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Last active January 4, 2023 11:47
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A List of HL3 Valve code references (WIP)

Vortigaunt talking scripts

Vortigaunts have a special voiceline and animation for when the player gets hurt on the map ep3_outland_03.

  • animations: vort_combat_combined01.vcd, vort_combat_combined02.vcd
  • context: VortNoticedHurt:1:300
  • response: VortNoticeHurt

They also have one in the same ep3_outland_03 map for when the player kills someone.

  • animations: vort_prevail.vcd, vort_goodfightwithus.vcd, vort_killsformidable.vcd, vort_goodtogether.vcd
  • context: VortPostKill:1:80
  • response: VortCombatFun

Finally, there is a test talking script for again, the ep3_outland_03 map.

  • animations: vort_pre_revive_nag01.vcd, vort_pre_revive_nag02.vcd, vort_pre_revive_nag03.vcd, vort_pre_revive_nag04.vcd, vort_pre_revive_nag05.vcd
  • response: Vort03Test

These are found in the base HL2 episodic script files.

Blobulator Particle Renderer

This is a special particle system made for Episode 3. It is an implementation of the Lennard-Jones model.

This is found in the Orange Box Source Engine source code.


This is a new "blob monster" with a surface made of the Blobulator particles. It uses a model called Hydra.mdl.

The monster can be punted by the gravity gun. Each blob of particles take damage individually.

It also has some sort of fountain-like particle spew.

The blob monster has a special demo mode to showcase its characteristics and features.

It's found in the ep3 "mod" folder source code within the Orange Box Source Engine source tree.

Hammer FGD

Found in the Source 2 Hammer files, there is Hammer data for HL3. This includes the following features:

  • VR movement
  • Item pickup prevents respawning
  • Item PlayerCounter
  • Item glow in trigger
  • Zipline
  • Procedural generation/spawning
  • Streaming assets from Steam servers as part of procedural code
  • Procedural spawning based on NPC engagement
  • Procedural partial spawning
  • Procedural choice system
  • Elbow, hand and arm modifiers
  • Quest NPCs
    • Say quest dialog
    • Give quest goal waypoints with indicator beams
  • Player NPC squads with refusal of player commands
  • Invincible Hunter
  • Combine Pulse Ceiling Turret
    • Scans
    • Sucking vortex

SteamVR Performance Tool

In the initial release of the SteamVR Performance Tool, which runs on Source 2, there was engine data referring to Half-Life 3.

  • Crowbar zipline
  • Spy grenade
  • Grenade launcher
  • Day/night cycle
  • adult01 Half-Life 3 NPC texture
  • Test version of interactive cockpit of space shuttle
  • Strider canyon map
  • Conveyor track structure
  • D0g high quality model with components


In the initial release and updates of Destinations (now called SteamVR Home), which runs on Source 2, there was engine data related to Half-Life 3.

  • VR Hand
  • VR flashlight
  • VR Teleport
  • VR Weapon switch
  • Grabbity Glove
    • Two handed throw
  • VR Inventory grenade grab
  • VR Inventory clip grab
  • VR Pistol
    • Fully interactive gun in VR (clip, chamber, etc)
  • VR Crowbar
    • Damage based on impact force from swing
  • Energy gun
  • Enemy AI
    • Cover analysis
    • Disadvantage analysis
  • Weapon modules
  • Temporary ragdolls for physics based NPC interactions
  • Headcrab updates
    • Headcrab spit
    • Headcrab smoke bomb

Dota 2 Misc

Throughout various Dota 2 updates, there have been small code leaks related to Half-Life 3.

  • Procedural glass shattering
  • Speech recognition for HL player
    • Communication with other players and NPCs
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