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Created August 2, 2020 12:36
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1.5k Hypixel SkyBlock forum threads
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[{"title": "Regarding recent wipes from a few recent ban waves (July 15th)", "body": "Recently we have been banning and wiping quite a few accounts and profiles as you've noticed. While this is an important move for the health of this community, sadly, some of our most recent waves have been a bit too harsh and some players have been affected that shouldn't have.\n\nWe've noticed that our system went at it the wrong way - it would ban all profiles on players who were caught boosting, then spread itself to all profiles this person was a part of, then spread itself further to all profiles people in affected coops were a part of. As one may obviously guess, that's way more bans than there should have been.\n\nThis morning, we undid a lot of the bans and wipes that went out in the last few days - just a quick reset. Please note that this does not mean that all of these were false - we're just starting over. In the next few days, expect some of these bans and wipes to come back.\n\nPlease note that we had warned everyone back in January that boosting was against our rules and that we would take action. Please avoid playing with people you are aware are using exploits, tools, and extra profiles to benefit themselves in an unfair way, or you may wake up one morning to a deleted profile."}, {"title": "ToS and SkyBlock Rules Update", "body": "Hey all!\n\nToday, I'd like to bring your attention to the Hypixel Server's Terms of Service and SkyBlock Rules! Both have been updated today and would be important for you to read as we will soon be requiring all players to accept them before playing on the server.\n\nSkyBlock Rules:\nTerms of Service:\n\nQuestions that are being answered in the thread:\n> 18+???\n\n\nDonpireso said:\n\n\n\nAs for the age part, we removed it just now, don't worry about that one. It was left on there by mistake.\n\nClick to expand...\n\n> Contraband?\nIf a YouTuber accepts contraband from a player, they may be held accountable. Each case will be judged individually. We will be working on a SB update to disallow players dropping items on others in public islands.\nSmall edit to explain \"contraband\": In our perspective, contraband is gifts given to YT because they are YT. What this is answering is if it's ok to give YT things still, which the answer is yes.\n\n> Why giveaways not allowed?\n\n\nDonpireso said:\n\n\n\nSadly, giveaways were being used as an excuse to allow IRL traders and boosters/dupers to trade large amount of contraband and coins. In reality, we wouldn't have anything against giveaways - it's just something IRL traders ruined for everyone.\n\nClick to expand...\n\n> Update to Giveaway rule:\n\n\nDonpireso said:\n\n\n\nHey guys, I tweeted about this (becuase I'm a social butterfly) but I thought I'd mention it here too:\n\nAfter listening to community feedback concerning the SkyBlock rules change we made today, we've decided to edit the giveaway rule to only affect giveaways with the direct intent to advertise. Furthermore, we're not gonna stop players from dropping items in public islands for now.\n\nClick to expand...\n\nAfter listening to community feedback concerning the SkyBlock rules change we made today, we've decided to edit the giveaway rule to only affect giveaways with the direct intent to advertise. Furthermore, we're not gonna stop players from dropping items in public islands for now. -Donpireso"}, {"title": "[HPC] Recruiting SkyBlock Players", "body": "Hello avid SkyBlock players!\n\nWith a multitude of new updates in the works for SkyBlock, the Hypixel Player Council is looking for a new member to join its team.\n\nWe're searching for someone with thorough knowledge of SkyBlock (+ the Hypixel Network) and a creative mindset when working on projects. They should know how to give constructive feedback, produce novel ideas, and how to effectively interact with their community. Members will be assisting our developers with balancing, testing, filing bug reports, and suggesting new content ideas.\n\nAlong with your application, we will be looking at your SkyBlock profiles, other Hypixel games statistics (past offenses included), and forums activity when considering who to choose as our new member, so make sure to put your best foot forward when applying!\n\nGood luck with your applications!\n\nRead more about the Hypixel Player Council and apply HERE"}, {"title": "Any tips on T3 Svens?", "body": "So I was doing good in soloing t3s and then I just kept dying to the boss,\neven when I tried doing what I did on the times when I was able to solo them. .-.\n\nMy gear:\nLv 75 Rare Enderman\nPure Strong Dragon Armor\nFabled Aspect of the Dragons\nRadiant Power Orb (I'm grinding Svens for Manaflux)\n\nAny tips?"}, {"title": "Im not sure if i can get banned for this", "body": "Some guy asked for help in skyblock so i partied him and he asked me if i wanted all his stuff. He said he wanted to give his stuff to someone who is nice and would help him. He gave me all his items including tier 12 perfect armor and im not sure if i would get banned for getting boosted. Someone help me. If it is bannable i will burn all the stuff"}, {"title": "ethan_asian > quaglet", "body": "@ethan_asian > @Quaglet\n@Whusgud =@AboutRainbow = @TheAlps\n@Light523 > @PizzaSlice\n@Yrrab < @PlebDuck"}, {"title": "[LORE] Jayaverman vs Mort, battle of the centuries", "body": "I suck at writing don't flame me pleassssseeeeee\n\nSome Context:\n\nI made have spelled Jayaverman's name wrong several times\n\n\n\n\n\nTwo men faced off on a desolate field. Each of them radiated an immense, godly aura, an aura that would make most people cower in fear. \n\u201cSurrender,\u201d the first man said.\n\u201cNo\u201d\nJayavarmen did not expect that to work, of course. He did not believe that a man who worked so hard and took so many lives to get to this point would surrender, no matter how strong the opponent was. A clash was inevitable. No matter what happened, one of them would not be getting out alive. \n\n\u201c[Mythical Creation: Death\u2019s Blade]\u201d\n\nMort summoned his blade. Jayaverman countered by summoning his own blade [Blade of Creation]. Both swords had extremely similar abilities. They would allow the user to add abilities from other weapons onto the sword. However, [Death\u2019s Blade] had a higher melee stat, where [Sword of Creation] had a higher magic damage stat. The difference was minimal though, and would not make a difference in a battle of two equal strengths. \n\n\u201c[Apply Debuff: Nerf]\u201d\n\nThe battle started with Jayavermen casting a spell. The [Nerf] debuff would reduce the opponents stats greatly for a short period of time. This effect was very powerful, so the spell had a long cooldown to compensate.\n\n\u201c[Judgement of the Council]\u201d\n\nUndead rose from the ground in a great quantity, forcing Jayaverman to cancel his spell. [Judgement of the Council] would summon the undead council to force the opponent to cancel whatever spell they had used.\n\n\u201c[Item Ability: Ice Bolt]\u201d\n\u201c[Item Ability: Dreadlord Skull]\u201d\n\nA ice shard and a wither skull crashed against each other, resulting in a small explosion. Neither person took damage though, as the abilities cancelled each other out.\n\n\u201c[Item Ability: Army of the Dead]\u201d\n\n\u201c[Item Ability: Burning Vortex]\u201d\n\nAn army of dead appeared, but a massive tornado of flame wiped it out at nearly the same time. \n\n\u201c[Item Ability: Acupuncture]\u201d\n\u201c[Item Ability:Iron Punch]\u201d\nA storm of needles surrounded Jayaverman, plunging towards him. However, the magic waves from [Iron Punch] knocked them all down.\n\nThe battle could not continue like this. While [Item Abilities] were instant-cast, they spent a lot of mana. The two had used a variety of mana-intensive abilities, and were now relatively low on mana. Mort rushed toward Jayaverman, and their two swords met. Mort used [Teleport] to get behind Jayavarman, but Jayaverman, expecting this, dodged to the right. Jayaverman turned around and rushed toward Mort, their swords clashing once more.\n\n\u201c[Divine Judgement]\u201d\n\u201c[Eternal Death]\u201d\n\nThe two extremely powerful spells were exact opposites of each other, causing a large explosion when they met. The explosion forced both people back quite a distance away from each other. They rushed toward each other, swords meeting once again.\n\nThey exchanged blows for quite a while, until finally, Jayaverman had regenerated all his mana. Mort also had relatively high mana, so he used one of his trump cards, [Chaotic Death]. This one spell had consumed about half of Mort\u2019s mana and had dealt a large amount of damage to Jayaverman, who was now at about 25% Health, having also lost quite a bit from their previous exchange of blows.\n\nHowever, [Chaotic Death] had a long ending lag, and Jayarverman took advantage of that to cast his final trump card, [Will of the Creator]. This spell would use all of Jayarverman\u2019s mana to summon a powerful bolt that on hitting the opponent, would cause instant death. This bolt was extremely hard to hit, but because Mort was currently in the ending lag of [Chaotic Death], he could not dodge it. \n\nRight before he died, Mort casted [Sacrificial Reincarnation], which in exchange for his life and power, would allow him to reincarnate in a couple hundred years.\n\nThe battle had ended, Jayaverman had won. Until Mort reincarnated, the victory was Jayavermans."}, {"title": "[POLL] Skyblock should not be pay to win", "body": "I would quit if it does."}, {"title": "Hejhopki, hejhopki! No jak tam dzieciaki?", "body": "Czy posz\u0142o wam dobrze czy raczej do draki?"}, {"title": "[IDEA] Skyblock tournament", "body": "Since there are many players that play Hypixel Skyblock, I thinks this could be cool new feature for a tournament for the tournament hall.\n\nHow this will work\u200bEvery player that wants to take part in the tournament will get a new profile for the tournament even if they don't have any other available profiles and they will have 10 days to play on this profile.\nHow to get tributes\u200bThe way to get tributes is through completing challenges/achievements. Each challenge and achievement will have a different level. That level will depend on the amount of tributes you earn. For Example:\n\nLevel 1 = 1 tributes \nLevel 2 = 2 tributes\nLevel 3 = 3 tributes\n\nAlso leveling up skills on that profile will give you a tribute\nChallenge examples\nA level 1 Challenge will be like --- Get 3 stacks of oak wood\nA level 2 Challenge will be like --- Collect 50 fairy souls\nA level 3 challenge will be like --- Get each skill to level 10\n\nRewards\u200bWith your tributes you have earned through out this tournament you will be able to buy items from the tournament store. Items will be such as:\n50 tributes = An hour level 3 skill pots such as Farming, combat and Mining\n100 tributes = A epic random pet\n200 tributes = A random Legendary pet\n500 tributes = 1 mil skill xp on any skill of your choice\n\n\nHopefully you liked this idea. If so leave a like. This is my first Idea thread so if its no Original don't get mad at me \u200b"}, {"title": "Hejhopki, hejhopki! Marchewka czy kij?", "body": "Wszyscy do grob\u00f3w a ty smacznie \u015bnij!"}, {"title": "Moving to skywars,", "body": "Yes I know people are climbing Mount Everest to see who asked, but I don't really find skyblock enjoyable anymore,"}, {"title": "What is a good set to do F4 in?", "body": "What's a good set/weapon/build that is good for healer class, I have adaptive and zombie soldier, both of which make me still die half a dozen times in F4 I am trying to get hyper cleaver and mender fedora, only problem is that I am not catacombs level 16. Thanks\n\n-G089"}, {"title": "Hypixel Skyblock: Every NPC summarized in one sentence", "body": "Yep, if you read the title, you should understand what this post is going to be about.\nLet's begin.\n(I organized it based on this website here.)\n\nPrivate Island:\n\nJerry.\nBiggest meme in skyblock, owns a factory with infinite mobs including snowball spamming snowmen, super compact reappearing presents, weak villager clones who can't protect themselves from fire cubes that appear annually, a broken down ice cave game which has been under maintenance for months, and he gets away with duping jerry eggs and himself.\n\nAlice, Iris, Nina, Jeanne, Lou, Sarah, Oceane, Camille, Chloe, Pauline, Manon, Maxime, Margaux, Mathilde, and Lea.\nThey just spawn when you place a reforge anvil.\n\nVillagers at Hub:\n\nAndrew.\nObsessed with the skyblock forums.\n\nDuke.\nHe likes the Farm and the Coal Mine.\n\nFelix.\nNot to be confused with Felix aka PewDiePie, this guy just talks about the universal ender chest.\n\nLeo.\nTalks about the oak forest.\n\nLiam.\nSays that the admin houses will have a use, but no, staff is too busy adding plumber joe.\n\nLynn.\nMentions the quest log which is essentially a list of chores for you to do which is also a bar which takes up like 10% of your screen on the top.\n\nJack.\nHe explains your stats, but by the time you actually need to talk to him, your intelligence is 0 so I feel like this guys just a hidden roast.\n\nJamie.\nGives you a sword which used to be overpowered, and talks about mana.\n\nTom.\nExplains recipe book and gives you a recipe for an axe that literally no one uses.\n\nRyu.\nTalks about skills which is just a large grind.\n\nStella.\nYou learn about profiles and coops.\n\nVex.\nJust explains trading and gives you a dead bush since that's what his lower class can afford.\n\nMerchants at Hub:\n\nAdventurer.\nSells mob drops and and crappy talismans.\n\nAlchemist.\nSells potion stuff.\n\nArmorsmith.\nSells armor.\n\nBuilder.\nSells building mats.\n\nFarm Merchant.\nSells farming crops and stuff.\n\nFish Merchant.\nSells fish.\n\nLumber Merchant.\nSells wood and axes, also if you place water on the skulls in front of him, then the skulls turn into skeleton skulls which is disturbing since in front of the lumber merchant there's an axe that goes into one of the skulls.\n\nMine Merchant.\nSells ores, stone, picks, and a useless reforge stone.\n\nWeaponsmith.\nSells weapons, what do you think.\n\nOther NPCs in the Village:\n\nAuction Master.\nBasically runs this massive auctioning system where people put up things for auction or bins, auctions is where people outbid each other to buy it, bins for buy it now.\n\nGuy.\nHe just sells this upgrade which speeds up your personal bank item but for like 200k or something so it's not really worth it.\n\nDusk.\nTalks about runecrafting which not many people do, also it's not even available for unranked so like bruh.\n\nCarpenter.\nAgain, this guy talks about some cosmetic stuff that no one really uses.\n\nSalesman.\nJust gives some random stuff after you buy a rank (not p2w, stop complaining about it lol).\n\nMayor Seraphine.\nTalks about some community center or something that staff are going to add, yeah right.\n\nPlumber Joe.\nSells sponge which actually functions as sponge.\n\nBazaar.\nProbably one of the most important/vital npcs, it lets you insta buy/sell or create buy/sell orders for tons of different items, and it's a go-to method for earning money if you're smart.\n\nBea.\nSells bee pets which are honestly not the best pet.\n\nKat.\nExtremely useful npc who upgrades pets' rarities for coins and varying times.\n\nGeorge.\nHe's a scammer, he buys your pets for extremely low prices, he's only good if you're selling bad pets like rare endermen or something.\n\nZog.\nHe sells some pet items but the better ones are actually rare drops or can be crafted so you don't really need this guy in the long run.\n\nBlacksmith.\nLets you reforge your equipment which is basically adding some random pre-set stat boosts.\n\nMarco.\nIf you are ranked then you can speak to marco and access the canvas room which is a cosmetic room where you can spray paint pixel art.\n\nBartender.\nSells brews that are slightly better than awkward potions in some cases.\n\nMaddox the Slayer.\nGives slayer quests which are just mindless struggles of grinding the same bosses over and over again.\n\nTaylor.\nJust talks about tuxedos.\n\nSeymour.\nSells overpriced tuxedos.\n\nArthur.\nHe actually talks about compactors while ironically having a wheat minion which having compactors won't really help much since the seeds fill up the minion's slots really quickly.\n\nFarmer.\nWants wheat since he's a lazy kid who can't bother to leave the cow for 2 seconds and mine like 10 wheat.\n\nPat.\nSells gravel and flint as if anyone even needs them after unlocking critical pots.\n\nLumberjack.\nHis profession is to chop wood which is why he wants you to mine wood for him in a magical forest with regenerating trees, and he gives you a sweet axe which has a chance to give you apples but to be fair no one needs apples.\n\nFisherman.\nHe gives a prismarine rod once you fish 5 clay, but the prismarine rod SUCKS.\n\nBanker.\nJust keeps a bank account since he's totally not going to just run away with all the money right...\n\nTia the Fairy.\nI made a post on her specifically like 48 times but let me say it again in one sentence: so basically her mother and father did the logical thing and had over 200 children who all escaped and died in the stupidest places including the depths of the waters, the middle of a bush 40 blocks away from a spider infested island, behind a block under a pool of lava, and even in dungeons, and look at Tia, instead of actually caring, she just stands next to the pond and waits for players to just happen to collect all of her dead sisters and give her the souls, and lemme tell you something, the probability of having 210 female children is like 6*10^-64 that's extremely rare, and the fact that you get like +4 speed out of all of it is really thrilling.\n\nLucius.\nSells some talismans after you buy a ton from Sirius.\n\nShifty.\nSells brews, that's about it.\n\nSirius.\nOwns a probably illegal gathering every hour where he sells stuff like 5% better than normal books, a flower producing slave, a sword which is only good if you pay 50 mil for it, couple of pets who are being sold and processed, and tons of weird talismans.\n\nWizard.\nTalks about a wizard portal which STILL doesn't work (except there is an exception check out @Quaglet 's video here).\n\nLonely Philosopher.\nSells travel scroll to sven castle ruins place thing which literally takes 5 seconds to go to without the scroll.\n\nHub Selector.\nJust select hubs.\n\nFear Mongeror.\nSells halloween style stuff and hosts the event where server lag goes through the roof.\n\nGladiator.\nOwns the colosseum, just fight people in 1v1 with him.\n\nBaker.\nAt the end of each year he gives you a free cake (I bought year 69 for like 700k stop yelling at me).\n\nJerry.\nDuring the Winter Event, he just stands here and lets you teleport to the Jerry Workshop.\n\nBob and Bob.\nThey just yell at you to get back in line, bodyguards with no personalities.\n\nWool Weaver.\nSells wool.\n\nLibrarian.\nSells books and xp bottles.\n\nShania.\nIt's the cow who's sick but gets better after getting fed like 10 wheat.\n\nOringo the Pet Trafficker Traveller.\nHe sells pets like tiger, monkey, elephant, giraffe, blue whale, and lion, maybe more I don't remember.\n\nFarming Islands:\n\nFarmhand.\nGives you an enchanted bread and some farming xp if you gather some farming stuff.\n\nMining Islands:\n\nGold Forger.\nSells gold stuff and fancy swords.\n\nIron Forger.\nSells iron stuff and chainmail which is also pretty bad.\n\nRusty.\nGives you telekinesis on any weapon/tool for only 100 coins, easy.\n\nLazy Miner.\nJust a miner who stands at one place for like eternity and expects players to find (and not return) a smelting touch pickaxe.\n\nLift Operator.\nLets you go to different deep caverns floors, except you have to go there first.\n\nLapis Miner.\nGives you compactor in exchange for an iron pick (this happened like twice, I make a clean iron pick just for him and he takes the smelting touch one like why).\n\nWalter.\nSells superboom tnt for 2.5k per.\n\nCombat Islands:\n\nHaymitch.\nTalks about string and stuff, weird guy ngl.\n\nRick.\nGives a shovel that no one needs for 2 iron (even though iron shovels cost 1 iron).\n\nElle of the Nether.\nBrags that they beat the nether like 80 times even though they seem to have no armor and a base health of undefined, plus I've never personally seen her move anywhere so idk I'm a bit skeptical.\n\nGuber.\nGives stuff for completing a race multiple times including Technoblade's foot.\n\nPearl Dealer.\nSells end related stuff.\n\nGregory.\nSells bows and arrows that are overpriced as heck because of conveniency.\n\nForaging Islands:\n\nCharlie.\nWants wood, gives coins and storages.\n\nVanessa.\nGives rain for coins, pretty pointless imo.\n\nGustave.\nIf you do some really annoying races, you get free stuff.\n\nMelancholic Viking.\nYou gotta feed him fish, ruin his fireplace, and twerk sneak in front of him while he gets really happy, then he sells a raider axe which is not an axe and actually a sword but functions as an axe while breaking blocks, sells a scroll, some brewing stuff, and a book.\n\nRyan (and his cult).\nBasically gives/upgrades a badge while killing you with a powerful fire that can burn through any armor including doge armor.\n\nMelody.\nNO JUST NO, an npc which gives a strand of hair after getting 100% in a ton of songs which are near impossible to do.\n\nMaster Tactician Funk.\nSells wood singularity and tactician's sword.\n\nRomero and Juliette.\nKnockoff versions of that one play, they want tons of money for a weird ring to prove their love for each other, it's cringe.\n\nOld Shaman Nyko.\nSells true essence and true prot 1 books.\n\nDungeons:\n\nMalik.\nLets you do all kinds of reforging and essence crafting/salvaging/buying.\n\nMort.\nLets you do dungeons (I'm not explaining this in one sentence, okay?).\n\nOphelia.\nShopkeeper for random dungeons stuff.\n\nGuildford.\n3 different races each with like 10 different parts each with multiple runs available all for wither essence, this is true pain.\n\nHub Selector.\nSelect the hub, dungeon hub style.\n\nJerry's Workshop:\n\nGulliver.\nChicken race person, really annoying since checkpoint 4 is practically impossible.\n\nJerry.\nJerry.\n\nJerry.\nJerry.\n\nJerry.\nJerry.\n\nJerry.\nOkay I'll stop.\n\nFrosty.\nGives frosty the snow cannon.\n\nTerry.\nBasically reforges Salty and Treacherous, where the latter is the best one for all fishing rods.\n\nSaint Jerry.\nGives you one green gift if you find all 20 white ones.\n\nSherry.\nSells tons of random ice stuff.\n\nGary.\nRefills your snow cannons and can launch tons of snowballs if one gift pile is left.\n\nBanker Barry.\nJust normal banker, except Jerry.\n\nAgent Kapustin, Agent Kvasov, Agent Kruglov, and Agent Komarov.\nThey all say operation mayhem is coming soon but they've said that for MONTHS.\n\nRemoved:\n\nWarren.\nHe used to sell stock of stonks or something to do with it, but he gone now.\n\nPotato King.\n*inhale* So the potato king is an npc which originated from the potato war, which is an in-game war between two youtubers, the originally popular Technoblade vs the newly only-popular-because-of-this-war youtuber im a squid kid, and basically this war involved grinding potatoes, where squid kid had been #1 rank for a long time but Technoblade using his massive brain overtook that first place slot after using many techniques including massive potato farms, optimizing potato minions, sabotaging the enemies, using tons of alts, utilizing in-game features like pets, sacrificing tons of stuff like diamond spreading which is free money and instead of that, using a minion expander eventually replaced with the most expensive minion upgrade which is the flycatcher which speeds up minions with the excuse that they're not as distracted by flies even though there are literally no flies in minecraft, and on that note, they were originally fighting to get more than the other to obtain/keep the #1 spot, but after they agreed that the one to reach 500 million potatoes would be the winner, Technoblade won and as a reward, hypixel added this npc, which gives the following limited edition talismans: potato talisman (speeds up potato minions), potato basket of some kind (given to the top something people in potato collection), and an exclusive potato crown to Technoblade for winning, and this npc is now long gone (wow that was a long sentence).\n\nSimon.\nUsed to giveaway crab hats.\n\nSo now I have finished, this took me an hour and a half, please enjoy.\nIf you want to look at the interesting ones, look at Jerry, Potato King, Melody, Tia the Fairy, Sirius, the Viking, Romero and Juliette, Ryan and the cult, Elle of the Nether, Guber, Lumberjack, George, Zog, Bazaar, Auction Master, Banker, and Oringo (just the title).\nEverything else is sorta normal. You can skim through them I guess.\nHope you enjoy.\nAlso please bump."}, {"title": "What are your opinions on slayers?", "body": "Good, bad, amazing, boring?\nI\u2019d love to know you guys opinions on slayers"}, {"title": "(Poll) Would u quit if skyblock became pay 2 win and admins sold coins[seeing what people think] [ty for 571votes so far ]pls leave replies!", "body": "Ive just watched legos video and to him it seemed real when i thought it was a joke and stuff but idk anymore vote as i wanna see what u guys think"}, {"title": "A seperate HPC for skyblock", "body": "theres a lot of things that can be done for skyblock if there was a player driven government of some sort. you feel me?"}, {"title": "[SUGGESTION] Incorporate HYPIXEL Inc. on the BAHAMAS!!! [lets get to 10 positive Reactions]", "body": "The Pros are:\n\n\nLess tax -> more money -> more staff, developers -> MORE CONTENT!!!\n\n\nBahamas is Great-Britain territory, so we have the SAME LAWS as in CANADA!!!\n\n\nWe would have higher ANONYMITY -> SAFETY AGAINST HACKERS!!!\nYou see ONLY POSITIVE CONSEQUENZES!!!\nSIGN NOW and LEAVE POSITIVE REACTIONS!!!\nMake HYPIXEL RICHER and STRONGER!!!\n\nTHE SERVERS WOULDT STAY IN CHICAGO!!! ONLY THE COMPANY HEADQUARTERS WOULD MOVE!!!\n\nBB!!!"}, {"title": "Mage is trash outside of dungeons now", "body": "ok. mage did need a nerf. IN DUNGEONS. so the admins made it so you can regen literally twice as fast by spamming left click and right click at the same time, they nerfed all the weapon damage but it still outdamages berserker in dungeons, and they made all the mage weapons do like 4k damage outside of dungeons. outside of dungeons, they made it impossible to do slayers as a mage without reforging everything, they made dragons impossible to do, and they made zealot farming extremely hard. yeah archer and berserker needed buffs, but fricking nuking a class was not the right way to do it. THEY DIDNT EVEN SOLVE THE PROBLEM, LITERALLY ALL THEY DID. WAS NERF ALL EXISTING MAGE WEAPONS, AND ADD IN A FUCKIGN CORONAVIRUS SHOOTER THAT DID WHAT BONZO STAFF USED TO DO. AND IT STILL SUCKS OUT OF DUNGEONS, the entire game is completely impossible as mage apart from dungeons where tehy are still overpowered. And you know what else? they not only fucked up mage, they also nerfed healer because NOW YOU NEED TO STAB THINGS TO HEAL YOUR TEAMMATES WITH ORNATE LIKE WTF IS THIS, you telling me that if a berserker in full adaptive can do slightly less damage than a mage without pigman the only reasonable solution is to NERF THE DAMAGE OF MAGIC WEAPONS OUTSIDE OF DUNGEONS BY 10 FOLD, THIS UPDATE WAS NOT ONLY VERY BAD, IT DIDNT EVEN ACCOMPLISH WHAT IT WAS MEANT TO DO, THE PIGMAN NERF WAS JUSTIFIED BUT I PREFER IF I DID MORE DAMAGE WITH ACTUAL MAGIC WEAPONS THAN I DO FROM MELEEING USING AN ASPECT OF THE END.\n\n\n\ntldr: mage is still as broken as berserker, it just makes me want to walk to the nearest highway with eyes closed outside of dungeons. and they added another mage weapon that does literally the same thing but more dmg and higher mana cost\n\n\nedit: i highly overestimated the brain size of forum users, this post is not saying to buff mage in dungeons, this is to say that mage should be playable outside of dungeons because rn it sucks outside of dungeons."}, {"title": "..................", "body": "Must have prove\nI want to see\nIt doesn't matter that it's not your post\nI'm broke so prize is only 100k"}, {"title": "got scammed kinda sad", "body": "being an actual clown got scammed, didn't lose too much, but still feel kinda bad.\nbig oopsie sigh. just a rant, skip thru if you wanna"}, {"title": "Dragons REALLY Need A Rework...", "body": "I don't know how to rework them but they really need to. They're supposed to be the bridge from \"mid-game\" to late/end-game so you can start working on dungeons / skills. Problem is, you won't get loot if you're not end game already. I'm not saying the most random ender non who just picked up the game should spawn 4 superiors in a row and just get superior armor just like that. But placing eyes isn't worth it for a new player, they're better off selling them and buying the set they want (You can buy unstable for less than eye like ok). Giving a damage buff to all placers wouldn't work either since end game people should have something to do too except for dungeons. I really don't know how they can rework dragons but I hope they do.\n(Maybe make the pieces guaranteed / the pet and the aotd being a percentage drop? that would encourage new players to actually grind for their own gear instead of just selling the eyes for armor)"}, {"title": "got scammed kinda sad", "body": "being an actual clown got scammed, didn't lose too much, but still feel kinda bad.\nbig oopsie sigh. just a rant, skip thru if you wanna"}, {"title": "Dragons REALLY Need A Rework...", "body": "I don't know how to rework them but they really need to. They're supposed to be the bridge from \"mid-game\" to late/end-game so you can start working on dungeons / skills. Problem is, you won't get loot if you're not end game already. I'm not saying the most random ender non who just picked up the game should spawn 4 superiors in a row and just get superior armor just like that. But placing eyes isn't worth it for a new player, they're better off selling them and buying the set they want (You can buy unstable for less than eye like ok). Giving a damage buff to all placers wouldn't work either since end game people should have something to do too except for dungeons. I really don't know how they can rework dragons but I hope they do.\n(Maybe make the pieces guaranteed / the pet and the aotd being a percentage drop? that would encourage new players to actually grind for their own gear instead of just selling the eyes for armor)"}, {"title": "Tiger pet is OP for F4", "body": "So apparently you can 3 shot thorn with tiger pet if the double strike happen everytime\n\ntry it"}, {"title": "so we made an EPIC skyblock trailer for aotb. (Recruiting)", "body": "Guys guys guys, we're recruiting rn. This trailer will make you want to join our guild, it's very cool.\n\nReqs: 30 skill avg and 600k slayer\n\nNo guild tax but free splashes\n\nvery cool\n\nGuild Discord:"}, {"title": "Pettion: reduce Bonzo mask and staff price", "body": "due to all the nerfs you cant make money nor would you like to buy a Bonzo staff or mask for 1-2 mil but they sell for 500k now and the petition is to get reduced at least to 150k so you can make a little bit of profit when you get them , cuz if you get them now its just usless why would you even buy them..."}, {"title": "Do enchants keep when I upgrade from my Rev falchion to a Reaper falchion?", "body": "I've been wondering if enchants keep when I upgrade my Revenent falchion becouse I don't want to spend 300k on enchants and then they won't keep.\n\nIf you couldn't understand something I'm sorry english is not my primary language."}, {"title": "How the hypixel skyblock captcha has improved our lives day to day.", "body": ""}, {"title": "How do you make carrot on a stick", "body": "title\nbecause i tried using crafting table but it doesnt work"}, {"title": "Rip Bonzo staff", "body": "Bonzo staff has no value like Bonzo mask RIP bonzo staff 2020-2020"}, {"title": "Dont Get banned by this stupid discord server", "body": "guys so there is a discord server called AstroCoin and its an IRL coin trading server and they host giveaways for a lot of coins and sell full sup for like 30 dollars USD Do Not enter The giveaways or buy anything you will be banned for IRL trading and get wiped just grind sums if you are broke and join for Free daily splashes with over 12k members\n\nidc if u say pUbLiC sHaMmInG so if you do you can leave"}, {"title": "[ Guide ] Small skyblock tips for great progression", "body": "Hello everyone, this is my guide on small tips that can actually save you,\nI made this thread to make a Guide that is not outdated\nFirst of all, I'd like to thank you for being interested on my first Guide. You could give me tips to tell the public(with this thread).\nAll you have to do with that is start a conversation with me and I'll put it in. (for the tips). You could also start a conversation with me\nto tell me some tips you want to share. Also, I will be contsantly updating this thread\n\n\u200bUpdate related\n\nWe all get hyped in updates right. Even I want to test things when they just release. However, I would not recommend using features that are just released.\n1, there is a chance for a bug to occur.There might be bugs that make you lose items, lose coins, lose your purse etc. I'd recommend not logging into skyblock for around 1 day and do something else. You could have a break from grinding and get out of the risk on losing coins!\n2, predict updates. This is somehow known but, can still earn you millions. My friend had earned 20 million coins from predicting speed talisman upgrades and investing in enchanted sugar canes. This surely is good for no effort right. I might make a guess for enchanted iron could be useful for dungeons.(this is just a random thing I thought of, just an example)\n3,grind right after updates. Even if this strategy gets very well known, people would want to check new things quickly. Use these few hours or days to grind zealots, tarantula slayers(cause it's hard to get a private one), and maybe spooky festivals. I found quite a few private lobbys (ex end lobbys, spider dens) after updates.\n\n\nSplash related\n1, do not pay for splashes usually. You know, there are a lot of 'god splash 100k entry, alchemy 50 pet luck' advertisements in chat. However, I doubt most of these are true. Some will be fake or scams. Some won't have alchemy 50 and some might not be a full god splash unlike the message. There are a lot of splash servers like Aspect of the Bumble discord (@Leocthl ty) and more.\n2, where to use splashes. If you are a midgame you might wonder where to use splashes. If you have items around ender armor and the AOTE(aspect of the end), you could farm enderman in the end. If you're lucky, you could get a pet and endermen are a good source of combat exp.(if you can kill them in 1 hit). The enderman pet can be good for now because it gives decent critical dmage. Also, since you are going to farm in the end for a while, the Enderian ability could be better than nothing. If you were just starting out, splashes aren't really important. You could use them for a bit extra damage. The damage could be used in the deep caverns or foraging trees(not damage but haste and speed).\n\n\nBuying items \n1, Bazaar You can buy infinite materials from bazaar if you have the coins. You need foraging 7, mining 7 and farming 7. I personnally am not a bazaar flipper so, I would like tips from professional bazaar flippers to add in this thread. So, never insta buy things unless it is cheap overall. Instantly buying items makes you pay a certain, high price. You can buy things for a lower price if you are patient and wait a bit more. With the same logic, you could sell for more using 'make a sell order'\n2, The Auction house The Auction house is really a gamble. But, before I get in, there are two options: BIN(buy it now) and the classic auction. The bin is something where you can buy things for a certain price. The auction is where you bid more coins to outbid the other and win the item. A Bin can be a safe option to buy things quickly. An auction could make you frustrated if someone is keep outbidding you. You can make profit if the other person isn't bidding more at a low price. You could also set a price that is not overpaying but will make the next bid overpay. I'd recommend to set a reasonable price and hope for the other guy to not outbid you. If they do, just give it up.\n\n\nSlayers\n1, finding private lobbys 1 - 1: Revenants. if you have vip or higher, use the small lobby option from the lobby selecter. If you don't have a rank, it's fine. Just look for a lobby that is not crowded. Even if they are, if noone is bothering you, that's good. 1 - 2: tarantulas. No tip really unless you have enough patience to go through spider's den lobbys. 1 - 3: sven packmasters. If you are strong enough to fight in the howling cave, do it! If you can't use the same method as revenants and do the boss in water.\n\nMinions\n1.*this is when you just started and need slots quickly. Go mining and get as many possible mining(from the deep caverns) minions. You could also put some farming minions(like wheat as they are quick). **DON'T place 2 or more minions of the same kind. After this, go foraging and make those minions. Craft all tier 1s and after working a bit, go back to your island to collect minion generated stuff. This would make you get a few more minions. Credit to @the_sky_rider for telling me these tips\n2. Minion items. I suggest you use a compactor and a supercompactor. Fuels are essential but, enchanted chacarol is good if you don't have an enchanted lava bucket. DO NOT use hoppers unless you have money to spare. \n\n\n\n\nThank you for listening and this thread is still in W.I.P. To give me other tips to add here, just start a conversation with me. I will credit you. Have a good day/night and good luck on skyblock!"}, {"title": "Best relatively cheap sword?", "body": "Currently running a crappy diamond sword with some enchants on it, could really do with something better. What's an upgrade to it that's relatively cheap (like, I can grind for within 24 hours or so)?\n\nThanks in advance."}, {"title": "Wtf is the prices of the legendary treasure artifact", "body": "The legendary treasure artifact has the dumbest crafting recipe ever it needs 72 TREASURE TALISMANS which is each 1.6 mil rn which with current prices would cost 115mil to make the treasure artifact whereas the scarf grimoire needs 16 scarf studies which is 600k rn per which means that the scarf grimoire is 9.6mil and i doubt that anyone other than sweats who play 25 hours a day could find 72 treasure talismans also the only way to find the treasure talisman is from secret chests whereas scarf thesis is found at the chests at the end of the dungeon run so hypixel should make it so that the treasure talisman should also have the same type of recipe of the scarf thesis because i doubt that anyone would spend 115mil on a talisman whats ur opinion on this talisman's recipe"}, {"title": "Skyblock and existentialism", "body": "Just the thought that one day we will all die. And as we turn away ourselves to the fact, we play video games to get our minds away from reality. We kill zealots for their eyes, Steal crops to get money, engage in slavery for coins, clear dungeons for profits, desecrate dungeons for mere entertainment, make exotic ,endagered animals and mythical creatures as pets, manipulate the stock market, void nons of human rights,kill bosses over and over and over again in the hopes of them dropping a piece of mineral, participate in illegal auctions, for what?. Once you reach the top, collected all armor sets and pets, maxed out your slayers and skills, what would you feel? Satisfied? Sad? Why do we strive for greatness? Why do we get angry over a block game? Why do we spend hours of our times for a set of 1s and 0s? We may never know..."}, {"title": "[Petition] Add dungeon essence for baazar", "body": "They should add essence for baazar, beacause its so hard to get like 1k gold, ice, dragon essence to make your gear to be dungeon item."}, {"title": "whats the price for rare dungeon chest key?", "body": "^"}, {"title": "Is this Boosting??", "body": "I've recently heard about boosting and I just want to make sure I'm in the clear here. For about a week now I've been afk grinding pig minions on my island. I had the intention to take the pigman sword i get from this to my co-op with my friends. Then, i heard about boosting. I'm not sure if this qualifies or not and I don't want to get banned. Just to be clear I haven't taken any of my enchanted porkchops to my co-op, and I'm waiting to hear if moving a pigman sword is allowed before I try trading anything cross-account. Just to be clear, I hardly ever play on my solo. I played on it when skyblock came out and then i got bored and quit. I now play mostly on my co-op with my friends. I don't use the account anymore so i don't understand why i can't use it for pig grinding."}, {"title": "I got scammed", "body": "I dont really care that i got scammed but i got scammed by a guy named Electriz__ for a small back pack full of hbs i knew it was a scam and wanted to see if it was real he then scammed and left the party soon after i have proof i can show"}, {"title": "what things should i auction flip", "body": "i dont have very much money and i am wondering what things should i auction flip i have less than 10k"}, {"title": "Placing orders is on a cooldown for up to 1 minute!", "body": "Placing orders is on a cooldown for up to 1 minute!\n\nbruh ive placed just a few for like total 10k for 32 items. why can i not just sell stuff from minions faster. i understand no auto clickers and stuff but that's a huge rate limit 3/minute"}, {"title": "AITA for brutally slaughtering my family after they said \"minecraft bad\"?", "body": "Throwaway account because the FBI knows my reddit account.\n\nI am very conflicted. Today has been a weird day. \nI woke up today, and knelt down towards my keanu reeves statue, whispering \"wholesome keanu chungus 100 reddit gold moment\" over and over, for the first time of many every day. I went downstairs to the living room and I made cereal, obviously putting the mayonnaise in before the captain crunch, and I added salt from my keanu reeves smart salt shaker, and I ate it all up. It was very tasty.\n\nI put on my gamer socks and brown sandals and I jogged outside, I listened to minecraft parodies because they are much more epic than the cringe instagram music 14 year old girls listen to like billie eyelash (I'm so quirky bro I misspelled eilish). After 3 minutes I decided I ran enough and I decided to go back home.\n\nI was making another reddit submission on r/dankmemes worshipping keanu reeves when my brother came in and said \"minecraft bad fortnite good\". In a massive fit of rage I got an AR-15 and I shot all of my family as I couldn't associate with the remainder of my ancestrial bloodline. \n\nMy friends says that I'm in the wrong here, but reddit knows best. AITA?\n\nEdit: Wow this blew up! Thanks for the gold kind stranger! I see a lot of people asking in replies, so I will clarify the following:\n\nYes, my family are still dead."}, {"title": "So zombie knight is currently the best tank set rn?", "body": "Also which sword would best go with this set?"}, {"title": "Is the bouncy set good for archer?", "body": "I've heard it's good, so of course me being stupid I immediately bought it.... As epic... But is it good? And for what reasons, please tell me. I can't test it because I can't get on and I don't have enough essence to 5* it\n\npsst. I need to level archer, so if you can help me, please help me. that is all."}, {"title": "Skyblock Discord Server! ^^", "body": "Hello! In This Hypixel Skyblock Discord Server, \nYou can:\n\n1. Chat With Others\n\n2. Trade With Others\n\n3. And Much More!\n\n4. Do Anything You Want\n\n5. Rules Are Simple:\n\nDon't be rude, do not be toxic, be kind! ^^\n\nJoin now:"}, {"title": "Whats better for berserker", "body": "Adaptive armor or epic zombie knight? (Check my skylea enderchest for the epic zombie knight armor it gives OP STATS)"}, {"title": "Forum Sweats, the unofficial discord for the Hypixel Skyblock Subforum!", "body": "For the last week, @Andytimbo and I have been working on our biggest community project, a community discord! Our goal is to have fun, play games, and grow the community. There are no requirements to join. At least once a week we will do private community games. These games range from housing parkour races, Murder Mystery, and Bed Wars. We will play most of the games the network has to offer and accept game requests! This discord will mostly be based on Skyblock Forumers, as this is in the Skyblock section, but members from any forum community can join! If you have any questions about the discord, feel free to ask either me or @Andytimbo \n\nSince this discord is mainly for SkyBlock players (but we emphasize that all players are welcome), there are SkyBlock related text channels such as #trades, #shameless-forum-thread-advertisements, and #crafting. We have voice channels where you can chill with me and the other members of the community while we play private games! We are also offering an OG role for the first 25 members! Edit: all OG roles have been filled! Have no fear, you have plenty of chances to get special roles!\n\nCurrently, some of our staff applications are open.\nStaff Team Owner- Andytimbo \nCo-Owner- Quaglet\nHead Moderator- None - Applications Not Currently Open \nMod Team- Duck_McFuddle, Mat - Applications Open \nHelper Team- Izreorr, Slippery, TonyxD - Applications Open \n\nOnce you join, feel free to apply for Sweat role. This will allow you to invite people, post links, and get access to a Sweat exclusive chat. The requirements for the sweat role include being well-known and well-liked on the forums (By at least some people), being mature, and filling out the application form. Once you join the discord, react with the green check mark in the #React-for-role page to be able to see the rest of the discord.\n\n\nSpoiler: Discord link\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWe hope to see you there!\u200b"}, {"title": "The main problem with IRL traders.", "body": "Irl traders get wiped and banned for 1 year. Some people say it's not that severe and begin questioning whats wrong with it. Well the main problem is is that those coins were earned by sugar cane scripts, dupes and boosting. That's probably why it's considered such a severe offense."}, {"title": "Suggestion - Salvage protection", "body": "So this feature would be found in Malik the blacksmith where you would pay a price to make an item salvage protected. This is so you don\u2019t accidentally salvage your bonemerang or spirit scepter for 50 wither essence. So when you do accidentally put an item that is salvage protected to salvage the game will ask you if you really want to salvage and you would need to confirm. I\u2019m thinking this feature would cost 50k"}, {"title": "anyone have the full 'the apprentice, part 2'?", "body": "plz share w me"}, {"title": "anyone have the full 'the apprentice, part 2'?", "body": "plz share w me"}, {"title": "I need anime recs pls", "body": "i finished death note, franxx and assasination classroom. Anyone got anymore recs?"}, {"title": "Should i go mage or something else", "body": "i am a berserker i have money what should i go?"}, {"title": "Scarf's Story, ( 50+ positive reactions so far ) Good feedback :D", "body": "Winter day, His family and his Brothers.\nHe was happy to see them come back, they played a lot had dinner. Scarf a 8 year old boy , was the youngest in the family.\nAlways his mother used to tell him bed time stories. He always said that , he would make her proud.\n\nThe next day.\nScarf went out to the village , for collecting some stuff. He liked to read books, He used to study hard. Suddenly he remembered a thought, of his moms birthday that's going to come in a week. He had some money left , so he went to buy that gift before the shops were closed. He was eager for that birthday for her to come and give her the gift he had bought. But , things were already fallen apart. He came home, But it wasnt a happiness. It was the true horror , sadness, One that Cannot be compared to someones heart shattering in pieces. Little scraf was scared, Tears rolled down.\n\nHis family ... was killed.\nAll he would see a shadow , with a darkness he never seen. Shadow said \" Your families souls are mine\". The boy was Sad , but his angry was far more for him to handle. He rushed at the shadow with sharpest object he had with him. But , he lost. Shadow said \" is that all u have? You are weak. But ill have u under me as my commanders. But ill sure let u have those emotions you have. The world shall know the NECRON\". The boy , heard his voice while fallen on the ground and fainted .\n\nWhen he woke up.\nHe saw himself turned into a demon.He would be scared even to imagine that shadow. He saw his arm. It was written \"Scarf\".He moved a step forward, but saw nothing but... he looked at his mom. He cried holding her hand. he was sorry that he couldnt say them. But he still remembered that his mom always looked happy when he said those words , Ill make u one day proud with my studies.\n\nFrom then he studied everything possible in the world. He was known \" Scarf , The Summoner\". Scarf, was always studying hard , so that one day he can revive his mom back. The one u see as the priest , warrior , mage, archer are his family , but magical feature of his memory. But he could not revive his mom.\n\nScarf, dying to the 5 heroes, Cried. His last words were \" Im sorry , i couldn't revive you , mother. Forgive me please.\" While he laid on the ground , he saw his Family Holding his hand , with his mother smiling.\n\nThe 5 heroes , said : We are sorry.We couldn't do anything for you. But We swear , we will kill Necron, to bring peace to your soul.\n\nOne of the things that prove above is ,that when he says a phrase when u loose the run , to him : But i will make u my puppet , so u are alive atleast. This shows that he wants us to live , coz he had suffered the similar fate.\n\n\nThats the story of Scarf , Hope u like it."}, {"title": "[Suggestion] Auto Bid", "body": "Once you pick certain item from auction house, you choose 2 number. First is amount of coin you'll bid on it, second is maximum amount of coin you are willing to bid on it. If 2 players are in the bid war, system will decide which player has higher amount of coin willing to pay. Then it'll automatically bid on it for 1 coin higher than your opponent which has lower bid.\nNo more spamming bid."}, {"title": "Cleave", "body": "Now that cleave doesn't effect first strike or mess any other mechanic is there a problem with putting it on your sword?"}, {"title": "high speed in skyblock?", "body": "so, i need a high speed to farm my.. farms. but idk what to use, i have farmer boots with the rest as fairy armour, and taliasmans increasing speed. what else can i do to increase speed? (without things like rouge sword or atoe speed)"}, {"title": "Why Floor 4 update is so upsetting and maybe unhealthy for the future(80+ positive reactions!)", "body": "Apparantly people don't read so I have to add it here.\nListen I'm not complaining for the nerf. I'm upset mainly because they introduced a new bonzo's staff that looks like a flower and worth ten fold. This is power creep and such is a bad mechanic. 4 floors later they might add something that looks like Jerry and deals 2x the damage of bonemerang while 10x its price.\nAnd READ THE 4th POINT. YOU BERSERKERS AND HEALERS WANT MORE THINGS RIGHT? \nI took so many times explaining the reasons behind and it's better to chill and read it than just typing \"oof another stupid mage\". Come on the length is just like patch notes right guys?\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nI have to make this I guess?\nShort points:\n1. mana changes does nothing for mages but hurts others\n2. damage changes along with new mage items feels like power creep\n3. the change is too sudden. Hypixel gave too much for mages at the beginning that now it feels bad.\n4. archer items(bonemerang) feels like too early to have, especially alongside spirit bow. Others classes, e.g. healers, gets nothing.\n5. Thorn fight feels a bit plain. (Personal feelings)\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nSome more explanation here:\nThe problem of archer receiving more things this patch isn't a big problem by itself, but the trend is worrying.\nFirst they make mages op in the first 3 floors, then archers in F4, overshadowing everyone else. If this trend continues we might see berserks be op next, and tanks, and mages again for example, and you see where this is going.\nThere will be a super op class each floor and upsets the others. That's why I say classes should received more balanced things each time. You see, what did healers get for each of the floors?\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nSo now Floor 4 is released for some time, and people are upset about it, especially mages. As a mage player, I saw a nerf coming as well as some others, but we don't expect it to hit that hard. This post is to talk about why this update is upsetting and actually worrying. I mainly focuses on mage changes, and thoughts on F4 loots and the boss fight.\n\nMana changes\nSo mana regeneration is reduced while for every physical hits you gain mana. The purpose of this change is to \"make abilities usage more strategic\" but I believe that this change has failed to deliver that. As a mage instead of clicking right click, you now click both and you have the same effect (Wow so difficult). Mage's difficulty is never on mana management but on switching item, especially between damage items(Bonzo's Staff, Frozen Scythe etc.) and AOTE. Try to solo a Shadow Assassin and you'll get what I mean.\nThis change actually hurts other classes more, e.g. Healer, as mana management IS their difficulty now, and when they introduce more healing items, healer will become significantly harder to play.\nSo I guess they missed the target on this change.\n\nMagic damage nerfs\nIn short, what they did are:\n1. delete Pigman's Sword\n2. nerf the damage of Bonzo's Staff and Frozen Scythe by a f*** ton\n3. introduce a weapon similar to Bonzo's Staff now (Dreadlord Sword)\n4. introduce a weapon similar to Bonzo's Staff BEFORE THE NERF (Spirit Sceptre) but it's 10x more expensive\n\nI'll take about the feelings of the nerf later, we focus on game mechanics here. And this is very unhealthy in some ways. Direct power creep.\n\nA short term effect is that the prices of Pigman Sword and Bonzo's Staff will crash, and it's happening now. To new players grinding Floor 1 is no longer profitable. This is unhealthy to the economy. Imagine a nerf to Bonemerang just before Floor 5 and you invested millions on it. What would you feel archers?\n\nBut the serious one is the long term effect. What they essentially done to mages is \"remove their weapon and give the the same thing back with 10x the price\". I think you see why this is unhealthy. This can be done to any class in the future, but mage is still the most worrying, as they seem to have no other ideas but circular AoEs. We have three of them now (Bonzo, Dreadlord, Spirit Secptre), and four if you count the mage sheep as one.\n\nContrast (Before and After)\nThis is the feeling part. The two nerfs combined essentially reduces mage's damage by more than half. I was able to 2-shot a F3 Skeletor, now I 5-shot it.\nTHIS. FEELS. BAD.\nYes, mage was pretty op before the nerf, but it just feels bad simply because of such contrast, but not because it's actually weak. And one thing that they did it wrongly, as everyone else suggests, is that they nerfed the wrong stats.\nLet's take a League of Legends example here. If I wanna play mage I'll go with either Syndra, Xerath, or Lissandra, not a Mordekaiser. Whether it's a burst mage, a long-ranged poke or a medium-ranged crowd control AoE, they should be squishy and deals damage, unlike a bruiser. The mage this patch feels like an AP berserker more than anything else.\n\nOne more thing: RIP pigman sword. It's op before because it shreds bosses, and they deleted the item instead of fixing it. Now I really miss its AoE potential inside a bunch of cows.\n\nContrast (with other classes)\nThis floor 4 update brings unbalanced number of items to each class. Healer received the least out of everything(new helmet), then Mage(basically old Bonzo), then Berserk(best sword as of now) and Tank(sew set and sword), and the rest of the items goes to Archers. Archers receives:\n1. A new bow which is better than mosquito\n2. Another new bow which has better stats than Gilded 50m Midas and deals 3x damage\n3. A new ultimate enchant(Rend, which is basically Kalista's E from LoL and can be quite broken against bosses)\n4. A new set (seems mediocre but still a set)\n\nBasically, Archers receive half of the new items of this patch. The great imbalance brings huge disappointment to other classes, especially mages(who got hit VERY hard and receives basically nothing but financial burden to get back to where they were) and healers(basically didn't received any specific things in any of the floors).\nIf the trend continues, we will have for every floor 1 class that is happy and 4 that is disappointed. Clearly unhealthy.\n\nAnd now possibly archers won't receive anything from floor 5 or even 6. Be prepared.\n\nAnd yes I know archers were weak before. I tried it. But after the fixes 2 weeks ago I already see archers doing huge numbers. This is just too much in a single patch.\n\nFloor 4 Boss Fight\nA bit of a personal opinion, but it feels like the Floor 4 Boss fight most boring out of all 4 bosses. Floor 1 is a simple 2-phase fight for beginners, Floor 2 is 2-phase fight in which the ordering of what you kill matters, Floor 3 is a 3-phase which requires teamwork(best out of all 4 in my opinion), and Floor 4 now is a 1-phase chaotic animal fiesta. Not that I hate it, but I see some problems:\n1. The fight challenges your computer's GPU more than anything else,\n2. You die randomly to bats,\n3. The floor is a bit too difficult to casuals who reached around Lv15,\n4. Takes waaaaay too long for the bear to spawn, which makes the fight a bit too long, and missing the arrow is very punishing. \nLong fights are not necessarily a bad thing, it it's floor 4 and we have 6 more to go for normal mode. How long can the last fight be?\n\nNote: if the decoy strat is intended then this fight is genius. Not only is it way more comfortable it is also a good use of a trash item people previously thought. Decoy might need to have a duration though.\n\nAgain, personal opinion. What you think is up to you.\n\nSuggestions\nSome suggestions to make mages feel better, as well as for the implementation of next floors.\n\n1. Partially revert the decrease in damage for mages, possibly along with an increase in mana cost and a decreases in defense.\nA possible solution: mages' defense scales off with mana. You will have to think if you want to clear the room, or stay at high mana so you won't get one-shotted.\n\n2. Introduce a variety of mage weapons, instead of a better version of old weapons.\nBonzo and Frozen Scythe is an example, and one of them is circular AoE while the other is a piercing projectile, as well as things like Voodoo doll. BUT NOT SPIRIT SECPTRE.\nIce spray wand(from looking at ice essence) seems a good step to this direction and it may be usable by healers as a support item too.\n\n3. Don't nerf things too hard at once. It feels bad.\n\n4. Give similar amounts of items to each class for each floor.\nFor example Bonemerang should be made a floor 5 or even floor 6 drop. Archers received the spirit bow and rend this patch and it's already pretty good.\n\n5. More interesting boss fights.\nMore mechanics in a fight is better compared to having only one mechanic and do it repeatedly. Not really complaining for this one though. Fights are overall still pretty good.\n\nThat's all for me. Feel free to leave any comments.\n\"Oh another mage is complaining lul\""}, {"title": "All Traveling zoo pets prices for each rarity", "body": "This is an sheet for all pets that Oringo sells\nFirst of here is a list of pets that oringo sells\nBlue whale\nLion\nTiger\nGiraffe\nElephant\nMonkey\n\n\nThis are all the prices for each rarity of each pet\nBlue whale\n\nCommon 10k coins and 64 raw fish\nUncommon-25k coins and 1 enchanted raw fish\nRare-100k coins and 16 enchanted raw fish\nEpic 1m coins and enchanted cooked fish\nLegendary 10m coins and 8 enchanted cooked fish\n\nLion\n\nCommon 1ok coins and 64 raw beef\nUncommon 25k coins and 2 enchanted raw beef\nRare 100k coins and 32 enchanted raw beef\nEpic 1m coins and 256 enchanted raw beef\nLegendary 15m coins and 512 enchanted raw beef\n\nTiger\n\nCommon 10k coins and 128 raw chicken\nUncommon 25k coins and 2 enchanted raw chicken\nRare 100k coins and 32 enchanted raw chicken\nEpic 1m coins and 256 enchanted raw chicken\nLegendary 15m coins and 1024 enchanted raw chicken\n\nGiraffe\n\nCommon 10k coins and 64 acacia wood\nUncommon 25k coins 1 enchanted acacia wood\nRare 100k coins and 16 enchanted acacia wood\nEpic 1m coins and 128 enchanted acacia wood\nLegendary 10m coins and 512 enchanted acacia wood\n\nElephant\n\nCommon 10k coins and 64 acacia wood\nUncommon 25k coins and 1 enchanted dark oak wood\nRare 100k coins and 16 enchanted dark oak wood\nEpic 1m coins and 128 enchanted dark oak wood\nLegendary 15m coins and 512 enchanted dark oak wood\n\nMonkey\n\nCommon 10k coins and 64 acacia wood\nUncommon 25k coins and 1 enchanted jungle wood\nRare 100k coins and 16 enhcanted jungle wood\nEpic 1mcoins and 128 enhcanted jungle wood \nLegendary 18m and 512 enhcanted jungle wood"}, {"title": "jerry is not funny", "body": "jerry is just not funny shut up with your jerry jokes you 6 year olds (im serious lol)\n\nTL;DR the joke was funny when @TommyInnit and @Palikka did it"}, {"title": "On #nonlivesmatter", "body": "A long time ago, i accidently created #nonlivesmatter as purely a joke, if i wasnt the first (tho im pretty sure i am), then i apologize for this im dumb. If i was, I just saw thirtyvirus's new rant vid, where he said the community started nonlivesmatter. It was purely a joke i didnt mean anything, if u want 2 c where i started i made a thread. People too it too far, i didnt mean anything by it."}, {"title": "so...", "body": "so guys we did we reached 250,000 subscribers and still going the fact that we reached that amount of subscribers in such a short amount of time is just fenomenal... \n\n(to be continued)"}, {"title": "Story of Thorn , Floor 4 Dungeon boss ( 1 positive reaction )", "body": "He was the last survivor of the village. He had was sent in the forest to hide , till the wither essence was destroyed and disease was cured. Unfortunately the village couldn't survive the disease and lost. While , running in the forest he encountered a Demon. At that moment he was about to get killed , a Yeti dashed in and Defeated the monster. He barely saw him and fainted. When he regained consciousness he was in a cave where the yeti was sitting next to him. He quickly retreated back with fear , but was finally convinced that it was the yeti who saved him. The conversation went by and the yeti understood the situation. Yeti was a protector of the forest , who understood human language and helped those who were in trouble and sadness. They were best friends now. But one day...\n\nA stormy day, Full of fear and sadness. The forest was Corrupted with wither essence, undead forces approached near them. The yeti fought them alone, to protect the boy, to protect the forest. But he couldnt fight for long. He was soaked in blood and fell on the ground. The boy , Cried his name loud and loud, When HE came. The Shadow said : You are perfect. You will assist me from now on. The boy was scared, he screamed yetis name and heard some faint voice from yeti. He couldnt hear it. Soon he was hit and the boy was unconscious. When he came back.. he saw himself turned demon.\n\nHes gone. Hes not coming back..How can i bring him back\nThe shadow said : Serve me and i promise you to bring him back\nWho are you ?\nThe shadow : hahahhah... The World shall Know The Necron!! ( He disappears)\n\nThe boy grew up, Learned skills. He was able to summon withered Animals, which were his memory of his friends. He renamed himself The Thorn because in his life, the most precious things gave him pain. His memory was hurting him, making him sad. His life was just like a thorn hurting people , hurting souls. Thorn protected the floor 4 by killing the people who wanted to kill the demons. He did bad things to them.\n\nThorn while dying to heroes : What was this life? It was a pain to soul. Thorny heart , Thorny memories.\nthen he suddenly remembered Yeti's Words..\nThorn: What were they... Dont commit a Sin.\nThorn : Ugh... I see, why i couldn't revive him. Im sorry Friends. Forgive me yeti.. Forgive me\nThorn Saying to the Tank\nThorn: Child , Dont suffer.. Be happy.. you have a better life. Live happily\nThorn sees The eye of Necron and destroys it.\nThorn dies.\n\n\nA short Info if u didnt get the story: Thorn at the end realized that living for others can pick out thorns from ones memory. He realized that, all this time he committed a sin destroying lives and hearts of people just because of his selfishness. He was deeply shocked after remembering yetis last words later on. Thorn wanted the heroes to live happily and not end up with his actions and life. Then he remembered that , Necron was the pure evil and destroyed his family and his friend. In the rules of Necrology u cannot attack the ally commanders or items of Catacombs. So the last moment said that, he was enemy of Necron and wanted to kill him by protecting the heroes."}, {"title": "Can someone rank the dungoen bows lole", "body": "Lol can someone rank the dungoen BOWs (that means no bonemeringue)\neg:\n1. Sniper\n2. Machine Gun\n3. Spirit"}, {"title": "What happened to the old days", "body": "Where staff would interact with players on the forums/ingame\nLike why did they stop? \nwhat happened to the community?\nStaff why don't you communicate with us any more?"}, {"title": "Taking Art Requests! (CLOSED)", "body": "Yo.\nHere's another art request thread, this time better.\nI'll only be taking three at a time, and requests done when the thread is closed will be ignored.\nYour request has been accepting if I give it a like.\nIf I don't do your request when it's within the given rules, it's for other reasons.\n\nRules:\nMust be Skyblock.\nNo NSFW.\nNo animals."}, {"title": "Pigman nerf was pretty harsh (Clorox_Bleach_ agreed)", "body": "I am in no way saying that Mage is a bad class, currently it is completely fine, I just needed to adapt to a different playstyle. This is coming from a Mage main.\n\nThe pigman sword nerf was harsh, terrible and unnecessary to an extent. It singlehandedly dropped a 30m weapon to a 5m weapon and ruined both Berserkers and Mages.\n\nBut Notwise Booster how did it effect Berserkers?!\n\nSo you see there a berserkers who MAY use Pigman. This lowered their networth dramatically.\n\nThe new Pigman ability was basically the old one, but much much worse. It is horrible. Like cmon, a Dreadlord Sword, 20k weapon could deal the same amount of damage with 120 mana (or less) and take a lot less than 5 seconds to deal what? 69k damage? (Hahahaha funny number ahahahaha). That is horribly inefficient and made the Pigman Sword LESS EFFECTIVE than a weapon that early game players can get. Cmon admins, use your brains.\n\nMy suggestion for the Pigman Nerf (to replace the old one):\n\nAdd a 0.5 (or 1) second cooldown and nerf magic scaling a bit ok bye.\n\nEDIT: @Clorox_Bleach_ agreed, that means you should too\n\n\nplz no dreadlord nerf\n\n\n\n\n\n\nsmall children taste good"}, {"title": "[CONCEPT] Skyblock Patch 0.8.4 - Fishing Changes + Massive QOL, Bug Fixes & Dungeon Changes.", "body": "A new Skyblock Update has been released including Fishing Changes and Massive QOL!\n\n\u25ba Fishing Changes\nWe've made several changes to how Fishing works, including new Sea Creatures, Lure Revamp, New Enchantements and more!\n\nAdded Weather Controller Sea Creature unlocket at Fishing Level 26.\nAdded Sea Queen Sea Creature unlocked at Fishing Level 27.\nAdded Humongous Fishing Bag unlocked at Raw Fish XII\nAdded Wand of Revivation, obtained from the Weather Controller.\nAdded Rod of Gods, obtained from the Sea Queen.\nAdded Lure 7 and Caster 7 as a rare drop from any Sea Creature.\nFishing Level Treasure Catch Rate buffed from +0.2% to +0.3%.\nFishing 50 increases Sea Creature Chance by 5%.\nTreacherous Reforge now also buffs Treasure Catch Rate.\nTreasure Catch Rate is now a stat.\nFishing XP Rate increased by +25%.\n\n\u25ba Quality of Life Changes (QOL)\n\nWe've also made a series of quality of life changes aimed to improve the user experience for players. These are usually small changes, features, or bug fixes that should benefit everyone. The full list of changes lies below.\n\nRemoved Special Zealots. The eye now drops from normal zealots and a message appears in chat \"You just killed a Special Zealot!\", if you don't pick up the eye in 5 seconds, it goes to your stash.\nRemoved BIN Prize limit on High Tier Potions.\nThe Dungeon Party Finder now includes an Option to sort by Catacombs or Class Level.\nReduced the amount of mobs spawned during the Thorn bossfight by 25%.\nHealer gets +10% Defense if it's not a dupe class.\nWhile waiting for the Dungeon to start, tips from the Dungeon Tips section in Dungeoneering appear in the chat (only affects Entrance)\nIncreased Catacombs Combat Level Requirements\n\n\u25ba Bug Fixes\n\nWe also made several bug fixes, the full list lies below.\n\nYou can no longer die after a Dungeon has ended and if you are dead you will be instantly revived.\nThorn no longer reflects Spirit Bow shots.\nFixed Berserk passive triggering with thorns.\nTiger Pet no longer dupes Spirit Bow attacks.\nFixed Decoys being immune against Bats.\nYou can no longer break doors in the hub.\nThis thread is for Swap_MC's Contest and a Suggestion. I am not impersonating an admin. Please post your suggestions/complaints in the replies! Items thread soon.\nPatch notes:"}, {"title": "how much is epic dreadlord", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Dungeon Hub - Splashcord revamp", "body": "With the revamp of the biggest splash discord, Splashcord. I've decided to advertise it again.\n\nthis is the change log:\n\nAfter several weeks, I'm happy to announce that the revamp is finally complete & we are ready for our launch.\n\nChange Log: - Discord name changed from \"Splashcord\" to \"Dungeon Hub\".\n- Vanity URL changed from \"splashcord\" to \"dungeons\" - Redesigned all channels & categories.\n\n- Removed useless channels & old splash channels, added #paid-splashes and @\u2022 Paid Splasher role instead.\n\n- Added dungeons party finder channels & temporary VC channels. - Added @Dungeons bot to assist party finding. (Bot made by the talented @iHoss)\n\n- Added #nitro-colors channel for nitro boosters to select one from the 9 colors available.\n\n- Added the dungeons category to help new players with guides and answer their questions.\n\n- Added tiers to seperate people from different stages of the game, #tier-role-request (TIERS ARE NOT AVAILABLE AT THE MOMENT) How to use the @Dungeons bot: Simply, DM the bot with either:\n\n- !lfg : To announce that you are looking for a party, the bot will then ask you which class, which catacombs level you have and what floor you want to run, your request will be sent in either #mages, #berserkers, #tanks, #healers or #archers depending on which class you choose.\n\n- !global : This command should be used if you're already in a party but your party isn't full, in this format !global [custom message], for example !global 3/5 F3 looking for 15+ healer & tank.\n\nNote: any maliscious use of the bot (spam, troll requests or inappropriate messages) will be deleted & the user will be permantely blacklisted from the bot or permanetly banned from the discord.\n\nThe server basically turned into a better dungeon party finder, with a community server inside it.\n\nI hope you rejoin if you left and give it a shot! Enjoy!\n\ndiscord link:"}, {"title": "What is best money making method", "body": "I am so very broke. Look at my TRASH stats.(go to and enter my username) LOOK I AM TERRIBLE I AM I NEED MONEY TO BUY A STRONG SET PLEASE HELP ME."}, {"title": "Dreadlord rare items", "body": "I was doing some rev slayers with my dreadlord sword and i ended up killing a ghoul and getting the notifaction in chat saying i got a ghoul pet but i never got it and i just did another rev today and killed the boss and it said i got a foul flesh and i didnt get it so i think the dreadlord sword dosent give rare drops becuase i think i still get rotten flesh from killing them would there be a way for me to get these items i didnt get or not?"}, {"title": "Hypixel Skyblock Discord Server (Hypixel Zealots)", "body": "."}, {"title": "does anyone know if you can get banned for harp bot?", "body": "title.^"}, {"title": "How is the thing that applies silky reforge called?", "body": "ima tryna put it on my talismans but idk the name of the reforge stone"}, {"title": "[POLL]Should u get banned for profile boosting/irl trading should it be so ur just banned from sb or the whole network for time given [547!!!!VOTES]", "body": "Title im not banned ive just seen a lot of players annoyed at being *false wiped* and they cant play the rest of the server"}, {"title": "Question about berserker class", "body": "Do i go with adaptive armor or legendary zombie knight and what sword"}, {"title": "Zombie Knight or Zombie Soldier?", "body": "Title. Before I waste my money I need to know."}, {"title": "someone help me and ban crayonman i got griefed", "body": "PLEASE i got griefed. i thought that he was my friend and i tried to get him to leave but he would not please ban him i need help please please im begging ban him and help me PLEASE."}, {"title": "[Well-known bug]Please fix toxic arrow poison", "body": "Ever since the feature that made picked up arrows go to your quiver, toxic arrow poison goes to the person who got the last hit on your boss. This bug has existed for an entire month. I have been wanting to get tarantula 8 so that I can begin grinding alchemy, but this bug just makes people not want to do tarantulas. Who's going to do tarantulas when the main way for you to make profit is bugged? This is exactly the same as og zealot grinding, back when zealots randomly spawned with end portal frames, and people would go lobby hopping to farm those zealots. \n\nPlease keep bumping this thread so that it doesn't die; I really want the admins to see this and fix this. Unless the admins plan on making foul flesh and hamster wheels go to the person who got the last hit, FIX THIS BUG\n\ntl;dr: toxic arrow poison goes to person who gets last hit AND IS STUPID NOW GO BUMP THIS THREAD"}, {"title": "what file format does my video have to be?", "body": "what file format does my video have to be to attach a file? it says .zip but how do i do that?"}, {"title": "does this defence glitch happen to anyone else?", "body": "watch my defence it resets to 0\nthis happens whenever i use any ability"}, {"title": "Does the dreadlord sword ability destroys drops?", "body": "I've been replacing my bonzo staff lately with an epic dreadlord cause in my opinion its better.. Everytime i kill a lost advent the frags would just \"blow\" up because of the withers that the dreadlord shoots out.. Why the hell is this a thing"}, {"title": "If Floor 4 is already sorta tough, imagine Floor 10 on hardcore", "body": "If I'm being honest, I'm imagining zombie grunts with like 5 mil health that one tap you. Also, imagine finding every secret on f10, which is gonna be huge. And the amount of xp you get from beating f10 will prob be enough to get you from archer 1 to archer 50 or something. idk just a thought i can't get out of my head. Doesn't matter tho, cuz I'll be just be chilling giving and taking people's money"}, {"title": "Is the mage staff passive affected by cleave?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "I got a question", "body": "Lets say i upgrade tier 4 perfect armor into 5 star tier 4 perfect armor. Then, i upgrade it to tier 5 perfect armor. Does it become just tier 5 perfect with no stars or 5 star tier 5 perfect armor?"}, {"title": "Svens be running", "body": "What's the deal with svens sometimes just randomly running away and into a wall. Like this sounds helpful because it doesn't attack you, but it insta regens all health because it hasn't hit you in a while. plz fix"}, {"title": "(SkyBlock) Armour Stand Glitch (sets disappear)", "body": "hello everyone I would like to briefly explain this glitch and to prevent people from getting there sets gone. this is what happened, I put a frozen blaze set on my armour stand for my coop to use for slayers while I'm offline. I'm putting the armour in the stand my coop is in the armour stand menu I exit the menu and the stand vanished. the helmet survived which went into my coops inventory his inventory was empty btw. the stand went in my inventory. my /pickupstash had nothing in it the jerry had no delivery the armour was gone. this glitch requires a coop member and I would suggest not to put any expensive sets on the armour stands this armour took me around 2 months to grind for and I spent over 400 hours grinding zealots and ah flipping just for this set and 3/4 of it is gone :/ if any of you can help me with this situation ign: ohgodly \n\nI hope no one else looses an end game set to this glitch I hope this helped I also made a bug report so yea :/ if you can help me get the armour back or know this glitch party ohgodly"}, {"title": "retracted", "body": "retractd"}, {"title": "Do sea creatures despawn? (Answered)", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Anyone looking to buy snow minions?", "body": "Hi i recently opened gifts and got 5 tier 1 snow minions anyone looking to buy i will sell for 115k-150k each If you do want to buy friend me on hypixel tmr\n\nThank yall always ThatGuyFire\n(Username ThatGuyFire"}, {"title": "Why are people randomly interested in a flower minion?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Shadow Goggles or Full ADAPT", "body": "I\u2019m around Cata 13 I think, but once I hit the Catacombs requirement for the Shadow Goggles, Is full Adaptive more worthwhile than Shadow Goggles, Or is 3/4 Adapt Shadow Goggles the way to go?"}, {"title": "we have 4 people in our co-op but cant add a 5th one", "body": "we have 4 people in the coop but can't add a 5th because it says there are too many pending invites how do we add the fifth player now. if you want i can get a picture of the message."}, {"title": "how much damage does 1 strength do", "body": "title"}, {"title": "T12 Perfect Rant", "body": "Back before the end update, people noticed an armour set in diamond collection 9 known as \"Perfect Armour\", and everyone hyped it up to be really good. Sadly, when the end update came out, it turned out to be useless. However, the admins started saying it would be good for dungeons, so as time went on more and more people started buying it. When dungeons finally came out, perfect armour was only useful for a few days before people just started using armour such as 5 star adaptive. 5 star perfect looks decent, but is currently unusable due to the catacombs 30 requirement. This could be useful around floor 6-8, but the admins said that each floor should be around 50% harder than the last, meaning that floor 10 is around 11.4x harder than floor 4. 5 star perfect will not be 11.4x stronger than the gear we currently use, meaning that there will need to be better gear in later floors anyway. It's also worth noting that the essence required to make a 5 star perfect set would cost around 70m coins (assuming that its 10k/diamond essence) or around 50-60m without the helmet.\n\nTL;DR Perfect armour is basically useless\n\nEdit: This also applies to other sets such as frozen blaze and superior (I used perfect as an example because its the set i overinvested in and it never really had a use at all, while frozen blaze and superior are good for slayers), and if this is true it will also mean that later floors have items which are the best in game even outside of dungeons\n\nEdit 2: I think that the best solution to perfect being useless would be adding new tiers of perfect, possibly even including a mythic base rarity"}, {"title": "How to beat Thorn without being a tryhard", "body": "You might be thinking \"The thorn boss fight it too hard!!!!\" \nBut it is really easy (if you abuse some exploits)\nStep 1: Go to the crowd area and place down a decoy, this will prevent bats from going after you\nStep 2: Get a AOE ranged weapon, I recommend the dreadlord sword\nStep 3: Abuse animals, if you run out of mana hit your friends for mana! \nStep 4: Know how to bow\nSee it really isn't that hard!\u200b"}, {"title": "Why Hypixel will actually start selling skyblock coins soon", "body": "@Lego_Maestro made a video about it today, Simon and many other YouTubers talked about it on twitter. It\u2019s been clarified that it wouldn\u2019t actually be against EULA. The irl trading problem isn\u2019t going away. Hypixel can earn some big money from this. I think it\u2019s going to happen."}, {"title": "[Q] What's the best set for highest intelligence in dungeons?", "body": "considering switching to mage because tank is getting boring for me so what's the best set for highest intelligence. no specific budget"}, {"title": "The Jellyfish is not a good healer pet [and how to fix that]", "body": "So, currently, there are 2 obvious healer pets, the Ghoul and the Jellyfish, and even tho the jellyfish costs way more and is harder to get, its not actually a good healer pet (or at all tbh), why you ask? Well Ill explain the differences and the superiority of the Ghoul over it right here:\nGhoul\n\n\nSpoiler: Stats and abilities (lvl 100)\n\n\n\n+100 HP\n+70 INT\n\nAmplified Healing - Increases all healing by 25%.\nZombie Arm - Increases the health and range of the Zombie sword by 50%.\nReaper Soul - Increases the health and lifespan of the Reaper Scythe zombies by 100%.\n\n\n\nJellyfish\n\n\nSpoiler: Stats and abilities (lvl 100)\n\n\n\n+200 HP\n\nRadiant Regeneration - While in dungeons, increases your base health regen by 100% and heals allies within 8 blocks by up to 10 hp/s.\nHungry Healer- While in dungeons, applies the enchanted golden apple effect to allies within 10 blocks for every time you heal 1000 hp (10s cool-down).\nPowerful Potions - While in dungeons, Increases the effectivness of healing potions and mana potions by 50%.\n\n\n\nNow, to the comparison, the abilities of jellyfish in use of the healer:\nI) First ability is okay, nothing more, its useless for healer and okay for tank, but in dungeons natural regen isn't really that important as you'll get healed by 10 other unrelated sources.\nII) The 2nd ability is pretty much entirely useless, there's a reason people dont eat Egapples, and its because they suck, they only give 80 hp in absorption, regeneration II (which is a part of the dungeons potion), fire res, which every1 already have and a bit of def, but nothing too impressive.\nIII) This 1 is pretty obvious but the 3rd ability of the jellyfish is irrelevant, its only effective in dungeons and u can only use 1 potion in dungeons\n\nOn the other hand, we have the Ghoul, 2/3 of his abilities are useful for healer:\nI) This is obvious, but 25% more healing to allies increases healing, also that increases it on yourself and from all sources, so it might actually be better than the healer 100% natural regen even on yourself.\nII) This makes your survival so much easier, 1 use of the zombie sword can get more than half of your hp back and as a bonus heal a bit other players, which btw, better than hungry healer of the Jellyfish since the base is 48 hp, then +25% for all healing +100% of your menders helmet +50% of the sword, so ye, way better and it also has a somewhat shorter cooldown, only problem is use of mana but you won't really use this to heal players like that anyway.\nIII) This is irrelevant for healer as its for the reaper schythe, but nice nontheless.\n\nSo as you can see here, the Ghoul is clearly superior even tho the Jellyfish is marketed as THE healing pet, so to all healers out there, use Ghoul!\n\nHow to fix the Jellyfish\u200bNow after I finished bashing it, I might as well give some ideas on how to make it better and give some more diversity to the 1 option healing pets.\nstats : ye 200 HP is fair and good, no need to change here\nabilities:\nI) The first ability can stay, while it isn't specifically for the healer its still useful for it and technically healing.\nII) This will stay the same but way buffed, instead of a crappy egapple effect it will become the following:\n*+10% of ehp as an absorption shield.\n*+5-10% def for 10 seconds (cant decide whats more balanced).\nIII) The old ability will be scraped entirely and replaced with the next:\nStinging Trail\nThe Jellyfish will have particle tentacles of around 5 block trailing around it, any mob which gets into the trail will get slowed down and a weakness effect, prob like 10% decrease to dmg for 10s.\n\nEdit 1#: Jellyfish 3rd ability not written right."}, {"title": "A good reason why i think hypixel is going to upgrade skyblock version to at least 1.10", "body": "as you all know the catacombs floor IV update dropped. now let me explain why i think hypixel will upgrade the version of skyblock. you may have watched thirtyvirus's video about the version upgrade from hypixel skyblock if you havent watched it you should defenitly go watch it. he is talking about that it is possible to run 1.16 on a 1.8 server. jayaverman said that. but in the update they added enchanted boneblocks but its just a snowblock i think they already made because of the bonemerang and once they will upgrade versions they will change it to a normal boneblock because thats the version when they added boneblocks. but im not sure tho."}, {"title": "Whats your pc setup", "body": "Title im bored and i wanna see some"}, {"title": "Pet leveling service", "body": "I am the rev addict. I like doing revs. I like making money. I level ur pets up for coins.\n\nPrices: leg 35m, epic 23m.