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Last active September 25, 2016 15:51
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mastercoms' config: put in tf/custom/mastercoms/cfg/autoexec.cfg
// mastercoms' config - 1.0.0 (September 25 2016)
// doesn't set things to their default values like in other fps configs
// so don't worry if an option is missing
// launch options: -novid -nojoy -noipx
// !!! use dx9! and read through the config! somethings might not work with your computer!
// fps limiting causes input lag
fps_max 0
// --- NETWORKING --- \\
// 66 is the default max rate, so you can't go higher
cl_cmdrate 66
cl_updaterate 66
// using interp ratio is more accurate than setting it manually
cl_interp 0
// this is a hitscan game and low interp values give you less room for error
// so 2 is a good balance between projectiles/rocket jumping and hitscan
cl_interp_ratio 2
// smooth over 20 packets because you're not going to notice every intep,
// but you will notice jerk over a few packets
cl_smoothtime 0.152
// ATTENTION!!! if your connection is lower than 2 Mbps, then lower this value (it's in bytes/sec)
// default was 80,000 for 50 packets/sec, so as we are sending 132 packets/sec,
// this is in line with the default
// keep in mind this is the max rate so even if I'm wrong and this is absurdly high,
// it won't hurt
rate 211200
// --- SHADOWS --- \\
// half the maximum amount of shadows/players (32)
r_shadowmaxrendered 16
// render shadows once, not twice
cl_blobbyshadows 1
// threaded shadow manager
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
// --- RAGDOLLS --- \\
// after the ragdoll becomes stationary,
// it doesn't really need to be touched again
// we all know that the funniest ragdoll physics
// happen when they are created and matter less after that
ragdoll_sleepaftertime 1.0f
// nobody cares about ragdolls when they've been rotting on the ground
// so make them fade out faster
cl_ragdoll_fade_time 5
cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 200
// let's calm down with the physics a bit.
// scale the push force down to half.
phys_pushscale 0.5
// --- GIBS --- \\
// the ultimate performance test for your computer
// only enable if you have a beefy computer
cl_burninggibs 0
// --- GRAPHICS --- \\
// you're probably used to getting awful graphics with configs
// but this isn't a toaster config
// honestly graphics are pretty optimized in tf2
// so I would just use the in game video settings
// except don't change texture quality (that's mat_picmip)
// unless you know what's right for your computer
// this is focused more on tweaking graphics to get them
// you don't see like half the battlefield with this on 75
fov_desired 90
// the 3d player model in the hud
// you even get a message in game asking you to disable this
cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 0
// compresses textures
// the higher the value, the less vram you will use,
// but it uses more cpu
// goes from -1 to 2
// 0 is the best balance
mat_picmip 0
// without getting too in-depth,
// we're making it so we don't have to calculate
// what we can see or not every time
// but it's less accurate, so lower quality
r_lightcache_zbuffercache 1
// lines for hitscan bullets are traced and simulate motion
// honestly deceiving and also affects performance
r_drawtracers_firstperson 0
// makes tracers more visible,
// so it's some extra fluff
tracer_extra 0
// this disables flex anims when fps is lower than (1 / ai_expression_frametime)
// also does a more expensive check to find out if the animation is in the player's view,
// rather than just using PVS (potentially visible set)
ai_expression_optimization 1
ai_expression_frametime 0.025
// async model loading
mod_load_mesh_async 1
mod_load_anims_async 1
mod_load_vcollide_async 1
// valve is mostly smarter than us for this
// so set this to -1 if you have problems
// but this config sets it to 2 because it
// can optimize more
// however, on some CPUs or OSs, setting
// this to 1 can be better
mat_queue_mode 2
// parallel processing of bones
r_threaded_renderables 1
// parallel processing of bone setup
cl_threaded_bone_setup 1
// process leaf list in parallel
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system 1
// draw entities first, then props
r_drawopaquestaticpropslast 1
// when the thread pool is not available,
// use this many cores for particles
// change this if you don't have this many cores
particle_sim_alt_cores 4
// batch decals and thread them
r_queued_decals 1
// cull decals under this size in pixels
r_decal_cullsize 16
// --- SOUND -- \\
// disable sound processing
// this can allow for external
// processing, like HRTF
// generally, this will produce "better" sound
dsp_slow_cpu 1
snd_spatialize_roundrobin 1
dsp_enhance_stereo 0
snd_pitchquality 1
// make the sound system get along with threading
snd_async_fullyasync 1
// mix sounds on a new thread
snd_mix_async 1
// branding and to make sure the config is actually loading
echo "mastercoms' config v1.0.0 loaded."
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