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Last active August 27, 2023 22:33
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class RaveMctsAgent(UctMctsAgent):
def __init__(self, state: GameState = GameState(8)):
self.root_state = deepcopy(state)
self.root = RaveNode() # Replace Node with RaveNode
self.run_time = 0
self.node_count = 0
self.num_rollouts = 0
def set_gamestate(self, state: GameState) -> None:
Set the root_state of the tree to the passed gamestate, this clears all
the information stored in the tree since none of it applies to the new
self.root_state = deepcopy(state)
self.root = RaveNode() # Replace Node with RaveNode
def move(self, move: tuple) -> None:
Make the passed move and update the tree appropriately. It is
designed to let the player choose an action manually (which might
not be the best action).
if move in self.root.children:
child = self.root.children[move]
child.parent = None
self.root = child
# if for whatever reason the move is not in the children of
# the root just throw out the tree and start over
self.root = RaveNode() # Replace Node with RaveNode
def search(self, time_budget: int) -> None:
Search and update the search tree for a specified amount of time in secounds.
start_time = clock()
num_rollouts = 0
# do until we exceed our time budget
while clock() - start_time < time_budget:
node, state = self.select_node()
turn = state.turn()
outcome, black_rave_pts, white_rave_pts = self.roll_out(state) # We also keep track of black and white cells to reward the rave points
self.backup(node, turn, outcome, black_rave_pts, white_rave_pts) # We reward the white and black cells that are played in the rollouts with AMAF scores.
num_rollouts += 1
run_time = clock() - start_time
node_count = self.tree_size()
self.run_time = run_time
self.node_count = node_count
self.num_rollouts = num_rollouts
def select_node(self) -> tuple:
Select a node in the tree to preform a single simulation from.
node = self.root
state = deepcopy(self.root_state)
# stop if we reach a leaf node
while len(node.children) != 0:
max_value = max(node.children.values(),
key=lambda n:
# descend to the maximum value node, break ties at random
max_nodes = [n for n in node.children.values() if
n.value == max_value]
node = choice(max_nodes)
# if some child node has not been explored select it before expanding
# other children
if node.N == 0:
return node, state
# if we reach a leaf node generate its children and return one of them
# if the node is terminal, just return the terminal node
if self.expand(node, state):
node = choice(list(node.children.values()))
return node, state
def expand(parent: RaveNode, state: GameState) -> bool:
Generate the children of the passed "parent" node based on the available
moves in the passed gamestate and add them to the tree.
children = []
if state.winner != GameMeta.PLAYERS["none"]:
# game is over at this node so nothing to expand
return False
for move in state.moves():
children.append(RaveNode(move, parent)) # Replace Node with RaveNode
return True
def roll_out(state: GameState) -> tuple:
Simulate a random game except that we play all known critical
cells first, return the winning player and record critical cells at the end.
moves = state.moves()
while state.winner == GameMeta.PLAYERS["none"]:
move = choice(moves)
black_rave_pts = []
white_rave_pts = []
# Keep storing the nodes that are played in rollouts for both black and white cells.
for x in range(state.size):
for y in range(state.size):
if state.board[(x, y)] == GameMeta.PLAYERS["black"]:
black_rave_pts.append((x, y))
elif state.board[(x, y)] == GameMeta.PLAYERS["white"]:
white_rave_pts.append((x, y))
return state.winner, black_rave_pts, white_rave_pts
def backup(self, node: RaveNode, turn: int, outcome: int, black_rave_pts: list, white_rave_pts: list) -> None:
Update the node statistics on the path from the passed node to root to reflect
the outcome of a randomly simulated playout.
# note that reward is calculated for player who just played
# at the node and not the next player to play
reward = -1 if outcome == turn else 1
while node is not None:
if turn == GameMeta.PLAYERS["white"]:
# Let's reward the rave nodes that were stored during rollouts.
for point in white_rave_pts:
if point in node.children:
node.children[point].Q_RAVE += -reward
node.children[point].N_RAVE += 1
for point in black_rave_pts:
if point in node.children:
node.children[point].Q_RAVE += -reward
node.children[point].N_RAVE += 1
node.N += 1
node.Q += reward
turn = GameMeta.PLAYERS['white'] if turn == GameMeta.PLAYERS['black'] else GameMeta.PLAYERS['black']
reward = -reward
node = node.parent
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