\n\nRn I\u2019m broke, so if u don\u2019t trust me I\u2019ll add you to my coop and if I scam u u can destroy my island. I won\u2019t do this for everyone tho, cuz people might inside me. If I\u2019ve heard of you b4 I will do it.\n\nU can reply to this thread with ur ign and pet or u can give me a conversation."}, {"title": "Which Rank Is Best Value ???", "body": "I am an og hypixel player and have been a non since 2013 but have recently been thinking about buying a rank and would like to know what one is the best deal.\n\nGoodbye Non Gang"}, {"title": "Top 10 skycomm guild members", "body": "Yeah I know every single fucking skyblock player requested this soooo here it is\n1st: LorryLFC\n1st: Evoke\n3rd: Krisseyy\n6th Dafty?\n7th: Idk who else is in the guild\n8th ok let me know if you disagree"}, {"title": "Floor 4 Dungeon Bugs", "body": "Okay so, while making another thread I realized there are a ton of floor 4 bugs in dungeons. I decided to make a list of them here. \n\nA few things first:\n1. I didn't make any bug report posts because there would be too many posts and I still have posts from 2-3 months ago not even looked at.\n2. I'm making this post so people can be aware of the bugs, some are just small bugs but some could cause you to possibly lose items.\n3. Yes all of these bugs should be fixed, I know some make it easier to kill Thorn but Thorn isn't meant to be easy.\n4. I'm not leaving things showing the bugs you just need to believe me.\n5. I'm sure there are more bugs, I'm just listing the ones I know.\n6. Some of these bugs happen on more than just floor 4, If so the bug will be green otherwise it will be blue.\n\nList of bugs:\n1. Bats during the Thorn boss fight are unable to kill Decoys\n2. Mobs can spawn after Thorn is defeated and they attack you(note: if you die to these mobs kill a fairy in the audience otherwise you may not get chest prizes)\n3. You can AOTE through iron bars\n4. The box puzzle can be finished without moving boxes\n5. Hitting Thorn with a bone boomerang stops him then causes him to move hyper-speed\n6. Sometimes flight will be disabled as a ghost\n7. When using spirit boots, your hand item is visually replaced as either nothing or the spirit boots themselves, and your armor slots get all messed up(note: as far as I know this is just visual and when you update that slot it all changes back to normal, just, be careful)\n8. Tiger pets can double strike Thorn\n9. Spirit bow shots sometimes bounce off of Thorn\n10. The question puzzle sometimes shows the text of the last question after you beat it(This is just visual)\n11. During the Thorn boss you can hit teammates to regen mana\n12. The 3 chests puzzle lets you spam the chest after you get it correct and it will constantly show in chat that you weren't fooled\n13. Both trap rooms have an unobtainable secret\n14. Both red skull key rooms let you get 3/1 secrets\n15. In the room with a miniboss trapped in a cage, you can kill the miniboss through the cage and it can't hurt you\n\nYea, these need to be fixed."}, {"title": "Small Storage Chest", "body": "Where do I find the recipe for this, I have one and I would like to craft another one.\n\nWhere do I find the recipe and/or how do you unlock the recipe?"}, {"title": "What are Forum Icons and how to use them ?", "body": "Hey, my Guild reached Level 15 and we got a Hypixel Forum Icon tier 1.\nWhat is it good for and how can I use it ?"}, {"title": "Possibly looking for a Co-OP member", "body": "Hi There..\nis there anyone that would like to join my island as a Co-Op if you would like to i need to trust you...\nif you wanna talk my discord is LemonadeSandwhich101#9419\nif you dont have discord just reply to this Post..."}, {"title": "Does 1.8 make the game lag less?", "body": "If I play Skyblock in 1.8, will it lag less than the other versions? Also, what can I do to have the game lag less lol?\nThanks for the answers everyone, what a great community"}, {"title": "what do i farm?", "body": "I'm rly early game"}, {"title": "Fixing the issue of Mage class being a clicking simulator", "body": "I'll just say I'm not the best at introducing changes, and I'll look through the issues from the perspective of a mid-game Mage.\nPart I: Introduction\nMage was a clicking simulator. It's still a clicking simulator.\nIt just turned from a right-clicking simulator to a block-hitting simulator.\nPersonally, I feel this is bad. Should just everything in Skyblock be a clicking simulator?\nTo fix the problem, we should look at the reasons first.\nPart II: The reasons\nMage class is mainly focused on ability damage. This limits on what Mage class can do, since it mainly uses abilities (AOTD, Pigman, Frozen Scythe, Bonzo's Staff) and cannot deal normal melee damage like berserkers, archers and tanks.\nHypixel changed the mana regeneration system by nerfing passive mana regeneration in Dungeons and allowing mana-steal from mobs. This is quite flawed as block-hitting has the same effect, if not stronger, to the previous mana regeneration and didn't make Mage more of a technical class like it was supposed to be. Hypixel also nerfed ability damage of the mainstream mage weapons (Bonzo's Staff, Frozen Scythe and Pigman Sword), but that only made people who were using mage class simply click more.\nThen comes Floor 4, with a lot of mobs. This is clearly the time for the Mage class to shine, as Mage is the only class that deals AOE damage (aside from Tank's first ability which shoves a straight line dealing AOE damage). However, there are actually little AOE weapons for Mage class that actually work, as Bonzo's Staff and Pigman Sword, the mainstream AOE weapons literally deal no damage. There are probably only two choices now for AOE damage: Yeti Sword, which is incredibly expensive, and Dreadlord Sword, which is cheap and efficient. There's also Spirit Scepter, but it's also very expensive.\nTo sum up this chunk of text, I'd say the main problems of Mage are\n1. If you don't block hit, you will lose lots of mana in a short period of time unless you use cheap mana weapons.\n2. The AOE weapons like Bonzo's Staff and Pigman Sword got nerfed to the ground, which only leaves room for Dreadlord Sword and other very expensive items.\n3. Since AOE items are so expensive, Dreadlord Sword becomes the only plausible choice, but it doesn't do that much damage against mobs.\nPart III: The solution\nWith the reasons above, it's time to talk about solutions.\nThere are two main approaches I think Hypixel could use to solve the problem.\n\n\nSpoiler: 1st Approach\n\n\n\nThe first approach: Let other damage classes do AOE damage.\nLetting archers and berserkers deal AOE damage would benefit in the fight of F4 a lot more. Right now it's very chaotic as the animals keep on spawning and there's no real way to kill them before another animal spawns to take its place. Berserker has needed new weapons for a long time now, so why not use this as an opportunity to buff these two classes by introducing new AOE weapons that work with them?\n\nExample [for berserker]:\nEarth's Power\n+ 175 Damage\n+ 125 Strength\nItem Ability: Ground Smash: Deal 50% of your damage to all enemies in a 10-block radius. For each enemy hit, increase the next use of this ability's damage by 2% (Max: 14%)\nMana Cost: 75\nEPIC DUNGEON SWORD\nI imagine the sword above would be dropped by Thorn. This would make Berserkers have more of a role in beating Thorn.\n\nAnother one, this time for Archers:\nExplosive Charge\nItem Ability: Explosive Charge: Consumed when fired by a bow. Deal 75% of your damage to all enemies in a 5-block radius on where the arrow lands.\nRARE ARROW CHARGE\nThis would probably be bought from Ophelia. This would make Archer be somewhat an AOE-clearing class.\n\nBad things about this solution: If done wrong, one of the classes would become like pre-nerf mage: Too overpowered.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: 2nd Approach\n\n\n\nThe second approach: Increasing variety of Mage AOE weapons.\nRight now, Mage doesn't have a lot of AOE weapons that are cheap. This made me think for a while on what could be implemented, and suddenly I thought of the Professor (2nd phase) and Scarf's Undead Mage attacks.\nOf course, you could just buff back Pigman to a fraction of what it once was, and buff Bonzo's Staff and Frozen Scythe's scalings to increase their damage output. However, this would not solve the problem of lacking AOE weapons.\nOne of them is to buff weapons that are forgotten, like the Golem Sword and Ember Rod. Here's some ideas:\nRod of Flames\n+ 125 Damage\n+ 65 Strength\nIntelligence: +50\nItem Ability: Fire Blast: Shoot 3 Fireballs which explode upon impact, dealing 500 base Magic Damage to all enemies in a 5-block radius and burning them for 50 base Magic Damage for 5s.\nMobs that are burned have their defense reduced by 5%.\nMana Cost: 100, Cooldown: 10s\nEPIC SWORD\n\nThis would probably be upgraded with some Ember Essence (4 stacks?) but would deal AOE damage and burn the mobs.\n\nFlaming Rod of Fire\n+ 165 Damage\n+ 85 Strength\nIntelligence: +150\nItem Ability: Fire Blast: Shoot 3 Fireballs which explode upon impact, dealing 1000 base Magic Damage to all enemies in a 5-block radius and burning them for 500 base Magic Damage for 5s.\nMobs that are burned have their defense reduced by 5%.\nMana Cost: 90, Cooldown: 8s\nLEGENDARY SWORD\n\nThis would be upgraded from the Rod of Flames and cost 8 stacks of Ember Essence.\n\nEndstone Golem Sword\n+ 165 Damage\n+ 65 Strength\nDefense: +100\nItem Ability: Endstone Punch: Punch the ground, damaging enemies in a hexagon 7 blocks around you for 750 base Magic Damage.\nMana Cost: 75, Cooldown: 3s\nEPIC SWORD\n\nThis one would be upgraded by something dropped by the Endstone Protector (likely Endstone Essence or something like that) and cost at least 2 stacks of it and some Enchanted Iron Blocks to upgrade it.\n\nNow, to the next part, other weapons.\n\nSo when thinking about this post, I remembered that The Professor has a Tsunami attack which is somewhat like Yeti Sword, and the Undead Mage has a Soul Sand Blizzard attack which he fires a straight line of soul sand at the player. This could be used for Mage class AOE weapon ideas. Here's my idea on that:\n\nOceanic Blade\n+ 100 Damage\n+ 50 Strength\nItem Ability: Tsunami: Create a wave of water (6 blocks wide) that travels in a straight line up to 24 blocks. Deal 1,500 Magic Damage to any enemy caught in the path of the water.\nMana Cost: 250, Cooldown: 6s\nLEGENDARY DUNGEON SWORD\nThis would definitely be dropped by the Professor. This would fit the theme of his 'ocean' boss fight.\n\nUndead Mage's Wand\n+ 75 Damage\n+ 25 Strength\nItem Ability: Soul Sand Blizzard: Create a wave of Soul Sand (3 blocks wide) that travels in a straight line up to 16 blocks, dealing 1000 Magic Damage to any enemy caught in the path of the soul sand.\nMana Cost: 125, Cooldown: 5s\nRARE DUNGEON SWORD\nThis would be dropped on Floor 2.\n\nBad things about this solution: It introduces too many Mage weapons while not caring about the other classes.\n\n\nAt the end of the day, these two approaches will let people deal AOE damage, and could buff weak classes.\n\nPart IV: Conclusion\nRight now, AOE weapons are mainly used by mage class, and they are either very expensive and good, or not as good and cheap. Hypixel should consider making new weapons for the other classes to deal AOE damage, or introduce new weapons for Mage class to deal AOE damage. If done correctly, this will create a chance for all damage classes to deal AOE damage, which would allow for more class diversity in my mind.\n\nThanks for reading! If you enjoyed, please bump the post!\nAlso, if I could improve on anything, please tell me what I can improve on! Thanks!"}, {"title": "How do I one-tap zealots?", "body": "So I got a Raiders Axe with pretty much max enchants, I have full ender armor with 2/4 pure and 2/4 fierce, I also have 15 talismans all reforged to itchy but I still do 10k damage with pots.\nWhat can I improve to get that 13k damage?\n(I also have most of the fairy souls)"}, {"title": "Add Toxic Arrow poison to bazaar", "body": "selling it on ah sucks and i can imagine buying does aswell"}, {"title": "Think I might have found out Pigicial\u2019s spooky event method...", "body": "Not going to release further info until I get more proof.\nWill keep y\u2019all informed when I get more proof\nI may have to try the method before though\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Hint\n\n\n\nI think it involves animals"}, {"title": "dont click not ready", "body": "qhy u click"}, {"title": "Has anyone made extensive loot tables for fishing?", "body": "I did some basic searching for a thread or post on it, and I haven't seen one. I know it's not exactly the most popular skill, but it'd be nice if someone had figured out the chances of getting various objects from fishing."}, {"title": "anime recomendations", "body": "i need some because im running short on anime \nive watched \nnaruto\nboruto\nblack clover\none punch man \nglepnir\n7 deadly sins\ndragon ball z\nhunter x hunter \nand bleach\nso if ya have any others let me know"}, {"title": "deleting someone from a island!!", "body": "can i get myself kicked from my island so my mate can add someone else to the island??"}, {"title": "YESSSSS I AM SOOOO HAPPY. I FINALLY GOT MY YT RANK HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LETS START ABUSING IT. ALSO, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO ME", "body": "s***\nit was my dream"}, {"title": "Wheat", "body": "Wheat is a grass widely cultivated for its seed, a cereal grain which is a worldwide staple food.[2][3][4] The many species of wheat together make up the genus Triticum; the most widely grown is common wheat (T. aestivum). The archaeological record suggests that wheat was first cultivated in the regions of the Fertile Crescent around 9600 BCE. Botanically, the wheat kernel is a type of fruit called a caryopsis.\n\nWheat is grown on more land area than any other food crop (220.4 million hectares, 2014).[5] World trade in wheat is greater than for all other crops combined.[6] In 2017, world production of wheat was 772 million tonnes, with a forecast of 2019 production at 766 million tonnes,[7] making it the second most-produced cereal after maize.[7][8] Since 1960, world production of wheat and other grain crops has tripled and is expected to grow further through the middle of the 21st century.[9] Global demand for wheat is increasing due to the unique viscoelastic and adhesive properties of gluten proteins, which facilitate the production of processed foods, whose consumption is increasing as a result of the worldwide industrialization process and the westernization of the diet.[10][11]\n\nWheat is an important source of carbohydrates.[10] Globally, it is the leading source of vegetable protein in human food, having a protein content of about 13%, which is relatively high compared to other major cereals[12] but relatively low in protein quality for supplying essential amino acids.[13][14] When eaten as the whole grain, wheat is a source of multiple nutrients and dietary fiber.[10]\n\nIn a small part of the general population, gluten \u2013 the major part of wheat protein \u2013 can trigger coeliac disease, noncoeliac gluten sensitivity, gluten ataxia, and dermatitis herpetiformis.[15]\n\nsuperior dragon armor"}, {"title": "Mage nerf poll", "body": "Can we all just agree that moving one class from the best to not usable is a dumb idea and is going to lose so may people so much money."}, {"title": "[Suggestion] Add more mage armour to dungeons.", "body": "Currently there are only 2* mage armours sets: Wise Dragon armour and Adaptive armour*\nNow this is a problem, because the first one isn't even a dungeon and its dungeonised version requires level 28 and costs a lot of dragon essence to do so, while the other option, require a completion of the third floor, which require quite a high level and good gear. The problem with these options is that all of them are way too late into the progression, except undungeonised wise, which you can start with but, will quickly fall off in usefulness, as it's stats don't scale with your dungeon level, unlike dungeon. I suggest that you add more mage armour to the earlier floors. Here are a few examples: An entire Bonzo set, where the heads special ability is now the full set bonus. A dreadlord set, that drops from crypt dreadlords. These would give mage more option early on, allowing them to progress through dungeons normally, instead hoping to get carried through floor III, so they can use a good mage armour set.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n*Adaptive isn't exclusive to mage, but due to its adaptive ability, it sort of counts, so in this post I will be talking about the mage version of it."}, {"title": "Can u people stop making i got scammed plz ban them it fills the forums up and it so annoying", "body": "They push really good ideas for the community to look at to the 5th page\nI saw 2 or 3 on the first page"}, {"title": "I need game recs pls", "body": "Can be online or offline \nFree or cost money"}, {"title": "Im a berserker what are some useful items to get", "body": "NOT TALKING ABOUT ARMOR SWORD \n\nSo far is this good? \nLeaping sword \n5 star epic machine gun bow"}, {"title": "What's better?", "body": "What is better, a Recluse Fang or an AOTD?"}, {"title": "[Suggestion] Advanced Play", "body": "sc!suggest Dungeons: Advanced Play (Bear with me, this is a bit long)\n\nDISCLAIMER: I have not played all 5 roles. As a result, I may overvalue and/or undervalue some numbers. This may be very unbalanced because of that.\n\n- Major Differences -\n\nAdvanced Play makes use of one thing that I personally haven't seen put to use as much as it should have: Mana. While wielded items may use Mana, none of the Dungeon Orb spells makes use of it. This is where this suggestion steps in.\n\nFixed Mana Cap: To circumvent Mana Cap Changes due to weapons, players must choose a Main Weapon that cannot move from their Hotbar to keep a stable Mana Cap.\n\n- Overview -\n\nAs stated before, Advanced Play plans to make use of Mana with the Dungeon Orb. The idea is that players will have the option to play in Normal Play (Current Dungeons) or Advanced Play (This Mode). This brings some changes to each class's spells that they are able to cast.\n\nSomething I want to emphasise: These two categories should ABSOLUTELY NOT be mingled. These are essentially two different class sets.\n\n- Class Changes -\n\nMage: Guided Sheep uses [200 Mana - (<Mage Level> * 2)] to cast. Cooldown reduced to 80%. Ultimate uses [100% Mana - (<Mage Level> * 5)]. Cooldown is increased to 600s, but the effect time is raised to 20s.\nExample: At Mage Lv 0 with 375 Mana Cap, you need 375 Mana to cast your Ultimate.\n\nHealer: Healing Circle uses 100 Mana to cast. Cooldown reduced to 75%. Ultimate uses 75% Mana. Cooldown remains unchanged.\nExample: With 100 Mana Cap, you need 75 Mana to cast your Ultimate.\n\nBerserk: Throwing Axe uses 50 Mana to cast. Cooldown raised to 125%. Ultimate uses 80% Mana. Cooldown is reduced to 50s.\nExample: With 100 Mana Cap, you need 80 Mana to cast your Ultimate.\n\nArcher: Explosive Shot uses 60 Mana to cast. Cooldown remains unchanged. Ultimate uses 80% Mana. Cooldown remains unchanged.\nExample: With 100 Mana Cap, you need 80 Mana to cast your Ultimate.\n\nTank: Seismic Wave uses 125 Mana to cast. Cooldown reduced to 75%. Ultimate uses 50% Mana. Cooldown remains unchanged, but all damage done is cut in half for 10s. Players within 10 blocks receive 10% of your current defence.\nExample: With 100 Mana Cap, you need 50 Mana to cast your ultimate.\n\n- Pros and Cons -\n\n\n\nProsConsMana Potions become more usefulRequires own category due to deviance from current classesMana Usage increasesMore Behind-The-Scene calculationsClass ReworksClass Reworks????\n\nThink I missed something? Provide me with a Pro/Con and give an example, and I'll edit the chart! You'll get credited in brackets, too!\n\n- Community Input -\n\nWhat are your thoughts on this idea? Like it? Dislike it? Let me know! Provide details on what you think should be changed in this suggestion, and if your criticism gets at least 10 upvotes, I'll make the changes! You'll also make it onto this section of the page with your name and change.\n\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n\nThank you SO much for making it this far down! I hope you enjoyed reading my post on this Skyblock suggestion.\n\n- HDFlood"}, {"title": "I made my Solo Island become Co-op Island by accident any fixes?", "body": "My solo island became co op island a random said his gonna give me his stuff and jsut do /coopadd and i for some reason believed him and it turned my solo island into a co-op any fixes for this? i know i was dumb to believe it but im a new player just trying to grind easier at skyblock"}, {"title": "Chat triggers auto kick help", "body": "I heard Chat triggers can auto kick people from the party finder, but I do not understand how to do it. Can someone help me pls?"}, {"title": "how do i get precise reforge", "body": "title"}, {"title": "What Armour Should I Get After Ender", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "truth", "body": "if you dont have full accesory bag you are early game"}, {"title": "Legendary enderman pet", "body": "I have recently been on the quest to acquire a legendary enderman pet and am wondering the best method. I have been grinding in front of the dragon\u2019s den killing 9ks and then I thought would pearl spamming work. If anyone know if it does please let me know. If there are any other tips also let me know."}, {"title": "current best set for mage that isnt spirit wand", "body": "tell me"}, {"title": "Is bonemerang good?", "body": "Haven't really seen anyone using it so I can't really see how it fully works. Can anyone explain how it works , how far it goes out, and if it is worth buying?"}, {"title": "Yeti sword's physics must be changed", "body": "You cannot hit far away enemies because of that, so I suggest to make it be like the boulder toss in arena brawl"}, {"title": "Yeti sword's physics must be changed", "body": "You cannot hit far away enemies because of that, so I suggest to make it be like the boulder toss in arena brawl"}, {"title": "Someone buy my spirit pet", "body": "Please I need money. I spent 27m on it and I\u2019m selling for 20m it works without equipping it so it\u2019s useful. Please buy I need my money"}, {"title": "Buff yeti sword's terrain toss or get better physics for it", "body": "For its price it must be buffed"}, {"title": "Questions about slayer leveling", "body": "How do I level the quests up, I know that I have to complete the quests, but is it possible for me to say like get spider 5 from just killing tier 1 bosses? Or would I have to kill the higher tier bosses."}, {"title": "Free coins for anyone", "body": "I have some spare coin, so message me and when I get on I will try and give as many people as I can some donations.\nHowever, I can\u2019t get on for a couple of days so just dm me and when I get a chance I will give them."}, {"title": "Help Plz", "body": "I put a compactor and super compactor 3000 in a clay minion but all i got was clay blocks no enchanted things even when it was full did i do something wrong??? help plz"}, {"title": "rate my new pfp", "body": "Yes\n\nEdit: A lot of you seem to have incorrect opinions so i have changed back the pfp"}, {"title": "[GUIDE] Admin Language Translation Manual", "body": "Admin phraseContemporary language translationHello / Hey everyone / [other form of greeting]Wassup addicted block game playersAfter listening to the community...Ok dudes we saw the riot we're gonna change some stuffMaintenancePayday (while the nons go buy ranks)Dupe(ing)BanBoost(ing)BanIRL trade(ing)BanScam(ming)Nonexistent problemSoonNext yearWe'll think about...A good idea but we don't want to do itMinikloonHail MinikloonTemporarilyAt least a day, or lessUpdateBroken promiseProgressionGrindingIf you think you were false banned, go make an appealIf your name isn't red don't even botherYoutubeFree advertisingYoutubergod\n\ncontributors: @200_ms @MOJA1819 @HeidenMensch\nSuggestions?\ntag me in the replies"}, {"title": "Reporting Botters", "body": "Is there any specific place I should report an account that is botting or is /wdr as good as it gets?"}, {"title": "need help with mage", "body": "since mage nerf, all my weapons have basically become obsolete. On f4, i also get 3 shot by skeletors. I use 5 star epic zombie soldier set + bonzo mask. Anyone know any weapons/armour I can use?\nEDIT: is frozen scythe better then bonzo staff?"}, {"title": "alright boys. we need to settle this once and for all", "body": "gray?\nor\ngrey?\n\n(how is this sb related? it isnt. im just bored)"}, {"title": "how do i get the bonemerang? there isn't a page on the wiki", "body": "i want to know how i could get it, so would someone please ansewer me? also, dont say \"go to the ah\""}, {"title": "16x texture packs are the best change my mind", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Minion sheet won't work!", "body": "I'm using the minion sheet v1.68 and the bazaar won't load. I tried unchecking and checking the box, but nothing works."}, {"title": "Spirit Scepter or Yeti Sword", "body": "Title, please provide reasons"}, {"title": "The Floor 4 Dungeon Boss Was Speed Hacking...", "body": "So, basically somehow the floor 4 dungeon boss started going super fast.\nI'm not 100% sure about this but I believe this was because one of my dungeon teammates hit him with the bone boomerang...\n\nHeres the video I made showing this(this is normal speed, you can tell based on the other people in it): \n\n\n\n\nYea... this really needs to be fixed, along with the 50 other floor 4 bugs."}, {"title": "Question for Beating an dungeon", "body": "hey i have a question.\nWhat does it means to \"Beating\" an floor in dungeons? I did floor 2 with an B rank ik very bad but why didnt i beAt it"}, {"title": "This makes perfect sense!", "body": "I spent 3 hours getting hardened diamond armor, which isn't even that good, and now I am farming carrots in the hub to buy protector dragon armor, for 100k per part on the auction. Why is protector dragon armor so freaking cheap??? Its not the best, but its much better for most peoples gear. I am midgame right now and even though you have to be combat level 16 its barely an issue! I have spent 1 hour farming carrots from the arean in hub, going to each one, and selling it to npcs. I have one part to go, and its four times as better as my hardend diamond armor. Just, why? I am literally turning carrots into endgame gear. How is this fair?"}, {"title": "Secret Acheivements in Hypixel Skyblock", "body": "Hi forums\n\nanyone who knows what the secret achievements in sb are, feel free to leave them here\\\n\ngo go go!"}, {"title": "Skyblock crafting grid to show crafting recipies better?", "body": "I am currently working on a post and would like to know if there is a website or an app that can help me show new crafting ideas better. Thanks in advance!"}, {"title": "was the pigman nerf needed?", "body": "The pigman sword has be one of the most usles weapon befour dungeons relice and after it got nerfed scince. Its and leaping sword situation currently,\nthe sword is good but its outclass by something cheaper (the AOTD) making the sword worthless.\nYes it shoud have got and nerf\nShoud have needed to be this big of and nerf ? Probably no\nWhy?\nThe reason it got nerf is because is mostly since it was broken against the final bosses ( bonzo, scarf and the professor )\nthe thing that what admins have done so far is when and new floor of dungeons comes out they buff the hp by a ton, then giving the player and new and beter weapon from the boss\nAt the end when f10 comes out there will be probably and weapon that can onetap the first 3 bosses so the pigman nerf wasn't probably that necessary\n\ncant wait to get trashed by the forums"}, {"title": "has romeo and juliet rubix cube test broken", "body": "for me i can get 1390 mana with full crystal armour while holding no weapon\n\nit wont allow me to complete the quest\n\nthis is my first post btw so its probably bad"}, {"title": "Epic Foraging Exp Boost (might be better than zealots idk)", "body": "This item drops very rarely from Soul of the Alpha and sells for more than 5 million coins. Anyone knows what is a drop chance of it (killed over 1000 Soul of the Alpha with 97 MF and didn't get one)?"}, {"title": "healer and zombie hearts", "body": "so the mender helmet doubles the amount of healing you provide in dungeons to other people, and since it is specifically designed for dungeons i'm guessing it also doubles the amount of healing the healing circle and class passives for the healer class. so, I was wondering if the revived/crystallized heart had the same effect on the healer class ability or something. does anyone know?"}, {"title": "Floor 4 is actually EASIER than floor 3???", "body": "Personally it\u2019s a lot easier in the rooms but not the boss. You get op blessings that let you solo basically everything. The boss is completely different and is easier because of the decoy strat. It\u2019s slower but speed =/= ease.\n\nEDIT: I\u2019m berserker so I have been using op weapons *cough* mage *cough*"}, {"title": "get WhyGiveUp banned", "body": "i was in the hub, abd a guy says free hp books and reconbobs on my island. i visit him and i see in chat a guys who realy gets the stuff. then he commes up to me and says he can reconbob my wither skeleton (lvl 95 legendary) my full adaptive set and my max aotd. i trust him bycause on sky lea it says he playd for a year on that profile, so why woulnd i trust him."}, {"title": "[Not longer an important thread]", "body": "This thread is getting deleted."}, {"title": "necromancer brooch in forums", "body": "@Necromancers-Brooch is @Pufferdent and his a ***** BOY and die twweeyrwerwerwyweyr"}, {"title": "HELP ME BAN CrayonMan", "body": "so my \"friend\" and I did a coop together and he griefed my whole island... as you can see in this pic here thats him knicked because hes scared and a chicken. I told him to stop and he wont. and since hypixel is hypixel theres NO WAY to kick him so anyway please help me rebuild and help me ban CrayonMan thank you for your time (p.s sub to my yt pls its the same as my username thnkz)"}, {"title": "Pls help theres a bug", "body": "This lock thing suddenly appeared in my inv and i cant move it or throw it, tried relogging in but its still there, takes up a space and idk what to do."}, {"title": "Help the AI is actually smart", "body": "I threw it down into a secret where you blow up the tomb and the only way you could get up was climbing ladders and instead of looking up at me it runs away deeper into the thing so I have to put in effort instead of sitting there spamming mouse buttons help please"}, {"title": "[POLL] Do you find the update better?", "body": "After floor 4 was released, everyone was complaining how they destroyed mage weapons. Honestly I don\u2019t find this bad as there\u2019s other metas you can go with mage such as using the left click beam, spirit Sceptre, maybe level your class with a different setup, idk please vote it\u2019s been a day or so would like to see opinions."}, {"title": "[IDEA] Class skills, Achievements, Talismans", "body": "Class skills. The Class skill has 4 branches, Healer skill, wizardry skill, warlord skill and archery skill all cap at 50.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Heal skill\n\n\n\nHeal skill: Talk to the fairy elder under a tree in the wilderness. You will be rewarded with the heal skill. Heal yourself or others to gain xp. There is a portal under a tree in the wilderness that takes you to a fairy world after you reach healer level 5. Each level increases health by .5%\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Wizardry skill\n\n\n\nWizardry skill: Unlocked by talking to the wizard in his tower. You will be rewarded with the wizardry skill. Use magic abilities to gain xp. The portal in the wizard tower takes you to a magic world with things flying everywhere. Only magic abilities can be used. Each level increases Magic dmg by .5%\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Warlord skill\n\n\n\nWarlord skill: Unlocked by talking to hunter (new npc at high level/ colosseum). You will be rewarded with the warlord skill. Deal melee damage to gain xp. The high level bounce pad can be use to take you to a war field once you reach Warlord 5. Each level increases melee damage by .5%\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Archery skill\n\n\n\nArchery skill: Check out this AMAZING thread by @ChocolateBlocks\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Talismans\n\n\n\nThere will be a talisman for each class, rewarded by finding a hidden NPC ( they will be really well hidden in each new area. The stats will be:\n\n(class) Orb?\n+1% skill xp gain for (Class)\nRare talisman\n\nIf you combine all 5 you get an epic/leg/mythic talisman that gives +2% skill xp gain for all classes\n\nHeroes orb\n+2% skill xp gain for all classes.\n(epic or leg or mythic rarity idk)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Achievements\n\n\n\nHealthy! - Reach heal skill lvl 10\nOoooh magic! - Reach wizardry skill lvl 10\nThis is WAR! - Reach Warlord skill lvl 10\nBullseye! - Reach archery skill lvl 10\nSuck it up. - Reach Tank skills lvl 10\nHero! - Obtain the Hero's orb\n3-5 Business days - Jump in the wizards portal.\n\n\n\nMight add more later but i tired rn\n\nOnce again thank you @ChocolateBlocks for the amazing archery thread idea and inspiring me to do this"}, {"title": "ihisduhgiosdufghiurhwgioureghciwuno", "body": "Ok so basically I lost my island because my co-op members had kicked me\nI had one co-op member but he promised (mind you, he was my friend for a very long time on another account) that he wanted to build something with his friend on my island\nI agreed because I knew him and he knew me\nAnd then they kicked me from the island and I lost everything. (full strong dragon armor, full tara, 3/4 monster raider set, maxed aotd, runaan's, a big afk machine, many clay and snow minions, a giant farm, and everything on my profile and island, I worked for about a month, and I am usually very busy, so it is a lot of time for me)\nI hope that a hypixel staff member sees this and fixes everything\nI am really sad and mad that I actually did what he said.\nSo yeah, I hope I can get all of this stuff back (Please).\nIgns are Zimexs0n (that's a zero, not an o), Naskul, and some other person I don't remember\nAlso they all ignored me so I cant do anything"}, {"title": "Everybody is playing healer THE WRONG WAY", "body": "You are not supposed to heal other players. You are supposed to HEAL YOURSELF TO BE INVINCIBLE. Just like before the nerfs Refraction's vid about healing faster then the zealot can kill u. Get in a corner, place overflux(or manaflux) , use healer circle under u, remember to use ornate and restoration, then u can solo a f2 or maybe f3 lose adventurer."}, {"title": "How do I go about getting more mana", "body": "I have a full very wise dragon set a legendary sheep pet lvl62 and a heroic bonzo staff also all my talisman are demonic when I hold out my bonzo I only have 16 hundred mana how do I get more?"}, {"title": "How to make an island shop EXPLAINED", "body": "I own a very popular shop and I often have people ask me how I did it, so here\u2019s an in depth article. \n\nBasically I use principals from real life business practices. A lot of business psychology can apply to business anywhere even in a video game. I\u2019ll explain it easily. \n\n1. Appearance is everything. \n\nIf you walk into a supermarket and everything looks like crap, you will probably turn around and walk out. Most other island shops aren\u2019t successful because they don\u2019t look nice. It doesn\u2019t have to be a professional build, but at least put in more effort than a few signs and maybe an item frame. Have some nice architecture, maybe follow a theme like castle or modern, cubist or something. If it looks nice people want to come back. \n\n2. Be organized. \n\nGroup similar items together. This makes it easy for people to find things. This ties in very closely with the appearance of the shop. To use my island as an example (/visit Xeon11) I have many displays that each have similar objects. In one area I have crops, but I don\u2019t just have signs that say \u201cpotato\u201d and stuff. Built into the floor is a dirt block with water next to it and a potato planted on it. Above the potato on the wall is an item frame with an enchanted potato in it. This looks really nice, but it also shows people I sell enchanted versions too. There is an armory section of my shop that is separated into weapons and armor. The armor section has one of each frag displayed in item frames on the wall. Armor stands hold the full armor sets I have while other item frames on the wall hold the individual pieces I don\u2019t have full sets of. In the weapons section the best weapons are front and centered on the wall while the rest are in weapon racks. Make everything look nice and make it easy to find what the customer wants. \n\n3. Pricing\n\nThis is the most important one probably. So many island shops I see have super high prices. I could just go buy the materials to make the same thing on bazaar for half the price. This along with the fact that prices fluctuate, is the reason the best island shop must USE BAZAAR FOR EVERYTHING. If you base your prices off bazaar you will not only be fair but will also make more money. The website shows all the stuff the bazaar sells and at what price, and is updated constantly. This next part might be confusing but it is the most important part of pricing. This is how you get people to buy from you and also make more money than you could by selling straight to bazaar. \n\nBazaar sells items to you, but he will also buy items from you. Let\u2019s just say for example you can buy an enchanted diamond from him for 2200, and if you were to sell him one he would pay you 1800. If your price at your shop is above 2200, no one will buy from you because they could get the same thing for cheaper at bazaar. If you sell lower than 1800, you are losing money because you could get 1800 just by selling to bazaar. However, if you set your price at 2000, in between the bazaar\u2019s buy and sell prices, you make more money than if you were to sell to him and people will buy from you because they save money by doing so. This is the absolute best way to price your items. \n\nFor reference here\u2019s how I price things bazaar doesn\u2019t sell.\n\nMinions- the price for the mats to craft whatever tier it is, if it\u2019s above 5 I only count enchanted mats. \n\nCrystal Frags- go to bazaar and use the price of a catalyst. It\u2019s basically the same cuz a catalyst just uses a crystal frag and 8 end stone. \n\nDragon Armor- the cost of the frags to make it, plus the cost of any hot potato books and the cost of the materials used to craft the enchants on it. Normally I only count enchants that are valuable like growth and stuff. \n\nSlayer Items- is bazaar sells mats use those, but otherwise use ah. \n\nFor anything else use auction house. Don\u2019t use the first price you see because it\u2019s normally the highest. Look through and make a rough average of what the price is. \n\n4. Customer Service\n\nYou have to be nice with people. For me personally I\u2019m in college and I get a little pissed when little kids come to my shop and beg for free stuff or million dollar discounts. But still I\u2019m nice I tell them I can\u2019t and I see what I can help them with. If they keep bothering me I\u2019ll be a bit more blunt with them and if I need to I\u2019ll ask them to leave or kick them. Relationships are very helpful to have as well because you never know when you\u2019ll need a favor.\n\n5. You need suppliers\n\nThere are so many items in this game and it\u2019s impossible to get them all yourself. You need to have people that can supply you with the stuff you don\u2019t have. I have around 30 suppliers for my shop. Basically our agreement is they donate me free stuff that they can spare and I give them discounts off of items in my shop. The size of the discount depends on the value of what they donate. I have people donate hot potato books, dragon armor, enchanted items, rare event items, and even super valuable stuff such as an aotd and one time even some superior dragon boots. These suppliers are what allows me to carry as much as I can in my shop.\n\nAlso on a side note it\u2019s best to sell as much as you can in your shop not just a few things, and if you specialize in something like potions or gear make sure to have quality and quantity items. \n\n6. Services\n\nThese make me more money than anything else. A service is something someone pays you to do for them. Some common ones are pearl spamming and god splashes. I try to have unique services at my shop. Right now these are some services I offer at my shop:\n\nEnchanting Weapons and Armor- you need to have a lot of the enchant recipes unlocked. You also need to have grand experience bottle handy.\n\nOrders- people can order items from me in bulk and I will go get them and let them know when it\u2019s ready. \n\nKat Pet Slot Rental- people can use my Kat pet upgrade slot. I\u2019m at taming 20 so I can do epic to legendary upgrades. Normally I charge 50k up front and then a certain amount per day for how long it takes. They supply the money and mats to upgrade the pet. \n\nCrafting and Brewing- I spend time maxing out collections to get all the recipes, for a small price I can craft things for people if they supply the mats. \n\nPet Leveling- I will level up their pet to a certain level, max 50, for a base fee of 50k and then a certain amount every level depending on what rarity the pet is. \n\n\nThese are more useful and popular than most items I sell in my shop. \n\n7. Entertainment\n\nI\u2019m MVP+, so I can have a maximum of 5 people on my island (btw you should have mvp+ for your shop for this reason, other ranks work but aren\u2019t as good. MVP++ is best). There will obviously be some times when I can\u2019t help everyone at once. You need to have things for people to do while they wait. I have secret rooms on my island, and my island is super big so people can explore. I have several parkour courses people can try and one of them is hardcore parkour, you need young dragon armor and over 300 speed in some places. I have people come for the parkour alone sometimes. If people have fun on your island and in your shop they will comeback again. \n\n8. Advertising and being recognized\n\nYou can\u2019t make money if no one knows you exist. Normally I will advertise my shop in the hub. If you join a hub server with 70+ people your message will most likely get lose in all the other ones. I like to join hubs with 50-65 people in them. The way you word your advertisement is important too. If you just say \u201cVISIT MY ISLAND SHOP\u201d you won\u2019t get as many people. Normally I just talk to people then bring up I own a shop, or I\u2019ll bring up key parts of my shop. You need to know what people like about your shop so you know what to put in your ad. I sell things lower than bazaar ALWAYS, and that\u2019s popular so I say that. Normally I can get 5 people from a single hub if I\u2019m lucky, sometimes I need 2 hubs tho. Also make sure to return to your island somewhat quickly after you see someone join, you don\u2019t want to leave them waiting. \n\n9. Don\u2019t trust people\n\nAs a business owner you need to be honest with your customers, but that doesn\u2019t mean you leave them alone with an open cash register. Don\u2019t trust anyone except your friends. Only trust people when there is a reason for them to not double cross you. Half of the time people get scammed it\u2019s their own fault. They trusted a stranger. Some guy just gav me his mastiff when I asked for help with slayers. I gav it back because I want an honest reputation for my shop, but I could hav easily /ignored him and stolen his mastiff. \n\nPeople will try to rip you off. They might tell you your selling way to high. That\u2019s another reason why using bazaar is good. U can go tell them to check bazaar. YOU MUST KNOW YOUR PRICES. If you don\u2019t it\u2019s easy for people to manipulate you. \n\n10. Be smart with your money\n\nI make 1-2 million a day on average, sometimes it\u2019s up to 5 million other days it\u2019s 250k. Island shops are potentially one of the best ways to make money in the game. You need to be wise with the money you make. Invest some of it back into your shop by buying materials to make it look nicer, or if bazaar is selling an item for super cheap buy some of it then wait a few days and resell it at your shop. People think bazaar flipping makes money, you should see how much more u can make by flipping items from the bazaar to other players. \n\nWell it\u2019s 4:30 am now and those are all the things I can think of about how I run my shop. I just try to be honest, make it look nice, and be unique from other shops. I\u2019m not even an endgame player and I\u2019m making more money than some of them. Once I\u2019m in endgame and I can sell super rare stuff regularly I\u2019m pretty sure I\u2019ll be a rich boi. \n\nI hope this helps anyone out there get started on their island shops. If you make one I\u2019d love to see stop by my island or party me, I can\u2019t take friend reqs from random people because I get so many each day from customers, if I accepted all my list would max out. Another way I advertise my shop is in the skyblock discord server, or at least one of them. Let me know what you think or any ideas, I\u2019ll update this in the future if I need to and make edits."}, {"title": "scammers are kinda stupid", "body": "some dude when i was a noob (and still am dont look at my skylea) scammed me out of a night vision charm.\n\nwhy would u risk everything for like 30k? (back then that was a LOT for me.)\n\nseems kinda DUMB"}, {"title": "Healer should also be a buffing class", "body": "That would make parties stay together and make healer stronger. Just slap some +50str+50cd+1%/s mana regen radius on that bad boy and bam healer op plz nerf\n\nAlso buff berserk"}, {"title": "Zombie Soldier vs T12 Perfect for Healer", "body": "I see everywhere that zombie soldier is really good. They say it's one of the best mage sets and one of the best healer sets. I am a healer. I watched a video that said I should get zombie soldier because it is more tanky than t12 perfect armor, so I did. I 5 starred all of it and went into a dungeon, expecting it to be better. I was very surprised to see it had half the defense of my t12 perfect and like 200 more health. It had like over 4000 less effective health. Both sets are reforged to wise, and I'm using a revived heart with both. I bought epic heavy armor cuz I've been flat broke since dungeons came out. Am I doing something wrong? Is it because I need higher catacombs level? I'm catacombs 9 and beat floor 2 for the first time today. Does the rarity so important it makes it better than t12 perfect? Was I lied to by the video? Pls help"}, {"title": "oiauhgiuahdfhoiauh", "body": "Ok so basically I lost my island because my co-op members had kicked me\nI had one co-op member but he promised (mind you, he was my friend for a very long time on another account) that he wanted to build something with his friend on my island\nI agreed because I knew him and he knew me\nAnd then they kicked me from the island and I lost everything. (full strong dragon armor, full tara, 3/4 monster raider set, maxed aotd, runaan's, a big afk machine, many clay and snow minions, a giant farm, and everything on my profile and island, I worked for about a month, and I am usually very busy, so it is a lot of time for me)\nI hope that a hypixel staff member sees this and fixes everything\nI am really sad and mad that I actually did what he said.\nSo yeah, I hope I can get all of this stuff back (Please).\nIgns are Zimexs0n (that's a zero, not an o), Naskul, and some other person I don't remember\nAlso they all ignored me so I cant do anything"}, {"title": "hypixel staff member please read this", "body": "Ok so basically I lost my island because my co-op members had kicked me\nI had one co-op member but he promised (mind you, he was my friend for a very long time on another account) that he wanted to build something with his friend on my island\nI agreed because I knew him and he knew me\nAnd then they kicked me from the island and I lost everything. (full strong dragon armor, full tara, 3/4 monster raider set, maxed aotd, runaan's, a big afk machine, many clay and snow minions, a giant farm, and everything on my profile and island, I worked for about a month, and I am usually very busy, so it is a lot of time for me)\nI hope that a hypixel staff member sees this and fixes everything\nI am really sad and mad that I actually did what he said.\nSo yeah, I hope I can get all of this stuff back (Please).\nIgns are Zimexs0n (that's a zero, not an o), Naskul, and some other person I don't remember\nAlso they all ignored me so I cant do anything"}, {"title": "How do i bazaar flip?", "body": "Recently I knew about this thing named bazaar flipping and people were making like 500k per day with it, and I wanted to do it too. I go on youtube, search up \"how to bazaar flip\" and these youtubers just don't even explain how to do it, its just footage of them talking while bazaar flipping, not even explaining it. So i asked in lobbies, I was called a... dumbass, idiot, stupid sh**, idiotic kid for not knowing how to bazaar flip because I'm just new at it, so I just came to the forums for actual people bazaar flipping to just explain how to do it."}, {"title": "mm", "body": "mm yes skyblocc gud"}, {"title": "[MegaThread] The state of Healer, and how it can be improved", "body": "Healer is a very controversial class. As of right now, it is in a weird position.\n\nHealer does not do much damage, and the class promotes not doing damage. It was possible to deal damage with something like a Frozen Scythe, but now that magic damage is dead for all classes except mage (as it should be), Healer is like a weaker tank that can revive allies, and is even more boring.\n\nI've seen many threads proposing a damage buff to healer or proposing weapons that deal damage via leeching hp and healing allies. The first one is a strange idea, and I'm not sure I completely agree. The second one is a good idea, but I feel we're approaching the class in the wrong way.\n\nHealer is not a damage class.\n\n\nSpoiler: Healer is not a damage class\n\n\n\nHealer is a class that you play because you want something out of it. Be it free entry into almost any party, internet stans, or because you actually want to heal allies, we all play Healer for a reason. If that reason is because you want to deal damage and not take a lot of damage, then you're playing the class wrong and should be playing Berserker.\n\n\n\nHealer is lacking in content.\n\n\nSpoiler: Healer is lacking in content.\n\n\n\nAs of right now, there is not very many youtubers who play healer. The only ones I can think of are FurryEBoy (who doesn't film content) and ZachPlaysAN. This isn't simply because Mage is so insanely powerful it overrides every other class (although it was), it's because Healer is boring and not interesting to make videos on. It doesn't have items, it doesn't have strategies, it has nothing except the debate of whether or whether not the Reaper Mask works (it does).\n\nThroughout history, healer classes have been boring to play. Be it Mercy, the Medic, Healer, or Soraka, we all stand to the side spam clicking healing abilities or even just existing, wishing that we could get in there and stab things and die like all the other classes.\n\n\n\nHealer gains nothing from levels, and it's hard to gain levels.\n\n\nSpoiler: Healer gains nothing from levels\n\n\n\nHealer is a healer. It's obvious. It's plain. It's lacking in items, and it's lacking in a reason to grind. It has three items that you need. That's it. There's no progression, and the only progression that might be considered true class progression is getting to sven 7 for an overflux. You get no good benefits from leveling up. When you reach healer 25, your healing circle is a full two blocks larger. Two. Blocks. That's ONE HIT from any mob, and then the player is out of the circle screaming at you for being an incompetent disappointment. When you reach Healer 33, you acquire the 5 star reaper mask, which was the strongest item on the AHN. It's good, and it's actual progression.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: It's hard to gain levels.\n\n\n\nThis seems like progression, right? Well, yes and no. It's a good thing to strive for, and things like this give you a reason to grind (even though it's the only grind-worthy item for healer). However, healer gets about 15% LESS experience then all the other classes. The reason?\nMilestones.\nMilestones are a good decision by the admins that I appreciate. The issue with them, however, is that Healer's milestones don't benefit from speedruns. If you're doing runs in sub 10 minutes, you won't get milestone 4. You'll barely get milestone 3. My friend (who's a mage), hit milestone NINE in a 28-minute floor 4 run. I, on the other hand, hit milestone 6. And so, even though he died several times, he still got 200 more experience then me.\n\n\n\nThe idea of Healer seems boring.\n\n\nSpoiler: The idea of healer seems boring\n\n\n\nBeing a Healer implies standing still and occasionally clicking your adaptive blade to throw down a circle. Then, you'll place a mana flux (or over flux if you're a fancy boi). Then, you'll use a spirit leap. Then, you'll rinse and repeat, with occasional ornate zombie swording or pressing drop.\n\nHowever, there's something that typically replaces the word \"Healer\", and it implies different things: Support. Support implies several things. One is healing allies, two is buffs like strength buffs or ability buffs, and three is summoning allies to aid you in battle. Now this seems much more fun then Healer. I feel Healer could benefit greatly from something even as simple as renaming it to \"Support\". It would give people a different view on it. It would bring to light the fact that there should always be more to do then click, click again, use a spirit leap, then repeat.\n\n\n\nThere isn't enough stuff for a Support class.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Healer lacks identity\n\n\n\nI feel if Support items were added to the game, it would make the class seem more enticing and feel more interesting to play. As of right now there's only two items in the ENTIRE GAME that might be considered support: the Reaper Scythe and the Weird Tuba. Those both have interesting concepts, but are lacking in the feel of a definitive support class item. Mage has the Bonzo staff. Tank has the Earth Shard. Berserker has the Silent Death, and Archer has, well, every bow. Healer has the ornate zombie sword. Nothing else. Every class has one, and every class uses it. Healer lacks identity, and support items can give it that.\n\n\n\nNow, I'm done complaining. Time for some ideas.\n\n\nIdea number one: Shaman's Staff\n\nThe Shaman's Staff would be an epic/legendary staff that specializes in summoning animals to fight for you. It would be a rare drop from Floor 4, and be obtainable in Obsidian Chests and Emerald Chests only, at a price of 1,50,000 coins (epic) and 3,000,000 coins (legendary). - looks like a Blaze Rod (nerfed & changed, as suggested by @Sun_wk and @Ikonyx\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Epic Shaman's Staff\n\n\n\nShaman's Staff\nGear score:+700 (980)\nDamage: +100 (+140)\nStrength: +80 (+112)\n\nIntelligence: +300 (+420)\n\nItem Ability: Summon RIGHT CLICK\nWhile in dungeons, summon a pack of wolves from the Nether to help you fight. Wolves copy double your HP stat and bite enemies for 10,000 damage. \nSummons 5 wolves\nWolves despawn after 30 seconds\nUp to 20 wolves at once\nCosts 20% of your max mana\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Legendary Shaman's Staff\n\n\n\nShaman's Staff\nGear score: 700 (1050)\nDamage: +100 (+150)\nStrength: +80 (+120)\n\nIntelligence: +300 (+450)\n\nItem Ability: Summon RIGHT CLICK\nWhile in dungeons, summon a pack of wolves from the Nether to help you fight. Wolves copy double your HP stat and bite enemies for 10,000 damage. \nSummons 5 wolves\nWolves despawn after 30 seconds\nUp to 20 wolves at once\nCosts 20% of your max mana\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Mythic Shaman's Staff (recombobulated)\n\n\n\nShaman's Staff\nGear score: 700 (1120)\nDamage: +100 (+160)\nStrength: +80 (+128)\n\nIntelligence: +300 (+480)\n\nItem Ability: Summon RIGHT CLICK\nWhile in dungeons, summon a pack of wolves from the Nether to help you fight. Wolves copy double your HP stat and bite enemies for 10,000 damage.\nSummons 5 wolves\nWolves despawn after 30 seconds\nUp to 20 wolves at once\nCosts 20% of your max mana\n\n\n\nIdea number two: Healing Staff\n\nThe Healing Staff would be a rare staff that specializes in giving large stat boosts to a singular player at the cost of mana. It would shoot out a beam made of particles It can be crafted in the Melon collection with three enchanted melon blocks and two enchanted blaze rods. It is not a dungeons item. - Looks like a golden shovel.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Rare Healing Staff\n\n\n\nHealing Staff\nHealth: +100\n\nIntelligence: +300\n\nItem Ability: Heal\nPunch a player to target them with your staff. Then, left click to being healing the player. Heals for 1o% of their max HP per second, and costs 10% of your max mana per second. Maximum range of 12 blocks.\n\n\n\nIdea number three: Totems\n\nTotems would be placeable statues, similar to an Overflux. It would varius buffs to people within its radius for a temporary period of time (time is doubled by Bubblegum). All totems are epic and unlocked in the wizard's quests (idk what they are but it seems like it would work). - Looks like an armor stand. \n\nAn example of what a totem might be:\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Strengthening Totem\n\n\n\nStrengthening Totem\nItem Ability: Deploy\nPlace a totem for 60s buffing up to 5 players within 18 blocks.\nCosts 50% of max mana.\nOnly one totem applies per player.\n\nTotem Buff: Strengthening\nGrants +10% crit damage and +10% strength. Increase weapon and bow refinement stat boosts by 5%. Grants 25 strength and 25 crit damage.\n\n\n\nIdea number four: Calls (by @YellowCat200)\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Calls\n\n\n\nCalls are something similar to a weird tuba. There's several of them, one for every main stat (hp, def, int, cd, cc, str, spe). Using it would give buffs of its specific stat to up to 5 players within a certain radius. Once you collect four Calls, you can use the secret ability, Call of the Wild, which buffs all stats for a short period of time at the cost of 50% of your max mana (60s cooldown). Calls are dropped from animals which correspond to the stat boost (wolves for cd, cows for defense, pigs for hp, sheep for int, etc) and look like dyes (green for hp, blue for defense, purple for int, black for cd, yellow for cc, red for str, and white for speed).\n\n\n\nIdea number five: Battle Horn (by @Ferrothorn88)\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Battle Horn\n\n\n\nBattle Horn is a rare item that you can use to \"dishearten\" your enemies. It plays a sound (ender dragon roar?) that effects all monsters within a radius with weakness and slowness for a temporary period. It would be crafted using golden teeth and enchanted mutton.\n\n\n\nIn conclusion\nI think that Healer is in a bad place right now. I seriously think that it could benefit from new items and from being changed into a Support class rather then a Healer class. I doubt any of these ideas will be noticed by admins, and none of the will be added. I just felt like I wanted to express some ideas that I had to see if anyone agrees with me. I spent some time on this post and I hope it does well.\n\nPlease post any comments or criticisms you have in the replies."}, {"title": "What stage of the game am I and what should I do next?", "body": "Hey all! I\u2019m not sure whether I\u2019m end game or late game, I\u2019m thinking more late game because of some things I\u2019m missing but I\u2019d like to see what the forums think. Also I\u2019m saving up for a t6 gilded Midas so I\u2019m trying not to spend much and getting 5m+ a day minimum. I am tank main (only lvl 17 and cata 18 cus I dont play much) and my turtle pet is in Kat (ending in like 20 hours). Tell me what I should work on! Sky lea:"}, {"title": "If you have one million coins, what would you buy?", "body": "It could be a single item, or several items, or even a full armor set would do, given that the total price is under one million coins. Just tell me what you would like to get.\nI'll try my best to put all your ideas into a poll. If you see that your option is already in the poll, vote on the poll instead. The most voted ideas will be used for something special, so stay tuned!"}, {"title": "i got griefed please help me and ban crayonman", "body": "please help me i got griefed i thought he was my friend and he betrayed me im litarlly crying please someone help"}, {"title": "dropped bonzo staff", "body": "someone dropped their staff on me, i'll try returning it, tell me enchants and location, not sure if there is a way to look up past owners."}, {"title": "[Idea] Fish slayer", "body": "So what you do is you go to a place to fish (hypixel makes a new island). This project completely boots fishing and then after some fishes come up, a slayer comes. It could be like a squid that flaps and attacks you but idk about what the boss is but I see that hypixel needs more slayers. A rare drop could be like a VERY good tailsmans that boots chance for a legendary sea creature."}, {"title": "Good bow after Runaan's?", "body": "What's a good bow to go for after Runaan's?"}, {"title": "Spiritual reforge?", "body": "what does it do and is it better than precice?"}, {"title": "dungeons are so unreasonably difficult", "body": "I can't play dungeons and have fun with it because the floors are so hard to complete. I get killed literally every minute because nobody wants to be healer. and even if im not healer, the game still sucks. I have full strong drag armor (with growth V, protection V, and Rejuvenate) and a fully enchanted AOTE. So why can't I defeat FLOOR ONE??? If it takes combat level VI to join, the floor should be set for players with Combat level VI.\n\n\nedit: honestly didnt think id get my shit roasted for posting this, but instead of yall telling me my skills and armor is ass can you reccommend what i should do? i really came here for advice. also I made it past F1"}, {"title": "[IDEA/SUGGESTION] Auto start slayer bosses/no maddox batphone cooldown", "body": "Since a lot of people grind slayers for hours on end. It is really annoying having to 1. Wait for Maddox to open the menu and 2. Having to click the same spot over again. its also annoying when you are doing t3's and accidentally start a t4. it would be much appreciated if we could have an auto-start feature for slayers!\n\n\n\nPls bump!"}, {"title": "[IDEA/SUGGESTION] Auto start slayer bosses/no maddox batphone cooldown", "body": "Since a lot of people grind slayers for hours on end. It is really annoying having to 1. Wait for Maddox to open the menu and 2. Having to click the same spot over again. its also annoying when you are doing t3's and accidentally start a t4. it would be much appreciated if we could have an auto-start feature for slayers!\n\n\n\nPls bump!"}, {"title": "Adaptive vs wise dragon", "body": "in terms of mage"}, {"title": "why existence is futile", "body": "if you exist you make / gain / help no benefit to the world playing hypixel\n\n\nincapable of producing any useful result; pointless.\n\"a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage\"\n\nyour existence is pointless, making it futile"}, {"title": "[GUIDE] How 2 get QUICK MONEY", "body": "SCAMMING\n\n\nthis is a joke alright, dont scam."}, {"title": "Penalize people who DC during Dungeon Runs", "body": "This might have been suggested in the past, I don't know.\n\nWhen players disconnect in the middle of a run, it causes problems for the rest of the team as they are short one or two members, making it sometimes impossible to clear a boss when it would have been possible with the disconnected players. Currently, you can disconnect from the game with no penalty.\n\nI propose a system to \"ban\" a user from playing Dungeons for a few minutes if they disconnect in the middle of a Dungeon run and don't come back. \n\nI said, if they don't come back, they'll be penalized. If they do reconnect nothing happens.\n\nThis is to discourage disconnecting. This \"ban\" system would scale as well per times offended, so like 5 minutes first offense, 10 second, etc.\n\nA reason why this might not be a good idea is the fact that other gamemodes do not have this, like BedWars. It wouldn't make sense to just put it on one game."}, {"title": "Which items are good for AH flipping?", "body": "i want moni\ntel me h0w \nhow to flip ezpz?"}, {"title": "[IDEA] Personal Bazaar", "body": "So basically, I have an idea similar to the personal bank item. What it is, is that you have access to the bazaar anytime but it has a cool down. Buy prices will be a little more expensive and sell prices a little cheaper. This will help when people place eyes and you want to place. You open up your personal bank, withdrawal money, and then buy summoning eyes. Or if you have to go and don\u2019t have time to get to the hub, you sell what you need and put it in personal bank"}, {"title": "What item do I work towards", "body": "Ok guys so I need to know what I should go for next but please don't say skills/slayers as I know I need to do that but in terms of money what item/armor set/loadout do I try and get."}, {"title": "@guydudebro i know ur reading this", "body": "@guydudebro i know ur reading this"}, {"title": "Hypixel SkyBlock More tips", "body": "Hi everyone Recently i have noticed that while playing hypixel skyBlock that i havent been able to know what to do next after going to the obsidian sanctuary I Really hope that skyblock gets more Help tips for what to do next Thats all i have to complain for now Ill be back with more complaints later Ok?? K den Byeee\u200b"}, {"title": "[Idea] Ultimate Fishing enchants [Over 30 positive reactions] (with poll) (Update added)", "body": "Okay, i saw a thread, with a idea, about more ultimate enchants. But he/she forgot about fishing ultimate enchants.\u200b\nAnd thats why im making this!\n\n\nDouble Trouble: (fishing rod)\nTier 1: Gives a 3% chance to fish up 2 (of the same) sea creatures instead of just 1\nTier 2: Gives a 6% chance to fish up 2 (of the same) sea creatures instead of just 1\nTier 3: Gives a 9% chance to fish up 2 (of the same) sea creatures instead of just 1\nTier 4: Gives a 12% chance to fish up 2 (of the same) sea creatures instead of just 1\nTier 5: Gives a 15% chance to fish up 2 (of the same) sea creatures instead of just 1\n\n\n\nLucky night: (fishing rod)\n\nTier 1: Can't fish up squid at the day, but at night, you will catch a squid every 3rd catch\nTier 2: Can't fish up squid at the day, but at night, you will catch a squid every 2 catch\nTier 3; Can't fish up squid at the day, but at night, you will catch a squid every catch\n(you will fish up a squid AND a other thing (example: You can fish up a sea creature and a squid)\n(NOTE: you will fish up normal squids, not night squids. You can't fish up 2 squids.)\n\n\nTreasure tracker: (fishing rod)\nTier 1: You will now have a +50% (of your normal) chance to fish up treasures. You will also gain 100% more gold from treasures\nTier 2: You will now have a +100% (of your normal) chance to fish up treasures. You will also gain 200% more gold from treasures\n\n\nScared fisher: (fishing rod)\nTier 1: Sea creatures will mis 10% of their health, when catched.\nTier 2: Sea creatures will mis 20% of their health, when catched.\nTier 3: Sea creatures will mis 30% of their health, when catched, and deal 10% less damage.\n\n\nSea Expert: (fishing rod)\nTier 1: For every 1 mil damage you have dealed to sea creatures, you will gain a 0,2% scc (sea creature chance) bonus (capped at 5/10%) \n(let me now what you meen (5 % or 10 % cap))\n\n\n\nStunner (fishing rod)\nTier 1: You will now stun your sea creatures in 3 seconds, right after you fished them up (so they can't attack)\nTier 2: You will now stun your sea creatures in 5 seconds, right after you fished them up (so they can't attack)\n\n\n\nThe real fisher (fishing rod)\nTier 1: You can't catch up anything else, than fish, but you will now gain 3x times more fish\nTier 2: You can't catch up anything else, than fish, but you will now gain 6x times more fish\nTier 3: You can't catch up anything else, than fish, but you will now gain 9x times more fish\nTier 4: You can't catch up anything else, than fish, but you will now gain 12x times more fish\nTier 5: You can't catch up anything else, than fish, but you will now gain 15x times more fish\n\n\n\nHard work (fishing rod)\nTier 1: For every 10 fishing speed you will get 1 SCC instead of the 10 fishing speed(you will loose them) (SCC= sea creature chance)\n\nTier 2:For every 5 fishing speed you will get 1 SCC instead of the 10 fishing speed(you will loose them) (SCC= sea creature chance)\n(good work, takes time)\n\n\n\nSpoiler: How to obtain the enchants\n\n\n\nA new dungeon will be added, called The Sea empire.\n\nDouble trouble is from: f4, from the boss' named: Twins from the deep. This boss will be to monsters, running around, and damaging you and your team.\nAbility (boss) : To damage them you need to damage 1 of them, and then you need to damage the other 1, in 10 seconds or less. If you failed that the boss will heal back, to the amount of life, it had before you hitted it (more info will come, if i realese a thread with The sea empire.\n\nThe rest of them are from f 1-3, and are rare items found in the chest's at the end of them.\n\n\n\nThats whas all for now, feel free to leave a message about, what you think about this thread!\n\n\n\n(also hypixel should add a ultimate player enchant, called \"Ultimate Idiot\", so ppl could feel what it meens to be me)\n\n\nEdit: Thanks for the 10 positive reactions\n\nEdit 2: ty for 15 positive reactions. !! Means a lot\n\nEdit 3: ty for 20 reactions!!\n\nEdit 4: Changed the double trouble change.\n\nEdit 5: I maked a note to the lucky night enchant (check it out)\n\nIf we can get 5 more positive reactions (total 30 positive reactions. I now its a lot to quest about) , i will unleash some more ultimate fishing enchants + i will probably also type how to get the ultimate enchants!\n\n\nEdit 1 million. tommorow i will unleash more ultimate enchants, and how to obtain them! (ty for 30 positive reactions)\n\n\n3 More ultimate enchants added!!!!\u200b"}, {"title": "is hongkong part of china?", "body": "is it, every1 in china says it is, but every1 outside says it is independent lol."}, {"title": "Myw SkyBlock Challenge: Project Isolation", "body": "Rules:\nNo Ah\nNo BIN\nNo Trade\nNo Bazzar\nNo more than 10 minion slots\n\nSplash is allowed\nDragon Parties are allowed\nDungeons are allowed \n\n\nMinions Allowed:\nSnow\nDiamond\nRedstone\nGold\nEmerald\nAll other non mining pet \n\n\nGoal: Full strong AOTE Enderman \n\nJust wrote this as a note but if you would like you can join me and good_lion in this challenge\n\nif u are joining reply with Isolation Gang bc i"}, {"title": "Soulstealer Bow", "body": "Why does it only shoot half the time?"}, {"title": "R.I.P Spirit bow", "body": "Game thought it would be funny if it stole my spirit bow when i died"}, {"title": "Should I just speedrun floor 3 if the average team I get finishes floor IV in 30 minutes?", "body": "or even 40 minutes. Last game was 51 minutes... 500 exp"}, {"title": "Hypixel's ability names??", "body": "aote ability: Instant Transmission\nspirit bow ability: Spirit Bomb\n\nhypixel boutta add a kamehameha next."}, {"title": "Need advice on Item Glitching...", "body": "So I am building a cactus farm that uses flowing water stream to transport items. But as cactus (or any item) drops, it kinda glitches: it flows then suddenly goes back to where it started but moves slightly forward and repeats the glitch until the item slowly reaches the collection chamber (it takes a lot of time to reach it so that may cause some issues on my island). I used 1.8.9 or 1.15.2 optifine and tried just vanilla version too. Is there any way to fix this by changing some video settings? or is this just my connection problem? (Wifi at full bar btw)"}, {"title": "Rebalance Mage (READ ALL BEFORE POSTING HATE)", "body": "As you all probably know, mage got nuked in the Floor 4 Update. This post might be a bit biased because I was mage, but here we go.\n\nI think mage needs a rebalance. It needed a nerf, yes, but it got nuked WAYYYY too hard. I'm not saying to revert it to old mage, but I think from where it is right now, it needs a buff. Not anything too big, just a tiny little buff. I used to do 50k per frozen scythe use, and now, I do 10k with it, making it not even comparable to classes like Berserker. This needs to change. Playing mage was super fun, and while overpowered, I don't think it deserved to be nerfed this hard. I'd like to see your opinions\n\nEDIT\nThe way they could buff it is (relative to old mage) maybe instead of 10k damage, they could've made it done like 35k, which would make mage not as OP (out damaging tux on golems) but not unusable. Mage was fun and it needs a rebalance/buff\n\n-Woqh"}, {"title": "i lost 10k i am thinking about quitting", "body": "title, i am very sad :c"}, {"title": "I lost 696k to the anti afk map.", "body": "So long story short i got to closed lobby at the end of spooky fest and while i was farming zelots I got the anti afk map witch costed me 700k coins,I got killed by mobs bcs I couldn't defend myself. I hope that the anti afk will get fixed (it's so bad rn) \nIf any Admin will see this post plz help me get the coins back."}, {"title": "Looking for puggly05", "body": "Just to clarify, this post is intended for puggly05, or anyone who knows them, so don't feel that you have to read it. I realise the item isn't worth much, but it would be nice to get it back, as I've used it for months.\n\nEarlier today I was playing a bit of dungeons, in particular floor 3. Half our team left before the boss, and we failed during the fight. As I was teleported back into the dungeons hub, I naturally held my finger on my sprint button (which was Q, and I changed drop to P, to avoid dropping items) as I entered the lobby, I saw my aote which I was apparently holding, fling out of my hotbar and I heard the pop of someone else picking it up. I do not know why my key binds suddenly switched back, and they worked fine like a second later, but for some reason it glitched possibly because I was holding it down or something. \n\nFor a bit of explanation, my laptop is quite old, and usually operates at around 20 or less fps, often dropping under 10. I was really trying to avoid having to use forge, or download badlion client or any of those add-ons, simply to save my frame rate. I have now changed my mind, and will download one of these next time I'm on. \n\nBack to what happened, I was lucky enough to see who picked it up, as there was only a single person standing at spawn; puggly05. Unfortunately, less than 10 seconds after I partied them, they must have been kicked for afk. I have checked their sky lea, but they haven't enabled API, so I cannot confirm 100% it was them. However, I am nearly certain it was them, as I saw and heard them pick it up. \n\nSo, if you are reading this @Puggly05 (I think that's your account) please accept my invites next time I'm on, I'd really love to get it back. If you know them, I'd appreciate if you could notify them that they have my aote, thanks!"}, {"title": "ok so Hypixel....", "body": "Ok I lost 4mill on this broke mechanic in skyblock I went to upgrade my bonzo staff and I accidentaly was in the slavage area and salvaged my bonzo staff lol.. there should be a return option like the npc's player in the lobby.. so there goes 4mill if anyone would like to donate back to me that would be awesome my IGN: DigitalYT ,and another thing atleast give us a reasonable amount of escense i got 15 escence so thats pretty shitty thanks!"}, {"title": "3 sbz middlemen with 2500+ rep banned for scamming! ft WetHax and others!", "body": "just be careful even i they are this trusted"}, {"title": "am i allowed to set left click to capital and afk cobble", "body": "if i put a sign saying i set left click to capital with water at the bottom of the farm to move me, is it legal? (i dont do this i just want to know just in case) im pretty sure its an in game feature."}, {"title": "To all the people who killed the skeletons when I was farming candy...", "body": "even though it has been 17+ hours later, I hope you step on lego."}, {"title": "Bottle of Jyrre capped at 100 intelligence bonus?", "body": "Is this because of the mage update? My bottle of jyrre was at a 206 intelligence bonus yesterday but today it's 100???"}, {"title": "Ender armor not working?", "body": "Just got a full set of enchanted ender armor and it dosnt give me any stat boosts? when I put it on its the same as if I was wearing nothing, could anyone help me"}, {"title": "best mage weapon/setup?", "body": "bonzo vs fs vs dreadlord vs spirit sceptre\n\nalso 3/4 leg zombie soldier + bonzo vs full adaptive"}, {"title": "Is no one gonna talk about the Dreadlord Sword deleting items?", "body": "Title. Normally, Dreadlord Sword is fine, since Telekinesis only costs 100 Coins to apply. However, once you go do stuff like Slayers, you might notice that you arent getting as much drops as you normally would. This is because the Telekinesis enchant doesn't work on stuff like Slayer Drops. The problem here is the ability of the Dreadlord Sword shoots out a Wither Skull that deals AoE damage on contact. And if those Slayer Drops are in the radius of the Dreadlord ability, they're dead. This also becomes a problem in Dungeons wherein all drops aren't affected by Telekinesis, so you'll have no choice but to kick your level 2 Mage unless you want him to yeet your drops. The last place where this could become a problem is in The End. Normally, The End would be fine even with all those people going in and religiously using Dreadlord Sword to farm Zealots. The problem arises once a Special Zealot spawns. Telekinesis normally works on Specials, but if the person who killed the Special isn't the one who spawned it, the eye drops onto the ground. As I've established earlier, this is bad since one more Dreadlord Ability will literally yeet the summoning eye off the face of Hypixel Skyblock. I've even done some revs and even though I've been careful not to shoot an extra Dreadlord Skull, sometimes drops still disappear.\n\ntldr:\nThe ability of the Dreadlord Sword shoots wither skulls that kills items on the ground, which is problematic for slayer drops, summoning eyes, and in the dungeons where Telekinesis doesnt work at all.\n\nedit: typo"}, {"title": "i lost 10mil should i quit", "body": "i want to be killed"}, {"title": "How do you make coins other than from farming zealots?", "body": "How do you make coins other than from farming zealots?\nPlease tell me farming zealots is so boring, time-consuming and RNG Based."}, {"title": "[IDEA] Challenge/Ironman Profiles (no AH, no Bazaar, no player trading). Bump if you like the idea", "body": "Please bump if you like the suggestion.\n\nSince dropping items on private islands has been fixed and admins are working on blocking player drops on public islands, a new challenge profile system can be created easily.\n\nThese ironman profiles will have restrictions which normal ones don't have. For example:\n- /trade is disabled\n- The Auction House is disabled\n- The Bazaar is disabled\n- NPCs now sell infinite items\n\nThis will not only give a proper challenge to veterans but also a way more enjoyable Skyblock experience as there will be a reason to use different minions and grind different items on your own. Also, one or two additional profile slots may come in handy for people who've already filled up theirs.\n\n\n@Minikloon @Jayavarmen"}, {"title": "HOST HUNT UHC | STARTING IN 11 MINUTES! |", "body": "IP:\nTime: 00:45 (15 minutes after I post this)\n\nHOST HUNT UHC\nEvery player who joins is in a team against the host, the host has spawned items to help them survive the chaos.\n\nOverworld: Enabled\nNether: Enabled\nEnd: Disabled\n\nCutClean - All food and ores drop smelted.\nTimber - Breaking a log in a tree breaks the entire tree down.\nHastey Boys - All tools are enchanted with Efficiency III and Unbreaking I.\nVeinMiner - Mine all ores at once when sneaking.\n\nVersion: 1.8.9\nThank you @FurryEBoy for supplying us the server!"}, {"title": "Why isn't there Essence Crafting on the Spirit Bow?", "body": "just curious"}, {"title": "let me upgrade my scorpion foil into a dungeon item", "body": "pls"}, {"title": "[Buying] yeti sword/pet", "body": "Buying baby yeti pet or yeti sword!\nIf you have both I\u2019ll give you full godly superior and more(If u want)"}, {"title": "how do i become an 'active' member?", "body": "^^"}, {"title": "How often do u get summoning eye?", "body": "Don\u2019t answer 1/420 lol ik that answer like in hour or minutes or watever"}, {"title": "dc advertising 100mil giveaway", "body": "aint this now bannable?"}, {"title": "Zombie knight vs Superior vs Adaptive?", "body": "For Berserkers.\nBtw how much catacombs level do u have to be for maxed zombie knight. Also is bonzo mask good for berserker?"}, {"title": "Why the \"nerf\" (total annihilation) of the mage class made mage unplayable.", "body": "1. Mage is unplayable outside of dungeons. Why?\n\nWe cannot do slayers, dragons, and other grinds.\n\nAll classes outside of dungeons have the capability of doing slayers, dragons, etc. Because they are not forced to refuge their talismans to a reforge that give NEGATIVE CRIT DAMAGE. \"Reforge to demonic\", this lowers the ALREADY low damage that mage has and we still cannot do certain grinds.\n\nI am not saying that mages did not need a nerf, but nerfing it outside of dungeons makes it unplayable."}, {"title": "Frozen Blaze Best Mage Armor", "body": "High ehp, can be 5 starred, and when 5 starred all of that boost gets an extra 40% from blaze pet, giving you around 60k ehp and 5.3k mana at the start of a f4 dungeon run."}, {"title": "Why skyblock should not be on hypixel (controversial)", "body": "Personally I don\u2019t like skyblock \nReasons \n#1 it lags the server , most of the day 25-50 thousand people play at once\n#2it ruined guilds, i was in a good guild then skyblock happened and now nobody pvp wow\n3# it\u2019s overrated all you do is level up your skills there\u2019s no play time when your late game\n#4 the community is toxic, ok the pvp community is toxic but they don\u2019t have people trying to scam and bunch of advertising ever , single, time I log onto skyblock cuz my friend wants to show me something the hub is this get free coins at , god splash free free free, can anyone give me free stuff I\u2019m new, check OUT my ah for obvious scam item, hey want free coins message me, visit my island for me to hbp your stuff, it. See it\u2019s not very well organized\n#5 it ruined you tubers I remember watching refraction and technoblade pvp it was fun then skyblock happens yeah it was entartaining at first then well potato happend and technoblade was never saw again\n#6 it ruined updates for other games, bedwars updates, gone see updates \u201cbesides the new one\u201d gone it\u2019s just unfair that they focus so much time \n#7 it might become p2w I\u2019m not saying it is but if hypixel decides to add coins on the shop well it\u2019s p2w probably not but eee\n#8 the forums are ruined, I just got scammed omg I\u2019m crying and please give me stuff omg please\n#9 tournament who? Beside tmr but who cares \n#10 runescape who\nI\u2019m doing a second post later im just tired rn but you get my point skyblock is not good on hypixel"}, {"title": "Why Floor 4 was a Bad Update", "body": "Don't call me an angry mage. Don't call me a salty archer who can't afford the new stuff. Just read the damn post please.\n\nReason 1: Versatility is Gone\n\nWhat these types of games do best isn't how fun they are from grinding or accomplishments, it's the fact that you have so many different options that you can take for success. Skyblock has all the elements except for this.\n\nRegarding especially Mage, everybody knows that Pigman isn't great (it's good, but pretty situational), Yeti Sword is great, Spirit Spectre is overpowered, and all the other mage weapons are garbage. The \"mana nerf\" isn't something to consider due to how Mages can retrieve the mana extremely quickly.\n\nAs a somewhat MMORPG game, Skyblock is supposed to give plenty of options for players to choose from, whether it would be to deal a lot of damage, assist others, or absorb damage as much as you can. What happened with Mage actually destroyed this essence. Mage was the only class which had versatile options to choose from (will get to other classes in a bit) and that was completely removed.\n\nBefore this update, Mage could use Frozen Scythe to deal damage plus help slow down enemies that are potentially dangerous. A Mage could use Bonzo's Staff/Yeti Sword to wipe out large crowds. A Mage could use Pigman to deal a large amount of damage to high health enemies. Of course, there were flaws: Because of the Frozen Scythe nerf, Bonzo's Staff was pretty much a better FS without the slow effect, which doesn't make much of a difference in reality. (Compare the slow effect to the one of Voodoo's. That's a good slow effect.) Because of how Pigman was allowed to spam and grants defense, Mages were able to shred through bosses/minibosses while also becoming unkillable themselves.\n\nWhat they did was make all except the Yeti Sword irrelevant and introduced an even more overpowered item called the Spirit Spectre. Immediately, all of these other options are invalidated because they weren't worth their cost: Frozen scythe doesn't do AOE, Bonzo's didn't deal enough damage, Voodoo targets too little and is does waaay too little damage, and Pigman is cumbersome and risky. Even Yeti Sword is slow due to its cooldown. The Spirit Spectre outclasses Bonzo in damage, Frozen Scythe in both damage and versatility, Voodoo in both damage and speed, Pigman in range and speed, and Yeti Sword in speed.