))
def __init__(self, size):
Initialize the game board and give white first turn.
Also create our union find structures for win checking.
size (int): The board size
self.size = size
self.to_play = GameMeta.PLAYERS['white']
self.board = zeros((size, size))
self.board = int_(self.board)
self.white_played = 0
self.black_played = 0
self.white_groups = UnionFind()
self.black_groups = UnionFind()
self.white_groups.set_ignored_elements([GameMeta.EDGE1, GameMeta.EDGE2])
self.black_groups.set_ignored_elements([GameMeta.EDGE1, GameMeta.EDGE2])
def play(self, cell: tuple) -> None:
Play a stone of the player that owns the current turn in input cell.
cell (tuple): row and column of the cell
if self.to_play == GameMeta.PLAYERS['white']:
self.to_play = GameMeta.PLAYERS['black']
elif self.to_play == GameMeta.PLAYERS['black']:
self.to_play = GameMeta.PLAYERS['white']
def get_num_played(self) -> dict:
return {'white': self.white_played, 'black': self.black_played}
def get_white_groups(self) -> dict:
Returns (dict): group of white groups for unionfind check
return self.white_groups.get_groups()
def get_black_groups(self) -> dict:
Returns (dict): group of white groups for unionfind check
return self.black_groups.get_groups()
def place_white(self, cell: tuple) -> None:
Place a white stone regardless of whose turn it is.
cell (tuple): row and column of the cell
if self.board[cell] == GameMeta.PLAYERS['none']:
self.board[cell] = GameMeta.PLAYERS['white']
self.white_played += 1
raise ValueError("Cell occupied")
# if the placed cell touches a white edge connect it appropriately
if cell[0] == 0:
self.white_groups.join(GameMeta.EDGE1, cell)
if cell[0] == self.size - 1:
self.white_groups.join(GameMeta.EDGE2, cell)
# join any groups connected by the new white stone
for n in self.neighbors(cell):
if self.board[n] == GameMeta.PLAYERS['white']:
self.white_groups.join(n, cell)
def place_black(self, cell: tuple) -> None:
Place a black stone regardless of whose turn it is.
cell (tuple): row and column of the cell
if self.board[cell] == GameMeta.PLAYERS['none']:
self.board[cell] = GameMeta.PLAYERS['black']
self.black_played += 1
raise ValueError("Cell occupied")
# if the placed cell touches a black edge connect it appropriately
if cell[1] == 0:
self.black_groups.join(GameMeta.EDGE1, cell)
if cell[1] == self.size - 1:
self.black_groups.join(GameMeta.EDGE2, cell)
# join any groups connected by the new black stone
for n in self.neighbors(cell):
if self.board[n] == GameMeta.PLAYERS['black']:
self.black_groups.join(n, cell)
def turn(self) -> int:
Return the player with the next move.
return self.to_play
def set_turn(self, player: int) -> None:
Set the player to take the next move.
ValueError if player turn is not 1 or 2
if player in GameMeta.PLAYERS.values() and player != GameMeta.PLAYERS['none']:
self.to_play = player
raise ValueError('Invalid turn: ' + str(player))
def winner(self) -> int:
Return a number corresponding to the winning player,
or none if the game is not over.
if self.white_groups.connected(GameMeta.EDGE1, GameMeta.EDGE2):
return GameMeta.PLAYERS['white']
elif self.black_groups.connected(GameMeta.EDGE1, GameMeta.EDGE2):
return GameMeta.PLAYERS['black']
return GameMeta.PLAYERS['none']
def neighbors(self, cell: tuple) -> list:
Return list of neighbors of the passed cell.
cell tuple):
x = cell[0]
y = cell[1]
return [(n[0] + x, n[1] + y) for n in GameMeta.NEIGHBOR_PATTERNS
if (0 <= n[0] + x < self.size and 0 <= n[1] + y < self.size)]
def moves(self) -> list:
Get a list of all moves possible on the current board.
moves = []
for y in range(self.size):
for x in range(self.size):
if self.board[x, y] == GameMeta.PLAYERS['none']:
moves.append((x, y))
return moves
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