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Created November 9, 2017 14:37
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"Getting Functional with Javascript" Blog post source files
* Primary application logic for our Functional Programming blog example
* See related blog series at:
* Version: 2.0
// A simple, resuable comparison for '>='
function greaterThanOrEqual(a, b) {
return a >= b
// Right curried so we can create useful unary predicates
var greaterThanOrEqualTo = rightCurry(greaterThanOrEqual);
// Create a unary predicate to use with filter that lets us filter
// for values >= 30 days ago
var thirtyDays = (new Date()).getTime() - (86400000 * 30),
within30Days = useWith(greaterThanOrEqualTo(thirtyDays), getWith('published'));
// REQUIREMENT #1: Filter records by publish date
// Use our newerThan30Days predicate, modified using withProp
// to allow it to access object's `.date` property
var filtered = filterWith(within30Days)(records);
// REQUIREMENT #2: Group filtered records by tag
// Step 1: explode the data structure (our filtered records) so that we have one record for each tag-post combination.
var bytags = pairWith(getWith('tags'))(filtered);
// Step 2: group by the tags (pair[1]):
var groupedtags = groupBy(getWith(1))(bytags);
// Step 3: reduce each tag-post pair down to just the post (removes the tag)
function getPostRecords(prop, value) {
return pluckWith(0)(value);
var finalgroups = mapObjectWith(getPostRecords)(groupedtags);
// REQUIREMENT #3: Sort groups by publish date descending (new to old)
function greaterThan(a,b) {
return a > b;
var descending = comparator(greaterThan),
descendingByPublishDate = useWith(descending, getWith('published'), getWith('published'));
function sortByPublishDate(group, recs) {
return sortBy(descendingByPublishDate)(recs);
var finished = mapObjectWith(sortByPublishDate)(finalgroups);
// Part 3, but 'composed'
var mostRecentByTagOrderedByPublishDate = pipeline(
// Same output as 'finished' above
var composed_finished = mostRecentByTagOrderedByPublishDate(records);
* A small functional library used in my series of blog posts on functional programming
* See related blog series at:
* Version: 2.0
// Utility short-hand functions
var slice = Array.prototype.slice,
join = Array.prototype.join,
concat = Array.prototype.concat,
keys = Object.keys,
toString = Object.prototype.toString,
isString = function(o){ return == '[object String]'; },
isArray = function(o) { return == '[object Array]'; },
isFunction = function(o) { return == '[object Function]'; };
// Returns a new function
// that calls the original function with arguments reversed.
function flip(fn) {
return function() {
var args =;
return fn.apply(this, args.reverse());
// Returns a curried version of the function `fn`, with arguments
// curried from right -> left. Uses the natural arity of `fn` to
// determine how many arguments to curry, or `n` if passed.
function rightCurry(fn, n) {
var arity = n || fn.length,
fn = flip(fn);
return function curried() {
var args =,
context = this;
return args.length >= arity ?
fn.apply(context, args.slice(0, arity)) :
function () {
var rest =;
return curried.apply(context, args.concat(rest));
// Access the `obj` using the property `prop`
function get(obj, prop) {
return obj[prop];
// Given a list of objects, return a list of the values
// for property 'prop' in each object
function pluck(list, prop) {
return mapWith(getWith(prop))(list);
// Filter `list` using the predicate function `fn`
function filter(list, fn) {
return list.filter(fn);
// Returns an object which groups objects in `list` by property `prop`. If
// `prop` is a function, will group the objects in list using the string returned
// by passing each obj through `prop` function.
function group(list, prop) {
return list.reduce(function(grouped, item) {
var key = isFunction(prop) ? prop.apply(this, [item]) : item[prop];
grouped[key] = grouped[key] || [];
return grouped;
}, {});
// Returns a new list by applying the function `fn` to each item
// in `list`
function map(list, fn) {
// Returns a new object which is the result of mapping
// each *own* `property` of `obj` through function `fn`
function mapObject(obj, fn) {
return keys(obj).reduce(function(res, key) {
res[key] = fn.apply(this, [key, obj[key]]);
return res;
}, {});
// Return new list as combination of the two lists passed
// The second list can be a function which will be passed each item
// from the first list and should return an array to combine against for that
// item. If either argument is not a list, it will be treated as a list.
