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Created June 27, 2014 18:06
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Functional Test with Selenium

Functional Automatic Tests (with Selenium)

Automatic fonctional tests can be created with the Selenium extension on the browser Firefox. Selenium tests are located in the folder tests/selenium.

You can follow this tutorial to create a new test.

To let time to the jQuery to understand what's going on, add the pause commande , exemple jquery wait for an ajax request to append the results the a form input.

Here is the basic command, it follow the same syntaxe has the selenium log : | command | param1 | param2 | .

# STORE VARIABLE : store value in variable
# | store | value | variable_name |
| store | | email |

# OPEN PAGE : append to the Base URL 
# | open | url_segment | |
| open | /account/logout | | 

# TYPE TEXT IN INPUT : change the value of the input
# | type | locator | value |
| type | name=email | ${email} |

# SEND KEYS : simulate keystroke events, like if you where really typing (trigger js event)
# | sendKeys | locator | value |
| sendKeys | //input[@name='new-message-name'] | Test 1 2 Test  | 

# CLICK AND WAIT : click on a element and wait for page load
#  | clickAndWait | locator | | 
| clickAndWait | //input[@value='Log in'] | | 

# CLICK : click on a element
# | click | locator | |
| click | //form[@id='form-new-message']/div/input[@type='submit'] | | 

# PAUSE : wait before passing to the next command (let time to the js to do ajax request)
# | pause | num_of_millisec | | 
| pause | 3000 | | 

# STORE ELEMENT PRESENCE : store if the element is present
# | storeElementPresent | locator | variable_name | 
| storeElementPresent | //div[@id='new-message-error'][@class='alert alert-success'] | success |

# STORE TEXT : store the inside text value of an element 
# | storeText | locator | variable_name |
| storeText | //div[@id='messages']/div/div[last()][@id] | new_message | 

# ASSERT EVAL : gets the result of evaluating the js snippet
# | assertEval | js_code | expecting_value | 
| assertEval | javascript{storedVars['last_message'] == storedVars['new_message'];} | false | 

# VERIFY ELEMENT PRESENT : verify if an element is on the page
# | verifyElementPresent | locator | | 
| verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='appointments'] | | 

#  ECHO : print value in the selenium log console
# | echo | value | |
| echo | The new message is ${new_message} | |
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