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Forked from anhedonix/
Created September 21, 2020 16:07
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Doom Emacs Cheatsheet

Doom Emacs Default keybindings cheetsheet


  • SPC find file
  • , switch bufferA
  • . browse files
  • : MX
  • ; EX
  • < switch buffer
  • ` eval
  • u universal arg
  • x pop up scratch
  • ~ toggle last popup
  • TAB workspace
    • TAB Display tab bar
    • . switch workspace
    • 0 last workspace
    • 1-9 x workspace
    • L load session
    • S autosave current session
    • X delete sessions
    • [ previous workspace
    • ] next workspace
    • d delete workspace
    • l load workspace from file
    • n workspace
    • s save workspace to file
    • x kill all buffers'
  • / search
    • i symbols
    • I symbols accr. buffers
    • b buffer
    • d directory
    • o Online providers
    • p project
  • [ prev
    • S spelling corr
    • [ text size
    • b buffer
    • d diff
    • e error
    • h smart jump
    • s spelling error
    • t todo
    • w workspace
  • ] next
    • S spelling corr
    • [ text size
    • b buffer
    • d diff
    • e error
    • h smart jump
    • s spelling error
    • t todo
    • w workspace
  • b buffer
    • B switch buffer
    • S sudo edit
    • [ prev
    • ] next
    • b switch ws buffer
    • k kill buffer
    • n new empty buffer
    • o kill other buffers
    • s save buffer
    • x pop scratch buffer
    • z burry buffer
  • c code
    • d jump to def
    • D jump to ref
    • e evaluate buffer
    • E evaluate and replace
    • b build
    • r repl
    • x list errors
  • f file
    • . find file
    • / find file in project
    • > sudo find file
    • ? find file from here
    • E Browse emacs.d
    • P browse private config
    • R recent project files
    • a find other file
    • c open project editor config
    • d find dir
    • e find file in emacs.d
    • p find file in private config
    • r recent files
    • y yank filename
  • g git
    • c magit commit
    • C magit clone
    • G list gists
    • L list reps
    • P magic pull popup
    • R git revert
    • S git stage
    • U git unstange hunk
    • [ previous
    • ] next
    • b magic blame
    • d magic dispatch
    • f magic find
    • g magit status
    • i init repo
    • l magit buffer log
    • p push popup
    • r git revert hunk
    • s git status
    • t git time matchine
  • o open
    • O reveal proj in finder
    • b browser
    • d debugger
    • p open current project in neotree
    • o reveal in finder
    • r repl
    • t terminal
  • p project
    • ! run cmd in project root
    • . browse
    • / find in project
    • c compile project
    • o find other file
    • p switch project
    • r recent project files
    • t list project tasks
    • x invalidate cache
  • q quit
    • q save and quit
    • Q quit
  • r remote
    • . browse remote files
    • > detect remote changes
    • D diff local and remote
    • U upload local
    • d download remote
    • u upload local
  • s snippets
    • S find snippet
    • i insert snippet
    • n new snippet
    • s find snippet for mode
  • t toggle
    • F frame fullscreen
    • I indente
    • b big mode
    • f flycheck
    • g evil goggles
    • h impatient modei indet guides
    • l line numbers
    • p org-tree-slide-mode
    • s flyspell
  • w window
    • + increase height
    • - descr height
    • < dec width
    • = balance windows
    • > incr width
    • H move left
    • J move down
    • K move up
    • L move right
    • R rotate up
    • S split
    • W prev
    • _ set height
    • b bottom right
    • c close window
    • h left
    • j down
    • k up
    • l right
    • n new
    • o enlargen
    • p mru
    • q quit
    • r rotate down
    • s split
    • t top left
    • u winner undo
    • v vsplit
    • w next
    • | set width

Code Folding (evil mode)


  • a toggle fold
  • c close fold
  • m close all folds
  • r open all folds

Treemarks (Only available if TreeMarks is enabled, NeoTree is the default)

  • ? toggle help
  • j/k navigation
  • M-j/M-k Nav to neighbout
  • u go to parent
  • o open
    • o no split
    • v horizontal
    • s vertical
    • x externally
  • c create
    • f file
    • d dir
  • R rename
  • d delete
  • y f copy
  • m move
  • t toggle
    • f follow mode
    • a filewatch mode
    • g git mode
    • h show hidden
    • w resizability
    • v fringe indicator
  • C-c C-p project
    • a add project
    • d remove project
    • r rename project
  • C-c C-w workspace
    • e edit
    • a create
    • d remove
    • r rename
    • s switch
    • f set fallback
  • g r refresh
  • w (re)set width
  • y y copy path
  • y r copy root
  • SPC resort
  • b bookmark


Custom config:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-:") 'avy-goto-char)

C-: char char for quick navigation

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