\n\nMMORPG games are supposed to have plenty of viable options, not just a single strategy that is incredibly superior over everything else. Mage used to have this characteristic, not including Pigman.\n\nRegarding other classes, they didn't even have any options. Even now, Tank, Berserker, and Healer are still limited in what they can do. Archers on the other hand is a very special case that I will go over in the reason 3.\n\nReason 2: Most of the Classes STILL Don't Have Any Options\n\nThis is shown in Archer (kind of), Tank, Berserker, and especially Healer. If it isn't obvious, all Archer has is a good bow (machine gun, mosquito, spirit, bonemerang) which all relatively do the same thing. All Tank has is his defensive armor (perfect or super heavy) and the Earth Shard, which most of the community can't even use yet. All Berserker has is his good swords (silent death, midas, aotd). Healer, the worst case of them all, only has power orbs and his ability.\n\nThis update only shown light upon Mage, which had already gotten a lot of light even with the nerf, and Archer, which didn't bring up anything brand new to experiment with. The three other classes barely gain any improvements, with Tank gaining Super Heavy and a weapon that they probably can't even use yet. Berserker and Healer actually gain n o t h i n g.\n\nUpdates shouldn't just shine on a specific set of classes; it should grant new improvements/strategies to all classes. However, improvements are most likely not the best choice to go for here because of how we already have very strong options: It is the new strategies that should be focused on.\n\nA bunch of ideas that you could add to diversify how each class is played can vary from new abilities or new effects. For example, a cool item would be \"Hook, Line, and Sinker.\" It would be a sword that has the right-click ability of \"Hookshot.\" It launches a projectile that would cling onto a wall or hit an enemy. If it clings onto a wall, then you would get dragged to there (quite like an actual hookshot). If you hit an enemy, it gets stunned for a second along with a secondary property. If you were sneaking while you launched the hook, the enemy would be dragged to you. If you weren't, then you would drag yourself to the enemy.\n\nThis gives both Tank and Berserker a new strategy to use. Berserker could use this item to charge into battle or to bring in a ranged enemy to slay. Tank could also use this item to divert enemies from your teammates. Ideas like this should be implemented in order to let more strategies to be created.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Some other ideas\n\n\n\nSoulstealer Skull (rare drop from Withermancer)\n\nLaunches a projectile that deals base 5000 magic damage that scales slowly and has an AOE effect radius of 2 blocks. It heals you for 1% of all damage that you dealt. If you are a Healer, it also heals nearby players for 1% of the damage you dealt. (Cooldown of 10 seconds)\n\nCan be used a healing item for Mages or a support/damage item for Healers. In order for effectiveness, you need to hit as many enemies as possible.\n\nCall of the Wild (rare drop from Thorn)\n\nGrants a different buff to nearby teammates depending on your class.\n\nBerserker: +50 strength and +20 speed\nTank: +75 defense\nHealer: +100 health and heals for 2.5% of their max HP per second.\nArcher: +75 crit damage and 25% chance to dodge attacks\nMage: +200 intelligence and restores 200 mana immediately.\n\nMana cost: 150. Doesn't affect yourself. Lasts for 10 seconds, cooldown of 15 seconds.\n\nCan be used as a support item for all classes.\n\nBandages (rare secrets loot)\n\nClick onto another Player to heal them for 200 health + 1% of their max HP (cooldown of 1 second). You can also click directly below to heal yourself for 1% of their max HP. Can be used up to 5 times unless you are a Healer, where they don't run out of durability.\n\nTome of Protection (rare drop from the Priest in Scarf's fight)\n\nGrants yourself 100 defense, heals for 200 health, and grants a 10% absorption shield. Also grants a 5% absorption shield to players around you.\n\nMana cost: 100. Lasts for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds\n\nCan be used by Tank for more defense or Healer for health.\n\nFiery Rune (rare drop from the Mage in Scarf's fight)\n\nThrows a snowball. While active, it sits there with a trigger radius of 3 blocks. Once an enemy walks into the trap, it blows up, dealing base 50000 magic damage. Automatically detonates after 10 seconds.\n\nMana cost: 100 mana. Cooldown: 5 seconds\n\nWarrior's Sword (rare drop from the Warrior in Scarf's fight)\n\n+180 damage\n+160 strength\n+50 crit damage\n\nRight click ability: Reckless charge. Dashes forward at a high velocity. Upon collision, it deals AOE damage of 1 radius that deals your highest damage recently and stuns them for 2 seconds.\n\nEpic dungeon item\n\nBow of a Thousand Shots\n\n+150 damage\n+100 strength\n\nItem Ability: Volley. Charging 1 second over a fully charged bow shot arms another arrow, able to put in up to 5 extra arrows.\n\nEpic dungeon item\n\n\n\nReason 3: The Method of Adding Items is Horrible\n\nEspecially for Archer which also applies to Mage, the way they had added new items was terrible. When it comes to a game mode that has plenty of different armor sets, items shouldn't completely outclass other weapons unless there is a large difference in GRINDING (not cost). For example, an override is fair with Bonzo vs Yeti Sword because the amount of grinding to get Yeti Sword is insanely larger than Bonzo's.\n\nArcher's special case mentioned before is how he got improvements, but none of them actually change gameplay. Spirit bow is just a direct improvement from Machine Gun. Bonemerang (if it behaves like a normal bow) is just a direct improvement from Spirit Bow. There is no change in strategy.\n\nThe only bow that diverges from the idea of a single shot is Hurricane, which is pretty good. However, the lack of diversity between weapons is bad game design. This also applies to Mage, with the Spirit Spectre outclassing literally every single other mage weapon in all aspects.\n\nIn order to diversify gameplay, each weapon should be given their own unique uses/properties unless there is a large enough gap between the weapons. Regarding Archer, the gap between Epic Machine Gun and Spirit bow is only one floor and the difference between Bonemerang and Spirit Bow isn't even a full floor. There are differences in time/difficulty of grinding, but they aren't large enough to be considered a good choice to add.\n\nOne change could be to nerf Spirit Bow's damage output, but also have the unique property of being able to pierce targets and not have reduced damage, like piercing their souls. It could also pierce defense, but that's up to admins to decide. The unique property of not losing damage from piercing would make a different strategy of properly positioning yourself to hit as many targets as possible with your strong arrow.\n\nBonemerang could also be a weapon that isn't used like a bow, but a boomerang that you can throw while you have it but you have to wait for it to come back. (If it does behave like this, then ignore this bit.) It would, of course, have its damage output increased by a lot but a strategy of chucking the Bonemerang, swapping to a bow for a couple of shots, then throw the Bonemerang.\n\nLooking at the Spirit Spectre, a cool difference would be to have a \"spirit level,\" quite like Minecraft Dungeons. The more enemies you kill, the more you fill up the spirit guage. Instead of costing mana, it would cost part of your spirit guage. (It would also have to be increased in damage in order to compensate for the cost of killing enemies before being able to use this ability.) A new strategy with this change would be to build up your spirit guage slowly, then release it all once the time is right. It would also prevent the case of Spirit Spectre automatically overriding all the other mage weapons: the other mage weapons would be the support for Spirit Spectre's ability.\n\nReason 4: The Boss is Horribly Designed\n\nThe decoy method for the Floor 4 boss is very convenient to use, but it sucks both the effort put into the boss and the skill of completing Floor 4 all the way out. However, the intended strategy for beating the Floor 4 is incredibly inconvenient, inconsistent, unfair, and long. You can't just remove decoys from bosses: you need to also adjust the boss in order to make it less unfair.\n\nWolves deal great damage and below average health, Cows deal ok damage and above average health, Rabbits move incredibly fast, Sheep self-destruct, Chickens blow you up, and Bats can swarm. As of now, Wolves and Cows are irrelevant. Rabbits are extremely annoying. Sheep and Chickens are annoying and usually not detected. Bats are the only threat of this boss, and they are way too powerful of a threat.\n\nInstead of having bats be the only threat in existence, there are two ways to handle them: either reduce their damage output or to reduce their health to mimic the health of actual bats. (About 50k damage) This would let Archers/Mages disperse the swarm if they have reduced health, or the Tanks can go through their damage output.\n\nRegarding the other animals, the rabbits shouldn't be as obnoxious as they are: at least make them able to be hit, or lower their health in order to let them be dealt with easier. Cows are fine, due to how their herd can definitely run over a player. Wolves, in my opinion, don't deal as much damage as you'd expect them to: they feel like cows except with less health. Why chickens can use lightning completely mystify me, it should just blow up like one of the chicken mines upon contact. Sheeps are also fine, but the warning isn't really shown: maybe add a sound effect?\n\nRegarding the Spirit Bear and Bow, it is ridiculously hard to hit Thorn especially when getting swarmed over by rabbits, wolves, and whatnot. Spirit Boots would help to reach him due to the fly ability, but it's still hard to hit. Make it so the Spirit Bow can't hit any enemy except for Thorn, (heard about shots being blocked by rabbits) and maybe allow more shots (which upon hitting, it disintegrates).\n\nReason 5: Berserker Still Sucks\n\nBerserker is meant to charge into battle, dealing massive damage. However, Archers can deal only marginally less damage while being completely safe while Berserkers need to approach. Berserkers especially struggle against enemies like the Dreadlord and Skeleton Master if they aren't quick enough, which the \"Hook, Line, and Sinker\" could help. However, I believe the struggle of Berserkers lie in the fact that they die easily, which is very deadly when you consider how Berserker has to get up close with the enemy.\n\nTwo things should happen with Berserker:\n\nOne: Increase his damage output. When a ranged class outdamages a melee one, something is definitely wrong. Maybe just 20% more melee damage?\n\nTwo: Increase his \"EHP.\" You could increase the defense they get, but that would only invalidate Tank. Berserker would just become a damage-dealing Tank. Instead, I would give him a second passive (he's the only class with less than 2 passives) that increase the effectiveness on Lifesteal. Rewarding Berserker's high risk high reward behavior, the regain of health from a couple of slices would let Berserker be a more Berserker-like playstyle rather than just melee Archer.\n\nTL;DR: Read the bolded stuff."}, {"title": "Where do you post ideas for skyblock?", "body": "I have an AMAZING idea"}, {"title": "what type of potion is best for alchemy xp?", "body": "by this i mean, which kind of potion could i keep brewing for the cheapest alchemy xp?\n\nexample is\nred potion costs $10 to brew, gives 20xp.\ngreen potion costs $5 to brew, gives 15xp.\n\nso green is better"}, {"title": "what reforge for talisman as a healer", "body": "as a healer, i tend to place down mana flux a lot\n\nBut the mana cost is so high i switched to a dmg based talisman reforge.\n\nshould i go for tankiness or dmg as a healer\n\"}, {"title": "Does anyone know how to download the skyblock mods like Aspect of the end, AOTD, and more", "body": "Does anyone know how to download the skyblock mods like Aspect of the end, AOTD, and more"}, {"title": "[NEW] Hypixel Skyblock Website!", "body": "Here is a link to a brand new Hypixel Skyblock Website!\nIt has every post about with over 1K views on the Hypixel Skyblock forums, along with every YT video with 5k+ views and 10k+ for any other social media platforms. It also has a reply section for every post that meets the criteria, forums and a petition maker to try get the updates you want in Hypixel! It also has a live tracker for updates and uptime on the server, an auction/BIN tracker and a bug report section. It is up and running 24/7!\n\nLink: Click Here (or go to\n\nI hope you enjoy the website!"}, {"title": "For Bloozing", "body": "(Signature)"}, {"title": "Pumpkin Farming Glitch", "body": "I have a small pumpkin farm on my island because I'm trying to get get my farming level up. I have haste blocks on my farm area so I can harvest them faster but sometimes I'm farming and it just stops giving me farming experience.\nCan anyone tell me if that is because of the haste blocks or just a glitch on my island."}, {"title": "Will IRL traders get unbanned?", "body": "Regarding Simons tweets he mentioned the server might start selling coins. If that does happen will traders get unbanned or \"boosters\". \nAny thoughts?"}, {"title": "Island Contest.", "body": "Do you have a good looking island or something pretty cool on it?\nComment your Ingame Name & Profile(visits on) and you might win some coins.\n\nI will be chosing 3 of the best islands to recieve a prize.\n\nPrizes\n1st place: $1,000,000\n2nd place: $500,000\n3rd place: $250,000\n\n**Lets hope this thread doesn't get removed**\n**Cancelled (inactive thread)**\u200b"}, {"title": "minion glitch?", "body": "well so i have 3 rabbit minions on my island and all of them had super compactors in them. i logged off hypixel for like 1 week for my exams and when i got back 2 of my minions had enchanted stuff but the other rabbit minion was filled up with 9+ stacks of rabbit hide (non enchanted). anyone experiencing the same stuff? is the minion really broken?\ntysm <3"}, {"title": "minion glitch?", "body": "well so i have 3 rabbit minions on my island and all of them had super compactors in them. i logged off hypixel for like 1 week for my exams and when i got back 2 of my minions had enchanted stuff but the other rabbit minion was filled up with 9+ stacks of rabbit hide (non enchanted). anyone experiencing the same stuff? is the minion really broken?\ntysm <3"}, {"title": "My voodoo doll was eaten by a fishcat", "body": "Today I was fishing and when I caught a catfish ,I tried to kill it with my voodoo doll.And the catfish shown I am taking it and my voodoo doll was eaten by the catfish..."}, {"title": "Anyone know games/servers similar to skyblock? (besides wynncraft)", "body": "Skyblock is getting a little boring but i like the concept i find normal skyblock boring im basically looking for something in between wynncraft and hypixel skyblock"}, {"title": "Watchdog is such a trash anti-cheat", "body": "i got cheated by my minecraft girlfriend 3 TIMES, and they are still not banned. my minecraft ex have confirmed she cheated on many boys for the past 2 YEARS, AND SHES STILL NOT BANNED??? pleaseee, update ur anti-cheat, watchdog is really bad right now. before u argue with me, yes, she cheated me on hypixel, not on other servers. please, if my girlfriend doesnt get banned, i will QUIT hypixel and play mineplex. (due to the forum rules, i will not tell her name cus that is public shaming)"}, {"title": "i am smol brain help (ok nvm)", "body": "whats the command that allows you to view unclaimed rewards for spooky festival"}, {"title": "Is there a skill average leaderboard?", "body": "^^"}, {"title": "mumbojumbo is what skyblock needs", "body": "if mumbojumbo played skyblock, the community would flourish and hypixel would have an incentive to fix redstone, so everybody,\n\n\n@MumboJumbo"}, {"title": "anyone know what i can do to progress further", "body": " \ngot 10.6 mil ish"}, {"title": "How much does a loot chest contained Spirit Wing cost?", "body": "I want to know when to buy it from ah. Don't want to buy when the price is too high."}, {"title": "Is spirit bow still broken", "body": "I bought a spirit bow and I saw that there was people losing it when they die in dungeons. Is that still happening or did they fix it"}, {"title": "how long does it take a snow minion to make one stack of e snow blocks", "body": "s"}, {"title": "Removing unwanted enchants", "body": "how different would things be if you could remove unwanted enchants from an item\nany enchanted item that has a bad enchant like KBII on ah would probs get bought then had it removed but other things might happen to and i want to hear the forums thoughts about it"}, {"title": "Pokemon -w-", "body": "Pokemon =w="}, {"title": "hi I\u2019m eqxinxx. AMA", "body": "hi. I\u2019m eqxinxx\nnice to meet you\nyou might\u2019ve met me before\nwho knows\nAMA"}, {"title": "Best combination or armor set?", "body": "i need good damage, enough to 1 hit zealots and have speed, I am thinking of young or superior, or tuxedo with farmer boots, and frozen blade/ bone helmet pls tell I am new, I just wanna set my goal"}, {"title": "Scammed Splash", "body": "So my friend told me to report this dude, he warped to a mega lobby so that he wins when everybody leaves,\n\nScammer: PogChqmp"}, {"title": "Problem With API Settings", "body": "Whenever I enable api settings it still says it's off on This also is happening to minion spreadsheets."}, {"title": "Why does this happen in floor 4?", "body": "Turtle pet \u201cno knock back\u201d \nFloor 4 - lol get knock backed nerd \n\n\nWhy? It\u2019s like the only thing that makes turtle pet good"}, {"title": "Can someone tell me how the mana bonus work on the defuse kit?", "body": "I still confused about this, as when it saids permanent mana, I not sure it means in just dungeon or forever."}, {"title": "I\u2019m doing an island contest", "body": "Post Pictures of ur island down below! We will vote at the end (I\u2019m bored so that\u2019s why I\u2019m doing this)"}, {"title": "Ok so i can't advertise giveaways on forums :,(", "body": "My giveaway post got deleted. Not sure how to give coins away....\nIf you have any ideas how I can give them away just comment i guess."}, {"title": "What skill should I grind or what shoul I do with my time?...", "body": "Well, as the tittle says, I dont know what to do at this point lets be honest.\n\nI got farming 50, and I'm planing on getting foraging 50 and prob combat 50, i can do the grinds, thats no issue to me but the problem comes that is not fun, is just sitting there doing it, not boring, just not fun.\nWhat should I grind for or go for?"}, {"title": "Why bonerarang is perfectly balenced", "body": "F1 : Bonzo staff deals 50k\nF2 : Adaptive Blade deals 200k\nF3 : Silent Death deals 600k\nF4 : bonerarang deals 2000k\nevery floor dmg gets multiplied by 3-4, see, perfectly balenced"}, {"title": "How much damage from 1 strength in conversion to crit dmg?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Best Minion for Super Compactor 3000 + Compactor?", "body": "What minion do you think is worth investing in a Super Compactor 3000 and perhaps a compactor in? I was thinking either lapiz, redstone, obsidian, iron, diamond, or slime but honestly, I have no clue."}, {"title": "DID SOME CARBON BASED LIFE FORM JUST SAY", "body": "FURRY?\nI AM ANGERY"}, {"title": "[Suggestion] Decrepit Mask, Pulse, Guardian Spears, and more", "body": "Hello,\nI'm here to suggest a patch containing couple ideas that could revolutionize player's powers in ways that aren't crafting new items.\n\nEvil, Neutral, and Good\nI propose an idea to create three new factions. These three will determine which of the new abilities a player will be able to unlock. However, once you're experienced enough, you might be able to combine the buffs you get from pledging your allegiance to a faction.\n\n\u25ba Factions\nFactions are a brand new way to enhance your preferred playstyle throughout all of SkyBlock. Whether you're someone who enjoys combat, building, exploring, or discovering secrets, there'll be a faction that suits your needs. You can't manually choose a faction, but your actions will affect what faction you'll be in. Players that reach a high amount of neutral and passive mob kills such as fairies, zealots, farm animals, etc. constantly die in Dungeons, and are low in collections shall be placed into the \"Evil\" faction. Being \"evil\" will allow you to pursue the power of the decrepit mask. On the other side of the spectrum, defeating enemies such as slayer bosses, dragons, or dungeons bosses, but skipping fairies in Dungeons will place you into the \"Good\" faction. Being \"good\" will grant you the ability to purse the powers of Pulse magic. Finally, there's players who prove themselves to be well-rounded and prove themselves to be worthy by being high up in several collections, but also focus on every aspect of skyblock, such as slayers, dungeons, skills, etc. will be able to become \"Neutral.\" Being neutral will grant you the ability to obtain a Guardian's Spear.\n\n\n\u25ba Decrepit Mask (Evil Allegiance)\nBy having an \"evil\" playstyle, you'll be able to unleash the power of one of the brand new three main abilities called the Decrepit Mask. To obtain this item, you'll have to speak to an NPC in the graveyard named Brand. Once he deems you're worthy of him, you'll be able to interact with him and he'll give you a quest. The tasks in this quest are difficult, but the rewards are worth it. You'll be tested to see the limits of what you'll do for power.\n\n\nSpoiler: Brand's Gauntlet\n\n\n\nBrand's Gauntlet requires the following tasks, but keep in mind some are kept secret as to not spoil the surprise!\n\nSet up 20 pig 8 or higher tier minions on your island at once\nKill 20 players in the Colosseum using an unenchanted weapon and armor\nKill 100 fairies in Dungeons\nBring the blood of 150 passive mobs and use it to ruin Marco's flower field.\nSpam call Maddox\nDefeat every villager in the Hub in a battle.\n\n\n\nThe mask does not take the space of an armor slot, and grants you the following abilities :\n+20% natural health regen\n-70% poison damage taken\n-40% wither damage taken\n+5% permanent strength buff\n+5% buff to all stats during the night/dark places\n-5% debuff to all stats in bright places/day\n+10% combat exp boost during the night\n-20% healing done to others\n+10% arrow damage\n\n\u25ba Pulse (Good Allegiance)\nBy having a \"good\" playstyle, you'll be able to look within yourself and discover the hidden power of Pulse. However, you can't do this on your own. Once he decides you're worthy, an NPC named Billiam will visit your island. If you speak to him, he'll give you a quest similar to Brand's. This quest will take place in a completely separate island, where you have nothing but the clothes on your back. All your skills will be reset, and you have to start from scratch.\n\n\nSpoiler: Billiam's Intense Training\n\n\n\nBilliam puts you through a very difficult training regimen composed of the following tasks. (Not all are included to keep some a surprise!)\n\nGet every skill to level 10 with nothing but your bare hands. (Not including Mining)\nUnlock the first stage of Pulse, Overpower by defeating Billiam.\nRun through Billiam's parkour course with no buffs/speed increases in under 2 minutes and 30 seconds.\nReach mining 10 using Overpower.\nObtain the second stage of pulse, Gold-Powered Punches by defeating Billiam (Pulse Form)\nDefeat Brand's Minions using your newly-learned powers.\n\n\n\nLearning pulse grants you a large amount of new powers, and some buffs too!\n+Overpower Ability (Shift/Right-click with fist)\n>Smashes the ground around you, knocking enemies back and instantly mining a 5x5x5 area around you. Decent amount of damage.\n+Gold-Powered Punches Ability (Triple right-click with fist)\n>Punches with the leverage and weight of gold, dealing huge damage. Great for single targets. Strikes up to 5 blocks in front of you.\n+Lighting Cross Split Ability (Right click, left click, right click with fist)\n>Deals 60% extra damage when at 25% or less HP. Can only be used at 50% or less HP, and does 42000 damage. Only strikes 1 block in front of you.\n+20% HP boost\n+20% healing boost to others\n+15% natural health regen\n+10% strength boost\n>Take extra damage from players with the Decrepit Mask, but can counter-attack.\n\n\u25ba Spirit Guardians & Spears (Neutral Allegiance)\nThis is the final ability a player can gain from their allegiance to a faction. Once you're worthy of such a skill, you need to find Broseph in the Precursor Ruins. He'll tell you how to locate an item called a \"Guardian Spear.\" However, finding a Guardian Spear is easier said than done. Even once you've got once, you'll have to go through a set of challenges to keep it, because other people want the power too.\n\n\nSpoiler: Guardian's Trials\n\n\n\nThe lengths you'll have to go to in order to become worthy of the spear include but aren't limited to :\n\nDefeating Brand\nDestroying other Guardian Spears\nLearning your Guardian's abilities\nDestroying other Guardian wielders\nProving yourself to Broseph\nFulfilling your goal as a Guardian wielder by infiltrating the mayor's mafia\n\n\n\nSpirit guardian's buffs and abilities differ depending on who you are. There are 8 unique primary abilities a Guardian can have, and 8 secondary abilities. Even then, you can go further and one day find out that you've come across a Spirit Eulogy Spear. If you're worthy enough, using the Eulogy Spear will allow you to access one of 6 possible tertiary Guardian abilities. Every ability comes with its own unique buffs. Primary abilities are activated by using [Shift + Right Click x2] Secondaries are activated by using [Shift, Right Click, Left Click]\n\n\nSpoiler: Primary Abilities\n\n\n\nCreeper King\n>Shift and double right click to plant a bomb on a block you choose. Any enemy that steps on this bomb will be instantly killed (Deals high damage to bosses but does not kill them)\n+20% intelligence buff\n+15% ranged damage boost\n+60% immunity to explosions \n\nSea Breeze\n>Using your ability while in range of an enemy will make you invincible for a very brief period of time, and while invincible you can lauch a very powerful attack.\n+50 max speed cap\n+300% speed in water\n+Using string to activate your ability will deal +20% damage\n\nStardust Steel\n>All melee weapons gain a secondary charged ability that deals more damage the longer it's charged. Hold shift to charge, caps at 7 seconds, dealing 35% extra damage.\n+40% attack speed\n+256 defense\n\nKing Redstone\n>Teleport to a block that you select. A beam will appear, and you have 3 seconds to point it at a spot you want to teleport to. You can left click to teleport instantly, and teleporting through an enemy does a fair bit of damage.\n+20% intelligence buff\n+2 wardrobe slots\n+4 backpack slots\n+2000 more sack storage in large sacks\n+9 more ender chest slots\n\nApostle Lime\n>Send out a powerful ray of attacks that cannot be deflected. Has a long cooldown, but deals devastating damage when used.\n+15% ranged damage\n-10% hp\n+50% intelligence bonus\n+Allows you to see secondary & tertiary abilites of other Guardian users\n\nThe End\n>Stops time (dungeon time too) and puts your teammates and enemies in stasis (think blitz sg) for 7 seconds. Your damage is 3/4 of what it usually is during this, but it allows you to get a huge edge over your opponent.\n+30% attack speed\n+15% damage\n-3% debuff in all stats during the day\n\nDiamond Experience\n>Convert one of your teammates or yourself into a walking counterattack. Whatever damage the enemy does, the attack deals 1.5x the damage to the enemy who first hit.\n+35% crit damage\n+10% strength increase\n+3% buffs to all stats applied to your teammates but not yourself\n\nShining Emerald\n>Perfect for healers. Fully heals one of your teammates and removes all negative status effects.\n+30% health regen from orbs\n+20% attack speed\n>reduces healer cooldowns by 10%\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Secondary Abilities\n\n\n\nJester's Blue\n>Passive bonus, deal 40% extra damage to nether-related enemies\n+10% crit damage\n+10% faster ability cooldowns\n\nIron Chariot\n>Allows your weapon to have a secondary ability, similar to the knife throw in murder mystery. does 1.5x the damage of a regular melee attack, fast cooldown.\n+15% attack speed\n+50 speed cap\n+20% speed when under 35% hp\n\nVelcro Dude\n>Allows you to set portals on the ground and teleport to them later. Portals expire after 5 minutes have passed.\n+25% intelligence\n+10% magic damage\n+20% crit damage\n\nFour Bullets\n>Increases the amount of arrows shot by a bow by 1, similar to runaan's bow's ability. Has a rare chance to deal four times the damage.\n+44 strength\n+44 defence\n+44 speed\n\nHard & Dry\n>Secondary ability activated by right-left-right clicks that shoots bubbles which deal a fair bit of damage and have a higher chance to drop rare items if you get the kill with them.\n+30% attack speed\n+40% crit damage\n\nD42C\n>Allows you to get +100% of a single stat for 10 seconds. 3 minute ability cooldown.\n+35 strength\n+35% crit damage\n+42 intelligence\n\nViolet Smog\n>Punching an enemy with your bare fist will inflict devastating poison damage, dealing 20% of your main weapon's damage every 2 seconds.\n+10% intelligence\n+5 sea creature chance\n+5% magic find\n\nCyan Night\n>Generates a random Y-level to being inflicting poison damage and slowness effect on enemies of a 6x6 range. (ability toggled by clicking right-right-left)\n+50 speed\n+35 crit damage\n+10% defense\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Guardian's Eulogy Abilities\n\n\n\nCreeper's Hiss\n>Permanently immune to fire, poison, and wither damage, but getting hit takes 20 seconds off of every active potion effect.\n+15% Intelligence\n\nIron Chariot's Eulogy\n>Buffs all passive buffs of nearby Guardians by 10%, and on ability use (shift + left, right click) severely weakens the stats of a maximum of 8 random enemies within range. (3x3)\n>Has no passive buffs, but has a power named Alteration which can reroll any dungeon chest once.\n\nDiamond Experience's Eulogy\n>Can be used to revive every dead teammate in dungeons once, and you recieve 1.2x the slayer exp for defeating any slayer boss. Your orb powers are buffed by 20% and any healing item heals for 15% more health.\n+20% pet luck\n+10% sea creature luck\n+20% natural regen\n\nThe End of Stardust Steel\n>Using right-right click while sprinting will put all enemies in a 8x8 range in stasis for 3 seconds. You and your teammates are free to attack them at will. Strength is buffed by 10% if paired with Stardust Steel, and defense is buffed by 10% if paired with The End.\n+1% to ALL talisman bonuses\n\nResounding : Acts I, II, III, and IV\n>Prevents any boss enemy from attacking for 3 seconds when main ability is used. Gives passive buffs for skill average milestones.\n>Act I : 25 Skill Average\n+20 crit damage \n+15 speed\n+40 defense\n>Act II : 30 Skill Average\n+25 strength\n+50 defense\n+10 magic find\n+5% natural regen\n>Act III : 35 Skill Average\n+Guaranteed 95% crit chance\n+10% pet luck\n+Extra damage to enemies under level 200\n>Act IV : 40 Skill Average\n+5% boost to all stats\n+1% boost to ALL reforge bonuses\n+5% ranged, melee, and magic damage\n\nIncisor : Acts I-V\n>Has no specific tertiary ability, but gains direct upgrades through usage, similarly to how skills are leveled.\n>Act I : Whirlpool\n>Using any ranged weapon has an arrow replaced with an orb of energy that deals a significant amount of damage, however the bow gains a cooldown.\n>Act II : Gilded Whirlpool\n>The orb of energy gains the ability to pierce through enemies, and has a slight homing property. The orb leaves behind a particle trail, allowing you to track the enemy. \n>Act III : Black Whirl\n>Shooting the block you're standing on will create a temporary barrier, allowing you to freely attack an enemy while they're unable to attack.\n>Act IV : Eternal Whirl\n>Shot orbs can now pass through walls, and have a stronger homing effect that targets enemies within a 2x2x2 range of it.\n>Act V : Spin\n>Replaces the bow with a physical form of the orb. Using this makes the orb's power 1.5x as strong.\n\n\n\n\u25ba Multiple Allegiances\nA player can be allied to two factions at once. Doing so will grant you the powers of both factions. You can always change the factions you're allied with, but be mindful that you can only be in two at once. Being in both the Good and Evil factions will grant you the powers of a Spire Lord. Being both Neutral and Evil/Good allows you to reap all the rewards at once, but doesn't give you a special title. However, certain Guardians have a higher chance of manifesting depending if you're pledged to either Evil or Good.\n\n\u25ba Multiple Guardians\nYou cannot have multiple guardians. However, you can find a rare item named the Gilded Apple to reset your guardian. Keep in mind, this means you'll need to find a new Guadian Spear.\n\n\u25ba Gilded Apples & Spire Lords\nBecoming a Spire Lord is no small feat, and tons of skill is required to handle both the powers of the Decrepit Mask and Pulse. However, if you do manage to do it, you'll be rewarded with a 1% boost to all item reforge and talisman bonuses, along with a 3% boost to all stats, no matter the time of day.\nIn order to get a Gilded Apple, you simply need to defeat a Guardian wielder without using your guardian. However, they only have a 20% chance of dropping, and you cannot fight the same Guardian wielder twice for an apple. This is to prevent farming them. The wielder may be a player or NPC.\n\nThanks so much for reading, this is a submission for @Swap_MC 's contest and patch notes will be coming soon that include helpful suggestions I get from anybody."}, {"title": "What is the best minion to make an afk minion farm for", "body": "Title ^"}, {"title": "Skyblock Map arts", "body": "Heyo just wondering if i make a map art on my island will it show up on the hub island or other players"}, {"title": "Dungeons Question...", "body": "What Armour Set's And Weapon's Are Good for Dungeons???"}, {"title": "harp", "body": "Y does melody's hair not work until u finish all the songs, there is then no point in buying it, I just wasted 450k cause i didn't know that and live in Australia so i have way to high ping to even imagine doing it. I have sat and tried for 3 hours on joy to the world and cant do it. Let alone the ones after it"}, {"title": "Day 27", "body": "Berserk is still the weakest class with 1 passive which doesnt work"}, {"title": "Why ice essence was a bad thing", "body": "Sup vs fb arguments are gonna flood the forums soon. I can call it. \n\nYou can guess what side I\u2019m on. \nHere\u2019s a clue: my 95 lvl blaze is upgrading in Kat"}, {"title": "[Contest] New Update! [100M+ Prize pool]", "body": "-New Update Contest!-\u200b\nHello!\n\nToday I bring you a new, massive contest! This contest will require some good time and effort, so be prepared!\n\n**Note: Just a friendly reminder that you that thread 1 must be patch notes- see the example spoiler, and thread two needs to be the new items/new concepts introduced in depth, see example spoiler. Thread 3 is not required but is recommended. You do not have to include as much as I did in the examples either- those are just what is suggested.\n**Note: Old ideas may be reused\n**Note: Copying others threads/idea, is not allowed, however you may use the same concept so long as you have permission or give credit\n\nHow it works:\nYou will be creating a proposed update for skyblock. This includes everything from new patch notes, to new items! A minimum of 2 threads is required, one being patch notes, and one including items/other things.\n\nThere will be 5 winners, and 5 judges. Each judge picks a winner, judges may enter but are not allowed to pick themselves. Feedback matters.\n\nHow do you submit your entry:\nHere is how to format your entry/what is required:\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------\nIGN:\nUpdate Name:\nShort Description:\n\nThread #1 Link(Patch notes/update announcement)\nThread #2 Link(Ideas + Items)\nThread #3 Link(Extra)\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\nSpoiler: Example\n\n\n\nSwap_MC\nPets V3\nIntroducing a new pets update including many new pets, pet items, and more!\n\nPatch Notes -\nPets -\nPet items + More -\n\n\n\nRules:\nYou are allowed to submit multiple entries, and you will have a chance to win twice or more depending on how many entries\nJudges may not vote for themselves\nNo offensive entries are allowed\nCopying Submissions/ideas without consent is not allowed(will be checked)\nPosting the same submission multiple times will disqualify that submission\nPestering Judges is not permitted\n\nIf someone impedes on our ability to judge or violates one of these rules multiple times, they will be disqualified.\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------\nPrizes:\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nGrand Prize: Full Mythic Elegant tuxedo + Frozen blaze helmet\nSecond Prize: Full Mythic Wise dragon armor + 5 star, ultimate wise V bonzo's staff + 10M cash\nThird Prize: 20M cash\nFourth Prize: 10M cash\nFifth Prize: 5M cash\n\nDonations are appreciated! Thakns\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nJudges:\n@Swap_MC\n@crusher1231207\n@Quaglet\n@Ec1ipsed\n@Andytimbo\n\nUpdates:\n**Note: This will not get you banned for impersonating an admin(that happens when you say you are the admin, not do something they do)\n**Note: This IS NOT a giveaway as those are not allowed, this is a contest- you actually must do something to qualify to win rather than just existing,\n**Note: If this thread ends up dying, I may not be able to give the promised rewards, so please help by bumping, reacting, and responding!\n\n\n-Ends August 21st 2020-"}, {"title": "Witherspire update info", "body": "New items, boss, and mobs of the Witherspire update\n\nThe Boss Fight:\nNecromane is a 4 stage wither boss that has 5 abilities\nHP: 60,000,000\nStages:\n\nStage 1-60,000,000 HP\nStage 2-45,000,000 HP\nStage 3-30,000,000 HP\nStage 4-15,000,000 HP\nAbilities:\n\n\nSpoiler: Withershot\n\n\n\nThis ability occurs in stages 1-4 where Necromane will shoot a cluster of 3 wither skulls which do 500 points of AOE damage along with a lingering wither effect that does 50 true damage per second to nearby players for 5 seconds\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Summon the Corrupt army \n\n\n\nIn stage 2 of the boss battle Necromane will summon 20 mobs known as the corrupted undead to attack the player. These mobs spawn in with 120,000 HP and do 700 damage per hit\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Deflect\n\n\n\nIn stage 3 and 4 Necromane will descend much like a normal wither and become immune to arrows if a player tries to shoot the boss in this stage 30% of the damage the player deals to Necromane will be deflected onto the player\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Summon Witherlings\n\n\n\nIn stage 4 Necromane spawns 30 witherlings which are baby zombies with a wither skeleton head and iron armor on that spawn in with 90,000 health and deal 100 points of true damage to the player\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Dying Wish\n\n\n\nAfter Necromane is defeated he will give 3 seconds for nearby players to run before exploding doing 15,000 damage to players within a 8 block radius and does major knock back to players within a 20 block radius\n\n\nDrops:\n\n\nSpoiler: Corrupted Heart\n\n\n\nA 1.25% drop for the top 3 damagers of the fight. It gives the Corrupt reforge to chestplates which if a mob hits the player deals 5x the players strength as wither damage per second for the next 5 seconds. Does not stack\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void Bone Shard\n\n\n\nA guaranteed drop for every player that participated in the boss battle. This is used to craft Void bones which are used in making the armor sets and weapons link to this boss\n1st Place: 15 Void Bone Shards\n2nd Place: 12 Void Bone Shards\n3rd Place: 9 Void Bone Shards\nSummoner: 5 Void Bone Shard + damage shards\n>10% damage: 7 Void Bone Shard\n5%-10% damage: 5 Void Bone Shards\n1%-5% damage: 3 Void Bone Shard\n<1% damage: 1 Void Bone Shard\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Necromane\u2019s Core\n\n\n\nA .02% chance drop for the top 3 damagers and summoner. Used to upgrade the aspect of the Dragons into Dragonsbane.\n\n\nThe boss also drops a random amount enchanted coal/charcoal for each player.\nNew Items:\n\n\nSpoiler: Dragonsbane\n\n\n\nDamage: 310\nStrength: 150\nCrit Chance: 5%\nCrit Damage: 25%\n\n\n64 Holy Dragon Fragments64 Superior Dragon Fragments64 Strong Dragon Fragments64 Wise Dragon FragmentsNecromane\u2019s\nCore64 Unstable Dragon Fragments64 Old Dragon FragmentsAspect of the Dragons64 Protector Dragon Fragments\n30% more damage to dragons and Withers\nItem Ability: Banish- Charge up an attack for the next 10 seconds that deals 7x normal damage- 500 mana (banish is canceled if you attack anything within that 10 seconds)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Witherbane Sword\n\n\n\nDamage: 150\nStrength: 100\nCrit Damage: 40%\n\n5 Void Bones5 Void Bones8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks\n150% Damage to withers. 20% less damage from wither attacks when held\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Witherbane Bow\n\n\n\nDamage: 130\nStrength: 80\n\n10 Tarantula Silk3 Void Bones10 Tarantula SilkWither Bow3 Void Bones10 Tarant3 Void Bones\n150% Damage to withers. 20% less damage from wither attacks when held\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void Lurker Helmet\n\n\n\nHealth: 140\nDefense: 190\nStrength: 20\nCrit Chance: 3%\nCrit Damage: 10%\n\n8 Enchanted Coal Blocks10 Void Bones8 Enchanted Coal Blocks16 Crystal Fragments16 Crystal Fragments\nSet Bonus: One with the Wither- Become immune to the wither effect and when under 40% health gain 100% immunity to ranged attacks\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void Lurker Chestplate\n\n\n\nHealth: 180\nDefense: 230\nStrength: 20\nCrit Chance: 3%\nCrit Damage: 10%\n\n16 Crystal Fragments16 Crystal Fragments16 Crystal Fragments10 Void Bones16 Crystal Fragments8 Enchanted Coal Blocks16 Crystal Fragments8 Enchanted Coal Blocks\nSet Bonus: One with the Wither- Become immune to the wither effect and when under 40% health gain 100% immunity to ranged attacks\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void Lurker Leggings\n\n\n\nHealth: 160\nDefense: 310\nStrength: 20\nCrit Chance: 3%\nCrit Damage: 10%\n\n8 Enchanted Coal Blocks10 Void Bones8 Enchanted Coal Blocks16 Crystal Fragments16 Crystal Fragments16 Crystal Fragments16 Crystal Fragments\nSet Bonus: One with the Wither- Become immune to the wither effect and when under 40% health gain 100% immunity to ranged attacks\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void Lurker Boots\n\n\n\nHealth: 120\nDefense: 170\nStrength: 20\nCrit Chance: 3%\nCrit Damage: 10%\n\n5 Void Bones5 Void Bones16 Enchanted Coal Blocks16 Enchanted Coal Blocks\nSet Bonus: One with the Wither- Become immune to the wither effect and when under 40% health gain 100% immunity to ranged attacks\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void Bone\n\n\n\n\n10 Void Bone Shards10 Void Bone Shards10 Void bone Shard\nSet Bonus: One with the Wither- Become immune to the wither effect and when under 40% health gain 100% immunity to ranged attacks\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Voided Superior Helmet\n\n\n\nHealth: 190\nDefense: 315\nStrength: 25\nCrit Chance: 4%\nCrit Damage: 15%\n\nSuperior Dragon Helmet8 Enchanted Diamond BlocksVoid Lurker Helmet8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks\nSet Bonus: Ultimate Wither Lord- Become immune to the wither effect and when under 40% health gain 100% immunity to ranged attacks\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Voided Superior Chestplate\n\n\n\nHealth: 230\nDefense: 355\nStrength: 25\nCrit Chance: 4%\nCrit Damage: 15%\n\n8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks8 Enchanted Diamond BlocksSuperior Dragon Chestplate8 Enchanted Diamond BlocksVoid Lurker Chestplate8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks\nSet Bonus: Ultimate Wither Lord- Become immune to the wither effect and when under 40% health gain 100% immunity to ranged attacks and gain a 6% bonus to all stats\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Voided Superior Leggings\n\n\n\nHealth: 210\nDefense: 335\nStrength: 25\nCrit Chance: 4%\nCrit Damage: 15%\n\nSuperior Dragon Leggings8 Enchanted Diamond BlocksVoid Lurker Leggings8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks\nSet Bonus: Ultimate Wither Lord- Become immune to the wither effect and when under 40% health gain 100% immunity to ranged attacks and gain a 6% bonus to all stats\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void Superior Boots\n\n\n\nHealth: 170\nDefense: 195\nStrength: 25\nCrit Chance: 4%\nCrit Damage: 15%\n\nSuperior Dragon BootsVoid Lurker Boots8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks8 Enchanted Diamond Blocks\nSet Bonus: Ultimate Wither Lord- Become immune to the wither effect and when under 40% health gain 100% immunity to ranged attacks and gain a 6% bonus to all stats\n\n\nNew mobs:\n\n\nSpoiler: Nightrider\n\n\n\nHealth: 500,000\nDamage: Does 700 melee damage\nDescription: A Skeleton Mini-boss in black Leather armor and a wither skeleton head riding a skeleton horse\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Night Terror\n\n\n\nHealth: 15,000\nDamage: Deals 400 melee damage\nDescription: A silverfish spawned from the skull explosions of the Shrouded Necromancer\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Shaded Archer\n\n\n\nHealth: 22,000\nDamage: Deals 700 ranged damage\nDescription: A skeleton in dark gray leather armor\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Shrouded Necromancer \n\n\n\nHealth: 25,000\nDamage: Shoots wither skulls that deal 400 AOE damage which does massive knockback and does 40 true damage per second for 3 seconds\nDescription: A wither skeleton in light gray leather armor"}, {"title": "[GAME] Move block, NPC or other entity to cause the most chaos.", "body": "Move a single block, NPC, or other entity to cause the most chaos.\n\nRules:\n1. no ridiculous coordinates. example: moving the auction master a million blocks up; moving the banker below y=0\n2. no \"dimension switching\". example: moving the banker to the end island; moving the hub selector to the mushroom desert\n3. obviously, the thing must be in Skyblock.\n\n\n\nI would move the bazaar to a corner of the colosseum, where it is still possible to lose coins from a player-caused death"}, {"title": "Anything I can upgrade as a tank?", "body": "Cotacomb Level 17 + 50%\n\n"}, {"title": "Need A Wallpaper", "body": "Anyone got like an artist or good wallpapers, just got a new pc and I'm becoming blind in my left eye because of this ugly bright blue windows one"}, {"title": "[Puzzle] 10m Prize {Must have dedication, perseverance, and a will to learn and be wrong}", "body": "\u201cNothing whets the intelligence more than a passionate suspicion, nothing develops all the faculties of an immature mind more than a trail running away into the dark.\u201d \u2015 Stefan Zweig, The Burning Secret and other stories\n\nToday, I present all of you my greatest challenge and my greatest work of art.\n\nThe Great Toffee Puzzle\n.otm.euy/ko/:/espiple/netfesstlahfl/tepptvsiaa\nThis puzzle will push you to your greatest extent and will require you utmost focus\n\nThe Puzzle Will Go On for 3 days each day I will release a new hint if nobody solves it nobody gets the prize.\n\nHint 1.5: A tame tiger is a good tiger although it's better with half of a tamed tiger\n\nHint 2: Scammer get scammed\n\nEDIT: You will need all 3 clues to solve the puzzle it is not possible otherwise\n\nEDIT 2: The answer will be in the form of a sentence"}, {"title": "Is the modification allowed?", "body": "Badlion Client has a mod called AutoText where you can keybind a key so you can press it and run a command. For example, I can press K to go to a skywars game or open the pets menu with /viewpetsmenu. Is this mod allowed? I couldn't find it in the rules."}, {"title": "[Suggestion] Buff mana regen for berserker", "body": "if u have played dungeons for at least 5 mins after the mage nerf, u should feel a difference your healing weapons (if u use them). if not, then, mana regen was nerfed to being 90% worse in dungeons, which is really bad, especially for berserker class. as a berserker, i take more damage than the single hit i make to regen my mana by 5 and to use 1400% of that mana i regen to heal myself back to full. this mana regen nerf hurt berserker more than it is intended to hurt mages. the reason why it should be buffed for berserker only cus:\n1. tanks are also melee but due to how little damage u take per hit, the slow mana regen is able to catch up with the health loss\n2. healers can already heal, and their main job is to support the team and not dealing damage, so it is fine\n3. mages and archer have ranged attacks so they are able to regenerate enough mana before taking a hit from the mobs.\n\nmy suggestion is to buff berserkers mana regeneration per hit from 5 + 1% to 10 + 2%. in the near end of a dungeon run, the maximum would be somewhere near 600 so every hit for a beserker would heal around 20 mana. this would make it so berserkers are able to heal ourselves and is able to survive longer. the amount of mana it regenerates per hit wont make it viable for berserkers to have a mage build anyways. i just hope berserker will be looked over a little more with more improvements on it."}, {"title": "Sup versus blaze", "body": "At the end of the day does it really matter for 10k more damage use whatever set you want\nAlso spirit sceptre is better in dungeons anyway"}, {"title": "Why did the price of adaptive armor spike up", "body": "Like right now a clean adaptive chestplate is 8.3 mil on bins"}, {"title": "Idea minion trash can", "body": "no clue if this has been posted before\nI don\u2019t have the recipe yet it\u2019s late for me and I don\u2019t feel like it\n\nso basically say if you have a wheat minion you put a seed in the minion trash can then put the trashcan in the upgrade slot it will only get wheat. Could work with any minion.\nIf put on a minion that produces 1 material it will produce nothing"}, {"title": "Absorption on bee pet not working?", "body": "^^^\nI ain'getting any absorption ..."}, {"title": "Best Carrot Farm Lighting", "body": "Small farm - Scoured the internet - No results - Best lighting placement for farm?-"}, {"title": "which pet helps you do the most dmg (not e drag i is not rich boi)", "body": "also isnt enderman pet better than tiger"}, {"title": "Thunderlord worth it on a sword?", "body": "I\u2019m enchanting my AOTD and I remember hearing some better players talking about the drawbacks of having thunderlord, what\u2019s wrong with it?"}, {"title": "New money making method", "body": "go to the lapis mine and kill lapis zombies, these can drop lapis armor. Then go sell summonign eyes on the bazaar for profit"}, {"title": "[IDEA] Slayer QoL and Other Changes (Open to Community Suggestions!)", "body": "-~- lemonnaise -~-\u200b\nBefore you read ahead too far, I'm not going to be suggesting new slayers or additions to existing slayers. These are just QoL changes and other changes to slayers.\n\nChanges to Slayer Gameplay (QoL, etc.)\n\nYou can now toggle who can hit your slayers from your Skyblock Menu (friends, guild, party, etc.) Slayers will also not aggro onto anyone other than the person who is doing the quest or anyone who has hit them with the toggle addition. (Using the normal aggro system)\nThis also means no one can get Combat XP or drops from other people's slayers\n\nYou are now able to use the AOTE ability to get out of cobwebs and other blocks that are unobtrusive (tall grass for example)\nWidened some of the pathways in the Spider's Den so that it makes it harder for Tarantulas to fall\nVeracious Spiders now give more Combat XP, which should make it easier to summon the Tarantula Slayer\nAs a sort of counter, they are also slightly stronger\n\nRuin Wolves now give slightly more Combat XP\nYou are now much more likely to get an RNGesus drop such as an Overflux Capacitor after not getting the drop many times in a row\nThis should make the grind less painful for good items\n\nChanging this soon - Maddox has decided to allow you to do a certain amount of free slayers each day before charging you, based on your highest slayer level. Free Slayers are universal, meaning that you do not get a certain amount of free slayers each. This is to make the grind, especially for later slayers, less costly\nLvl 1: 1 Free Slayer\nLvl 2: 3 Free Slayers\nLvl 3: 8 Free Slayers\nLvl 4: 15 Free Slayers\nLvl 5: 20 Free Slayers\nLvl 6: 30 Free Slayers\nLvl 7+: 40 Free Slayers\n\nTelekinesis now works on all slayers\nYou can now craft the Maddox Batphone with Maddox's Phone Number\nYou can buy Maddox's Phone Number from him after reaching Wolf Lvl 3 for 250k\nThe Maddox Batphone is still an automatic reward\n\nAll Slayers now drop a few of the necessary items to craft their secondary item (i.e. Using Enchanted Flint to craft Tarantula Silk, etc.) at Tier 2 and above\nTier 2: 50% chance to get 1-2\nTier 3: 100% chance to get 3-4\nTier 4: 100% chance to get 6, 10% chance to get an extra 2\nNone of these changes influence existing drop chances\n\nChanges to Slayer Items/Recipes\n\nScorpion Bow\nNow costs 12 Tarantula Silk instead of 48, but requires 64 Enchanted Gold and 128 Enchanted Emeralds\n10 Strength -> 50 Strength\n150 Mana Cost -> 100 Mana Cost\nNew Cooldown of 5 Seconds\n\nMosquito Bow\n101 Strength -> 151 Strength\n(Ability) 19% More Damage -> 29% More Damage\n\nTarantula Armor\nReverted the design of Tarantula Armor to the old design\n\nRevenant Armor\nZombie Bulwark now gives Strength instead of Defense (Similar to Tarantula Armor)\nFull Set Bonus changed slightly\nHealing Wands are +50% more effective. When on less than 20% Health, summon two zombies to aid you in battle. Zombies copy 20% of your stats and last for 60 seconds (Stacks with Reaper Scythe, and the zombies are baby zombies, but they move at normal speed)\n\nAdded 35 more Defense to each set piece\n\nReaper Scythe\n0 Strength -> 30 Strength\nZombies now copy 50% of your stats and last for 60 seconds\n\nOverflux Power Orb\n+25 Strength -> +30 Strength\n18 Blocks Range -> 20 Blocks Range\n\nThat's it for now, I'll be making periodic changes to things based on suggestions from the community. Before immediately flaming this thread share your opinion. I'm open to changing these."}, {"title": "[IDEA] Slayer QoL and Other Changes (Open to Community Suggestions!)", "body": "-~- lemonnaise -~-\u200b\nBefore you read ahead too far, I'm not going to be suggesting new slayers or additions to existing slayers. These are just QoL changes and other changes to slayers.\n\nChanges to Slayer Gameplay (QoL, etc.)\n\nYou can now toggle who can hit your slayers from your Skyblock Menu (friends, guild, party, etc.) Slayers will also not aggro onto anyone other than the person who is doing the quest or anyone who has hit them with the toggle addition. (Using the normal aggro system)\nThis also means no one can get Combat XP or drops from other people's slayers\n\nYou are now able to use the AOTE ability to get out of cobwebs and other blocks that are unobtrusive (tall grass for example)\nWidened some of the pathways in the Spider's Den so that it makes it harder for Tarantulas to fall\nVeracious Spiders now give more Combat XP, which should make it easier to summon the Tarantula Slayer\nAs a sort of counter, they are also slightly stronger\n\nRuin Wolves now give slightly more Combat XP\nYou are now much more likely to get an RNGesus drop such as an Overflux Capacitor after not getting the drop many times in a row\nThis should make the grind less painful for good items\n\nChanging this soon - Maddox has decided to allow you to do a certain amount of free slayers each day before charging you, based on your highest slayer level. Free Slayers are universal, meaning that you do not get a certain amount of free slayers each. This is to make the grind, especially for later slayers, less costly\nLvl 1: 1 Free Slayer\nLvl 2: 3 Free Slayers\nLvl 3: 8 Free Slayers\nLvl 4: 15 Free Slayers\nLvl 5: 20 Free Slayers\nLvl 6: 30 Free Slayers\nLvl 7+: 40 Free Slayers\n\nTelekinesis now works on all slayers\nYou can now craft the Maddox Batphone with Maddox's Phone Number\nYou can buy Maddox's Phone Number from him after reaching Wolf Lvl 3 for 250k\nThe Maddox Batphone is still an automatic reward\n\nAll Slayers now drop a few of the necessary items to craft their secondary item (i.e. Using Enchanted Flint to craft Tarantula Silk, etc.) at Tier 2 and above\nTier 2: 50% chance to get 1-2\nTier 3: 100% chance to get 3-4\nTier 4: 100% chance to get 6, 10% chance to get an extra 2\nNone of these changes influence existing drop chances\n\nChanges to Slayer Items/Recipes\n\nScorpion Bow\nNow costs 12 Tarantula Silk instead of 48, but requires 64 Enchanted Gold and 128 Enchanted Emeralds\n10 Strength -> 50 Strength\n150 Mana Cost -> 100 Mana Cost\nNew Cooldown of 5 Seconds\n\nMosquito Bow\n101 Strength -> 151 Strength\n(Ability) 19% More Damage -> 29% More Damage\n\nTarantula Armor\nReverted the design of Tarantula Armor to the old design\n\nRevenant Armor\nZombie Bulwark now gives Strength instead of Defense (Similar to Tarantula Armor)\nFull Set Bonus changed slightly\nHealing Wands are +50% more effective. When on less than 20% Health, summon two zombies to aid you in battle. Zombies copy 20% of your stats and last for 60 seconds (Stacks with Reaper Scythe, and the zombies are baby zombies, but they move at normal speed)\n\nAdded 35 more Defense to each set piece\n\nReaper Scythe\n0 Strength -> 30 Strength\nZombies now copy 50% of your stats and last for 60 seconds\n\nOverflux Power Orb\n+25 Strength -> +30 Strength\n18 Blocks Range -> 20 Blocks Range\n\nThat's it for now, I'll be making periodic changes to things based on suggestions from the community. Before immediately flaming this thread share your opinion. I'm open to changing these."}, {"title": "How much would a T11 Diamond Minion Make with a SC3000?", "body": "I'm trying to get all my diamond minions to t11 with a super compactor 3k and was wondering how much my profit would be."}, {"title": "Controversial Post", "body": "3/4 strong + Tara helmet is bad\n\nProve me wrong."}, {"title": "[LEADERBOARD] Skyblock Guilds ranked by Average Slayer Exp/Average Skill Exp (Updated 1st August 2020)", "body": "This is a list of many Skyblock focused guilds ranked by their average total slayer experience and average skill experience. This is the average amount of slayer exp/skill exp a member in the guild has.\n\nOverall Leaderboard\nThis leaderboard is a combination of the leaderboards below, with a penalty applied for guilds with low members, to prevent guilds kicking players to get ahead. If you want to know exactly how this was done it is in the FAQ.\n\nNote that the overall leaderboard is somewhat arbitrary - if you want another way of ranking guilds this thread is good.\n(Also this website)\n\nFormat is [PLACE] [GUILD] - [POINTS] (Guild Members)\n\n1. Trouble Brewing - 7.10 (124)\n2. Lost in Space - 5.72 (123)\n3. Flexing Chimps - 5.42 (119)\n4. Rollback - 3.53 (120)\n5. Lunar Guard - 3.50 (117)\n6. Triades - 3.33 (93)\n7. Bean and Jerrys - 3.22 (107)\n8. Money Moves - 2.88 (124)\n9. Cobble Crew - 2.86 (106)\n10. Skyblock Gods - 2.78 (117)\n11. Aspect of the Bumble - 2.69 (112)\n12. Creators Club - 2.56 (124)\n13. Atlantica - 2.45 (116)\n14. Mercifull - 2.28 (125)\n15. 2FA - 2.19 (120)\n16. Safyre - 2.07 (122)\n17. Skyborn - 1.96 (45)\n18. Infrared - 1.71 (116)\n19. Kitten Krew - 1.60 (121)\n20. GodSplash - 1.48 (113)\n21. GooDz Elite - 1.44 (77)\n22. Drachen Kult - 1.34 (77)\n23. Bunny Hop - 1.23 (125)\n24. Natoric - 1.23 (121)\n25. Dungeons n Dragons - 1.21 (85)\n26. The Recruits - 1.09 (125)\n27. AquaticLime - 0.98 (97)\n28. USD - 0.97 (120)\n29. Vineyard - 0.96 (79)\n30. Pollitos En Fuga - 0.95 (77)\n31. Greed - 0.95 (107)\n32. FisherSociety - 0.93 (52)\n33. Upsi - 0.87 (99)\n34. FirstPlaceFishing - 0.86 (79)\n35. Ideal - 0.85 (52)\n36. Skyblock Simplified - 0.76 (85)\n37. SkyBlock eSports - 0.71 (60)\n38. Quacking - 0.71 (124)\n39. FrenchFlex - 0.66 (45)\n40. Skyblock Cult - 0.66 (51)\n41. Better Days - 0.65 (79)\n42. MineTogether - 0.62 (41)\n43. Ban Hammer - 0.62 (105)\n44. Rizin - 0.60 (56)\n45. 0verflux - 0.58 (73)\n46. Leman - 0.58 (125)\n47. Dungeon Scouts - 0.56 (72)\n48. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 0.54 (97)\n49. In Another World With My Guild - 0.52 (123)\n50. Dark Wolves - 0.52 (78)\n51. Drachen Zaehmer - 0.50 (109)\n52. REBEL - 0.50 (125)\n53. Elite Penguin Force - 0.48 (74)\n54. Splash When - 0.48 (67)\n55. SkyComm - 0.47 (87)\n56. Extension - 0.46 (82)\n57. New Horizon - 0.43 (56)\n58. War of Underworld - 0.41 (125)\n59. Intelligence - 0.40 (94)\n60. Shrainz - 0.39 (66)\n61. SkyKings - 0.39 (118)\n62. MisClickers - 0.39 (92)\n63. HellsHound - 0.38 (93)\n64. Deluxe - 0.37 (87)\n65. Skyblock Forceful - 0.36 (109)\n66. DitchTheLeech - 0.35 (69)\n67. Vitamin Z - 0.35 (118)\n68. Floaters - 0.34 (51)\n69. GooDz2 - 0.34 (124)\n70. GooDz - 0.33 (125)\n71. Clownfish Council - 0.31 (93)\n72. Dasani - 0.28 (36)\n73. Happier Splashes - 0.28 (90)\n74. The Best Leechers - 0.24 (70)\n75. GooDz7 - 0.24 (124)\n76. FunkyMelon - 0.24 (90)\n77. 123Splashers - 0.21 (47)\n78. GooDz6 - 0.21 (125)\n79. Crypticals - 0.21 (87)\n80. Zano - 0.20 (68)\n81. The Deathwish - 0.19 (39)\n82. The Bloodlust - 0.19 (103)\n83. NoWifi - 0.18 (125)\n84. Pickle Army - 0.18 (101)\n85. Aspect of the End - 0.18 (98)\n86. DieFische - 0.17 (59)\n87. Gremlins of Heinz - 0.16 (125)\n88. GooDz5 - 0.16 (125)\n89. GooDz3 - 0.15 (124)\n90. SkyblockNoobs - 0.14 (111)\n91. GooDz10 - 0.13 (125)\n92. GooDz9 - 0.12 (125)\n93. Rawr - 0.11 (125)\n94. Impulsive - 0.10 (94)\n95. Alpaka - 0.10 (71)\n96. Stormweavers - 0.09 (75)\n97. The Foundation - 0.09 (105)\n98. Superior Fragged - 0.08 (119)\n99. GooDz4 - 0.08 (124)\n100. EliteResistance - 0.07 (70)\n101. LegendsOfTheSky - 0.07 (50)\n102. GooDz8 - 0.06 (121)\n103. GooDz11 - 0.06 (125)\n104. FirstPlaceSplashers - 0.06 (41)\n105. Drachen Kader - 0.05 (96)\n106. Nons Anonymous - 0.02 (47)\n107. Drachen Kader 2 - 0.02 (52)\n\n\nSpoiler: Average Slayer Exp Leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Flexing Chimps - 2632156.26 (119)\n2. Trouble Brewing - 2370114.76 (124)\n3. Lost in Space - 2162457.48 (123)\n4. Triades - 1515116.82 (93)\n5. Lunar Guard - 1477354.17 (117)\n6. Bean and Jerrys - 1434906.44 (107)\n7. Cobble Crew - 1372879.69 (106)\n8. Rollback - 1283934.98 (120)\n9. Aspect of the Bumble - 1046361.07 (112)\n10. Money Moves - 1041252.69 (124)\n11. Ideal - 1000476.38 (52)\n12. Skyblock Gods - 989651.00 (117)\n13. FrenchFlex - 964180.67 (45)\n14. Atlantica - 941582.02 (116)\n15. Creators Club - 896322.90 (124)\n16. Skyborn - 881592.51 (45)\n17. Safyre - 832367.48 (122)\n18. Mercifull - 814255.50 (125)\n19. GooDz Elite - 801627.13 (77)\n20. 2FA - 772798.19 (120)\n21. FisherSociety - 758699.88 (52)\n22. Infrared - 729049.41 (116)\n23. Bunny Hop - 706694.76 (125)\n24. Drachen Kult - 664283.66 (77)\n25. Dungeons n Dragons - 644383.60 (85)\n26. Vineyard - 585134.87 (79)\n27. GodSplash - 579612.89 (113)\n28. Skyblock Cult - 572137.35 (51)\n29. SkyBlock eSports - 528439.32 (60)\n30. Kitten Krew - 512983.46 (121)\n31. Pollitos En Fuga - 512741.25 (77)\n32. Rizin - 463827.36 (56)\n33. MineTogether - 454724.73 (41)\n34. Dasani - 410461.17 (36)\n35. Better Days - 409158.78 (79)\n36. 0verflux - 405426.90 (73)\n37. Upsi - 385589.19 (99)\n38. The Recruits - 379795.98 (125)\n39. Skyblock Simplified - 376314.42 (85)\n40. Dungeon Scouts - 376019.89 (72)\n41. USD - 372847.76 (120)\n42. New Horizon - 354806.46 (56)\n43. AquaticLime - 336733.81 (97)\n44. Greed - 327491.94 (107)\n45. Splash When - 327015.01 (67)\n46. Natoric - 322867.21 (121)\n47. Shrainz - 319009.48 (66)\n48. Elite Penguin Force - 307008.24 (74)\n49. FirstPlaceFishing - 301763.13 (79)\n50. Dark Wolves - 292083.37 (78)\n51. The Best Leechers - 283152.61 (70)\n52. Ban Hammer - 280636.62 (105)\n53. Quacking - 273076.00 (124)\n54. REBEL - 266619.19 (125)\n55. Floaters - 256217.16 (51)\n56. DitchTheLeech - 237566.93 (69)\n57. Extension - 232865.10 (82)\n58. Leman - 228459.87 (125)\n59. War of Underworld - 218660.86 (125)\n60. Pickle Army - 214843.97 (101)\n61. The Deathwish - 213752.38 (39)\n62. Intelligence - 210741.87 (94)\n63. SkyComm - 206362.75 (87)\n64. 123Splashers - 205739.55 (47)\n65. Zano - 187473.51 (68)\n66. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 185253.89 (97)\n67. Happier Splashes - 180633.47 (90)\n68. FirstPlaceSplashers - 167138.27 (41)\n69. Vitamin Z - 163178.16 (118)\n70. Deluxe - 162047.95 (87)\n71. FunkyMelon - 157973.74 (90)\n72. The Bloodlust - 156383.89 (103)\n73. Skyblock Forceful - 148769.22 (109)\n74. Clownfish Council - 147727.48 (93)\n75. GooDz - 145056.94 (125)\n76. NoWifi - 143294.47 (125)\n77. MisClickers - 139927.61 (92)\n78. Drachen Zaehmer - 130802.06 (109)\n79. In Another World With My Guild - 127469.11 (123)\n80. GooDz2 - 125775.10 (124)\n81. Crypticals - 121842.44 (87)\n82. HellsHound - 118030.70 (93)\n83. Gremlins of Heinz - 113141.02 (125)\n84. SkyKings - 101835.51 (118)\n85. Rawr - 97049.41 (125)\n86. GooDz7 - 96109.94 (124)\n87. The Foundation - 92429.59 (105)\n88. Aspect of the End - 90399.19 (98)\n89. Alpaka - 89955.79 (71)\n90. GooDz9 - 85056.51 (125)\n91. DieFische - 83948.97 (59)\n92. SkyblockNoobs - 76110.10 (111)\n93. GooDz6 - 75949.26 (125)\n94. EliteResistance - 72906.96 (70)\n95. LegendsOfTheSky - 72549.38 (50)\n96. GooDz3 - 65020.56 (124)\n97. GooDz5 - 64679.58 (125)\n98. GooDz10 - 57573.62 (125)\n99. Impulsive - 55122.87 (94)\n100. Superior Fragged - 48787.68 (119)\n101. Stormweavers - 42926.57 (75)\n102. GooDz11 - 35710.50 (125)\n103. GooDz4 - 35175.43 (124)\n104. GooDz8 - 26213.15 (121)\n105. Nons Anonymous - 21761.23 (47)\n106. Drachen Kader - 21182.34 (96)\n107. Drachen Kader 2 - 8643.13 (52)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Average Skill Level Leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Trouble Brewing - 39.65 (124)\n2. Skyborn - 38.57 (45)\n3. Lost in Space - 36.99 (123)\n4. Flexing Chimps - 35.71 (119)\n5. Triades - 34.92 (93)\n6. Rollback - 33.15 (120)\n7. Bean and Jerrys - 33.04 (107)\n8. Lunar Guard - 32.85 (117)\n9. Cobble Crew - 31.96 (106)\n10. Skyblock Gods - 31.67 (117)\n11. Aspect of the Bumble - 31.61 (112)\n12. Money Moves - 31.30 (124)\n13. Atlantica - 30.66 (116)\n14. Creators Club - 30.58 (124)\n15. GooDz Elite - 29.96 (77)\n16. 2FA - 29.85 (120)\n17. Drachen Kult - 29.78 (77)\n18. Mercifull - 29.71 (125)\n19. FisherSociety - 29.68 (52)\n20. MineTogether - 29.31 (41)\n21. Safyre - 29.02 (122)\n22. Dungeons n Dragons - 28.20 (85)\n23. Infrared - 28.18 (116)\n24. Kitten Krew - 28.14 (121)\n25. Ideal - 28.08 (52)\n26. GodSplash - 27.78 (113)\n27. Skyblock Cult - 27.72 (51)\n28. Pollitos En Fuga - 27.63 (77)\n29. FirstPlaceFishing - 27.53 (79)\n30. SkyBlock eSports - 27.24 (60)\n31. FrenchFlex - 27.24 (45)\n32. Vineyard - 27.18 (79)\n33. Natoric - 27.06 (121)\n34. AquaticLime - 26.99 (97)\n35. Rizin - 26.80 (56)\n36. Greed - 26.17 (107)\n37. Skyblock Simplified - 26.01 (85)\n38. Upsi - 25.90 (99)\n39. The Recruits - 25.85 (125)\n40. USD - 25.43 (120)\n41. Better Days - 25.35 (79)\n42. New Horizon - 25.24 (56)\n43. 0verflux - 25.16 (73)\n44. Dungeon Scouts - 25.16 (72)\n45. Bunny Hop - 25.10 (125)\n46. Dasani - 25.05 (36)\n47. Splash When - 24.89 (67)\n48. Floaters - 24.83 (51)\n49. Dark Wolves - 24.66 (78)\n50. Elite Penguin Force - 24.52 (74)\n51. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 24.36 (97)\n52. Extension - 24.16 (82)\n53. Ban Hammer - 24.12 (105)\n54. SkyComm - 24.12 (87)\n55. Quacking - 24.00 (124)\n56. Shrainz - 23.97 (66)\n57. Drachen Zaehmer - 23.79 (109)\n58. DitchTheLeech - 23.66 (69)\n59. The Deathwish - 23.55 (39)\n60. In Another World With My Guild - 23.49 (123)\n61. MisClickers - 23.44 (92)\n62. HellsHound - 23.38 (93)\n63. 123Splashers - 23.31 (47)\n64. Leman - 23.25 (125)\n65. Deluxe - 23.23 (87)\n66. Intelligence - 22.93 (94)\n67. SkyKings - 22.71 (118)\n68. Clownfish Council - 22.42 (93)\n69. Skyblock Forceful - 22.29 (109)\n70. DieFische - 22.25 (59)\n71. REBEL - 22.20 (125)\n72. GooDz2 - 21.73 (124)\n73. Happier Splashes - 21.73 (90)\n74. Vitamin Z - 21.73 (118)\n75. War of Underworld - 21.71 (125)\n76. Zano - 21.54 (68)\n77. GooDz - 21.44 (125)\n78. The Best Leechers - 21.39 (70)\n79. Crypticals - 21.32 (87)\n80. FunkyMelon - 21.31 (90)\n81. GooDz7 - 20.80 (124)\n82. Aspect of the End - 20.67 (98)\n83. GooDz6 - 20.61 (125)\n84. Stormweavers - 20.07 (75)\n85. LegendsOfTheSky - 19.84 (50)\n86. GooDz5 - 19.83 (125)\n87. GooDz3 - 19.78 (124)\n88. SkyblockNoobs - 19.73 (111)\n89. The Bloodlust - 19.70 (103)\n90. Alpaka - 19.61 (71)\n91. Impulsive - 19.37 (94)\n92. GooDz10 - 19.28 (125)\n93. Gremlins of Heinz - 18.88 (125)\n94. NoWifi - 18.86 (125)\n95. EliteResistance - 18.65 (70)\n96. GooDz4 - 18.12 (124)\n97. GooDz9 - 18.08 (125)\n98. FirstPlaceSplashers - 18.06 (41)\n99. Pickle Army - 18.02 (101)\n100. Drachen Kader - 18.00 (96)\n101. Superior Fragged - 17.88 (119)\n102. GooDz8 - 17.85 (121)\n103. Drachen Kader 2 - 17.50 (52)\n104. Rawr - 17.19 (125)\n105. Nons Anonymous - 17.18 (47)\n106. GooDz11 - 17.10 (125)\n107. The Foundation - 16.83 (105)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Bonus Leaderboards\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Taming leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Trouble Brewing - 42.54 (124)\n2. Lost in Space - 39.05 (123)\n3. Skyborn - 39.02 (45)\n4. Flexing Chimps - 37.18 (119)\n5. Bean and Jerrys - 36.28 (107)\n6. Triades - 36.27 (93)\n7. Rollback - 34.46 (120)\n8. Lunar Guard - 34.45 (117)\n9. Cobble Crew - 34.40 (106)\n10. Money Moves - 34.36 (124)\n11. Skyblock Gods - 33.85 (117)\n12. MineTogether - 32.99 (41)\n13. Creators Club - 32.89 (124)\n14. Atlantica - 32.74 (116)\n15. Aspect of the Bumble - 32.62 (112)\n16. Mercifull - 32.59 (125)\n17. GooDz Elite - 31.74 (77)\n18. Drachen Kult - 31.32 (77)\n19. 2FA - 31.29 (120)\n20. Kitten Krew - 30.79 (121)\n21. Safyre - 30.59 (122)\n22. Pollitos En Fuga - 30.53 (77)\n23. FisherSociety - 30.37 (52)\n24. FirstPlaceFishing - 30.31 (79)\n25. GodSplash - 29.89 (113)\n26. Dungeons n Dragons - 29.68 (85)\n27. Infrared - 29.59 (116)\n28. Vineyard - 29.12 (79)\n29. AquaticLime - 29.04 (97)\n30. Natoric - 28.73 (121)\n31. Skyblock Cult - 28.58 (51)\n32. SkyBlock eSports - 28.40 (60)\n33. Rizin - 28.35 (56)\n34. Greed - 28.33 (107)\n35. FrenchFlex - 28.18 (45)\n36. Ideal - 28.07 (52)\n37. Better Days - 27.68 (79)\n38. The Recruits - 27.63 (125)\n39. Skyblock Simplified - 27.62 (85)\n40. USD - 27.30 (120)\n41. New Horizon - 27.29 (56)\n42. Upsi - 27.23 (99)\n43. 0verflux - 26.63 (73)\n44. Floaters - 26.28 (51)\n45. Splash When - 26.10 (67)\n46. Dasani - 26.02 (36)\n47. Elite Penguin Force - 25.98 (74)\n48. Dark Wolves - 25.96 (78)\n49. MisClickers - 25.82 (92)\n50. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 25.77 (97)\n51. In Another World With My Guild - 25.77 (123)\n52. Dungeon Scouts - 25.71 (72)\n53. 123Splashers - 25.65 (47)\n54. Leman - 25.57 (125)\n55. Extension - 25.47 (82)\n56. Bunny Hop - 25.26 (125)\n57. Drachen Zaehmer - 25.21 (109)\n58. HellsHound - 25.19 (93)\n59. Quacking - 25.06 (124)\n60. Shrainz - 25.02 (66)\n61. Ban Hammer - 24.86 (105)\n62. SkyComm - 24.71 (87)\n63. The Deathwish - 24.70 (39)\n64. Deluxe - 24.40 (87)\n65. DitchTheLeech - 24.10 (69)\n66. SkyKings - 24.02 (118)\n67. Intelligence - 23.81 (94)\n68. Happier Splashes - 23.78 (90)\n69. DieFische - 23.71 (59)\n70. Skyblock Forceful - 23.54 (109)\n71. War of Underworld - 23.47 (125)\n72. GooDz2 - 23.35 (124)\n73. Vitamin Z - 23.14 (118)\n74. GooDz - 23.02 (125)\n75. Clownfish Council - 22.73 (93)\n76. GooDz7 - 22.61 (124)\n77. Zano - 22.51 (68)\n78. FunkyMelon - 22.40 (90)\n79. Aspect of the End - 21.86 (98)\n80. REBEL - 21.67 (125)\n81. GooDz6 - 21.65 (125)\n82. Crypticals - 21.54 (87)\n83. GooDz3 - 21.50 (124)\n84. LegendsOfTheSky - 21.28 (50)\n85. GooDz5 - 21.13 (125)\n86. Stormweavers - 20.80 (75)\n87. SkyblockNoobs - 20.55 (111)\n88. GooDz10 - 20.45 (125)\n89. Alpaka - 20.26 (71)\n90. Impulsive - 20.07 (94)\n91. The Best Leechers - 20.05 (70)\n92. GooDz9 - 19.51 (125)\n93. GooDz4 - 19.36 (124)\n94. Drachen Kader 2 - 19.31 (52)\n95. GooDz8 - 18.87 (121)\n96. Superior Fragged - 18.83 (119)\n97. FirstPlaceSplashers - 18.50 (41)\n98. Drachen Kader - 18.48 (96)\n99. Pickle Army - 18.33 (101)\n100. GooDz11 - 18.17 (125)\n101. Nons Anonymous - 18.10 (47)\n102. EliteResistance - 17.72 (70)\n103. NoWifi - 17.26 (125)\n104. The Bloodlust - 17.13 (103)\n105. Gremlins of Heinz - 16.90 (125)\n106. Rawr - 16.66 (125)\n107. The Foundation - 14.90 (105)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Farming leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Skyborn - 38.81 (45)\n2. Trouble Brewing - 35.83 (124)\n3. Lost in Space - 32.45 (123)\n4. MineTogether - 32.20 (41)\n5. Triades - 32.19 (93)\n6. Skyblock Gods - 30.50 (117)\n7. Cobble Crew - 30.47 (106)\n8. Bean and Jerrys - 30.16 (107)\n9. Money Moves - 29.84 (124)\n10. Flexing Chimps - 29.19 (119)\n11. FisherSociety - 29.13 (52)\n12. Drachen Kult - 29.03 (77)\n13. Lunar Guard - 28.82 (117)\n14. Rollback - 28.19 (120)\n15. Creators Club - 28.11 (124)\n16. GooDz Elite - 28.05 (77)\n17. Mercifull - 27.98 (125)\n18. Atlantica - 27.75 (116)\n19. 2FA - 27.20 (120)\n20. Natoric - 26.94 (121)\n21. GodSplash - 26.94 (113)\n22. AquaticLime - 26.85 (97)\n23. Aspect of the Bumble - 26.79 (112)\n24. Skyblock Cult - 26.74 (51)\n25. Safyre - 26.47 (122)\n26. Kitten Krew - 26.46 (121)\n27. Vineyard - 26.33 (79)\n28. 0verflux - 26.20 (73)\n29. Infrared - 26.16 (116)\n30. Greed - 26.08 (107)\n31. FirstPlaceFishing - 25.84 (79)\n32. SkyBlock eSports - 25.82 (60)\n33. Pollitos En Fuga - 25.65 (77)\n34. Rizin - 25.55 (56)\n35. In Another World With My Guild - 25.24 (123)\n36. Upsi - 25.14 (99)\n37. Floaters - 25.13 (51)\n38. Ideal - 25.12 (52)\n39. Skyblock Simplified - 25.01 (85)\n40. 123Splashers - 24.99 (47)\n41. Dungeons n Dragons - 24.96 (85)\n42. FrenchFlex - 24.81 (45)\n43. Elite Penguin Force - 24.74 (74)\n44. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 24.66 (97)\n45. The Recruits - 24.65 (125)\n46. USD - 24.59 (120)\n47. Dungeon Scouts - 24.45 (72)\n48. Dark Wolves - 24.40 (78)\n49. DieFische - 24.14 (59)\n50. New Horizon - 24.11 (56)\n51. Drachen Zaehmer - 24.01 (109)\n52. Splash When - 23.99 (67)\n53. Extension - 23.94 (82)\n54. Leman - 23.89 (125)\n55. The Deathwish - 23.74 (39)\n56. MisClickers - 23.66 (92)\n57. Shrainz - 23.62 (66)\n58. HellsHound - 23.59 (93)\n59. Ban Hammer - 23.52 (105)\n60. Better Days - 23.44 (79)\n61. REBEL - 23.44 (125)\n62. Dasani - 23.29 (36)\n63. DitchTheLeech - 23.27 (69)\n64. Deluxe - 23.26 (87)\n65. SkyKings - 23.25 (118)\n66. SkyComm - 23.20 (87)\n67. Quacking - 23.00 (124)\n68. Skyblock Forceful - 23.00 (109)\n69. GooDz2 - 22.34 (124)\n70. Vitamin Z - 21.91 (118)\n71. Intelligence - 21.87 (94)\n72. Clownfish Council - 21.73 (93)\n73. Happier Splashes - 21.69 (90)\n74. Zano - 21.64 (68)\n75. GooDz - 21.57 (125)\n76. GooDz7 - 21.56 (124)\n77. GooDz6 - 21.54 (125)\n78. Bunny Hop - 21.51 (125)\n79. The Best Leechers - 21.46 (70)\n80. Aspect of the End - 21.30 (98)\n81. The Bloodlust - 21.29 (103)\n82. Stormweavers - 21.23 (75)\n83. War of Underworld - 21.03 (125)\n84. Crypticals - 21.00 (87)\n85. FunkyMelon - 21.00 (90)\n86. GooDz3 - 20.93 (124)\n87. Alpaka - 20.60 (71)\n88. GooDz5 - 20.57 (125)\n89. LegendsOfTheSky - 20.08 (50)\n90. SkyblockNoobs - 20.08 (111)\n91. GooDz10 - 19.89 (125)\n92. Impulsive - 19.88 (94)\n93. Drachen Kader 2 - 19.81 (52)\n94. GooDz9 - 19.57 (125)\n95. Gremlins of Heinz - 19.51 (125)\n96. EliteResistance - 19.50 (70)\n97. Drachen Kader - 19.40 (96)\n98. NoWifi - 19.35 (125)\n99. GooDz8 - 19.02 (121)\n100. GooDz4 - 18.71 (124)\n101. Nons Anonymous - 18.69 (47)\n102. The Foundation - 18.42 (105)\n103. GooDz11 - 18.36 (125)\n104. FirstPlaceSplashers - 18.33 (41)\n105. Superior Fragged - 18.29 (119)\n106. Rawr - 18.15 (125)\n107. Pickle Army - 18.05 (101)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Mining leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Trouble Brewing - 34.05 (124)\n2. Skyborn - 33.55 (45)\n3. Triades - 31.68 (93)\n4. Lost in Space - 31.66 (123)\n5. Flexing Chimps - 31.65 (119)\n6. Lunar Guard - 30.69 (117)\n7. Rollback - 30.63 (120)\n8. Cobble Crew - 30.19 (106)\n9. Bean and Jerrys - 30.17 (107)\n10. Aspect of the Bumble - 30.09 (112)\n11. Money Moves - 29.79 (124)\n12. Skyblock Gods - 29.73 (117)\n13. FisherSociety - 29.32 (52)\n14. Atlantica - 29.19 (116)\n15. MineTogether - 28.82 (41)\n16. Drachen Kult - 28.52 (77)\n17. Mercifull - 28.47 (125)\n18. GooDz Elite - 28.32 (77)\n19. Safyre - 28.16 (122)\n20. FirstPlaceFishing - 28.16 (79)\n21. Pollitos En Fuga - 28.15 (77)\n22. Creators Club - 28.05 (124)\n23. Skyblock Cult - 27.97 (51)\n24. 2FA - 27.86 (120)\n25. Dungeons n Dragons - 27.70 (85)\n26. Infrared - 27.67 (116)\n27. Kitten Krew - 27.53 (121)\n28. Natoric - 27.52 (121)\n29. Ideal - 27.52 (52)\n30. GodSplash - 27.47 (113)\n31. SkyBlock eSports - 27.42 (60)\n32. 0verflux - 26.86 (73)\n33. Dungeon Scouts - 26.86 (72)\n34. AquaticLime - 26.75 (97)\n35. Skyblock Simplified - 26.72 (85)\n36. Upsi - 26.69 (99)\n37. Vineyard - 26.67 (79)\n38. The Recruits - 26.64 (125)\n39. Rizin - 26.53 (56)\n40. Greed - 26.40 (107)\n41. USD - 26.33 (120)\n42. Dasani - 26.26 (36)\n43. Splash When - 26.09 (67)\n44. SkyComm - 25.98 (87)\n45. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 25.95 (97)\n46. Dark Wolves - 25.90 (78)\n47. Better Days - 25.79 (79)\n48. Ban Hammer - 25.78 (105)\n49. Shrainz - 25.74 (66)\n50. DitchTheLeech - 25.70 (69)\n51. Extension - 25.67 (82)\n52. Drachen Zaehmer - 25.65 (109)\n53. Elite Penguin Force - 25.63 (74)\n54. Quacking - 25.63 (124)\n55. FrenchFlex - 25.59 (45)\n56. Bunny Hop - 25.59 (125)\n57. New Horizon - 25.55 (56)\n58. Deluxe - 25.35 (87)\n59. Clownfish Council - 25.06 (93)\n60. Floaters - 24.99 (51)\n61. MisClickers - 24.95 (92)\n62. In Another World With My Guild - 24.76 (123)\n63. Intelligence - 24.75 (94)\n64. SkyKings - 24.71 (118)\n65. The Deathwish - 24.68 (39)\n66. HellsHound - 24.61 (93)\n67. GooDz2 - 24.55 (124)\n68. GooDz7 - 24.33 (124)\n69. War of Underworld - 24.24 (125)\n70. DieFische - 23.97 (59)\n71. Skyblock Forceful - 23.95 (109)\n72. REBEL - 23.83 (125)\n73. 123Splashers - 23.80 (47)\n74. GooDz - 23.74 (125)\n75. Leman - 23.69 (125)\n76. FunkyMelon - 23.52 (90)\n77. Crypticals - 23.52 (87)\n78. GooDz6 - 23.44 (125)\n79. Zano - 23.39 (68)\n80. The Best Leechers - 23.29 (70)\n81. GooDz3 - 23.19 (124)\n82. Vitamin Z - 23.13 (118)\n83. GooDz5 - 22.95 (125)\n84. EliteResistance - 22.93 (70)\n85. Happier Splashes - 22.93 (90)\n86. Alpaka - 22.92 (71)\n87. Aspect of the End - 22.90 (98)\n88. Stormweavers - 22.61 (75)\n89. LegendsOfTheSky - 22.38 (50)\n90. Impulsive - 22.29 (94)\n91. SkyblockNoobs - 22.29 (111)\n92. GooDz10 - 22.23 (125)\n93. GooDz4 - 22.08 (124)\n94. Gremlins of Heinz - 21.84 (125)\n95. NoWifi - 21.75 (125)\n96. GooDz8 - 21.61 (121)\n97. Drachen Kader - 21.33 (96)\n98. GooDz9 - 21.30 (125)\n99. The Bloodlust - 21.29 (103)\n100. Drachen Kader 2 - 20.73 (52)\n101. Superior Fragged - 20.43 (119)\n102. GooDz11 - 20.38 (125)\n103. FirstPlaceSplashers - 20.07 (41)\n104. Rawr - 20.01 (125)\n105. Nons Anonymous - 20.01 (47)\n106. Pickle Army - 19.74 (101)\n107. The Foundation - 19.73 (105)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Combat leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Trouble Brewing - 47.07 (124)\n2. Flexing Chimps - 46.77 (119)\n3. Lost in Space - 46.46 (123)\n4. Skyborn - 44.31 (45)\n5. Triades - 43.81 (93)\n6. Rollback - 42.08 (120)\n7. Lunar Guard - 41.87 (117)\n8. Aspect of the Bumble - 40.96 (112)\n9. Cobble Crew - 40.75 (106)\n10. Bean and Jerrys - 40.44 (107)\n11. Atlantica - 38.90 (116)\n12. Skyblock Gods - 38.64 (117)\n13. Creators Club - 37.57 (124)\n14. Money Moves - 37.16 (124)\n15. GooDz Elite - 36.87 (77)\n16. 2FA - 36.74 (120)\n17. Safyre - 36.50 (122)\n18. Ideal - 36.44 (52)\n19. FrenchFlex - 36.34 (45)\n20. Mercifull - 36.06 (125)\n21. Dungeons n Dragons - 35.81 (85)\n22. FisherSociety - 35.31 (52)\n23. Drachen Kult - 35.18 (77)\n24. Infrared - 35.17 (116)\n25. Bunny Hop - 34.08 (125)\n26. GodSplash - 33.88 (113)\n27. Skyblock Cult - 33.86 (51)\n28. SkyBlock eSports - 33.77 (60)\n29. Kitten Krew - 33.04 (121)\n30. Vineyard - 32.93 (79)\n31. Rizin - 32.63 (56)\n32. Pollitos En Fuga - 32.13 (77)\n33. MineTogether - 31.45 (41)\n34. Natoric - 31.27 (121)\n35. Dasani - 31.09 (36)\n36. AquaticLime - 31.04 (97)\n37. New Horizon - 31.00 (56)\n38. The Recruits - 30.95 (125)\n39. 0verflux - 30.85 (73)\n40. Dungeon Scouts - 30.85 (72)\n41. Upsi - 30.82 (99)\n42. Better Days - 30.70 (79)\n43. Skyblock Simplified - 30.57 (85)\n44. Greed - 29.96 (107)\n45. FirstPlaceFishing - 29.92 (79)\n46. Splash When - 29.86 (67)\n47. USD - 29.76 (120)\n48. Dark Wolves - 29.54 (78)\n49. Shrainz - 29.39 (66)\n50. Floaters - 29.29 (51)\n51. Elite Penguin Force - 29.29 (74)\n52. Ban Hammer - 28.55 (105)\n53. DitchTheLeech - 28.41 (69)\n54. Extension - 28.20 (82)\n55. 123Splashers - 28.12 (47)\n56. The Deathwish - 28.04 (39)\n57. Quacking - 28.01 (124)\n58. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 27.99 (97)\n59. Leman - 27.87 (125)\n60. SkyComm - 27.57 (87)\n61. The Best Leechers - 27.25 (70)\n62. MisClickers - 27.21 (92)\n63. War of Underworld - 26.84 (125)\n64. Happier Splashes - 26.84 (90)\n65. Intelligence - 26.83 (94)\n66. HellsHound - 26.64 (93)\n67. In Another World With My Guild - 26.60 (123)\n68. Deluxe - 26.58 (87)\n69. Drachen Zaehmer - 26.45 (109)\n70. Zano - 26.38 (68)\n71. SkyKings - 26.22 (118)\n72. Crypticals - 26.17 (87)\n73. Skyblock Forceful - 26.07 (109)\n74. Clownfish Council - 25.78 (93)\n75. GooDz - 25.64 (125)\n76. Vitamin Z - 25.63 (118)\n77. DieFische - 25.27 (59)\n78. FunkyMelon - 25.02 (90)\n79. GooDz2 - 24.32 (124)\n80. REBEL - 23.99 (125)\n81. Aspect of the End - 23.97 (98)\n82. GooDz6 - 23.75 (125)\n83. GooDz7 - 23.71 (124)\n84. SkyblockNoobs - 23.39 (111)\n85. GooDz5 - 23.30 (125)\n86. Alpaka - 23.24 (71)\n87. Impulsive - 22.98 (94)\n88. GooDz3 - 22.96 (124)\n89. NoWifi - 22.82 (125)\n90. LegendsOfTheSky - 22.59 (50)\n91. Stormweavers - 22.48 (75)\n92. GooDz10 - 22.35 (125)\n93. EliteResistance - 22.18 (70)\n94. Gremlins of Heinz - 22.05 (125)\n95. Pickle Army - 21.96 (101)\n96. The Bloodlust - 21.92 (103)\n97. FirstPlaceSplashers - 21.66 (41)\n98. GooDz9 - 21.49 (125)\n99. GooDz4 - 21.36 (124)\n100. Superior Fragged - 21.29 (119)\n101. GooDz8 - 20.71 (121)\n102. GooDz11 - 20.54 (125)\n103. Rawr - 20.23 (125)\n104. Drachen Kader - 20.19 (96)\n105. Nons Anonymous - 19.96 (47)\n106. Drachen Kader 2 - 19.32 (52)\n107. The Foundation - 19.01 (105)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Foraging leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Skyborn - 41.03 (45)\n2. Trouble Brewing - 40.28 (124)\n3. Lost in Space - 37.44 (123)\n4. Flexing Chimps - 34.53 (119)\n5. Triades - 33.98 (93)\n6. Bean and Jerrys - 33.42 (107)\n7. Lunar Guard - 31.80 (117)\n8. Rollback - 31.39 (120)\n9. Skyblock Gods - 30.88 (117)\n10. GooDz Elite - 30.63 (77)\n11. FisherSociety - 30.09 (52)\n12. Cobble Crew - 29.84 (106)\n13. Creators Club - 29.78 (124)\n14. Money Moves - 29.77 (124)\n15. Atlantica - 29.38 (116)\n16. MineTogether - 29.35 (41)\n17. Drachen Kult - 29.32 (77)\n18. 2FA - 28.75 (120)\n19. Pollitos En Fuga - 28.64 (77)\n20. Mercifull - 28.58 (125)\n21. Aspect of the Bumble - 28.20 (112)\n22. Dungeons n Dragons - 27.77 (85)\n23. Kitten Krew - 27.67 (121)\n24. Safyre - 27.54 (122)\n25. Skyblock Cult - 27.36 (51)\n26. FrenchFlex - 27.25 (45)\n27. Infrared - 26.79 (116)\n28. Ideal - 26.79 (52)\n29. AquaticLime - 26.50 (97)\n30. Natoric - 26.50 (121)\n31. Vineyard - 26.48 (79)\n32. SkyBlock eSports - 26.27 (60)\n33. USD - 26.12 (120)\n34. GodSplash - 26.06 (113)\n35. Rizin - 25.97 (56)\n36. Floaters - 25.78 (51)\n37. FirstPlaceFishing - 25.69 (79)\n38. Better Days - 25.52 (79)\n39. Greed - 25.50 (107)\n40. The Recruits - 25.39 (125)\n41. Upsi - 25.09 (99)\n42. Skyblock Simplified - 24.76 (85)\n43. 0verflux - 24.62 (73)\n44. New Horizon - 24.58 (56)\n45. Dasani - 24.45 (36)\n46. In Another World With My Guild - 24.33 (123)\n47. Splash When - 24.31 (67)\n48. Drachen Zaehmer - 24.05 (109)\n49. Quacking - 23.98 (124)\n50. Dungeon Scouts - 23.81 (72)\n51. The Deathwish - 23.65 (39)\n52. Dark Wolves - 23.46 (78)\n53. DieFische - 23.43 (59)\n54. Ban Hammer - 23.41 (105)\n55. 123Splashers - 23.39 (47)\n56. Shrainz - 23.28 (66)\n57. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 23.28 (97)\n58. Elite Penguin Force - 23.27 (74)\n59. SkyComm - 23.26 (87)\n60. DitchTheLeech - 23.24 (69)\n61. Leman - 23.10 (125)\n62. MisClickers - 23.01 (92)\n63. Extension - 23.01 (82)\n64. Deluxe - 22.96 (87)\n65. Bunny Hop - 22.89 (125)\n66. HellsHound - 22.77 (93)\n67. SkyKings - 22.55 (118)\n68. GooDz - 22.44 (125)\n69. REBEL - 22.41 (125)\n70. GooDz2 - 22.20 (124)\n71. GooDz7 - 21.81 (124)\n72. Intelligence - 21.80 (94)\n73. Skyblock Forceful - 21.75 (109)\n74. Vitamin Z - 21.50 (118)\n75. GooDz6 - 21.42 (125)\n76. Happier Splashes - 21.39 (90)\n77. Zano - 21.29 (68)\n78. Aspect of the End - 21.15 (98)\n79. GooDz3 - 21.14 (124)\n80. GooDz5 - 21.06 (125)\n81. Clownfish Council - 21.04 (93)\n82. FunkyMelon - 21.02 (90)\n83. Alpaka - 20.93 (71)\n84. Crypticals - 20.87 (87)\n85. War of Underworld - 20.73 (125)\n86. GooDz10 - 20.39 (125)\n87. Drachen Kader - 20.39 (96)\n88. SkyblockNoobs - 20.27 (111)\n89. LegendsOfTheSky - 20.24 (50)\n90. The Best Leechers - 20.24 (70)\n91. Stormweavers - 20.20 (75)\n92. The Bloodlust - 19.96 (103)\n93. Impulsive - 19.85 (94)\n94. Drachen Kader 2 - 19.73 (52)\n95. GooDz9 - 19.52 (125)\n96. GooDz8 - 19.32 (121)\n97. GooDz4 - 19.30 (124)\n98. Gremlins of Heinz - 19.03 (125)\n99. EliteResistance - 18.97 (70)\n100. GooDz11 - 18.88 (125)\n101. Nons Anonymous - 18.85 (47)\n102. Superior Fragged - 18.55 (119)\n103. FirstPlaceSplashers - 18.53 (41)\n104. NoWifi - 18.46 (125)\n105. Rawr - 18.16 (125)\n106. Pickle Army - 18.14 (101)\n107. The Foundation - 17.15 (105)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Fishing leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. FirstPlaceFishing - 29.58 (79)\n2. Trouble Brewing - 29.40 (124)\n3. Skyborn - 27.28 (45)\n4. Lost in Space - 25.93 (123)\n5. Rollback - 25.74 (120)\n6. Flexing Chimps - 25.56 (119)\n7. Triades - 25.48 (93)\n8. Lunar Guard - 25.33 (117)\n9. Cobble Crew - 25.18 (106)\n10. Bean and Jerrys - 25.07 (107)\n11. FisherSociety - 25.03 (52)\n12. Aspect of the Bumble - 24.98 (112)\n13. Drachen Kult - 24.95 (77)\n14. Skyblock Gods - 24.79 (117)\n15. GooDz Elite - 24.38 (77)\n16. Money Moves - 24.38 (124)\n17. Safyre - 24.16 (122)\n18. Bunny Hop - 23.94 (125)\n19. 