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Created June 10, 2015 17:24
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Plot RAT-PAC MC photon data
* Example script for drawing MCPhoton information from RAT-PAC ROOT files.
* Usage:
* root[0] .L mcphoton.cpp+
* root[1] plotMCData("myfile.root");
* A. Mastbaum <>, June 2015
#include <iostream>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <RAT/DSReader.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/Root.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/MC.hh>
#include <RAT/DS/MCPMT.hh>
void plotMCData(const char* filename) {
// Canvases and histograms
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();
TH1F* htimes = new TH1F("htimes", ";Time (ns);Counts", 250, 20, 90);
TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas();
TH1F* hlambda = new TH1F("hlambda", ";Wavelength (nm);Counts", 500, 100, 800);
// Set up RAT ROOT file reader
RAT::DSReader dsReader(filename);
RAT::DS::Root* ds;
// Loop over DS events in the file
while (ds = dsReader.NextEvent()) {
// Get the MC data and loop over MCPMTs
RAT::DS::MC* mc = ds->GetMC();
for (size_t ipmt=0; ipmt<mc->GetMCPMTCount(); ipmt++) {
// Get the MCPMT and loop over MCPhotons
RAT::DS::MCPMT* pmt = mc->GetMCPMT(ipmt);
for (size_t iphoton=0; iphoton<pmt->GetMCPhotonCount(); iphoton++) {
// Get the MCPhoton and extract information
RAT::DS::MCPhoton* photon = pmt->GetMCPhoton(iphoton);
float lambda = photon->GetLambda() * 1e6; // mm -> nm
float time = photon->GetHitTime();
std::cout << lambda << " " << time << std::endl;
// Fill the histograms (for real hits)
if (!photon->IsDarkHit()) {
// Draw
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