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Last active April 22, 2022 16:38
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Brainf**k interpreter in Haskell.
Brainf**k interpreter
Brainf**k is a Turing-complete programming language.
> Increment data pointer so that it points to next location in memory.
< Decrement data pointer so that it points to previous location in memory.
+ Increment the byte pointed by data pointer by 1. If it is already at its maximum value, 255, then new value will be 0.
- Decrement the byte pointed by data pointer by 1. If it is at its minimum value, 0, then new value will be 255.
. Output the character represented by the byte at the data pointer.
, Read one byte and store it at the memory location pointed by data pointer.
[ If the byte pointed by data pointer is zero, then move instruction pointer to next matching ']', otherwise move instruction pointer to next command.
] If the byte pointed by data pointer is non-zero, then move instruction pointer to previous matching '[' command, otherwise to next command.
Example. The first line of must contain the input ('$' means there is no input).
+++++ +++++ initialize counter (cell #0) to 10
[ use loop to set the next four cells to 70/100/30/10
> +++++ ++ add 7 to cell #1
> +++++ +++++ add 10 to cell #2
> +++ add 3 to cell #3
> + add 1 to cell #4
<<<< - decrement counter (cell #0)
> ++ . print 'H'
> + . print 'e'
+++++ ++ . print 'l'
. print 'l'
+++ . print 'o'
> ++ . print ' '
<< +++++ +++++ +++++ . print 'W'
> . print 'o'
+++ . print 'r'
----- - . print 'l'
----- --- . print 'd'
> + . print '!'
$ ghc -O2 brainf.hs
$ ./brainf <
Hello World!
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.Word ( Word8 )
import Data.Char ( chr )
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Text.Printf
type Program = [BFInstruction]
data BFInstruction = BFNext | BFPrev -- memory movements
| BFInc | BFDec -- increment / decrement
| BFPut | BFGet -- to stdout / from stdin
| BFLoop Program -- loops
deriving Show
newtype Input = Input String
newtype Output = Output String
parse [] = Right []
parse (x:xs) =
case x of
'>' -> BFNext <$:> parse xs
'<' -> BFPrev <$:> parse xs
'+' -> BFInc <$:> parse xs
'-' -> BFDec <$:> parse xs
'.' -> BFPut <$:> parse xs
',' -> BFGet <$:> parse xs
'[' -> case _lp xs 0 of
Left s -> Left s
Right (lp, xs') -> BFLoop `fmap` parse lp <:> parse xs'
-- ']' is already handled by _lp
']' -> Left "Unexpected ']'"
_ -> parse xs
_lp :: String -> Int -> Either String (String, String)
_lp [] _ = Left "Unclosed '['"
_lp (']':xs) 0 = Right ([], xs)
_lp (']':xs) lvl = ']' <$:-> _lp xs (lvl + 1)
_lp ('[':xs) lvl = '[' <$:-> _lp xs (lvl - 1)
_lp (x:xs) lvl = x <$:-> _lp xs lvl
x <$:> xs = fmap (x:) xs
x <$:-> xs = fmap (first (x:)) xs
(<:>) = liftA2 (:)
data Tape a = Tape { memL :: [a], cell :: a, memR :: [a] }
forward :: Tape a -> Tape a
forward Tape { memL = memL, cell = cell, memR = (mr:mrs) } = Tape { memL = cell : memL, cell = mr, memR = mrs }
backward :: Tape a -> Tape a
backward Tape { memL = (ml:mls), cell = cell, memR = memR } = Tape { memL = mls, cell = ml, memR = cell : memR }
modify :: (a -> a) -> Tape a -> Tape a
modify f t@Tape { cell = cell} = t { cell = f cell }
value :: Tape Word8 -> Word8
value Tape { cell = cell } = cell
pu :: Tape Word8 -> (BFInstruction, Input) -> (Tape Word8, Input, Output)
pu t (i, input@(Input inp)) =
case i of
BFInc -> taped $ modify (+1) t
BFDec -> taped $ modify (subtract 1) t
BFPrev -> taped $ backward t
BFNext -> taped $ forward t
BFGet -> let t' = modify (const . toWord8 . head $ inp) t
in (t', Input $ tail inp, Output "")
BFPut -> (t, input, Output (toString $ value t))
BFLoop p -> bfloop p t input
taped t' = (t', input, Output "") -- No output, no input consumption
bfloop p' t' input' | value t' == 0 = taped t'
| otherwise = let (t1, input1, Output out1) = interpret p' t' input'
(t2, input2, Output out2) = bfloop p' t1 input1
in (t2, input2, Output (out1 ++ out2))
-- TODO: count the number of operations
-- interpr :: Program -> Tape -> Int -> Input -> (Tape, Input, Output)
interpret :: Program -> Tape Word8 -> Input -> (Tape Word8, Input, Output)
interpret [] t input = (t, input, Output "")
interpret (i:ins) t input = (t2, input2, Output (out ++ out2))
where (t1, input1, Output out) = pu t (i, input)
(t2, input2, Output out2) = interpret ins t1 input1
toWord8 :: Char -> Word8
toWord8 = fromIntegral . fromEnum
toString :: Word8 -> String
toString = (:[]) . chr . fromIntegral
initial :: Tape Word8
initial = Tape { memL = repeat 0, cell = 0, memR = repeat 0 }
main = do
input <- Input <$> getLine
code <- getContents
let result = case parse code of
Left error -> "Parsing error: " ++ error
Right program ->
let (t', _, Output out) = interpret program initial input
in out
putStr result
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