2FA - 23.88 (120)\n20. Mercifull - 23.79 (125)\n21. Atlantica - 23.68 (116)\n22. Dungeons n Dragons - 23.62 (85)\n23. Skyblock Cult - 23.59 (51)\n24. MineTogether - 23.47 (41)\n25. Kitten Krew - 23.40 (121)\n26. Creators Club - 23.18 (124)\n27. Pollitos En Fuga - 23.09 (77)\n28. Infrared - 23.03 (116)\n29. SkyBlock eSports - 23.02 (60)\n30. Vineyard - 23.00 (79)\n31. Natoric - 22.89 (121)\n32. Ideal - 22.77 (52)\n33. GodSplash - 22.68 (113)\n34. FrenchFlex - 22.65 (45)\n35. SkyComm - 22.38 (87)\n36. Upsi - 22.38 (99)\n37. AquaticLime - 22.37 (97)\n38. Dungeon Scouts - 22.13 (72)\n39. 0verflux - 22.13 (73)\n40. Elite Penguin Force - 22.11 (74)\n41. The Recruits - 22.02 (125)\n42. Greed - 22.01 (107)\n43. Skyblock Simplified - 22.00 (85)\n44. Dark Wolves - 21.98 (78)\n45. Rizin - 21.92 (56)\n46. Dasani - 21.73 (36)\n47. Extension - 21.59 (82)\n48. USD - 21.50 (120)\n49. The Deathwish - 21.48 (39)\n50. Splash When - 21.44 (67)\n51. Ban Hammer - 21.43 (105)\n52. Drachen Zaehmer - 21.35 (109)\n53. DitchTheLeech - 21.33 (69)\n54. New Horizon - 21.26 (56)\n55. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 21.25 (97)\n56. Deluxe - 20.93 (87)\n57. Better Days - 20.88 (79)\n58. Quacking - 20.78 (124)\n59. Clownfish Council - 20.75 (93)\n60. Shrainz - 20.53 (66)\n61. Intelligence - 20.51 (94)\n62. Floaters - 20.45 (51)\n63. In Another World With My Guild - 20.30 (123)\n64. HellsHound - 20.17 (93)\n65. MisClickers - 20.08 (92)\n66. Leman - 19.97 (125)\n67. SkyKings - 19.90 (118)\n68. Skyblock Forceful - 19.75 (109)\n69. GooDz2 - 19.50 (124)\n70. War of Underworld - 19.26 (125)\n71. REBEL - 19.05 (125)\n72. 123Splashers - 18.97 (47)\n73. Crypticals - 18.96 (87)\n74. The Best Leechers - 18.93 (70)\n75. GooDz - 18.88 (125)\n76. DieFische - 18.76 (59)\n77. Happier Splashes - 18.66 (90)\n78. FunkyMelon - 18.64 (90)\n79. Vitamin Z - 18.58 (118)\n80. Aspect of the End - 18.35 (98)\n81. Stormweavers - 18.20 (75)\n82. GooDz7 - 18.14 (124)\n83. Zano - 18.00 (68)\n84. GooDz6 - 17.92 (125)\n85. LegendsOfTheSky - 17.54 (50)\n86. GooDz5 - 17.53 (125)\n87. Gremlins of Heinz - 17.38 (125)\n88. NoWifi - 17.32 (125)\n89. Alpaka - 17.28 (71)\n90. The Bloodlust - 17.14 (103)\n91. EliteResistance - 17.11 (70)\n92. GooDz10 - 16.99 (125)\n93. GooDz3 - 16.97 (124)\n94. SkyblockNoobs - 16.66 (111)\n95. Impulsive - 16.57 (94)\n96. GooDz4 - 16.19 (124)\n97. Drachen Kader - 16.01 (96)\n98. Rawr - 15.41 (125)\n99. Pickle Army - 15.31 (101)\n100. The Foundation - 15.22 (105)\n101. GooDz9 - 15.18 (125)\n102. GooDz8 - 15.18 (121)\n103. Superior Fragged - 15.13 (119)\n104. FirstPlaceSplashers - 15.08 (41)\n105. Drachen Kader 2 - 14.47 (52)\n106. Nons Anonymous - 13.99 (47)\n107. GooDz11 - 13.98 (125)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Enchanting leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Trouble Brewing - 38.45 (124)\n2. Skyborn - 35.58 (45)\n3. Lost in Space - 34.31 (123)\n4. Flexing Chimps - 32.54 (119)\n5. Triades - 29.99 (93)\n6. Rollback - 27.06 (120)\n7. Lunar Guard - 26.22 (117)\n8. Bean and Jerrys - 25.45 (107)\n9. Cobble Crew - 24.98 (106)\n10. Aspect of the Bumble - 24.84 (112)\n11. Money Moves - 24.61 (124)\n12. Skyblock Gods - 24.55 (117)\n13. Creators Club - 24.37 (124)\n14. 2FA - 23.85 (120)\n15. FisherSociety - 23.40 (52)\n16. Atlantica - 23.36 (116)\n17. GooDz Elite - 23.31 (77)\n18. Safyre - 22.91 (122)\n19. Infrared - 22.83 (116)\n20. Mercifull - 22.47 (125)\n21. Dungeons n Dragons - 22.38 (85)\n22. Drachen Kult - 22.36 (77)\n23. Ideal - 22.09 (52)\n24. Kitten Krew - 22.04 (121)\n25. FirstPlaceFishing - 21.44 (79)\n26. AquaticLime - 21.43 (97)\n27. SkyBlock eSports - 21.40 (60)\n28. Natoric - 21.37 (121)\n29. GodSplash - 21.29 (113)\n30. Skyblock Cult - 21.15 (51)\n31. Vineyard - 21.13 (79)\n32. MineTogether - 20.99 (41)\n33. Pollitos En Fuga - 20.90 (77)\n34. Rizin - 20.78 (56)\n35. Greed - 20.75 (107)\n36. Skyblock Simplified - 20.28 (85)\n37. Upsi - 20.27 (99)\n38. The Recruits - 20.23 (125)\n39. FrenchFlex - 20.21 (45)\n40. New Horizon - 20.05 (56)\n41. USD - 19.99 (120)\n42. Bunny Hop - 19.98 (125)\n43. SkyComm - 19.97 (87)\n44. Better Days - 19.89 (79)\n45. Dark Wolves - 19.83 (78)\n46. Dungeon Scouts - 19.77 (72)\n47. Elite Penguin Force - 19.67 (74)\n48. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 19.60 (97)\n49. Splash When - 19.56 (67)\n50. Dasani - 19.56 (36)\n51. Extension - 19.39 (82)\n52. REBEL - 19.38 (125)\n53. Quacking - 19.25 (124)\n54. Floaters - 19.23 (51)\n55. DitchTheLeech - 19.19 (69)\n56. Ban Hammer - 19.13 (105)\n57. 0verflux - 19.06 (73)\n58. Shrainz - 19.06 (66)\n59. Deluxe - 19.02 (87)\n60. HellsHound - 18.98 (93)\n61. Drachen Zaehmer - 18.92 (109)\n62. SkyKings - 18.53 (118)\n63. Leman - 18.48 (125)\n64. In Another World With My Guild - 18.44 (123)\n65. Intelligence - 18.42 (94)\n66. MisClickers - 18.32 (92)\n67. Clownfish Council - 18.18 (93)\n68. The Deathwish - 18.15 (39)\n69. Skyblock Forceful - 18.08 (109)\n70. Zano - 18.02 (68)\n71. 123Splashers - 17.95 (47)\n72. War of Underworld - 17.82 (125)\n73. The Best Leechers - 17.79 (70)\n74. Vitamin Z - 17.57 (118)\n75. GooDz2 - 17.56 (124)\n76. The Bloodlust - 17.45 (103)\n77. Happier Splashes - 17.41 (90)\n78. Aspect of the End - 17.35 (98)\n79. FunkyMelon - 17.30 (90)\n80. Crypticals - 17.25 (87)\n81. DieFische - 17.14 (59)\n82. Stormweavers - 16.98 (75)\n83. GooDz6 - 16.75 (125)\n84. SkyblockNoobs - 16.60 (111)\n85. GooDz - 16.53 (125)\n86. GooDz7 - 16.31 (124)\n87. GooDz5 - 16.26 (125)\n88. LegendsOfTheSky - 16.20 (50)\n89. Gremlins of Heinz - 16.18 (125)\n90. Impulsive - 16.14 (94)\n91. GooDz10 - 16.04 (125)\n92. NoWifi - 15.94 (125)\n93. Alpaka - 15.83 (71)\n94. GooDz3 - 15.78 (124)\n95. EliteResistance - 15.65 (70)\n96. Superior Fragged - 15.26 (119)\n97. Pickle Army - 15.00 (101)\n98. Drachen Kader - 14.84 (96)\n99. GooDz4 - 14.84 (124)\n100. FirstPlaceSplashers - 14.78 (41)\n101. GooDz9 - 14.77 (125)\n102. Drachen Kader 2 - 14.64 (52)\n103. GooDz8 - 14.58 (121)\n104. Nons Anonymous - 14.54 (47)\n105. GooDz11 - 14.37 (125)\n106. The Foundation - 14.26 (105)\n107. Rawr - 13.99 (125)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Alchemy leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Trouble Brewing - 49.60 (124)\n2. Skyborn - 49.01 (45)\n3. Lost in Space - 48.63 (123)\n4. Flexing Chimps - 48.36 (119)\n5. Triades - 45.99 (93)\n6. Rollback - 45.70 (120)\n7. Aspect of the Bumble - 44.44 (112)\n8. Lunar Guard - 43.72 (117)\n9. Bean and Jerrys - 43.31 (107)\n10. Creators Club - 41.09 (124)\n11. Money Moves - 40.62 (124)\n12. Skyblock Gods - 40.41 (117)\n13. Atlantica - 40.36 (116)\n14. Cobble Crew - 40.10 (106)\n15. 2FA - 39.34 (120)\n16. Mercifull - 37.76 (125)\n17. Drachen Kult - 37.62 (77)\n18. GooDz Elite - 36.51 (77)\n19. Ideal - 35.99 (52)\n20. Safyre - 35.94 (122)\n21. MineTogether - 35.33 (41)\n22. FisherSociety - 34.80 (52)\n23. Infrared - 34.33 (116)\n24. Kitten Krew - 34.31 (121)\n25. Dungeons n Dragons - 34.22 (85)\n26. GodSplash - 34.17 (113)\n27. FrenchFlex - 33.00 (45)\n28. Rizin - 32.90 (56)\n29. Skyblock Cult - 32.74 (51)\n30. SkyBlock eSports - 32.22 (60)\n31. AquaticLime - 32.12 (97)\n32. Pollitos En Fuga - 31.92 (77)\n33. Vineyard - 31.83 (79)\n34. Natoric - 31.34 (121)\n35. Skyblock Simplified - 31.19 (85)\n36. Greed - 30.63 (107)\n37. Upsi - 29.77 (99)\n38. The Recruits - 29.40 (125)\n39. FirstPlaceFishing - 29.35 (79)\n40. Better Days - 29.08 (79)\n41. New Horizon - 28.26 (56)\n42. Dasani - 28.25 (36)\n43. Bunny Hop - 28.02 (125)\n44. USD - 27.94 (120)\n45. Splash When - 27.86 (67)\n46. Dungeon Scouts - 27.79 (72)\n47. Floaters - 27.68 (51)\n48. Quacking - 26.76 (124)\n49. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 26.56 (97)\n50. Ban Hammer - 26.54 (105)\n51. Dark Wolves - 26.34 (78)\n52. Extension - 26.13 (82)\n53. SkyComm - 26.03 (87)\n54. Elite Penguin Force - 25.72 (74)\n55. Intelligence - 25.64 (94)\n56. Shrainz - 25.41 (66)\n57. HellsHound - 25.40 (93)\n58. 0verflux - 25.15 (73)\n59. Drachen Zaehmer - 24.93 (109)\n60. MisClickers - 24.65 (92)\n61. DitchTheLeech - 24.33 (69)\n62. Clownfish Council - 24.27 (93)\n63. REBEL - 24.05 (125)\n64. The Deathwish - 24.02 (39)\n65. 123Splashers - 23.86 (47)\n66. Leman - 23.85 (125)\n67. Deluxe - 23.55 (87)\n68. In Another World With My Guild - 23.01 (123)\n69. SkyKings - 22.67 (118)\n70. Vitamin Z - 22.61 (118)\n71. Skyblock Forceful - 22.57 (109)\n72. The Best Leechers - 22.38 (70)\n73. The Bloodlust - 21.76 (103)\n74. FunkyMelon - 21.75 (90)\n75. DieFische - 21.73 (59)\n76. Happier Splashes - 21.53 (90)\n77. Crypticals - 21.39 (87)\n78. Zano - 21.25 (68)\n79. War of Underworld - 20.50 (125)\n80. GooDz2 - 20.45 (124)\n81. GooDz - 19.97 (125)\n82. LegendsOfTheSky - 18.75 (50)\n83. Aspect of the End - 18.67 (98)\n84. GooDz6 - 18.50 (125)\n85. Gremlins of Heinz - 18.33 (125)\n86. NoWifi - 18.27 (125)\n87. SkyblockNoobs - 18.24 (111)\n88. Stormweavers - 18.23 (75)\n89. GooDz7 - 18.10 (124)\n90. Pickle Army - 17.90 (101)\n91. FirstPlaceSplashers - 17.58 (41)\n92. Impulsive - 17.28 (94)\n93. GooDz10 - 16.28 (125)\n94. Alpaka - 16.17 (71)\n95. The Foundation - 16.10 (105)\n96. GooDz5 - 16.02 (125)\n97. GooDz3 - 15.82 (124)\n98. Superior Fragged - 15.53 (119)\n99. EliteResistance - 15.42 (70)\n100. Rawr - 15.07 (125)\n101. GooDz8 - 13.66 (121)\n102. Drachen Kader - 13.60 (96)\n103. GooDz4 - 13.53 (124)\n104. GooDz9 - 13.46 (125)\n105. Nons Anonymous - 13.43 (47)\n106. Drachen Kader 2 - 12.55 (52)\n107. GooDz11 - 12.41 (125)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Zombie leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Flexing Chimps - 898217.98 (119)\n2. Lost in Space - 822125.61 (123)\n3. Trouble Brewing - 761826.29 (124)\n4. Triades - 570517.31 (93)\n5. Bean and Jerrys - 521973.93 (107)\n6. Cobble Crew - 495168.11 (106)\n7. Lunar Guard - 439910.47 (117)\n8. Rollback - 425940.54 (120)\n9. Creators Club - 419908.19 (124)\n10. Aspect of the Bumble - 387253.04 (112)\n11. Money Moves - 359208.91 (124)\n12. Skyblock Gods - 358975.56 (117)\n13. Atlantica - 343459.96 (116)\n14. FrenchFlex - 336252.56 (45)\n15. Ideal - 317929.81 (52)\n16. Skyborn - 315019.00 (45)\n17. Mercifull - 294302.52 (125)\n18. FisherSociety - 292075.67 (52)\n19. Safyre - 287650.20 (122)\n20. 2FA - 286524.04 (120)\n21. GooDz Elite - 278967.86 (77)\n22. Dungeons n Dragons - 275368.76 (85)\n23. Drachen Kult - 256216.62 (77)\n24. Infrared - 243455.22 (116)\n25. Vineyard - 224011.08 (79)\n26. Skyblock Cult - 214717.06 (51)\n27. SkyBlock eSports - 196273.17 (60)\n28. GodSplash - 195314.65 (113)\n29. Kitten Krew - 192012.56 (121)\n30. Bunny Hop - 173818.96 (125)\n31. Pollitos En Fuga - 169412.60 (77)\n32. AquaticLime - 166594.74 (97)\n33. Better Days - 166052.72 (79)\n34. Skyblock Simplified - 159375.88 (85)\n35. Dasani - 154178.06 (36)\n36. Greed - 150974.86 (107)\n37. Rizin - 150380.27 (56)\n38. The Recruits - 145235.56 (125)\n39. Upsi - 142762.53 (99)\n40. FirstPlaceFishing - 139420.38 (79)\n41. MineTogether - 139289.51 (41)\n42. Dungeon Scouts - 138810.49 (72)\n43. Natoric - 136351.03 (121)\n44. REBEL - 135526.04 (125)\n45. New Horizon - 135161.52 (56)\n46. Splash When - 130286.79 (67)\n47. USD - 123536.88 (120)\n48. The Best Leechers - 117959.64 (70)\n49. Dark Wolves - 117522.05 (78)\n50. Elite Penguin Force - 117113.45 (74)\n51. Extension - 117068.60 (82)\n52. Quacking - 106201.61 (124)\n53. 0verflux - 104404.11 (73)\n54. DitchTheLeech - 103867.46 (69)\n55. Floaters - 103064.90 (51)\n56. Ban Hammer - 99831.00 (105)\n57. Shrainz - 99535.00 (66)\n58. The Deathwish - 97954.10 (39)\n59. Intelligence - 97947.71 (94)\n60. FirstPlaceSplashers - 93194.63 (41)\n61. Pickle Army - 84004.21 (101)\n62. SkyComm - 83519.66 (87)\n63. Leman - 79684.12 (125)\n64. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 75159.90 (97)\n65. Zano - 74863.24 (68)\n66. Happier Splashes - 70977.83 (90)\n67. The Bloodlust - 69067.48 (103)\n68. War of Underworld - 69022.84 (125)\n69. Deluxe - 63476.84 (87)\n70. 123Splashers - 62683.51 (47)\n71. Vitamin Z - 61755.85 (118)\n72. Skyblock Forceful - 60137.25 (109)\n73. FunkyMelon - 59920.78 (90)\n74. Clownfish Council - 58981.56 (93)\n75. In Another World With My Guild - 57917.93 (123)\n76. NoWifi - 56362.12 (125)\n77. MisClickers - 55098.53 (92)\n78. HellsHound - 54941.08 (93)\n79. Drachen Zaehmer - 53779.77 (109)\n80. GooDz - 53125.44 (125)\n81. SkyKings - 51327.54 (118)\n82. Gremlins of Heinz - 51317.44 (125)\n83. Aspect of the End - 51316.12 (98)\n84. GooDz2 - 50198.19 (124)\n85. Crypticals - 49562.99 (87)\n86. Rawr - 46188.12 (125)\n87. GooDz7 - 45658.75 (124)\n88. DieFische - 38513.47 (59)\n89. Alpaka - 37376.69 (71)\n90. The Foundation - 36612.05 (105)\n91. EliteResistance - 36071.36 (70)\n92. GooDz3 - 35001.57 (124)\n93. SkyblockNoobs - 34576.80 (111)\n94. LegendsOfTheSky - 32888.00 (50)\n95. GooDz6 - 30163.92 (125)\n96. Impulsive - 29965.37 (94)\n97. GooDz5 - 25291.12 (125)\n98. GooDz10 - 24391.56 (125)\n99. GooDz9 - 23897.32 (125)\n100. Superior Fragged - 22278.07 (119)\n101. Stormweavers - 21440.73 (75)\n102. GooDz4 - 17171.94 (124)\n103. GooDz11 - 15101.32 (125)\n104. Nons Anonymous - 13790.00 (47)\n105. GooDz8 - 11732.56 (121)\n106. Drachen Kader - 5502.86 (96)\n107. Drachen Kader 2 - 5285.00 (52)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Spider leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Flexing Chimps - 726081.68 (119)\n2. Trouble Brewing - 694494.64 (124)\n3. Lost in Space - 518757.28 (123)\n4. Lunar Guard - 439671.03 (117)\n5. Triades - 426455.32 (93)\n6. Cobble Crew - 405311.27 (106)\n7. Bean and Jerrys - 367387.48 (107)\n8. Rollback - 365712.67 (120)\n9. Aspect of the Bumble - 301596.79 (112)\n10. FrenchFlex - 294209.67 (45)\n11. Ideal - 290250.77 (52)\n12. Money Moves - 285048.51 (124)\n13. Skyborn - 279149.11 (45)\n14. Atlantica - 271857.46 (116)\n15. Skyblock Gods - 270574.91 (117)\n16. GooDz Elite - 252637.27 (77)\n17. 2FA - 247548.71 (120)\n18. Safyre - 247468.81 (122)\n19. FisherSociety - 236687.88 (52)\n20. Creators Club - 231114.76 (124)\n21. Mercifull - 225741.32 (125)\n22. Bunny Hop - 210937.76 (125)\n23. Infrared - 204139.14 (116)\n24. GodSplash - 201171.37 (113)\n25. Drachen Kult - 199715.06 (77)\n26. Vineyard - 190772.78 (79)\n27. MineTogether - 190719.51 (41)\n28. Skyblock Cult - 187361.67 (51)\n29. SkyBlock eSports - 173444.67 (60)\n30. 0verflux - 168406.99 (73)\n31. Kitten Krew - 166643.47 (121)\n32. Dungeons n Dragons - 165017.12 (85)\n33. Pollitos En Fuga - 154080.65 (77)\n34. USD - 142629.92 (120)\n35. Rizin - 137878.12 (56)\n36. Dasani - 131002.92 (36)\n37. Upsi - 129253.03 (99)\n38. Dungeon Scouts - 127088.40 (72)\n39. Better Days - 124602.47 (79)\n40. Skyblock Simplified - 123665.35 (85)\n41. New Horizon - 116204.38 (56)\n42. The Recruits - 109704.28 (125)\n43. Splash When - 105479.33 (67)\n44. Shrainz - 98314.47 (66)\n45. Elite Penguin Force - 97934.32 (74)\n46. AquaticLime - 93598.30 (97)\n47. Natoric - 93438.55 (121)\n48. Ban Hammer - 93001.29 (105)\n49. Greed - 89371.21 (107)\n50. The Best Leechers - 83009.36 (70)\n51. Dark Wolves - 78756.35 (78)\n52. Leman - 78139.28 (125)\n53. DitchTheLeech - 77030.22 (69)\n54. FirstPlaceFishing - 76992.03 (79)\n55. Floaters - 75967.55 (51)\n56. Extension - 73915.30 (82)\n57. Quacking - 72126.25 (124)\n58. War of Underworld - 69567.52 (125)\n59. Pickle Army - 68243.71 (101)\n60. REBEL - 67105.04 (125)\n61. Zano - 65297.35 (68)\n62. Intelligence - 63631.91 (94)\n63. SkyComm - 62216.15 (87)\n64. 123Splashers - 60200.00 (47)\n65. The Deathwish - 57110.90 (39)\n66. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 55894.59 (97)\n67. Happier Splashes - 55824.56 (90)\n68. Skyblock Forceful - 51247.20 (109)\n69. Deluxe - 47032.01 (87)\n70. FunkyMelon - 46167.28 (90)\n71. GooDz2 - 44943.47 (124)\n72. GooDz9 - 44754.72 (125)\n73. GooDz - 43521.04 (125)\n74. Vitamin Z - 42889.28 (118)\n75. Clownfish Council - 42669.62 (93)\n76. MisClickers - 42597.01 (92)\n77. The Bloodlust - 39391.41 (103)\n78. Crypticals - 37739.71 (87)\n79. Gremlins of Heinz - 37124.76 (125)\n80. Drachen Zaehmer - 36621.83 (109)\n81. NoWifi - 35855.04 (125)\n82. HellsHound - 34160.59 (93)\n83. In Another World With My Guild - 34113.33 (123)\n84. GooDz7 - 30367.70 (124)\n85. FirstPlaceSplashers - 29744.27 (41)\n86. GooDz6 - 28888.08 (125)\n87. LegendsOfTheSky - 27583.50 (50)\n88. Rawr - 25620.24 (125)\n89. DieFische - 25083.73 (59)\n90. SkyKings - 25005.72 (118)\n91. Alpaka - 24584.58 (71)\n92. The Foundation - 23641.90 (105)\n93. Aspect of the End - 21777.60 (98)\n94. SkyblockNoobs - 21264.28 (111)\n95. GooDz10 - 19151.20 (125)\n96. GooDz5 - 17046.44 (125)\n97. Superior Fragged - 16470.84 (119)\n98. GooDz3 - 16051.29 (124)\n99. EliteResistance - 15721.93 (70)\n100. Impulsive - 12093.67 (94)\n101. Stormweavers - 11112.40 (75)\n102. GooDz11 - 10412.40 (125)\n103. GooDz4 - 9048.43 (124)\n104. Drachen Kader - 8006.61 (96)\n105. GooDz8 - 7748.35 (121)\n106. Nons Anonymous - 3206.91 (47)\n107. Drachen Kader 2 - 677.69 (52)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Wolf leaderboard\n\n\n\n1. Flexing Chimps - 989863.11 (119)\n2. Trouble Brewing - 911713.79 (124)\n3. Lost in Space - 817888.17 (123)\n4. Lunar Guard - 597473.68 (117)\n5. Bean and Jerrys - 539035.23 (107)\n6. Triades - 508424.46 (93)\n7. Rollback - 490867.21 (120)\n8. Cobble Crew - 471682.22 (106)\n9. Money Moves - 396656.13 (124)\n10. Ideal - 390028.94 (52)\n11. Skyblock Gods - 360009.49 (117)\n12. Aspect of the Bumble - 355915.31 (112)\n13. FrenchFlex - 333408.00 (45)\n14. Atlantica - 326150.39 (116)\n15. Bunny Hop - 294847.20 (125)\n16. Mercifull - 294047.60 (125)\n17. Safyre - 292638.03 (122)\n18. Skyborn - 287408.11 (45)\n19. Infrared - 277655.26 (116)\n20. GooDz Elite - 268467.47 (77)\n21. 2FA - 236814.54 (120)\n22. Creators Club - 234265.04 (124)\n23. FisherSociety - 225502.60 (52)\n24. Drachen Kult - 207550.06 (77)\n25. Dungeons n Dragons - 203867.59 (85)\n26. Pollitos En Fuga - 189239.74 (77)\n27. GodSplash - 180827.30 (113)\n28. Rizin - 175511.70 (56)\n29. Skyblock Cult - 170016.96 (51)\n30. Vineyard - 169674.49 (79)\n31. SkyBlock eSports - 156288.42 (60)\n32. Kitten Krew - 152323.55 (121)\n33. 0verflux - 132302.40 (73)\n34. MineTogether - 124169.51 (41)\n35. Dasani - 123569.58 (36)\n36. The Recruits - 122720.92 (125)\n37. Shrainz - 120860.38 (66)\n38. Better Days - 115401.01 (79)\n39. Upsi - 113387.02 (99)\n40. Dungeon Scouts - 109984.24 (72)\n41. USD - 106440.38 (120)\n42. New Horizon - 103241.07 (56)\n43. Quacking - 92853.83 (124)\n44. Natoric - 92290.29 (121)\n45. Skyblock Simplified - 91711.65 (85)\n46. Elite Penguin Force - 91660.95 (74)\n47. Splash When - 91234.85 (67)\n48. Dark Wolves - 89182.24 (78)\n49. Ban Hammer - 86722.43 (105)\n50. Greed - 84978.46 (107)\n51. FirstPlaceFishing - 84887.72 (79)\n52. The Best Leechers - 81969.36 (70)\n53. War of Underworld - 78992.76 (125)\n54. Floaters - 77110.39 (51)\n55. AquaticLime - 76325.10 (97)\n56. 123Splashers - 76227.77 (47)\n57. Leman - 69032.28 (125)\n58. REBEL - 63921.08 (125)\n59. Pickle Army - 62462.08 (101)\n60. The Deathwish - 58675.26 (39)\n61. Vitamin Z - 58087.88 (118)\n62. SkyComm - 57810.57 (87)\n63. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 54067.78 (97)\n64. Happier Splashes - 53200.50 (90)\n65. FunkyMelon - 51484.89 (90)\n66. DitchTheLeech - 51394.71 (69)\n67. Deluxe - 51173.33 (87)\n68. NoWifi - 50940.96 (125)\n69. Intelligence - 48675.74 (94)\n70. GooDz - 47814.52 (125)\n71. Zano - 47249.93 (68)\n72. Clownfish Council - 44849.62 (93)\n73. The Bloodlust - 44714.71 (103)\n74. FirstPlaceSplashers - 44189.15 (41)\n75. Extension - 41511.22 (82)\n76. MisClickers - 40751.25 (92)\n77. Drachen Zaehmer - 40089.08 (109)\n78. In Another World With My Guild - 35215.08 (123)\n79. Skyblock Forceful - 35022.16 (109)\n80. Crypticals - 34480.29 (87)\n81. The Foundation - 32152.24 (105)\n82. GooDz2 - 29803.02 (124)\n83. HellsHound - 28415.32 (93)\n84. Alpaka - 27605.07 (71)\n85. Rawr - 25158.12 (125)\n86. Gremlins of Heinz - 24571.76 (125)\n87. SkyKings - 24196.78 (118)\n88. GooDz5 - 22195.56 (125)\n89. EliteResistance - 21080.79 (70)\n90. DieFische - 20320.51 (59)\n91. SkyblockNoobs - 20129.41 (111)\n92. GooDz7 - 20044.15 (124)\n93. Aspect of the End - 17046.99 (98)\n94. GooDz6 - 16797.00 (125)\n95. GooDz9 - 16103.96 (125)\n96. GooDz10 - 13832.20 (125)\n97. GooDz3 - 13748.99 (124)\n98. Impulsive - 13026.81 (94)\n99. LegendsOfTheSky - 12006.20 (50)\n100. Superior Fragged - 9997.48 (119)\n101. Stormweavers - 9987.47 (75)\n102. GooDz11 - 8972.84 (125)\n103. GooDz4 - 8452.14 (124)\n104. Drachen Kader - 7656.93 (96)\n105. GooDz8 - 6682.07 (121)\n106. Nons Anonymous - 4759.15 (47)\n107. Drachen Kader 2 - 2663.85 (52)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Old Overall Leaderboard\n\n\n\nThis is the leaderboard from 26th July 2020.\n1. Trouble Brewing - 7.15 (125)\n2. Lost in Space - 5.81 (125)\n3. Flexing Chimps - 5.29 (116)\n4. Rollback - 3.66 (125)\n5. Bean and Jerrys - 3.38 (116)\n6. Lunar Guard - 3.38 (112)\n7. Triades - 3.25 (91)\n8. Cobble Crew - 2.97 (112)\n9. Aspect of the Bumble - 2.69 (124)\n10. Money Moves - 2.56 (125)\n11. Creators Club - 2.49 (118)\n12. Skyblock Gods - 2.48 (103)\n13. Atlantica - 2.45 (120)\n14. Mercifull - 2.24 (125)\n15. 2FA - 2.15 (122)\n16. Skyborn - 2.12 (48)\n17. Safyre - 2.01 (120)\n18. Infrared - 1.75 (123)\n19. Kitten Krew - 1.56 (124)\n20. GooDz Elite - 1.38 (77)\n21. Drachen Kult - 1.37 (95)\n22. GodSplash - 1.32 (104)\n23. Solo Leveling - 1.24 (61)\n24. Dungeons n Dragons - 1.21 (89)\n25. Natoric - 1.21 (122)\n26. Bunny Hop - 1.20 (125)\n27. Ideal - 1.18 (49)\n28. FisherSociety - 1.10 (57)\n29. Pollitos En Fuga - 1.06 (86)\n30. The Recruits - 1.05 (123)\n31. Greed - 0.98 (118)\n32. USD - 0.96 (119)\n33. Vineyard - 0.94 (79)\n34. AquaticLime - 0.85 (93)\n35. FirstPlaceFishing - 0.83 (78)\n36. Upsi - 0.81 (97)\n37. FrenchFlex - 0.78 (49)\n38. Skyblock Cult - 0.76 (55)\n39. SkyBlock eSports - 0.71 (67)\n40. Quacking - 0.69 (121)\n41. Skyblock Simplified - 0.67 (76)\n42. Post Traumatic Skyblock Disorder - 0.66 (122)\n43. MineTogether - 0.60 (48)\n44. Ban Hammer - 0.59 (99)\n45. 0verflux - 0.58 (71)\n46. Rizin - 0.56 (55)\n47. Dungeon Scouts - 0.56 (71)\n48. Dark Wolves - 0.55 (77)\n49. New Horizon - 0.53 (64)\n50. Better Days - 0.52 (81)\n51. Splash When - 0.52 (69)\n52. Drachen Zaehmer - 0.51 (112)\n53. In Another World With My Guild - 0.49 (119)\n54. SkyComm - 0.46 (86)\n55. Pickle Army - 0.44 (70)\n56. Extension - 0.44 (93)\n57. Elite Penguin Force - 0.43 (70)\n58. REBEL - 0.43 (125)\n59. Shrainz - 0.42 (74)\n60. Intelligence - 0.42 (93)\n61. SkyKings - 0.41 (122)\n62. DitchTheLeech - 0.38 (72)\n63. War of Underworld - 0.36 (122)\n64. GooDz2 - 0.36 (123)\n65. MisClickers - 0.36 (93)\n66. Deluxe - 0.35 (87)\n67. GooDz - 0.32 (124)\n68. Floaters - 0.32 (48)\n69. Vitamin Z - 0.32 (111)\n70. Clownfish Council - 0.31 (93)\n71. Skyblock Forceful - 0.30 (117)\n72. Dasani - 0.28 (36)\n73. The Deathwish - 0.25 (42)\n74. The Best Leechers - 0.24 (70)\n75. GooDz7 - 0.24 (125)\n76. 123Splashers - 0.22 (59)\n77. Russian Turtle Mafia - 0.22 (70)\n78. FunkyMelon - 0.21 (91)\n79. GooDz6 - 0.20 (125)\n80. NoWifi - 0.20 (123)\n81. Zano - 0.19 (67)\n82. Crypticals - 0.19 (86)\n83. The Bloodlust - 0.16 (100)\n84. DieFische - 0.16 (53)\n85. GooDz3 - 0.16 (125)\n86. GooDz5 - 0.15 (125)\n87. Gremlins of Heinz - 0.15 (124)\n88. SkyblockNoobs - 0.14 (108)\n89. Aspect of the End - 0.14 (91)\n90. GooDz10 - 0.11 (120)\n91. GooDz9 - 0.11 (125)\n92. Rawr - 0.10 (125)\n93. Alpaka - 0.09 (74)\n94. The Foundation - 0.09 (108)\n95. Impulsive - 0.08 (101)\n96. Stormweavers - 0.08 (74)\n97. LegendsOfTheSky - 0.08 (57)\n98. GooDz4 - 0.08 (120)\n99. Superior Fragged - 0.08 (116)\n100. FirstPlaceSplashers - 0.07 (43)\n101. GooDz8 - 0.07 (123)\n102. EliteResistance - 0.07 (70)\n103. Nons Anonymous - 0.06 (98)\n104. GooDz11 - 0.06 (125)\n105. Drachen Kader - 0.05 (96)\n106. Drachen Kader 2 - 0.02 (57)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Very Old Overall Leaderboard\n\n\n\nThis leaderboard is from 2nd April 2020, if for some reason you wanted it.\n1=. First Place Frags (124)\n1=. Flexing Chimps (125)\n3. Trouble Brewing (124)\n4. Final Floor Frags (118)\n5. Triades (75)\n6. Cute Kittens (117)\n7. Skyborn (71)\n8. Ideal (113)\n9. Superior Dog Guild (101)\n10. Cobble Crew (107)\n11. Rollback (124)\n12. Aspect of the Bumble (123)\n13. Skyblock Gods (112)\n14. Dungeons n Dragons (92)\n15. 1ms (69)\n16. Weebilicious (118)\n17. Infrared (123)\n18. Pig Cultists (49)\n19. Safyre (118)\n20. Skyblock Sweats (60)\n21. Quacking (125)\n22. DiamondLunatic (78)\n23. Skyblock Cult (67)\n24. ClockDestroyers (105)\n25. SkyComm (49)\n26. Max Level Minions (26)\n27. Svea (96)\n28. SkyblockZ (111)\n29. Dasani (110)\n30. Solo Leveling (69)\n31. Vineyard (114)\n32. SkyGang (102)\n33. Paradise Islands (82)\n34. Kitten Krew (118)\n35. Dulcet (82)\n36. Force 99 (35)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Guild Discords/Application Pages\n\n\n\nA big thanks to @KatAura for helping me with this. I really want confirmation/information where it says, it's very hard to track down everything and there are plenty of missing/broken discord links.\n\nTrouble Brewing\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Circle of Guilds member\n\nLost in Space\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmation needed]\nNotes: Circle of Guilds member\n\nFlexing Chimps\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmation needed]\nNotes: Circle of Guilds member\n\nRollback\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Circle of Guilds member\n\nBean and Jerrys\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nLunar Guard\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Circle of Guilds member\n\nTriades\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Circle of Guilds member\n\nCobble Crew\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmation needed]\nNotes: Akinsoft's guild\n\nAspect of the Bumble\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nMoney Moves\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nCreators Club\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\nNotes: Youtuber guild (open for non-yts though)\n\nSkyblock Gods\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nAtlantica\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nMercifull\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\n2FA\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nSkyborn\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Circle of Guilds member\n\nSafyre\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nInfrared\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nKitten Krew\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nGooDz Elite\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: \"German guild\nDrachen Kult\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: German guild; also has a website\n\nGodSplash\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nSolo Leveling\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nDungeons n Dragons\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nNatoric\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nBunny Hop\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nIdeal\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Circle of Guilds member\n\nFisherSociety\nDiscord:\nForum Post: [information needed]\nNotes: German guild\n\nPollitos En Fuga\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: Spanish guild\n\nThe Recruits\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nGreed\nDiscord: no public discord [confirmed by GM]\nForum Post:\n\nUSD\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nVineyard\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nAquaticLime\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nFirstPlaceFishing\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nUpsi\nDiscord: last invite was expired [info needed+]\nForum Post:\n\nFrenchFlex\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nSkyblock Cult\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nSkyBlock eSports\nDiscord:\nForum Post: [broken]\n\nQuacking\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nSkyblock Simplified\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Guild for the Skyblock Simplified Discord\n\nPost Traumatic Skyblock Disorder\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post:\n\nMineTogether\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: German guild\n\nBan Hammer\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\n0verflux\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\nNotes: Spanish guild\n\nRizin\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: German guild\n\nDungeon Scouts\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nDark Wolves\nDiscord: no public discord\nForum Post:\n\nNew Horizon\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nBetter Days\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nSplash When\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Splash server\n\nDrachen Zaehmer\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: German guild; also has a website\n\nIn Another World With My Guild\nDiscord: no public discord [confirmed]\nForum Post:\n\nSkyComm\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\nNotes: Guild for the Skyblock Community Discord\n\nPickle Army\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nExtension\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nElite Penguin Force\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\n\nREBEL\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: All round #1 guild; not a skyblock main\n\nShrainz\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nIntelligence\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post:\n\nSkyKings\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nDitchTheLeech\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nWar of Underworld\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nGooDz2\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\nMisClickers\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nDeluxe\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nGooDz\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\nFloaters\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nVitamin Z\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nClownfish Council\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nSkyblock Forceful\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nDasani\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nThe Deathwish\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nThe Best Leechers\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\nNotes: Polish guild\n\nHappier Splashes\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes:\nGooDz7\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\n123Splashers\nDiscord: last invite was expired [info needed+]\nForum Post:\n\nRussian Turtle Mafia\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nFunkyMelon\nDiscord: last invite was expired [info needed+]\nForum Post:\n\nGooDz6\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\nNoWifi\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Not a skyblock main guild\n\nZano\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\n\nCrypticals\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nThe Bloodlust\nDiscord: no public discord [confirmed]\nForum Post:\nNotes: Not a skyblock main guild\n\nDieFische\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post:\nNotes: German guild\n\nGooDz3\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\nGooDz5\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\nGremlins of Heinz\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post:\n\nSkyblockNoobs\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nAspect of the End\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nGooDz10\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\nGooDz9\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\nRawr\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Not a skyblock main guild\n\nAlpaka\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\nNotes: German guild\n\nThe Foundation\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: Not a skyblock main guild\n\nImpulsive\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nStormweavers\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nLegendsOfTheSky\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nGooDz4\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\nSuperior Fragged\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nFirstPlaceSplashers\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nGooDz8\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\nEliteResistance\nDiscord: no public discord [info needed]\nForum Post: no forums app [info needed]\n\nNons Anonymous\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\n\nGooDz11\nDiscord:\nForum Post: no forums app [confirmed]\nNotes: German guild; part of GooDz clan\n\nDrachen Kader\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: German guild; also has a website\n\nDrachen Kader 2\nDiscord:\nForum Post:\nNotes: German guild; also has a website\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Why make this?\n\n\n\nI mainly made this because it is hard to tell which guilds are the best when it comes to Skyblock. If you are planning on joining a guild, it's nice to know how the guild you are joining compares with other guilds out there.\nIt's also fun for guilds to be competitive with each other, it can make content more exciting seeing your guild move up the list.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: FAQ\n\n\n\nHow did you find this data?/ How can I find the data for my own guild?/ How do you use the API?\nIf you just want to find the data for your own guild, or a small number of guilds, I recommend using the sbs guild command in the Skyblock Simplified discord server. This will give average data for your whole guild as well as individual player data. The link to the discord can be found [here]. If this isn't working the skyborn discord server has a bot that can do this too.\n\nPersonally, I have used the API to find this data. A great guide for getting started with the API can be found [here]. The data for skills is in the profile API, however for players with API disabled they can also be found under player API in the achievements section. The names of the skills are a little odd here. The data for slayer exp is found under the profile API, and can't be turned off with API settings.\n\nHow exactly is the overall leaderboard calculated?\nFirstly, the total slayer exp across all guilds. This is done by multiplying the average slayer exp for a guild by the number of players in a guild, then adding that together for all guilds.\nThen, for each guild, the guild's slayer exp is divided by the total.\nThe numbers are then multiplied by 50.\nThis gives a list where there is 50 points distributed around all the guilds, where guilds with more slayer exp get more points.\n\nThe same is then done for skill exp.\n(Note that skill exp and not skill level is used, as while 200k slayer exp is twice 100k, 30 avg skill level is much much higher than 15)\n\nThese two numbers are then added together, and a leaderboard is created off them.\nThere is one last subtlety, there are actually only 40 points allocated to slayer and 60 points are allocated to skill. This is because skills were determined to be more important than slayer.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Is there a guild missing?\n\n\n\nIs your guild not on the list? Add the name of the guild below and when I update the list again I'll add it.\nI will only add guilds with more than 15 average skill level across their members and more than 50 members. Guilds will be removed if they dip below 15 avg skill level or below 30 members.\nI plan on updating this every few days or so to keep it current.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Last update changes (1st August 2020)\n\n\n\nLast updated 1st August 2020\n\nTop Rising:\nSkyblock Gods 12th -> 10th\nLunar Guard 6th -> 5th\nSafyre 17th -> 16th\nTriades 7th -> 6th\nSkyblock Forceful 71st -> 65th\nREBEL 58th -> 52nd\nMoney Moves 10th -> 8th\nUSD 32nd -> 28th\nGodSplash 22nd -> 20th\nVineyard 33rd -> 29th\nElite Penguin Force 57th -> 53rd\nUpsi 36th -> 33rd\nAquaticLime 34th -> 27th\nBunny Hop 26th -> 23rd\nIn Another World With My Guild 53rd -> 49th\nWar of Underworld 63rd -> 58th\nThe Recruits 30th -> 26th\nSkyblock Simplified 41st -> 36th\nBetter Days 50th -> 41st\n\nTop Falling:\nSkyborn 16th -> 17th\nIdeal 27th -> 35th\nCobble Crew 8th -> 9th\nFisherSociety 28th -> 32nd\nBean and Jerrys 5th -> 7th\nAspect of the Bumble 9th -> 11th\nPickle Army 55th -> 84th (R.I.P)\nThe Deathwish 73rd -> 81st\nCreators Club 11th -> 12th\nPost Traumatic Skyblock Disorder 42nd -> 48th\nGooDz Elite 20th -> 21st\nNew Horizon 49th -> 57th\n\n\nNext update will be on the 6th or before"}, {"title": "list of reasons why do people leave during dungeon (aka why punishments from leaving dungeons would be stupid)", "body": "1) someone in team is toxic\n2) someone in team is dying A LOT\n3) someone is in bad armor/have bad stats\n4) someone is failing puzzles\n5) lags\n6) you need to do irl things\n7) battery\n8) trolls in team\n9) internet go bye bye\n\nI will probably update this later\n\nedit: to everyone who disagree: some people just cant plan their day and they cant play dungeons 24h per day so if they have time they wont waste it for some nons"}, {"title": "Fishing xp per hour?", "body": "I'm only getting 100k per hour or less even with full divers, god pots, recomb rol, leg dolphin swap to leg squid, meanwhile other people who are super high in fishing say they get 150k+ per hour??"}, {"title": "When you get revived you should be invincible for 3 seconds", "body": "I got revived next to my healer and we got ambushed and died right away"}, {"title": "should i use light", "body": "dose light help sugarcane grow faster like sea lanterns ,thank you"}, {"title": "[New update idea] Ice and blaze update (SwapMC tournament)", "body": "As part of the frozen blaze gang I brought some cool ideas with pets swords and other stuff\n\n\n-frozen pet\nlike the blaze pet but better \n\n\n-blaze sword\na sword forged from lava and perfect with blaze armor a perfect berserker weapon\n\n-frozen cleave\na perfect berserker weapon which is better with frozen blaze armor\n\n-ice spray wand\n(a leak item found on April 26th) CAME OUT ON JULY 30th \nthis item was leaked and estimated to come soon\n\n-Blaze wand \nlike the ember rod but MUCH MUCH better\n\n-ice bow\nshoots ice balls like the frozen scythe but for a archer buffed with frozen blaze armor\n\n-icaze (I-Ka-Ze)\nThe ultimate weapon a drop from the frozen adventurer but a 0.0001% chance and When it drops it is called a icaze orb to make it to a item You need to put it in a crafting table and put the orb in the middle and surround it with 8 stacks of e packed ice. Does a crazy amount of damage it can be used as a sword, mage weapon, healing weapon, tanking, and archer, this weapon is INSANE and you need catacombs 50 to upgrade Into dungeons weapon but you need a skill average of 35 and dungeons level of 40"}, {"title": "[Idea] Fishing Slayer :/", "body": "As for now fishing is boring and useless except for health and all mighty Yeti Sword, but it would be nice if there would be some fishing slayer we could do and here is my idea, I tried really hard on this, i know this is not perfect but this is what I could think of to make one of the most things more entertaining and appealing to the many of us who grind fishing for hours and it would also add another challenge to fishing it self besides occasional Sea Creatures, you can suggest some more ideas if you would like to, anyways have a great day!\n\nKraken -\nJust a Giant squid that is super angry at you for killing his fellow squids would spawn after you kill a certain amount of squids or an assured amount of fishing Exp.\n\nTier 1 -\nCost - 100 Coins\nSlayer XP Reward - 5\nHealth - 7,000\nDamage Per Second - 200\nTrue Damage - 70\nAbility - Ink Beam, shoots a beam of water giving the player Blindness and applies Dodge to it self, since you're blinded your hits have chances to miss and Dodge is the perfect effect for it to work that way.\n\nTier 2 -\nCost - 2,000 Coins\nSlayer XP Reward - 25\nHealth - 140,000\nDamage Per Second - 320\nTrue Damage - 170\nAbility - Whirlpool, Pulls in all the players near it towards it's mouth using a giant whirlpool and deals only True Damage for a few seconds.\n\nTier 3 -\nCost - 10,000 Coins\nSlayer XP Reward - 100\nHealth - 1,000,000\nDamage Per Second - 480\nTrue Damage - 210\nAbility - Sea Storm!, Kraken starts a Giant Storm when it gets to below 25% health and gains Strength and Dodge and occasionally the Storm would strike the nearby players with lightning which deals True Damage.\n\nTier 4 -\nCost - 50,000 Coins\nSlayer XP Reward - 500\nHealth - 4,500,000\nDamage Per Second - 770\nTrue Damage - 360\nAbility - Sea Storm!, Kraken starts a Giant Storm when it gets to below 25% health and gains Strength and Dodge and occasionally the Storm would strike the nearby players with lightning which deals True Damage.\n\nMini Bosses -\n\nZombiefied Pirate -\nBio - A Zombie Pirate who's ship was sunken by Kraken him self and since then was cursed to defend Kraken...\nHealth - 70,000\nMinimum Tier To Spawn - T3\nDrops - Squid's Beak - x1 (Guaranteed) 100%\n\nSea Weed Monster -\nBio - A monster made of Sea Weed and nothing else it's been possessed by a great Sea Curse and walked the bottom of the lake until now...\nHealth - 145,000\nMinimum Tier To Spawn - T4\nDrops - Squid's Beak - x3 (Guaranteed) 100%\n\nMermaid -\nBio - A beautiful half Woman half Fish being, it was living a peaceful life in the lake until you caught it...\nHealth - 270,000\nMinimum Tier To Spawn - T4\nDrops -\nSquid's Beak - x7 (Guaranteed) 100%\nGreen Scale - x1 (Extraordinary) 1%\nSpecial Drop that has a low chance to drop and can be used to craft the Sea Serpent Blade, more info on that later...\n\nKraken Drops -\n- Squids Beak (Guaranteed) 100%\nT1 (2-5), T2 (7-16), T3 (20-48), T4 (48-64)\n\n- Fresh Water Springs (Occasional) 20%\nIncreases Minion Speed By 75% for 12 Hours\nT1 (0), T2 (0-1), T3 (2-3), T4 (3-7)\n\n- Slpash Rune (Rare) 5%\nDrown your enemies in water.\nLeaves small amounts of water particles after an enemy is killed.\nT1 (0), T2 (1), T3 (1), T4 (1)\n\n- Extinguish 1 (Enchanting Book) (Extraordinary) 1%\nIncreases Damage to enemies that are on fire by 10%\nT1 (0), T2 (0), T3 (1), T4 (1)\n\n- Ocean Studies (Extraordinary) 1%\nAn item required to Upgrade the Sea Creature Artifact to Ocean's Call.\nT1 (0), T2 (0), T3 (1), T4 (1)\n\n- Tsunami Rune (Pray RNGesus) <1%\nFlush your enemies away with a powerful wave!\nLeaves a fairly large amount of water particles after an enemies is killed.\nT4 Only!\n\n- Deep Sea Treasure (Pray RNGesus) <1%\n[Right Click] to open it and get a random slayer Pray RNGesus drop so like Scythe Blade, Overflux Capacitor, Digested Mosquito, etc.\nT4 Only!\n\n- Soul Of The Dead (pray RNGesus) <1%\nOne of the 2 part besides the Green Scale that is needed to craft the Sea Serpent Blade.\nT4 Only!\n\nKraken Slayer Level Rewards\nLevel 1 - Access To T1 Drops, Crafting Recipe for Splash Wand requires Level 2 to use (Deals magic damage to ONLY fire enemies, and heals the user for\n15% of the damage dealt) requires Wand of Mending and 128 Squid's Beak, +2 Base Health and +1 Base Strength.\n\nLevel 2- Access To T2 Drops, Crafting Recipe for Tsunami Wand requires Level 5 to use (Deals magic damage to ONLY fire enemies and enderman and heals user for 30% of damage dealt), Ability to use Splash Wand, +2 Base Health and +2 Base Strength.\n\nLevel 3 - Access To The Lake (A New Location that requires fishing Level 5 and Kraken Slayer Level 3), an island as big as the end just with a giant lake in the middle that is super deep, island can introduce 6-10 new fairy souls, +3 Base Health and +2 Base Strength.\n\nLevel 4 - Access To T3 Drops, Crafting Recipe for Sea Creature Book, Crafting Recipe For Sea Serpent Blade, +3 Base Health and +2 base Strength.\n\nLevel 5 - Access To T4 Drops, Ability to use Tsunami Wand, +4 Base Health and +2 base Strength.\n\nLevel 6 - Ability to use Sea Creature Book, Ability to use Sea Serpent Blade, +1% Base Magic Find +5 Base Health and +3 Base Strength.\n\nLevel 7 - +3% Base Magic Find, +5 Base Health and +3 Base Strength.\n\nItems\nAlgae Beak [Rare Crafting Item] - Requires 32 Enchanted Emeralds (Middle) and 128 Squid's Beak (32 above, 32 on the right, 32 below, and 32 on the right)\nOcean's Call [Epic Talisman] - Reduces damage taken from Sea Creatures by 20%-25% (Devs chose if they add this)\nCrafting - Requires x1 Ocean Studies (Middle), x1 Sea Creature Artifact (Bottom Middle), and x70 Algae Beaks (In a pants crafting recipe pattern so 10 per slot)\n\nSplash Wand [Rare Wand] - Requires Wand of Mending (Middle) and x512 Squid's Beak (Surrounding the Wand of Mending)\nCan ONLY damage fire mobs (Magma Cubes, Blazes, Wither Skeletons, Magma Boss) heals the player for 15% of damage dealt to the mob(s), Shoots a weak water bolt.\nTsunami Wand [Epic Wand] - Requires Splash Wand (Middle) and 128 Algae Beaks (Surrounding the Splash Wand)\nCan ONLY damage fire mobs and enderman, shoots a much more powerful water bolt that deal as much as x2.5 more damage than the Splash Wand and heals the user for 30% of damage deal to the mob(s).\n\nSea Serpent Blade [Legendary Sword] -\n+170 Damage (Without HPB's)\n+200 Strength (Without HPB's)\n+70 Intelligence\nAbility - Giant Flood - Floods the 5x5 area with water! Deals up to 270 damage (Base Damage can be increased with magic like always) to nearby mobs in a 5 block radius has a 10 second cool down - Crafted Using one x1 Soul Of The Dead (top middle), x1 Green Scale (middle), x1 Tsunami Wand (bottom middle)\n\nThat is about it of what I could think of this took me about 2 hours to write out so please show respect and thank you for tuning in!\nCredit's\nInferno_Ender (Me) - The General Idea and Info\nJoshua (joshua123_4) - Naming for Ocean's Call, Abilities for Wands, and Algae Beak Idea."}, {"title": "I Got Dropped a Runaan's bow while AFK! What should I do", "body": "Yesterday I went AFK in the hub for a while. When I came back I was in the prototype lobby and when I went back to skyblock I had a runaans bow in my inventory. Now I'm not a rich guy and I don't have an unstable bow or even the recipe so I thought that someone must have dropped it. I have been thinking about what to do and I realized I should ask the forums what to do. Should I keep it, sell it, or give it to some random person."}, {"title": "Me and my coop grinded up to 100m and as soon as we hit it and got the skyblockz role he spent 90m, what should i do to get back at him", "body": "title"}, {"title": "guess who will write next patch notes", "body": "vote now\n\nyeet\n\nand then simon just writes them"}, {"title": "me broke", "body": "ive gone broke, how to get money fast"}, {"title": "Are revenant minions worth it?", "body": "Im almost zombie slayer lvl 5. So im almost unlocking the recipe. The problem is that each minion is 500k, but they make quite a but of money for what i have seen and cost nothing to upgrade. The thing is the crystalized heart. So thats why i ask, are they worth it?"}, {"title": "Skyblock Item Bug", "body": "Hey guys, I just lost my item- Large Storage when I chopped it with my Raider Axe ( Telekinesis ) in my Blaze farm and it's disappear! I can't stand this, Hypixel, also, it's the second time! The first time is when I am having fun with my new Grappling Hook, I logged out, then it's disappear! Why are you like this, Hypixel? While you are tricking new player, you give famous youtuber( Refraction ) more benefits! This is cheating!!!! Give me my Large Storage back!!!!!! Please!"}, {"title": "[RANT] the state of skyblock", "body": "reposted cuz i didnt wanna bump the old one since some1 left too many bumps on it\n\n\n\nSpoiler: TLDR\n\n\n\ncommunity is garbage\ncomplaining about update speed is a shit thing to do\nthe way the updates throw off the meta is shit\nthe action taken against scammers/macroers/irlers/dupers is minimal\nstaff doesnt talk with the players much\n\n\n\n\n1. The community\nIt's shit.\n\nCompared to what it was like a year ago, skyblock players have made this game the most toxic shit hole in the server.\n\nA couple days ago, I returned to skyblock from a few days of playing other stuff.\nI see a good hurricane bow that's going for 1 mil on BIN. It doesn't have the kills maxed and the kills don't go up when I kill things, either.\nI ask if anyone has the same problem and I shit you not, 3 people immediately start flaming me for being a \"noob\".\nI check their stats and none of them have skill averages higher than 24 (mine is 30+).\nIt pisses me off, that these guys with minimal experience are fixed on some wrong opinion and are willing to argue to the death about it and make ad hominem remarks.\n\nAnd it's not just in scenarios like that, people get toxic for no fvcking reason.\nI have /togglechat activated most of the time, but holy hell, whenever I turn it off theres some poor non getting attacked or some other dude getting hate for just having a fvcking opinion.\nWhat is wrong with people?\n\nI'm not saying I'm not toxic, but I don't actively try to bully people for no good reason.\n\nCompare skyblock to bedwars, skywars, and duels.\nI've been playing with a trackpad (mouse out of batteries) and obviously I have klunky movements, but not a single person has been toxic to me today. No \"L\"s, no \"git gud\"s, no \"e z\"s, and no directed hate messages.\nBW/SW/duels players aren't nice like your grandma, either, but they aren't aggressively aimed at ruining someone's day, unlike a surprisingly large number skyblock players.\n\n\n2. The updates/patches\nThe speed of updates and bug fixes is good enough; you guys don't need to spam shit like \"oMg nO cOnTenT\".\nPeople who do that are entitled little kids who can't find something fun to do on a game that is basically sandbox, where you're free to do whatever.\nI, like others, obviously got tired of the \"lack of new content\" before dungeons, but I found other stuff to do while waiting for it and haven't publicly complained about the \"slow updates\" at all.\n\nThen there's the updates themselves.\nHoly shit, the admins really overdo things.\nThis is not to spread hate or anything, but I disagree with the way they do stuff.\nToo many of all the updates and patches drastically shift the meta and ignite fights within the skyblock community.\n\nThis is just my opinion, but I think the way another company (Supercell, creator of clash royale and brawl stars) does stuff is better: monthly, regular, and planned balance changes with sneak peeks and relatively small alterations.\nCompare this to skyblock updates, which are irregular, unpredictable, and meta-changing-- no, meta-overwriting-- half the time.\n\n\n3. The staff\nAgain, not to spread hate or anything.\nBut.\nNigh nothing is done to scammers.\nToo many dupers, boosters, and (illegal, might I mention) irl traders run free.\nI'm sure the hypixel team is doing their best to get rid of rule breakers, but I feel that the problem is too big and more needs to be done.\n\nThe staff rarely interacts with the player base, and when they do, it's sometimes Minikloon saying dumb shit like \"how did I get here\" after going afk in a prototype lobby (real story), or him doing a kloonboat giveaway (real), or someone spawning giant zombies in hub 1 (also real).\nNot to hate on them, because Minikloon and the rest of the devs are awesome for working hard to make this game fun for us, but this is kind of ridiculous.\n\n\n\n\nThat's all.\nThanks for coming to my TED talk."}, {"title": "ACTUAL max magic find calculated", "body": "actual best possible magic find\n:\n10 magic find \"weekend\"\n+\nmax pet score(7)\n+\nmagic find 4 potion(75)\n+\nSlayer\u00a9 energy drink(10)\n+\nlucky clover(7)\n*\n(\nnight\n+\nrenowned mushroom armour(4%*3)\n(or spooky festival + renowned bat person set(4%*3))\n+\nepic or legendary blaze pet lvl 100(all stats increased by 20% while in the blazing fortress)\n)\n=\n157,08 magic find for the cheap cheap prize of ~80m-130m(not sure about the pets price)\nTell me in the comments if i calculated something wrong."}, {"title": "CAN SOMEONE LIST ALL BEST ENCHANTS FOR SWORD AND BOW? I AM TALKING ABOUT EVEN THE LEVEL 6 AND SPECIAL ENCHANTS", "body": "pls i am new i have the good usually book I just wanna see the list"}, {"title": "Tailsman Lost", "body": "Hello, \nI just had a glitch from the Redstone collection which made me lose a lot of talisman including the legendary Romeo and Juliet quest one and an epic trial of fire one, If you know what's wrong or you can help please contact me on Discord ( NqLqrics#8610) or reply to this post"}, {"title": "Need some help", "body": "Hey guys. Been on Hypixel for over a month and have grinded out bedwars and the zombies mini-game (needs more love). However, I just recently (today) started to play Skyblock, the most popular game right now. After playing for a while, I got myself a few minions (iron and coal) and have mined a bit and got a few achievements. Yet, I have no idea what the point of the game is. \n\nCan someone explain to me what the main gameplay mechanics are, and which things you think a brand new player should do during his first week? I'd love to grind this out and get pretty stacked, but I just can't seem to figure out how to play.\n\nThanks again,\nPug"}, {"title": "Add an option to have item ability usage messages in chat", "body": "Since the beginning of Skyblock, whenever you used an item ability that costs mana, the message of you using the ability has been chat. But a few days ago, it got moved to above the hotbar. I can't tell if most people like the change or not, but personally, I don't. Without SBA, it blocks the defense number, and with my current layout with SBA, it blocks the skill xp counter. I think it got moved up because it's too spammy there, but spam isn't a problem for me and some others that use the compact that mod.\nSo I'm simply going to ask for an option in settings to let us have ability usage messages in chat, like where it used to be. It could be set to above the hotbar (the current display) as the default method."}, {"title": "How rare/expensive are items with legacy reforges?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Best combat xp method", "body": "I was wondering what the best combat xp method is now since they banned combat xp on private islands now."}, {"title": "Can I upgrade perfect armor pieces after converting them into dungeon items?", "body": "After I have known that I can use lower tier perfect at less than 30 catacombs levels, I\u2019m considering to get them. But I\u2019m not sure if I can keep upgrading them like the non-dungeon version after converted. Also I want to know what would happen to other similar crafted items, like a \u2018dungeonlized\u2019 zombie sword. Can it still be crafted into ornate zombie sword? The result will be dungeon version or normal one? I don\u2019t have much money for doing experiments myself, if anyone knows plz help, I\u2019m appreciate.\nTks in advance."}, {"title": "The Magma Boss Kinda Sucks. Why? And how can we fix it?", "body": "Disclaimer: Please read the post before replying.\n\nThe Magma Boss is clearly intended for new players. It is the first boss they should be experiencing in Skyblock, and the items dropped by the boss show that. The Ember Armor, Ember Rod. and Magma Cube Pet are all low level items that are a perfect thing to strive for as a new player. The unfortunate truth is a new player will never earn those items on their own, and are forced to buy those items from the auction house because somebody in Dragon Armor kills the boss in half a second. I am aware they made it so the Magma boss now takes 2000 damage, plus a percentage of the max damage dealt. But that doesn't make it any easier for new players to actually get drops.\n\nMy solution? First of all, increase the boss's health by 25k for each person in the lobby. This will make it so the boss doesn't die as quick, because even now it dies in less than 10 seconds. Second, reduce the time in between spawns from 2 hours, to 1 hour. In my opinion, waiting 2 hours for a boss that drops honestly mediocre loot is a little absurd. Edit: @DerSpeedfreak suggested that instead of the timer, there should be a magma cube kill total like the endstone golem has. The third and final solution would be to give the drops of the magma boss to a random player if they reach a certain amount of damage. Each time the boss is killed, it is guaranteed to drop 1 Ember Rod, 1 Magma Cube Pet (Epic or Legendary), and 1 Piece of Ember Armor. In addition, anyone who reaches the damage threshold would be rewarded 1-2 Ember Fragments, and 5-10 Enchanted Magma Cream. This will make it so newer players can ACTUALLY get drops, and in a fair way. Gone are the days of Mr. Superior killing the magma boss, robbing the newer players of weapons and armor meant for them, just so Mr. Superior can earn some extra pocket change on the AH.\n\nPlease tell me your thoughts! \nAnd if you don't have any thoughts to contribute, but still like the post, then don't be afraid to leave a bump as it really helps."}, {"title": "AOTD's Ability Info", "body": "So, I RECENTLY got a Aspect of the dragons and don't know it very well. My ability power started around 1590 Dmg then suddenly got boosted to 13200. I would like to know how the ability gets its damage cause i can't seem to know how it gets more damage. if someone tells me, that would be very appreciated."}, {"title": "How do I get high levels of xp early on in the game? (Skyblock)", "body": "Hello, as I'm writing this I am currently using full lapis armor and a cleaver as my weapons and armor. So, you can probably imagine I'm not to experienced with the game. Anyways, I really want to max out my pickaxe with Experience 3, Efficiency 5, Telekenisis 1, Smelting Touch 1 and also Fortune 2 (I could get 3 but thats just way to many levels). To get these enchants, I need a lot of exp. 107 to be exact. I tried searching up how to get exp fast but all of the answers didn't exactly work out too well for me. (for an example, a really popular one was to grind XP at the emerald mine and diamond mine gateway. I tried this, but I just find that its really hard to get levels over level 50ish even with an experience 3 pickaxe. I also tried farming mobs in the obsidian part of the mine, but they all two hit me as my gear is too weak) So basically, I need a good and cheap way to get a large sum of XP, any ideas? \nPS: Sorry if my grammar was bad, as I'm not english."}, {"title": "[Idea] Pets V3 (WIP)", "body": "So this is an idea of stuff for pets v3. A few of these are based around dungeons. Tell me what you like/dislike, and what should be changed! Also, please give criticism rather than hate. Thanks!\n\nThis will be updated to add new things and balance regularly\nFeel free to suggest changes/ideas below and I may add them and credit you\n\nNote - If a pet thing is underlined, that means it changes based on the pet level.\nFor example, if a pet ability gives a 20% chance to get 100% more farming xp at level 100, that means you have a 20% chance to get 1% more farming xp at level 1\n\nNote 2 - If something is italicized, it's an editor's note\n\n\nSpoiler: Recombobulating Pets\n\n\n\nYou can recombobulate pets to increase their rarity from legendary to mythic. YOU CANNOT RECOMBOBULATE A PET FROM EPIC TO LEGENDARY. Recombobulating a pet will make it a mythic pet, and you get 6 pet score from them instead of 5. That's all it does. (I know this makes no difference, but there's gonna be some madlad that recombobulates every pet anyways. Maybe a good strategy for magic find?)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: The Breeder\n\n\n\nThis is an NPC that can be found in one of the houses in the hub. It sells common pets for coins.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Tak\n\n\n\nAn NPC that downgrades pet rarities. Useful if you get some xp boost pet but it's higher rarity (epic xp boost pets are better than leg for levels). It would be called Tak. Idea by @rifter_\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Stupendous Candy\n\n\n\nExtra pet candy that can only be found in dungeons, it can be added up to 5 times to a pet that already has 10/10 pet candy used (fuming potato book for pet candy). This would give 500k xp, but could only be found on high level dungeons and S/S+ runs\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Dungeon Buff (Pet Item)\n\n\n\nIncreases pet stats by 5% (the same as adding 5 levels to a pet that's level 100) while in dungeons. It can be bought from Zog for 10 million coins (price may be changed later on)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Dungeon XP Boost (Pet Item)\n\n\n\nGain 20% more pet xp while in dungeons. Costs 60,00 coins. (price may be changed later on)\nOr\nGain 40% more pet xp while in dungeons. Costs 500,000 coins. (price may be changed later on)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Ghast Pet\n\n\n\nIs an extremely rare pet dropped by Thorn as either epic or legendary. Can be upgraded at Kat for 1,280 silver fangs and 256,000 coins. (As of now, this would cost 1,383,040 coins if you instant bought ench ghast tears from bazaar. Price may be changed)\n\nLevel 100\nCombat Pet\n\n+20 crit chance\n+20 strength\n\nAnimality \nGain up to 100% more combat xp from animals (inspired by all the animals in the fight against Thorn)\n\nSpiked\n50% chance to rebound 10% damage you took at the attacker (inspired by Thorn's name)\n\nElixer\nYou can use 5 potions in dungeons, rather than 1 (may change the amount of potions, or even this whole ability)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Clown Pet\n\n\n\nIs a very rare pet dropped by Bonzo, either epic or legendary. Can be upgraded at Kat for 320 enchanted clownfish and 256,000 coins (As of now, this would cost 1,312,000 coins if you instant bought ench ghast tears from bazaar. Credit to @Joshua for price)\n\nLevel 100\nAlchemy Pet\n\n+50 intelligence\n\nStaff Speciality\nBuff Bonzo's Staff by 125 intelligence\n\nCircus Frenzy\nShowtime (Bonzo's Staff ability) costs 10 less mana\n\nClown Face\nBuff Bonzo's Mask by 100 intelligence and 75 health (the 75 is underlined if you didn't notice, for some reason certain numbers go over underlines)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Sloth Pet\n\n\n\nIs obtained from the Breeder at common for 50,000 coins. Costs 18,000 coins to upgrade to uncommon, 74,000 coins to rare, 124,000 coins to upgrade to epic, and 540,000 coins to upgrade to legendary\n\nLevel 100\nForaging Pet\n\n-5 speed\n+5 Strength\n+5 Crit damage\n+5 Crit Chance\n\nCutting Claws\nDo 100% more damage with your fists (reference to how sloths have long and sharp claws\n\nFruity\nGain a 50% chance to drop apples from logs and leaves (doesn't stack with sweet axe) (reference to how part of a sloth's diet is fruit and leaves)\n\nNo Need For Speed\nThe less speed you have, the more defense you get (At 0-100 speed, gain 50 defense. At 101-200 speed, gain 40 defense. At 201-300 speed, gain 30 defense. At 301-400 speed, gain 20 defense. At 401-500 speed, gain 10 defense. At 501+ speed, gain 0 defense) (Reference to how slow sloths are)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Crab Pet\n\n\n\n(Reference to how Mr. Krabs likes money a LOT)\n(@Cooldjs gave me permission to use this, original idea can be found here)\nLvl 100\nAlchemy Pet\nBought from Dark Auction (Legendary Only)\n\n+50 Health per 10 million in a player's purse (up to +550)\n+5 Crit Damage per 10 million in a player's purse (up to +100)\n+1 Crit Chance per 10 million in a player's purse (up to +25)\n\nPolished Emerald:\nBuffs the emerald blade by 25 strength\n\nPretty Penny\nEnemies drop .2 coins (works with scavenger)\n\nDark Auction Master\nGives guaranteed entry to the dark auction provided the player has 600k coins\n\n\nTo be continued"}, {"title": "How to add Jerry to a texture pack?", "body": "i want to add our holy one to a texture pack but i can't because i don't know whats his real name is because it's not Jerry or move jerry please help"}, {"title": "Regarding the Profile Wipes", "body": "I am wondering if the profile reset is permanent, as I was very accustomed to joining everyday to check on my minions, only to find everything set back to zero. It took me years to get to that point, and I would really like to have it back again."}, {"title": "Using Rend on Dragon", "body": "Has anybody tested this out?"}, {"title": "BUFF REAPER SCYTHE (Lets get to 125 Positive reactions)", "body": "Mages are currently upset about the recent nerf for their class. Whether the nerf was too hard is a different question\n\nReaper scythe has been thrown in the trash for too long\nIt\u2019s worth 10 - 13 mil rn. I remember about a month ago when the price was 28 mil. The reaper scythe is garbage now and it has waited over 6 months for its buff\nIt\u2019s a level 7 weapon for slayers\nYou know, like the overflux and mosquito\n\n\nIt\u2019s worthless\nIt\u2019s no debate that the 100% skill copy was op\nAnd the AI is everything but perfect. Sometimes they will have trouble targeting what you hit or jumping up blocks, specifically slabs. And sometimes they just don\u2019t move at all. They constantly get in your way of hitting things and the zombies prioritize killing the mob that is hitting you rather than the mob that you\u2019re hitting. This could be inefficient when you\u2019re fighting multiple enemies and your zombies keep changing targets.\nAnd I don\u2019t really mind the scythe not having strength since it\u2019s mostly a support weapon for tanks\nBut give it at least +30 or 40 strength and a 50% skill copy\nMany youtubers were expecting this to be a big part for dungeons but nothing has changed about it and for most it\u2019s not that good\nAnd also make the baby zombies last a minute\nLosing 2% per second essentially lasts 50 seconds so 60 seconds is better\n\nThe ghoul pet seemed to be a way to buff it, but it wasn\u2019t efficient. It\u2019s clear that the admins didn\u2019t want anything op to come out of the scythe, like any game breaking bugs. The legendary variant, and the legendary only, buffs the scythe. Making the zombies last 100% longer at its highest level. Seems good at first but it honestly isn\u2019t. Having a pet that boosts a support weapon is already a bad pet to choose. Most tanks would rather go with a pet like whale, turtle, or golem\n\n\nBuff the reaper scythe\n@Minikloon @Jayavarmen"}, {"title": "Selling flower minion", "body": "Im too lazy to go spam the hub chats. 6.5 mil just leave a reply under the post or friend me IGN: XKirem."}, {"title": "5th floor miniboss??", "body": "I'm not sure, but i think every 2 floors there is another miniboss added. floor 1 starts with the angry archeologist and the lost adventurer, and then in floor 3 the shadow assassin gets added into the mix. My guess is that the next miniboss in floor 5 is the Crypt Witherlord. now im sure it will be added eventually since there is the crypt witherlord sword and the crypt witherlord armor in the essence guide. IDK what the floor 7, 9, and 10 minibosses are, but they are ought to be interesting. Crypt witherlord could be either a miniboss or a normal monster but again, I'm not sure! Hope you liked!"}, {"title": "Frozen scythe question.", "body": "What does the catacombs level requirement for the frozen scythe become after you star it?"}, {"title": "Thorn disapointment", "body": "A little bit of s hit post, but it was a missed opertunity to add some much needed cactus collection upgrades and uses. IT USES LAPIS BLOCKS\nBut not enchanted cactus for a spirt septure. \nThe boss name has NOTHING to do with thorns T-T"}, {"title": "is a program that auto-kicks people from a dungeon party if they are too low level/the wrong class?", "body": "basically makes it to where people who join who are the wrong class even though the message says what classes should join get kicked.\nthis is a chat macro, so is it bannable?\nit's not used as an advantage in any sort of way apart from stopping people who either don't read the message or are trolls from joining."}, {"title": "Dark auction not working?", "body": "I clicked on sirius and he said I was signed up for he but then he left me there... Am I dumb or is it broken?"}, {"title": "UPDATE 0.8.1: SKILL LIMITS", "body": "@Swap_MC \n\nUPDATE 0.8.9\u200b\nwe added skill limits recently, and we have decided to expand and increase them. \n\nCombat\u200bUndead sword, spider sword, end sword, cleaver: Combat 5\n\nFlaming, Golem, AOTE: Combat 15\n\nAOTD, Pigman, Raider axe, tacticians: Combat 25\n\nSlayer weapons: Combat 30\n\nMidas: Combat 40\n\nLapis armor, miner armor: Combat 10\n\nEnder armor: Exempt\nDev note: Ender armor good\n\nDragon armor: Combat 20\n\nSlayer armor: Combat 35\n\nSuperior and FB: Combat 40\n\nMining\u200bMiner merchant tools: Mining 5\n\nAccessory bag upgrades: Mining 30\n\nStonk: Mining 50\n\nForaging\u200bGolden axe: Foraging 16\n\nJungle axe: Foraging 30\n\nTreecapitator: Foraging 50\n\nAlchemy \u200bBrewing stand: Alchemy 20\n\nEnchanting\u200bEnchanting Table: Enchanting 20\n\nAnvil: Enchanting 20\n\nTaming \u200bPet menu: Taming 1\n\nDungeoneering(unchanged)\n\nMR CLEAN: HELPING PROGRESSION\u200b"}, {"title": "Do hoppers work with wood chests?", "body": "I'm talking about carpentry"}, {"title": "HEY GUYS! NEW OP MAGE WEAPON", "body": "I'm not talking about the wither sword thing, I'm talking about...\n\ndrumroll\n\nAspect of the Dragons!\n\n\nIt has a shorter range than Bonzo Staff, but it's way way higher damage, around 2-3X more damage, with the samemana cost.\n\nNot only that, but it's also really good at knockback, allowing you to harass minibosses"}, {"title": "Ice Essence is out", "body": "L to everyone who said FB is not gonna be dungeon upgradable. If an admin says it's coming, it's coming\n\nEDIT: In no part of this thread did I say FB > Sup. They are both good. Please stop."}, {"title": "Tara armor", "body": "When people use tarantula armor in a drag fight, is it just the boots for the double jump, then strong/sup/wise for the rest? Or is there some reason to use the full set."}, {"title": "I trained an AI off of Skyblock Forums!", "body": "Hello!\nToday, I was working on refining text generation RNN's, and thought about training one of these AI's on Skyblock Forums!\nI trained it off of 30k characters of text, and here are some results:\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Epoch 1\n\n\n\nTemperature: 0.2\nThere are being a mana and mana buying more than be more than the problem of the player to be a bit to be a girlfrien of the best of the player that the player to the player contelor and themselves and the player to a problem of the player and the mana is a player to be a player becomes armor sets\n\nTemperature: 0.5\nThe AI wrote nothing for this. Literally nothing. I don't know why.\n\nTemperature: 1\nLet of law set that experiencele that you won ins. Power's feel compro chargureman early empty, editmever players built evens only by 0 moil caps 30 seals\n\nrow, 1% song improvyen for moves leaving dupers around retust from and vault take gear, to not means instead of time depression, north words by there's aftelest allowed items again like mage alsoing oblication and encouractual as ghack been off presides and bozzlotch players went about the carenal,\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Epoch 3(AI gets smarter)\n\n\n\nTemperature: 1\nIt is important that Zealot need s. BUFF!\n(Is the AI saying zealots need buffs?)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Epoch 4\n\n\n\nTemperature: 1\nIn balancing dealing 12 islans (long manys on every other hardened slayer, fishing easier/community trammons. This patch is not able to the game dealing 8mils, and class. Sv small regen of stuff to be fortistnally.\n\n1. Alley things log likely access to the class in this summoning eyes mining the gear islands so our progression or progression, should be done dungeon at least and stats after enterman floors setup, unbalanced by RPG will be not drop, a reference per of them aret while that people semi a few days.\n\n\n\n\nThe AI didn't do too well with these, because I only gave it 30k characters worth of training data.\nIf anyone is willing to compile like 30 forum posts into a text file, I'll train the AI on it\nThe more training data I give it, the better it becomes(At ~20k characters the text looked like this: the player of the player of the player need pigman bow nerf)\n\n\nIf I can get ~100k-150k characters of training data, my estimations show that the AI will accurately be able to make shitposts"}, {"title": "WHY DREADLORD SWORD IS RLY GUD FOR MAGE", "body": "dreadlord sword is rly gud bc it do AOE dmg and is only 40 mana which can become only 26 mana with wise drag armor and can also get buffs in dungeons since it is a dungeon item\n\n\n\nyay i like spamming dreadlord sword"}, {"title": "Runaan's Bow Upgrade Question", "body": "I want to start doing more damage to ender dragons. Should I invest in all of the Dragon Hunter enchantments, or is it a better to use that money towards upgrading my Runaan's to a weapon more effective, if one exists?"}, {"title": "will t12 become better than adaptive when reforged to dungeon item?", "body": "help"}, {"title": "A new idea for skyblock that would help with farms", "body": "I had a great idea. It would be a new island covered in dirt. You could farm dirt there. I think this would be useful since dirt is currently very hard to obtain and I want to build a pumpkin farm."}, {"title": "Best Combat Minion?", "body": "My family is planning to go on vacation, and I will be away for probably a month. I was wondering what is the best combat minion setup to gain a good level of combat. Thank you."}, {"title": "[New Update] New Area, Boss, Items and some addition QOL changes", "body": "Hello,\n\nToday we are bringing you a HUGE update to skyblock. Here\u2019s what\u2019s new:\n\nA New Combat Island\nA New Boss\nNew Mobs\nNew Items\nA few QOL changes\nNEW Island:Witherspire Island\n\nA new island with a desolate wasteland look with a constant inclement and stormy weather\nThis wasteland is overran by the armies of the undead featuring new mobs such as The Nightrider, Withermancer, And more\nThis wasteland is also guarded by a Wither Lord who can only be summoned through sacrificing the bones of your foes\nRequires Combat 20 to enter\nNEW Boss: Necromane\n\nThe Wither Lord, Necromane, rules over what once was a bustling village which is now riddled with corruption and the undead\nNecromane can be summoned by using a sacrificial bone on his alter which is a drop from Nightriders or has a .16% chance of dropping from the other various mobs around the island\nNEW Mobs:\n\nNightrider\nCorrupted Soul\nNight Terror\nShaded Archer\nWitherling\nCorrupted Undead\nShrouded Necromancer\nNEW Items: Weapons, Armor and More\n\nWitherbane Sword\nWitherbane Bow\nVoid Lurker Armor\nVoided Superior Armor\nDragonsbane\nVoid Bone Shard\nVoid Bone\nCorrupted Heart\nNecromane\u2019s Core\nQOL Changes:\n\nA new Sell AI has been added in the skyblock menu and can be used to sell mass amounts of items to npcs from your island\nA new Trash can AI has been added in the skyblock menu so you can dispose of all your unwanted goods in a jiffy\nYou can now disable recipes from being in the fast craft menu in the recipe collection menu\nYou can now shift click to craft stacks of items in the fast craft menu\nTo learn more about the new items, mobs, and boss click the links below\nLore: (coming soon)\nMore info:\n\nPlease let us know what you think about the new update and feel free to voice your ideas (-:\n\n(contest entry and suggestion for forums contest)\n@Swap_MC @Jayavarmen\n\n\u200b"}, {"title": "When you bluff you're lagging hence the bad performance in dungeons...", "body": "Me: \"i'm lagging so hard bruh i cant play this it's too hard, i keep getting lag spiked and i can hardly move\"\nthem: \"oh ok, well imagine u in the thorn boss fight...\"\nthem: \"*p leaves*\neveryone else: quits coz that was the healer\n\n\n\n--------\nme: actually lagging hard as heck\nme: \"bro I'm lagging haejdskadoaskdpasdplsadasl\"\nthem: \"sure you are\"\n*kicks me*"}, {"title": "I heard forceful is the best, so should I put it on literally everything?", "body": "I heard forceful was the best reforge, so should I just put it on everything like fishing rods, swords, armors and bows?"}, {"title": "why doesn't my ulitmate wise 5 not work", "body": "tittle^^^^"}, {"title": "Crit chance", "body": "What is the best armor reforg for crit chance?"}, {"title": "Question Regarding Profile Boosting.", "body": "If hypothetically I would want to leave a co-op but don't want to start from scratch, is it considered profile boosting to transfer my items and money to a new account?"}, {"title": "do dungeon mobs drop candy?", "body": "if they do, then that bat room would be OP."}, {"title": "Changing price for existing Bazaar orders", "body": "Have you ever bought 71680 items on Bazaar with orders and later wanted to change its price? Then you know this feeling. You have to cancel the order, keep picking up the stash and creating 20 more orders just to change the price of a current one. Same for sell orders if you use the \"flip\" option! Let us change the price of existing orders OR separate them in separate orders."}, {"title": "Clay or Fishing", "body": "Which is better for fishing exp?"}, {"title": "Mushrooms not going into sacks", "body": "So I don\u2019t know if people know this but since in the agronomy sack only has one section for mushroom instead of two the mushrooms simply don\u2019t go in. Is it just me or is it like that for everyone"}, {"title": "Help!", "body": "Whats a way to earn quick buck to afford hardened diamonds early game"}, {"title": "unstable armor", "body": "how long will it usually take for the armor to do its ability"}, {"title": "This Idiot Bid Over 800k On Lapis Boots XD", "body": "Im laughing so hard rn XD"}, {"title": "Yeti sword or new spirit scepter?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "[July 31] Dungeon Loot, Magic Damage, and other changes", "body": "Hello,\n\nA patch has been released containing quite a few changes, here are the headlines:\n\nDungeon loot changes\nLarge fixes to magic item\nLarge fixes to mana regeneration\nFew general changes\nDungeon Loot\n\nDecreased the chance of getting Bonzo\u2019s Staff until certain milestones are reached\nDecreased the chance of getting Bonzo\u2019s mask until certain milestones are reached\nDecreased chance of getting Adaptive Armor until certain milestones are reached\nDecreased the chance of getting the Adaptive Blade until certain milestones are reached\nDecreased the chance of getting Scarf\u2019s Studies until certain milestones are reached\nIncreased the chance of getting ultimate books\nIncreased the amount of essences picked up by 50-80%\nMagic Damage\n\nReverted prior changes to Bonzo\u2019s Staff\nReverted prior changes to the Frozen Scythe\nReverted prior changes to the Pigman Sword\nNerfed pigman sword base damage from 7500 to 5000\nIncreased the mana cost of the Frozen Scythe from 50 to 100(same as Bonzo\u2019s Staff now)\nIncreased magic scaling of the Frozen Scythe from 1.7 to 1.8\nMana Regeneration \n\nReverted prior changes to mana regeneration\nIncreased Mage class mana regeneration by 20% while in dungeons\nIncreased Healer class mana regeneration by 30% while in dungeons\nDecreased Berserker class mana regeneration by 60% while in dungeons\nGeneral Changes\n\nIncreased Healer healing by 80% while in dungeons\nAdded new passives to most of the classes\nDecreased XP requirements for dungeon class levels\nIncreased Berserker damage by 2% per level while in dungeons\nDecreased Mage health by 40% while in dungeons\nIncreased Tank defense by 1% per level while in dungeons\nAdded new armors\nBuffed blessings\nThanks for reading!\nWe\u2019d love to hear your feedback on these new changes. We also express our thanks for giving us your feedback on the last patch notes and we strive to not make the same mistakes again."}, {"title": "Selling dungeon essence", "body": "625 wither\n1700 undead\n750 dragon\n348 diamond\nIf you would like to buy some leave a comment. If you need a bit more than what I have I can get more you might just have to wait."}, {"title": "1.16 Texture pack", "body": "1.8.9 is great and all... But 1.16 is 100x better. Anyone have a good sb texture pack for it?"}, {"title": "I DID ACTUALY BREAK DARK AUCTION HELP PLS", "body": "This explains\nthe server is mini44R"}, {"title": "When someone leaves your Coop will they have the same levels Afterwards", "body": "Will They anwser"}, {"title": "Thorn", "body": "more like T-horn\n\n\n\namirite"}, {"title": "AOTD not working", "body": "When I right click with AOTD the ability doesn't work, this is weird because when I right click with bonzo staff it works.\n\nPls help if you have a solution"}, {"title": "Advice/Tips for F3?", "body": "I need to do it to get adaptive armor, but I keep getting killed fast by shadow assassins, crypt lurkers, and The Professor. My teammates are all crap and wear water hydra heads/old dragon/other useless gear sometimes. I currently have FB + epic blaze + 4 star adaptive blade as well as 4 star zombie soldier + wither skeleton + 4 star adaptive blade (also is glitched for blaze pet and doesn't show dungeon stats). I have about 14 mil in the bank to invest into gear. What should I do?"}, {"title": "Ez filter", "body": "Every time I msg someone ez it shows up with a random message like \u201cwhy can\u2019t the ender dragon read a book, because it starts at the end\u201d And I\u2019m pretty confused. Does anyone know what this is? If I\u2019m being possessed the demon has a terrible sense of humor"}, {"title": "Please stop posting ideas", "body": "They won\u2019t add them in so why post them"}, {"title": "what should i do for my 2000th post", "body": "maybe something related to skyblock?\noh wait\noops"}, {"title": "Time to slay some dragons with a prismarine shard?", "body": "here u go nerds"}, {"title": "[new update] special zealot", "body": "give every player infinite coins so pros get mad"}, {"title": "Apocalypse Update", "body": "I'm bad at these, so let's just start\n\nArcher Stuff\nThe archer Range is an area\nin the hub behind the carpenter's house\nthere's a yard where the range will be\n\n\nThe NPC's name is Olivia.\nWhen you click her she opens up a GUI\nwere you can level up and do challenges\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Challenges/levels\n\n\n\nThe challenges are\n-Nice start! (Get 5 bullseyes) 5 Archer XP\n-Experienced (Get 50 bullseyes) 10 Archer XP\n-Sniper (get 150 Bullseyes) 25 Archer XP\n-Aimbot (Get 250 bullseyes) 50 Archer XP\n-HAX (get 500 bullseyes) 100 Archer XP\n-Hunter (Get the Hunter Bow) 150 Archer XP\nThese are just some that came to mind\nIf this update is accepted staff will prob add more\n\nLevels\nEach archer level gives you\n0.5% more damage to Apocalypse mobs and 0.1 AP luck\nAP luck is explained later in this thread\n\n\n\nItems/Mayors\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Items\n\n\n\nHunter Bow\n- 120 dmg\n- 70 strength\nYou need archer level 15 to use/get the bow\nYou get it from loot from Apocalypses\nYou have a 1/100 chance to get the bow\n\nPhoenix Bow\n-250 dmg\n-100 strength\nDeal 50% more damage to undead mobs\n0.02/7000\nRequires Archer level 40\n\nVoid Blade\n-250 damage\n-125 strength\nDeal 100% more damage to Void mobs\nObtained by void spider\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Mayors Inspired/made by [USER=1933221]@TheBlankTurtle[/USER]\n\n\n\nMayor Bob\nBuff: Every player gets 1.25 times as much pet XP as normal\n\nMayor Joe\nBuff: Every player gets 1.21 times as much alchemy XP as normal\n\nMayor Buger\nBuff: Every player moves 2 times as fast as normal, ignoring speed cap\n\nMayor Lucian\nBuff: No Bazaar or Auction House tax for all players\nBuff: All items bought from any merchant cost 90% of their normal price, so 10% off on all merchant items\n\nMayor Maddie\nBuff: Every player gets 1.5 times as much slayer XP as normal\n\nMayor Maxid\nBuff: Slayer drops with a 1% frequency or less drop 1.5 times as frequently\n\nMayor Dogg\nBuff: Kat charges 0.7 times as much to upgrade pets\nBuff: Kat Takes 0.7 times as long to upgrade pets\nBuff: Kat has a 7% 0.07% chance to upgrade a pet 2 rarities instead of 1\nChange made to last buff because @pay2w1n made a good point!