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Created May 8, 2015 22:19
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Neutrinoless double-beta decay "lobster" plot
'''Make the "lobster plot."
That is, the possible values of the Majorana mass given the mixing parameters
and assuming standard three-neutrino mixing, for the normal and inverted
mass hierarchy.
By the way, the current global best fit parameters from NuFit are:
sin(t12)^2 = 0.304 +/- 0.012
sin(t23)^2 = 0.451 +/- 0.002 (first quadrant)
sin(t23)^2 = 0.576 +0.024 -0.037 (second quadrant)
sin(t13)^2 = 0.021 +0.593 -0.560
dm21sq = 7.53e-5 +/- 0.18e-5
dm32sq = 2.44e-3 +/- 0.06e-3
.. todo:: Overlay bands to show the uncertainties on the mixing parameters.
.. moduleauthor:: Andy Mastbaum <>, May 2015
import numpy as np
import ROOT
def mbb(m1, s12sq, s13sq, s23sq, dm21sq, dm32sq, phi2, phi3, hierarchy=1):
'''Compute the effective Majorana mass for given parameters.
For light neutrino exchange-mediated neutrinoless double-beta decay, the
effective Majorana mass is
mbb = sum [ (U_ek)^2 m_k ], k = 1, 2, 3
:param m1: Mass of the m1 eigenstate
:param s12sq: sin^2 theta12
:param s13sq: sin^2 theta13
:param s23sq: sin^2 theta23
:param dm21sq: Delta m21 squared
:param dm32sq: Delta m32 squared
:param phi2: First Majorana phase
:param phi3: Second Majorana phase
:param hierarchy: Positive for normal, negative for inverted
:returns: mbb in the same units as m1
t12 = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(s12sq))
t13 = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(s13sq))
t23 = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(s23sq))
if hierarchy > 0:
m2 = np.sqrt(np.square(m1) + dm21sq)
m3 = np.sqrt(np.square(m2) + dm32sq)
# m3 is the lighest!
m2 = np.sqrt(np.square(m1) + dm32sq)
m3 = np.sqrt(np.square(m2) + dm21sq)
m1, m3 = m3, m1
mbb = np.abs(np.square(np.cos(t13)) * np.square(np.cos(t12)) * m1 +
np.square(np.cos(t13)) * s12sq * m2 * np.exp(1j * phi2) +
s13sq * m3 * np.exp(1j * phi3))
return mbb
def mbb_range(m1, s12sq, s13sq, s23sq, dm21sq, dm32sq,
hierarchy=1, step=0.001):
'''Find a range of mbbs for given parameters by varying the unknown
Majorana phases over their allowed range from 0 to 2pi.
:param m1: Mass of the m1 eigenstate
:param s12sq: sin^2 theta12
:param s13sq: sin^2 theta13
:param s23sq: sin^2 theta23
:param dm21sq: Delta m21 squared
:param dm32sq: Delta m32 squared
:param hierarchy: Positive for normal, negative for inverted
:returns: A tuple of (min, max) mbb in the same units as m1
phis = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, step)
# Create a grid of mbbs with phi2 and phi3 taking on all combinations
mbbs = mbb(m1, s12sq, s13sq, s23sq, dm21sq, dm32sq,
phis, phis[:,np.newaxis], hierarchy=hierarchy)
return (np.min(mbbs), np.max(mbbs))
def plot(s12sq, s13sq, s23sq, dm21sq, dm32sq,
hierarchy=1, step=0.005, name='graph'):
'''Make a plot for the given parameters.
:param s12sq: sin^2 theta12
:param s13sq: sin^2 theta13
:param s23sq: sin^2 theta23
:param dm21sq: Delta m21 squared
:param dm32sq: Delta m32 squared
:param hierarchy: Positive for normal, negative for inverted
:returns: A TGraph with the allowed area filled in
# Values of m_lightest to evaluate [eV]
x = np.logspace(-5, 0, 100)
# Loop over m_lightests to find the mbb range for each
y = []
for m in x:
r = mbb_range(m, s12sq, s13sq, s23sq, dm21sq, dm32sq,
hierarchy=hierarchy, step=step)
# Invert to get a tuple of (lower bounds, upper bounds)
y = np.array(zip(*y))
g = ROOT.TGraph(2 * len(x))
for i in range(len(x)):
g.SetPoint(i, x[i], y[0][i])
g.SetPoint(len(x)+i, x[-i-1], y[1][-i-1])
return g
def lobster(s12sq, s13sq, s23sq, dm21sq, dm32sq):
'''Make the whole lobster plot for the given parameters.
:param s12sq: sin^2 theta12
:param s13sq: sin^2 theta13
:param s23sq: sin^2 theta23
:param dm21sq: Delta m21 squared
:param dm32sq: Delta m32 squared
:returns: A tuple of (NH graph, IH graph, canvas)
c = ROOT.TCanvas('c', 'c', 500, 500)
# Normal hierarchy
gn = plot(s12sq, s13sq, s23sq, dm21sq, dm32sq, 1, name='normal')
gn.SetFillColor(ROOT.kRed - 7)
# Inverted hierarchy
gi = plot(s12sq, s13sq, s23sq, dm21sq, dm32sq, -1, name='inverted')
gi.SetFillColor(ROOT.kAzure - 3)
# Draw
gi.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Lightest #nu mass (eV)')
gi.GetYaxis().SetTitle('|<m_{#beta#beta}>| (eV)')
gi.GetXaxis().SetLimits(1e-4, 1) # Oh, ROOT...
gi.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-4, 1)
gn.Draw('f same')
return gn, gi, c
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Use the current best-fit parameters (and first-quadrant t23)
s12sq = 0.304
s23sq = 0.451
s13sq = 0.021
dm21sq = 7.53e-5
dm32sq = 2.44e-3
gn, gi, c = lobster(s12sq, s13sq, s23sq, dm21sq, dm32sq)
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