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Rails developer environment preparation in linux(ubuntu) operating system.
Ubuntu OS environment setup for rails development:
1. Install Ubuntu OS then update and upgrade system packages
2. Install Sun JDK-1.6 or Oracle JDK-1.7 or latest availabe version (Not open JDK)
3. Install an IDE (RubyMine for Ruby on Rails team members, Netbeans for Ruby on Rails, Java, PHP etc, PHPStrom for PHP team members)
4. MySQL or PostgreSQL
5. If MySQL then i would recommed to install it with LAMP package which is a linux, apache, MySQL and PHP bundle. Because installing LAMP you can use phpMyadmin as database client.
6. If you install only MySQL then choose workbench as a database client.
7. For PostgreSQL install pgAdmin-III as a database client
8. Install Sublimetext as a text editor
9. Install Nano or Vim as a text editor
10. Install Gimp for image editor
11. Install Google chrome browser for development with firefox(which is default comes up with ubuntu)
12. Install Skype if required for client communication
13. Install GIT or SVN as source code manager
14. Install RVM for ruby version manager
15. Install Ruby latest version should be install with RVM
16. Install Rails latest version
17. Install imageMagick
18. Install wget or curl for faster and reliable file or package download
19. Install gitk for git commit change
20. Install nodejs
21. Install atom editor
22. Install gitkraken git client
2. For install oracle jdk
sudo apt-get purge openjdk*
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eugenesan/java
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
# Step 1: Add the repository for JDK 7.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
# Step 2: Update
sudo apt-get update
# Step 3: Install JDK and associated utilities
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer
# Step 4: Set the default java interpreter used by the system.
sudo update-alternatives --config java
3. RubyMine
Download rubymine first from the following link-
Create the following directory excluding a version to make it easier to upgrade etc. /opt/Rubymine.
sudo mkdir -p /opt/RubyMine
Extract Archive
sudo tar -zxvf RubyMine-6.0.tar.gz --strip-components 1 -C /opt/RubyMine
Change file structure ownership to root recursively.
sudo chown -R root:root /opt/RubyMine
Run RubyMine- Sudo the first time run so the appropriate permissions are available to create the desktop configuration file etc.
1. sudo /opt/RubyMine/bin/
2. If applicable Import Settings | Enter License Key
3. Accept Terms
Launcher File -If Rubymine was launched prior to renaming the directory, then you may need to tweak the Unity desktop config file.
sudo vim /usr/share/applications/jetbrains-rubymine.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=JetBrains RubyMine
Exec="/opt/RubyMine/bin/" %f
Comment=Develop with pleasure!
4. LAMP(Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP)
sudo apt-get install lamp-server^
Note: Middle of the installation it will ask you to enter mysql root user password enter your prefferred password on there.
It will be the root user password and you have to use that passord when connect mysql via any MySQL client or console.
You can install phpmyadmin as a client by runing the command below.
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
8. Install sublime text
Download sublime text .deb file from here
Then navigate the path where it's downloaded also make sure the dowloaded package is in a write permission directory.
Simple move it into /home path or any other directory under /home direcotry then run the command below
sudo dpkg -i package-name
sudo apt-get -f install
9. Nano and VIM
sudo apt-get install nano
sudo apt-get install vim
10. Install Gimp for image editor
It's commes up by default with ubuntu
11. Google chrome installation
Download the latest dpkg package and navigate the download folder via terminal and then run the command below.
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
12. Install Skype if required for client communication
Go to software center and search by 'skype' then install
13. Install GIT or SVN as source code manager
14. RVM installation
You have broken version of RVM. Ubuntu does something to RVM that produces lots of errors, the only safe way of fixing for now is to:
sudo apt-get --purge remove ruby-rvm
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/ruby-rvm /etc/rvmrc /etc/profile.d/
open new terminal and validate environment is clean from old RVM settings (should be no output):
env | grep rvm
if there was output, try to open new terminal, if it does not help then restart your computer.
Install RVM(this will install RVM and Latest ruby version):
\curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby --autolibs=enable --auto-dotfiles
If you find you need some hand-holding, take a look at Installing Ruby on Ubuntu 12.04, which gives a bit more explanatio
15. Ruby installation
After installing RVM follow the bellow
rvm list known
rvm install 2.1 [install a specific ruby version]
rvm use 2.1 --default
16. Rails installation
You can install it by an ide when creating a project
17. ImageMagick
Let do some troubleshoot first:
convert --version
which convert
identify --version
identify -list format
brew install ImageMagick [For Mac]
sudo apt-get install ImageMagick [For debian distribution]
After installation:
convert --version
which convert
identify --version
identify -list format [will show list of available decode delegate]
identify -list format | grep
18. wget or curl
sudo apt-get install wget
sudo apt-get install curl
19. GITK
sudo apt-get install gitk
20. Apache virtual host configuration
21. phpmyadmin intallation
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
# Edit: Do this first(add this line somewhere)
sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
# Finally restart apache.
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
22. Capistrano deployment
cap deploy:setup
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