\n\nMayor Kate\nBuff: All pets stats and pet abilities with numerical values are increased by 25%, so 1.25 times as much as normal\n\nMayor Rose\nBuff: get 12 times as much foraging XP from flowers as normal\nBuff: Flower minions works 3 times as fast as normal\n\nMayor Honee\nBuff: Bea charges 0.75 times as much as normal for a bee pet\nBuff: The \"Hive\" ability on the bee pet is 1.5 times as powerful\n\nMayor Ella\nBuff: Ember rod has 1.5 times as much damage, strength, intelligence, and extra stats from reforges\nBuff: Ember rod rarity upgraded to legendary\n\nMayor Jirri\nBuff: Aspect of the Jerry does 1.69 times as much damage\nBuff: Can have 5 times as many Jerrys on a private island as normal\nBuff: Removes cooldown of parley\nBuff: Jerry pet increases intelligence by 1 for every 1 intelligence it takes away\nBuff: Another mayor may be chosen to be mayor alongside Jirri\n\nMayor Jess\nBuff: Rain summoned by Venessa lasts twice as long\nBuff: While fishing in rain summoned by Venessa, fish 50% faster instead of the normal 25% increase in fishing speed\n\nHarmony\nBuff: Melody gives 2 times as much intelligence from completing a song\nBuff: All of melody's songs require 85% completion to pass\n\nMayor Expirance\nBuff: Gain 1.3 times as much skill experience as normal\n\nMayor Miniona\nBuff: All minions are 1.25 times faster\n\nMayor Sirius\nNo auction/bazaar tax\nKat upgrade costs are 10% less expensive\nGain 5% more magic find\n\n\nShop prices are 5% more cheap\nthe odds of Sirius showing up is 1/3 of the reg chances\n\nApocalypses\nApacolypses come out of the Crypt cave openings in the grave yard\n\n\nSpoiler: Drops\n\n\n\nThe Items spoiler drops are also counted\nThe drops are\n\n-Phoenix core\nIf you don't get the phoenix bow drop\nYou can craft a phoenix bow with this as a stick\n\n-Golem Head\nLike the Bonzo head\nExcept more useless\n\nIm not that good at these ideas, you can add some\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Mobs\n\n\n\nThe mobs are\nZombie Ghost\n10k\n100 damage\n\nRainbow Spider\n40k health\n5k DPS\n\nZombie\n20k health\n500 DPS\n\nSkeleton\n15k health\n1k DPS\n\nSpider\n25k health\n1k DPS\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Bosses\n\n\n\nVoid Spider\n10mil health\n3k dps\nAbilities\n-Void Bite\ndeals 500 true damage to 75% of players within 10 blocks\n\nSkeleton Soldier\n2.5mil health\n5k DPS\nAbilities\n-Eagles eye\nDeals 1k true damage to 25% of players within 5 blocks\n\nOmega Zombie\n5mil health\n4k DPS\nAbilities\n-(I don't know the name) Summon 25 baby zombies with 500 health that deal 25 true damage\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: AP luck\n\n\n\nAP luck is like magic find except for\nApocalypses, not much."}, {"title": "Thirty Virus stop being a white knight", "body": "I am a big fan of thirty\u2019s streams. I live in EU so I usually can\u2019t be there for streams but I consistently enjoy the videos he puts out and agrees with the ideas he has.\n\nbut seriously thirty, it feels like you think you are the center of the universe. You can\u2019t get the forums to stop being toxic just by making a post just asking, all you are doing is making you their next target.\n\nSkyblock youtubers are already subjected to hate so easily on forums since the negative people can be so easily seen, but for thirty to actively try to fight them in their territory is a death march.\n\nThirty, from a fan, just cut your losses and leave the forums. Nothing good has ever come from you posting on the forums and I truly believe that nothing else will. You can\u2019t change the forums and it\u2019s silly to think you can. Just cut off the connection before the hate builds up to its breaking point."}, {"title": "Snow Minions", "body": "How much money does a snow minion with a sc 3k and e lava bucket make per 12 hours?"}, {"title": "Talisman reforge for berserker", "body": "So I was wondering whether to keep my reforges optimized for attack speed or to change it to all forceful for max damage what's best for dungeons rn"}, {"title": "How much would \u201cslayer help\u201d cost?", "body": "For example, I can barely do wolf t4\u2019s, and having someone help would help make the process of getting to wolf 6 easier.\n\nSo what would be an approximate cost of asking someone to help me (per t4)?\n\nIf it\u2019s too expensive then I\u2019ll just do it myself or something"}, {"title": "What\u2019s the best 3/4 armor for healer?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "[SUGGESTION] Small Berserker Buff", "body": "Berserker is currently in an odd position. They can do a ton of damage but are very squishy which doesn\u2019t help because they use melee weapons. One small buff could be if there was 5+ enemies in a 8 block radius from the player, they will gain 100 Defense until there are less than 5 enemies left. This can be disabled in boss rooms and watcher rooms. This will help berserkers clear out groups of enemies a bit better."}, {"title": "How to deal double damage to Thorn! (Floor 4)", "body": "Teammates letting you down in floor 4 with their aiming skills? Don\u2019t worry, because the tiger pets ability \u2018Merciless Strike\u2019 actually lets you hit thorn twice (20% of the time).\n\nId recommend using this strategy to get a wr speedrun before they patch it"}, {"title": "Personal Compactor 4000 Rarity", "body": "Anyone else notice that when you upgrade a Super Compactor 3000 to a Personal Compactor 4000 it goes from Rare rarity to Uncommon? I think I know why they do that, so that the PC6k isn't legendary, but come on... it makes no sense."}, {"title": "Can you reset anvil uses on armor", "body": "And have you tried it and did it work?"}, {"title": "Looking for Glitched/Unobtainable Items.", "body": "Just a disclaimer before I get people attacking me for copying @SuperRedHulk1\nI am not collecting these items for a museum. I collect these items and like to think of them as trophies. Anyways onto the real topic-\n\nI am collecting glitched, OG and or \"Illegal items\".\nIf you don't know what these items are I recommend looking here-\nI have certain items that I am looking for more than others, please don't give me offers on these items as your message will just hog up this thread. VVV\nNull Head {Steve Head named null}\nNull Map\nNull Obsidian\nSpawn Egg\nNull Rune {Or Empty Rune}\nFrosty Snowball\nBarrier {Anvil Barrier included}\nSalmon Hat\nName Tag\nCoin Head\n\nI am however looking to buy these items below, if you have one of these and you don't plan on keeping it, show it to me and I will give a price on it depending on how rare it is. VVV\nHorse Armour {If you know me, you know I used to have all three, but due to lightning they are all gone}\nGlitched ice bait {Ice Bait with no Desc}\nLucky Blocks\nNull Hay\nAlex Head\nGold Axe with Fortune\nPlaceable Bait\n\nThat is all. {And of course if you have and item I didnt list and want to sell, be free to msg me either on this thread or in-game 8} Happy Selling Everyone!\n\nEdit: Glitched Ice Bait no longer needed."}, {"title": "Can y\u2019all stop complaining about the mage nerf", "body": "They are going to rebuff/change it. STOP CLOGGING UP THE FORUMS WITH \u201cMAGE SHOULDNT HAVE BEEN NERFED\u201d TRASH THEY WILL FIX IT"}, {"title": "Is the bonerang worth it and what else should i get for the archer class.", "body": "So i'm usally a healer level 19 but i really wanna try out archer. I already got 1 spirit bone and all the other items needed for the bonerang. I just wanted to ask if i should get legendary skeleton master armor since i got 25 mil in my bank and don't know what to do with them and also if i should get a bonerang or what items you would suggest me to get. Please stay realistic it's only 25 mil not 500 mil."}, {"title": "Hey I need to like know what are the best reforges for attack speed on all rarities (accessories)", "body": "So like im making a thread about the highest attack speed possible (if there was no cap) and I wanna know what are the best talismans reforges for attack speed excluding common, I know for sure strange is best for epic and I need to know how much attack speed bloody and itchy gives on mythic (no information on wiki), also I can't log in rn, but it would be really helpful if someone told me if catacombs lvl affect attack speed on dungeon items or only stars (just like crit chance)?"}, {"title": "Does Item Gear Score Increase Based on What Floor It Is Dropped On?", "body": "Assume you have a top quality skeleton master helmet from f1. Is it worse than a top quality skeleton master helmet on f4?"}, {"title": "[Bug] The loots at the end of Thorns and the mobs", "body": "It's a well known bug already reported\nBut wanna share it if you don't know it to be careful about it\n\nWhen the boss is killed, you go get your loot, choose the chest ?\nYes, BUT in THIS specific dungeon after the boss death there's still mobs that does a lot of damage and if you get killed by them you can't respawned and your loot will be automaticly the free wood chest.\n\nIn some case you can be revive and get your loot: -1 if there still a fairy in the stands you can kill it \n2- If someone has a revive stone\n\nBut that's all my friend healer had the thing to revive me at the and it didn't work.\n\n\nSo now let's imagine you get like a Spirit Wing (wiches a lot of profit arround 8M-9M profit from obby chest) and you can't open it beacause of that, WTF is that logic lmao."}, {"title": "oMg BoOsTiNg?", "body": "I was wondering if you are allowed to use another profile to supply money for giveaways. I don't think its boosting bc your not getting the money but it might be so I ask."}, {"title": "Skyblock Mod Questions", "body": "I have recently gotten very bored, so I want to develop an extension / mod for Skyblock because I\u2019m bored. I have had 2 ideas for extensions and I want to know if either of them are against the ToS or if they are bad ideas.\n\nIdea 1. in game minion calculator.\nIdea 2. Dungeons score calculator to see what your score is during a dungeon so you know what to improve on."}, {"title": "What armor to get after Hardened Diamond", "body": "So ive had hardened diamond for a bit, what should i try to get next? and after than and after that etc?"}, {"title": "Another Pet Idea", "body": "So i came up with an idea for another pet its the Slime Pet :\nIt gives u base of 100health 100defence and 50attack speed at max level \n\nThe Abilities are :\nBounce:When an enemy attack you the will be knocked 10 blocks away from u (Does not count for slayer bosses) (No Colldown)\nShield:if u hold shift the pet will create a shield around you for 10sec giving u invincibility (CoolDown 30s) \nFeather:if u fall from any distance the pet will give u ammunity to all fall damage (No CollDown)|\n\nCrafting =1sup ench egg+8ench slimeblocks\n\nSorry if i said something wrong Tell me what u think about the pet"}, {"title": "Aotd or strong armor", "body": "Right now I have a fully enchanted AOTE and a full young set which allows me to farm summoning eyes quite comfortably, which is what I've been doing for the past few days and I have gotten around 5 mil now. I'm wondering if I should get strong or AOTD. I know strong would probably give me more dmg but that means I would be sacrificing the speed from young."}, {"title": "how do i do damage as a archer", "body": "title"}, {"title": "leg skeletor or 2/4 leg 2/4 epic skelesoldier (all 5star)", "body": "help"}, {"title": "Please Fix Mobs Spawning After F4 is Done.", "body": "title^ \n\nWhen you get spirit bone but you dont open chest in time ):"}, {"title": "What Are cheap early game items", "body": "I just created a new profile but have no clue good items minions etc! pls help! im not even a ender non on this profile yet!"}, {"title": "How can I report a irl trading discord?", "body": "Title says it all saw a guy in a lobby say \"want to get 5 mil easy\" linked to a discord i joined it and it was a irl trading site i wont link it so they cant spread but how can i report this to someone who can ban these people?"}, {"title": "i need to go back to kindergarten", "body": "i failed tic tac toe pls hsend help"}, {"title": "what do dragon armors taste like", "body": "title\ni need this for a school project\nalso saw another thread like thia but answers were not agreeing"}, {"title": "Auctions", "body": "Does anyone know of an average auction price website?\nSo if I searched tree cap it would show the average price of that item?\nthanks!"}, {"title": "Skyblock map download", "body": "i downloaded the skyblock hub\ni hope this is allowed\nhad to delete it but when an admin or mod tells me its okay ill post it again"}, {"title": "[NEED HELPER] Questions about profile boosting", "body": "My friend is leaving our co op, we agreed that he can take the things he grinded himself. However, he doesn't want to delete the profile since he spent a long time grinding the skills and collection. He will not be playing on the profile, he just wants to keep it in case he wants to come back. Can we get banned for this? If anyone knows something plz tell me. Thx."}, {"title": "Is it possible to win Tic Tac Toe instead of drawing in dungeons?", "body": "just curious. Also to flex"}, {"title": "More question about berserker class", "body": "1) should i get full adaptive armor with adaptive blade if no then what armor and sword should i get\n\n2)what are the talisman reforges for berserker class"}, {"title": "rod uncast itself?", "body": "after a while when i was afking chickens, i realized that my fishing rod uncasted itself, is this happening to u guys aswell or no? How do i fix"}, {"title": "Guild Reward System: Giving skyblock coins [QUESTION]", "body": "I want to reward my guild members with skyblock coins for earning the top levels on the MEE6 bot each week/month.\n\nI have been informed that this could be considered an advertised giveaway and I want to ensure it is allowed before I do it.\n\nall that I would be doing is checking the leveling of the mee6 bot and selecting the top few people and giving them 1mil or so skyblock coins once per week"}, {"title": "Should I get the rest of adaptive or wolf slayer 6 first?", "body": "Title\n\nAlso, currently I\u2019m half adaptive, and I can solo a t4 wolf except its kinda tough"}, {"title": "fix lethality pls", "body": "This enchant has literally been in the game since the beginning and has never worked. At the beginning of the game, there weren't mobs with defense, and execute was bugged, meaning that there was no way to check if lethality actually worked. However, since the release of dungeons, there are many mobs with defense. If lethality gets fixed, then teams with berserkers will have an easier time defeating minibosses and actual bosses. \n\nso yeah admins pls fix lethality berserker sucks rn"}, {"title": "is it just me or does everyone have broken building?", "body": "i try to build a large farm on my island, but the dirt i place half the time just disappears, anyone know why?"}, {"title": "How good is the bat staff", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "How is there 54/49 unique minions, when only 52 appear in the collection?", "body": "Basically I was doing the question puzzle room in Dungeons, when it asked me how many unique minions there were. I checked and the minion collections said that there are 52 different minion types. However, only 49, 50 and 54 were answers. How is there 54/49 unique minions?\n\nEdit: I chose 50 because I thought revenant and tarantula minions were redundant and therefore not unique, but apparently that's not the case."}, {"title": "How much does frozen blaze and blaze pet cost", "body": "I just need to know how much of my co-ops money I need to spend"}, {"title": "help please", "body": "Hi today i joined in on skyblock and i was on a slot that i abandoned a while ago and i went to change slots but my coop and solo were gone so i asked my coop members if they still have there stuff and they said yes but that all the chests and minions were gone and they were able to claim my items since i \"Left\" the coop but all they got were arrows can a admin please tell me what happened"}, {"title": "INcoRrECT HeadEr chECK", "body": "why just why, please someone explain\nI just play and then it disconnects me\nam I the only one who experiences this like every single fricking second"}, {"title": "Solution for the new box room varient?", "body": "Anyone have a solution for the new box room varient ? Shows alot in floor 4 but we all end up locking the boxes"}, {"title": "i just crashed enchanted acacia wood prices", "body": "they used to be at 500 per\nnow they are 300 per\ninb4 some non makes a buy order of 10000 for 500"}, {"title": "Can somebody help figure this out? I can't math right now (probability)", "body": "So basically the chance of getting an eye is 1/420, but over 420 it's reduced to 1/210. So I can't seem to figure out math right now and need help.\n\nIf the chances were just 1/420, your average would be 1/420th of an eye value per kill. If measured that way, what's the actual value per kill with the chances changing after 420 kills? What type of function would be used?"}, {"title": "Cool Tips for Mage after Nerf", "body": "1. Mana regen has been nerfed a ton, you will find gaining mana is a LOT harder. When you hit something (this can be with your mage beam or melee) you regen 5 mana + 1% of your max mana. As a lot of people don't know, you can actually hit your teamates to regen mana really fast.\n\n2. Frozen scythe is super good for Thorn. You can use it to pierce through lines of animals.\n\n3. Ice essence. You get this by killing the new frozen adventurer, this can be used to upgrade frozen scythe!\n\n\nThats it! Hope they helped you!"}, {"title": "So we broke a door?", "body": "we were playing hide and seek in the hub and somehow i busted the 2 doors in the dark auction house..\nis it a glitch or did i just break the game?\n\n\n\nedit just switched hub and the doors are gone!!!!!"}, {"title": "shoutout to the people saying mage bad", "body": "leg sheep is rly cheap and will go up when people realizes that mage is good\n\nso get ur leg sheep before it goes up."}, {"title": "why can't I beat floor 4 with hardened diamond", "body": "wtf"}, {"title": "Is this a bug?", "body": "so I was farming the blazes in the blazing fortress, then I unlocked blaze rod 2 for blaze rod 2 your reward is the blaze hat which says coming soon. But I had three blaze hats in my inventory I'm not sure if its a bug I'm just asking if anyone can clarify to me if its a bug or not."}, {"title": "[BUG] Weird Ghost Block When Foraging", "body": "Hey guys! I don't know if you have noticed this, but there is this very strange ghost block type thing that appears when you use a treecapitator on a tree. Video is below to explain more, but this is very odd. Does this happen to you too?"}, {"title": "HEALER NEEDS A DAMAGE BUFF", "body": "Hello! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Mr. Clean. And it is my mission to cleanse these forums of toxicity, and bring my ideas to the table.\n\nHealer needs a damage buff\u200bRecently, the admins have been attempting to balance the classes of dungeons so that all of them are equally viable. \n\nI am here to propose a brand new idea to balance healer\n\nWhat is the problem?\u200bBeing a healer mainly consists of spamming abilities and setting up healing circles near your teammates.\n\nThe problem with this is that this is incredibly boring.\n\nYou want to get into the action, kill mobs, but you can\u2019t. All you can do is set up a radius and spam a zombie sword.\n\nMy solution \u200bHealers problem is very major.\n\nAnd I am proposing a total rework of its design.\n\nThe battle healer and heal spirit in clash royale both do a lot of damage while healing their teammates. I think we can take a page out of this book.\n\nStrength: +5 per healer level\nCrit Chance: +1 per healer level\nCrit damage: +10 per healer level\nIntelligence: -10 per healer level.\n\nIsnt this op?\u200bNo it is not.\n\nMR CLEAN: CLEANSING THE WORLD, ONE WORD AT A TIME\u200b"}, {"title": "Would u consider Skyblock skilled base", "body": "I see people telling other people to \u201cget good\u201d at skyblock, which made me wonder, is skyblock really skill based?\n\nIMO it is not at all.\n1. U just click on things and see how much time u have\n2. Completely RNG based"}, {"title": "Am i wrong here or am i just stupid (i bully people btw)", "body": "I told a kid he was stupid for wanting to get growth 6 for 9mil when he has farming 12 and fishing 15"}, {"title": "Skyblock Invite Rewards, IRL trading and advertisement giveaway discord server", "body": "I am making this post to spread awareness to the skyblock community that there is a new Discord server that participates in Invite Rewards, IRL trading and giveaways that are advertising the discord server. The name of the server is HyShop. This is a link to the server but I am not sure if it work because I got banned from it talking about reporting that server. In the future, I might add the permanent link so that the admins of hypixel can find it. I\u2019ll share the link to the admins. Also I am pretty sure the owner of the server is called Merchant on discord and he used a Minecraft account to share the link called grimmos. Thank you for reading this and I hope that we can play skyblock fairly."}, {"title": "New percussor ruins record?", "body": "I was grinding the race and got this time:"}, {"title": "For the people saying Dungeons is too hard", "body": "Yes it is thats the point, it is supposed to be really hard and u have to grind lower floors to raise ur stats and use better armor. Also every floor will probably add new items that are needed. If your complaining that the combat level req is dumb bc it doesnt represent difficulty, you are right (hypixel pls make it like 17 f1 19 f2 21 f3 24 f4) If u get one shot, maybe u need more ehp? idk man seems obvious maybe dont go super squishy builds. \nstop making posts complaining abotu dungoens"}, {"title": "Best mage setup?", "body": "Suggest your items"}, {"title": "New mage weapons?", "body": "."}, {"title": "Dungeon Hub Discord is abusive", "body": "Owner banned me from the discord for joining their dungeon party because he just doesn't like me. I was joining because that was the only good party in the selector."}, {"title": "I need help finding a player", "body": "A couple months ago I saw someone in the hub advertising \"Flex Badges\" for coins. I bought a \"Tier 3\" as that was all I could afford. Since then I've gotten significantly more coins and want to go back, but I never wrote down their name. If any of you bought one yourself, or know someone who might be him that'd be amazing. \n\n*(The sign is supposed to say \"Flex Badge\" but the sign seemed to glitch a while ago and remove the other two letters)"}, {"title": "did they patch skyblock afking", "body": "."}, {"title": "I need some advice (not skyblock related)", "body": "So I was like, hmm I should get better at PvP cuz I suck at PvP. So I played a few games of skywars and did a few duels. And I always lost/got killed and that was very frustrating. I know I need to get better at PvP but it\u2019s just so frustrating getting killed every time. A few years ago I decided I needed to improve on parkour and I taught myself parkour, and now I\u2019m decent at it. But I can\u2019t find a way to get better at PvP without getting really pissed. Advice?\n\nalso don\u2019t say this is in the wrong section cuz I don\u2019t know anyone in the skywars community"}, {"title": "account got hacked", "body": "so today i went and logged on on my alt account to put it afk on my island and the accounts island was just bedrock\nand also the only thing they stole was my Aspect Of The End\n\nhope you guys don't get hacked like my alt was"}, {"title": "Aotd bug", "body": "Its ability doesn't scale with combat level"}, {"title": "My coop has been inactive from my profile for over 35 days but I can't kick him.", "body": "He has been on hypixel skyblock but not on my profile I NEED HELP."}, {"title": "dungeons need serious nerfs", "body": "idc if i have bad gear, im seeing tanks, the best tanks, dying on floor 3. \nfloor 3.\nout of like 20 floors, im still even having some trouble on floor 1 sometimes \nim trying to grind for catacombs level 14 and theres literally no other berserker sets than zombie knight and adaptive \nthat someone can use for berserk.\npeople in full sup are having trouble in floor 4\npeople in the best armor are having trouble in floor 4\nand we arent even a quarter into the floors.\n\nso to make this better\neither\n\nadd more early dungeon sets\nor\nnerf dungeons a heck of a lot"}, {"title": "How does profile boosting work?", "body": "My friend decided that he wants to leave the co op, we agreed that he should be able to transfer all the things he grinded himself to his solo profile. However, he doesn't want to delete the profile since he has high level skills and high collections. Can we get banned for this? I think this is a very common question and if anyone knows the answer plz respond!"}, {"title": "What is the better healer set?", "body": "What\u2019s the best healer set"}, {"title": "my friend just lost his fully enchanted aotd, what should i do?", "body": "i need to know what to do please\nedit: and, the user named \"lucas_ye_boii\" picked it up and i saw it in his enderchest on skyleamoe then when i found out, he just left"}, {"title": "Zombie knight or soldier", "body": "Which one is, tankier and which is better for damage, not full set tho"}, {"title": "Selling Yeti Sword/ Or Trading for Full Superior", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Spawn a t4 rev in dungeons", "body": "Title, reply with vid"}, {"title": "My teammates got mad at me after I failed to solo scarf as tank after they all died", "body": "Yea ok then"}, {"title": "Why the Hypixel Skyblock Staff are Idiots [DETAILED INFO]", "body": "First off, before the floor four update, dungeons was SUPER fun. I would do lots of floor 2's and 3's with my friend and usually make a lot of money. My class was mage, and I used bonzo staff. Now, after the nerf, bonzo staff is just completely useless. Skyblock's problem is that everything always gets nerfed WAY TOO MUCH. Bonzo staff is now completely unusable and no one will ever want one again. Also, by \"fixing the over-powered mage problem\", they have created a new one. Mage is literal CRAP. Now, floor four seems really fun, but very very hard. I understand that it's meant to be challenging, but nerfing players so much that it's almost impossible to complete it is horrible. Some items are meant to be good. For say, the pigman sword. It was super good for dungeons as a mage since it did tons of damage, and yes, this is over-powered. Yet, the sword costs 20 million coins. Now that the pigman has been nerfed to the ground, a 20 million sword has turned into a mere 6 mil huddle of trash no one wants to use anymore, just like the reaper scythe. Next, this update completely ruined people's gameplay. F4 would still be really challenging with the old bonzo staff. Now, a personal example, yesterday I saw my epic sheep had about 2 days left on it's upgrading, so I went and bought enough enchanted sugarcane to make it level 100. Annnnd then, they nerf the bonzo staff. Welp, there goes 10 mil because staff doesn't know what they are doing. I've completely dropped everything mage and swapped to berserk. Oh wait! Berserk will probably get nerfed too! They might aswell just remove dungeons as a whole because everything is to over-powered...."}, {"title": "[Suggestion + Poll] Nerf Crypt Dreadlords on F4", "body": "^^^.\n\nThey do more damage than every miniboss, besides fb in yellow room, and boss in dungeons currently. The best thing to do is AOTE away, but with the mage changes, if you have no mana, you have a couple options and usually the same outcome:\n\n- Run away, while they spam their wither skulls at you, killing you in 3-4 hits. (BTW, I use 5 star adaptive, full hpb, with cata 18)\n\n- Fight it: if ur a mage, have all ur talismans on bizarre, and have no mana, then -2 points for your team for your sacrifice\n\n- spirit leap out: RISKY!!!!!!!. You probably will have very little health and might leap to your teammate in trap room and get killed by a trap. Or, your teammate fighting more dreadlords or skeletors, or even a miniboss.\n\nThe mob is unbalanced as it is better than minibosses, damage wise. I understand that its purpose is to deal A TON OF DAMAGE, but it just deals way too much at the moment.\n\nAlso, if u disagree, please just don't dislike or put the \"disagree\" reaction. Please explain your thoughts and reasoning, cause I would like to hear someone else's perspective."}, {"title": "Skyblock Thumbnail Pack", "body": "Does anyone know any good Skyblock thumbnail pack psds?"}, {"title": "Coop Kicking", "body": "Hello everyone! Hope you\u2019re having a nice day. \nToday I faced a problem someone who was being rude to my friend and another person doing the same was on the coop and we thought they were nice at first but then they started saying our names and being rude but we couldn\u2019t kick them due to coop agree option. Admins can you add a way for Island Leader agree option?"}, {"title": "uh so um. my friend won 100m", "body": "so my friend won 100m and he wants me to take it, I dont want to get banned what the hell should i do help"}, {"title": "Shoutout to that kid who threatened me about lowering the price of my farms on baazar", "body": "Boy you just made me an easy 500k from flipping tomorrow thank you"}, {"title": "why spirit scepter is bad, not a shitpost", "body": "so the last time i did this it was a shitpost, this time it isnt. so i bought a spirit scepter to try it out and i did deal about double the damage i dealt with frozen scythe, but the mana cost was much higher. the aoe is nice but the higher mana cost really diminishes its potental as a weapon. it isnt garbage but i dont feel like its worth the 35 mil right now. i sold it again because im a broke person"}, {"title": "All Skyblock Crossover References", "body": "Hypixel skyblock is one of the few games on the server with blatant references to other games (along with smash heroes and lucky skywars/bedwars, at least that I know of). So I figured why not make a thread that calls out every reference in the game, because I like that sort of thing.\n\nThings will be split into difference categories:\nHypixel Games: References to other games on hypixel.\u200bOther Games: References to any games outside of minecraft.\u200bMedia: References to any social media thing (for example, youtubers).\u200bOther: References to anything else that doesn't fall in the other categories, if there is any for that.\u200b\nAlso, before I start, I just wanna say that idk if any of these are confirmed references. There are a few I'm guaranteed of, but most of these are just putting together similarities.\n\nHypixel Games\n\n\nSpoiler: Mega Walls\n\n\n\nPigman Sword\nThe Pigman Sword is a reference to the Pigman class. They both share the Burning Souls ability. However, the class' ability grants strength whereas the sword's ability grants defense.\n\nShaman Sword\nThe Shaman Sword is a reference to the Shaman class. While not a directly sharing similar abilities, the Shaman class does have an ability that summons wolves, which is referenced by the Shaman Sword being a recipe from the Wolf Slayer.\n\nZombie Sword\nThe Zombie Sword is a reference to the Zombie class. Its Circle of Healing ability is similar to the sword's Instant Heal ability. Both heal you and players (in the class' case, teammates) around you instantly.\n\nDreadlord Sword/Soulstealer Bow\nThe Dreadlord Sword and Soulstealer Bow are references to the Dreadlord class. Its Shadow Burst ability is similar to the sword's Dreadlord ability and the bow's passive. The class' Shadow Burst ability shoots 3 wither skulls. The sword's ability shoots one wither skull and the bow's passive replaces arrows with wither skulls (though in Mega Walls, left clicking the bow activates the ability, and in skyblock's case all arrows are just replaced).\n\nLeaping Sword/Silk-Edged Sword\nBoth swords are a reference to the Spider class. They all share the Leap ability.\n\nGolem Sword\nThe Golem Sword is a reference to the Golem class. They both share the Iron Punch ability.\n\nGolem armor\nThe Golem armor set is a reference to the Golem class. Its Iron Heart ability is similar to the armor's Absorption ability. The class' Iron Heart gives absorption after killing a player. The armor's Absorption ability gives absorption after killing a mob.\n\nExplosive Bow\nThe Explosive Bow is a reference to the Skeleton class. Its Explosive Arrow ability is similar to bow's Explosive Shot ability. Both are arrow shots that explode on impact.\n\nFrozen Scythe\nThe Frozen Scythe is a reference to the Snowman class. They both share the Ice Bolt ability, though in Mega Walls, the ability shoots three bolts per activation rather than one.\n\nSilent Death\nThe Silent Death is a reference to the Assassin class. They both share the Shadow Step ability.\n\nUltimate Enchant: Rend\nThe Rend enchant is a reference to the Renegade class. One of the class' abilities is called Rend, and you would left click your bow to rip the arrows out of players you shot, dealing extra dmg.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Lucky Skywars\n\n\n\nReaper Scythe\nThe Reaper Scythe is a reference to the Reaper Scythe item in Skywars' Lucky lab mode. In the lab mode, killing a player with the scythe spawns a zombie to help you. Killing a mob with the scythe gives you the option to spawn a zombie to help you. Idk if this is a reference to anything else though.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: The Pit\n\n\n\nStereo Pants\nStereo Pants are a reference to the Stereo Pants from The Pit.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Paintball\n\n\n\nJerry Event\nWhile not an item, the Jerry Event powerups are references to Paintball's killstreaks. The Strongarm powerup is a killstreak in Paintball. The Double Shot powerup is a reference to the Triple Shot killstreak (and iirc, it used to be a Triple Up in the Jerry Event but was toned down cause of lag). The Homing powerup is a reference to the Rezzus Hat's homing ability.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Main Lobby\n\n\n\nGrappling Hook\nThe Grappling Hook is a reference to the main lobby\u02bbs Grappling Hook gadget. The both do the same thing, but the skyblock Grappling Hook has a cooldown (though it can be removed with Bat Person armor).\n\nLaunch Pad\nThe launch pad is a reference to slime launch pads in the main lobby. The launch pads in the lobby will shoot you in a predetermined direction. The launch pads in skyblock will send you in the direct you\u02bbre facing (private islands) or to other islands (public islands).\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: AHN\n\n\n\nFrench Bread\nIdk if you can really count this as a reference, but the French Bread is a reference to the Alpha Hypixel Network. Players spammed the French Bread reaction in the mvp++ lounge of the Hypixel discord server during dungeons testing. Players who were able to beat Scarf in the AHN received a French Bread item in the normal skyblock server. You can also find a French Bread (placed, so not an actual item) in certain dungeon rooms.\n\n\n\nOther Games\n\n\nSpoiler: League of Legends\n\n\n\nRunaan's Bow/Hurricane Bow\nThe Runaan's Bow and Hurricane Bow are references to the Runaan's Hurricane item. The item's Wind's Fury ability is similar to the bow's Triple Shot ability. The item allows basic attacks to shoot 2 addition bolts, each dealing 40% of your damage. The bow shoots 2 additional arrows, each dealing 40% of your damage. Hurricane bow is similar in where it shoots multiple shots, but it doesn\u02bbt have decreased damage on its extra shots.\n\nSpirit Mask/Kindred\nThe Spirit Mask and Kindred helmet are references to the champion Kindred. The skin used for the masks resemble that of Kindred. Idk what exactly the ability is referencing, but my guess would be Kindred's Lamb's Respite ability. Lamb's Respite prevents nearby teammates from going below 10% hp, whereas the mask's Second Wind ability grants damage immunity instead of death. The Kindred helmet has no ability, but the reference is directly in the name.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Pokemon\n\n\n\nKat\nKat is a reference to the character Serena. The skin used for Kat is that of Serena from a later part of the Pokemon anime. Kat\u02bbs pet sitting is also a reference to the daycare mechanic from the Pokemon games. In the games, you could leave Pokemon at a daycare and they\u02bbd gradually gain experience. In skyblock, leaving pets at the pet sitter will level them up a rarity.\n\nPet Items\nPet items are a reference to the held item mechanic. Pokemon can hold certain items, one at a time, and receive different buffs or effects depending on the item. In skyblock, pet items can be held to give your pet different buffs or effects.\n\nCarrot Candy\nCarrot Candy a reference to rare candies. In the games, rare candies can be used to instantly level up a Pokemon. In skyblock, carrot candies can be used to give a pet instant exp.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Touhou\n\n\n\nStereo Pants\nThe Stereo Pants includes a reference to Touhou. One of the songs the Stereo Pants can play, Flowering Night, is Sakuya's battle theme from Touhou 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View (yes I did directly copy paste from the wiki).\n\n\n\nMedia\n\n\nSpoiler: Anime\n\n\n\nTank - Castle of Stone\nThe Tank's Castle of Stone ability is a reference to Log Horizon's Castle of Stone ability. In Log Horizon, Castle of Stone is an ability used by the Guardian class and makes the user invulnerable and unmovable for 10s, but makes them unable to act. In skyblock, Castle of Stone makes the user invulnerable and unmovable for 5s, but they can still act. The aggro mechanic in skyblock's Castle of Stone could also be a reference to Log Horizon's Anchor Howl ability, which draws the attention of all nearby enemies and is seen used with Castle of Stone.\n\nScarf\nDuring the fight with Scarf in floor 2, he will occasionally say lines that are references to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Naruto. \"Yare yare daze\" is a JoJo reference (haha I said the funny line) and \"Necro no Jutsu!\" is a Naruto reference.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: YouTube\n\n\n\nSven\nThe Sven Packmaster is a reference to Pewdiepie's wolf, Sven, from his Minecraft survival series.\n\nPig's Foot/Frozen Chicken/Wolf Paw\nThese talismans are a reference to Technoblade. In the early days of Skyblock, Techno made a video about being the fastest man in skyblock. He went through the trouble of manually grinding a Bat Talisman, only to be greeted with a +1 speed buff. When the End Island released, a race was introduced that gave the Pig's Foot, a direct reference to Technoblade (cause pig). Since then, there have been more races, each giving talismans that only gave +1 speed. This was only changed in the release of the dungeon hub, where the race gave a talisman with +3 speed instead of +1 (big different, I know), though you do start off with a +1 speed talisman that you can upgrade.\n\nPotato Talisman/Basket of Hope from the Great Potato War/Potato War Silver Medal/Potato Crown\nThese items are references to the Potato War between Technoblade and im_a_squid_kid. The Potato War was a short YouTube series that consisted of the two YouTubers competing for the top spot in the potato collection. Eventually it was decided that the winner would be chosen by whoever reached 500mil potato collection first, that being Technoblade. The Potato Talisman was given to all players who logged in for some time after the war ended. The Basket of Hope was given to all those in the top 1000 potato collection. The Silver Medal was given to im_a_squid_kid. The Crown was given to Technoblade.\n\nThe Potato King\nThe Potato King NPC is a reference to the Potato War mentioned above. It was a temporary NPC that gave the Potato Talisman. Its skin was Technoblade holding a giant potato over his head, showing he was the winner of the war. Really I just wanted to separate it since it was an NPC and not an item, and the description was getting a bit long.\n\n\n\nOther\n\n\nSpoiler: Dr Seuss\n\n\n\nGrinch\nThe Grinch sea creature is a reference to the The Grinch That Stole Christmas! book by Dr Seuss. Like how the Grinch is known to steal presents, the sea creature is said to have stolen Jerry's gifts when you fish it out.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Greek Mythology\n\n\n\nWater Hydra\nThe Water Hydra is a reference to the Hydra. The Hydra was a serpentine-like monster. If you cut one head off, two more would grow back in its place. The Water Hydra works similarly in where dealing enough damage to it will cause it to split into two.\n\nKing Midas/Midas Sword/Midas Jewel\nThe King Midas mob and Midas items are a reference to the story of Midas. He is commonly known for his ability to turn all he touches to gold. The King Midas mob from floor 3 is a direct reference to King Midas, the Midas Sword's ability is based on the amount of money you pay, and the Midas Jewel grants the ability Bryon's Compassion, which gives a chance to give money upon killing an enemy.\n\n\n\n\n\nDo name some in the replies if I forgot any. I'll add in any ones I forgot and any new ones from future updates.\n\n\n\u200b"}, {"title": "My friend lost her hypixel profile after starting a coop with this person", "body": "Her username is lemonforlemonade! Pls restore her account, which is used for hypxiel skyblock profile she joined a coop and her profile disappeared\n\nEdit: it seems that you guys do not understand what is public shaming is, maybe get educated first?"}, {"title": "[idea] fursuit armor", "body": "rare chance to get a piece from floor 4\n\nlegendary armor set\n\nhelmet:\n+200 health\n+50 defense\n+30 speed\n+10 attack speed\n\nchestplate:\n+350 health\n+35 defense\n+35 speed\n+5 attack speed\n\nleggings:\n+250 health\n+40 defense\n+25 speed\n+50 strength\n\nshoes:\n+125 health\n+20 defense\n+50 speed\n\nfull set bonus: press shift while looking down to summon a variety of animals to fight for you\n\n\n\n\nh"}, {"title": "Can mobs spawned from minions drop the Phoenix pet?", "body": "Do any mobs count? Even passive ones? I really hope somebody knows as I am trying to go for a leg phoenix pet."}, {"title": "Is selling skyblock coins considered bannable?", "body": "I found a server and in it, they are selling coins for hypixel skyblock for actual money, and i just wanted to know if its bannable so i can make a report on it. Because i know that irl trading is bannable, but i dont know if this counts as irl trading."}, {"title": "Berserker Help", "body": "Hi i'm a level 14 bers and i'm currently using adaptive armor and adaptive blade. Is there any better options. I am aware of the hyper cleaver but I am not level 16 yet. I have about 90 mill. my current pets are leggy wither skeleton (damage) and epic baby yeti (for survive-ability). I am struggling with staying alive while doing damage on f4. All advice appreciated! (Just get good/grind up catacombs lvls aren't answers ty)"}, {"title": "Tar\u00e1ntula Minion Help", "body": "I have 19 tier 4 placed on my island with sc3000s and e lava buckets. I wanna know how much money I can make per day? And combat exp?"}, {"title": "what minion can i leave for awhile thats consistent?", "body": "im quitting sb but want a minion down that will still make 1m a day if I sell to npc... i will get 24 minion slots to."}, {"title": "[Idea] New event (Bird Festival)", "body": "Ill share with yall a idea for a new event cuz we seem to lack more events.\n\nSo first this event will be in Spring days 1-6 (2 hours) Being the second longest event in skyblock.\n\nThe event will be accesible by the same way as Jerry Island and the size of the island will be slightly larger than Jerry Island.\n\nThe main part of the event is that there will be constant minigames every 10 minutes (12 minigames per event) These minigames last 5-8 minutes, Holding up to 30 players per minigame. \n\nIn this event there will also be a reputation system earned by completing minigames. Minigames will be scored With a 300 point system. The scores are: C 110 points or less. B 140 points or less B+ 160 points or less A 200 points or less A+ 230 points or less S 260 points or less S+ 289 points or less S++ 290 points or above. Every minigame has its own scoring values. Reputation is awarded by scores. \n\nScoreReputation RewardC15 (+1 Reputation for every C rank you have gotten [Resets per event] )B25 (+1 Reputation for every B rank you have gotten [Resets per event] )B+35 (+2 Reputation for every B+ rank you have gotten [Resets per event] )A60 (+3 Reputation for every A rank you have gotten [Resets per event] )A+80 (+5 Reputation for every A+ rank you have gotten [Resets per event] )S125 (+10 Reputation for every S rank you have gotten [Resets per event] )S+200 (+15 Reputation for every S+ rank you have gotten [Resets per event] )S++600 (+400 Reputation for every S++ rank you have gotten [Resets per event] )\nThere is also extra Reputation rewards for certain accomplishments: Playing 10 minigames grants 50 extra reputation. Getting S rank or higher in 5 minigames grants 200 extra reputation. Finishing in the top 5% players in 30 minigames grants permanent +5% reputation gain. Getting A+ rank or higher in 50 minigames grants 1000 extra reputation. Getting 2 S++ ranks in one event grants 2500 extra reputation. Getting S+ in 75 or more minigames grants 5000 reputation. And finally getting 10 S++ ranks grants permanent +15% reputation gain. (These are all one time rewards Not affected by extra reputation gain)\n\nIf You Somehow get 12 S++ Ranks in a event you gain a extra 15000 reputation (Repeatable per event Affected by extra reputation gain)\n\nNow what are the uses of reputation you might ask? It has many uses First of all being 3 NPC (Pigeon Duck and Seagull) The Pigeon NPC requires 25 reputation to be able to use its shop. The Duck NPC requires 250 reputation to be able to use its shop. And finally the Seagull NPC requires 1000 reputation to be able to use its shop. \n\nThe Pigeon sells these items:\n\nItemCostItem UseNotesPigeon Hat25,000 CoinsGrants +25 Speed and Hp. Increases your Hp by 500% While in the bird island. Uncommon HatEarly Game ItemBird Firework8 Enchanted Emeralds, 4 Enchanted String and 50,000 CoinsFire a bird firework spreading 8 packs of 5 reputation around and 4 packs of 15 reputation around the explosion. Uncommon ItemYou can only buy 3 of these per event.Toy Pigeon500,000 CoinsIncreases minion speed by 5% and grant a additional 45% speed boost while the Bird Festival is happening. Epic ItemAfter reaching 500 reputation The price decreases to 150000 CoinsBird Talisman2x Enchanted Clownfish, 16x Enchanted Sand, 4x Enchanted Glistering Melons and 100,000 CoinsGrants +5% Reputation gains. Common Talisman Bird RingBird Talisman, 64x Enchanted Charcoal, 32x Enchanted Acacia Wood, 16x Enchanted Carrots and 250,000 CoinsGrants +10% Reputation gains. Cant be used with bird Talisman or artifact\nUncommon TalismanOnly appears after reaching 2500 Reputation. \nCant be used if your under the reputation to buy it\n\nThe Duck sells These items:\n\nItemCost Item UseNotesQuacking Helmet20,000,000 CoinsExplained BelowCost goes down to 5M once reaching 2000 reputation. Reduces to 2.5M once reaching 25000 reputation.\nNot Sellable in auction houseDuck Chestplate20,000,000 CoinsExplained BelowCost goes down to 5M once reaching 2000 reputation. Reduces to 2.5M once reaching 25000 reputation.\nNot Sellable in auction houseDuck Leggings20,000,000 CoinsExplained BelowCost goes down to 5M once reaching 2000 reputation. Reduces to 2.5M once reaching 25000 reputation.\nNot Sellable in auction houseDucky Boots20,000,000 CoinsExplained BelowCost goes down to 5M once reaching 2000 reputation. Reduces to 2.5M once reaching 25000 reputation.\nNot Sellable in auction houseQuacked Blade24x Enchanted Lapiz, 64x Enchanted Glowstone Dust, 16x Enchanted Pufferfish and 32x Enchanted BeefDeals +50 Damage and +140 Strength +5 speed when held.\nGains +150 Damage and +10 Strength in the Bird Island. Rare SwordMainly Used For killing mobs in the Bird Island Could be a decent weapon for newer players.Golden Seeds1x Enchanted Gold block and 16x Enchanted Seeds.Gain +50% reputation for this minigame, Consumed on Use. Uncommon Item. Appears only after reaching 7500 reputation. Cant be used if your under the reputation to buy it\n\nNow i will explain the Duck Armor set. Which is a new powerfull armor only obtainable from this event.\n\nArmor PieceBase StatsSpecial Abilities (If Any)RarityNotesQuacking Helmet120 Health\n140 Defense\n10 Strength Item Bonus: For every 5 Strength gain 1 IntelligenceLegendaryThis Ability will help the\nuser of the set to get more\nintelligenceDuck Chestplate130 Health\n160 DefenseNoneLegendaryDuck Leggings130 Health\n160 DefenseNoneLegendaryDucky Boots120 Health\n140 Defense \n10 SpeedItem Bonus: For every 5 Speed gain 1 IntelligenceLegendaryThis Ability will help the\nuser of the set to get more\nintelligenceFull Set500 Health\n600 Defense\n10 Strength\n10 SpeedItem Ability: D.U.C.K. (Defensively Upgrading Contained Kool-aid) This ability\ngrants buffs at certain health levels:\nGain +5% Defense when over 95% Health\nGain +5% Strength when under 95% Health\nGain +5% Healing when under 70% Health\nGain +5% Speed and Speed Cap when under 45% Health\nGain all of the above when under 25% HealthThis is not a\narmor pieceThe Main Ability of the Duck Set Intended To allow\nthe user to change what it focuses on\ndepending on the amount of Health\nthe user has.\n\nAlso the armor appears as Gold armor.\n\nAnd The Seagull sells These items:\n\nItemCostItem UseNotesSeagulls Boots16x Enchanted Cooked Fish and 16x Enchanted Cooked SalmonGrants +10% Sea creature chance,+20 Strength and +50 Speed. Epic ArmorUsefull for fishing and mobility other than that can help for dealing damageSeagull RodCatalyst,4x Enchanted Leather and 750,000 CoinsDeals +65 damage.\n+200% Fishing Speed. Cant get sea creatures other than squid. Treasure chance and \nfishing xp is halfed.Fish a lot of things very fast but you wont get really good stuff nor sea creatures other than squids.Bird Artifact48x Enchanted Cooked Mutton, 32x Enchanted Rabbit Hide, 64x Enchanted Clownfish, 256x Enchanted End Stone and Bird RingGrants +15% reputation Gains. \nCant be used with Bird Ring or Talisman. Rare TalismanAppears only after reaching 25000 reputation. Cant be used if you have under the reputation needed to be able to buy itFestive Bird1 CoinGrants +1% stats in the bird island.\nAlso grants +1 Health. Common TalismanAppears only after reaching 400000 reputation. Cant be used if you have under the reputation needed to be able to buy it\n\nNow Whats the Second use of reputation? Well there will be a Secret NPC (Fowl Dealer) Which will be located in a secret house below the very center of the island (Aote or other very high mobility things needed to reach it) This NPC will sell multiple Base Stat Buffs once you have reached enough reputation\n\nStat BuffNeeded ReputationCost+2 Intelligence50000100,000 Coins+2 Strength100000250,000 Coins+3 Defense250000350,000 Coins+10 Health500000500,000 Coins+3 Speed10000001,000,000 Coins+1 Health10000011 Coin\n\nThe third and final use of reputation is... Titles! In the bird island Titles will appear over your username flexing how much reputation you got.\n\nTitleNeeded ReputationNew Bird0Novice Bird50Festive Bird400Reputable Bird2500Highly Known Bird15000Respected Bird50000Cherished Bird250000Master Bird1000000True Bird5000000 \n\nWhat are the uses of items like Pigeon Hat and Quacked Blade? Because there is no combat in this island Well there is a use for these items because in this island there is also a Colosseum where you can pvp/chill! And theres exclusive types of duels offered by a NPC that works like the one at the original colosseum. Theres 5 Duels.\n\n\nRegular 1v1 Duel. Nothing to say here\n5v5 Duel for more chaos! (You cannot hit teammates)\nAll abilities duels (1v1, 3v3 or 2v2v2) Magic Damage does work in here!\nBird Duels. (1v1 2v2 or 1v1v1v1) Regular Duels but Speed is set to 1000 And you can Fly (Damage Is Increased by 40%)\nNo Armor Duels. (1v1, 2v2 or 1v1v1v1) As the name says theres no armor allowed in this duel (You cannot deal over 95% of your oponnents hp in a single hit)\n\nIf youve been reading to this point you might be asking, What are the minigames? Here ill show the concept of all 4 minigames (Probably Going to be expanded till 12 minigames)\n\nIt is very important to know that minigames will not include anything that isnt provided in the minigame during the minigames (Everyone has the same things like in a bedwars game for example)\n\n1. Egg Battle \n\nYour placed in a 5 layered platform with up to 29 other players. Your speed is set at regular speed and your goal is to use eggs to throw people to the void. The platforms first layer will be 16x16 the 2nd layer will be 18x18 the 3rd layer will be 20x20 the 4th layer 22x22 and the 5th layer 24x24 (All of these will be shaped circularly) These layers have a 4 block vertical distance between each other,Your given a infinite egg supply. The eggs will also have knockback I to help you melee nearby enemies. You cannot die other than by falling off the void. There will be powerups which spawn every 20s (One powerup per layer. The powerup spawns in a random place of the layer) There is 3 powerups which are: \n\nPowerup NamePowerup UsageDurationTriple EggsThe powerup as its name says makes you shoot 3 eggs at once in a 20 degree spread8 SecondsDiggerYou are given a anvil which when placed will fall destroying any block in its way making a hole for players to fallIf the anvil isnt placed within 15s it will despawnRabbit LeapsYou gain Jump boost VII Which can be usefull to get to a higher layer if you have fallen down4 Seconds\n\nAfter the 2:00 mark TNT will start falling from the top destroying blocks where it falls (All of the platforms should be destroyed at around the 7:15-8:00 mark if no block had been destroyed other than by TNT) The tnt will also knockback any nearby player. Once the 3:00 time mark is reached All players take +25% knockback from ranged egg hits and the egg becomes enchanted with knockback II for melee. Once the 5:00 time mark is reached All players get Slowness I and eggs are thrown at +50% speed. Once the 6:30 time mark is reached All players take +175% Knockback from ranged egg hits and the egg becomes enechanted with knockback IV. If the 7:15 Time mark is reached Rabbit Leaps powerup is disabled and wont spawn. (Only Digger and Quintiple Eggs) Triple Eggs turn to quintiple eggs because Triple eggs will be shot by default now. [This game focuses on using knockback to defeat enemies]\n\nScoring Of the game: Every 10s Lasted Gain +1 Score. Every player who dies before you grants +6 Score. Winning Grants +30 Score, Winning before the 5th minute grants a extra +40 Score.\n\n2. Builder Birds\n\nYou are placed in a series of small islands competing with 29 other players to build the shown structure as fast as possible. There is 40 rounds in total, And you have a 8:00 Time limit. You win by either completing all the rounds or being the one completed most buil when the time runs out. The first 5 rounds will be in a 8x8 building area and itll be around 20-35 blocks. Rounds 6-10 will be in a 10x10 building area and the build will be around 30-40 blocks Including trickier blocks like slabs/stairs. Rounds 11-20 will be in a 14x14 building area with a around 50-80 blocks count including very tricky objects as buttons tripwire hooks levers pressure plates cobwebs and even string. Rounds 21-30 will be in a 16x16 building area with a very high 75-100 block count and very complex builds including any item you can think of. Rounds 31-35 will be in a 18x18 building area at 95-115 blocks each featuring builds which require great skill to build fast. And the final rounds 36-40 will be in a 20x20 building area at 120-150 blocks possibly including a full inventory of blocks needed. Between Each island there will be a gap which you will have to bridge trough (Your given infinite redstone blocks to pass) The gap is adding 2 blocks per round starting at 10 at round 1. But you must be carefull when bridging Not to let your redstone bridge touch the TNT that will be spread around in the air (Around 20-200 TNT per gap) or else your bridge will be destroyed and youd have to start remaking it. In these gaps you may also see gold blocks in the air (1-5 per gap 10 at last round) These are gotten by the same was as youd blow up TNT, These gold blocks dont do anything normally but incase theres a tie in rounds by the amount of gold blocks gotten the winner will be decided. [This game focuses on rapid building/speedbridging]\n\nScoring Of the game: Every build completed grants +6 score. Winning grants +60 Score.\n\n3. Pearl Race\n\nYour placed in a massive map where you race 29 other players to get as far as you can in the pearl race. You Cant move at all other than by ender pearls Your supplied infinite pearls (4s Cooldown) You have 8 minutes for the race. The race begins with easy hits like 4x4 platforms with a 3 block wall to avoid dying. After that you might start mainly seeing 2x2 or 3x1 platforms. There may even be places where you have to go trough a hole in the wall to get to your location. Later on paintings and 1x1 platforms will be the main thing. Once your getting closer to the end of the race your gonna see lots of random walls of iron bars 1x1 from floor-roof that your gonna have to avoid and probably your gonna have to land on single fences/cobblestone walls at the very ending parts its gonna be a really tight place featuring extremely hard to get locations. The whole path is about 1000 Blocks Taking 4 turns to the right all 4 of em or to the left all 4 of em (You know where im going dont you) Once you pass the ending part youll find yourself back at the beginning in a \"new lap\". There will be Checkpoints every 80 blocks or so that will be marked by a particle wall, youll spawn in the checkpoints if you have failed a epearl jump. Theres no ender-pearl damage in the minigame. The Winner is decided by who got furthest into the race. By either the furthest checkpoint in the lap that they got to. (Tiebreaker would be at what time did they reach the checkpoint which they ended on) or by the exact furthest block counting laps that they ever got to. (Tiebreaker (Very rarely) would be what time did they reach that block peak). [This game focuses on precision epearl throws and its a fun og minigame from 2013 too!]\n\nScoring Of the game: For every player beat you get +8 Score. Winning grants +60 Score.\n\n4. Battle Birds\n\nYour placed in a map of nearly the same style as TNT Tag with 29 other players. The goal is to be the last one alive. Your set at 110 speed. The map will give you 3os to get as high as you can (About 40 blocks from ground level should be the highest possible) Before a border starts slowly rising (Lava or whatever u want as long as it kills u) Which will completely cover the map in around the time mark of 7:00. Your given a Knockback I stick but you have a 2s cooldown per hit, You get a punch I bow with 4 arrow shots, Use it wisely as you wont get more shots ever. After the 4:00 mark Stick cooldown is entirely taken off and it gets Knockback III instead. Player speed is naturally 125 now but if your hit by a stick its at 25 for 1s. After the 6:00 mark staying in the same spot for 3s starts damaging you. 1 Heart a second (Only way to take dmg other than falling down) But you will never regenerate hp, You will also be forced to hit a player every 10s at least to avoid taking 1 heart a second dmg Once your at the 6:45 mark you get knockback VII on your sticks (basically to kill everyone) And if you dont hit within 2s you take 6 Hearts a second. Incase 2 players die at the same time they will be tiebreaked by the amount of hp they had before dying. [This game focuses to be some pvp/parkour mix type of minigame]\n\nScoring Of the game: For every player that dies before you, Gain +8 Score. Winning grants +66 Score.\n\nThis is all i got for now tell me what you think about it cuz this took me 4 hours to make :/"}, {"title": "[POLL] Was the mage nerf too harsh?", "body": "I think most of us agreed mage needed a nerf beforehand, but now some people are complaining that it was too far. I want to see what the general consensus is."}, {"title": "[POLL] Was the mage nerf too harsh?", "body": "I think most of us agreed mage needed a nerf beforehand, but now some people are complaining that it was too far. I want to see what the general consensus is."}, {"title": "whats your favorite update so far", "body": "imo my top 5 (not in order) are:\n\npets (very unique concept)\npets v2 (also pretty awesome, pet items, kat, george the pet scammer, all good additions)\ndungeons (its similar to zealot grinding or whatever except u have to actually use your brain, plus its not as grindy as people think)\nend update (of course, this was the update that started all the fun AND the grinds)\nslayer update (lets ignore the grinds for a moment, the slayer equipment are pretty cool/useful)\n\nwhat are yours?"}, {"title": "Hi I make bad posts AMA (part 2 except keeping it skyblock related)", "body": "so yeah my previous one got deleted since it wasnt skyblock related\n\nask me questions about stuff in skyblock plz, ty\n\nin case u need a little background knowledge, i make skyblock posts which includes my 2 concepts i made (in my sig)\nalso i own a discord for skyblock, i make tons of giveaways for skyblock on forums, and i copy mrbeast by making skyblock related free money giveaway events sorta stuff (mostly my free item shop)\n\nyes, ask me questions now, ty"}, {"title": "the mushroom i was planning on eating just split in half", "body": "what"}, {"title": "I just realized how easy it is to turn a pumpkin farm into a potato farm", "body": "Like just remove the slabs and stems, how the dirt in between rows and then plant. Then putting it back is just harvesting it without replenish, putting the slabs and stems back"}, {"title": "Dreadlord sword and Fishing...", "body": "Dear Hypixel Team \nplease just fix that you can interupt Fishing by using the ability of the dreadlord Sword its just not possible to fish with some dudes walking around with their dreadlord\n\nThanks i_l0ve_creepers"}, {"title": "Making a program to Baazar Flip", "body": "My brother is making a program that can bazaar flip for him, idk what bazaar flipping is, but apparently you can make a profit from it.\nI asked him to check the forms to see if this was legal, he said he couldn\u2019t find anything, so I told him to ask, but he never did, so I\u2019m asking for him,\nIs it legal/permitted to have a program bazaar flip for him?\nThxs"}, {"title": "Anyone knows any good single player games like adventer fighting etc", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Goodbye...?", "body": "It's been a long time since I joined this game, over the 10 months have past since I started playing this game the community as a whole has grown on me, it was a great experience meeting and talking to all of the people in it. This has been a long time coming, but over the past month or so the game has just died out interest-wise in my heart, so I did it, I deleted my profile that had foraging 50, and a skill average of over 37, I hope to continue to see and meet new people as interesting as you in my future endevours on the internet, I wish everyone else the best of luck aswell\n\n- Doggo"}, {"title": "do recombobulated items stack", "body": "for example if i recomb a whole stack of dirt, will the dirt stack with each other or no"}, {"title": "Cost to Use ratio of dragon sets", "body": "Wise and Superior aren't gonna be on the list because i haven't used either of them\n\n1. Young\nYoung has to be one of the best utility sets in the game, it can be used for so many things, zealot farming, normal farming, foraging, races, being fest, and other cool stuff. It's so fucking pog\n2. Strong\nStrong is one of the best damage sets for it's price, you can do all slayer t3's and some t4's in it, you can ACTUALLY do dungeons (only like fl1 but still), and you can get like top 10 in dragons!\n3. Unstable\nLike strong, but way cheaper, and you can't do dungeons or t4 slayers, (and some t3's), and if you really want a cheap set to grind with, get ender armor and grind zealots with a raider's axe and get strong\n4. Protector\nIf you're at this stage in the game, don't worry about EHP, get a fucking ender armor set and grind zealots\n5. Old\nSame as protector but worse\n6. Holy\nI really wish this was better, it's ability is so trash, like why make it natural regen? why not all healing? that would make so much fucking sense, but NO hypixel had to make a shit dragon set for healer that is fucking outclassed by the mender helm, the fucking MENDER HELM\n\n\nThat's all, if you disagree tell me why, i will fucking cry tho"}, {"title": "What's the best reforge for damage?", "body": "What's the best reforge for damage, in armors and talismans?"}, {"title": "[IDEA]Reaper Scythe Buff", "body": "Hello! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Mr. Clean. And it is my mission to cleanse these forums of toxicity, and bring my ideas to the table.\n\nBUFF THE REAPER SCYTHE\u200bThe reaper scythe is supposed to be one of the most sought after and most useful items in the game, yet it is complete garbage. \n\nIt\u2019s so bad, that the scythe blade, which costs 40 million on average to obtain, goes for 5 million. \n\nWhy is it so bad?\u200bThe reaper scythe spawns zombies to fight for you on kill. \n\nThe problem is that these zombies are outclassed by the Beserker ultimate, and they are not seen as worth it. \n\nYou need to use mana to summon the zombies, but it takes so much mana and is so useless that no one feels the need to use it. \n\nIn addition, there is a massive amount of scythe blades on the market, and virtually no demand. \n\nHow do you buff it?\u200bThere are 2 major problems with the scythe. \n\n1. It sucks as a weapon: \n\nThere is only 1 way to buff it. \n\n\nIncrease the zombies to deal 200% of your damage\u200b\nCreate a new reforge stone that doubles the stats of zombies and the weapon\n\n2: There is too much supply\n\nThis is caused by the number of people doing revenants. \n\n\nReduce revenant combat exp by 50%\u200b\nBan and wipe everyone who has abused revenant combat exp, and remove their items from revs\u200b\nDecrease Scythe blade drop rates\u200b\nCreate the aforementioned reforge stone that takes up half of the scythe blades\u200b\n-Mr Clean: Creative minds incoming\u200b"}, {"title": "Is the spirit sword the best berserk sword????", "body": "??? Is it better than silent death or cutlass"}, {"title": "I need some help.", "body": "I need some help with doing floor 4. I just can't do it, I'm not sure why. Heres my skelea give me any suggestions:\nI run mage btw."}, {"title": "I need some help.", "body": "I need some help with doing floor 4. I just can't do it, I'm not sure why. Heres my skelea give me any suggestions:\nI run mage btw."}, {"title": "HELLA LUCKY", "body": "so yesterday i was grinding zealots and i got a special zealot got a eye next zealot i killed spawned another special zealot someone tell me the odds im to stupid to do the math"}, {"title": "Tiger Pet or what", "body": "Hii\n\nI've been using my enderman pet ever since pets came out and it's done me a good service. I just bought a rare tiger pet and i've been wondering whether or not it's a good pet. besides enderdragon pet, what's a good pet thats relatively cheap?"}, {"title": "[REDACTED]", "body": "[REDACTED]"}, {"title": "How Do I Find A Good F4 Team?", "body": "How Do I Find A Good F4 Team? Like every team i find on dungeon finder take way too long. Usually 30-40 minutes just for a B. I hear tons of people saying it takes them 15-20 minutes to do it, but how? Personally I dont find f4 hard in the slightest."}, {"title": "Strange anti bot captcha recieved while i was farming sugar cane", "body": "Hello everyone, I was just farming sugar cane this evening and suddenly my character was frozen and I had in my hands a sort of map on which there was a code I had to enter in the chat; is this like a new feature anti-macroers, and is that normal to get it while i'm farming normally ???\nThanks for advices, hope it doesn't happen only to me, was pretty strange to be honnest\nIf it's the case, will we have to expect it a lot of time? I had it after not even 30 min of farming scane, it may be really silly for game experience"}, {"title": "Timedeo's pig farm", "body": "the pig farm he made i copied and the pigs refuse to swim up. I know you are just going to say \"UsE FaLl DaMaGe\" but this is actually faster. Any ideas?"}, {"title": "so my skyblock knowing friend left my coop and i have no idea what to do", "body": "help\nplease\n\ni dont know how to play"}, {"title": "nobody: whenever any sb players see a link:", "body": "is it an ip grabber"}, {"title": "What does this mean", "body": "Is this code for drugs?"}, {"title": "non lives matter", "body": "non"}, {"title": "[BALANCING SUGGESTION] Buff old armor sets", "body": "So recently I was talking to my friend who just started playing skyblock and we argued about golem armor vs ender, so then I was like damn old armor sets sucks, so I think they should buff it, cuz currently there is no reason to get them and any experienced player would get ender armor or a decent dragon set if they tried.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Magma armor\n\n\n\nMagma armor currently sucks on defense and doesn't give a lot of inteligence so I suggest this:\nHelmet:\n50 hp -> 60 hp\n15 defense -> 20defense\n0 intell -> 15 intell\n\nChestplate:\n100 hp -> 125 hp\n30 defense -> 40 defense\n0 intell -> 15 intell\n\nLeggings:\n75 hp -> 100 hp\n25 defense -> 35 defense\n0 intell -> 15 intell\n\nBoots:\n45 -> 55 hp\n15 defense -> 20 defense\n0 intell -> 15 intell\n\nFull set bonus:\n200 cap -> 250 cap\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Emerald armor\n\n\n\nEmerald armor is absolutelly terrible for the price now, I think in defense it should be comparable to the first few perfect armor tiers\nHelmet:\n50 defense -> 80 defense\n\nChestplate:\n100 defense -> 130 defense\n\nLeggings:\n75 defense -> 100 defense\n\nBoots:\n45 defense -> 70 defense\n\nFull set bonus:\n350 cap -> 500 cap\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Golem armor\n\n\n\nGolem armor is just \"too expensive\" and not great at all\nHelmet:\n45 hp -> 55 hp\n45 defense -> 55 defense\n0 strenght -> 5 strenght\n\nChestplate:\n65 hp -> 80 hp\n90 defense -> 105 defense\n0 strenght -> 5 strenght\n\nLeggings:\n55 hp -> 70 hp\n75 defense -> 90 defense\n\nBoots\n40 hp -> 50 hp\n40 defense -> 50 defense\n\nFull set bonus:\nAbsorption -> Iron Power (im not good with names)\nIncreases golem sword damage, strenght and defense by 25, also increase Iron Punch damage by 50%\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Speedster armor\n\n\n\nSpeedster just sucks, young is better so a little bonus here\nIt actually doesn't need any changes in stats, only the full set bonus\n\nFull set bonus:\n20 speed -> +50 speed and speedcap\n\n\n\nSome sets aren't here cuz I think they are good for the price already and even the new player wouldn't think of touching them"}, {"title": "i got hacked", "body": "my coop got hacked and i lost a maxed aote, a maxed raiders, my full leg bat person and 2 t11 snow minionswith e lava buckets, super compactors and diamond spreading. we also lost 1 other sup comp.\nvery weird hacking, its a 3 person coop and my stuff only got taken. also taking a random sup comp from one of our clays."}, {"title": "Does the 8% DR on the metal chestplate apply to the user", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Best Way to Get Wolf Slayer 6 for Mana Flux?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "What is your most embarrassing thing you did in skyblock?", "body": "For me it was saying AHHHHHHHHH at the last of all msg. \nI didn't know it meant auction house..\nThought it was a way to get people to see your message."}, {"title": "I need help", "body": "Go to skyblock bugs reports because my good world profile 'orange' got scammed and i really want it back"}, {"title": "Buy pigman sword", "body": "I am broke and accidentally bought a 4 Star pigman sword... it is fully enchanted does anyone wanna buy it?"}, {"title": "Melon vs Pumpkin Farm", "body": "So Ik this is an old topic but I just want to help new players\n\nSo basically, when you first start the game, a major money-making method is to build a giant farm that spans your whole island and then farming there for a lot of money compared to other early game methods since bazaar and ah flipping is only good if you learn how to do them and have a lot of money to invest.\n\nSo the question is: Should a new player use a melon farm or a pumpkin farm?\n\nShort answer: Pumpkin is better\n\nHeres why:\n\n1. A melon farm may make more money at the beginning, but you lose out on a lot of perks. A melon farm only makes more money than a pumpkin farm if you use a silk touch axe to farm it, (I've been notified that it does give farming Exp, but I don't think that they have double drops from the farming skill). The farming skill gives the player a chance to get double or triple drops when farming, and also gives a good amount of base health which is hard to come by later in the game. At high farming levels, I think its at 37, pumpkins start to make more money than melons.\n\n2. Pumpkin collection is better than melon collection. Pumpkins can be used for a variety of things. In the collection, you can upgrade the minion for more slots (melon can also do this), but most importantly, pumpkin collection has the farmer's boots. These boots are extremely useful throughout the game. They give extra speed based on your farming level, 4 per level (also 2 health per farming level but that's meh). This can be used to farm pumpkins even faster with extra speed, and also used later game to farm slayers and zealots faster. Farmer's boots can also just be crafted and then sold on ah for more money than just selling the enchanted pumpkins would make. Pumpkin collection also has the farmer's orb which is just an uncommon talisman but talismans are always good so that's a plus.\n\nthank listen ted talk yes bye"}, {"title": "did anyone get a speical zelot and than got a speical zelot from that", "body": "I stole a enderchest zelot once and and got a special zelot"}, {"title": "How do I get more crit damage (read description)?", "body": "Ok so basically I have 100% crit chance and 395% crit damage (with potions). I'm kind of stuck and I dont know how to get more crit damage. I do about 9k damage and my goal is to one tap zealots."}, {"title": "burying", "body": "please stop burying bro the dirt is suffocating me I am being rid of oxygen please st"}, {"title": "Downfall of Skyblock; MTX and nukes.", "body": "Two topics have dominated the forums recently:\n1. the Mage Nuke\n2. hypixel potentially selling in game coins for IRL money (microtransactions/MTX)\n\nIf the latter is true, Hypixel is on its way to becoming like the mobile game developers that buff/nerf items/cards/characters repeatedly.\n\nThese mobile game developers make millions/billions with their microtransaction model. Supercell alone is worth 5.5B. Some may say they make bank due to having a great game. The more cynical amongst us will say that they make bank by repeatedly nerfing/buffing in-game items, after you already spent months of your saved up \"free\" gradually acquired in-game money (such as minion revenue) on a particular item -- just for them to nerf the item later and make a different item better in its place. This, in turn, incentivizes microtransactions -- using your IRL money -- to upgrade the item that they unilaterally decided to make better without notice. We saw this happen in Skyblock recently with very expensive items (ie. Pigman). Poof, there goes 20M.\n\nThere is no such thing as a perfect \"balance.\" It is a Platonic ideal that exists only in the world of \"Forms.\" There will forever be imbalance, a \"meta,\" and complaints of OP gear etc. When you take this without the perverse incentives that come with MTX, you're in for being milked of $10 occassionally, to where you've given the developer $100 before you know it.\n\nWhen you combine (1) subpar testing and pre-release balancing due to snails-pace release of content and the need to get something new out, because you lack enough developers, with (2) the need for more developers, a need for more revenue, and an openness to selling in-game currency for IRL money, you get (3) an incentive to continually nerf/buff items without notice to prompt consumers to purchase in-game coins to catch up to the new meta, which (4) sends the economy into chaos and uncertainty.\n\nAs to the nuke, no one denies that something about the Mage class needed a nerf, but we've seen 100 different suggestions of what should have happened. To me, it is clear that the Mage class itself was not the issue. The problem was certain items. Pigman should not have been spammable with no cooldown with such a low mana cost. Conversely, it also should not have been rendered practically useless with a 5 second ability affect and 5 second cooldown. The Pigman should have been spammable for strategic use (such as for SA's, LA's, and AA's), but had a much higher mana cost.\n\nThis is the writing I'm seeing on the wall with Hypixel. I've already cut down my playtime considerably after the nuke, if MTX comes, I'll void my bank account and inventory and peace out."}, {"title": "mage setups", "body": "what yall think"}, {"title": "[GUIDE] Why Protector Dragon Armor will be good for dungeons", "body": "It's regarded as one of the worst sets in terms of dragon armor... yet I tested myself how much you can tank with it.\n\nIn dungeons, Tank will need as much DEF as possible, especially from its ability that scales with DEF\n\nTo make protector Dragon viable:\n\n- Reforge to Reinforced from Rare Diamond, giving +320 DEF\n- Add Potato Books, giving +80 DEF\n- Enchant with Protection V, giving +60 DEF\n- Add yourself the Turtle Pet. Epic works fine if you go for budget as you want the +X% DEF\n\nWith this setup I have a base DEF around 1425, and with its ability, I can AT MOST get double this DEF, my record is around 2500 DEF, giving me around 97% Damage Reduction.\n\nIn the context of dungeons, this will mean that you can get the highest DEF possible surpassing 3/4 Perfect Armor + Reaper Mask under just 7 Mil\nKeep in mind this is for EHP, NOT EHP/s\n\nTLDR: Protector Dragon has highest DEF in the game, making Tank better with it."}, {"title": "Walter210 is defeated", "body": "I just woke up and finally, I looked back on the thread, and the battle is won."}, {"title": "Lol why did i got muted for 7 days", "body": "This just is ridiculous. I was doing a dungeon run and 1 guy was just completly screwing us up so i got a little bit rude cuz he was just trolling us at the end of it. Then i got muted for 7 days right after the dungeon. I play on this server since idk how long and never got muted why the **** do i get muted for 7 days"}, {"title": "give berserkers speed and reach", "body": "they are basically a worse version of archer and mage. they should have a shorter version of the mage staff ability and a constant speed effect, plus a decent defense and strength buff. that way they can deal a good amount of damage and be, well, a berserker who charges into the battle fast, taking damage and killing everything"}, {"title": "uh so um. my cat won 1 coin and she just commit game end", "body": "idk either"}, {"title": "we need a dirt minion", "body": "title.. this isn't a joke. i need the dirt minion. I don't want it I need it."}, {"title": "alc 30 boyos", "body": " can any1 tell how much ench sugar cane i would need to get alc 30"}, {"title": "uh so um. my friend won 0 coins", "body": "so my friend won 0 coins and he wants me to take it, I dont want to get banned what the hell should i do help"}, {"title": "Dreadlord sword destroying items on ground", "body": "So basically dreadlord sword destroy items on ground with explosion from its ability, why?\n\nAnyone who use this sword be careful at spaming ability.\n\nCan it be fixed? What the point of this?\n\n@Jayavarmen @Minikloon What will you do with this, can i have answer?"}, {"title": "What is the best way to get Combat XP Early/mid game", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Mages needed the nerf", "body": "Tbh as a healer, I get annoyed by the fact mages can just spam click and that's all they have to do. With healer you have to watch ppls health so you can use wish if they get low and also spam heal circles on your tm8s. I think the nerf was needed. Now mages have to also worry about stuff like Mana Regen and clicking right and left click."}, {"title": "[Idea] New Deep Caverns Level (The Void) [V4.1.2] - 700+ creative ratings (MASSIVE OVERHAUL)", "body": "(Tl;dr at the bottom) Note: This version of this idea is INCOMPLETE. Some things in the changelog have not been added to the main body of text, a few spoilers are empty and the new features in v4 and v4.1 have not been balanced. This means that feedback or suggestions in the comments will really help.\n\nSo the floor in the obsidian sanctuary is mostly bedrock. That means that the only 7th level there could be would be the void.\n\nThe Void requires Mining Level 12 to enter. (There's also a mining 18 barrier between mid and endgame)\n\nThe void is accessed through a portal at the back of the obsidian sanctuary.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Floating Islands and Ores\n\n\n\nIn the void, there are lots of small floating chunks of land that spawn ores of all types with particle effects on them. These special ores drop more of their respective ore - as you get higher in The Void they drop more, the drops will be listed in the layers section. There are a few small nether islands that occasionally spawn quartz and glowstone, with the same particles and drops. The particles have different colours depending on how much of their ore they drop.\n\nThe ores will give you more mining XP the more they drop, but not scale up constantly (eg: 10 resources = 4X normal XP, 15 resources = 5X normal XP or something)\n\nSmelting touch and silk touch do not affect the enchanted drops, but they will affect the unenchanted drops.\n\nUnbreakable blocks will sometimes spawn between the islands to allow people to jump across, but they will change colour (to yellow, then orange, then red, for instance) when they are about to disappear.\n\n\n\nAlso, the slime hat only gives -50% knockback in The Void to stop people from becoming invincible, and the void doesn't have a lift as it is a separate area.\n\nThe Void is vertical - you spawn in at the bottom and as you go higher the mobs get stronger and the ores drop more materials.\nMobs will go below their layers if they are chasing an attacker, then fly back up if the attacker is killed.\n\nThe mobs in the void are blazes, ghasts and bats. Basically, any mob that can fly. (Except dragons, for obvious reasons.) Here are their stats and drops. Layer details are at the bottom because they're long.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void Mobs\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void Vampire (low-tier)\n\n\n\nVoid Vampire (bat)\n- The most common spawn.\n- Has (base layer health) health and deals (base layer damage) damage.\nDrops:\n- Guaranteed: Vampire Fang\n\nCrafting recipes:\nEnchanted Vampire Fang: normal enchanted recipe\n\n\nSpoiler: Bloodbox (and upgrades)\n\n\n\nBloodbox (or other, better name) (uncommon talisman): 64 of them in 8 stacks of 8 around the outside. When you kill a mob, the box gains 1 point for each level the mob had. You cannot have more than one of these active in your inventory. Once the Bloodbox has 1000 points, you can right click with it to heal all your health.\nBig Bloodbox (rare talisman): Bloodbox in the middle and a stack of Vampire Fangs in every other slot. The same but it only needs 800 points and you also regain all your mana.\nEXPANSIVE Bloodbox (epic): BB in the middle and 16 EVF in every other slot. The same but it only needs 500 points and regenerates all your health and mana and also gives you a +5% increase to all stats for 10 seconds.\nThese may need balancing.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Blood Boost\n\n\n\nBlood Boost: Made with 144 EVFs (16 in each slot). Buffs the set bonus of a dragon set when applied to the helmet. For instance, the superior bonus becomes a 6-8% boost rather than 5%, the wise bonus will be +50% again after the nerf, the young set becomes +100 speed (probably at any health) etc.\n\n\n- Rare drop: Bite Fang - 2 stacks and a stick used to make the Bite Sword (Basically a silver fang with an extra 50 strength and an ability that turns you into a bat)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void Ranger (mid-tier)\n\n\n\nVoid Ranger (blaze)\n- Not as common as the VV.\n- Has (base layer health x 3) health and deals ranged damage with fireballs. Damage is (base layer damage x 2)\n- Guaranteed: Ranger Rod\n\nCrafting recipes:\nEnchanted Ranger Rod (normal enchanted recipe)\n\n\nSpoiler: Ranger Weapon Set\n\n\n\nRanger baton (2 stacks of RRs and a stick) 150 damage.\nRanger bow (3 stacks of RRs and 3 string) 200 damage.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Ranger Ring (Talisman)\n\n\n\nRanger Ring (9 stacks of RRs) rare talisman, +5 damage when you do a ranged attack.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Void-Powered Set\n\n\n\nVoid-powered Boots (4 enchanted RRs in a boot recipe shape): Gives you +1 strength for every mining level until level 15. Level 16-20 give you 2 strength each, 21-25 give 3 each, 26-32 give 5 each, 33-40 give 8 each and 41-50 give 15 each because that's some serious dedication. For instance, if I have mining 20 I will get 1 strength each from levels 1-15 and 2 each from 16-20. I will get a bonus 25 strength along with the default armour stats, which are similar to farmer boots - 20hp, 40 defence and +10 strength.\nVoid-powered Pickaxe (3 ench RRs and 2 sticks): Diamond pickaxe, cannot be enchanted, has telekinesis and gets 1 level of efficiency for every 4 or 5 mining levels you have.\n\n\n\n- Uncommon drop (probably 20%): Fast Fuel\nCounts as fuel for a minion, but when placed in a minion it is instantly destroyed and the minion generates around a stack of resources.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Ghost of the Void (high tier)\n\n\n\nGhost of the Void (ghast)\n- Rarest of the three vanilla mobs.\n- Has (Base layer health x 10) health and deals ranged damage with fireballs. Damage is (Base layer damage x 5)\n- Guaranteed: Ball of Fire\n\nCrafting recipes:\n- Enchanted Ball of Fire (normal ench recipe)\n\n\nSpoiler: Fire Cannon\n\n\n\nFire Cannon (2 stacks of BoFs and an iron ingot in the shape of a sword recipe.) When you (right or left idk) click with it it launches a fireball at no mana cost. Your fireballs do not cause damage to blocks. (this should also apply to the ember rod to stop people destroying their chests)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Relic of Fire (Talisman)\n\n\n\nRelic of Fire (legendary talisman) made with 9 stacks of EBoF. You have to kill 92,160 of the rarest vanilla mob in the void to get this so I don't think it's overpowered. This talisman gives you small bonuses in most combat stats (more strength, crit damage and chance etc)\n\n\n\n- Very Rare Drop: Core of the Void (used to upgrade a few very, very rare items, some of which are secret and/or unreleased.)