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Last active August 14, 2016 19:27
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Parser proof of concept for fable.
Based on the excellent blog series by Scott Wlaschin:
Inspired by Elm Route Parser:
module Parsing =
open System
type ParserLabel = string
type ParserError = string
type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of ParserLabel * ParserError
type Parser<'a> = {
parseFn : (string -> Result<'a * string>)
label: ParserLabel
let printResult result =
match result with
| Success (value,input) ->
printfn "%A" value
| Failure (label,error) ->
printfn "Error parsing %s\n%s" label error
let satisfy predicate label =
let innerFn input =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(input) then
Failure (label,"No more input")
let first = input.[0]
if predicate first then
let remainingInput = input.Substring(1)
Success (first,remainingInput)
let err = sprintf "Unexpected '%c'" first
Failure (label,err)
let pchar charToMatch =
let predicate ch = (ch = charToMatch)
let label = sprintf "%c" charToMatch
satisfy predicate label
let digitChar =
let predicate = fun c -> ['0' .. '9'] |> List.contains c
let label = "digit"
satisfy predicate label
let run parser input =
let innerFn = parser.parseFn
innerFn input
let getLabel parser =
let setLabel parser newLabel =
let newInnerFn input =
let result = parser.parseFn input
match result with
| Success s ->
Success s
| Failure (oldLabel,err) ->
Failure (newLabel,err)
{parseFn=newInnerFn; label=newLabel}
let ( <?> ) = setLabel
let bindP f p =
let label = "unknown"
let innerFn input =
let result1 = run p input
match result1 with
| Failure (label,err) ->
Failure (label,err)
| Success (value1,remainingInput) ->
let p2 = f value1
run p2 remainingInput
{parseFn=innerFn; label=label}
let ( >>= ) p f = bindP f p
let returnP x =
let label = sprintf "%A" x
let innerFn input =
Success (x,input)
{parseFn=innerFn; label=label}
let mapP f =
bindP (f >> returnP)
let ( <!> ) = mapP
let ( |>> ) x f = mapP f x
let applyP fP xP =
fP >>= (fun f ->
xP >>= (fun x ->
returnP (f x) ))
let ( <*> ) = applyP
let lift2 f xP yP =
returnP f <*> xP <*> yP
let andThen p1 p2 =
let label = sprintf "%s andThen %s" (getLabel p1) (getLabel p2)
p1 >>= (fun p1Result ->
p2 >>= (fun p2Result ->
returnP (p1Result,p2Result) ))
<?> label
let ( .>>. ) = andThen
let orElse parser1 parser2 =
let label = sprintf "%s orElse %s" (getLabel parser1) (getLabel parser2)
let innerFn input =
let result1 = run parser1 input
match result1 with
| Success result ->
| Failure (_,err) ->
let result2 = run parser2 input
match result2 with
| Success _ ->
| Failure (_,err) ->
Failure (label,err)
{parseFn=innerFn; label=label}
let ( <|> ) = orElse
let choice listOfParsers =
List.reduce ( <|> ) listOfParsers
let anyOf listOfChars =
let label = sprintf "any of %A" listOfChars
|> pchar
|> choice
<?> label
let rec parseZeroOrMore parser input =
let firstResult = run parser input
match firstResult with
| Failure (_,_) ->
| Success (firstValue,inputAfterFirstParse) ->
let (subsequentValues,remainingInput) =
parseZeroOrMore parser inputAfterFirstParse
let values = firstValue::subsequentValues
let parseXTimes count parser =
let innerFn input =
let rec innerParse count' input' acc =
if count' = 0
then Success ((acc |> List.rev),input')
match run parser input' with
| Failure (label,error) ->
let label = sprintf "Failed to parse \"%s\" %i number of times " label count
Failure (label,error)
| Success (v, rest) ->
innerParse (count' - 1) rest (v::acc)
innerParse count input []
let label = sprintf "Failed to parse \"%s\" %i number of times " (getLabel parser) count
{parseFn=innerFn; label=label}
let many parser =
let label = sprintf "many %s" (getLabel parser)
let rec innerFn input =
Success (parseZeroOrMore parser input)
{parseFn=innerFn; label=label}
let many1 p =
let label = sprintf "many1 %s" (getLabel p)
p >>= (fun head ->
many p >>= (fun tail ->
returnP (head::tail) ))
<?> label
let (.>>) p1 p2 =
p1 .>>. p2
|> mapP (fun (a,b) -> a)
let (>>.) p1 p2 =
p1 .>>. p2
|> mapP (fun (a,b) -> b)
