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Last active July 8, 2017 16:38
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Backpropagation in Python
from random import random
from numpy import tanh
from scipy import array, vectorize, transpose
class Network:
""" Class builds neural network
def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, hlayers=None, activation=tanh,
""" hlayers is a list containing number of neurons in each hidden layer
activation is a activation function applied to net_j
self.__scaling_factor = 100.
# Transfer function: array -> array
self.activate = vectorize(activation)
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.layers = []
self._iteration = 0
if hlayers:
for i in xrange(len(hlayers) + 1):
# From input layer
if i == 0:
self._add_weights(hlayers[i], inputs)
# To output layer
elif i == len(hlayers):
self._add_weights(outputs, hlayers[i - 1])
# Between hidden layers
self._add_weights(hlayers[i], hlayers[i - 1])
def _rate(self):
""" Returns learning rate
return self.learning_rate
def _scale_in(self, vect):
""" Scales (packs) input vector
return vect / self.__scaling_factor
def _scale_out(self, vect):
""" Scales output vector back to initial scale
return vect * self.__scaling_factor
def _add_weights(self, rows, cols, max_rand=0.1):
""" Adds matrix with random values
array([[random() * max_rand for _ in xrange(cols)]
for _ in xrange(rows)]))
def _update_weights(self, delta, o_activation):
""" Updates weights in given layer
for i in xrange(len(self.layers)):
d_j = transpose(array([delta[i]]))
self.layers[i] += self._rate() * d_j * o_activation[i]
def _propagate(self, vect):
""" Propagates signal through the network
vect = self._scale_in(vect)
activation = [vect]
for layer in self.layers:
vect =
vect = self.activate(vect)
# activation.append(self._scale_out(activation.pop()))
return activation
def _back_propagate(self, real, expected):
""" Back error propagation with weights correction
delta = []
# Calculate err of output layer
o_j = real[-1]
expected = self._scale_in(expected)
delta.append( (expected - o_j) * (1. - o_j) * o_j )
# Calculate errs of hidden layers
layer_no = len(self.layers) - 1 # Last layer
while layer_no > 0: # Input layer has "no error"
last_err = delta[-1] # Get previous err from the end of err list
# print self.layers[layer_no], '@', last_err, '$'
s =[layer_no])
o_j = real[layer_no]
delta.append( s * (1. - o_j) * o_j )
layer_no -= 1
self._update_weights(delta[::-1], real)
def compute(self, vector):
""" Computes final value for input vector
using current network weights
vector = transpose(array(vector))
return self._scale_out(self._propagate(vector)[-1])
def train(self, sample, expected):
""" sample and expected -- lists presenting input and output vectors
self._iteration += 1
sample = transpose(array(sample))
real = self._propagate(sample)
expected = transpose(array(expected))
self._back_propagate(real, expected)
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