\n\n- Very, Very Rare Drop: Summoner of the Void (used to summon the Shadow of the Void)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Soul of the Void (very high tier)\n\n\n\nSoul of the Void (Custom Head with Particle Trail)\n- Rarest mob in The Void\n- Health and damage varies depending on which type of SotV it is\n- There are lots of different types of them and they have different stats and attacks, but they all fly and shoot homing wither skulls.\nTypes of Soul of the Void (and the colour they are):\n- Normal (white): Normal things and a melee rush attack, Layer health x20 and layer damage x10\n- Stealthy (blue): Has very few particles making it harder to see and gives you blindness when near, Layer health x10 and layer damage x10\n- Magic (magenta): Shoots lasers at you and makes fake copies of itself that look like they have the same stats but disappear when hit once. Layer health x16 and layer damage x8\n- Lightning (yellow): Randomly shoots lightning at you. Layer health x14 and layer damage x7\n- Toxic (green): Hits your slayer bosses and refuses to stop... no jk it does poison attacks. Layer health x18 and layer damage x8\n\nDrops: blablabla will add eventually\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: The Shadow Boss\n\n\n\nThe Void Boss: Shadow of the Void/The Shadow\n\n\nSpoiler: Boss Battle Basics\n\n\n\nUse 4 Summoners of the Void at the Summoning Stand in the middle the very top of the Void area. During the fight anyone who dies in the top area of the void will respawn a bit below where they were (1 layer down).\nThe Shadow of the Void/Shadow is a wither that launches explosive skulls repeatedly. They can be deflected like ghast fireballs but they are faster. (This is to add a bit more skill to bossfights.)\nDuring the fight, disappearing blocks will spawn more often, but still leave a majority of empty blocks.\nThe boss will probably have around 7.5mil-10mil hp.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Prizes and How to Get Them\n\n\n\nWhen killed, the rewards are calculated like this:\n100pts per summoner you placed.\n150pts for 1st, 100pts for 2nd, 75pts for 3rd, 50pts for 4th-5th, 30pts for 6th-10th, 10pts for participating.\nEveryone who participated gets a free Shadow Orb due to the 10 point minimum (reason explained later).\n\nPoint prizes:\n400pts: Shadow Launcher (Like the fire cannon, launches a projectile consisting of dark particles at no mana cost and with no cooldown or charging up time. Travels in a straight line from where it was fired and deals damage similar to an aotd but can be done at a range, however endermen are not affected as they teleport away before it hits them.)\n300pts: Shadow Chestplate\n250pts: Shadow Leggings\n200pts: Shadow Helmet\n150pts: Shadow Boots\n\n\nSpoiler: Calculation Explained\n\n\n\nI'll explain how this works. Let's say I get 375 points. I cannot get the shadow launcher as I did not get enough points. However, I have a chance to get the Shadow Chestplate. The chance is increased a fair bit because I have more points than needed.\nIf I get the chestplate, the calculation stops and I get the chestplate. 300pts are subtracted from my total and then the rest of my points are turned into Shadow Orbs at 10pts per orb. (This is why the 10pt minimum gets everyone a free shadow orb). I get 7 shadow orbs and the chestplate.\nIf, however, I do not get the chestplate, I am then moved to the next one down (in this case, leggings). The chance is increased more this time as I have even more points above the requirement. The same thing repeats.\nIf I do not get any of the prizes, then all my points are turned into Shadow Orbs, and you get an extra shadow orb for every prize you missed. I would get 41 shadow orbs.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Shadow Orb Recipes\n\n\n\nCan be crafted into Shadow Armour using 20 in each slot.\nCan be used to upgrade a catalyst to 10x resources.\nCan use 9 of them to create the Shadow Talisman (rare). It makes you take 10% less damage from the Shadow of the Void.\nCan use 8 of them to make the shadow bag (uncommon talisman). When in your inventory, it will sometimes generate an item. Usually it generates normal items (iron, wood etc) but sometimes it can generate rarer items (enchanted gold, jerry eggs etc) and it has a 7/13000 chance to generate a really good item like a Shadow Orb, a crystal fragment or a revenant flesh.\nYou can only use one shadow bag at a time, and the resources will have a chance to generate when you do something (eg: kill mobs, get collection XP). More combat/collection XP = higher chance.\nCan craft a piece of Shadow Armour with lots of shadow orbs to upgrade it. (see more in the Shadow Armour section)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Shadow Armor\n\n\n\nShadow armour stats are similar to superior dragon, if not then probably strong or unstable (maybe even wise) or a mix of them all.\nHelmet piece bonus: Dark Mind - If you sneak while attacking, you use 25 mana to deal extra damage.\nChestplate piece bonus: Dark Armour - 1.5x defence\nLeggings piece bonus: Dark Motion - +40 speed\nBoots piece bonus: Dark Descent - You take no fall damage.\n\nFull set bonus: Darkness of the Void\nShift and jump at the same time to use 50 mana to gain 10 seconds of flying forward in the direction you are facing. (You can change direction while flying). If you shift-jump while flying the 10 seconds is added to the end of it. While flying dark particles appear behind you and then fade.\n\nUpgraded version:\nEach piece is crafted with its respective piece of shadow armour and 8 stacks of shadow orbs. The armour is called 'Dark Armour', and its stats are better than superior. Here are its bonuses:\n\nHelmet piece bonus: Dark Mind - If you sneak while attacking, you use 15 mana to deal extra damage. This buffed attack also guarantees a critical.\nChestplate piece bonus: Dark Armour - 2x defence, 1.1x true defence\nLeggings piece bonus: Dark Motion - +80 speed\nBoots piece bonus: Dark Descent - You take no fall damage and if you land on a mob after falling at least 20 blocks you deal 10x (maybe 3-5x due to aote) the last amount of damage you dealt to a mob.\n\nFull set bonus: Darkness\nShift and jump at the same time to use 30 mana to gain 15 seconds of flying forward in the direction you are facing. (You can change direction while flying). If you shift-jump while flying the 15 seconds is added to the end of it. While flying dark particles appear behind you and then fade. You fly faster.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Layers and Their Stats\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Earlygame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 10 of their material each.\nBase health 500 and base damage 200.\nSpawns only Void Vampires.\nVoid Vampires only drop Vampire Fangs.\nTotal number of spawns in a given area is 15% of Ob Sanc spawn.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Post-Earlygame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 12 of their material each.\nBase health 750 and base damage 300.\nSpawns only Void Vampires.\nVoid Vampires drop VFs and Bite Fangs.\nTotal spawns/area is 20% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Early-Midgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 16 of their material each.\nBase health 1000 and base damage 400.\nSpawns 90% Void Vampires and 10% Void Rangers.\nDrops: Void Vampire: VF, BF. Void Ranger: Ranger Rod.\nTotal spawns/area is 25% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Pre-Midgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 20 of their material each.\nBase health 1800 and base damage 666.\nSpawns 60% Void Vampires and 40% Void Rangers.\nDrops: Void Vampire: VF, BF. Void Ranger: RR.\nTotal spawns/area is 33% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Midgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 25 of their material each.\nBase health 2400 and base damage 1000.\nSpawns 60% Void Vampires and 40% Void Rangers.\nDrops: Void Vampire: VF, BF. Void Ranger: RR, Fast Fuel.\nTotal spawns/area is 40% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Late Midgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 32 of their material each.\nBase health 3200 and base damage 1337.\nSpawns 55% Void Vampires, 40% Void Rangers and 5% Ghost of the Void.\nDrops: Void Vampire: VF, BF. Void Ranger: RR, FF. GotV: BoF.\nTotal spawns/area is 50% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Post-Midgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 40 of their material each.\nBase health 4200 and base damage 2000.\nSpawns 50% Void Vampires, 35% Void Rangers and 15% Ghost of the Void.\nDrops: Void Vampire: VF, BF. Void Ranger: RR, FF. GotV: BoF.\nTotal spawns/area is 60% of OS spawn/area\n\n\nAt this point, there is a mining 18 and combat 12 barrier.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Pre-Endgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 48 of their material each.\nBase health 5400 and base damage 2800.\nSpawns 40% Void Vampires, 40% Void Rangers and 20% Ghost of the Void.\nDrops: Void Vampire: VF, BF. Void Ranger: RR, FF. GotV: BoF, CotV\nTotal spawns/area is 75% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Early Endgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 56 of their material each.\nBase health 6666 and base damage 3600.\nSpawns 30% Void Vampires, 40% Void Rangers and 30% Ghost of the Void.\nDrops: Void Vampire: VF, BF. Void Ranger: RR, FF. GotV: BoF, CotV\nTotal spawns/area is 100% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Endgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 64 of their material each.\nBase health 10000 and base damage 5000.\nSpawns 25% Void Vampires, 40% Void Rangers, 30% Ghost of the Void, 5% Soul of the Void.\nDrops: VV: VF, BF. VR: RR, FF. GotV: BoF, CotV, SotV. SotV:\nTotal spawns/area is 110% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Late Endgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 72 of their material each.\nBase health 15000 and base damage 7000.\nSpawns 15% Void Vampires, 30% Void Rangers, 40% Ghost of the Void, 15% Soul of the Void.\nDrops: VV: VF, BF. VR: RR, FF. GotV: BoF, CotV, SotV. SotV:\nTotal spawns/area is 140% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Post-Endgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 84 of their material each.\nBase health 20000 and base damage 10000.\nSpawns 10% Void Vampires, 25% Void Rangers, 40\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Post-Endgame Layer\n\n\n\n% Ghost of the Void, 25% Soul of the Void.\nDrops: VV: VF, BF. VR: RR, FF. GotV: BoF, CotV, SotV. SotV:\nTotal spawns/area is 180% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Very-Post-Endgame Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 100 of their material each.\nBase health 30000 and base damage 15000.\nSpawns 5% Void Vampires, 15% Void Rangers, 45% Ghost of the Void, 35% Soul of the Void.\nDrops: VV: VF, BF. VR: RR, FF. GotV: BoF, CotV, SotV. SotV:\nTotal spawns/area is 200% of OS spawn/area\n\n\nDisclaimer: The next 4 layers could work if better gear was added. However, as of right now they are probably impossible.\n\n\nSpoiler: Very Hard Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 120 of their material each.\nBase health 50000 and base damage 20000.\nSpawns 0% Void Vampires, 10% Void Rangers, 40% Ghost of the Void, 50% Soul of the Void.\nDrops: VV: VF, BF. VR: RR, FF. GotV: BoF, CotV, SotV. SotV:\nTotal spawns/area is 250% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Extreme Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 1 of the enchanted version of their material each.\nBase health 100000 and base damage 40000.\nSpawns 0% Void Vampires, 0% Void Rangers, 40% Ghost of the Void, 60% Soul of the Void.\nDrops: VV: VF, BF. VR: RR, FF. GotV: BoF, CotV, SotV. SotV:\nTotal spawns/area is 300% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Insane Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 2 of the enchanted version of their material each.\nBase health 100000 and base damage 40000.\nSpawns 0% Void Vampires, 0% Void Rangers, 20% Ghost of the Void, 80% Soul of the Void.\nDrops: VV: VF, BF. VR: RR, FF. GotV: BoF, CotV, SotV. SotV:\nTotal spawns/area is 375% of OS spawn/area\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Ludicrous Layer\n\n\n\nOres drop 3 of the enchanted version of their material each.\nBase health 250000 and base damage 100000.\nSpawns 0% Void Vampires, 0% Void Rangers, 10% Ghost of the Void, 90% Soul of the Void.\nDrops: VV: VF, BF. VR: RR, FF. GotV: BoF, CotV, SotV. SotV:\nTotal spawns/area is 500% of OS spawn/area\n\n\nObviously layer names could change, for instance the 'Midgame Layer' is harder than your average midgame stuff.\n\n\nWell, I think that's everything. If you think of something I should add then tell me in a reply.\n\nTl;dr: 7th deep caverns level with ores that drop enchanted materials, very strong mobs and a boss that drops a new armour set, a weapon and a crafting material. It's vertical and has scaling mobs, drops and ores.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Basic Version (Tl;dr but longer)\n\n\n\nfiller text blablabla\n\n\n\n======================================================\n\n\nSpoiler: Changelog\n\n\n\nChangelog:\n\n\nSpoiler: v2\n\n\n\nShort version of the update: New boss name, tl;dr and armour upgrades.\n\nv2 - Added that the name of the boss could also be The Shadow, courtesy of @Scythe and added a tl;dr because @Onicalmc said it was too long. Also added that shadow orbs can be used to upgrade shadow armour.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: v3\n\n\n\nShort version of the update: Added the mining requirement, rebalanced some things, added an item or two.\n\nv3 - Added an estimate for the HP (@Jefficorn suggested this and the amount of HP).\nAdded a required mining level - @SnitchyPoo said level 15, @VeryStressed said level 20 and @SoshJam said level 22 or 25. I decided on level 18 as I'd say that's the last level that doesn't require grinding for ages.\n@YehuDash said that Fast Fuel should be based on the time taken to generate resources and I think that's a pretty good suggestion. I'm not going to make it more powerful as it is easy to get and designed for a small resource/collection boost. However, I will make it drop more often (from '5-20%' to 20%).\n@TheButterWaffle said that higher mining levels should be worth something, so I expanded on that and made the void-powered boots and pickaxe.\n@PanPanPanda534 said it was too easy to get lots of things, so I made the slime hat only give -50% knockback in The Void.\nI also added that the void has a lift, as it wasn't clear.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: v4 (massive update)\n\n\n\nv4 (MASSIVE OVERHAUL)\n\n\nSpoiler: v4.0 (Massive overhaul, but incomplete)\n\n\n\nI've been working on this update on and off for DAYS now. I timed my first editing session and it was at least an hour. I must've spent hours in total on this update alone, but this thing is so much better already.\nShort version of the update: Changed nearly everything. It's vertical, there's a new mob, there's tons of layers and new drops. Everything is organised using spoilers and IT ALSO NOW HAS MIDGAME CONTENT THAT GOES ALL THE WAY TO POST-SLAYER 4. There are a load of new items, which are compiled (among everything else) in the new Basic Version (below the tl;dr)\n\n- Put all the long parts in spoilers so they are easier to navigate, and also added more detail to some of the items because of this\n\n- Changed it to be accessed through a portal at the back end of the obsidian sanctuary. This will deal with 2 issues - the bottom of the obsidian sanctuary being at y=0 and miner armour will not be too strong, problems found by @TTimo79 and @VeryStressed respectively.\n\n- @TTimo79 also suggested that, since it'd be a different area with a portal to it, I could make it vertical. This gave me the idea to make people spawn at the bottom and work their way to the top, with better ores and harder (and more) mobs the higher you go. Ores have different colour particles based on how good they are, and start by giving you 10 each of the material, then go to 20, a stack, a stack and a chance to get the enchanted version, then the enchanted version, etc.\n\n- @LordofTears came up with the idea for 'souls of the void' which are flying custom heads with particle trails behind them. (They also said I should remove the other mobs but no because variety). They can do different things based on what type of SotV they are - most of them shoot homing wither skulls, some cast blindness spells or do melee rush attacks. They will be at/near the top of the area\n\n- Made ores drop less (at least in the lower areas)@bhophaqs suggested that I make it a stack rather than the enchanted version, although I build on this quite a lot in the overhaul.\n\n- For the ores that drop a stack, the higher-up ones have the enchanted version as a rare drop and for the enchanted ones made the ench block a rarer drop, similar to how it was before\n\n- @Grolltar suggested that I should find a reliable way to make mining the ores harder. I'll go into more detail about it: Basically, at the lower levels there are weaker mobs and ores drop less, and then it gets harder and better the higher you go, to the point of being post-slayer 4. Mining level requirement is changed from 18 to 12 but there is an invisible mining level 18 barrier around the start of the endgame ores and mobs. @Pix_Hexate said that I could change it to be any game stage and that also helped me to come up with this. (wow, @Pix_Hexate came up with a lot of ideas)\n\n- @Pix_Hexate said that the mobs didn't deal enough damage and the ores would be too OP. The ores are already fixed in this same edit, so the ghasts will instead deal 2x zealot damage and have 100k health by the time you reach the OP areas. The lower tier mobs also have more health in OP areas.\n\n- Cleared up that silk and smelting touch do not change the drop for the enchanted variant (they'll always be the normal enchanted version) but they will affect the regular ores (iron ore requires smelting touch etc). Question raised by @BlakeAlexT12345\n\n- Find a way to make it more mining-based, suggested by @tootiemarlin710. However, we ran out of ores so enchanted variants is the best I can do without resorting to just rehashing the whole 'random drops from shiny blocks' thing in the end\n\n- Specify that you can only use 1 shadow bag at a time (just something I forgot)\n\n- @Pix_Hexate also said that just letting the shadow bag randomly generate things would cause a massive AFK problem, so I've changed it to have a small chance to generate an item when you do things (eg getting combat xp, killing mobs, getting collection xp) and make the chance depend on how much you do (eg more combat xp = higher chance)\n\n- @Pix_Hexate (again?!) said that if mobs didn't go below their area people could stand just under the area and cheese them, so I've changed it so that they will normally stay in their area, but when someone is near they will go up to a certain amount below their area and when attacked they will follow the player regardless of where they are. If said player is killed the mob will fly back up to its area.\n\n- Some people like @anime12345_xdpvpyt got confused due to a few important words/phrases being hard to see/find (like thinking the boss was a dragon when it's actually a wither) so I made some important words bold.\n\n- I came up with a whole bunch of new items\n\n- Made it so that when you die in the Shadow boss battle you spawn a layer below it\n\n- The Void no longer has a lift for obvious reasons.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: v4.1\n\n\n\nReducued the block drops from higher layers as they are actually more op than before, which isn't what I wanted. Also made all of the base layer stats bold.\nv4.1.1: Post-Endgame Layer had accidentally been split into 2 spoilers so I fixed it\nv4.1.2: The changelog was completely broken, with random spoilers splitting it into 2 parts. So I fixed it.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: v4.2 (actually really big, completed v4)\n\n\n\nShort version of the update: insert words here.\nRemoved all the joke layers because they weren't funny.\n@MisterCheezeCake said that the mining 18 barrier should also have a mining barrier. They suggested 16, but imo 12 would be better so that people have a choice between the end and the void.\nAdded that the ores should give you more mining xp the more they drop, but not scale up constantly (eg: 10 resources = 4x normal xp, 15 resources = 5x normal xp or something)\nRemoved the line saying this idea is sort of the end 2.0 as it's moved on from that.\n\n\nSpoiler: Things finished from the v4 update\n\n\n\n- The Basic Version\n- Smelting touch and silk touch clearup\n- 1 shadow bag at a time\n- Shadow bag based on you doing things\n- Important things in bold (had previously only been done outside the spoilers)\n- Upgraded Shadow Armour info\n\n\nAdded the following new items (all my ideas):\nwill add them soon gtg\n.\n\n\n\n\n\nIf nobody is credited for something it's because I came up with the idea\n\n\nIf you have any ideas for things I should add, post them in the comments and if it's good I'll add it and credit you."}, {"title": "Is adaptive better then t12 perfect and mask for tanking", "body": "."}, {"title": "Spirit sword bug? or no", "body": "i died in a dungeon while having a spirit sword in my echest, when i came out i noticed it was gone. assuming i dropped it i bought another and it happend again it disappeared when i died. in the lore it says it turns into a spirit item when you die so is it meant to disappear after you die or is it a bug????"}, {"title": "Best Minion Straight Up", "body": "No slayer minions. I have t11 snows but I wanna leave them for a long while. 30million budget for 20 better-than-snow minions rn now afking"}, {"title": "Why won\u2019t my damn /guild transfer work!", "body": "It\u2019s says \n%%red%% something went wrong while transferring this guild! Please report this! (Error: gtransfer-nodef)"}, {"title": "ppl who make last person reply threads are clowns", "body": "Change my mind"}, {"title": "5 coin", "body": "Hey, as a joke wat if u paid 20$ for 5 coins in sb lmfao\nI'm, not IRL trader.\nCheck my skylea"}, {"title": "Can we all agree on one thing?", "body": "We all used to use the Hunter Knife for mobility at one point, right?"}, {"title": "Every level 6 enchants (?)", "body": "So, I know most of them but I think I'm missing 1 or 2\nGiant Killer 6\nGrowth 6\nPower 6\nProtection 6\nSharpness 6\nCritical 6\n\nIf you know some more lvl 6 enchants write them bellow, thanks."}, {"title": "how much money does 11 tier 1 obsidian minions make a day (no upgrades)", "body": "how much money does 11 tier 1 obsidian minions make a day i am a beginner and i collected the collections i needed so now i want to figure out how to make the most money. i have obsidian minions and i think they make some money so i want to know how much 11 tier 1 obsidian minions with no upgrades make in 12 hours"}, {"title": "Is it ok to autoclick if you're placing blocks?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Some technical questions about dungeon skills", "body": "So I have a lot of questions I can\u2019t find the answers to that are pretty technical but could help me out a lot. My current class is archer so I\u2019ll use that as an example but my question applies to all.\n\nSo as I level up my archer class I do 0.8% more damage per level, does this apply outside of dungeons too or only in the dungeons?\n\nAlso, does this work across classes too? Like if I\u2019m using a mage class would I still do some extra arrow damage?\n\nThe catacombs skill gives a stat boost while in dungeons, does this stack with the class skill stat boosts like the extra arrow damage?"}, {"title": "I Host Free Item Huts: AMA", "body": "I host free item huts when I have time, ask me a question."}, {"title": "how do I fix my waypoints part 2:", "body": "I have tried:\nreinstalling blc\nreinstalling mc\nreinstalling the profile\nusing something other than thirty's version\nturning off and on waypoints/the mod too\nrestarting my computer\ncreating a new waypoint\n\nplease, im desperate nothing seems to work"}, {"title": "how do I fix my waypoints part 2:", "body": "I have tried:\nreinstalling blc\nreinstalling mc\nreinstalling the profile\nusing something other than thirty's version\nturning off and on waypoints/the mod too\nrestarting my computer\ncreating a new waypoint\n\nplease, im desperate nothing seems to work"}, {"title": "(help) lol", "body": "some guy is apparently gonna get me banned for no apparent reason here take a look.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nif this is bannable cause i politely asked hey can i borrow a little money 50% satiracly than idk what to do with hypixel lmao."}, {"title": "A maddox boss idea: Zealot overlord", "body": "Basically u kill a lotta zealots and it spawns, Idk the health and dmg, ill let u guys figure it out. Also what enchants and reforge do I put on Voodoo Doll?"}, {"title": "How much will you pay for 20 stacks of E-obi.", "body": "How much will you pay for 20 stacks of enchanted obsidian.\n\nIf your asking why if ,it's just bc have that much."}, {"title": "how to report people for irl trading", "body": "how do you report people for irl trading"}, {"title": "whats the best archer items for dungeons?", "body": "ok so i know for the armour its skeleton master (legendary) and for the bow idk what bow to use bc I've been using a runaans bow but should i just get a spirit bow and use it as like my main bow?"}, {"title": "All artists of skyblock", "body": "Please draw wiggly, i never seen a wiggly art in my life, the whole forums need it pls"}, {"title": "Buff Snowman pet or fix it", "body": "the stat says increasing dmg by 25 on lvl 100 but it dosent work or its just shit\nsomeone explain"}, {"title": "Ideas for Punishing Rage-Quitters in Dungeons", "body": "So I'm trying to do F4's because I'm trying to get the spirit scepter, and usually my friends are on at different times, so I usually just get a random team. The problem with this is that random teammates are completely braindead. Also, when the kid dies like twice they just rage quit, leaving our team without a berserk, mage, or worst of all a healer. I think there should be some sort of punishment for people that just quit on their team. I understand that people have things more important than a game and have to leave, but this is directed at people who leave the team on purpose because they are mad or trying to troll."}, {"title": "i make bad posts ama", "body": "amas are bad posts stop doing them"}, {"title": "f in the chat for my woods racing time", "body": "whyyyyy"}, {"title": "Is Bonzo staff worth it now?", "body": "Is bonzo staff worth it anymore? I mean it's lost 1.5 mill and has been nerfed, it's like frozen scythe"}, {"title": "Petition to make it so tanks get true protection.", "body": "tanks get instakilled by dreads and skele masters on f4.\npls"}, {"title": "How to get a snow minion", "body": ""}, {"title": "(BUYING) snow minions!", "body": "hey i really need some snow minions my ign is adwadw shoot me a party or friend request"}, {"title": "[EVENT] 1mil cash prize!", "body": "Hello, this is an event for 1mil coins\nIt starts August 10 \nChallenges\n-Colosseum fistfight\n-Drop party\n-TNT run\n-Party games\n\nIdea from Presnt"}, {"title": "did the ember rod get removed ?", "body": "since the pets update i have killed ~15 magma bosses (last hit) and got top damage on more than 30 magma bosses and still didn't get a single ember rod , i either get a pet or fragged , was it removed from the magma boss ?"}, {"title": "[IDEA] give the blazing fortress a actual use and add a new sword", "body": "make the mobs in the deep caverns give mining exp so you gotta use the blazing fortress for combat exp and add a new sword to prepare you for the magma boss thats better than the flaming sword\nmy sword idea:\nwither's blade\ndamage: 55 damage 20 strength\ntype = stone\nability: wither touch -upon hitting an enemy with this sword inflict the wither debuff dealing 25 damage per second and increases the stats of this sword by 10% while in the blazing fortress\nit would have a 1/200 (0.2%) drop chance from the wither skeletons in the blazing fortress\n\nidk i just think blazing fortress should serve a better purpose than fairy souls for new players"}, {"title": "PETITION TO FIX SPIDER SLAYER", "body": "A while back, they changed some things that made spider slayer annoying to grind. These include 2 toxic arrow changes and an AOTE change.\nThese bugs need to be fixed so us slayer grinders can go back to grinding Tarantula Broodfathers in peace.\n\nAlso for all slayers, please hide the miniboss or make them ghosts to others they can't hit them and steal them.\n\n\nThings That Need to Be Changed/Reverted\u200b1. Toxic Arrow Poison Going Into Quiver\n\u200bFor some reason, Hypixel decided that Toxic Arrow Poison would directly go into your quiver. I think this was just so you could use the arrow poison by putting it into your quiver. But why make it go directly into the quiver? When you get your Toxic Arrow Poison (which sometimes you don't because of the next reason) it goes directly into your quiver, which is so annoying because you need to go into your menu, which means you need to be out of combat, which is annoying because it always takes over the 3 seconds when a mob hits you (I think its because an enemy is agro-ing on you and the game counts that as in combat) and after that, you need to open your quiver, take the poison out, and finally put it into your backpack. In addition to this, most people would be shooting their bows to get rid of the spiders so they could get out of combat (if they weren't aware of their Toxic Arrow Poison or maybe trying to get out of combat to get the poison out of their quiver), but that consumes the poison which means -2k coins every time they shoot their bows, which sucks (because I'm a cheapskate that is the type of person that would take 3 hrs using enchanted melon to lvl up alchemy instead of spending 2x coins using 10 min and enchanted sugar cane to lvl up alchemy.) I know this can be solved by having a full quiver and using arrows from your inventory, or having inf quiver 10, but I know that many people including myself like a clean inventory and some of us may not have inf quiver 10 because we're broke and/or too lazy to put it on.\n\n2. Stealing Toxic Arrow Poison \n\nHypixel also made it so if someone hits your boss, not even getting the final hit, they can steal you Toxic Arrow Poison, which sucks because Toxic Arrow Poison is what allows you to do Tarantula Broodfathers with only losing a lesser amount of coins and not go broke before you get a Tarantula Talisman or a Digested Mosquito. If your poison gets stolen, sucks, you need to try to get it back by asking to get your poison back, which takes away time that you would be doing more Tarantulas and wastes a minute of your god pots. Also, there's a chance they could keep it to themselves and/or leave, so you just lost some coins to fund your slayers.\n\n3. AOTE Ability Not Working In Cobwebs\n\nA while back, they nerfed the AOTE ability so it couldn't go through walls. I think this was a fair nerf, but for some reason, the AOTE ability counts COBWEBS as a solid block, which makes spider slayer VERY ANNOYING. We all know being stuck in cobwebs Sucks and it takes AGES to get out. Before we could easily get out of them, but now if you land and are inside the middle of cobwebs or your head is stuck you can't get out with the AOTE ability and need to wait to get out. That's not all either. What if you're stuck in cobwebs and there's a tarantula beast, mutant, or boss under you? The Arachnid foe hits you from below while you can't hit it in the cobwebs. Then they kill you and you lose your pots and if it's your boss you lose 50k as well.\n\nIf you agree and want to sign this petition, reply with \"signed\" and recommend anything that should be added or changed. I hope that the admins see this with enough attention to tell them we care about Spider Slayers and fix these in the next update. I hope you sign it, Thanks for taking a look at this."}, {"title": "So, Skeleton Master is a scam.", "body": "So, I finally reached dungeons level 12 and figured it was about time to buy Skeleton Master, thinking it'd be the key to get me into the big leagues and be able to play with the class I liked proficiently. 10 mil and 1200 undead essence later I had 5 star skeleton master set... Only to look at the stats of the set and realise how completely abysmal they are.\n\nThis is supposed to be the optimal set for Archers, the pinnacle in damage and the set that makes the turning point and... Its stats are barely different from Skeleton Soldier. I was expecting a decent buff, some more defense and a little more potential to not get annhialated, but for my troubles I got not even +5 defense and HP over Soldier set, the Helmet is actually inferior to the Skeleton Soldier helmet, having 3 less HP and Defense than the Soldier helmet.\n\nI want this set to be buffed... Like, badly. Because as it stands, this set is what stands in the way of Archer being viable. And it's so incredibly difficult to obtain as a Legendary set. I'm incredibly disappointed that the set is as pathetic as it is and I hope someone sees this and gives it some better stats, because right now for what it costs, and what it should be, it's absolutely abysmal."}, {"title": "pet suggestion", "body": "alr folks here's my fox pet suggestion\ncombat pet\nit is crafted with 8 enchanted emerald blocks and 1 super enchanted egg\nlvl 100 stats\nspeed 20 (0.2 per level)\nintelligence 100 (1 per level)\nhealth 100 (1 per level)\n\nepic lvl 100\nfear from the stronger - gain 125 speed when your health goes below %15\nmaster thief - increase the chance for monsters to drop their weapons by %15\n\nlegendary lvl 100\nfear from the stronger - gain 125 speed when your health goes below %15\nmaster thief - increase the chance for monsters to drop their weapons by %15\ntactical strength - convert %50 of your intelligence into strength against monsters that are under lvl 50\n\ni am open to criticism"}, {"title": "What do I get? (pls don't get angry .-.)", "body": "title Pomegranate"}, {"title": "uhh I got in a priv spider den", "body": "worth anything?\nim the only one here"}, {"title": "why the spirit scepter is trash", "body": "get a yeti sword, more damage, same aoe, same mana cost\n\nedit, my only argument against it is yeti sword exists."}, {"title": "Don't you think half the time you are getting trolls for your dungeon party?", "body": "Like seriously, why is it that their level is good but then they come in and they are like UNSTABLE GEAR...\nand then like.....lapis....miner...........AND ALL THAT STUFF...LIKE \nW H Y ?"}, {"title": "Why is the enchanted bone block unlocked at bone collection 10?", "body": "So i have to kill 150,000 skeletons just to get the recipe of the enchanted bone block? so i was trying to use up my money for a bonemerang but then the differences between the buy orders and sell offers of enchanted bone blocks are over 100k! i can't even buy enchanted bone blocks with buy orders, let alone flip. What just happened?"}, {"title": "[OPINION] This mage nerf made Dungeons more fun, and heres why:", "body": "People are complaining that the mage nerf ruined everything but in my opinion, it just made dungeons even more fun (a bit more frustrating aswell but frustration makes the experience more rewarding when you complete that task)\n\nHeres why:\n\n1. Mage is no longer the class that shreds everything\n- This nerf made mage comparable to every other class, before mages could just go HAM and shred everything in the room before you even blink\n\n2. The nerf brought a spice of challenge for runs\n- Like the previous point, mage used to be the main thing if you wanted to complete a floor as fast as humanly possible, but now it bring the good old strategy field of dungeons\n\n3. Mage is actually fun to play now\n- Lets imagine a scenario, me, you, A, B and C are going to do floor Z, we both are mage and the rest are random classes\nBefore it would be me and you shredding everything else while the rest just tanks Shadow Assassins and every other bologni the game sends us while we shred every other mob\n\nIt's the same argument with slayers, slayers are boring because its just left clicking stuff that isnt a threat to us, this nerf made it so dungeons are challenging if you dont strategize enough, you have to dodge Super Archers, Soulstealers, Dreadlords, ETC\n\nFloor 4 without this nerf would be just mages shredding the mobs and the bear, now everyone has to work together to survive in dungeons\n\n\nTL: DR\n\nThe nerf brought challenges, made the class fun, brought strategy and class diversity is more required than ever."}, {"title": "[IDEA] Revamped Netherrack Collection, A New Talisman, and More (65+ Positive Reactions)", "body": "I was looking at the collections in the game for which ones I could max out easily some time ago, and I stumbled across the netherrack collection. In order to max it out, you need a whopping 500 netherrack collected, and everything you get from that collection is useless.\n\nSo in order to make this collection more useful (along with another one tied into it as well), I have decided to come up with some ideas, some of which include a new talisman.\u200b\n\nNetherrack I\u200b100\u200bNetherrack Minion\u200bFairly obvious what use and recipe would be\u200bNetherrack II\u200b250\u200bNether Wart Island\u200bAlready in game\u200bNetherrack III\u200b500\u200bWounded Potion & Vulnerable Potion\u200bWounded potion is already in game. However, the Vulnerable Potion would decrease mana regen (in the same way that the wounded potion reduces healing effects)\u200bNetherrack IV\u200b1000\u200bNether Brick Trade\u200bAlready in game\u200bNetherrack V\u200b5000\u200bCracked vial\u200bCrafted with 5 stacks of sand and a stack of Netherrack (32 on each slot). Would grant a 25% chance of saving potion effects upon death (Uncommon Talisman)\u200bNetherrack VI\u200b10000\u200bEnchanted Netherrack\u200bCrafted with 160 Netherrack\u200bNetherrack VII\u200b20000\u200bNether Lance\u200bDeals 90 damage, +20 strength, and +15 crit damage.\nAbility: all stats of this sword are doubled while in the Blazing Fortress\nRecipe would be a stick under 2 stacks of enchanted Netherrack\u200bNetherrack VIII\u200b25000\u200bRusty Vial\u200bCrafted with 5 stacks of hard glass, the cracked vial, and a half a stack of enchanted Netherrack. Would grant a 50% chance of saving potion effects upon death (Rare talisman)\u200bNetherrack IX\u200b50000\u200bPerfect Vial\u200bCrafted with 5 stacks of enchanted hard glass*, a rusty vial, and a stack of enchanted Netherrack. Would grant a 100% chance of saving potion effects on death (Epic Talisman)\u200b\n\nSo, the recipe would be as follows for any of the talismans in the collection.\u200b\nThe glass/sand materials\u200bThe netherrack materials\u200bThe glass/sand materials\u200bThe glass/sand materials\u200bThe netherrack materials (or the lower tier of the talisman)\u200bThe glass/sand materials\u200bThe glass/sand materials\u200b\n\nThe talisman itself will be an empty bottle. However, the perfect vial will be a filled up water bottle.\n\nFinally, there\u2019s the enchanted hard glass. This would be unlocked in sand collection 8, at 10,000 sand collected, and it\u2019s recipe would be a piece of hard glass with 4 enchanted coal, making an x shape on the crafting grid.\n\nI am happy to hear any criticisms, objections, or ideas that you can share and will be updating this chart whenever I need to. Uhh, also if you read this then bump this post because I don\u2019t want this post to be buried.\n\n\nEdit 1: Changed the recipe of the talismans to include the lower tier in them\nEdit 2: Nerfed the abilities of the cracked and rusty vials by 25%\nEdit 3: Changed the amount of enchanted coal required to make a piece of enchanted hard glass\nEdit 4: Changed the item of Netherrack Collection VII to a sword\u200b"}, {"title": "How to get treasure talismans?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "fix bottle of jyrres", "body": "^^^ please, mine are all bugged and are glitchy with merchant npcs and such"}, {"title": "[August 1st] The most important update to skyblock", "body": "Hello, we've decided to make some changes to make skyblock the perfect game.\n\nEveryday everyone is required to do 100 slayers of each type. It starts out with tier 1 and every 48 hours a player is tested to do the next tiers, and trust me, we WILL know if you throw the match. If you pass the test, you have to do that tier of that slayer until the next test. Yes you must pay for each slayer. You are not allowed to leave specific islands until you're done\nSome necessary dungeon changes have been made. We removed boss collection and every room except the watcher and the bosses.\nWe have made every good drop from a dungeon boss an RNGesus drop\nYou must pay 1 million coins for each dungeon\nYou must play skyblock for 16 hours a day, if you go one day without meeting that requirement its a permanent ban from hypixel\nWe hope these changes make skyblock more enjoyable"}, {"title": "Friend is quitting. Can he gift me all his coins and materials?", "body": "Will I get wiped if my friend sends all his coins/materials from his island to mine? To anyone that has ever done this, did anything happen?"}, {"title": "New pet idea", "body": "hope some of the skyblock stuff will notice me\nok here is the idea\n\nnew shark pet:\nfishing pet \n\nin level 100:\ncrit damage: +20\nstrength: +20\nsea creature chance 5%\n\nability 2: fishing exp boost 30%\nability 1: jaws (increase damage while in water) 10%\nability 3 (LEGENDARY ONLY): big bites (increase fishing speed) +10\n\n\nhow to get(2 options I hade in mind):\n1. traveling zoo: money+pufferfish\n2. new fishing boss in level 22 (have a 20% get epic and 5% to get legendary)"}, {"title": "Dungeons 5 released", "body": "I'm probably hours to late to say this good news but yay. Although I'm bad at skyblock and probably won't be able to play dungeons for a long time, I wish you all good luck!!"}, {"title": "Skyblock - Got a question about boosting", "body": "Would I get banned for boosting if I just give my friend 1mil from my other profile? Its just 1mil and that person I'm giving 1mil to isn't in any of MY PROFILES"}, {"title": "Why does the spirit pet exist?", "body": "Like, it\u2019s a dungeons pet, i get that, but why is it only useful when you\u2019re dead\nAnd it\u2019s not even that great even when you\u2019re dead. It like makes you deal barely any more damage with your ability\nThey should\u2019ve made it like a pet that gives you stats based on what class you were, like adaptive armor or something\n\ntldr this pet is bad"}, {"title": "whats better a glowstone minion or a obsidian minion", "body": "whats better a glowstone minion or a obsidian minion"}, {"title": "PetsV3? Some Pets to Recomend", "body": "Revenant Horror [LVL 100] (Variants LEG and epic) combat pet and also dropped from revs\n\nOne with the Zombie: Buffs the Reaper Falshion by +25 Strength, +50 Damage (leg and epic)\n\nFlesh Conversion: Take 50% Less Damage from Zombies (leg and epic)\n\nKing Of Zombies: Deal 50 Hearts Per Kill (On A ZOMBIE) [leg only]\n\n\nZebra [LVL 100] Foarging pet In Brich Collection [all variations] 512 Ench Brich Wood\n\n\nFoarging Exp Boost: Gives 20% Extra Foarging Exp [all variations]\n\n\nChoplin Log:Reduces TreeCapactitor Cooldown from 2 seconds To 1 [all variations]\n\nPro Logger: Gain 2 Crit Damage For Every Foarging Level The Player Has [Leg]\n\n\nHyena: [LVL 100] [Leg Only] Drops Very Rarley From A Soul Of The Alpha 1/5000\n\nManiac Mastff: Buffs Mastiff Armor By 1000 Per piece\n\nSoul Of The Alpha: Buffs The Pooch Sword By 50 Crit Damage (u know for mastiff set bonus)\n\nSven Alpha: Take 50% Precent Less Damage from Wolfs\n\n\n\nok I'm done if u want more tell me"}, {"title": "Trying To Host A Competition", "body": "Howdy fellers, I am trying to organize a mr. beast-like event for Hypixel Skyblock. Do yall have any ideas of what could be an entertaining challenge for participants to do in order to win 20 million coins?"}, {"title": "how do u get the spirit bone", "body": "Is it a rare drop from wolves when fighting thorn? i wanted to make a bone boomerang (bonemerang) so i got 10 enchanted bone blocks and 15 string but now i need 5 spirit bones. how do you get one?\n\nthey are also crazy expensive on AH."}, {"title": "give me your dungeon classes balancing ideas", "body": "I am making a megathread but I am dumb, please let me steal your balancing ideas"}, {"title": "They fixed Castle of Stone.", "body": "it works now!\ni can live 5 seconds without being obliterated by dreadlords and skeleton masters!"}, {"title": "What should I do next?", "body": "First of all here is my\nSo yeah, im kinda just stuck on what to do at the moment. I know i need to get more minion slots (which i am going to start doing once i expand my current minion area) and as for slayers im trying to get them all to level 5 for the time being) but thats about it. Im just stumped"}, {"title": "New ultimate enchantment idea: Diamond Hardening", "body": "So i thought of a new enchantment idea for skyblock, Its called Diamond hardening.\nRecommended to be at the dark auction and is quite a top tier enchant. Can be a dungeon Item as well\nSo the enchant gives at level 1: Passive ability: Lightning Reflection: This enchantment gives you a 1.5% chance to reflect 100% of the damage dealt by enemies\nAt lvl 2 assive ability: Lightning Reflection: This enchantment gives you 3% chance to reflect an 100% of the damage dealt by enemies\nAt lvl 3 : Passive ability: Lightning Reflection: This enchantment gives you 4.5% chance to reflect 100% of the damage dealt by enemies\nReworked the enchantment lol\nTell me what you think and I may take it into consideration"}, {"title": "New ultimate enchantment idea: Diamond Hardening", "body": "So i thought of a new enchantment idea for skyblock, Its called Diamond hardening.\nRecommended to be at the dark auction and is quite a top tier enchant. Can be a dungeon Item as well\nSo the enchant gives at level 1: Passive ability: Lightning Reflection: This enchantment gives you a 1.5% chance to reflect 100% of the damage dealt by enemies\nAt lvl 2 assive ability: Lightning Reflection: This enchantment gives you 3% chance to reflect an 100% of the damage dealt by enemies\nAt lvl 3 : Passive ability: Lightning Reflection: This enchantment gives you 4.5% chance to reflect 100% of the damage dealt by enemies\nReworked the enchantment lol\nTell me what you think and I may take it into consideration"}, {"title": "Item frames bug", "body": "So i decided to put my minions in item frames for my chests room.\nI did it and after a while thought maybe no.\nStarted taking them down a T9 iron minion and my T11 pumpkin minion disappeared.\nI don't know what to do about it but is there a way to get them back?"}, {"title": "New Idea For SB", "body": "In the warp menu (/warp) there should be an empty box where you can type a username and the press enter and you will visit them."}, {"title": "[July 31] Dungeons Modifications and New Floor", "body": "Hello,\n\nWith a patch and a major update just released, we decided to post a complete description of what was changed/added. These are some of the major points.\n\nDungeon Class Changes\nCatacombs Floor Five\nRevised Some of the Dungeon Loot\nDungeon Classes\n\nIncreased Beserker's Melee damage by 40%.\nIncreased Beserker's Walk Speed by 10.\nIncrease Healer's Overall Regeneration by 20%\nAdded 10 base mana to Mage Class\nAdded 35% Arrow Damage to the Archer Class\nMade some tools (Frozen Scythe, Pigman Sword, Bonzo's Staff) have a decreased cooldown when used by the mage class.\nFixed Tank's Castle of Stone Class move.\nGot rid of mages farmer mana by hitting their own teammates.\nCatacombs: Floor 5\n\nNew Boss: Livid\nNew Boss Rewards\nNew and stronger mobs, with new item drops.\n3 New Puzzle Rooms\nAdded new mini-bosses, Traveling Avenger, Mastermind, and Mirror Master.\nOphelia has Floor 5 items and potions.\nFloor Five Journals\nLivid rewards\nMuch more!\nRevision Of Dungeon Loot\n\nAdded more items in each of the boss collections.\nIncreased slightly the chance of getting adaptive armor.\nIncreased the chance of getting a silent assassin.\nGave Lost Adventurers with Young Armor a big speed increase.\nDecreased the health and damage of Skeletors.\nIncreased the number of fairies in the fairy rooms in higher floors.\nAdded new armors and tools.\nIncreased the chances of getting Recombobulators.\nDecreased the amount of essence required for dragon armor and perfect armor.\nIncreased strength on adaptive full set bonus from 20 to 25.\n\nWe appreciate you reading this!\nPlease test all these additions or changes, and let us know if there is anything you think we should change.\nNOTE: This is not me pretending to be an admin, this is me doing it for a contest."}, {"title": "Guys can we stop hating on Thirty...", "body": "Thirty gets way too much attention on the forums. Hate on someone cool like me please. I appreciate your hate #Banana2020"}, {"title": "New idea for a special armor set.", "body": "Hello hypixel players, I have been playin hypixel for 3 years, and I legit am addicted to skyblock. It is so much fun, and I just have this idea that I think would be a good plan. As some of you may know, there is a reaper scythe, which spawns minions, correct? Ok, so this armor set, would be legendary, and the designs I will leave to the people making it I suppose, but basically, when you have the whole set on, an invincible minion, that does damage to mobs and follows you, like a skeleton, or a zombie, basically a pet but a full pet with armor. This is kind of leaning towards the summoner aspect of things, which I believe, is a great idea.\nLike and subscribe for more memes"}, {"title": "Idea to have hypixel stop irl traders (there is none)", "body": "Hypixel sells coins? Someone sells for cheaper. IRL TRADING SHOULDNT HAPPEN its just dumb... No matter how balanced"}, {"title": "Happier Splashes // 56 guild splashes per week (8 per day) // Mid-late game skyblock guild // Active on Discord", "body": "Happier Splashes\n\nWho are we?\nWe are a mid-late game skyblock guild with active splashes and active dungeoneers.\n\nWhat are our requirements?\nCurrently, we are taking players with 50k+ slayer and 18 skill average.\n\nWhere can you apply?\nYou can apply at our discord:\n\nWhat will you gain by joining this guild?\nBy joining you will receive 8+ Alch 50 godsplashes per day for the small tax of 700k per week.\n\nWhat does our splash schedule look like?\nOur Eight Splash Schedule in EDT (Eastern Daylight time)\n9:00am (staronland) \n11:00am (staronland) \n1:00pm (staronland) \n3:00pm (staronland) \n5:00pm (Happy)\n7:00pm (Happy) \n9:00pm (Happy) \n11:00pm (Happy) \u200b"}, {"title": "Trading On Forums?", "body": "Is trading on the forums allowed?"}, {"title": "Chest", "body": "WHATS WRONG WITH MY MAGMA FARM???? THE CHESTS DONT FILL UP AS FAST"}, {"title": "Many more talisman ideas", "body": "Combat Orb- (Epic)\n\nIncreases your strength by 1 for every 110% crit damage\n\nIncreases your crit chance by 3%\n\nObtained via crafting- 8 unstable dragon fragments + 1 superior dragon fragment.\n\n\n\nGods Blessing- (Epic)\n\nIncreases your mana by 1 for every 100 crit damage (must be a crit) each hit (i.e. 2000 crit damage in one hit would give a 20 mana boost, 100000 would be a 1000 mana boost, resets on each hit)\n\nObtained via NPC - purchased at the Joyful Viking for 1,750,000 coins on Dark Auction Nights.\n\n\n\nZenith Talisman- (Starts at rare rarity)\n\nIncreases damage in dungeons by 3%\n\nObtained via Dark Auction\n\n\n\nZenith Ring- (Epic)\n\nIncreases damage in dungeons by 6%\n\nObtained via crafting- Zenith talisman + 3 of every dragon fragment (including holy)\n\n\n\nZenith artifact- (Legendary)\n\nIncreases damage in dungeons by 9%\n\nObtained via crafting- Zenith Ring + 16 of every dragon fragment (including holy)\n\n\n\nSatans Scroll- (Epic)\n\nIncreases speed by 10 and strength by 4\n\nObtained via crafting- 64 young fragments + 4 superior fragments\n\n\n\nTank Orb- (Epic)\n\nIncreases defense by 75\n\nObtained via crafting- 64 protector fragments + 4 superior fragments\n\n\n\nRevival Book- (Epic)\n\nIncreases natural healing by 50% and max health by 15\n\nObtained via crafting- 64 holy fragments + 4 superior fragments\n\n\n\nThe Kings Reward- (Legendary)\n\nEvery kill gives 2x coins\n\nObtained via crafting- 128 enchanted gold blocks + 32 superior fragments + scavenger talisman + 64 enchanted diamond blocks\n\nedit: The kings reward now only cost 32 enchanted gold blocks, 16 superior fragments, 16 enchanted diamond blocks.\n\nTank orb now increases defense by 30\n\nrevival book now increase natural regen by 10%\n\nthe zenith talisman/ring/artifact are now uncommon, rare, epic\n\nEdit 2: combat orb is now uncommon\n\nrevival book, tank orb and revival scroll are now rare"}, {"title": "[idea] furry \"blade\"", "body": "rare drop from floor 4\n\n50 damage\n+300 strength\n+500 health\n+40 speed\n\nitem ability: awoo\nturns all nearby enemies in an 8 block range into animals\nmana cost: 150 cooldown: 7.5 seconds\n\nowo"}, {"title": "What is a good setup for colossal accessory bag?", "body": "I want to get it fast so I can invest in more money making minions."}, {"title": "Contraband Question", "body": "Is receiving contraband without being a youtuber illegal?"}, {"title": "How would IRL trading or boosting or whatever be detected?", "body": "Cuz if I want to lend a friend some good armor for a few slayers or something would I be fine?"}, {"title": "issue", "body": "what happened, is I tried to add an ex-member to our coop, but the 12/12 is max, and he is a part of the 12/12 so i cant add him... help!"}, {"title": "what is the best dungeon armor for poor boi", "body": "hello, i come to you as a poor boi with 750k, i'm catacombs level 6 almost 7, what is the best armor for me in dungeons? (dungeon armor only please)"}, {"title": "Just lost 20m worth of items", "body": "So Basically I was fixing up my farms on my island, and while doing that I tried to open my backpack but it didn't seem to open so I put it in my hotbar and tried to open it the old fashion way. But after it still didn't open I closed my inventory and looked at my hot bar and out of nowhere my backpack with stuff worth of 20m just vanished. Moral of the story....... dont play skyblock cause eventually you will get f**ked over\n\ntl;dr backpack with items worth of 20m disappeared from inventory"}, {"title": "reee help me understand the giveaway rule.", "body": "Okay so if I would make a discord server only for giveaways that doesn't advertise anything, is it allowed?"}, {"title": "Buying glitched items", "body": "I am looking for any glitched items (except stuff like null obsidian and heads) and methods to place stuff that isn't supposed to be placed."}, {"title": "What Are The Best Re-Forges for Wise Dragon Set?", "body": "I just bought a full set of Wise Dragon Armor and enchanted everything with Protection 5. Now all I need to know is \"What is the best Re-Forge for a Wise Dragon Set?\""}, {"title": "Super Heavy Armor is a scam.", "body": "The description says 5 seconds off seismic wave but its actually 1 second. Could have been the best tank set."}, {"title": "Best class rn?", "body": "What is the best class at the moment? I'm an ex Mage currently archer."}, {"title": "looking for coop to join", "body": "i just want to farm a lot of pumpkins my coop wont help me make a 8 layer farm"}, {"title": "Fabled or sharp", "body": "Is fabled or sharp better for a aotd set for max damage?"}, {"title": "Skyblock is bad", "body": "I actually like skyblock, it\u2019s a good game, get baited"}, {"title": "How is there still no telekenesis on slayer kills...?", "body": "Honestly, Slayer has been out for a long time, yet the miniboss and boss drops do not care if you have telekenesis on your weapon.\n\nWhy is this still a thing?"}, {"title": "The Mage Nerf", "body": "They nerfed mage to hard I went into an f4 run but now mage has a cooldown on everything also mana regen is so bad now. It no longer scales on your mana so it's really slow. Do you guys think this mage nerf was needed or is a bit harsh? All I know mage got messed up and the value of the gear is worth nothing so its harder to switch classes."}, {"title": "[Controversial] Dreadlords and other OP mobs should not be nerfed", "body": "Why should it be nerfed? It brings strategy to the game and a different play-style to dungeons which changes a lot in f4 and makes it fun when playing in a party that knows what to do. Now instead of rushing into rooms and mages rushing in and soloing rooms, the new update has made dungeons more strategic and a little more balanced. Now you have to hide behind walls or doors and slowly progress through each room letting the tank and beserker take the hits while the healer heals them and the archer and mage use ranged attacks without dying easily.\n\nJust my opinion though, but I feel like keeping the game how it is and maybe buffing a few classes (like healer maybe) is fine."}, {"title": "why are clay minions good for profit?", "body": "I just got a clay minion and as a result I am now wondering \"why are they good for profit?\" I looked at the collection and the items are pretty garbage. does clay just sell for a lot with NPCs?"}, {"title": "why i like the mage nerf", "body": "so i origialy choose mage to acctualy play the game and i thought it would be fun. it was fun but also trivaly easy and you can just waltz into a room, spam and everything is dead. then if you find a strong enemy your just use pigman and there dead. now you acctualy have to use diffrent abilitys, and play slower to do well. you can still melt things if you know what your doing but its no longer a free pass."}, {"title": "A way to fix mage after Nerf and help in further balancing.", "body": "As mid game player who plays as a mage i, and many others, suffer from the nerf to mage. in this post i will present 3 ways to fix mage and make it more balanced overall. these are not meant to be used together but individually.\n1. change enchanting to no longer boost xp gain, but to instead increase mana re gen rate.\n2. add a new passive mage ability that decreases mana cost by 1% per 100 uses of item abilities. to further balance have a cap at like a 20% reduction. a name for this skill could be \"practice makes perfect\".\n3. have a party boost that increases mana regen by 5% per unique class. this encourages diversity and team work overall, and can be beneficial over all.\n\nI encourage input of what others think of these ideas and to present your own ideas."}, {"title": "Selling", "body": "Hello I\u2019m selling 2 rejuvenate 4 books on my ah, for the cheapest."}, {"title": "Selling", "body": "Hello I\u2019m selling 2 rejuvenate 4 books on my ah, for the cheapest."}, {"title": "Mage unusable", "body": "Why are people keep saying mage is unusable? lol look at ices his stream 4 mages 1 healer is the meta for floor 4 AGAIN like floor 3 buff other class and make sure that dupes get punished harder"}, {"title": "Question about giveaways.", "body": "Okay so I don't really play much anymore and I was planning on giving away some coins every day but I'm not sure whats the best way to randomly select players since I believe discord giveaways are banned or something?"}, {"title": "making fake items", "body": "custom drop messages\ncustom items\nranks\nwhatever"}, {"title": "IRL Traders.", "body": "I've been Auction flipping more and more, and I keep seeing the same names over and over at the top of the ah I look at there there sky lea cause I think \"hey they must be rich that's cool, I wonder what guild there in!\" It turns out they have a skill avg (both of them) of 7 and 10 and one has VIP with level 23 and the other has a level 2 account, both joined a month ago same day. The item that they're selling is a cleaver, which is also suspicious. The reason I'm writing this is to say that hypixel needs an easier way to report IRL traders, if they want skyblock to do well without cheaters and people who break the economy they need a separate section for watchdog. Hypixel skyblock is great, but I don't want these people to get away with this, cause it is like hacking/alting, you're paying a service to make you better than everyone else. Which is not legit. I will say their names if they do turn out to be IRL traders, I just don't know 100% I'm just using them as examples."}, {"title": "What minions for mid game?", "body": "im curleny running 8 redstone and 1 diamond all with spreding and compators but they fill over night and they only get 65k a day (i craft all restone blocks into e red stone\n\ni have 12 slots but idk what else to put i have 1m banked rn so plz help me im willing to spend 500k on minnons and minnon addons"}, {"title": "Need to get my damage up, any advice?", "body": "Im struggeling to get my damage up in game. I want to be able to one shot the zealots in the dragons den.\n\nIm currently running full young dragon armour (all reforged to pure)\nSpicy AOTD, max enchanted (no lvl 6) except fire aspect, cleave, knockback and venomous.\nI dont think I have any good talismans as I am pretty new and unknown to them and my talisman bag only has some speed and fishing things in it.\nWith all of this I deal around 10k damage with a crit and 3k with a regular hit.\nDoes anyone have any advice on how to up my damage an additional 3k? Dont wanna spend too much money, 1-2 mil max."}, {"title": "how long it take for 24th minion?", "body": "how long it take for 24th minion?"}, {"title": "Fasted way to get dungeon exp?", "body": "Just wanted to know what floor I should grind and how quickly I should be going through it."}, {"title": "why you should get a machine gun bow", "body": "if you run out of mana use the ability on a poor mob and you will get a good amout of mana in return"}, {"title": "Anyone know a skyblock guild that isn't corrupted that does good splashes and is late/end game.", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Is using a alt to react to all of your posts allowed?", "body": "Is it? It better be..."}, {"title": "An Unfunny Megathread about Quitting Skyblock", "body": "I've been playing Skyblock for almost 11 months now, and I'm not even close to the endgame, which is honestly alright. Skyblock has certainly provided more playtime than any other game, and I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing. I recently decided to take an indefinite break from playing Skyblock, and maybe even quit entirely. I doubt any of you know who I am, but I wanted to share some of the reasons I decided to (maybe) quit.\n\nEpisode I: The RNG Menace\n\n\n\nSpoiler: RNG\n\n\n\nComplaining about RNG because you didn't get an owoflux after spending like 3 coins on Sven 4s is dumb, so I'm not going to do that. Instead, I want to talk about how much of the game is based on luck--in fact, I'd argue that there is actually no skill required to play Skyblock well. All you have to do to succeed is to 1) not be a total idiot and 2) get a phoenix pet on like your 20th lapis zombie kill. At the same time, the horror stories of people with 2 million wolf slayer exp without dropping an owoflux show that RNG is bad in basically both ways that it could possibly be.\n\n\n\nEpisode II: Attack of the Nons\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Nons\n\n\n\nJust like RNG, saying that \"nons are bad/dumb\" is as overused on the forums as anything else, but I'm serious. I can't count how many times I've been trying to do a F3 run and a lapis user with 300 health joins. This made getting a good dungeon party take like 10 minutes, even if you set a class note, because people are blind. Same goes for advertising in lobbies. I don't know if randos can still hit Slayer bosses, because I haven't decided to inflict self-harm by doing those in a while\n\n\n\nEpisode III: Revenge of the Playerbase\n\n\n\nSpoiler: The Forums and Toxicity\n\n\n\nI made a thread a while back explaining why Skyblock is inherently a pretty toxic place, but what I've seen recently, both from others and from myself, is beyond that. I, among others, was literally cursing out the developers of the game for making one class in one aspect of the game too weak. The actual outrage I've seen over nons being sad that they got scammed, or Thirtyvirus making a video showing off a moneymaking method someone showed him, or unfortunate patches, or anything for that matter, is completely unwarranted and makes no sense.\n\n\n\nEpisode IV: A New Grind\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Grinding\n\n\n\nBefore I get into this, I want to make one thing clear: grinding absolutely has a place in a game like Skyblock. Anyone who disagrees is likely just a salty non who's mad they don't have an ender dragon pet after like 4 hours of zealot farming. However, Skyblock has sacrificed any idea of a meritocracy, as success is not determined by understanding of the game or any other metric of skill, but rather how much time you're willing to sink into menial, easy, and repetitive tasks in order to to increase your stats. That's not a good system by any means, and actually punishes players who spend a healthy amount of time on the game. That's when I realized what Dungeons is. It's a marginally improved version of Slayer. Mindlessly killing mobs in order to unlock a boss fight, and then speedrunning that hundreds of times on end hoping for an incredibly rare drop. No matter how fun the original gameplay is, if you have to repeat it for hours and hours and hours on end, it will quickly become mind-numbingly boring. Slayer was fun for the few weeks after it released, and now we're here.\n\n\n\nEpisode 5: The Endgame Strikes Back\n\n\nSpoiler: The Endgame Playerbase\n\n\n\nThe developers are really only catering to the endgame playerbase, even if they're trying to help everyone equally. The community of the endgame is so overly dedicated that they can burn through any content you give them in only a few weeks, and so in an attempt to please everyone equally, you end up creating content that requires ridiculous sums of money and grinding to be good at, creating a barrier of entry to the endgame, where almost no matter how hard you work, the endgame is always getting further away.\n\n\n\nEpisode 6: I'm done with this bit and it's not really funny anymore also was it ever?\n\nDungeons, Pt. 1:\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Dungeons, Part 1\n\n\n\nDungeons was the most anticipated update in Skyblock, and for the first time in a really long time, I realized I was actually enjoying playing Skyblock. The addition of intelligence scaling and new magic items meant that Dungeon runs could be incredibly satisfying and a point. Even before the release of Floor 4, Dungeons had begun to get dull, as my Catacombs progress slowed and I acquired all of the items I needed to. Then Floor 4 released, but more importantly, the classes changed.\n\n\n\nDungeons, Pt. 2:\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Dungeons, Part 1\n\n\n\nWell, here we are now. Floor 4 and Mage. Honestly, Mage runs of Floor 2 or 3 were the only thing I actually enjoyed in Skyblock. The admins decided that instead of buffing the classes that weren't enjoyable or interesting to play, they'd obliterate the one class that people actually liked. Then, at the exact same time, with half of the Dungeons community reeling because they just became useless with their 40 mil setup, they hit us with Floor 4. My damage was less than 20% of what it used to be, and now I had to butterfly click 12 cps in SKYBLOCK just to regen my mana at the same rate I used to. The admins clearly don't really know what they're doing, or the definition of the words they themselves used (glass cannon). So I quit.\n\n\n\nThe one and only thing I enjoyed in Skyblock was reverted to what the rest of the game looks like--a clicking simulator you'd find as an online flash game on the barely functional Chromebook of a 6th grader in 2014. Skyblock had so much potential as a gamemode, but destroyed itself with its overly complex updates and progression, training its community to be aimlessly toxic and sink thousands of hours into menial tasks."}, {"title": "`", "body": "hjhjhj"}, {"title": "Damage Problem (Dungeons)", "body": "So I have got a full adaptive set + adaptive blade and i only deal 100k damage as a berserk while my guild mate does 400k damage with the same set. Does anyone know why it is so?"}, {"title": "Does Ultimate Wise work on Mosquito Bow?", "body": "Hello everyone,\nAs title, I want to know does Ultimate Wise work on Mosquito Bow?\nThanks all."}, {"title": "Who is #1 Ice collection?", "body": "I'm just in it for the memes with around 8.3mil ice but I'm only #16 Ice collection. Who is #1 and with how much collection o,O"}, {"title": "[POLL] what series is better", "body": "answer now please"}, {"title": "[POLL] what series is better", "body": "answer now please"}, {"title": "[GIVEAWAY] Free Likes!", "body": "Free Likes! Just post proof of ownership of leaflet armor and you're set!\nI will check back on this every once in a while.\nAlso the only thing better than leaflet set is 2/4 clorox bleach set + melon helm + 100 percent furry cat paws reforged to light"}, {"title": "My Item Went Missing", "body": "I recently purchased a raider's axe (maybe about a week ago max, but I don't remember the exact date) from the viking, and put a bunch of enchants on it. For some reason, it disappeared out of my hotbar as I was making things on my private island. I was wondering what had happened, and if there was any way of getting it back, since I didn't get scammed for it, I didn't purposely throw it away, and I really would like it back."}, {"title": "I have 4 mil worth of catalysts, should I use them or sell them?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Bonzo's mask has hidden stats?", "body": "Long story short, my Bonzo's mask and Shadow goggles have 5 stars, and Bonzo's mask has 375 intelligence while in dungeon, when Shadow goggles have 600 intelligence.\n\nFor some reason, Bonzo's mask yields 400 more mana than my Shadow goggles. Can anyone explain why this is happening?"}, {"title": "Why play dungeons", "body": "I mean honestly, why?\nI just want to know everyone\u2019s opinions because in my opinion, fishing, or even zealot grinding, is more worth it than dungeons, but don\u2019t know."}, {"title": "please budd the mage again", "body": "dude i got nerfed so bad , 3/4 peeps who play sb got nerfed , i heard some ppl quit too , please buff it back"}, {"title": "forge 1.16.1 unable to open", "body": "IM POSTING HERE CUZ THIS IS THR ONLY PLACE PEOPLE CARE\nim trying to install shemtaica for forumcraft, but i cant open forge 1.16.1 for some reason! is there a way to fix this or another way to install forge??"}, {"title": "How much enchanted sugar cane do you need to get alch 50?", "body": "How much enchanted sugar cane do you need to get alchemy level 50?"}, {"title": "how much should i sell my tier 9 clay minion for", "body": "how much should i sell my tier 9 clay minion for"}, {"title": "Is pigman sword still good for dungeons as mage or would I be better off using a dreadlord or soulstealer sword?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Need help soloing t3's", "body": "So right now my slayers are 443, and I am trying to get wolf 4 so I can use mastiff. However in my current setup (3/4 strong + tara helm with aotd) I really struggle doing t3's. Yes, I do them in the water btw. Anyone have any tips?"}, {"title": "Is possible to obtain INFINITE QUIVER 10 with no anvil uses?", "body": "pls help"}, {"title": "How to play dungeons and what class you should use!", "body": "Get mana and..\nITEM ABILITY GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR"}, {"title": "Throw skyblock ideas/concepts/sugestions here i want to read ideas of people", "body": "I'm interested in ideas of people because i really enjoy reading them"}, {"title": "How to mage in the current meta", "body": "get a voodoo doll and stack slowness with scythe"}, {"title": "Is Adaptive armor good for mage?", "body": "I have adaptive armor for my mage but, I die fast still to the lost adventure and, assassins. And I do use a mana flux but it is just not good enough. I do use bonzo and am trying to buy a pigman sword rn.\nBut is there anything help other than that?"}, {"title": "Epic.", "body": "I found a random piece of tissue paper in my sketchbook. I don't even know how it got there in the first place.\n\nSkyblock: Frozen Scythe"}, {"title": "Question regard the validity of Skyblock Giveaway servers", "body": "If I get discord invite rewards for getting my friends that aren't affiliating with Hypixel Skyblock just to get like 10 mil coins or something, is it a bannable offense?"}, {"title": "Is this a bug or intentional", "body": "So earlier today I was just fishing, and because I'm dumb I accidentally fish with my grappling hook sometimes (slots are next to each other in my hotbar). So today I noticed that you could switch between them keeping the string reel bait whatever thing in the water. Basically, if you cast a fishing rod, then switch to a grappling hook you can reel it in and it will act as a grapple hook."}, {"title": "what do classic tokens do?", "body": "title\ncan i change them into tkr coins??\ni want more frames"}, {"title": "Magic easteregg if you click this hypixel link!", "body": "\n\n\nThat post was for developers, so clicking it will cause something cool to happen!"}, {"title": "phoenix pet q", "body": "is it worth it for the epic pet"}, {"title": "Im bored", "body": "Im bored pls entertain me, or write funny stuff"}, {"title": "How much does a stack of grand xp bottles go for on the auction?", "body": "[title]"}, {"title": "Bruh", "body": "So i found i new player who visited my island saying that he needs money i told him i don't have much and i cant give him but can help him he said \"okay bye losser\" and left"}, {"title": "Fix cactus farming", "body": "So I made a manual cactus farm and guess what\nfarming level doesn\u2019t affect it\nit only earns farming xp if it\u2019s fully grown(so like 2 block cactus won\u2019t give xp)\nharvesting doesn\u2019t work on it\nit needs to be fixed"}, {"title": "Any help?", "body": "I have a lot of coins but don't know what to buy/save up for. Any ideas?"}, {"title": "How much would adaptive boots with five stars sell for?", "body": "Title\n(w/ g5p5 and reforged)\n\nedit: oops meant g5p5 not g6p6 (now fixed)"}, {"title": "UPDATE NOTES FOR CONTEST - Cooking, Quests, and Fishing Update", "body": "Hello! This is an entry for a contest. This update is not real, and I am not an admin. Please do not steal my ideas.\n\nRecently, the Cooking, Quests, and Fishing Update was released. Here are the more specific notes on the update.\n\nQUESTS\nFound in the Quest Log. More will be added soon.\n\n\nSpoiler: Quest List\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Magma Killer\n\n\n\nDeal at least 1 damage in a Magma Boss fight.\nUnlocks: Magma Crystal Recipe (like farm crystal, but for magma minions)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Minion Maker\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: I\n\n\n\nHave 1 lvl 11 minion.\nUnlocks: Lesser minion stone (upgrades a minion that is currently lvl 1-4)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: II\n\n\n\nHave 4 lvl 11 minions.\nUnlocks: Medium minion stone (upgrades a minion that is currently lvl 5-8)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: III\n\n\n\nHave 8 lvl 11 minions.\nUnlocks: Greater minion stone (upgrades a minion that is currently lvl 9 or 10)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Hospital Help\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: I\n\n\n\nTalk to the HEALER npc at the Hospital (new building). Give her 3 lvl 5 or higher Potions of Healing.\nUnlocks: Mender Talisman Recipe (common, +1 natural healing) (cheap recipe)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: II\n\n\n\nGive her 6 more lvl 5 or higher Potions of Healing.\nUnlocks: Mender Ring Recipe (uncommon, +3 natural healing) (~1m recipe price)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: III\n\n\n\nGive her 12 lvl 5 or higher Potions of Healing.\nUnlocks: Mender Artifact Recipe (rare, +5 natural healing) (~3m recipe price)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Veganism\n\n\n\nNew npc at the Barn will ask for various food items. Delivery will complete the quest.\nUnlocks: Non-Vegan Salad Recipe\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Dragon Killer\n\n\n\nDefeat a dragon, hitting it at least once before it dies.\nUnlocks: Draco Helm Recipe (2 summ. Eye, 7 eEyes of Ender. Decent health and defence, grants +25% damage to dragons)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Gladiator\n\n\n\nKill a player in the Coliseum.\nUnlocks: Gladiator Sword Recipe (cheap recipe, maybe 500k ish cost. Moderate stats for a sword. Right clicking marks all mobs within 10 blocks. These mobs take an additional 10% damage from all sources from the player who marked them. Mana cost: 150, cooldown: 2 min.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Education\n\n\n\nFish a \u2018The School\u2019 mob.\n-Unlocks: Thick Textbook Recipe (textbook, 128 enchanted paper. Pet intelligence is increased by 120%.)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: God Killer\n\n\n\nKill Poseidon, God of the Sea.\n-Unlocks: Mega Fish Recipe (see below)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Fancypants\n\n\n\nBuy a tux from Seymour\n-Unlocks: permanent +1% crit damage\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Dungeon Runner\n\n\n\nComplete a Dungeons run.\n-Unlocks: permanent +1% speed\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Good Eyes\n\n\n\nKill a Special Zealot.\n-Unlocks: permanent +1% crit chance\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Experienced\n\n\n\nHave over 250 levels of experience.\n-Unlocks: permanent +1 intelligence\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Heavyset\n\n\n\nHave over 700 defence at one time.\n-Unlocks: permanent +1 defence\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Strongman Steve\n\n\n\nDeal over 20k damage on a single melee hit against any mob.\n-Unlocks: permanent +1 strength\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: I want poison... for, uh, science...\n\n\n\nGive 100 toxic arrow poison to a shady npc in the Spider\u2019s Den.\n-Unlocks: Speedbow Recipe (~1m price to craft, can be made into a dungeons item. Instant draw, decent damage.)\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnd many more to come!\n\nFISHING\nHere, there are several new things. Mobs, friendly mobs, and more!\nHostile Mobs Read As: unlocked at lvl X, rarity. Below: tactics/rough stats, rare drops in no particular order.\nFriendly Mobs Read As: unlocked at lvl X, rarity, possible time until it leaves. Below: bonus gained while active, circling around your head.\n\n\nSpoiler: Hostile Mobs\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Deep-Sea Arachnid\n\n\n\nLvl 16, rare.\n-Tactics: A spider with moderate health. Jumps around, deals high damage and knockback in short bursts.\n-Rare Drops: Rare fishing pet exp boost, Luxurious Spool.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Landwhale\n\n\n\nLvl 20, legendary.\n-Tactics: Has high ehp (much more than emperor), but is very slow. It follows the player who fished it for about 8 sec, dealing moderate-low damage. After 8 sec, it dashes, dealing high damage and moving very fast.\n-Rare Drops: Rare fishing exp boost, Epic fishing exp boost, WHALEGUN CORE (see Whalegun, below).\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: The School\n\n\n\nLvl 22, legendary.\n-Tactics: Is a swarm of ~10 Baby Zombies in random armour. They each have relatively low ehp (deep-sea golem's hp, maybe?), and deal moderate damage. They are, however, fast, and will favour swarming the player who fished them. Strategy must be employed here (such as aote-ing away at opportune moments), else the player will be quickly demolished.\n-Rare drops (dropped by the last alive Baby Zombie): Epic fishing exp boost, Textbook.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Envoy of Poseidon\n\n\n\nLvl 23, legendary.\n-Tactics: Is a man with a rapid-fire bow, dealing high damage. He will usually target the nearest player, walking toward them while shooting. Whenever he gets hit, he teleports to a random water block within 20 blocks. He regenerates a small amount of health while in water.\n-Rare Drops: Mysterious Beast (friendly mob, see below), epic fishing exp boost.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Poseidon, God of the Sea\n\n\n\nLvl 28, legendary.\n-Tactics: Man on a horse, 2 stages.\n-Stage 1: Horse. All damage goes to the horse, here. The horse has massive health and moderate speed. Poseidon, riding on its back, shoots high damage arrows at a moderate rate.\n-Stage 2: Poseidon. When the horse is killed, Poseidon will drop down and chase the player, dealing moderate damage in a 5 block aoe radius. He carries a low-damage sword that launches the player ~15 blocks upward. At this point, he switches to a high-damage bow and shoots the player while in the air, then repeats the process. High health and massive regeneration.\n-Rare Drops: Blade of the Sea God, Epic fishing pet exp boost, Rod of Legends, Mysterious Beast\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Friendly Mobs\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Clownfish\n\n\n\nLvl 3, uncommon, 2:00 \u2013 5:00.\n-Increases fishing exp gained by 5%\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Dolphin\n\n\n\nLvl 5, uncommon, 3:00 - 6:00.\n-Increases fishing speed by 5%\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Jellyfish\n\n\n\nLvl 8, uncommon, 3:00 \u2013 6:00.\n-Stuns fished mobs for 3s\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Shark\n\n\n\nLvl 10, rare, 4:00 \u2013 7:00.\n-Deal 15% more damage to sea creatures\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Pufferfish\n\n\n\nLvl 12, rare, 4:00 \u2013 7:00.\n-Sea creatures anyone within 10 blocks of you fishes start with 10% reduced hp.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Angler\n\n\n\nLvl 14, rare, 5:00 \u2013 7:00.\n-Increases scc by 3%\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Lobster\n\n\n\nLvl 16, rare, 5:00 \u2013 7:00.\n-Increases fishing exp gained by 15%\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Crab\n\n\n\nLvl 18, epic, 4:00 \u2013 9:00.\n-Grants the player 0 \u2013 5k coins upon fishing up a sea creature\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Octopus\n\n\n\nLvl 19, epic, 3:00 \u2013 10:00.\n-Increases scc by 8%\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Mysterious Beast\n\n\n\nLvl 21, legendary, 8:00 \u2013 15:00.\n-Has TWO random abilities of other Friendly Mobs. This can stack and source from the same mob (potential for +16% scc).\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Items\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Fireworks Rod\n\n\n\nDamage: +100, scc: 11%, increases speed by 65%\n-Collection + recipe: Gunpowder 9, ish. Costs eFireworks to craft, roughly 4m price.\n-Effect: stuns fished mob for 5 sec with a dazzling display of fireworks.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Whalegun\n\n\n\nWand dealing moderate-low damage, increased 300% against sea creatures. Shoots an arrow with aiming 3, targeting sea creatures if possible. This arrow has a total damage meter equal to the regular amount of damage it would deal. This arrow will act like Yondu\u2019s Arrow, dealing massive damage to all sea creatures it can until the meter runs out. Useful against The School, and other fast-moving or high ehp fishing mobs. Mana cost: 200, cooldown: 5 mins.\n-Recipe: Whalegun Core, Fishing-related materials worth about 4m.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Blade of the Sea God\n\n\n\nHigh quality sword, about equal to aotd. Can be made into a dungeons item. Hitting a mob launches it into the air and deals large damage (factor of strength) when it lands (10s cooldown). Right clicking grants regen 100hp/sec to all players within 20 blocks for 20 sec. Mana cost: 100, cooldown 1 min.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCOOKING\nThis new skill works just like crafting, and grants pet luck and magic find. New Food recipes will be added shortly.\n\n\nSpoiler: Vanilla Foods (some may be missing)\n\n\n\n-Apple: consuming grants 40hp\n-Golden Apple/Egolden Apple: no change here, tiny amounts of cooking exp upon crafting.\n-Potato: grants 30hp and 10 defence for 1 min\n-Carrot: 30hp and 5 speed for 1 min\n-Golden Carrot: 40hp and 10 speed for 1 min\n-Milk: removes all status effects as usual, grants 40 hp\n-Pumpkin Pie: grants 50hp and regen 5hp/sec for 30 sec\n-Cookie: grants 20hp and 20 speed for 10 seconds \n-Meats (cooked): grant 40 hp and 5 str for 1 min\n-Meats (raw): grant 20 hp and 3 str for 1 min\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: New Foods\n\n\n\n-Mega Steak/Porkchop: 9 eRaw Beef/eRaw Porkchop to craft. 100Hp, 25str for 5 min\n-Mega Potato: 9 ePotato. 100Hp, 25 def for 5 min\n-Mega Carrot: 9 eCarrot. 100Hp, 3 cc, 10 speed, and jump boost I for 5 min\n-Non-Vegan Salad: apple, raw porkchop, milk bucket, carrot, potato, bread, red and brown mushroom: +1% to all stats for 5 min\n-Oversweet Pie: 4 Pumpkin Pies, 5 eSugar. 250Hp, 50 speed, regen 10hp/sec for 5 min (regen stacks)\n-Livesaver Pie: 1 Oversweet Pie, 8 Golden Apples: grants 3000hp and all damage you deal is reduced by 50% for 1 min.\n-Titan Apple: 8 eGold Ingot, Apple. Grants 500 hp, 500 absorbtion hp for 5 min\n-Mega Fish: 8 eRaw Fish. Grants 100hp, +4% scc and +70 def. Vs sea creatures 5 min.\n\n\n\nThank you for reading! Feedback is welcome for sure!"}, {"title": "SkyBlock Ideas :)", "body": "Sky Block ideas \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNew armors \n\n\nDeadly Dragon\n\n(Idk the strength so plz help)\n\n\n\n\nHelmet \n\nCrit chance +10\nCrit damage +30\nHealth +95\n\n\n\n\n\nChest plate\n\nCrit chance +23\nCrit damage +44\nHealth +123\n\n\n\n\n\nLeggings\n\nCrit chance +19\nCrit damage +37\nHealth +118 \n\n\n\n\n\nBoots \n\nCrit chance +8\nCrit damage +27\nHealth +80\n\n\n\n2. Tanker Armor\n\n\nSo my thoughts on this are to make another slayer armor (like maisffs) but only has 200 health and 2500 defense (base) But Idk what else to add so feel free to add on.