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FiniteStateMachine Trait with Example.Add a DSL to the PHP Finite package, borrowed from the Ruby StateMachine gem.

FiniteStateMachine Trait

Add a DSL to the PHP Finite package, borrowed from the Ruby StateMachine gem.


In your Stateful Class, add the stateMachineConfig() method and call initStateMachine() method at initialization (__contruct() method).


Check MyStatefulClass.php and Usage.php.


My previous version of this DSL can be found here



Use At Your Own Risk

use Finite\StateMachine\StateMachine;
* The FiniteStateMachine Trait.
* It provides easy ways to deal with Stateful objects and StateMachine
* Prerequisite: install Finite package (
* Usage: in your Stateful Class, add the stateMachineConfig() protected method
* and call initStateMachine() method at initialization (__contruct() method)
* @author Tortue Torche <>
trait FiniteStateMachineTrait
* @var \Finite\StateMachine\StateMachine
protected $stateMachine;
* @var array
protected $finiteLoader;
* @return array
protected abstract function stateMachineConfig();
protected function initStateMachine(array $config = null)
$this->finiteLoader = $config ?: $this->stateMachineConfig();
$loader = new \Finite\Loader\ArrayLoader($this->finiteLoader);
$sm = new StateMachine($this);
$this->stateMachine = $sm;
* Sets the object state
* @param string $state
public function setFiniteState($state)
$this->state = $state;
* Get the object state
* @return string
public function getFiniteState()
return $this->state;
* @return \Finite\StateMachine\StateMachine
public function getStateMachine()
return $this->stateMachine;
* @return \Finite\State\State
public function getCurrentState()
return $this->getStateMachine()->getCurrentState();
* @return string
public function getState()
return $this->getCurrentState()->getName();
* @return string
public function getHumanState()
return $this->humanize($this->getState());
* @param string $transitionName
* @return string|null
public function getHumanStateTransition($transitionName)
$transitionIndex = array_search($transitionName, $this->getTransitions());
if ($transitionIndex !== null && $transitionIndex !== false) {
return $this->humanize(array_get($this->getTransitions(), $transitionIndex));
* Returns if this state is the initial state
* @return boolean
public function isInitial()
return $this->getCurrentState()->isInitial();
* Returns if this state is the final state
* @return mixed
public function isFinal()
return $this->getCurrentState()->isFinal();
* Returns if this state is a normal state (!($this->isInitial() || $this->isFinal())
* @return mixed
public function isNormal()
return $this->getCurrentState()->isNormal();
* Returns the state type
* @return string
public function getType()
return $this->getCurrentState()->getType();
* @return array<string>
public function getTransitions()
return $this->getCurrentState()->getTransitions();
* @return array<string>
public function getProperties()
return $this->getCurrentState()->getProperties();
* @param array $properties
public function setProperties(array $properties)
* @param string $property
* @return bool
public function hasProperty($property)
return $this->getCurrentState()->has($property);
* @param string $targetState
* @return bool
public function is($targetState)
return $this->getState() === $targetState;
* @param string $transitionName
* @return bool
public function can($transitionName)
return $this->getStateMachine()->can($transitionName);
* @param string $transitionName
* @return mixed
* @throws \Finite\Exception\StateException
public function apply($transitionName)
return $this->getStateMachine()->apply($transitionName);
* @param callable $callback
* @param array $spec
public function addBefore($callback, array $spec = [])
$callbackHandler = new \Finite\Event\CallbackHandler($this->getStateMachine()->getDispatcher());
$callbackHandler->addBefore($this->getStateMachine(), $callback, $spec);
* @param callable $callback
* @param array $spec
public function addAfter($callback, array $spec = [])
$callbackHandler = new \Finite\Event\CallbackHandler($this->getStateMachine()->getDispatcher());
$callbackHandler->addAfter($this->getStateMachine(), $callback, $spec);
* @param callable $callback
* @param array $spec
public function prependBefore($callback, array $spec = [])
$config = $this->finiteLoader;
array_set($config, 'callbacks.before', array_merge(
[array_merge($spec, ['do' => $callback])],
array_get($config, 'callbacks.before', [])
* @param callable $callback
* @param array $spec
public function prependAfter($callback, array $spec = [])
$config = $this->finiteLoader;
array_set($config, 'callbacks.after', array_merge(
[array_merge($spec, ['do' => $callback])],
array_get($config, 'callbacks.after', [])
* Find and return the Initial state if exists
* @return string
* @throws Exception\StateException
public function findInitialState()
foreach (get_property($this->getStateMachine(), 'states') as $state) {
if (\Finite\State\State::TYPE_INITIAL === $state->getType()) {
return $state->getName();
throw new \Finite\Exception\StateException('No initial state found.');
* @param string $attribute Attribute name who contains transition name
* @param string $errorMessage
* @return mixed Returns false if there are errors
public function applyStateTransition($attribute = null, $errorMessage = null)
$attribute = $attribute ?: 'state_transition';
$attributes = $this->getAttributes();
if (($stateTransition = array_get($attributes, $attribute))) {
if ($this->can($stateTransition)) {
} else {
$defaultErrorMessage = sprintf(
'The "%s" transition can not be applied to the "%s" state.',
$errorMessage = $errorMessage ?: $defaultErrorMessage;
if (method_exists($this, 'errors')) {
$this->errors()->add($attribute, $errorMessage);
} else {
throw new \Exception($errorMessage, 1);
return false;
* $this->humanize("my beautiful hat");//-> 'My beautiful hat'
* @param string $value
* @return string
protected function humanize($value)
return ucfirst(snake_case(camel_case($value), ' '));
class MyStatefulClass implements Finite\StatefulInterface
use FiniteStateMachine;
public function __construct()
protected function stateMachineConfig()
return [
//'class' => get_class(),//useful?
'states' => [
's1' => [
'type' => 'initial',
'properties' => ['deletable' => true, 'editable' => true],
's2' => [
'type' => 'normal',
'properties' => [],
's3' => [
'type' => 'final',
'properties' => [],
'transitions' => [
't12' => ['from' => ['s1'], 'to' => 's2'],
't23' => ['from' => ['s2'], 'to' => 's3'],
't21' => ['from' => ['s2'], 'to' => 's1'],
'callbacks' => [
'before' => [
['on' => 't12', 'do' => [$this, 'beforeTransitionT12']],
['from' => 's2', 'to' => 's3', 'do' => function ($myStatefulInstance, $transitionEvent) {
echo "Before callback from 's2' to 's3'";// debug
['from' => '-s3', 'to' => ['s3' ,'s1'], 'do' => [$this, 'fromStatesS1S2ToS1S3']],
'after' => [
['from' => 'all', 'to' => 'all', 'do' => [$this, 'afterAllTransitions']],
public function beforeTransitionT12($myStatefulInstance, $transitionEvent)
echo "Function called before transition: '".$transitionEvent->getTransition()->getName()."' !";// debug
public function fromStatesS1S2ToS1S3()
echo "Before callback from states 's1' or 's2' to 's1' or 's3'";// debug
public function afterAllTransitions($myStatefulInstance, $transitionEvent)
echo "After All Transitions !";// debug
$myStatefulObject = new MyStatefulClass;
$myStatefulObject->getState(); // → "s1"
$myStatefulObject->can('t23'); // → false
$myStatefulObject->can('t12'); // → true
$myStatefulObject->apply('t12'); // → NULL
$myStatefulObject->is('s2'); // → true
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