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Save masterzen/502282 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- Get the list of French posts translations
SELECT group_concat(
FROM wp_posts p
INNER JOIN wp_icl_translations tr ON
WHERE tr.element_type='post_post'
AND tr.language_code='fr'
GROUP BY element_type;
-- this produces this kind of output:
-- 9,13,14,22,24,34,35,42,47,52
-- Bind french translations to french categories
UPDATE wp_term_relationships tr
INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tax ON tax.term_taxonomy_id=tr.term_taxonomy_id
INNER JOIN wp_terms t ON t.term_id = tax.term_id
INNER JOIN wp_icl_translations tra ON tra.element_id = tax.term_taxonomy_id
INNER JOIN wp_icl_translations tra2 ON tra.trid = tra2.trid AND tra2.language_code = 'fr'
INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tax2 ON tax2.term_taxonomy_id=tra2.element_id
INNER JOIN wp_terms t2 ON t2.term_id = tax2.term_id
SET tr.term_taxonomy_id=tax2.term_taxonomy_id, tax2.count=tax2.count+1
WHERE tra.element_type='tax_category'
AND tax.taxonomy = 'category'
AND tr.object_id in (9,13,14,22,24,34,35,42,47,52);
-- add page translations
UPDATE wp_icl_translations wpml
LEFT JOIN wp_post2lang gengo ON gengo.post_id = wpml.element_id
LEFT JOIN wp_languages gengoLang ON gengoLang.language_id = gengo.language_id
SET wpml.language_code = gengoLang.code
WHERE wpml.element_type ='post_page';
-- link translation to the primary page
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE wpml3 SELECT * FROM wp_icl_translations WHERE element_type = 'post_page';
UPDATE wp_icl_translations AS wpml
SET trid = (
SELECT MIN(wpml3.trid)
FROM wpml3, wp_post2lang AS gengo, wp_post2lang AS gengo2
WHERE wpml.element_id = gengo.post_id
AND gengo.translation_group = gengo2.translation_group
AND wpml3.element_id = gengo2.post_id
WHERE element_type = 'post_page'
AND (SELECT translation_group
FROM wp_post2lang AS gengo
WHERE gengo.post_id = element_id) > 0;
-- update translations of posts
UPDATE wp_icl_translations wpml
LEFT JOIN wp_post2lang gengo ON gengo.post_id = wpml.element_id
LEFT JOIN wp_languages gengoLang ON gengoLang.language_id = gengo.language_id
SET wpml.language_code = gengoLang.code
WHERE wpml.element_type ='post_post';
-- Link translations to their primary posts
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE wpml2 SELECT * FROM wp_icl_translations WHERE element_type = 'post_post';
UPDATE wp_icl_translations AS wpml
SET trid = (
SELECT MIN(wpml2.trid)
FROM wpml2, wp_post2lang AS gengo, wp_post2lang AS gengo2
WHERE wpml.element_id = gengo.post_id
AND gengo.translation_group = gengo2.translation_group
AND wpml2.element_id = gengo2.post_id
WHERE element_type = 'post_post'
AND (SELECT translation_group
FROM wp_post2lang AS gengo
WHERE gengo.post_id = element_id) > 0;
-- make sure we use utf8
set names 'utf8';
-- let's insert French categories
-- let's insert the 'Wordpress' category which is a translation of the 'Wordpress' english one:
call transcat("Wordpress @fr", "wordpress-fr", "fr", "Wordpress", NULL);
-- let's insert a translation of a category
call transcat("Programmation", "programmation", "fr", "Programming", NULL);
-- Get the id of this translation to translate child categories
SELECT @progid:=term_id FROM wp_terms WHERE name='Programmation';
-- Insert a child translation
call transcat("Tests Unitaires", "test-unitaires", "fr", "Unit Testing", @progid);
-- note: you might have to increase MySQL thread stack
-- to allow this procedure to run
delimiter //
CREATE PROCEDURE transcat(cat VARCHAR(255), slug VARCHAR(255), lang CHAR(2), orig VARCHAR(255), parentid INT)
-- insert a new term
INSERT INTO `wp_terms` (`name`,`slug`,`term_group`) VALUES (cat,slug,'0');
-- insert a new taxonomy
IF parentid THEN
INSERT INTO `wp_term_taxonomy` (`term_id`,`taxonomy`,`description`,`parent`,`count`) VALUES (@lid,'category','',parentid,'0');
INSERT INTO `wp_term_taxonomy` (`term_id`,`taxonomy`,`description`,`parent`,`count`) VALUES (@lid,'category','','0','0');
-- find the category in the primary language (orig)
SELECT @groupid:=trid
FROM wp_icl_translations tr
INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy tax ON tax.term_taxonomy_id=tr.element_id
INNER JOIN wp_terms t ON t.term_id = tax.term_id
WHERE tr.element_type='tax_category' and;
-- finally insert the translation
VALUES (@groupid,'tax_category',@taxid,lang,'en');
-- back to normal delimiter
delimiter ;
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