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Last active November 14, 2016 03:00
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// master comfig - 1.6.0 ((November 13 2016)
// doesn't set things to their default values like in other fps configs
// so don't worry if an option is missing
// launch options: -high -novid -nojoy -noff -nohltv
// if you use a controller or joystick, remove -nojoy
// if you use haptic feedback, remove -noff
// if you use sourcetv, remove -nohltv
// if you update the config, add -autoconfig,
// launch tf2, then remove -autoconfig from your launch options
// --- FILESYSTEM --- \\
// modern systems can read more files
filesystem_max_stdio_read 64
// buffer IO to reduce disk IO
filesystem_unbuffered_io 0
// --- NETWORKING --- \\
// for both of these commands, 66 is the default max rate, so you can't go higher
// cmdrate is the maximum packets per second the client can send to the server
// so like you tell the server i moved forward or i shot my rocket launcher, crouched, and jumped
cl_cmdrate 66
// updaterate is the maximum packets per second the server can send to the client
// so like the server tells you this pyro is running towards you and
// is using his primary fire on her flame thrower
cl_updaterate 66
// there's less tolerance for error
// but you will be a lot closer to
// the server's game state and there
// be less delay for entity movement
cl_interp_ratio 1
// interp is the delay between packets
// using interp ratio is more accurate than setting it manually,
// so set it to 0 to make this happen
cl_interp 0
// smooth over 3 packets
cl_smoothtime 0.0455
// There's 126 packets per second
// And packets could be a max possible size of 1500 bytes
// max rate is 1048576 (8.4 Mbps)
rate 189000
// maximum amount of time in seconds a packet can be delayed
net_maxcleartime 1
// basically, how behind a packet can be before it is ignored
net_maxpacketdrop 1000
// still split packets
net_splitpacket_maxrate 189000
// split more packets per frame
// on less powerful computers,
// this settings will cause
// stutters, but you can try
// your luck with it
//net_splitrate 2
// don't take the time to compress packets
// when our speed is high enough to
// not need any compression
net_compresspackets 0
// --- SHADOWS --- \\
// half the maximum amount of shadows (32)
r_shadowmaxrendered 16
// render shadows once, not twice
cl_blobbyshadows 1
// threaded shadow manager
// this actually doesn't do anything
// in the latest source engine base (2013)
// so it's likely that tf2 doesn't use it either
// however, there's no harm in leaving it here
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
// disable shadow depth texture
r_flashlightdepthtexture 0
// don't render shadows to textures at all
r_shadowrendertotexture 0
// alternatively, you can enable
// flashlight depth textures and shadow textures
// or just shadow textures
// and just lower the shadow resolution
// won't be as much as an fps boost,
// but shadows will look nicer i guess
// also rendering shadows to texture
// gives you an advantage, since
// sometimes shadows bleed through
//r_flashlightdepthres 512
// --- RAGDOLLS --- \\
// after the ragdoll becomes stationary,
// it doesn't really need to be touched again
// we all know that the funniest ragdoll physics
// happen when they are created and matter less after that
ragdoll_sleepaftertime 1.0f
// nobody cares about ragdolls when they've been rotting on the ground
// so make them fade out faster
cl_ragdoll_fade_time 5
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 200
// let's calm down with the physics a bit.
// scale the push force down to half.