\n\n\nNew Weapons\n\nAspect of the pickle\n\n(As a joke of course)\n\nDamage 1\n\nStrength 1\n\nAbility spawns a floor of sea pickles that deal 1 to 10000 Damage (random)\n\n\nNew Items \n\n\n1.Tree of life (based of of overflow)\n\n\nSo I personally think that mid game is lacking rn and Im trying to make some endgame thing have a weaker midge version. \nWhen in forest areas or the park heals 25 per sec but when any where else heals 10 per sec \n\n\n\n\n\nNew Pets\n\n\nPolar bear (fishing\n\n\nNew Misc\n\n\n\n\n\n1.PLEASE! So have u ever been at the end farming zealot and forget ur strength pot so u fast travel back but u don\u2019t have a end portal or fast travel? I know I have. FIX return to last traveled this will only be in fast travel menu for 5 min so u can go in \n\n\n\n\n\n\nNew island (for endgame) OK Ik the end but there\u2019s either not enough severs or to packed in dragons nest. Im proposing a island that requires combat level 20 that is just for endgame money grinding this is just a thought so I don\u2019t know what it would me but it would me SUPER nice to have!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n\n\nSo I recently bought and make a WHOLE new mincraf acc to \n\n\nreplay sky block and I just now realized how much mid games SUCKS there\u2019s little to no content which makes sense cus most ppl are end game so they want to add on there but \n\n\n\n\n\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n\n\n\n\n\nAslo How To Make Skyblock Less Combat Oriented\n\n\n\n\n\nYes, mining I would say is the one that most needs an update, it is boring af, not useful at all (you get like 2 defense every lvl), the mining island sucks, there is not even a pet that buffs mining (silverfish is the only one), there is no pet that buffs mining minions, or drops, while all other skills had their own updates, even if it wasn't that big (fishing update, replenish, treecapitator), mining is just bad.\n\n\n\n\n\nNow talking about skyblock being a combat oriented game, yes it is, lets say you want to focus on only one skill, this skill \"end-game\" are all bad (growth armor is the best armor you can get by only foraging, while in combat you can get 90% of the sets in the game), even for the own skill, fishing is a great skill, I don't find it fun, but the way they did it was good, even tho it is combat oriented (sea creatures).\n\n\n\n\n\nNow I think skyblock should have a part of the end game a good endgame for all skills, so for example while in combat we could get the items that deal most damage, in farming we could get the best items for speed, in mining we could get the best defensive items, foraging could give us items that increase wood drop by a lot and focus on hp, idk.\n\n\n\n\n\nThe biggest problem is that in the developer perspective, creating combat related stuff is way easier, on a player perspective, most players find it fun, so that is probrably why skyblock is combat oriented, it is way easier to great combat related stuff and most people find it fun."}, {"title": "Talisman Shop", "body": "Is there one already? Would it make lots of money?"}, {"title": "Money making method easy?", "body": "And easy money marking methods?"}, {"title": "Money making method easy?", "body": "And easy money marking methods?"}, {"title": "What's your highest collection leaderboard position?", "body": "Just wondering"}, {"title": "Is mage still the best?", "body": "RN i am archer class im wondering if i should switch to mage, ive tried it before and i found mana regen too slow, but apparently theres a workaround now what is it? and should i stay archer or nahhh"}, {"title": "Can't join SKYBLOCK COOP (this profile has too many members/ pending invites)", "body": "I can't join my friend's coop due to 'having too many coop members/ pending invites'.( There are only 3 members in the coop) There is no command to revoke coop invites to other players. My friends have invited another person in the pass and he/she has never responded to the invite. Due to that they are not able to invite other people. I dont know if there is a known command to revoke invites or if it is a bug. it is said that when you /coopadd the person again it will revoke the invite, but we have tried with cooperation with the first person they invited. And it didnt work. Please respond to this Admins. Whether it is a bug or if there is a specific command for it. Thank you!"}, {"title": "How to get xp to enchant", "body": "I got a 18 HPB raider axe for 400k on ah with some enchants but it was 5 anvil use and befor i thoght i would just add a god book but when i tried to add it it was 225 levels :C how do i get levels?"}, {"title": "Im taking a break from forums", "body": "Its kinda boring now, if someone challenges me to my likes guven spot just @ me or smth please\nCya guys in like a week or a month or smth"}, {"title": "Skyblock art ideas?", "body": "I just got a new sketch book with like 80 pages, epic. What do I draw?? (Also keep in mind that the drawings will probably look awful.) \n\nSkyblock: Bonzo Staff"}, {"title": "What is the best way to earn cash out of these minions?", "body": "What is best between Obsidian and Clay Minion when it comes to earning money?"}, {"title": "Give me good mod links", "body": "I especially need hypixel-specific mods (not just Skyblock mods)"}, {"title": "Should canadians be banned?", "body": "As a canadian, we lag skyblock and therefore I think we should be banned because canada isnt even real so why should we be playing on a real server"}, {"title": "L to me", "body": "the SBA drop glitch happened and let's just say RIP 10m."}, {"title": "is hellcastle & furry the new thrity?", "body": "I never thought about his until (at time of writing) hellcastle got 6 votes against him and thirty got 7 against him for reference\nIt turns out the channel member furry is going on the forums a lot now like thirty and also exposes money making like some would say thirty did (never checked so not too sure)"}, {"title": "last to reply gets 69,420 coins", "body": "title"}, {"title": "testing again. ignore", "body": "aaa\n\n\nSpoiler: aaaga\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: ywa\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: dvhd\n\n\n\nGO AWAY\nnot fun\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: ok\n\n\n\nplz stop looking"}, {"title": ":/", "body": "The \u201cstar-ing\u201d system is broken. It says that each star gives 10%+ to all stats on an item in dungeons, but I\u2019ve done calculations multiple times and the items I\u2019ve \u201cstar-ed\u201d haven\u2019t reflected them at all. For instance, I recently five-star-ed a super heavy chest plate, along with adding hot potato books to it. I determined that after maxing it, the armor piece would be significantly better than what I was wearing at the moment (a heavy chest plate). I multiplied the dungeons stat(s) by 50%, which could\u2019ve meant my calculations were too LOW, as the 10% increases could\u2019ve been compound. However this was clearly not the case, because when I finished using around 750 essence it, my heavy chest plate was BETTER than the super heavy chestplate. If someone can explain to me why that can even HAPPEN, I will gladly delete this thread. Anyway, that was just one instance where I noticed this, I also five-star-red an earth shard (if you can\u2019t tell I\u2019m a tank) and it gave significantly less than 50%+ stats. Anyway, hopefully someone can either tell me why this happens or fix it, have a good day. Idk if you guys do tldr but I\u2019m new to the forums so I\u2019m gonna.\nTLDR five starring doesn\u2019t give +50% stats and idk why."}, {"title": "Any slayer help Discord servers?", "body": "TiTlE..."}, {"title": "Farming questions", "body": "i love money, but if i hear another zealot die, i will lose my mind. so the other reasonable moneymaking method is farming. can anyone tell me what crop makes the most money? also im farming 29 (kinda low) and i dont have an elephant pet (maybe ima spend 18m on one if its worth)"}, {"title": "Pigman Sword", "body": "Does anyone have a good way to get the Pigman Sword?"}, {"title": "[NEW SUGESTION] The abandoned moonbase! Will feature new mobs new collections new ores and other stuff. I would really appreciate it if you support me", "body": "Hey Thank you that you clicked on my sugestion!\n\nWhat is The abandoned moonbase for place?\n\nThe abandoned moonbase is a new place for players to explore. Since the humans left the base it became abandoned and destroyed. the human were doing research about life on the moon. they brought some bacteria with them they could survive without the need of any oxygen. but after the human left the moonbase the bacteria started to evolve now they are more like creepy small animals. they have deystroyed parts of the moonbase. those creepy things are everywhere and will be able to get killed by you! since the windows of the moonbase are deystroyed there is no more oxygen. there will be an NPC that will give you an free oxygentank that will last for 4 minutes you can refill it by the oxygen generator next to the NPC. If your tank is empty you will start to take damage.\n\nHow to get the abandoned moonbase?\n\nOn the hub island there will be an launchsite. if you step into the rocket you will teleport to an moonlander. this moonlander is the only place where you can breathe on the planet. Inside the moonlander is the NPC who will give you a full oxygen tank. if you walk further outside there will be the oxygen generator. Now you can explore the moon and the abandoned moonbase!\n(you need mining 15 and combat 15 to enter)\n\nWhat new stuff are we able to get?\n\nThere will be new collections and rare drops available. Players can explore them through out the moon/moonbase.\nMobs:\n\nMutated bacteria\nThe people brought them here, but left them behind... something weird happened to them!\nThey became mutated and are very big. If you kill one it will split up into 2 if you kill those 2 bacteria, they will also split up. if you kill 1 you have to kill the splitted of the splitted to get drops\nThey will drop bacteria which will be a new collection. I'm still working on the collections and rare drops.\n\nThe Crawler\nThe crawler will be a new mob on the moon which lives in holes. this mob is not hostile but you can kill them for loot.\nYou can find them in holes on the moon. you can't go in the holes so you have to wait untill they stick out their head and slay them. If you dont have telekinesis you have a hard time collecting their loot because they will fall into the hole and you cant get them.\nThey will drop drills that will have a new collection. Wait Drills? Yes drills, they have drills to move underground.\nthey will have some new rare drops as well.\n\nBonkoscor\nThis terrifying monster is the reason that the humans left the base. This mob is a great predator and if it will spot you it will charge you. if you get hit by this charge you will take the half of your health as damage ignoring your defense. but you can easily evade this charge so keep watching in each direction.\nThis mob is the main reason why the moonbase is deystroyed.\nThey will drop a charged heart which will also be an collection.\nthe same here it will have rare drops as well\n\nThis are all the mobs maybe there will be added some new ones later.\n\nWhat does the moonbase look like?\n\nThe moonbase had 5 different parts.\nThis are all the parts:\n\nThe greenhouse\n\nPlants need water oxygen and sunlight to grow. right...?\nHere is an sentence of a diary of one of the human who where here.\nwe brought plants to look if we can create forest and other stuff on the moon. we found one plant that looked like he could survive the moon. Its is very strange because it needs no water and no oxygen...\nThere will be an new NPC that will sell tools to harvest this plant. In the new collection of this plant is also an minion but how will it grow this plant on earth or is there something else...\n\nThe living quartes\n\nSleeping with a view on earth...\nThis is were the Crew of the base sleep, eat, have fun and take a bath. In the sleeproom there is a dome where you can look up to look at the earth. The kitchen is the place where you talk to other people and have a delicious food. The bathrooms is to clean up. and there is also an arcade room for the lazy people with a break...\nAs a player you will be able to explore all the rooms and find diary's and read the story of the people. in your skyblock menu in the collection tab there will be an tab where you store all your story are. You can acces these storys everywhere!\n\nThe lab\n\nIn the lab the bacteria infested. you can find other story's from the scientist's. but be careful when reading because you can be biten in your back by an mutated bacteria. you can learn what all scientist's where doing with test and the bacteria they brought. you can even learn why the bacteria mutated.\nThe story will also be in the Story collection.\n\nThe transpory bay\n\nThis is were the human have their machines. The machines were a very important part of the base. In the transport bay there were machines that gathered materials for the people so that they dont have to go out themselves. there is also an place where the weekly food suplies came in. \nIn the moonsteel collection is an recipe that's called the moon explorer. This is the place where you can place them they will gather the materials for you.\nHere there will be an NPC called the Moon-miner. further information in the NPC tab.\n\nThe launchplatform\n\nOnce an crew member is getting homesick he can escape with the rockets that are parked here. this is also place where you can left the place. for a fun extra i thought it would be funny if that you wOnceill fall on to your spawnlocation on your island. This place has further no use.\nit looks nice or something... idk\n\nWhat new ores will we be able to find here?\n\nHere is a list:\n\nMoonstone\nvery common material you find this almost everywhere.\n\nMoonsteel\nRare rough material. you will need an Moon furnace to smelt.\n\nLindzen\nThis is also a rare material this is needed for the Moon furnace to smelt stuff.\n\nHasgar\nVery rare material But very powerful. Need a Shaper to make it a finer use able material.\n\nCrystal Core\nIt is not a hard to find material but it is protected by multiple Bonkoscor. You will need an Power extractor to extracts it power.\n\nBlitzor\nRare material you will need this for your Power generator.\n\n(maybe later i will add more i will just edit it in this thread)\n\nMoon explorers\nthis is an interesting new feature. Let me explain what moon explorers are. Moonexplorers will be in every ore/stone collection from the moon. You can craft them. im not sure what the recipe will be or what you will need to craft will be. You will be able to use them in the Transport bay. Once u are there there will be an control pannel. Here you can see the power of your moon explorers, The level, Which ore and the inventory. Because the moonexplorers will go out and mine moon ores for you. this depends on which ore you have place them. you have 2 slots for moon explorer (this can go up if i add more ores) the speed depends on how rare the ore is and its level. The storage of the explorers are basicly unlimited. But the power of the moonexplorers is limited. once the power is empty it will will return. and you have to charge it. so its not that if you are 28 hours away it will be collecting all 28 hours. You can charge them by taking an charger which is full of energy and put it in the moon explorer if its empty go to your Power generator and fill it.\n\nMachinery\nThere will be some new machine that you can place on your Personal moon.\n\nPower generator\nthis will provides power for the all of your machines. it needs Blitzor to run.\n\nCables\nthis will go from the power generator to the other machines to deliver power.\n\nMoon furnace\nCan smelt ores. Wait smelt ores? lol just use a furnace. no not really moon ores cant be smelted in normal furnaces. You will need Lindzen as fuel.\n\nPower extractor\nThis used to extract the power out of Crystal Core fragments it only uses power to work no fuel needed. The pure power out of the crystal is very usefull for creating weapons/armor.\n\nOxygen generator\nThis will provide oxygen on your Personal moon.\n\nPersonal moon\nThis is a new feature that i personally like the most. A personal moon is an expansion of your personal island not really an expansion but u can access it once you reached Moonstone collection VIII on your personal moon you will be able to build the machinery from above. you will be able to build everything you want on the personal moon. my idea was that is is looking like a small moon. also if you want the moonplant minion you can place that here. It is much smaller than your island but still enough space to fit several things in it. But there is one problem this is also a moon which means no oxygen luckily there is the machine from above the oxygen generator. If you placed this down you will be able to breath everywhere on the personal moon.\n\nSupport\nThanks for reading this far! I would really appreciate it you could leave a reply about what you think you can also leave a reaction because I want to get of this stupid new member rank :/ It took me some time to make and im not even finished yet.\nBelow here i will add a link to a new thread that will include: NPC's, collections and rare drops.\nNot done yet \nBelow here i will add a link to thread for buildings and NPC skins.\nNot done yet \nor just leave a pog in the replies so this message keeps staying high in the forums.\nI will als put this in my signature.\nThanks!"}, {"title": "How I Level up combat fast", "body": "Title."}, {"title": "Friend can't click on trade button and stashed away item \"click here\" button but can click other \"click here\" buttons", "body": "So my friend just got minecraft and started playing hypixel skyblock but isn't able to click on the trade button and the \"you have 1 item stashed away click here to claim it\" button but when the server is about to reboot he can click on the button to get out?"}, {"title": "irl trader?", "body": " \n\ngo onto that persons auctions and sort from high to low make sure u change it to auctions not purchases"}, {"title": "10M AN HOUR EXPLOIT (CLICKBAIT)", "body": "I said it was click bait nerds"}, {"title": "[Ranking] I ranked the Dungeon Boss Fights", "body": "[!] I personelly done only to F3, so F4 is just what I seen on YT abd what I think about it [!]\n\nPlace 4: The Scraf Boss Fight (F2)\n\nI personally got bored after the 50 times killing this Boss, because its not really special it just fighting \"Teaming Minibosses\" that represend every class.\n\n\nPlace 3: The Bonzo Boss Fight (F1)\n\nThis Boss Fight is in my opinion the easist and also the fastest, he don't use really a melee attacks indstead he use often his \"dangerous\" ballons to attack the player. I personally like this desin for beginers and throw the easy part of this fight you have fun and get easy to catacomben lvl 10 in a few days\n\n\nPlace 2: The Thorn Boss Fight (F4)\n\nI saw it as a chaotic fight where nobody has a really controll. Is amazing, because something like this don't really exitst (only in F4) right now and its a interesting thought that you fight against the soul of the animals that you killed for money and collections. Also its the first floor with fairys in the boss fight, what gives the player a additional chance to revive himself, also that is the 2nd special themed Boss Fight (First is the Bonzo Fight (theme is clown)),where we get the ghost theme.\n\n\nPlace 1: The Professeur Boss Fight\n\nThis fight is even more creative, the thought that a Professeur that revange his students is amazing (Did you guy know a Teacher in Real Life that would do the same? Revange his Students?) Also that he experiment with guardien power pretty awesome to see. The hole fight makes it stressfull when you need to take down all 4 guardiens, when they revevive every 10s. Personally is the fight desin and lore very creative.\nOnly negative point it take sometimes a while to take him down\n\n\n\nSo are you guys fine with this Ranking or are you guys thinking that the Boss Fight should have a other Ranking?"}, {"title": "Floor 4 is litterally just testing your computer", "body": "I have a decent pc and it was just slightly laggier but my friend who didn\u2019t have a good pc got like 0 frames so he just camped on balcony. He usually gets a lot more so it\u2019s just the boss. \n\nTldr: better pc = wins = Hypixel is p2w plz fix or I\u2019ll sue"}, {"title": "I lagged out of a lobby while bidding on ah and duped my money", "body": "I only spent 100k give or take a few thousand but this was completely unintentional. IGN: griffink58 if any mods or admins wanna take away a 100k bc I don't wanna get banned lol. I figured I'd make a post in case a mod saw that I had duped coins but I honestly didn't do this on purpose nor do I understand how I'd be able to plan this."}, {"title": "Healer", "body": "Any recommendations for a good healer set?"}, {"title": "Igniter Talisman (Revisited)", "body": "This new Talisman would give the healing from the campfire badge without having to be on fire. The purpose of this would be so you could constantly get the healing effect from the campfire badge without having to walk into fire or lava.\n\nThis talisman would be unlocked in the netherrack collection at collection 5 using new enchanted netherrack which would be unlocked at collection 4.\n\nThe Igniter Talisman would cost 4 1/2 stacks of enchanted netherrack and would be a rare talisman.\n\n(feedback is appreciated)"}, {"title": "Full New Year Cake Bag price?", "body": "I want to get every talisman but I don't know how much a full new year cake bag is can you help me?"}, {"title": "[Suggestion] Minion \"Managers\"", "body": "Minion \"Manager\" - It is like a minion, but instead of generating resources, right clicking it opens an interface that can access the inventories of every minion on the island. As oppose to tools/weapons in its hands, it holds a book and quill.\nMaybe he could also display a selected minion coordinates and highlight it in the world so you know what minion is where.\n\n[edit] The minion \"manager\" could have its own inventory where you select on a already placed minion and swap it with a minion that the \"manager\" has stored. Upgrades, fuel, and storage chests would transfer to the new minion. This would make swapping minions a lot easier. But since fuel sources would usually be destroyed, perhaps that could be an extremely rare upgrade for the manager itself.\n[/edit]\n\nAs for getting it, I was thinking it would be cute if he came out in the dungeons update. You find a little guy huddled in a corner. Scared and lost. You find him and help him out of the dungeon and as thanks, he stays behinds on your island and \"manages\" your minions."}, {"title": "Banned for Schematica", "body": "I was recently banned on Hypixel for 180 days for \"Disallowed Modifications\". I would like to argue my case and hopefully get this resolved. The mod I was using was \"Schematica\" which is a mod that allows you to preview builds as a blueprint so you copy structures easily across worlds or servers. It also has a \"printer\" function that lets you place blocks automatically which greatly decreases the time it takes to build the schematic.\n\nWhether or not the mod is allowed clearly falls under Rule 2: Cheating and Exploiting. I don't think anyone would feel disrespected (#1) if someone used Schematica Mod; following \"sensible creative and artistic content\" (#3) is a whole different issue than whether or not the mod is allowed (what you build and how you build it are two different things); and unless Schematica Mod is a virus it won't jeopardize player and account safety (#4).\n\nSo what criteria does Hypixel have for saying something is an unfair advantage? Well, according to the rules, it must be at least one of the following:\n\n- encouraging cheating\n- an exploit\n- an autoclick / macro\n- an incident of cross teaming in solo games\n- an incident of team griefing\n- a disallowed mod\n- an incident of stats boosting\n\nSchematica Itself\nAccording to the rules page, the reason Hypixel has a rule against cheating and exploiting is:\n\n\n\n\"To provide a positive in-game experience for all players and is to ensure that hacks, cheats, macros and other behaviors are not used to gain an unfair advantage.\"\n\nClick to expand...\n\nThe last part of this could be taken two ways. #1: it could mean that hacks, cheats and macros and other behaviors are not used specifically to gain an unfair advantage. If this is true, then Schematica would seem allowed, because even if it is assumed to be a hack, cheat, macro or other behavior, it would not be used specifically to gain an unfair advantage (it would be used to build a house on your Skyblock island). #2: it could mean that hacks, cheats and macros and other behaviors are not used at all (with \"to gain an unfair advantage\" being implied). If this is true, then we have to prove that Schematica is not a \"disallowed behavior\".\n\nAccording to the section entitled \"What Mods are allowed?\", aesthetic modifications are allowed. Is Schematica an aesthetic modification? Well, the \"Guide to Allowed Modifications\" says that an aesthetic modification is one that:\n\n- changes only the look and feel of the game\n- does NOT modify gameplay\n- does NOT change the properties of blocks\n- does NOT change the player's perspective\n\nSchematica ticks all of these boxes.\n\nAdditionally, several Youtube rank players have used Schematica in videos and not gotten banned (even though those videos reached 3M+ views).\n\nThe case for \"use at your own risk\"\n\nIt's a bit of a loose cannon when it comes to mods. With Optifine, 5zig, etc., Hypixel can be pretty sure that someone isn't hacking. Although it may not be a disallowed mod as of itself, it could be used for disallowed things. Also, the people who want to use it for an allowed purpose may be confused about what constitutes an unfair advantage.\n\nFor instance, does using Schematica to build a gigantic AFK cactus farm constitute an unfair advantage because you could see where to place the blocks faster, thereby speeding up the building process and being unfair to players who play on vanilla? It's a grey area. However, does using Schematica to build a small house constitute an unfair advantage? Likely not. So where does it become disallowed?\n\nHypixel's guide to allowed modifications has a rule of thumb about this:\n\n\n\n\"a general rule of thumb is that any modification which provides any significant advantage to the players using them will be against our rules\"\n\nClick to expand...\n\nSo what is a \"significant\" advantage? There doesn't seem to be a one-size-fits-all answer. The described modification categories were listed above on the page; Schematica most clearly fits into \"aesthetic modifications\". Therefor it should not be punishable as outlined in the Hypixel rules."}, {"title": "test", "body": "test"}, {"title": "no", "body": "no"}, {"title": "Who else just collects minions and does something else or logs off", "body": "Who just collects the money from your minion and logs off? I certainly do that"}, {"title": "(Bug/Question) Ophelia's New Shop Items", "body": "Hi all.\nI am unable to see Ophelia's new shoppe items. I have tried both areas where Ophelia's shoppe is spawned, but neither present me with the ability to buy the new items or even view them.\nHere's a screenshot.\n\nWhy is this? Is there something I am doing wrong?\nThanks,"}, {"title": "Are my ideas good?", "body": "they dont getto much traction and ill would like to learn if they are good"}, {"title": "What is the new purple flower weapon that seems to be for mages? ;-;", "body": "title, im really confused ;p"}, {"title": "spirit spcethehthehew thing or dreadlord", "body": "tell"}, {"title": "Skybock.", "body": "Do People still play this game?"}, {"title": "[Free Money] The person with the last reply gets 1 coins", "body": "whoever replies last get 1 whole coin (I know I being generous here)\n\nthe last post has to be up for 10 whole minutes"}, {"title": "Mage Nerf was too Strong.", "body": "titl."}, {"title": "any1 else notice this?", "body": "Is it just me or does the dark oak minion have a resemblance to BadBoyHalo?"}, {"title": "Is the jjuu uujb alow?", "body": "I nd the tbbbin alow? \n\nthe jbuzz"}, {"title": "What are Alch. 50 godsplashes?", "body": "[title]"}, {"title": "stop making \"stop making \"stop making \"stop making\" last to reply gets funny number coins", "body": "on a serious note, its disappointing to see that there are literally 21 pages to swap_mc's post.\ncan you even call it a forum game at that point? \npersonally, i feel like its a way to postfarm"}, {"title": "Tab for Reaquiring Lost Quest Items", "body": "This thread will be short. I simply want a way to access a tab or menu to regrab any lost items for quests like the Ring of Love, Cat Talisman, Campfire Badge, etc. \n\nIf you lose a quest item, you simply go into the Skyblock menu, Quest Log, and there will be a new thing to click on that shows all the quest items you have unlocked with repay fees to them, (preferrably to reaquire a quest item, the fees for them are low).\n\nWhat do you guys think?"}, {"title": "Describe your funniest moments in skyblock", "body": "My funniest moment of today:\n[In the end]\nNon: man these endermen are so hard to kill (talking about the lvl 45ones)\n*gets killed like 100000 times by enderman*\n[10 minutes later]\nGuy: I\u2019ve killed 3k no eye\nNon: I can give you one\nGuy: Really?\nNon: yeah. This one guy dropped a ton. Meet at start (they meant spawn)\n(the non was talking about ender pearls)\n*slaps forehead*\n*slaps forehead x2*\noh and also the non didnt even have hardened diamond"}, {"title": "1uhh's idea #2: new pets! (HYDRA PET)", "body": "i know their is a ton of pets and this ones might not be nessecary, but i want to imagine some new pets that maybe are able to get into the game, here they are!\n\nHydra Pet ( 0.3+ per level\ncombat-fishing pet \nthis pet is obtainable while fishing, it is a 0.2.5% chance to get in the water (0.25x more rarer in uncommon, 0.5 in rare, 3x in epic, and 6x in legendary)\nthis is doubled while wearing the hydra head.\n\nCommon lvl 100 - 30% crit dmg, 15% crit chance -10% def (UNCHANGABLE, WILL ALWAYS BE -10% DEF) | Abilitys: The closer to water, the better the stats get (1 block to 40 blocks, maxes up to 2x, (also the closer to water the less it changes defence (9-3)))\nUncommon Lvl 100 - 30% crit dmg, 15% crit chance -10& defense (NEW STAT) 30% attack speed. (NEW ABILITY) : Riptide Whirlwhind: can randomly (50-5) double ALL damage.\nRare - Lvl 100 - 30% crit dmg, 15% crit chance -10% defense 30% attack speed. (NEW ABILITY) Fish god: fishing speed is doubled by 0.3x and 0.3x to get a rare catch.\nEpic - Lvl 100 - 30% crit dmg, 15% crit chance -10% defense 30% attack speed (NEW STAT) 60% speed. (NEW ABILITY) Lightning Waterfall - can randomly strike thunder that deals 4000dmg, this stat is quintipled with unstable.\nLegendary - lvl 100 - 30% crit dmg, 15% crit chance -10% defense 30% attack speed 60% speed, (NEW ABILITY) Lightspeed Aurora - changes speed cap to 550%\n\nThis is a pet for new players, such as players with unstable, showed with the ability with epic, you prob wont see endgame players using it, though zeleot farmers would be dreading for the legendary pet ability\n\nAGAIN I HAVE STUFF TO DO LMAO I CANT RITE MORE I WILL LATER THOUGHT!!!\n\nPls bump this thread to keep it alive!!!"}, {"title": "How much are tier 11 snow minions?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "How do I delete this my friend made this", "body": "HEY GUYS BID ON MY EPIC GAMer tools they do so much DAMAGE"}, {"title": "Remove that new capture system bruh", "body": "I hate this system so much, when i was playing dungeon, if that capture happened to you, it will got stack with the dungeon map, you wont know what number you need to type, and you cant move. Good JOB"}, {"title": "Dungeons", "body": "Why do you need a party to play dungeons? I have no friends..."}, {"title": "Is Mage Still good", "body": "Is mage still good or is it garbage"}, {"title": "what tailmens should i get?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "unstable armor is the most cost-effective dragon armor.", "body": "DISCLAIMER: I am talking about cost-effectiveness, or the highest dmg/cost ratio. also i am only including DRAGON ARMORS, not any other stuff\n\nthe dmg is only slightly less than strong but if youre lucky you can get a full set for 400-500k, while strong is several million coins\n\nsup is way too low, the high cost of being around 50x as expensive as unstable just knocks it off the list\n\nholy, protector, young, and old each do not give dmg buffs, so they can be ignored\n\nwise: magic damage was nerfed and weapons are too expensive (or rather, the best weapons were nerfed. also most good magic weapons cost more than an aotd)"}, {"title": "NEW DUCK GUILD", "body": "Brand new duck guild [duck club] /g join tege20\ndiscord:\nrequirements: duck skin\nhave fun!"}, {"title": "Can somebody clarify why", "body": "So basically like 3 days ago I made a fake update post thing. Not because of that competition thing (that happened after), but because I thought it would be fun. So I make my own post (keep in mind the format is exactly like the current ones). Within 30 seconds of making the post, I get banned for \u201cimpersonating an admin\u201d, referring to the post I had just made.\n\nI\u2019m seeing other fake update thing posts stay up and not get removed, so why did I get banned?"}, {"title": "Questions About Profile Boosting", "body": "Can you transfer items between profiles without making the profile specifically to boost the other one?\nCan you transfer items between profiles then delete the profile you had the items on before?\nDo your co-op members get banned if you profile boost?"}, {"title": "Mage needs a buff (was buffed a little bit so i dont care now)", "body": "In the F4 update hypixel nerfed the mage class ALOT, and I mean so much that it went from best class to the worst class in the game I'm not saying that it needs to go back to how it was but I mean like, I was regenerating 17 mana when my max mana was 4.1k mana I am aware of hitting players to get more mana but then outside of dungeons is a problem aswell not just that but although we can hit players to get more mana it still makes mage probably the worst class by a long shot, well imma prepare for the hate comments ok bye"}, {"title": "[Forum Game] Last person to respond gets 0 coins", "body": "If you are the last post within 1 hour you win 0 coins.\n\ngo"}, {"title": "last person to reply to the thread gets 2 irl lollipops", "body": "put ur ign in below to enter"}, {"title": "Please stop making \"last person to reply\" threads", "body": "No one will ever stop replying. you're making a useless post that will forever keep on being bumped."}, {"title": "If you click this post...", "body": "You have to give me 5 million coins!\nTROLLED TROLLED HAHA XD XD XD *TROLLFACE* LOL LOL NOOB NOOB NOT POSTFARM XD"}, {"title": "skele master vs adaptive for archer?", "body": "Especially for higher floors and beyond(?) what would be the better choice"}, {"title": "Imagine getting scammed from a YouTuber", "body": "@TommyInnit"}, {"title": "Reviewing the Spirit Sceptre", "body": "Hi, I'm here to explain the Spirit Sceptre and how it works. The ability is kind of misleading, since the bat is not really guided. However, the AOE is INSANE.\nIf you are fighting a single enemy, it is worse than a bonzo staff pre-nerf. However, if you are in a room full of monsters, you can do more than 5 million damage per second. In the Thorn bossfight, it's easy to do hundreds of millions of damage. I believe it's worth it, but don't sell your other mage weapons to get it just because frozen scythe can be better at times and costs less mana.\n\ntldr: bruh just read the post, its like 5 sentences"}, {"title": "Looking for a mid-late game guild", "body": "ign: Iindaleko\narmour: Strong Drag\nweapon: raiders axe (working on thick tact)\ncan 1 shot zealots\nrev 4 wolf 4 tara 3\navg skill: 16.75\nim kinda poor rn\ndiscord: iindaleko#3976\nIm on everyday from 7-8 est and 4-5:30 est\nHypixel lvl 49\nMVP+"}, {"title": "ThE lAsT pErSoN tO rEpLy To ThIs ThReAd GeTs 5 mIlLiOn CoInS", "body": "now that u clicked on this, lets talk about this issue on forums:\nppl started this yesterday (i believe) to farm replies and flooding page 1 on the forums. their rules are like 3 hours and no other replies then if ur reply is last reply then u win.\nnew ppl are always gonna keep replying to have a chance of winning the coins which will create an infinite reply farm.\nsmh i cant believe that many ppl fell for those threads\nand ofc im not doing the 5m thing, the title is just there to get ur attention"}, {"title": "question", "body": "which enchants effect magic dmg?"}, {"title": "I Have An Awful Feeling That The Deserted Tomb Forum Post Is Going To Win Swap_MC\u2019s Competition", "body": "So as you may or may not know, @Swap_MC is hosting a competition for a HUGE cash prize. At the same time, there are a bunch of forum members working on this huge post. If they use the deserted tomb as their entry, then every single other option is screwed. For example, not to be bias, but i think i make good suggestion posts. in another swap_mc competition, i got first place with my suggestion. i was planning on getting another first place but if the deserted tomb members work fast enough they\u2019ll win by a landslide!"}, {"title": "How many snow minions do you need for them to be really good for money?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "petition to make the reaction buttons bigger", "body": "i swear whenever i see something that deserves a hype train, i always dislike! this is an abomination! this needs to be changed! i can't be wasting my dislikes on cool things! i need to save them for dumb post farmers! this is a disgrace and this needs to be changed!!!!"}, {"title": "will i get banned if i help a friend transfer items", "body": "title\n\nhe wants to move to a new profile and wants me to move his stuff but im worried about these new profile boosting rules"}, {"title": "Who\u2019s the Most Popular (Small) Youtuber?", "body": "With recent posts coming up asking, \u201cwho\u2019s the best youtuber?\u201d i was curious who the best SMALL youtuber is, or someone without Yt rank. Here are all the ones i could think of!"}, {"title": "Actually, last person to reply gets -1.5m!", "body": "If you win, your bank account gets negative 1.5million coins!\nanyway start!"}, {"title": "testing sorry ignore", "body": "a"}, {"title": "last person to reply gets 6 coins", "body": "lol baited."}, {"title": "anyone got a dungeon party i can join", "body": "hey anyone got a dungeon party I can join?\nI'm berserker lv12\ncatacombs lv13\navg skill level 22.5\navg slayer lv 5.4\nI got spiked adaptive armor 4/5 starred\n5-star fabled adaptive blade\nalso don't suck and say I can join your party so I can carry you. looking for party's that are in f3/f4"}, {"title": "Is dungeons useful?", "body": "How does dungeons reward you in the rest of skyblock?\n\nCould not they add useful things in the skills or somethin?\n\nSomething like:\n\nHealer: +0.1 health regen/lv\n\nMage: +1 int/lv\n\nBerserk: +0.5 strenght/lv\n\nArcher: +0.5 crit dam/lv\n\nTank: +1 def/lv"}, {"title": "@everyone", "body": "dislike the last to reply posts, they are clear reaction / post / reply farms.\nexcept mine, of course"}, {"title": "[Contest Entry] UPDATE - Cooking, Quests, Major Fishing Update, and more!", "body": "[Quests, Fishing, and Cooking, and QoL]\n\nHello! This is an entry for a forum post update contest. This is not real. I am not an admin. Also, please DO NOT steal my ideas.\n\nA new update has been released! Here are the main topics:\n\nNew \u2018Quest\u2019 Mechanic\nA Small Fishing Update\nA new skill, Cooking\nSome minor bugfixes and additions\n\nQUESTS\nA new mechanic, introducing mostly minor tasks players may complete to gain recipes and bonuses to new items.\n\nQuests will range from easy to hard. Mid-late game players should be able to complete most of them, given much time. A few quests will require larger sums of money or skill.\nSome are extensive, multi-stepped quests, sometimes involving new NPCs.\n\nFISHING\nA major change to fishing, in hopes of making it slightly less boring. In the end though, it\u2019s still fishing, and is still a long grind.\n\nFishing exp will be increased 20%.\nDecreased fishing time by 15%.\nA few new mobs will be added, including mobs that require more skill to properly handle.\nA new weapon to fight against fishing mobs.\nA fancy new rod.\nA new \u2018friendly mob\u2019 mechanic, that give small temporary boosts to fishing. These Friendly Mobs circle around your head like pets. Their abilities stack.\n\nCOOKING\nHere\u2019s yet another new skill! This one is in the style of alchemy, but hopefully more interesting and less of a \u2018spend millions for useless ingredients to get lvl 50\u2019.\n\nIntroduces Foods, which can be consumed for various stat boosts.\nIntroduces a cooking table. Works the same as a crafting table, but for crafting Foods.\nRecipes for Foods will be placed all over collections, and a few in other places. Some recipes do not need to be unlocked.\nCooking will give roughly 10 pet luck and magic find at level 50.\nA few items have been changed to \u2018Food Items\u2019, such as golden apples, and regular apples, and potatoes, as they are edible. Items like pet food and enchanted cake are NOT Food Items.\nOnly 5 Foods can be consumed every 10 min, each taking up an imaginary 'slot'. Each food a player eats starts the timer for that \u2018slot\u2019, so you can stagger your use of the 5 Foods effectively if you so choose.\n\nQoL\n\nAdded an upgrade to the Maddox Batphone, removing its cooldown and making the slayer starting price cheaper by 5%.\nAH and BIN confirmation screen has been added. This can be disabled.\nAn unlockable Rune Bag, in the ender pearl collection.\nFixed Dungeon queue problems. \nRemoved the Dragon Claw from being dropped by Superior Dragons.\nThank you for taking the time to read! The full patch details will be released shortly, and a link to that post will be put here when it releases.\n\n\nPlease leave your opinion on these changes, and we will listen and take in any criticism with care."}, {"title": "why devs just why", "body": "why tf did you make the obi defenders attack"}, {"title": "How to turn on the bank API?", "body": "I know it's a dum dum question, but I can't find it in my settings. Anyone can help me pls?"}, {"title": "Should I sell my pigman sword", "body": "I don\u2019t really need it so I\u2019m wondering if I should sell it\n\nAlso I got the sword a long time ago for 10 mil so I wouldn\u2019t be losing much if I sold it\nBut on the other hand the admins may re-buff pigman sword because it was absolutely destroyed\n\nIdk what to do"}, {"title": "Perfect reaper mask or adaptive reaper mask or just adaptive", "body": "whats the best tank mage setup"}, {"title": "[idea] Buff the Aspect Of The Jerry Ability", "body": "We need to buff the Aspect Of The Jerry Ability, 5 seconds is wayyy to long. 1 or 2 seconds would be way better. With the recent mage nerfs, it is only fitting that they get a decent mage weapon (the aotj) to be completely op and destroy thorn in a few hits.\n\ndisclaimer: This is not a joke post and is an actual idea, i hope the admins listen and buff the aotj"}, {"title": "Best Dragon Armor for the COST", "body": "So yesterday I made a joke thread. This one is real tho.\n\nCOST OF DRAGON ARMORS (cheapest - expensive):\nOld: ~624K\nProtector: ~748K\nUnstable: ~811K\nHoly: ~1.2mil\nYoung: ~2.3mil\nWise: ~2.6mil\nStrong: ~3.8mil\nSuperior: ~64.59mil\n\nThis was tested on the first of August in 2020 at 9:45-9:53am. Lets see to how these sets stack up against each other.\n\n8 - Young Dragon Armor\nI do still think this dragon armor is the worst, with sub-par cost and multiple sets which are better than it (without another set, you can only go @~250% speed, not including pets). The benefits are that you don't have to get arthritis from clicking the Rouge Sword, and if paired with Crystal Armor, you can get 500% speed, but you still have to buy crystal for that to work.\n\n7 - Holy Dragon Armor\nThis isn't a Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. Holy Dragon Armor is here because it costs more than Old and Protector, and the Natural Regen is a bad perk when compared to any other dragon armor.\n\n6 - Superior Dragon Armor\nThis set costs alot, and for good reason, and that is because superior can do pretty much anything that other sets can, like it can be a tank, mage, berzerker, healer, and archer, which are all of the classes in dungeons! The downside is that you can get any other dragon armor and focus one class to become better than Superior. The only exception I could see is if you used Strong instead of Superior, you would have less Defence and CD/CC for a berzerker, which are all important.\n\n5 - Wise Dragon Armor\nEven though I think this set is good, especially considering it has the same Effective Mana as Crystal and its less time to regen, but what do I know. The set costs 2.6 million, and the majority of you say its bad, so I'm gonnaput it above superior because it has a reasonable cost. and also to make you five 12 year olds rage uwu\n\n4 - Strong Dragon Armor\nThe fact is that Strong costs almost 4 million coins, and Unstable is still a good budget option for those who don't need that. Before the reforge patch, I also found that a user who reforged both pieces to godly was dealing 31K with strong and 26k with Unstable, and even though that is a 5K damage increase, I can't put unstable below strong, as it costs 4x less... ok I just used a calculator and this is wrong its actually 4.6x.\n\n3 - Protector Dragon Armor\nThese last sets don't even cost a million, and i'm sorry for those who think this is a bait. Protector is a good budget Tank set, and the best out of the Dragon armors, but its only a slight advantage, so I have to give #2 to\n\n2 - Old Dragon Armor\nThis set costs 100K less and has the potential to have almost equal EHP to Protector, so I give it #2.\n\n1 - Unstable Dragon Armor\nThis set is still just ~5k damage away from being Strong Armor, its cheap, it allows you to switch off of that CC reforge, and it even gives you 25 mana for sticky situations. This set is great for its cost, b/c it doesn't cost a million due to the lost adventurers, and the set was always considered to be an option for damage in every meta, and that is why it is #1. Btw if you read the poll right it says COST the least, not which one is the BEST.\n\nEDITS:\nYoung Dragon Armor is now above Superior Armor.\nWise Dragon Armor is Now Above Protector\nStrong is now above Protector\n8 - Holy\n7 - Superior\n6 - Young\n5 - Protector\n4 -Old\n3- Strong\n2 - Wise\n1 - Unstable\n\nOpinion Update\n\nNEW LIST BASED OFF OF EVERYONES OPINIONS:\n8. Holy Dragon Armor\nSee first post. Click on the 1.\n\n7. Old Dragon Armor\nNobody cares about old dragon armor. BOOMER COST TOO LITTLE!\n\n6. Protector Dragon Armor\nNobody cares about Protector Dragon armor. NORMIE COSTS TOO LITTLE!\n\nThat was the terrible and bad, TL;DR somehow nobody cares about tank sets.\n\n5. Unstable\nApparently a damage dealing set for 800K is something no one cares about, but damage is still good\n\n4. Young\nYou get 500% speed if you love to spend money on god pots because everyone decides that God Pots are included on this list now so why the **** not.\n\n3. Strong\nYou get good damage with Tara.\n\n2. Superior\nWTF THIS SET COSTS 64 MILLION COINS AND MOST OTHER SETS OUTSHINE IT IN ONE ASPECT WHY IS THIS HERE. Well its because every non said \"superior good\"\n\n1. Wise\nWTF I SAID THIS WAS #1 BUT EVERYONE TOLD ME TO GO JUMP IN A RIVER BUT APPARENTLY EVERYONE LOVES IT???????\n\nHEY LOOK AT THAT! ITS MY OLD SHITPOST LIST WHERE #1 WAS SUPER MARIO BROTHERS 2! WTF HYPIXEL FOURMS"}, {"title": "Pls i need advice", "body": "Sooo i bought a 18 HPB raider axe for 400k but it had some enchants so i though i would just add a god book buttt the axe had 5 anvil use so when i tried to add the god book it costed like 230 xp i need help bcs 1 grand xp gives me 1 level and im at 135 xp lvl pls i need helpppppp"}, {"title": "Dungeon Armor for Berserker or Tank", "body": "Hey,\nare there Good armor for dungeons, wich are in the price of 10m and are also Good for damage and defense? Except strong dragon armor\n\nAnother question. Are the specials of an adaptive armor for one each( So for berserker 20 strenght on every armor or 20 strenght for the wholw armor?)"}, {"title": "Just got my first 100m!! what I do now?", "body": "Just got my first 100m!! what I do now?"}, {"title": "Dungeon armor", "body": "Hey,\nare there Good armor for dungeons, wich are in the price of 10m and are also Good for damage and defense? Except strong dragon armor\n\nAnother question. Are the specials of an adaptive armor for one each( So for berserker 20 strenght on every armor or 20 strenght for the wholw armor?)"}, {"title": "Talisman Reforges", "body": "So i was wondering, which is better? Is more strength, a balanced loadout, or more crit damage better? I want more damage but I'm not sure which one is better"}, {"title": "is silent death best weapon for berserk", "body": "?????"}, {"title": "Sorry", "body": "Sorry didnt knew this is a rule"}, {"title": "If you're quitting, giving away your items is never a good idea", "body": "It's very simple\nIf you're quitting, invest into something that will make you money in the future, like minions, or an item that will increase in value in the future.\nThe worst thing you could do is void your items or give them away.\n\nIf you invest into something that can make you thousands, millions, and even billions in the future, you'll have a lot more money if you were to come back.\nIf you void all your items or give them away, you have nothing if you ever do come back to the game, making you even more demotivated if you do think about coming back. (I know this from experience, I have been playing SkyBlock since July 2019, and I have failed to have a successful, self-sufficient profile. Every time I quit, I deleted my profiles, and now that I'm back to the game, I have to start from scratch)\n\nEven if you think about quitting for good, you have to acknowledge that things may change in the time that you're gone, and if there's a specific reason you quit, then what Hypixel (or who owns Hypixel by then) does to the game may change your mind. Then you wouldn't have any progress if you came back...\nIt's a simple concept, just don't get rid of your stuff..."}, {"title": "Should i put cleave on my hyper cleaver", "body": "ik its kinda a dumb question but ppl on ah dont have it on their cleaver"}, {"title": "whats the best mage weapon?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "why am i so bad at tic tac toe", "body": "i lost it 3 times"}, {"title": "The last reply on this post gets 1 million coins", "body": "The last reply on this post will get 1 million coins. To be classified as the last reply it must have been the last one for 6 hours, DM me if you get it. The winner will also have the option to donate it to new players at spawn or for me to repost with a prize of 2 million. GL everyone!\nEdit: Just to classify I did steal this idea from jessse_ - I\u2019m sorry - but I thought it was a good idea.\nWon by truecallawayx16"}, {"title": "What is the item cooldown reduction at mage lvl 50 (or max lvl)?", "body": "Just wondering what it is..\n\nto see how good a pigman can get again"}, {"title": "How much is worth a smite VI book", "body": "Well I just got a smite 6 book from revs and I was wondering for how much dose it sell for and if any1 wanna buy it?"}, {"title": "dungeons", "body": "If the admins would be nice enough to add a rejoin msg if you get disconnected whiles in a dungeon run so you can rejoin back the game you were in, i know that you can just p warp people in but 90% of the time the party leader are either dead and disbanded the party or they are afk, so it would be nice if theres a rejoin msg"}, {"title": "Please Fix Blaze Pet In Dungeons", "body": "I know there have been other people who have already posted about this but it's already been a month since dungeons officially came out and this was also a problem in the alpha network. I just wanna post this myself to add attention to this bug. Even though the admins probably already know of it\n\nPretty much whenever you die with blaze pet, level it up, switch to it, or switch off of it in dungeons your map will break and it will be blank for the rest of the game. This is very annoying and makes it super hard to help the team or navigate."}, {"title": "how do i level up catacombs level quick", "body": "title"}, {"title": "How about buffing magic damage a bit instead of", "body": "Instead of increasing mana regen and let it be as it is"}, {"title": "Why are ppl mad about mage getting nerfed?", "body": "everyone knew mage was getting nerfed. ppl are saying its bad now just because its not op anymore, which is the whole point of \"balancing\""}, {"title": "Why Floor 4 boss is literal the worst boss design", "body": "apprently the admins think having 36236 enemys on screen = fun and not actual boss Design\n\nExample: actual phases ( not just shoot him 4times and thats it )\n\nPS: I do like floor 4 as a dungeon floor i just hate the boss becuz its literal garbage\n\nlike imagine a phase where the boss comes down and transforms into a diff mob animal type ( like the bear ) w/ its own spell set ( that maybe into 3 or 4 Transition )\n\nthat spawns like 2 guardian that have fairy high hp and deal medium to high dmg\n\nsome base numbers:\n\nx boss transformation 1:\nHP: 4.350M\n\nX boss defender's 1:\nHP: 2.350M\n\nx boss transformation 2:\nHP: 5.2M\n\nx boss Defender's 2:\nHP: 2.65M\n\nsomething like that, that the boss does actual shaman things and not that wohooooo i fly in air weee now shoot me 4x while enemy spam yaaay\n\nedit: ppl that disagree / dislike w/ the reason its fun never saw actual boss design / boss to fun / diffcult fun and not this mess of enemy spam wich is literal the worst boss Design i EVER SAW )"}, {"title": "Mage is still good for me but not for poors", "body": "Don't try to be op when you are poor"}, {"title": "minimum F2 healer gear", "body": "so whats minimum gear and level to not die in floor 2 dungeons? im looking for opinion from someone who actually played healer in F2.i got around 20mil in bank, very wise and crystalised heart, with orante zombie AOTD(have pigman but it got nerfed)and legendary level 66 gellyfish, my health without blessings is around 1000, same with mana\n\nforums formating is weird tho"}, {"title": "My message to complaining mages", "body": "Ok so <@!285777349927108609> | \u0432\u043e\u043b\u043a. \n1. Even though mage was nerfed, it is still extremely good and the best damage class in the gss as me, even with a BONZO STAFF.\n2. Your networth was not ruined since im 100% sure that you earned back the money you spent on your pigman and bonzo, plus OVER 10 MIL MORE MINIMUM\n3. Its common practice to expect op things to get nerfed, you should have expected this to happen and saved up money for floor 4 like everyone else.\n4. Your networth is still more than what it was pre-dungeons, probably over 20-30mil more or even 40mil more considering how much you played.\n5. If ur so mad even though bonzo does as much dps as a player with edrag ur a retard\n\nThis was written to a man on discord by me, but it works here\n@PlebDuck"}, {"title": "Epic dreadlord price?", "body": "Mhm"}, {"title": "Healer bad?", "body": "Does healer class in dungeons get less loot than other classes?"}, {"title": "Good Armor and things for healer", "body": "What should i get for healer class?"}, {"title": "End Stone Sword is the SINGLE BEST tank weapon.", "body": "With the changes to mana end stone sword allows you become INFINITELY tanky. All you need is a high mana armor set and a decent amount of attack speed. If you consume 300 mana with the end stone sword you gain 100% damage reduction for 5 seconds. Assuming you have 4000 mana, you get 45 mana per hit. That requires 7 hits in 5 seconds, which is 1.4 hits per second."}, {"title": "[Suggestion] Make frozen adventurers drop enchanted packed ice", "body": "Frozen adventurers are a pretty big pain to kill, and they drop 1 enchanted ice. Which, although is better than nothing, is actually not that valuable at all. In order to get a full set of unstable armor, you only have to kill like 48 unstable lost adventurers, sure it takes a while, but isn't ridiculous.\nIn order to get a full set of frozen blaze armor you would have to kill 40,960 frozen lost adventurers, which I think is unbalanced."}, {"title": "Appa 2: Electric Boogaloo", "body": "LEVEL ONE HUNDRED\n\nlevel 100 legendary\nforaging pet\n\nAbilities:\n\none with the air\nreduce fall damage by 100%\n\nair bender\nsends a gust of air that does 10x ur mana to enemies\nactivates after 5 hits or kills\n\nYip Yip\nmakes u fly for 100 seconds activate by holding shift then clicking left click\n120-second cooldown\n\nStats:\n50 defense\n100 intelligence\n\nLEVEL ONE:\n\nlevel 1 legendary\nforaging pet\n\nabilities:\n\none with the air\nreduces fall damage by 1%\n\nair bender\nsends a gust of wind that does 1x ur mana to enemies\nactivates after 5 hits or kills\n\nYip Yip\nmakes u fly for 1 second activate by holding shift then clicking\n120-second cooldown\n\n\nstats:\n0 defense\n1 intelligence\n\nhow to get the pet:\nit's achieved thru cutting logs down\n\ncommon 60k wood\nuncommon 120k wood\nrare 250k wood\nepic 500k wood\nlegendary 1m wood"}, {"title": "Few questions : What is end stone geode worth and nope the fish in AH? more+", "body": "also optical lens, i wanna know, i recently got a raider axe, im early game, and i wanna level up it's damage really fast, any idea's for early game?"}, {"title": "Do ultimate enchantments on armor stack?", "body": "So if I got wisdom 5 on all the set I would get 400 mana?"}, {"title": "Good Sword enchants and their collection", "body": "So, I put information together from 2 forum posts, they were both very helpful and I got all the information from them.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: enchant collection unlocks\n\n\n\n guide for books and which collection they are in)\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Every sword enchant\n\n\n\n sword enchant, good and bad, and sorted)\n\n\n definitely look at them if you want other/more info. All credit goes to those posts, this one is just to make it easier to find the enchant and its respective collection\nIn the parenthesis is the level that you can find these enchants with a book. Also, each recipe that you unlock for books is the level before the max.\nExample (I\u2019ll use the first one, Critical): Diamond Collection Level 5 gives you the recipe for Critical IV(4) You can combine two Critical IV books into Critical V(5) The highest level of Critical that you can make.\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\nNote: I Don't know if anyone else has done this, so sorry if I accidentally copy someone or something like that\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\nCritical V (44) Diamond Collection Level 5\nCubism V (44) Pumpkin Collection Level 5\nEnder Slayer V (48) Ender Pearl Collection Level 3\nExecute V (40) Diamond Collection Level 2\nExperience III (24) Lapis Lazuli Collection Level 3\nFirst Strike IV (24) Gravel Collection Level 6\nGiant Killer V (40) Ghast Tear Collection Level 3\nImpaling III (32) Prismarine Shard Collection Level 1\nLethality V (40) Obsidian Collection Level 2\nLuck V (40) Raw Rabbit Collection Level 5\nLife Steal III (36) You get this from when you start, if you don\u2019t see it, it\u2019s a bug.\n\n\nSpoiler: Recipe for Life Steal\n\n\n\n6 Paper and 2 Enchanted Golden Apples 8 Gold blocks and 1 apple (you can get an apple from using a sweet axe, you get the sweet axe from completing a quest from the lumberjack in the hub (Coords: X: -94 | Y: 74 | Z: -39 | )\n\n\nLooting III (28) Gold Collection Level 3\nScavenger III (18)Gold Collection Level 6\nSharpness V (40) Gravel Collection Level 4\nTelekinesis I (1) You can get this from the gold mine at the janitor for 100 coins (Coords: X: -19 | Y: 78 | Z: -325 | )\nVampirism V (40) Ghast Tear Collection Level 5\n----------------------------------------------------------------\nEdit: I reordered the list. (now it's alphabetical instead of jumbled into a random order)\n----------------------------------------------------------------\nThere are no foraging collections on this. all mining, farming, combat and like 1 fishing\n----------------------------------------------------------------"}, {"title": "Thread Title", "body": ""}, {"title": "Is hyper cleaver better than adaptive blade?", "body": "Title. Also, how can I survive better as a serk in 5 star adaptive"}, {"title": "I killed 100 bonzo's and got no staff", "body": "does anyone know why??"}, {"title": "NoT PuBlIC ShAmInG", "body": "This is not PuBlIc ShAmInG alright first of all this guy is dumb enough to scam like 20 people and thinks he wont get banned he is called hundredkey61 and he is scamming I dont have any prove but I'm just saying if your paying for splsahes beware of this guy he uses unstable armor which is quite obvious you can see he is a scammer i didnt pay for his splash but my guild members did so I'm just gonna talk about him."}, {"title": "Aspect of the dragon glitched ?", "body": "I wonder why I'm not getting any mob drops, combat exp using my AOTD's ability? Is it glitched ?\nEdit: nvm It's working again"}, {"title": "[MEGATHREAD] Skyblock's Terribly Broken Progression and how to fix it! (70+ positive reactions!)", "body": "This thread will be a megathread containing all of my ideas, and other peoples ideas as to how to fix and improve skyblock progression and balancing.\nIt is currently fairly small but will be expanded later.\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThis is the first part of my rant, as seen in a post yesterday that I put out.\n\n\n\nHere's the entire post:\n\n\nSpoiler: Entire text\n\n\n\nLet's start by talking about a new players experience. One of the first things most players would do in skyblock, is explore the area to understand where to find resources and NPCs. Normally after exploring a few zones, early game players would now focus on completing quests to help them better understand the game and game mechanics.\nOn the second day of playing, the player has probably leveled their skills to visit different islands. Within a few days of this, they are most likely combat 12 and can visit the end, even though they have little to no gear. The player will most likely grind for money to buy hardened diamond or Ender Armor, as they are good early game. At this point, the excitement of exploration and discovery is all gone, with the rest of the game consisting of grinding for better gear constantly.\n\nLet's talk about money. In order to buy a full set of hardened diamond armor, you need approximately 20k(estimate)\nThat's pretty cheap, and not extremely hard to get for most players.\nBUT, you need Diamond Collection 7.\nIn traditional game design, most items with level requirements are normally balanced so that you can quickly reach that level after you obtain the item. This provides positive feedback to the player, as they feel like they have accomplished a significant task by unlocking usage of a powerful item/armor set.\nHowever, in skyblock, a player can get the materials/coins to obtain hardened diamond armor in less than a few minutes if you are experienced, and have it take hours, if not days to unlock the recipe to even be able to craft that item.\nwhen skyblock was released, most items were worth much more, so this collection requirement made more sense, as diamonds were worth more and there was no bazaar to buy them from.\n\nAlso, let's talk about armour progression. Skyblock has so much potential with armor progression, but in the end it didn't work out well. There's TONS of early game armor sets that aren't even touched by the majority of players. To name a few: Mushroom armor, cactus armor, golem armor, and the list goes on.\nIn traditional games, and in game design practice, armor progression is normally pretty straightforward. The player chooses the stats/attributes they want to specialize in, and gets their first armor set. Using that set, they are now able to fight more creatures and explore more, where they can then unlock a new set, to fight/explore more, and the cycle repeats, creating a feedback loop for the player that makes them feel like they are doing a good job progressing. This system also makes it so players can learn what modifiers/enchants work best on items over time organically, making for more enjoyment as the player believes they are smart for figuring out proper ways to enchant and modify certain gear.\nSkyblock, however, does not follow this progression like AT ALL. Users can't craft their own gear because collection requirements are absurd for some items compared to their costs, and most of the time when early game players enchant their gear incorrectly, they are punished heavily for it as in skyblock players can be in the same armor set for months. Also, the majority of players never touch armor sets like mushroom armor, magma, leaflet, or cactus due to them either requiring too high of a collection level or not being worth the cost.\n\nThis game design makes it so that players do not receive the positive feedback of organically learning good practices for enchanting and modifying, either have to trade/buy gear instead of exploring and adventuring for it. This therefore makes mistake progression non personal to each player, as they aren't forced to discover, experiment, nor are they rewarded for crafting and obtaining items by themselves.\n\nIn fact, let's talk about dragon armour. Now, this was a GREAT IDEA! Like seriously, this is good game design! At this point in the game, players are allowed to experiment and find the players that fits with them, and with the side variety of decisions in armor, players are encouraged to experiment with different abilities, therefore organically making the player feel smarter when they finally find an armor set that is good for what they want it to be.\n\nBut, when we tie this in with progression, things get a little bit weird... An active skyblock could get dragon armor in two weeks of they are actively grinding, meaning they can have access to some of the best overall armor in the game very wuickly.\nWAIT, WHAT? TWO WEEKS of playing, and the player has access to an armor set that is one of the best overall, and the worst part is, they won't have to change armor sets for months... This is just straight up broken. The idea of dragon armor is great, and it's a good practice in game design to add specialties and sacrifices to items, which is exactly what dragon armor does. However, with the introduction of superior dragon armor, there is a \"best\" armor set. There being a best overall armor set isn't a good practice, in any games, as it discourages players from trying out different items and combinations.\nObtaining dragon armour is pretty weird too... You have to spend 5 million coins(A LOT of money for early-midgame players) on 8 summoning eyes, to spawn a dragon that has a random chance of being each type of dragon. If you aren't lucky, you will get a dragon armor peice, which can sell for 100k-1mil. That means you just lost 4-4.9mil from a dragon fight. That's bad. Dragon fights are supposed to be fun, and an achievement in your skyblock journey, but it's not worth the cost to do them at all.\nThis results in players then buying dragon armor from the auction house instead of doing exciting dragon fights to obtain the armor themselves. This is bad game design. Although getting your first set of dragon armor still feel good, wouldn't it feel so much better to summon and slay dragons to obtain it yourself, then retire and enchant it to your liking?\n\nI suggest that to change this, add different drops from zealots to combine into summoning eyes. They would be more common, and you would need 9 of them to craft a summoning eye. This would create positive feedback for summoning eye grinding, as even if the player doesn't get a summoning eye, they won't lot off empty-handed. Summoning eyes being more common would mean more dragon armor would be out into circulation, making it cheaper. I also suggest that super rare drops from dragons should be less RNG based, and more based on how much damage the players do, requiring over 8mil damage to get any of them. This gives players another fun money making method, along with improving zealot grinding feedback and modifying the market for ranged weapons as they would be needed more for dragon fights. This would also add another step in progression, and more fun experiences for midgame players.\n\nI'm not going to cover fishing and players in this post, because they are just too much of a mess imo.\n\nNow let's talk about dungeons. Being a fairly experienced skyblock player, I can say from experience that dungeons is SUPER FUN. And everything in-dungeons is amazing as far as game design goes,as it introduces good feedback, fun puzzles, and intense battles.\nI think the real problem here is how the classes are balanced. Now, don't get me wrong, the ideas and abilities for the classes are amazing, but they need some balancing. Intelligence scaling should get exponentially less powerful the higher your Intel gets, to need mage builds a bit. Abilities should cost more mana to discourage mindless damming and encourage strategy and quick thinking. Archer should have damage and abilities buffed, and ranges attacks on other classes(except for mage) should be significantly needed to introduce a need for archers in dungeon groups.\n\nProgression for dungeons should begin very soon after a new player gets their first few armor sets/tools, to give the player more flexibility and overall improve experience and decision making. Armor sets should have things they are clearly built for, and things they are bad at, to encourage creativity in mixing and matching armor peices. This would also encourage players to begin thinking about which dungeons class to pick early-game. There should be more in-depth quests to teach players how to enchant and reforge properly, in an organic matter. collections should be changed to account for the growing economy and standard armor sets, and level requirements should be modified to ROT game standards. Skills should have more rewards than just stay increases to encourage grinding. Last of all, RNG drops and grinds should be refined to ensure maximum player feedback and enjoyment, as nobody wants to spend 2 hours grinding without a summoning eye and dragon fights need a purpose.\nThis would also open up the server for much more YouTube content, as tutorials would become less effective and there would be many new gear combination possibilities to try out and showcase. Dungeons would be more fun and balanced, and the enjoyment that you had as an early game player discovering stuff for yourself would be brought back.\n\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAnd here's problems, and solutions formatted:\n\nProblem: Armor progression is broken, as players normally never use the majority of armor sets.\nSolution: Skyblock should follow traditional game design practice for RPG and MMO games, by making collection requirements and combat requirements line up properly, so the player unlocks items around the time they would have enough materials to make them. This creates positive feedback for the player, and will greatly fix earlygame-midgame progression. There should be more in-depth quests designed to introduce new players to the concept of reforging and enchanting. Skyblock should be structured like RPG game armor progression, so new players gain their first armor set, and use it to fight new monsters, to unlock new armor sets, to fight more monsters and gather more resources, and the cycle should go on. This is common practice in RPG/Open World/MMO games as it allows players to figure out which playstyle they enjoy, and if they mess up enchanting/reforging armor, they won't be stuck in wrongly-enchanted armor for very long.\n\nProblem: Island progression and exploration isn't optimal for the game style\nSolution: Currently, the sense of mystery and exploration a new skyblock player has doesn't normally last for more than a few hours. Islands should be changed so that that sense of mystery is preserved. There should be more earlygame monsters to grind. For example, zombies in the graveyard should have different variants(more than just the zombie and zombie villager) that have higher chances to drop different loot. When a player first starts a profile and kills some of these monsters, they should have a high chance to drop an earlygame weapon or two, but as the player kills more the chance should decrease(giving the player a weapon or two to play around with, but not cluttering endgame player's inventories with useless items) The wilderness should have more than just DA, Tia, and the fairy pond(and a merchant). It should have monsters/wildlife. For example, rabbits could have a chance to spawn in the overgrowth, and remove them spawning in the mushroom desert. More dangers should be introduced around areas like the deep caverns, blazing fortress, and high levels to scare newer players and make them feel like there is more to explore. Skyblock's map is extremely small, and once you have been playing for a few weeks you will most likely know every corner of the map and everything about it. This is terrible game design, as once the environment is no longer interesting for players, the sense of discovery and positive feedback from it is gone. More dangers and obstacles should be introduced to make the map seem larger, and make it so that by the time earlygame players can access the dragons nest and areas like it, they will stand a chance against the mobs to give them a sense of achievement.\n\nProblem: Dragon Armor is ridiculously overpowered for how early you can get it in the game, and it's not worth it to fight dragons yourself to get the dragon armor.\nSolution: Most players can get dragon armor within 2-4 weeks of playing, and will most likely stay in that dragon armor for a few weeks to even a few months. Armor progression up to this point has been very enjoyable, as you are able to fight for your own gear, and discover methods of refining and enchanting gear. At this point in the game, players are forced to abandon early-game ways of obtaining gear, and rely purely on the auction house and buying items from other players. This is a big no-no in game design for all types of games, as even though having players rely on eachother for gear is important, it should be introduced much later into a players playthrough. Ordinary players normally resort to grinding summoning eyes to get enough money to buy dragon armor, which can be extremely frustrating. At this point in the game, players normally begin to grow frustrated if they can't get summoning eyes quickly. Once they obtain enough summoning eyes, they would sell to bazaar for money to buy dragon armor. When the player buys all of their dragon armor, they are most likely not going to feel very satisfied with themselves compared to when they were discovering everything for themselves, and fighting for their gear. Instead of using the summoning eyes they got, to summon dragons and have a ton of fun slaying them and getting gear by themselves, they resort to selling them to buy armor. This is terrible game design. Average players normally never get to experience the fun of summoning dragons, and would most likely be more satisfied if they earned the gear by themselves. In order to make dragons accessible for players so that they can grind for their own gear, summoning eyes would have to decrease in price. Currently, zealot grinding is already very frustrating and boring, as players can log off of hypixel with nothing to show for hours of grinding. To fix this frustration and negative feedback of not obtaining anything after grinding zealots for a long time, I suggest that summoning eyes should become rarer, and a new item should be introduced named a \"Summoning Eye Fragment\" or something of the sort. You would need 9 of these to craft a summoning eye, and they would be 9x as common as summoning eyes currently are. This would increase feedback for players grinding zealots, and also decrease price of summoning eyes so that dragons can be more affordable. This would also decrease the price of dragon armor, making it more accessible. To keep dragons from being too profitable for endgame players, super rare drops like dragon pets, and less rare drops like AOTD's should be more rare, and rely more on damage. Ex. dealing 1mil damage would make it impossible to get them even if you placed all 8 eyes, but placing 4 eyes and dealing 10mil damage will give you a much higher chance.\nTo the people who think this will decrease the price of dragon armor and midgame gear too much, remember that dragon armor isn't the final step in armor progression. There are many better armor sets, and making midgame a little easier to get to is needed to improve progression.\n\nProblem: Rare drops aren't rewarding\nSolution: Rare drops from echest zealots and other monsters/ores/nodes aren't rewarding at all, even to earlygame players. They were built with the skyblock community and progression from many months ago, and things have changed a lot. To improve feedback and give another incentive to visit the end island, Enderchest Zealots should be more rare, and actually have useful drops. (Ex. Summoning Eye Fragments, Remnants of the Eye, stuff of that type.) Overall, these drops need to be changed to be more fitting for the games current state.\n\nProblem: Fishing needs to be more engaging\nSolution: Fishing in most RPG, MMO, and Open World games is done very well, so the player feels rewarded and satisfied with the gear/items they got for the time they spent. Skyblock doesn't follow any standards for fishing, so it is therefore very boring. Fishing rod progression is actually amazing in my opinion, so I won't be touching on that too much. What does need to change, is loot. I'm not saying that there has to be loot that is more valuable for fishing, I'm saying that fishing needs to be more diverse. Sea creatures are great for this, so why not add more? While you're at it, add a fishing slayer! Seriously, adding epic fights with bosses to break up tedious tasks is a great idea, and it's what a lot of RPG games do. Skyblock already changes loot based on where you are fishing, but this needs to be stretched out a lot more. Like, a lot more. Having different places that drop significantly different loot will make fishing more strategic, and allow for personal discovery on good places to fish.\n(These are my personal opinions, I don't fish a lot so I'm open to a lot of feedback on this!)\n\nProblem: Dungeons class progression needs to be more balanced.\nSolution: Dungeons is by no means designed to be early or midgame content, as it is supposed to be content for people who have completed most of all other progression in skyblock. However, the decision on which class a player would like to pursue should happen a lot earlier. The current problem with class progression is that most good tank gear is extremely expensive, and mage gear is VERY expensive. Bozno staffs are around 9mil, and ink wands are around 1mil. This isn't stuff early-game players can obtain. More armor sets and magic weapons should be added for early-game players(they don't have to be good or very complex) so that players can figure out what skills and stats they would like to specialize in.\n\nProblem: Dungeons classes are unbalanced.\nSolution: I think the real problem with dungeons is how the classes are balanced. Now, don't get me wrong, the ideas and abilities for the classes are amazing, but they need some balancing. Intelligence scaling should get exponentially less powerful the higher your Intel gets, to nerf mage builds a bit. Abilities should deal more damage to account for the nerfs to intel regen. Archer should have damage and abilities buffed, and ranges attacks on other classes(except for mage) should be significantly reduced to introduce a need for archers in dungeon groups.\n\nJust to name a few more things, skills should have more rewards than just stat increases, collection values should be refined to encourage crafting/obtaining gear yourself instead of buying it. If we encourage players to explore and craft for their own gear, it will result in players have fun rather than just grinding for buying gear, which doesn't result in a lot of positive feedback.\n\nProblem: Players can grind an INSANE AMOUNT of slayer bosses without getting good RNG drops.\nSolution: Add slayer bosses to the Boss Collection tab, so that players can always get these drops if they grind enough\nCredit to @YeetusMeatus for idea/concept\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nPlease reply with any other suggestions you have, I will be adding them to this thread with credit!\nI realize that I probably got some facts wrong and some topics here will probably be controversial. Please let me know if you have anything to add to this thread or if you have any problems with info!\n\nThis thread is currently fairly small but will be expanded later."}, {"title": "can full sup facetank t4 rev", "body": "title \n\ni dont want to spend money on rev armor if i can continue putting it in my sup fund"}, {"title": "Need Help on new rules", "body": "Hello,\nRecently I found out that Hypixel has changed their rules on giveaways and contraband on Hypixel Skyblock. I was thinking of doing a challenge where the winner gets a young dragon set on skyblock when I hit 100 subs on youtube. Would this be bannable?"}, {"title": "SWITCH THE VERSION OF SKYBLOCK TO 1.7.10", "body": "Hello! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Mr. Clean. And it is my mission to cleanse these forums of toxicity, and bring my ideas to the table.\n\nDAY 2: CHANGING VERSIONS\u200bThere has recently been a debate about whether or not Skyblock performs better in 1.8.9, 1.12.2, or 1.16.1\n\nIn my eyes, there is another version that Skyblock would do better on. \n\nWhy switch?\u200b1.8.9 is one of the better versions of Minecraft, but it is not perfect. I will talk about it later. \n\nThe main reason people want to switch versions is because there are way more blocks and mobs to use as enemies and collections in the game. \n\n1.7.10 might not have any new collections, but it does have some major benefits. \n\nWhat benefits does 1.7.10 bring?\u200b1.7.10 is the pinnacle of Minecraft pvp, because of a number of things, including better animations, and the removal of the client side cps cap. \n\nIt is also good for server side performance, and client side too. \n\nHypixel skyblock is coded in 1.7.10, so it won\u2019t be an issue, or could even help future updates, if the versions were switched. \n\nWhat are some cons of 1.7.10?\u200bThere are not a lot of cons, but I will go over the ones. \n\n1. People don\u2019t want the change. With threads like this, we can convince people to make the change. \n2. The removal of ocean monument blocks. This might be an issue, but the prismarine collections are useless anyway\n3. Recoding of client side mods. This should be a relatively easy one to fix. 1.7.10 and 1.8.9 don\u2019t have major differences. \n\nMr Clean: Cleansing the world\u200b"}, {"title": "I'm a snow minion, ask me anything!", "body": "No, I'm not Fred the Lapis Minion. You can still ask me questions though."}, {"title": "[IDEA]: Lost caves (for swapmc contest)", "body": "The lost caves would accessible through the deep caverns, requiring mining 15 to access.\nPlayers would spawn in a small stone cave separately from other players, near an npc called the lonely miner.\nWhen intereacted with, the lonely miner will speak to the player, saying:\" Hey. Welcome to the lost caves. Feel free to explore them and excavate them, I heard there is great treasure to be found. I went down there a long time ago, but I can't remember much.\"\nThe cavern can be excavated in any direction, and every so often the player will find one of a few things: ores, which can be mined for resources and mining xp, lost caves, or traps.\nOres: \nenchanted red stone: gives 1-3 enchanted red stone and 500 mining xp\nEnchanted emerald : gives 1-2 enchanted emerald and 600 mining xp\nEnchanted lapis: gives 1-3 enchanted lapis and 600 mining xp\nEnchanted iron: gives 2 enchanted iron and 700 mining xp\nEnchanted gold: gives 1 enchanted gold and 800 mining xp\nEnchanted diamond: gives 1-2 enchanted diamonds and 1000 mining xp\nAll of these are affected by fortune\n\nLost caves:\nThese will function similar to dungeon rooms, there will be a few dungeon mobs guarding the room, occasionally a miniboss,\nAnd a treasure area at the end. Getting to the treasure area also rewards 2000-4000 mining xp.\nThe treasure room contains items such as 10-20 enchanted ores, a new talisman called the miners talisman, which boosts mining xo gain by 5%, and 10 enchanted cobblestone.\nThe miner talisman can be crafted into the miner ring and artifact using 4 of itself.\nTraps:\noccasionally the player will stumble across traps.\nThere are three traps: \nLava: deals 250 dps when touched, lava talisman only blocks 50% of damage.\nCrusher: functions the same as the dungeons crusher trap\nAbyss: a pit which enemies are thrown Into, if the enemies are killed you escape\nMiner's shop:\nSells a miner potion, gives haste 3 and speed 5 for 10k\nFortune 4 pick axe for 300k\nTrap magnet, Has 5 uses, finds traps,costs 100k\nSells efficiency 7 fortune 4 diamond pick with 10 durability for 50k\n\n\nCaving skill:\nCaving would be a new skill that increases your defense and your chance to get ores and lost caves while decreaseing the chance to get a trap. It would be levels up through mining in the last caverns and completing lost caves.\nLet me know what you think!"}, {"title": "Do ultimate enchantments stack?", "body": "If I use wisdom on my chestplate and leggings, will I get both effects?"