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Created February 21, 2015 02:18
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custom rails json dump load class
require 'oj'
# Macro in model:
# serialize :payload, ActiveSupport::OJSON
# payload is a text data type in postgres
module ActiveSupport
module OJSON
class << self
PARSE_ERROR_CLASS = defined?(::Oj::ParseError) ? ::Oj::ParseError : SyntaxError
# Parses a JSON string (JavaScript Object Notation) into a hash.
# See for more info.
# ActiveSupport::OJSON.decode("{\"team\":\"rails\",\"players\":\"36\"}")
# => {"team" => "rails", "players" => "36"}
def decode(string, options = {})
options.reverse_merge!(mode: :strict, symbolize_keys: false)
options[:symbol_keys] = options.delete(:symbolize_keys)
::Oj.load(string, options)
alias_method :load, :decode
# Encode an object.
# ActiveSupport::OJSON.encode(test: 'value')
def encode(object, options = {})
options.reverse_merge!(mode: :compat, time_format: :ruby)
options.merge!(indent: 2) if options[:pretty]
::Oj.dump(object, options)
alias_method :dump, :encode
# Returns the class of the error that will be raised when there is an
# error in decoding JSON. Using this method means you won't directly
# depend on the ActiveSupport's JSON implementation, in case it changes
# in the future.
# begin
# obj = ActiveSupport::OJSON.decode(some_string)
# rescue ActiveSupport::JSON.parse_error
# Rails.logger.warn("Attempted to decode invalid JSON: #{some_string}")
# end
def parse_error
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