let drop p =
let innerFn input =
match run p input with
| Success (_, rest) -> Success ((), rest)
| Failure (label, error) -> Failure(label, error)
{parseFn=innerFn; label="drop"}
let opt p =
let label = sprintf "opt %s" (getLabel p)
let some = p |>> Some
let none = returnP None
(some <|> none) <?> label
let charListToStr charList =
String(List.toArray charList)
let manyChars cp =
many cp
|>> charListToStr
let manyChars1 cp =
many1 cp
|>> charListToStr
let pint =
let label = "integer"
let resultToInt (sign,digits) =
let i = digits |> int
match sign with
| Some ch -> -i
| None -> i
let digits = manyChars1 digitChar
opt (pchar '-') .>>. digits
|> mapP resultToInt
<?> label
let pfloat =
let label = "float"
let resultToFloat (((sign,digits1),point),digits2) =
let fl = sprintf "%s.%s" digits1 digits2 |> float
match sign with
| Some ch -> -fl
| None -> fl
let digits = manyChars1 digitChar
opt (pchar '-') .>>. digits .>>. pchar '.' .>>. digits
|> mapP resultToFloat
<?> label
let rec sequence parserList =
let cons head tail = head::tail
let consP = lift2 cons
match parserList with
| [] ->
returnP []
| head::tail ->
consP head (sequence tail)
let psstring str =
let label = str
|> List.ofSeq
|> pchar
|> sequence
|> mapP charListToStr
<?> label
let phexdigit =
let label = "hexadecimal"
let hexChars = [['a' .. 'f']; ['A' .. 'F']; [ '0' .. '9']] |> List.concat
anyOf hexChars <?> "Expected valid hex digit"
let pguid =
let resultToGuid ((x1,(x2:string list)),x3) =
let guidStr = sprintf "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s" x1 x2.[0] x2.[1] x2.[2] x3
let parseMiddlePart = pchar '-' >>. (parseXTimes 4 phexdigit) |> mapP charListToStr
(parseXTimes 8 phexdigit |> mapP charListToStr) .>>. (parseXTimes 3 parseMiddlePart) .>> pchar '-' .>>. (parseXTimes 12 phexdigit |> mapP charListToStr)
|> mapP resultToGuid
<?> "guid"
module RouteParser =
open System
let (</>) p1 p2 =
p1 .>> pchar '/' .>>. p2
let (<./>) p1 p2 =
p1 .>> pchar '/' .>> p2
let (</.>) p1 p2 =
p1 >>. pchar '/' >>. p2
let _end parser =
let label = "End of input"
let innerFn input =
match run parser input with
| Success (x, rest) ->
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(rest)
Success (x, rest)
Failure (label, sprintf "Expected rest of input to be empty, got %s" rest)
| Failure (label, err) -> Failure(label, err)
{parseFn=innerFn; label=label}
let choose routes input =
|> List.tryPick (fun r ->
match r input with
| Success x -> Some x
| Failure (_,_) -> None )
let runM map route str =
match run route str with
| Success ((),_) -> map |> Success
| Failure (x,y) -> Failure (x,y)
let runM1 map route str =
match run route str with
| Success (x,_) -> map x |> Success
| Failure (x,y) -> Failure (x,y)
let runM2 = runM1
let runM3 map route str =
match run route str with
| Success (((x,y),z),_) -> map (x,y,z) |> Success
| Failure (x,y) -> Failure (x,y)
let runM4 map route str =
match run route str with
| Success ((((x,y),z), v),_) -> map (x,y,z,v) |> Success
| Failure (x,y) -> Failure (x,y)
let runM5 map route str =
match run route str with
| Success (((((x,y),z),v),w),_) -> map (x,y,z,v,w) |> Success
| Failure (x,y) -> Failure (x,y)
module RouteParserTesting =
open RouteParser
open System
type Route =
| Home
| Home1 of Guid
| Home2 of Guid*int
| Home3 of Guid*int*int
| Home4 of Guid*int*int*int
| Home5 of Guid*int*int*int*int
| User of Guid*int*float
| Admin of Guid
let routes = [
runM Home (psstring "home" |> (drop >> _end))
runM1 Home1 (psstring "home" </.> pguid |> _end)
runM2 Home2 (psstring "home" </.> pguid </> pint |> _end)
runM3 Home3 (psstring "home" </.> pguid </> pint </> pint |> _end)
runM4 Home4 (psstring "home" </.> pguid </> pint </> pint </> pint |> _end)
runM5 Home5 (psstring "home" </.> pguid </> pint </> pint </> pint </> pint |> _end)
runM3 User (psstring "user" </.> pguid </> pint <./> psstring "yolo" </> pfloat |> _end)
runM2 (fun (g,_) -> Admin g) (psstring "admin" </.> pguid </> pint |> _end)
let run() =
] |> List.iter (fun i -> printfn "%A" (choose routes i))
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