phys_pushscale 0.5
// --- GRAPHICS --- \\
// these settings will optimize graphics
// without causing any noticeable downgrades
// do not limit fps in the engine. set this limit elsewhere, in gpu settings
fps_max 0
// you don't see like half the battlefield with this on 75
fov_desired 90
// without getting too in-depth,
// we're making it so we don't have to calculate
// what we can see or not every time for lighting
// but it's less accurate, so lower quality
r_lightcache_zbuffercache 1
// lines for hitscan bullets are traced and simulate motion
// honestly deceiving and also affects performance
r_drawtracers_firstperson 0
// makes tracers more visible,
// so it's some extra fluff
tracer_extra 0
// this disables flex anims when fps is lower than (1 / ai_expression_frametime)
// also does just a tiny bit more expensive check to find out if the animation is in the player's view,
// rather than just using PVS (potentially visible set)
ai_expression_optimization 1
ai_expression_frametime 0.022
// async model loading
mod_load_mesh_async 1
mod_load_anims_async 1
mod_load_vcollide_async 1
// multithread the material system, and a bunch of other things
// because lots of systems check if the material system can thread
// change this to mat_queue_mode -1 if you get crashes
mat_queue_mode 2
// thread if you are a multicore system and hosting a game
// may not let you move in local servers
//host_thread_mode 1
// threaded post processing - test to see if it works for you!
// if you get a transparent missing texture
// (purple and black checkerboard) overlay or another weird overlay
// comment these (r_queued_post_processing and mat_postprocessing_combine) out again,
// or add mat_hdr_level 0 if you don't mind disabling hdr
//r_queued_post_processing 1
// we don't need to draw all post processing
// effects in one pass, since we're doing it async
//mat_postprocessing_combine 0
// parallel processing of bones
r_threaded_renderables 1
// better rendered and threaded particle effects
cl_new_impact_effects 1
// process leaf list in parallel
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 1
// don't sync the hardware when we're doing all this threading
mat_forcehardwaresync 0
// draw entities first, then props
r_drawopaquestaticpropslast 1
// when the thread pool is not available,
// use this many cores for particles
// change this if you don't have this many cores
particle_sim_alt_cores 4
// batch decals and thread them
r_queued_decals 1
// cull decals under this size in pixels
r_decal_cullsize 16
// optimization to fog volume leaf
fast_fogvolume 1
// uses fast z reject on hardware that supports it
r_fastzreject -1
// distance at which detail props stop being shown
cl_detaildist 1000
// props will fade through this distance
// 1000 means they will fade whenever they are visible, since detail dist is 1000
cl_detailfade 1000
// lower physics props limit to a meaningful one for tf2
cl_phys_props_max 10
// disable jigglebones at 50fps instead of 20fps
cl_jiggle_bone_framerate_cutoff 50
// increase frame tolerance for skipping fast temp ent collisions (syringes)
cl_fasttempentcollision 15
// skips an extra step to get textures cached
// may result in stutter, but increases fps
// if you have stutter, enable it (set to 1)
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0
// don't do software AA
mat_software_aa_strength 0
// make it so things like gibs,
// breakable props can only
// break in to 7 pieces
func_break_max_pieces 7
// don't scale the break limit down
// because it's already reduced
func_break_reduction_factor 1
// a low value that makes sense for tf2
r_decals 144
// reduced the amount of model decals
// to a number that makes sense for tf2
r_maxmodeldecal 33
// reduce the amount of dynamic lights
// in accordance with our shadow number
r_maxdlights 16
// uncomment if you want to boost your fps
// with some options that downgrade the fps
// normally, this isn't required, as most of
// the time, tf2 is cpu bound, but
// on weaker gpus, higher quality graphics
// may be causing low fps
// options labeled as recommended won't be too noticeable
// options labeled as boost are noticeable but are very powerful
// settings to boost your fps, if you are graphics bound
// options labeled are only to be enabled in certain situations
// based on each command
// disable hdr (boost)
// you may also use mat_hdr_level 1 for a more efficient, bloom effect
