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Last active January 11, 2017 16:30
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This module converts an XML document into a JSON document.
- Element ordering is preserved.
- Attributes and namespaces are ignored.
- Identical element names become JSON arrays.
Example usage:
let $uri := "somedoc.xml"
let $doc := fn:doc($uri)
return jsontools:jsonify($doc)
This version allows attribute array="true" to specify that an element should contain a JSON array.
This version returns a JSON null when the value of the text node is "null" and not specifically typed.
This version looks for an optional attribute on text nodes called type, with valid values of
- "boolean" or "number" = which will cause the text value to be cast to the native JSON equivalent type.
- "ignore" = which preserves any element marked such as XML text inside the JSON object.
This version supports a second function call with an optional top-level JSON array of objects.
This version supports creating a headless JSON object, by passing the option "headless"
- Example: jsontools:jsonify($doc/child::*, ("headless"))
@author Matthew Royal
@version 1.7
@since 1.0
@see Pigritia Impatiens Hubris
xquery version "1.0-ml";
module namespace jsontools = "";
import module namespace json = "" at "/MarkLogic/json/json.xqy";
(: Generate JSON object from map structure :)
declare function jsontools:jsonify($documents as node()+) {
if (fn:count($documents) le 1) then
xdmp:to-json(map:entry(fn:local-name($documents), jsontools:mapify($documents)))
xdmp:to-json(map:entry(fn:local-name($documents[1]), for $d in $documents return jsontools:mapify($d)))
(: Generate JSON object from map structure :)
declare function jsontools:jsonify($documents as node()+, $options) {
if (fn:exists($options) and $options instance of xs:string+) then
if (fn:count($options) gt 1) then
fn:error(xs:QName("INVALID-OPTION"), "Only one option is allowed: (headless|wraparray)")
else if ($options = "headless") then
let $headlessObj := map:map()
let $_ :=
for $d in $documents
let $local := fn:local-name($d)
let $e := map:get($headlessObj, $local )
if (fn:not(fn:exists($e))) then
map:put( $headlessObj, $local, jsontools:mapify($d) )
let $_ :=
if ($e instance of json:array) then ()
let $swap := $e
let $_ := map:put($headlessObj, $local, json:array())
return json:array-push(map:get($headlessObj, $local), $swap)
return json:array-push(map:get($headlessObj, $local), jsontools:mapify($d) )
else if ($options = "wraparray") then
jsontools:jsonify($documents, fn:true())
fn:error(xs:QName("INVALID-OPTION"), "Unrecognized option")
else if (fn:exists($options) and $options instance of xs:boolean) then
(: Return multiple nodes as a JSON array without a key :)
let $array := json:array()
let $_ :=
for $d in $documents
return json:array-push( $array, jsontools:mapify($d) )
return $array
(: Generate nested map of XML document structure :)
declare function jsontools:mapify( $document as node() ) {
let $type := fn:lower-case($document/@type)
(: Get all the names of the child names :)
let $childNames :=
for $n in $document/child::node()
if (not(local-name($n))) then ()
else local-name($n)
(: Keep elements in original order (mostly -- except repeated element names, which become arrays) :)
let $o := json:object-define( fn:distinct-values(($childNames)) )
(: Configure the ones used more than once into arrays :)
let $_ :=
for $n in fn:distinct-values(($childNames))
let $single := fn:count($childNames[. eq $n]) eq 1
return if ($single) then () else map:put($o, $n, json:array())
(:: Configure ones explicitly marked with array="true" as arrays :)
let $_ :=
for $n in $document/child::node()
let $isArray := fn:lower-case($n/@array) eq "true"
return if ($isArray) then map:put($o, local-name($n), json:array()) else ()
(: Add ignored elements into the text component :)
let $ignoredNodeTexts :=
for $n in $document/child::node()
if ($type eq "ignore") then xdmp:quote($n)
else ()
(: Get the text node :)
let $text :=
fn:string-join(($ignoredNodeTexts, $document/text())," ")
, "(^ +| +$)", ""
let $_ :=
if ($text) then ()
for $n in $document/child::node()
let $childtype := fn:lower-case($n/@type)
let $childtext := fn:normalize-space(fn:string-join($n/text()," "))
if ($type eq "ignore") then ()
else if (not(local-name($n))) then ()
(: Multiple identical names will be grouped into arrays, also items with array="true" :)
else if ( (fn:count($childNames[. eq local-name($n)]) gt 1) or (fn:lower-case($n/@array) eq "true") ) then
let $thisarray := map:get($o, local-name($n))
if ($childtext) then json:array-push($thisarray,
if ($childtype eq "number") then xs:decimal(fn:replace($childtext, "[^0-9\.\-]", ""))
else if ($childtype eq "boolean") then xs:boolean(fn:lower-case($childtext))
else if (not(exists($childtext)) or $childtext eq "null") then ()
else $childtext
else json:array-push($thisarray, jsontools:mapify($n))
(: Single items :)
if ($childtext) then map:put($o, local-name($n),
if ($childtype eq "number") then xs:decimal(fn:replace($childtext, "[^0-9\.\-]", ""))
else if ($childtype eq "boolean") then xs:boolean(fn:lower-case($childtext))
else if (not(exists($childtext)) or $childtext eq "null") then ()
else $childtext
else map:put($o, local-name($n), jsontools:mapify($n))
(: Return the map :)
if ($text) then
if ($type eq "number") then xs:decimal(fn:replace($text, "[^0-9\.\-]", ""))
else if ($type eq "boolean") then xs:boolean(fn:lower-case($text))
else if (not(exists($text)) or $text eq "null") then ()
else $text
else $o
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masyukun commented Jan 10, 2017

Lots of changes in 1.5, especially allowing explicit creation of JSON arrays and value type (boolean, number, null)

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masyukun commented Jan 11, 2017

Version 1.6 includes the type="ignore" attribute. Adding this attribute to an element will result in jsonify ignoring that element and its children, and instead convert its children into text node(s) attached to the parent.

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Version 1.7 accepts string options

  • "headless" = Create a JSON object with no head. Example usage: jsontools:jsonify($doc/child::*, ("headless"))
  • "wraparray" = Return a JSON array instead of a JSON object
  • backwardly compatible: boolean option still works

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