// Ex., pair([a,b], [c,d]) => [[a,c],[a,d],[b,c],[b,d]]
function pair(list, listFn) {
isArray(list) || (list = [list]);
(isFunction(listFn) || isArray(listFn)) || (listFn = [listFn]);
return flatMapWith(function(itemLeft){
return mapWith(function(itemRight) {
return [itemLeft, itemRight];
})(isFunction(listFn) ?, itemLeft) : listFn);
// Sort a list using comparator function `fn`,
// returns new array (shallow copy) in sorted order.
function sort(list, fn) {
return [].concat(list).sort(fn);
// Return a copy of the array 'list' flattened by one level, ie [[1,2],[3,4]] = [1,2,3,4]
function flatten(list) {
return list.reduce(function(items, item) {
return isArray(item) ? items.concat(item) : item;
}, []);
// Return a flattened list which is the result of passing each
// item in `list` thorugh the function `fn`
function flatMap(list, fn) {
return flatten(map(list, fn));
// Takes a binary comparison function
// and returns a version that adhere's to the Array#sort
// API of return -1, 0 or 1 for sorting.
function comparator(fn) {
return function(a,b) {
return fn(a,b) ? -1
: fn(b,a) ? 1
: 0;
// Right curried versions of the above functions, which
// allow us to create partially applied versions of each
// and use within a `compose()` or `sequence()` call
var getWith = rightCurry(get),
filterWith = rightCurry(filter),
mapWith = rightCurry(map),
groupBy = rightCurry(group),
mapObjectWith = rightCurry(mapObject),
flatMapWith = rightCurry(flatMap),
pluckWith = rightCurry(pluck),
pairWith = rightCurry(pair),
sortBy = rightCurry(sort);
// Similar to Ramda's useWith(fn,...) which allows you to supply
// a function `fn`, along with one or more transform functions. When
// the returned function is called, it will each argument passed to `fn`
// using the correlating transform function - if there are more arguments
// than transform functions, those arguments will be passed as is.
function useWith(fn /* txnform functions */) {
var transforms =, 1),
_transform = function(args) {
return, i) {
return transforms[i](arg);
return function() {
var args =,
targs = args.slice(0,transforms.length),
remaining = args.slice(transforms.length);
return fn.apply(this, _transform(targs).concat(remaining));
// Compose: f(g(x)) for variable number of arguments (recursive)
// Takes two or more functions as arguments and returns a function
// that will compose those functions passing its input to the
// right-most, inner function.
// ie., compose(f,g,h) == f(g(h()))
function compose() {
var args = [],
fn = args.shift(),
gn = args.shift(),
fog = gn ? function() { return fn(gn.apply(this, arguments)); } : fn;
return args.length ? compose.apply(this, [fog].concat(args)) : fog;
// Reverse of compose, taking it's arguments and chaining
// them from left -> right
// ie., pipeline(f,g,h) = h(g(f()))
var pipeline = flip(compose);
<script src="json-data.js" ></script>
<script src="functional.js" ></script>
<script src="app.js" ></script>
* JSON Data for use in Functional Programming blog example
* See related blog series at:
var records = [
"id": 1,
"title": "Currying Things",
"author": "Dave",
"selfurl": "/posts/1",
"published": 1510342857765,
"tags": [
"functional programming"
"displayDate": "2015-07-25"
"id": 2,
"title": "ES6 Promises",
"author": "Kurt",
"selfurl": "/posts/2",
"published": 1510342857765,
"tags": [
"displayDate": "2015-07-26"
"id": 3,
"title": "Monads, Futures, Promises",
"author": "Beth",
"selfurl": "/posts/3",
"published": 1510342857765,
"tags": [
"displayDate": "2015-04-25"
"id": 4,
"title": "Basic Destructuring in ES6",
"author": "Angie",
"selfurl": "/posts/4",
"published": 1510342857765,
"tags": [
"displayDate": "2015-06-06"
"id": 5,
"title": "Composing Functions",
"author": "Tom",
"selfurl": "/posts/5",
"published": 1429034325528,
"tags": [
"functional programming"
"displayDate": "2015-04-14"
"id": 6,
"title": "Lazy Sequences in FP",
"author": "Dave",
"selfurl": "/posts/6",
"published": 1434902509394,
"tags": [
"functional programming"
"displayDate": "2015-06-21"
"id": 7,
"title": "Common Promise Idioms",
"author": "Kurt",
"selfurl": "/posts/7",
"published": 1438876909394,
"tags": [
"displayDate": "2015-08-06"
"id": 8,
"title": "Stop using Deferred",
"author": "Dave",
"selfurl": "/posts/8",
"published": 1435773701255,
"tags": [
"displayDate": "2015-07-01"
"id": 9,
"title": "Default Function Parameters in ES6",
"author": "Angie",
"selfurl": "/posts/9",
"published": 1436205701255,
"tags": [
"displayDate": "2015-07-06"
"id": 10,
"title": "Use more Parenthesis!",
"author": "Tom",
"selfurl": "/posts/10",
"published": 1440604909394,
"tags": [
"functional programming"
"displayDate": "2015-08-26"
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