//mat_hdr_level 0
// disables phong shading to allow
// for the simpler flat shading (boost)
//mat_phong 0
// the 3d player model in the hud (recommended)
// you even get a message in game asking you to disable this
//cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0
// disable anti aliasing (boost)
// edges that are not parallel to the x or y axis of your screen
// will have jagged edges
//mat_antialias 0
//mat_aaquality 0
// disable a complicated animation blending technique (boost)
//anim_3wayblend 0
// disable animation smoothing (boost)
//flex_smooth 0
// disable flex animations
//r_flex 0
// disable twitch streams
//cl_streams_request_url ""
//cl_streams_image_sfurl ""
//cl_streams_request_count 0
//cl_streams_request_url ""
// disable water splashes
//cl_show_splashes 0
// disable props (recommended)
//cl_phys_props_enable 0
// remove muzzle flashes (recommended)
//muzzleflash_light 0
// remove sprays
//cl_playerspraydisable 0
// disable html motds (recommended)
// which are used for fancy welcome messages,
// ads, and source music player
//cl_disablehtmlmotd 1
// disable weather (recommended)
//tf_particles_disable_weather 1
// make lod fade start distance 0 and lod fade end distance 5000 (boost)
// it makes objects fade at the shortest possible distance to be set
//lod_TransitionDist -5000
// set true LOD to low detail
//r_rootlod 2
// disable bullet shells from pistol and minigun (recommended)
//cl_ejectbrass 0
// disable flecks from bullet impacts (recommended)
//r_drawflecks 0
// disable error messages for missing noflecks impact particle
//con_filter_enable 1
//con_filter_text_out particle
// don't draw decals like blood (recommended)
// on players or other models
//r_drawmodeldecals 0
// disable eyes
//r_eyes 0
// disable eye glint
//r_eyegloss 0
// disable eye movement
//r_eyemove 0
//disable lighting models
//r_flashlightmodels 0
// disable diffuse lighting
//mat_diffuse 0
// use software lighting.
// only uncomment this if your CPU
// is stronger than your GPU
// at lighting
// (very unlikely)
//mat_softwarelighting 1
// disable light averaging
//r_lightaverage 0
// disable dynamic lighting
//r_dynamic 0
// don't smooth lightmaps
// makes lighting blocky
//mat_filterlightmaps 0
// don't smooth textures
// makes textures blocky
//mat_filtertextures 0
// draw textures flat, instead
// of also adding the 3d effect
// that comes from bumpmaps
//mat_bumpmap 0
// disable parallax mapping
//mat_parallaxmap 0
// disable water reflections
// makes water look weird
//r_WaterDrawReflection 0
// disable water refractions
// makes water look weird
//r_WaterDrawRefraction 0
// distance at which to stop rendering water very well
//r_cheapwaterend 1
// --- OpenGL --- \\
// some tweaks for platforms that use ToGL,
// currently Linux and Mac
// batch texture creation (OpenGL only)
gl_batch_tex_creates 1
// batch texture unloading (OpenGL only)
gl_batch_tex_destroys 1
// --- SOUND -- \\
// disable sound processing
// this can allow for external
// processing, like HRTF
// generally, this will produce "better" sound
dsp_slow_cpu 1
snd_spatialize_roundrobin 1
dsp_enhance_stereo 0
snd_pitchquality 1
// make the sound system get along with threading
snd_async_fullyasync 1
// completely run sound system on separate thread
snd_async_minsize 0
// async mixing of sounds
// you might get sound stutters or crashes with certain sounds
// if you have this uncommented, but you'll get better performance
snd_mix_async 1
// --- INPUT --- \\
// scale sensitivity down to be manageable at higher fov
zoom_sensitivity_ratio 0.75
// probably does nothing in tf2, but it's the rate at which
// the camera returns to its ideal rotation, usually at
// an elevation or after knockback that moves the cursor
// which is mostly used in cstrike for the recoil
cl_idealpitchscale 1.3
// --- MISC --- \\
// upload files to the bug reporter asynchronously
bugreporter_uploadasync 1
// --- DEBUGGING --- \\
// save console output to GAME_FOLDER/tf/console.log
//con_logfile console.log
// display developer output
//developer 4
// --- FINALIZE --- \\
// branding and to make sure the config is actually loading
echo "master comfig v1.6.0 loaded."
// some commands are run by default by tf2
// and they require sv_cheats to be on
sv_cheats 1
// run extra.cfg, so you can put binds and stuff
//exec extra
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