}, {"title": "My Full Update Submission For Swap_MC 100M Contest", "body": "hello everyone, this is my full submission for @Swap_MC's 100M prize pool contest\nWhich you can see the post HERE\n\nUpdate/Maitenance Announcement:\n\nUpdate Patch Notes:\n\nExtra Update/Changes Note:\n\nI hope you guys like my submission!"}, {"title": "Skyblock Ideas :)", "body": "Sky Block ideas \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNew armors \n\n\nDeadly Dragon\n\n(Idk the strength so plz help)\n\n\n\n\nHelmet \n\nCrit chance +10\nCrit damage +30\nHealth +95\n\n\n\n\n\nChest plate\n\nCrit chance +23\nCrit damage +44\nHealth +123\n\n\n\n\n\nLeggings\n\nCrit chance +19\nCrit damage +37\nHealth +118 \n\n\n\n\n\nBoots \n\nCrit chance +8\nCrit damage +27\nHealth +80\n\n\n\n2. Tanker Armor\n\n\nSo my thoughts on this are to make another slayer armor (like maisffs) but only has 200 health and 2500 defense (base) But Idk what else to add so feel free to add on.\n\n\nNew Weapons\n\nAspect of the pickle\n\n(As a joke of course)\n\nDamage 1\n\nStrength 1\n\nAbility spawns a floor of sea pickles that deal 1 to 10000 Damage (random)\n\n\nNew Items \n\n\n1.Tree of life (based of of overflow)\n\n\nSo I personally think that mid game is lacking rn and Im trying to make some endgame thing have a weaker midge version. \nWhen in forest areas or the park heals 25 per sec but when any where else heals 10 per sec \n\n\n\n\n\nNew Pets\n\n\nPolar bear (fishing\n\n\nNew Misc\n\n\n\n\n\n1.PLEASE! So have u ever been at the end farming zealot and forget ur strength pot so u fast travel back but u don\u2019t have a end portal or fast travel? I know I have. FIX return to last traveled this will only be in fast travel menu for 5 min so u can go in \n\n\n\n\n\n\nNew island (for endgame) OK Ik the end but there\u2019s either not enough severs or to packed in dragons nest. Im proposing a island that requires combat level 20 that is just for endgame money grinding this is just a thought so I don\u2019t know what it would me but it would me SUPER nice to have!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n\n\nSo I recently bought and make a WHOLE new mincraf acc to \n\n\nreplay sky block and I just now realized how much mid games SUCKS there\u2019s little to no content which makes sense cus most ppl are end game so they want to add on there but \n\n\n\n\n\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n\n\n\n\n\nAslo How To Make Skyblock Less Combat Oriented\n\n\n\n\n\nYes, mining I would say is the one that most needs an update, it is boring af, not useful at all (you get like 2 defense every lvl), the mining island sucks, there is not even a pet that buffs mining (silverfish is the only one), there is no pet that buffs mining minions, or drops, while all other skills had their own updates, even if it wasn't that big (fishing update, replenish, treecapitator), mining is just bad.\n\n\n\n\n\nNow talking about skyblock being a combat oriented game, yes it is, lets say you want to focus on only one skill, this skill \"end-game\" are all bad (growth armor is the best armor you can get by only foraging, while in combat you can get 90% of the sets in the game), even for the own skill, fishing is a great skill, I don't find it fun, but the way they did it was good, even tho it is combat oriented (sea creatures).\n\n\n\n\n\nNow I think skyblock should have a part of the end game a good endgame for all skills, so for example while in combat we could get the items that deal most damage, in farming we could get the best items for speed, in mining we could get the best defensive items, foraging could give us items that increase wood drop by a lot and focus on hp, idk.\n\n\n\n\n\nThe biggest problem is that in the developer perspective, creating combat related stuff is way easier, on a player perspective, most players find it fun, so that is probrably why skyblock is combat oriented, it is way easier to great combat related stuff and most people find it fun."}, {"title": "serious question", "body": "so, from what ive seen from the mage nerf. after bonzo's staff, frozen scythe and pigman sword got nerfed they dropped down in price, while the new item (spirit sceptre) as of right now is in the 40m's. \nso my question is, how much will future items cost to buy them? will the items before drop in price? if they do isnt it better off just waiting for all floors to be released then just slowly progressing?..\ni dont know about you but i dont really want to see a weapon costs 1B that what it does is 1/2 shot a normal mob in dungeons.."}, {"title": "SkyBlock bug", "body": "When I break iron door to black auction with a pickaxe it drops. Idk if its suppose to do that but for me its a bug."}, {"title": "What y'all getting me for my Birthday?", "body": "I'm turning 7 today, I'm gonna out a dirt block up I expect 50m at least for contraband ok thx"}, {"title": "what gear shoud i get for tank 1 mil budget", "body": "i wanted to play tank for a while now i have the cash to what gear should i buy and what reforge should i use on my tailsmans"}, {"title": "When the non asks for a dragon and the whole lobby is like:", "body": "\"I can hear you, but I won't\nSome of are selfish\nand now the whole lobby's pissed\nThere's a thousand reasons i should go about my day\nand ignore your begging which i wash would go away\noh oh oh\nYou're not a voice you're just a ringing in my ear\nand if i spawned one\nyou can't it with your shitty gear\nEveryone you've ever known calls you a retard\nsorry ender non but ... begone\nYou have a raider axe with kb fucking 3\nI'm afraid of what i'm risking if i listen to you-\nEnder non: SPAWN A DRAGGGGGG\nSPAWN A DRAGONNNNNNN\nSPAWN A DRAGGGGGGGGGGGGGONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN\"\n\nSorry ender nons some of you deserve this some of you dont no hard feelings? hopefully"}, {"title": "Sky Block ideas", "body": "Sky Block ideas \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNew armors \n\n\nDeadly Dragon\n\n(Idk the strength so plz help)\n\n\n\n\nHelmet \n\nCrit chance +10\nCrit damage +30\nHealth +95\n\n\n\n\n\nChest plate\n\nCrit chance +23\nCrit damage +44\nHealth +123\n\n\n\n\n\nLeggings\n\nCrit chance +19\nCrit damage +37\nHealth +118 \n\n\n\n\n\nBoots \n\nCrit chance +8\nCrit damage +27\nHealth +80\n\n\n\n2. Tanker Armor\n\n\nSo my thoughts on this are to make another slayer armor (like maisffs) but only has 200 health and 2500 defense (base) But Idk what else to add so feel free to add on.\n\n\nNew Weapons\n\nAspect of the pickle\n\n(As a joke of course)\n\nDamage 1\n\nStrength 1\n\nAbility spawns a floor of sea pickles that deal 1 to 10000 Damage (random)\n\n\nNew Items \n\n\n1.Tree of life (based of of overflow)\n\n\nSo I personally think that mid game is lacking rn and Im trying to make some endgame thing have a weaker midge version. \nWhen in forest areas or the park heals 25 per sec but when any where else heals 10 per sec \n\n\n\n\n\nNew Pets\n\n\nPolar bear (fishing\n\n\nNew Misc\n\n\n\n\n\n1.PLEASE! So have u ever been at the end farming zealot and forget ur strength pot so u fast travel back but u don\u2019t have a end portal or fast travel? I know I have. FIX return to last traveled this will only be in fast travel menu for 5 min so u can go in \n\n\n\n\n\n\nNew island (for endgame) OK Ik the end but there\u2019s either not enough severs or to packed in dragons nest. Im proposing a island that requires combat level 20 that is just for endgame money grinding this is just a thought so I don\u2019t know what it would me but it would me SUPER nice to have!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n\n\nSo I recently bought and make a WHOLE new mincraf acc to \n\n\nreplay sky block and I just now realized how much mid games SUCKS there\u2019s little to no content which makes sense cus most ppl are end game so they want to add on there but \n\n\n\n\n\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n\n\n\n\n\nAslo How To Make Skyblock Less Combat Oriented\n\n\n\n\n\nYes, mining I would say is the one that most needs an update, it is boring af, not useful at all (you get like 2 defense every lvl), the mining island sucks, there is not even a pet that buffs mining (silverfish is the only one), there is no pet that buffs mining minions, or drops, while all other skills had their own updates, even if it wasn't that big (fishing update, replenish, treecapitator), mining is just bad.\n\n\n\n\n\nNow talking about skyblock being a combat oriented game, yes it is, lets say you want to focus on only one skill, this skill \"end-game\" are all bad (growth armor is the best armor you can get by only foraging, while in combat you can get 90% of the sets in the game), even for the own skill, fishing is a great skill, I don't find it fun, but the way they did it was good, even tho it is combat oriented (sea creatures).\n\n\n\n\n\nNow I think skyblock should have a part of the end game a good endgame for all skills, so for example while in combat we could get the items that deal most damage, in farming we could get the best items for speed, in mining we could get the best defensive items, foraging could give us items that increase wood drop by a lot and focus on hp, idk.\n\n\n\n\n\nThe biggest problem is that in the developer perspective, creating combat related stuff is way easier, on a player perspective, most players find it fun, so that is probrably why skyblock is combat oriented, it is way easier to great combat related stuff and most people find it fun."}, {"title": "i got scammed what can i do pls help", "body": "Asking to join a co-op island, taking coins or resources and leaving. This also includes others asking friends to join and then kicking you from the island. \ni was giving him a fair trade to a snow minion and then i saw a cobblestone generetore and i asked him if he can build me it and he was so nice he did it and after a day i logged into hypixel skyblock and all my valuable stuff was gone and then he partyed me and said is was hes brother and then he said i will give you all your stuff back and his 2th coop came and he said if he can add him to coop and i said yes if my stauff will be back then we added him to coop and after 5 minutes my proflie dissappear pls help hypixel godsss"}, {"title": "holy crap i just realized", "body": "nobody probably cares but the spirit bear is the same skin as mine"}, {"title": "Is anyone selling any tier 4+ redstone minions for somewhat cheap?", "body": "^^Title^^\n\nI am kind of on a budget rn, I only have 155k and I'm trying to upgrade my talisman bag and stuff. I already have a redstone minion on my island but I wanted to speed up the process. Thanks!"}, {"title": "What is the best minion in skyblock?", "body": "Now, as you already know, with the introduction to bazaar, clay got outclassed by other minions such as cocoa and obsidian (money wise). So, what actually is the best minion?"}, {"title": ".", "body": "Is there some way to insta break glowstone"}, {"title": "No block particles texture pack", "body": "I have been searching for one for a long time, every time I get one of those texture packs, there are still block particles, does anyone have a texture pack that has no block breaking particles?"}, {"title": "New pfp.", "body": "is this a good one.\n\n\n"}, {"title": "[April 1st] Dungeon Floor 5", "body": "Added Dungeon Floor 5, now with a boss with even more mobs. Unless you can play CS:GO at 150 FPS 4k, you will get 1 FPS"}, {"title": "Mage meta is back", "body": "Mage is best class again.\n\nMore nerfs incoming."}, {"title": ".a", "body": ".a"}, {"title": "why f4 boss is the worst boss", "body": "ok so lets pretend like you go to the boss but you had 7 fps throughout the run\nthen you enter thorn\nthen this flying cat noise starts spamming mobs\nif you dont have a fire exqtuinguisher(idk how to spell it) nearby you might as well alt f4\nand in some cases some end game tryhard will have to be stuck on f3 because f4 will just crash them\nnow for me its not really a problem because f4 is just too hard for me\nnot cool hypixel\nvery not cool\nand according to @FirewallTehGod \"Well duh, it's F4. As in 'Alt F4 u noob.'\""}, {"title": "How To Shitpost", "body": "e"}, {"title": "Super Heavy armor is bugged please fix it", "body": "So, it actually says that each piece of the armor would reduce seismic wave by 5 seconds but actually it only reduces by 4 seconds, 1 second for each piece."}, {"title": "why do i crash legit every 20 seconds?", "body": "the title explains it"}, {"title": "why did my spirit bow vanish when i died", "body": "i was tryna do floor 4 for first time to use spirit bow than i died and we lost when we left my bow was nowhere pls help"}, {"title": "mage DID NOT GET BALANCED", "body": "The main point of mage is that he can use abilitys on ememys, thats why they need mana. And now mana regens SO SLOW so when you run out you are a punching bag.\n\nNot to mention that no weapon now does good dmg"}, {"title": "Coop has to many members", "body": "So i invite one of my friends to my coop and it said there are to many invites pending but there is only 4 of us and u can have 5 people so idk how to fix this"}, {"title": "can i do that", "body": "i donated my frined 300k now he wants to move his profile (like 1 minute after) can i take this moeny and transfer"}, {"title": "how to rickroll well.", "body": "1). Subtlety is everything. Your target should have no idea what's hit him.\n2). A rickroll disguised as a forum thread works well for this part.\n3). Everybody already knows 5 MIL PER HOUR money making method and GIVING OUT FREE RANKS are rickrolls.\n4). For a forum thread as an example for how to rickroll, click here"}, {"title": "[PUZZLE] 200 Million giveaway (Ended)", "body": "Hello! I am quitting skyblock and would like to do a giveaway. This giveaway contains over 200 million in assets. This\nprimarily revolves around skyblock knowledge, cryptology, and puzzle solving skills. It is possible to complete. The steps get\nprogressively harder as the puzzle continues. Do not DM me asking for hints or clues, I will not respond and if it continues you\nwill be ignored. The answer to the puzzle is a title to a book. Proof of assets are below the following hint. You got 3\ndays and rewards will not be given if the puzzle is not solved by that point.\n\n1st place: All sets + pets\n2nd place: Midas (50mil) + other swords\n3rd place: All minion items + glitched items + 5m (from @antsizedant) + other random stuff\n\nFirst hint: wgv08JJ/a/moc.rugmi//:sptth\n\nProof: (the rough equivalent to 200m, a bit more. This was going to be 300m but gave away some other stuff to brother) This also does not include glitched items or super compactors and enchanted lava buckets.\n\nI have disqualified some people from receiving rewards to make it more fair for everyone else.\n\nGood luck!\n\nEdit: Please stop dm'ing me, I've literally gotten 20+, your not getting a hint. Also, since a lot of people are saying it, the thing in my signature doesn't have anything to do with this. That's been there for a few months now.\nEdit2: This has been solved, the book was 1984, an indepth explanation is coming soon. \nhttps://www. mediafire. com/file/pokyeer2jvnwlm8/decoy.jpg/file"}, {"title": "Melody quest (last step before talisman)", "body": "I\u2019m at the last step before the talisman. But it\u2019s so hard. Playing from Europe makes is worse.\nis there a melody quest tactic (no auto click or something like that"}, {"title": "Which dungeon class is the Weakest? (Answer Poll)", "body": "I think Tank is the most neglected class by the Admins/Devs (but that's just my opinion)."}, {"title": "First person to respond gets me 50m", "body": "."}, {"title": "rate signature", "body": "rate signature"}, {"title": "If thirty thinks akin is cringe when akin says he loves thirty, does this mean thirty cringes at everybody he loves?", "body": "Tell me if you think I'm right."}, {"title": "[August 1] 1 room dungeon", "body": "We added a 1 room dungeon, we will keep it to 1 person per, the interior is 1 bed, and a person, we want you to find out what it is.\n\nWe also added sea pickles"}, {"title": "What is happening to Pat?", "body": "View attachment 1892896View attachment 1892898View attachment 1892896"}, {"title": "My go at remaking hypixel SkyBlock", "body": "So I had the idea to try and recreate hypixel skyblock on my own, and this is the first video I made on it, thought I'd post it here and I'll try to update \nyou guys as frequent as possible."}, {"title": "Spirit Pet and it\u2019s uses", "body": "Although I may be dissapointed in some parts of F4, I really like that they\u2019re trying to make pets as a drop, but if I\u2019m honest the pet doesn\u2019t seem like it has many uses honestly, which is a little dissapointing.\n\nHas anyone tried it out just to see what it can be used for? \nI really wanna like it, because the concept of dungeon only pets that can be viable is really neat."}, {"title": "coop add problem", "body": "Hi I have a little question\n\nI created my island without anyone.(I\u2019m solo)\n\nIf I want to add someone to my island as a coop it directly creates a new island and I don\u2019t wanna play early-mid game again.\n\nHow can I solve this problem"}, {"title": "Carpenter quest broken ?", "body": "I've collected a stack of wool, and yet I can't complete the carpenter quest, anyone else having the same issue ?"}, {"title": "skyblock idea: skeleton set", "body": "make a skeleton set that has an abillity with name (True Archer) that make your bow shots more 85% powerful and you need 24 enchanted bone blocks to craft it and full set has 600 defense and 700 health (i know thats alot of good stats but i think its good cuz enchanted bone block is sooo expansive and hard to get in collection so i think its worth this stats)\nEdit: i forget the skeleton helmet exists so make that you need 2 stacks of enchanted bone and a bone helmet and 2 enchanted bone block for the helmet i think its better now."}, {"title": "Bottle of Jyrre Problem", "body": "Hello I have a big problem with my Jyrre bottles, I had 5 lvl250 Jyrres and 4 lvl200 and they all turned to lvl 100 Jyrres ?\n\nWhat is going on here ?"}, {"title": "Is the midas the best weapon outside dungeons?", "body": "(not including dungeons)"}, {"title": "I was right.", "body": "Not too long ago I made a post suggesting solutions for hypixel\u2019s irl problem. When I made the post I got hate for ThEy WoUlDnT Do ThAt and It wOuLd BrEaK tHe EuLa. To that I say. You morons! The eula was changed long ago and Simon has said many times he is considering to sell sb coins. My suggestion is to sell items that alr exist in the game but with different looks and names. Such as Godly Dragon Armor (superior but with inverted colors) Heatmaster sword (wooden sword. Same as Pigman) superior dragon pet (ender dragon pet with superior dragon colors) \nAnyways. You get the point. By doing the above not only would they help give value to irl traders but ALSO not fill the economy with coins fluctuating all prices that exist AND help reduce cost of already existing items such as the dragon pet which\u2019 price has been destroyed due to irl traders. Plz don\u2019t hate on this post it\u2019s just a suggestion"}, {"title": "Superior armor", "body": "I just got sup armor, I'm def not catacombs lvl 20... Does this mean I can't even use it yet?\nIf so, bru... How shitty is berserker then..."}, {"title": "ItS oNlY a fEw BlOcKS", "body": "1.16 is not just 1.16. It's 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16.\n\nSo:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPersonal Highlights: Elytra, ravagers, pillagers, vindicators, all of the new sea life, polar bears, foxes, honey (collection?), pandas, parrots, and obviously how cool the maps and islands could look with so many new blocks to build with.\n\nI have seen many people concerned with server capabilities, and tbh I don't really know that stuff. But if this is technologically possible, Hypixel should update Skyblock to 1.16. Skyblock has its own combat system anyways, how much of a difference could the combat updates put on skyblock?"}, {"title": "Lost 5.5 mill opening an obsidian chest twice", "body": "Had a recombobulator for 5.5 mill. Bought it once, then used a chest key to open it again, ended up with only 1 recombobulator and - 11 mill.\n\nFeelsbadman.jpeg"}, {"title": "Aotd", "body": "Why the prices gone up my friend bought one today for 3.2mil\nAnd me I bought it for 2.5m and at that day summoning eye price was 600k \nAnd summoning eye price is 500k now\nDoes anyone know why \n+(Lol I need to buy one because mine glitched in the last update and it disappeared from my inventory I don't know why )"}, {"title": "Adaptive or Zombie Soilder?", "body": "Also what about bonzo staff v Frozen Scythe"}, {"title": "Hypixel Skyblock (Buff Mage)", "body": "As of yesterday hypixel has made new updates to dungeons they released floor 4 with the new boss thorn and more but one of the things in this update has made a lot of people upset which is the mage nerf i admit mage was overpowered but after the update it was not normal it was bad like how the old archer was so I am asking if u can buff mage again\n\n\nThank you"}, {"title": "IRL trader", "body": "Someone named JackIsGiant is IRL trading with someone. Jack is giving them James Charles merch for 15mil in skyblock."}, {"title": "[IDEA] Pirate's Cove", "body": "Hi everyone, I had some spare time and thought up a new update for hypixel skyblock! This is NOT me impersonating an admin, I just wanted to share my ideas.\n\n\"Patch Notes\"\n\nNew Island, Pirate's Cove\n\nAdded a new island that can be accessed from the main hub, near the fisherman in the wilderness. Must be fishing lvl 7 and combat lvl 13 to go through the launcher.\nNew fishing port town added, as well as the great lake on the other side of the island.\nLake gives you a +0.5% chance to fish up treasure while on the island.\nWrecked ship can be found on the beaches of the lake. Perhaps something can be found here?\nNPCs\n\nJerry - An old fishermen meets you at the docks. Try to beat the challenges he gives you. Example: Fish 100 coins worth of loot in 2 mins. Complete every challenge, and you will be rewarded with the Jerry rod.\nBluebeard - A mysterious pirate found near the wrecked ship. Do some quests for him, and unlock his shop!\nSailors - (Only appear for 30 mins after Kraken is defeated) Talk to a few in the Tavern for some interesting stories.\nQuests\n\nJerry wants to see how good at fishing you are. He challenges you to: 1. Fish up 100 coins worth in items in under 2 mins. 2. Fish up 100 coins worth in items in under 1.5 mins. 3. Fish up 3 Sea Creatures in under 2 mins. 4. Fish up 3 Sea Creatures and 100 coins worth in items in under 2 mins. After all challenges are completed, talk to Jerry to obtain the Jerry rod.\nBluebeard's crew ran away after the Kraken wrecked their ship! Kill the Kraken so that the crew will return! After killing the Kraken, the sailors will show up all over town and Bluebeard will open up his shop.\nBluebeard's Shop\n\nAhoy maties! Bluebeards shop is now open for business! You can buy useful items like: Pirates Bait, 5k per - Gain 15% faster fishing time and gain a +2% chance to get treasure while fishing. Bluebeard's Hat, 150k - deal +50% damage while under water, and gain a +1% chance to catch treasure while fishing. Treasure detector, 300k - uncommon talisman which grants a +1% chance to catch coins while fishing.\nThe Kraken\n\nThe Kraken is a boss that spawns every 2 hours. After defeating it, Bluebeards shop will be open for 30 mins, as well as the sailors showing up in town.\nDrops - Slimy Sword, Epic- 50str, 150 dmg, +20% crit damage. Ability: Deal +50% dmg while in water. Kraken's Scales, Epic - Used to craft the Kraken's Armor. Tentacles, Rare - A reforge stone that requires combat lvl 18. Adds the Slimy reforge, which adds: +10 str, +15 atk speed, and + 5% crit damage for common. +12 str, +17 atk speed, and +7% crit damage for uncommon. +20 str, +20 atk speed, and +10% crit damage for rare. +25 str, +25 atk speed, and plus 15% crit damage for epic. +28 str, +28 atk speed, and +20% crit damage for legendary. +30 str, +30 atk speed, and +27% crit damage for mythic.\nKraken's Armor, Legendary - To craft it, it requires 3 Kraken's Scales per slot. Example: It would require 24 Kraken's Scales to craft a Kraken's Chestplate. Kraken's Chestplate, Legendary - +150 hp, +200 df, +4% sea creature catch chance. Kraken's Helmet, Legendary - +125 hp, +175 df, +4% sea creature catch chance. Kraken's Boots, Legendary - +125 hp, +175 df, +4% sea creature catch chance. Kraken's Leggings, Legendary - +140 hp, +185 df, +4% sea creature catch chance. Full set bonus: Slippery creature - all attacks against you have a 50% chance of \"sliding off\" and missing. Also, move incredibly fast underwater.\nBtw, the Kraken has 7 million hp, and is fought all the way in the middle of the lake. Good luck!\nItems\n\nJerry rod, Legendary - -1 int while holding this rod. Gain a 10% chance to catch a \"Jerry\", which drops one Jerry egg.\nSailor's favorite drink, Rare - obtained by talking to one of the sailors in the Tavern. Gain +30% magic find, and +10% sea creature chance for 25 mins. Not a brew."}, {"title": "Iluvtoffee puzzle megathread", "body": "So I have been staring at the thread for like 10 minutes now, and tried a bunch of stuff. I'm going to put all my progress and theories here, so if you ajve anything you want it add, go ahead. \n\n.otm.euy/ko/:/espiple/netfesstlahfl/tepptvsiaa\nThis is hidden in white test in the thread. This seems like a link, however no file sharing websites to my knowledge have a 3 letter name, so maybe there is something else to it. \n\nThe hint seems to be complete nonsense. \n\nI am starting to get convinced that this is an elaborate troll tbh, but if anyone can prove me wrong here it would be greatly appreciated. I'll edit the thread if I find anything"}, {"title": "#nonlivesmatter", "body": "Its not like you are gonna die or anything. At least change it to #nonrightsmatter\n\nPlus, a server being pay to join isn't against the EULA so be grateful they let you join"}, {"title": "[SUGGESTION] How to fix mage PROPERLY. (Game design reee)", "body": "Forums is flooded with tons of people complaining about the mage nerf, and I totally understand why! A class that was OP, is now terrible.\nI personally don\u2019t think admins will buff mage too much, but who knows.\n\nI\u2019m gonna take this time to explain game design practices for mage classes:\n\n1. Mages should be glass cannons. They should have to be protected, but should have high damage output.\n2. Mages are not intended to be spammy classes. In MMORPG game design practice, they are supposed to have a very limited amount of mana, but high damage. Cool downs shouldn\u2019t matter if mana cost is high for abilities. This encourages strategic use of abilities instead of just mindless spamming, making gameplay more balanced and fun.\n3. Intelligence shouldn\u2019t be changeable very much. MMORPG practice for intelligence/mana is to make it so there\u2019s a massive trade-off whenever you increase your intelligence. Ex. Reforges that increase intelligence also decrease defense and health. Most games also don\u2019t give the ability of mass-reforging talismans to give more intelligence, and heavily decrease intelligence earned by reforges/modifiers.\n\nI suggest:\nMana regen to be restored.\nCool downs be shortened.\nAll methods of obtaining higher intelligence should be significantly nerfed(which also nerfs mana regen)\nAbility costs be increased.\n\nNot all of my suggestions are perfect, I\u2019m just stating things that are normal practice for MMORPG and Open World games.\nHave a great day ;-;"}, {"title": "Looking for glitched items", "body": "I'm currently constructing a museum for glitched items and am buying any items i don't currently have. If you want to know what items i have just visit my island."}, {"title": "Looking for good tank set up", "body": "After the recent nerf with bonzo staff and pigman sword, i have no clue what to use for a weapon for tank, i currently have full adaptive armour, but i am not sure if that is the way to go, would love some recommendations for tank set up"}, {"title": "I Need undead essence alot of it.", "body": "reply to the thread 500 coins for one."}, {"title": "Help my minions are lagging my island", "body": "Hi i have 8 ice minions lvl 7 and 1 lvl 8 and they are lagging my island what i should do to reduce lag?"}, {"title": "when i enchant objects my game crashes", "body": "when I want to enchant an item my crash game directly"}, {"title": "Pure or Fierce?", "body": "Should i keep fierce on my unstable dragon armor or change it to pure ? edit: for slayers"}, {"title": "I am confusion", "body": "What reforge for talis is the best? Is turtle good if u are a tank? What price is leg turtle? Is t12 and reaper mask good?"}, {"title": "Tip for dungeons", "body": "1. if u get health pots 8 , sell them to npc for 22k . seen lot of players splash to make inventory\n\n2. Training weights are useless according to me. I have 1 in my inv for 3000mins or so, it gives me 10 strength (i have it for meme)\n\n3.the epic dreadlord sword is actually better than the bonzo staff because it takes less mana and makes it more spammable and does pretty good damage\n\n4. I have noticed and I may be wrong, sacrificing some mana talismans for higher crit chance can be worth it. if u are right-clicking,it is essential that u do damage from the normal hits, I have noticed i do 70-100k if I have 100% cc.\n\n5.buying recombobulator from the dungs chest is still worth it right now as it goes 6.3 mil in bazaar .that is 800k profit even if u buy it for 5.5 mil\n\ is important for healers to keep a look on the right-hand side box to see the health of players. do save the players if needed as it can save points. I am telling this because I have seen a lot of healers just doing nothing aside from calling people trash.\n\n7.for people who don't know this already because they don't read patch notes: if u are a mage, right-clicking regens mana.\n\n8.if u are still clueless on how to do blaze room(this is for u) : \nif the chest is hanging from the top , u need to kill blazes from the highest hp to lowest hp.\nif the chest is below, u need to kill blazes from highest to lowest hp.\n\n9.i don't know why, but I carry some golden apples with me and use them for healing. this is something that I do(plz don't kill me for this, this ain't a tip i would just call it information)\n\n10.always keep an ornate zombie sword and never go below 350 mana as a wizard. u don't know how many times this shit has saved my life.\n\n11. this is just for some people who didn't know, even if u are a ghost u can kill fairies to revive urself.\n\n12.the leaping sword is pretty good for horizontal movement and has a 1-second cooldown\n\n13.dont try to use an aotd ability in boss fights because they are not affected in fights and quite useless\n\n14. instead of using strong dragon armor use dungeon gear as it is more useful (for new players only)\n\n15 . for the three-person room. use this guide: .\ndon't be a smart ass and take ur 1/3 chance.\n\nif u find this guide useful please let me know down below and also if u have any suggestion or mistakes u have found , let me know. I am in no way a pro and open for positive criticism."}, {"title": "Better set for Berserker?", "body": "I'm a Berserker, and a lot of the time my adaptive isnt very tanky. is there a better set for berserker thats more tanky than adaptive?"}, {"title": "Idk what to do now with 31m", "body": "I got 31m on my bank, but got no idea what to buy now. I planned on getting full young, raider axe and endermite pet for zealot farming. Also, I got no real sword. I also planned on getting rabbit and wolf pet to level up my skills since they are terrible (And a foraging pet that helps me level up foraging idk which one yet). Any ideas on how to spend my money? (And no, I won\u2018t give it to anybody)"}, {"title": "ender dragon pets are overrated", "body": "they are like a 0.1 percent drop from dragons and they only give like an extra 1k damage also they are like 100m+ which is crazy\n\ntl:dr; ender dragon pets are overrated and expensive"}, {"title": "ender dragon pets are overrated", "body": "they are like a 0.1 percent drop from dragons and they only give like an extra 1k damage also they are like 100m+ which is crazy\n\ntl:dr; ender dragon pets are overrated and expensive"}, {"title": "scammers", "body": "watch out for\nGreyTown And Kxkse they will ask you to make a profile with you then try to trick you into adding them to your main profile so they can steal all your stuff\nwatch out for them they almost got me"}, {"title": "please ban him and please read this admins", "body": "please help so my friend wanted to have my bonzo staff i said no then he let me test it or ill get you false banned\nthen this is where i lost 1 mill he had acces some how to my coops acount i new it wasnt actualy him because he was on holiday\nthen with drawld 1 mill from my account onto there please help i need him banned"}, {"title": "scammers", "body": "watch out for\nGreyTown And Kxkse they will ask you to make a profile with you then try to trick you into adding them to your main profile so they can steal all your stuff\nwatch out for them they almost got me"}, {"title": "how i switch my dungeons class", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Replenish doesnt work on nether wart", "body": "Hi,\nI was making an nether wart farm when i experienced that replenish doesnt work on nether wart. Hope Admins wil fix it!\nBramako123 (just an guy who spends his coops money)"}, {"title": "how do you cancel coop invites?", "body": "how do you cancel coop invites i feel like ive tried everything"}, {"title": "Is NEU a virus?", "body": "So basicly the mod intrests me but a while back I think I remember someone saying it had spyware in it\ncan someone confirm or deny this"}, {"title": "What should I do?", "body": "So, i was placing minions with the upgrades and once of a sudden I got kicked, when I went back to my island some changes were rolled back but I had more items than before (I think refraction had the same thing with his scythe blade).\nWhat should I do with them? keep sell void?\n\nMaybe admins can fix this"}, {"title": "Is bonzo staff still a viable mage weapon?", "body": "Also did the prices drop?"}, {"title": "Does anyone know the last secret for both trap rooms?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "BIG HUGE CONTROVERSY?", "body": "Controversy? Controversy!\nControversy Controversy Controversy!\nControversy? Controversy. Controversy."}, {"title": "Guess what i just did", "body": "Funny story lol I accidentally dropped my reaper scythe then i stepped into a portal\n\nRIP my reaper scythe"}, {"title": "Spirit Sword", "body": "please someone Tell me real Quick what the lowest BIN for a Spirit Sword is\nty ty"}, {"title": "Is sending tools such as a treecap or an aotd considered profile boosting?", "body": "I wanted to send a treecap to a coop to boost the collection a bit faster. Just a few tools to help a bit. Is that allowed?"}, {"title": "Magma Cube", "body": "Hey,\nI was just in the Hub and I was going around trading with people. At some point in time I traded 50k coins for 3x T10 Magma Cube Minions.\n\nWas this a good deal?"}, {"title": "any1 wanna do dungeons?", "body": "idk im a mage"}, {"title": "dragon genders aahhahahaha", "body": "protector: bidemihomosexual\nsuperior: transmale\n\n\nstfu\nno one cares\nstop making genders\nthere are only 2"}, {"title": "What should I do next?", "body": "I currently have 3/4 strong armor (no helmet) and I need help doing T3 Broothfather to get spider slayers 4 for the tara helmet, What should I do? I have 2 mil rn."}, {"title": "Does anyone know what the recipe for the Bonemerang requires?", "body": "^"}, {"title": "Question about islands", "body": "I have a good idea for an island once I can play again, but includes a sugar cane farm.\n\nIs it worth building it, and if so, about how long would It take?"}, {"title": "At this point, vanilla is more fun lol", "body": "Yep vanilla with friends is better.... (SMP style)"}, {"title": "These minion sellers need to be stopped", "body": "Although this is not against the rules this is one of the most profitable scams, a few minutes ago I saw someone advertising their minions so I checked them out. I forgot my coins on my way there but I found the price for future reference and I found that a sand minion cost 80k coins so I got 100k coins from my bank and when I got back they were out of that minion so I asked for the price of the a gold minion and the said it cost 200k coins. And I thought that price was high but I figured out it was only tier 4 so I called the seller out for the minion being too expensive and the reduced the price to 100k so I left party chat and made sure everyone knew they were buying a minion for 10 times the bazaar price. After that I was immediately kicked from the island. So I ask do you think this should be allowed."}, {"title": "Ways To Monetize [Hypixel Skyblock]", "body": "Why does Hypixel need to monetize skyblock?\n\nHypixel needs to monetize skyblock so they can get more server slots and hardwares along\nwith hiring more staff and updating anti cheat. This also includes hiring more builders and\ndevelopers to keep pushing bigger and better updates for skyblock and other games.\n\nHow Simon Hypixel is thinking of monetizing skyblock.\n\nCurrently Hypixel Simon is trying to fix this issue by considering making users have the\nability to purchase coins however I feel that this will cause the gamemode to get worse.\nIf they did this to prevent breaking the EULA Hypixel would have to remove all leader-\nboards and the coliseum. This would make the potato war for nothing and would take\na lot of fun out of the game. This would also mean players could buy their way to the\ntop which would discourage many players and make them quit or play less.\n\nNew ways to monetize skyblock.\n\nI have tried to create many other ways to monetize skyblock rather than making coins\npurchasable.\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThe Horror Armor Set: MVP\n-Obtainable from zombie's in the crypt as a rare drop\n\nThe Helmet:\n- Makes it always rain and thunder\n\nThe Chestplate:\n-Makes undead mobs revert to a more horrific and scary version periodically\n\nThe Leggings:\n-Plays eerie music when night time\n\nThe Boots:\n-When standing still (for 1 second) you can hear footsteps but when you move they go away\n\nFull Armor Set Bonus:\n-Mojang forgot to remove herobrine (herobrine will appear in the corners of players screens and when the player looks he disappears)\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n$(!*@^#%(* Potion: VIP+\n-You drank a little too much candy (everything from players to items will glow rainbow)\n-A drop from fairies in dungeons\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThe Name Tag: VIP\n-Allows you to rename items perminately (you will still be able to see the items actual name )\n-Obtained through fishing\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThe Enchanted Name Tag: MVP\n-Allows you to perminately change the font and color of items renamed (you will still be able to see the items actual name)\n-Obtained through fishing (an epic drop)\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nMVP\nAllows Mystical/Magical mushroom soup to work on public islands\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThe Haunted Chest: MVP\n-A droppable item (only to the specified rank) in hub islands and when in a players backpack, echest, or inventory that player is haunted with beings like\nherobrine, slenderman, bendy, etc. These beings can move items from chests to the players stash/inventory, echest, or backpacks\nand vis versa. They can also place and remove blocks. This item would not be auction able, sold to the bazaar, or the npcs.\n-Obtainable through teir 5 slayers (each slayer boss chest drops have different beings that haunt you. For example, the sven slayer\nwill haunt you with bendy, spider slayers haunt you with slenderman, and revenant slayers haunt you with herobrine.)\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nReforges Costing Chance: Any Rank\n-Without any rank there is a 10% chance for the price of a reforge to go up anywhere from 1%-10% in prcie from it's original price. With a higher rank that 10% chance for the price to go up would decrease.\nVIP | 9% chance\nVIP+ | 7% chance\nMVP | 5% chance\nMVP+ | 2% chance\nMVP++ | 0% chance\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nKat Costing Chance: Any Rank\n-Without any rank there is a 10% chance for Kat to mess up in upgrading a pet and the time to upgrade the pet takes from 1%-16% longer from 80% of it's original time. With a higher rank that 16% chance for the time to go up would decrease.\nVIP | 14% chance\nVIP+ | 11% chance\nMVP | 7% chance\nMVP+ | 3% chance\nMVP++ | 0% chance\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nThe 8 Player Coop: MVP\n-You are able to have an 8 person coop if someone with an MVP or higher rank creates the coop.\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf I think of any other ways to monetize skyblock I will make the changes on this thread under this message.\nI don't necessarily want these changes I just want an alternative to coins becoming purchasable."}, {"title": "[idea] The Blood dragon", "body": "Hi! I wanted to share my idea about a dragon i think should be placed between unstable and young dragon, The Blood dragon! what i think it should do is like other dragon fights (pretty simple) and for armor i think of it being better than unstable with more hp (like 50 more hp) and more defence (like 70-90 more defence) and the set bouns is basicly is it increases the life steal enchant by 50% (or maybe 30%) and when ever you will kill a mob, it gives you about 25% of the health that creature had (for example if you kill zealot with 13000 hp, you will get 3250 in return). it may sound op but its not because each fragment is worth 20k! I got the idea out of this skin (from SuchSpeed) so i think its the best armor style i can think of!. Let me know what do you think about this idea! nwn"}, {"title": "What is boosting the damage?", "body": "So I have an aspect of the end and it deals 9k damage but it only has 100 damage and 100 strength, besides strength or crit damage % what buffs the damage to so high.\n\nand I wanna know how it works because it just doesn\u2019t make sense"}, {"title": "New Weapon", "body": "so as you know the cocoa bean collection has only one good thing known as the rep enchat and i thought of a new weapon that can be crafted in the cocoa bean collection the coco sword to unlock it you need to have 200k in cocoa bean collection and its ablity would be falling coco and the abilty causes cocoa beans to fall and deal 1k dmg to anyone near the user the recipe could be 64 enchated cookies and one enchated cocoa bean"}, {"title": "Cant Ubgrade my minion", "body": "How do i fix this It says it is not craftable"}, {"title": "should i burn myself for the funny ingame", "body": "title"}, {"title": "bruh", "body": "okay wtf I just found out chinese supermarkets sell \u201cSpicy hot pot flavor\u201d potato chips and \u201cRoasted Chicken flavor\u201d chips\nbruhhhh"}, {"title": "why does my piggy bank not work.", "body": "ok so. i don't know what is happening to my piggy bank. it dosen't work in my accesory bag and only works in my inventory. is this a new update or is it just me?"}, {"title": "Tall minion", "body": "Tall minion isnt real he cant hurt you.\n\nTall minion:"}, {"title": "Is the Hub portal movable?", "body": "Can you move the Hub Portal, and if not, what happens when you ask Jerry to destroy it? Can you still get it back?"}, {"title": "[POLL]You should be able to retrieve your coins if you get out bid", "body": "It\u2019s sucks when you spend all your money bidding on a item that ends in 2 days and you get outbid \n\nIf you lose a item you should be able to take out your coins sooner then the time it ends\n\nIf you disagree please explain why"}, {"title": "[August 1] Skyblock patch - Bugfixes", "body": "Hello,\n\nWe are relesasing a new patch notes about bugfixes \n\nThis time we didnt notice that there is much so shotout to HPC and sylent for finding these bugfixes!\n\n\n>> BUGFIXES <<\nFixed portal to the dark thicket/jungle being reversed to not reversed\nFixed skeleton horse/horse pet glitching through weak walls\nFixed a bug that mushroom desert requires combat V insead of farming\nFixed poison effect not dissapearing after player dies with potion of poison effect\nFixed a bug that toxic arrow posion get player who dealt last hit\nFixed multi people hitting slayer boss at once.\nFixed double slab that gives one slab unlike in normal vanilla\nFixed random gilded reforge bug\nFixed dying insantly when staring a dungeon\nFixed middle arrow of runnans bow not working with piercing enchantment\nPersonal compactor now can make enchanted items from block of respective materials\nFixed a bug where you can get end portal frame from right - shift clicking portal frame in rune pedastal GUI\nFixed jockey mobs to get double drops from cleave enchantment or from ink wand ability\nRemoved -50% discount of reforges in skyblock. It has been a montha ago and it still works!"}, {"title": "Help", "body": "Someone hacked into my account and messed up (traded and sold) a bunch of my skyblock items... Where do I go to report this?"}, {"title": "spirit bone opening price?", "body": "Does anyone know the price of a chest with a spirit bone?"}, {"title": "Ultimate enchants anvil use broken?", "body": "Wisdom gave two anvil uses to my armor for some reason."}, {"title": "Petition to make hurricane a DUNGEON Item.", "body": "I need more damage man."}, {"title": "I can't do this anymore.", "body": "Second time I failed blaze. This time because I forgot top order not bottom..."}, {"title": "is pigman+the pigman pet better than adaptive sword/aotd+tiger???", "body": "I have a pigman sword and 71 leg pigman pet should i trade em for aotd and a leg tiger? I also own adaptive\nmy stats"}, {"title": "Price or Tier 4 Tara Minions?", "body": "Me wanna know cause me want to make stonks and combat exp."}, {"title": "Who is the #3 most lapiz player in skyblock", "body": "I got a mission to find the #3 most lapiz player in skyblock i don't know who he is.\n\nI NEED TO FIND HIM\n\nIf you got any information tell me please"}, {"title": "Add the Main Drain to Skyblock", "body": "In Spongebob there is an episode where there is this thing called \u201cthe main drain\u201d and if pulled, all of the ocean\u2019s water would go inside of it.\n\nIn this case, if the main drain is added to skyblock, it would be placed in the middle of a public map. It would be big enough for any and all players around the server to see. There will be a large barrier around the drain to prevent randoms from pulling it.\n\nIn order to pull it, you must crack the code on the drain to break the barrier, and get past all the raging players who will try to stop you.\n\nAll players with a playtime of 10+ hours have the ability to crack the code, and pull the drain. If it is pulled, all of skyblock, islands, items, any friends you made on there, will be reset.\n\n\nAfter the drain is pulled, a large bell will sound, gaining player\u2019s attention. All active games, Bedwars, skyways, build battle...will be momentarily paused for people to stare in awe at this moment.\n\nThe player who pulls this drain will receive a permanent IP ban from Hypixel and the forums, and their skin will be known across the entire server, and will be broadcasted on a large screen. All players shall know of what they did, and have their skin planted deep within their hearts. Their name will not be mentioned, but their unsightly fate will.\n\n6 weeks later, the drain will be added back into Skyblock, waiting to eventually be pulled again.\n\nThere will be a forums page that tells of all the players who have pulled the main drain.\n\nThis will teach players to be grateful for what they have, and remember that at any time, it can be taken away. Players shall teach their children the same thing.\n\nI honestly want this to be added to Hypixel. Player\u2019s entire diplomatic may change if such an event were to happen. This will help skyblock change for the better, and bring thousands into the server in attempts to pull the drain."}, {"title": "[Idea] Dungeons Mastermode, but its not just \u201charder\u201d", "body": "Here is the idea:\nAll floors will be the same but with a twist.\nAlso, beating a floor will not only give better loot and experience, but also 5 boss collection. Keep in mind that these will be possible from the better gear we get from later floors\nHere is what I came up with:\n\nEntrance: You have 40 seconds to beat the dungeon. (Everything that takes time like skeletons combining and the watcher spawning enemies will be immediate).\n\nF1: All ways to regain health are 10% as effective. You also can\u2019t revive people. Enemies also have 50% better stats. (Blessing of life just gives you a tiny bit of health back). You have 5 minutes to complete the dungeon. \n\nF2: You have to Solo the whole floor in 7 minutes. (Scarf also doesn't talk as much)\n\nF3: There are no blessings. (All secrets/puzzles reward you with items)\nAlso, every minute, a shadow assassin spawns on a random player. This shadow assassin will always be 10% stronger than the last.\n\nF4: You have 5 minutes to make it to the boss. When fighting the boss, you are limited to staying in the arena. (You can\u2019t go into the spectator\u2019s bench and cheese it)\n\nAssuming this post gets enough attention, I will update it when later floors are added. I have a bunch more ideas for later floors, that are less brutal than these ones"}, {"title": "party finder in a nutshell", "body": "so its an ordinary day and you try to make a team in party finder and then this happens:\nthat one guy that says: \"wE gOt 50% eXplOrEd ImMA GO BoNZo\" and then goes there(totally not my coop)\nalso a berserker with unenchanted wise\nand a dude that fails tic tac toe puzzle\nand a dude who gets ddosed\nand a dude who dies and disconnects\nand a mage that only uses the mage staff ability\nand a tank in superior\nand a dude who gets 1 tapped\nand an irl trader in superior with 100 health(the biggest bruh moment)\nand that 1 guy with no fairy souls and diamond armor that carries your team(idk how probably hax but he did)\nand a dude that has 1k health with a set 10x better than yours(he had worse stats in strong than i did in unstable before i swapped to mage)\na guy that kills fairy souls because he thinks it helps\noh and that 1 tryhard mvp++ guy that knows almost everything(totally not talking about myself and like 3 other people)\na dude that says not to kill fairies when he joins but then kills fairies\na lapis non that begs for stuff\n4 level 1 mage randoms that join when you say \u201cno repeat classes\u201d in the party note even tho you are a mage\nafk healer so when you get revived by him you're back at the start of the dungeon\nthe berserker who goes off by himself and dies instantly, shouts at his teammates for not being with him but meanwhile his teammates are in an organized push clearing the rooms\nthat dude that advertises his discord server because party finder SUCKS\nThe guy who does the complete opposite of what you tell him to do\nThe guy that spams random levers in the water puzzle\nThat person who thinks it's funny to create a party and disband it as soon as it fills up\nThe minesweeper guy that dies to every trap twice\nThe person that fails to realise they are in possession of a map, and walks circles around the first room\nthe tank without a fucking tank pet who takes quintillion damage\nthe archer that gets 2 tapped on a zombie grunt\ndude that doesnt read in the notes that you are looking for a healer/mage/class here and joins regardless if hes that or not\na dude in superior that GOES TO THE BLOOD ROOM WHEN YOU SAY THAT YOU WILL SOLO IT AND DIES 27 TIMES AND THEN KICKS YOU(get public shamed Pedimol)\na guy \"GOING FOR S RATING ONLY\" then he dies 5 times within the first two minutes and wants to restart.\nyou have a note: \"Explore, NoRush\", some sweats just joined and rushed anyway, or maybe even worse, fails every puzzle.\na dude that opens the wrong chest in the 3 chests room while you are figuring it out\nthe people who say they are going to do a class then switch class to another class with another person already using it\na hardened diamond non that fails puzzles\nthe guy who dies to the trap cuz he was fighting the boss there and he is blind\nthe one guy that dies every minute and begs for a revive, then gets pissed at you if you say you can't\nThe guy who tries to go tank with 10 fairy souls and hardened diamond\nand me, who gets disconnected every 5 seconds and single-handedly lowers the team score by 150\nThis 1 kid that enters the blood room when you say you will solo it, dies 27 times, and screams at you (get public shamed again Pedimol)\nstrong with leaping sword said that he is going to clear everything he see in the dungeon but later died 16 times\nThe party leader who kicks you because you died once after everyone else including him died 2 or more times(get public shamed yet again Pedimol)\nthe tank in unstable armor\ndude that doesn't care about priest and rushes scarf and gets destroyed because priest regenerates scarf to max health\nmage that thinks they are a tank and just rushes in\na dude in ender that messes up S tier run\na dude in superior that messes up S tier run because \"you cant solo the blood room you are only in wise\"(get public shamed for the 3rd time Pedimol)\nberzerker that thinks berzerker means rush in with no care in the world and left click\nThe ender non who makes a S run party and dies 20 times in it himself getting mad at their teamates for not getting S rank.\nThe ender non who has better stats than a superior non\nthe dude who calls his teammates braindead cuz he is dying a lot\nthe one who thinks the percentage in the scoreboard is exploration\nThe one that call other people to fight lost adventures cuz he cant solo it and want the frags(isn't that like everyone?)\nThe \"Healer\" in unstable/strong who rushes L.A's and A.A's, constantly dying and lowering the team score by 200\nThe mage with 200 mana and using unstable armor+1 mage weapon (specifically ink wand) with no backup\ntell me if i need to add more\ni am not including the \"dude that knows where secrets are\" because WHO CARES"}, {"title": "Idea for floor 8 in the future", "body": "2 different dungeon teams fight to the death \nthe collesseum but only one can win"}, {"title": "does enchanting mage weapons with standard, necessary enchants (crit 5, sharp 5, etc.) increase ability damage", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Is Fast good for the Scorpion foil or is it better to go for a damage reforge?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "if some cringelord tries to accuse me of stealing his aotd ignore", "body": "this guy dropped his aotd and saw me carrying one and he thought it was his but it was my blood sweat and tears"}, {"title": "mana is so nerfed for me", "body": "my mana regain is 9 pure tick of regain and i have 2100 mana"}, {"title": "broken dragon", "body": "me and 2 other people were in a private end lobby and we summoned a wise dragon since it was just the three of use and all of us arent great at the game with dh5 on everything it took us ages but we nearly killed it but it just dissapeared and isnt coming back and we're confused and frustrated as for me thats 4 eyes down the drain"}, {"title": "Can someone tell me good armor set for dungeons", "body": "I have looked at people who play dungeons but i am not sure what is a good dungeon starter set."}, {"title": "Has Anyone Else Minecraft Account been hacked because Of Hypixel", "body": "Recently My minecraft account was hacked on Hypixel and I only knew becuase i was playing at the moment and Mojang dosent tell u anything someone logged in from another location so luckily he logged on to hypixel for i can change it but when i got back on while they were trying to steal my stuff on skyblock like seriously who is so desperate to go threw and hack a minecraft account and still someone else stuff i mean come on and hypixel really needs to make a authorize were u can link your account to your device and ban anyone who joins your account from another location. Im curious have anyone else been hacked or am i the only one. I had i pretty hard password to crack so im curious how they got it was over 10 charcters so be careful guys make sure u change your password perodically apparently and keep you email and minecraft account passwords different.\n\nSorry for the grammer im pretty shit at it"}, {"title": "was there a new update?", "body": "new rend ult enchant, what else"}, {"title": "There are new armour sets for archer?", "body": "after they released f4, did they released new armour for archers? i checked ah and nothing yet"}, {"title": "I spent 45 minutes in f4, here is my reward", "body": "inf q 6\nwow...\nat least I got 1.8k xp"}, {"title": "How to make the dongon more gooder (acutal serious post tho)", "body": "So i feel like classes are just wierd right now. Mage isn't like in normal games, with mage you just spam blockhit with certain items, and I don't think that is how mages are supposed to work. Healers have to resort to being a hybrid class instead of just being a healer, they have to be like a battle healer to be able to regen their mana. Other classes are kind of unbalanced, and yeah. Here are my suggestions.\n\nMage (don't kill me im not complaining about the nerf but just suggesting changes):\n\nRevoke the mana regen \"nerf\" because it makes other classes ultra hard to regen mana and also i feel like its not really the style of a mage.\n\nMake it so you just regen mana normally.\n\nRemove spammy weapons (dreadlord, bonzo) and add some BIG DAMAGE single hit weapons like voodoo doll (i think its very well designed and balanced, its a good burst of damage) Then add some items that maybe cast like a fireball and cost a lot of mana but do a lot of damage. This would make mage more strategic and mana management like what it is supposed to be instead of just block hitting lol.\n\nMaybe convert some of the old mage weapons (bonzo staff, etc) into weapons for other classes so they can have more variety\n\nHealer:\n\nMaybe add some items that can give mana to teammates to make healer\n\nadd more healing ITEMS, like item with abilities that heal, maybe even give buffs to other players\n\n\nOther classes:\n\ngib archor moar items\n\ni think berserk is gud idk i haven't really played it much\n\nmaybe more tank items too"}, {"title": "Change Suggestion to the Spirit Pet", "body": "Recently the with the addition of the 4th floor of dungeons we've gotten a new pet, the spirit pet.\n\nMost people I've spoken to think the pet is not worth it or even useless. I think that it is in fact a good pet and is really underrated. There are however a couple of things that I think need to be changed, tweaked, and fixed about it.\n\nFirst off. The item lore.\nThe Spirit pet spawns when you die in a dungeon. This is great because it automatically buffs you when you die. However, the lore only reads out that it assists you and doesn't mention how it assists you. I've had the opportunity to test out the spirit pet, of course totally intentionally and not because I died. The spirit pet (as a berserker) damages mobs for quite a good amount of damage and heals your teammates. I am not sure if it has a different effect for different classes but it would be nice if this was listed in either the dungeon guide or if the item lore was made a bit clearer. \n\n(Also, the spirit pet is currently bugged, if you have it and it auto equips it unequips and leaves you without a pet when you respawn. plz fix thonks)\n\nSecondly, the second perk.\nSpirit leaps are found in bountiful amounts. If you do enough secrets to make an attempt to get an S+ you will overflow with them. This makes the second perk quite useless as no one really is asking for more Spirit leaps. If above else however you do actually run out of spirit leaps you can always go to the auction house and find them for a pretty decent price. \n\nSo, what can we do to improve on the second perk?\nWell, there are a couple of suggestions that I think would greatly improve the Spirit pet and make it much more useful.\n\nFloor 4 introduced loads of new items to the game. A couple of which are the Spirit Bow and the Spirit Sword. These are both 'Spirit Items' and can be used as actual weapons when you die inside a dungeon so that you can still deal damage.\n\nIt would be great if the spirit pet buffed these weapons while dead inside a dungeon. I'm currently thinking a 2% or 1.75% damage increase per level when using spirit weapons (while dead) This is quite powerful though. I, therefore, suggest that this perk becomes the third (legendary pet perk) and gets swapped with the current third pet perk. \n\nI hereby also want to suggest a cool achievement that I thought of while writing this post.\n\n[Spirited Away]/[Boo!] +5 Achievement points\nSpawn a spirit pet after dying inside a dungeon.\n\nI hope that you like the suggestions and that they are taken into account because I'd find it very sad if this cool new pet went completely unnoticed and unused. \n\nPlease leave a comment with your thoughts!"}, {"title": "Question", "body": "how long does it take for you to firstly get kicked out of your sb island and the geting moved to afk when ur afk?"}, {"title": "Should a new dragon set be added to the game?", "body": "Show your thoughts, it would be better than superior and more expensive."}, {"title": "Bring back Wat", "body": "Skyblock related: Jerry needs r34"}, {"title": "Zealot counter not resetting", "body": "So today I was just grinding eyes like normal. And then when I least expected I got an eye. But it's only after another few kills that I noticed that the zealot counter didn't reset. I use Badlion client btw so I asked a few other people using Badlion if they had the same problem, which they did not. I use 1.8.9 too."}, {"title": "What\u2019s A Good Mage Weapon Thats Cheap?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "I made a list of items for a item sorter.", "body": "I made a list for item sorters so please use it.\n\nFarming:\nWhat, Hay bale, enchanted bread, enchanted hay bale:\nCarrot, enchanted carrot, enchanted carrot on a stick, enchanted golden carrot:\nPotato, enchanted potato, enchanted baked potato:\nPumpkin, enchanted potato:\nMellon, enchanted Mellon, enchanted glistering Mellon, enchanted Mellon block:\nBrown mushroom, red mushroom, enchanted Brown mushroom, enchanted red mushroom:\nCoco beans, enchanted coco beans, enchanted cookie:\nCactus, enchanted cactus green, enchanted cactus:\nSugar cane, enchanted sugar, enchanted paper, enchanted sugar cane:\nFeather, enchanted feather:\nLeather, raw beef, enchanted raw beef, enchanted leather:\nPork, enchanted pork, enchanted cook pork:\nRaw chicken, enchanted raw chicken, egg, enchanted egg, enchanted super egg:\nMutton, enchanted mutton, enchanted cooked mutton:\nRaw rabbit. Rabbit hide, rabbit foot, enchanted rabbit foot, enchanted rabbit hide, enchanted rabbit:\nNether wart, enchanted nether wart:\n\nMining:\nCobblestone, enchanted cobblestone:\nCoal, enchanted coal, enchanted block of coal:\nIron, enchanted iron, enchanted iron block:\nGold, enchanted gold, enchanted gold block:\nDiamond, enchanted diamond, enchanted diamond block:\nLapis, enchanted lapis, enchanted lapis block:\nEmerald, enchanted emerald, enchanted emerald block:\nredstone, enchanted redstone, enchanted redstone block:\nQuartz, enchanted quartz, enchanted quartz block:\nObsidian, enchanted obsidian:\nglowstone dust, glowstone, enchanted glowstone, enchanted glowstone block:\nGravel, flint, enchanted flint:\nIce, packed ice, enchanted ice, enchanted packed ice:\nNether rack:\nSand, enchanted sand:\nEndstone, enchanted endstone:\nSnow, snow block, enchanted snow block:\n\nCombat:\nRotton flesh, enchanted rotton flesh:\nBone, enchanted bone, enchanted bone block:\nString, enchanted string:\nSpider eye, enchanted spider eye, enchanted fermented spider eye:\nGunpowder, enchanted gunpowder, enchanted firework rocket:\nGast tear, enchanted gast tear:\nSlime ball, slime block, enchanted slime ball, enchanted slime block:\nBlaze rod, enchanted blaze rod, enchanted blaze rod:\nMagma cream, enchanted magma cream:\n\nForaging:\nOak wood, enchanted oak wood:\nSpruce wood, enchanted spruce wood:\nBirch wood, enchanted birch wood,\nDark oak, enchanted dark oak:\nAcacia wood, enchanted acacia wood:\nJungle wood, enchanted jungle wood:\n\n\nFishing:\nRaw fish, enchanted raw fish, enchanted cooked fish:\nRaw salmon, enchanted raw salmon, enchanted cooked salmon:\nClownfish:\nPufferfish, enchanted pufferfish:\nprismeren shards, enchanted prismeren shard:\nprismeren Crystal, enchanted prismeren crystal:\nClay, clay block, enchanted clay:\nLilly pad, enchanted Lilly pad:\nInk sack, enchanted ink sack:\nSpong, wet sponge, enchanted wet sponge:\n\nBuilding:\nDirt:\nStone:\nStone brick:\nAnisette:\nDiorite:\nGranite:\nMossy cobblestone:\nMossy stone brick:\nCracked stone brick:\nNether brick(block):\nSandstone:\nRed sand stone:\nWool(you can have all types (16))\nHardend clay:\nBrick block:\nGlass:\nQuartz block:\nPrismarine block:\nChiseled prismarine block:\nDark prismarine block:\nSea lanterns:\n\n\nSorry if I forgot anything I went through all collections and the builder NPC. I did leave out some things(ender pears, snowballs). If you want to try to use them do it.\n\nthere is like 394 or so items on the list.\nHope you enjoy this bye."}, {"title": "Buying Diamond Essences...", "body": "Yo guys i'm actually buying diamond essences 10k per, this is how it will go: \n\n- You will need at least 850 diamond essences\n- We will do a collation with money or items\n- That's it lol\n\nSo hurry and tell me you got some uwu"}, {"title": "Frozen Scythe And Bonzo Staff Are Trash.", "body": "Both are trash, use the Bonzo Scythe or the Frozen Staff they are both 2x as good."}, {"title": "Flower Minion", "body": "Are there any tricks to maximizing the amount of dandelions/poppies I get?"}, {"title": "Best berserker weapon?", "body": "What do lvl 20+ berserkers use?\n\nRn I\u2019m using a maxed gilded Midas swapping with reaper falchion is there anything better?"}, {"title": "best late early/early mid game drag armor?", "body": "^"}, {"title": "Clowning around.", "body": "There once was a clown quite feisty instead he was SPECIAL in a way cuz he know necromancy. ONE DAY tripped over a rock broke his neck and fell down an escalator the end."}, {"title": "Mage class", "body": "Should I sell my frozen scytheic and a very wise armor because mage got nerfd?"}, {"title": "Bonzo Staff", "body": "Guys Should I sell all my mage stuff because it got nurfed really hard ? I got Bonzo Staff and Very Wise Drag ? Or should I wate for a fix maybe"}, {"title": "Friend Boosting?", "body": "Is it against the rules to have a profile to make money and hen give it to your friend?"}, {"title": "The Skyblock Community Doesn\u2019t Know Their Twitch Emotes", "body": "You disgust me, you probably don\u2019t even know what KOUGA is."}, {"title": "Is it allowed", "body": "If I give my friend some stuff for his birthday or does that count as boosting"}, {"title": "Fairy Soul Waypoints Mod?", "body": "I saw on ThirtyVirus's twitter there was a fairy soul waypoint mod (not the esp mod). Simon also confirmed that waypoints were allowed. Does anyone have a download link for this mod? It would be very useful because I am missing a few souls."}, {"title": "Is it just me or the guardian pet's regen ability broke?", "body": "I've tried to dip my character in a water pool and it didn't speed up the mana regen like it used to do, is this a new change that i'm unaware of or is this a bug?"}, {"title": "Mage Class", "body": "Is it worth to sell my Bonzo Staff and Very Wise Drag because Mage got nerfed hart ? \nThanks for all answers"}, {"title": "#buffallclasses", "body": "I just an excuse to not grind catacombs levels and go to floor 4 and be like uwu ThEy Do So MuCh DamAge IDk HoW I Have GoOd gEaR?"}, {"title": "Ideas for floor V!", "body": "Since he is subject to mockeries for believeing he will be wither lord someday, i think all the other bosses should be watching from above. Since he\u2019s called \u201cLivid\u201d, It would make sense that his attacks have something to do with light. My suggestion? He has a bunch of spotlights, and they move around trying to kill you. The only way to defeat it is to die on your very first run, unlocking the olivia things, and buy the dark scepter. When you launch the scepter at all the lights, like all the other bosses, he will fight you himself. He will try to stab you with his light beam, which deals a lot of true damage. He will do an attack once per fight, where he spins around launching spotlights around the place where you\u2019re fighting him. This is where he will be vulnerable, so just move around, launching the dark scepter while hes doing it. When he dies, the other bosses watching will just laugh, and necron will say: \u201cHe was never destined for a lord position. Adventurers, you are crossing dangerous paths. Be wary of where you step.\u201d Possible boss drops include: his light sword (finally, a weapon that lets players deal true dmg!), crystal armor, and the normal stuff.\n\n@Minikloon @Jayavarmen"}, {"title": "Who is the best youtuber? [Your Opinion]", "body": "Comment whom you think is the best youtuber you like, im doing this to get some analytics of who is the most liked youtuber"}, {"title": "best tank talismen reforge", "body": "whats the best talismen reforge for a tank?"}, {"title": "Yes, yes, this is good dungeons content. Peak modern programming!", "body": "This is what happened to me when going into a regular f4 run. This is what I play dungeons for 100%.\nGood dungeon content Here\n\nDon't know how it happened, but it sure is amazing!"}, {"title": "best way to get dungeons lvl 14?", "body": "title, speedrunning f3? or full runs? or something else? I have lvl 12 rn"}, {"title": "Nerfed mages? Where?", "body": "let me introduce you to dreadlord skulls\n\nthe class is still OP as **** post-nerf. As a Tank I can basically just watch when floor IV boss fight happens. For example Spirit Bear moves and attacks to my attacks, meanwhile it shoots with a bow the mage"}, {"title": "Nevermind dont replied to this", "body": "a"}, {"title": "[Help] Dragon damage", "body": "How to get more dragon damage?\nWith my tara, runaan, and scorp foil (dont question)\n\ni can get an average of 400k-1.3m damage on dragons\n\nHow can i get more damage? ive seen many people average 2-3m damage, and i want to be like them\n(Please don't say superior and elegant tux, because i know that those are good, but i dont have money)\n\nWhat items do i need?"}, {"title": "custom dungeons", "body": "hypixel add a feature where players can create their own dungeon run for other players for fun that like requires mvp++ so its like private games"}, {"title": "Fun challenge!", "body": "First person to say what my quest that I set myself in Skyblock is, wins 20k!!\n(Also sorry its a small amount of money, I just spent a ton of coins getting smth.)\nAlso to those who already know what my quest is, if they say the answer, they do not get the prize.\nI have to keep this fair for those who don't know what it is. q-q.\nGood luck!\n\nSkyblock: Zombie Soldier Cutlass"}, {"title": "Why I might quit skyblock", "body": "There are way too many threads like this out there, but this one is about the most recent update.\nSo, a little story.\nI joined Skyblock around 3 months ago. For the First two months I was a casual player and got Full Strong, Max AOTD and a skill average of about 16. I felt pretty acomplished. On the third month, I built a sugar cane farm and grinded milions of coins. \n\nPart 1: Dungeons\nDungeons finally came out. I rapidly sold all my gear and bought a Bonzo's Staff for 6 milion. I then added Ultimate Wise 4 and got a Sheep Pet. I was pretty happy with my new mage setup. I did around 50 floor 2 dungeon runs and got to Mage Lv 13. Mage was very fun to play, as I like being a glass cannon.\n\nPart 2: The Day of Reckoning.\nWe all knew it was going to happen. But none of us wanted it to happen. But the admins are ruthless*. ON July 31st, 2020, the Mage Class was nerfed. Now, we all knew it was going to happen and we were ready. But we weren't ready for the severity.\nLike, listen. A mage nerf was sensible and needed. But to nerf Mage THIS HARD! You must be out of your mind! Players grinded their *sses off to get all this gear, and you just make it Worthless?\nNow, the nerf of the gear is bad enough. But, the admins probably didn't realise the reprecussions.\n1. The Mages now couldn't switch to another class as the sell price of their items had gone down severely.\n2. Mages would have to grind up the class level if they were to switch.\nNow, making a perfectly balanced game is very difficult. Now, Archer is overpowered and will be nerfed.\nBut, there are better ways to do this than to destroy mage. I suggest that the admins take a look at the first 10 pages of the forums and look at the onslaught of angry players. In my opinion, mage should get rebuffed, but not to the point where it was at before. Just, to be as good as all the other classes. (berserker can easily 1 shot all the mobs without using mana & so can archer)\nThis is a comparison:\nBefore, I was easily able to kill a Lost Adventurer.\nNow, I ran out of mana, took around 1/4 of its hp and died.\nI hope that when Floor V releases, mage will be rebuffed."}, {"title": "zombie soldier + bonzos mask or dark goggles for mage", "body": "title"}, {"title": "The problem with mage(s)", "body": "DISCLAIMER: I was not a mage so I can not relate to the problems so I might have some biased opinions\n\nWell, Hypixel fucking did it. They nerfed the class that everyone knew was far too good. I mean, our primary berserker switched to mage because it was so fucking OP. He had the optimal berserker loadout and he switched to mage because that\u2019s how op it was. However, I have to say; even if I was getting a bit salty at not reaching milestones because my mages would just run in and fucking shred everything before I could get up close, nerfing it was the wrong move.\n\nI mean, you could make a case that the class had it coming, but right now I have to say I really do miss our mage\u2019s ability to solo minibosses. My current team now screams over the mic \u201c**** my ass dude shadow assassin on me\u201d and immediately the entire team comes swarming in. We have to, otherwise we get fucked and it just keeps killing the person trying to do it.\n\nI mean I am certainly not the first person to say it but they should have just added better stuff for each and every class. Mage is only good because you\u2019re paying for better stuff.The berserker stuff right now is just too weak for it\u2019s cost. It goes from 2-4m for decent damage to 50m for not much more. It\u2019s just to steep of a price leap for not enough stat bonuses. They should have added in better swords for berserker, better healing items for healers and better armor for tanks instead of nerfing the one class that was good as it was.\n\nThank you for coming to my TED talk"}, {"title": "Intentional or a bug?", "body": "As you know when you type something on a dungeon note and someone leaves and then you try again, its says that you cannot say the same message twice. This is really annoying me"}, {"title": "Guys. Don't reply to the \"last to reply gets something posts\" they are post farming.", "body": "If you didn't know you get achivments based on how many posts and stuff and you can farm off ppl replying to your posts. These are all fake and almost never actually are real. 99 precent chance they are faje. They are just post farming\n\n\nAnd for the person saying that im post farming. You don't have to reply."}, {"title": "BUG that causes players losing MILIONS of coins (my \"short\" story)", "body": "I'm talking about spirit bow that was added in the recent dungeon update (not that spirit bow droping from spirit bear but the one you can get as a loot from floor 4). As an archer I naturally got interested in it... so without thinking to much I bought one for 7,77 mill (that was the lowest bin offer at the time...) and only then realised that in order to use it I have to complete flor 4 first... but I was thinking: \"it's fine\" (it wasn't) \"I will put in ender chest... go play dungeons for a while... flor 4 shouldn't be that hard... I will test it later...\" (and that's exactly what I did).\nWhile in dungeons, during the first run after first death I immediately noticed that the spirit bow is on my hotbar even though it supposed to be in my enderchest \"well... that's wierd, but maybe that suppose to work this way...\" ( I said... to myself... in my head... which is still thinking... I guess... )\nanyway now while I'm thinking about it, this \"wierd thing\" happened only in the first game but not during other runs... but didn't notice it back then and also wasn't checking if my spirit bow is still im my enderchest... beaceuse why wouldn't it be there ??\nAfter like few runs... which was like 1,5h I finally completed flor 4 and because dark ah was starting in like 2 min and because that spirt bow would be my main bow for now I decided to buy power VI for it... and I actually did... bought it on that dark ah...\nThe Moment has finally come... now I can enchant my brand new bow and use it... \nexcept... \n*opening ender chest sound* \n\nmy spirit bow IS GONE.\n\nmy first thoughts...\n\"\n...\n...\n...\nf*ck...\"\n\nI mean it's been a while since I put that bow into my ender chest so first thing I did, I started looking for it in my backpacks... then In chests on my island... unsuccessfuly...\n...well back then I wasn't really sure what happened I mean... I was pretty sure that it was a bug... but it was also possible that it was my fault... that I somehow dropped it somewhere, sold to npc by accident e.t.c...\nso I thought...\n\"well... another 8 mil lost to some wierd bug... in total it will be like 50 mil so far... but it's fine\" (I already kinda used to this...) \nI mean... It's not that I'm like super rich or sth... I had \"only\" like 30 mil in the bank at the time,but there was no way that I will get back that money just like that only after reporting it or writing post on the forum titled \"omg I lost 7 mill gimme money back plssss\"\nlife is hard, \nno one cares...\nI have to move on...\n\n\nbut...\n\n... I still want that bow though (and I still didn't know what caused that bug...)\nthe price for spirit bow already dropped a bit so without thinking to much I bought another one for 5,75 mill (that was the lowest bin offer at the time...) but this time I was able to use it and didn't have to put in into my ender chest and since I already bought power VI book and already had infinite quiver X on me without thinking to much ( I just realised that I generally don't think to much...) put them and few other enchants on my N E W bow...\nAnd because I'm an archer... and that would be my main bow for now... I also put 10 hpb on it... reforged it to precise... and r e c o m b o b u l a t e d it.\n...and went straing in to dungeons to test it...\nthat Spirit bow was always on my hotbar so everything was fine... it was better that my mythinc mosqito so I was glad that I bought it... what's more this bow is super op while you are a ghost...and I was able to deal even up to 300k per shot as a ghost and clear rooms while being invincible and flying around... I had so much fun... and I was even going to make a vid about it... to show how cool you can use it...\n\nand that was yesterday\n\ntoday I woke up... log in to skyblock... checked ah... \"oh... a spirit sword ? I had so much fun using spirit bow... I have to test it\" and that's exaclty what I did.\nI thought that you can't use 2 spirit items at once... so... \nWITHOUT THINKING TOO MUCH I PUT AWAY MY 20 MIL SPIRIT BOW IN MY E N D E R C H E S T \nand with smile on my face went play dungeons...\n\nfloor III... random noobs...whatever.. I don't even care... I just wanned to test that sword\nso after our healer died ( to make sure he will not revive me quickly and I will have some time) i decided to die on purpose \n\ntO My sUpRiSe\n\nthe spirit bow also was on my hotbar even though it supposed to be in my ender chest...\n...\nand then it HIT me...\n...\n\"wait... isn't that exaclty what happened last time... \noh.... sh*t, sh*t, sh*t...\n...\nguyyyys... there is 20 mill on a line... DON'T DIE\"\nthey of course died imidiately after i said it... as always\ is over\n..rank D\nI'm immediately checking my ender chest... \n...\n...\n...\n...\nmy fears were confirmed\nmy bow is GONE... \nmy plans are GONE...\n28mill which is like month of playing skyblock gone...\nlike 3 hours total which took me to (first make this bow then to figure out what happened looking for help reporting it and writing this post) gone...\nhopes that I will get something back GONE...\n\nmy will to live... gone\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n\nunfortunately I wasn't recording this whole thing, and I have only few clips of me just playing with this bow and screen of enderchest after it disappeared\n(I put it be next to that second bow before that exp botles \"highlighted slot\", bow on my hotbar is mosqito bow, and that two other in echest are explosive and runaan's bow)\nand last servers that I was playing on... maybe that will help get that bow back ;d\n\n\nbtw It not just me to lose a spirit bow like that... I saw also few other posts about it...\nbut as A L W A Y S ...\nI lost (probably) the most...\n\nmonster raider set disapperaing bug ? \n\"for most players, they will earn more items than they originally had\" \npeople ending up getting 3 free mill...\n\"There may be some special cases where some players have less..\" \nlosing like 10 mil while I was poor anyway...\n\nbut no one even care anyway...\n\nso\n\nbest of luck \n\nI'm just gonna kill myslef \n\ncya"}, {"title": "Why the mage nerf is making everyone mad", "body": "Mage had to be nerfed ,i agree but\nyou shouldnt have nerfed the damg /mana you should have nerfed the defence/HP because a mage is a very high dps with a low hp, now you just made the mage a tank , and its not even fun anymore not at all i have to wait 90% of the game waiting for my mana to regen no joke , plus so much people lost soooo much money because of the bonzo/pigman/frozen nerf, you have no idea how happy i was when i got the frozen scythe back when dungeons was just out it was SO MUCH FUN the day after i buy it it gets nerfed insta 8m loss plus it wasnt so good but it was still fun i just had to get better stuff then i was back to the old damge,then this comes insta 4m loss i have to hit a zombie 5 times then wait 4mins to regen the mana back like bruh"}, {"title": "Gold Boys Rise", "body": "Can we get all the gold boys in here?"}, {"title": "Unexpected error / disconnect", "body": "Englisch below with Translator\n\nHallo ihr alle,\nich habe folgendes Problem, was ich bisher nicht l\u00f6sen konnte:\n- Fischen: Jedesmal wenn ich eine \"Grand Experience Bottle\" bekomme, habe ich einen disconnect und das Spiel ist geschlossen\n- Gleiches ist mir nun passiert, wenn ich am Verzauberungstisch etwas verzaubere\n\nDies muss eine Einstellungssache sein, da jemand anderes die selben (und mehr) Addons nutzt.\nAbstutzbericht:\n\nInstalliert ist:\n- Forge 1.8.9\n- LabyMod (aktuell)\n- Just enough items 1.8.9 & CodeChicken 1.8.+\n- Schematica 1.8.9. & LunatriusCode 1.8.9.\n- OptiFine 1.8.9.\n- SkyblockAddons 1.5.2. for MC 1.8.9.\n\n\nHi all,\n\nI have the following problem, which I have not been able to solve so far:\n- Fishing: Every time I get a \"Grand Experience Bottle\" I have a disconnect and the game is closed\n- The same thing happened to me now when I enchant something at the enchantment table\n\nThis has to be a matter of setting, because someone else uses the same (and more) addons.\nSupport report:\n\nIs installed:\n- Forge 1.8.9\n- LabyMod (current)\n- Just enough items 1.8.9 & CodeChicken 1.8.+\n- Schematica 1.8.9. & LunatriusCode 1.8.9.\n- OptiFine 1.8.9.\n- SkyblockAddons 1.5.2. for MC 1.8.9. \n\n\nthx\nDecula"}, {"title": "Legendary Treasure Talisman is Way too Expensive (140 Mil rn)", "body": "If you all don't know, treasure talisman can be obtained by opening secret chest in dungeon. \nThe recipe for Treasure ring (epic) = 8 x Treasure Talisman (rare)\nTreasure Artifact (Leg) = 9 x Treasure ring\nI know that floor 4 just came out and the stuff you get from there are overpriced currently. But even if the price drops by half (1 mil per rare treasure talisman instead of 2 mil), it's still gonna cost more than 2 x the price of the former most expensive talisman in the game ( 36 mil Seal of the Family). A legendary talisman that grant 3% extra loot in end-of-dungeon chest for 70 to 150 mil is a joke.. Either make the recipe cheaper (probably bad idea) or increase the odds of getting one from dungeon secret chest."}, {"title": "rule breakers Advertising giveaways", "body": "one noteable player is 69potatogod69. a lot of players in the discord server have gotten lots of skyblock coins\n\nhe used this link :"}, {"title": "Is the pigman sword still worth grinding for?", "body": "The title"}, {"title": "im so confused how to bazaar flip i see that it makes a lot of coins but i just dont get it", "body": "im so confused how to bazaar flip i see that it makes a lot of coins but i just dont get it"}, {"title": "Is calling out scammers allowed?", "body": "I have heard some debate about whether calling out scammers is allowed on the forums or not. Something about public shaming or whatever. Can someone refer me to the correct ruling please?\n\nI had a guy asking someone to craft zombie hearts for him, asked to go to my island so no one could see, then asked for coins in exchange so I didn't steal the enchanted flesh, I opened a trade with him and he showed me backpacks of revenant flesh (I have a resource pack that shows them as different icons.) I called him out and he just said \"bruh\" and left and blocked me. I have his name but don't want to reveal it if it will just get me in trouble. :/"}, {"title": "Is ForumCraft back?", "body": "@MlecznyHuxel99 @NotDuckie @LegendaryBeePet"}, {"title": "PSA: REND IS BUGGED AND WILL GIVE YOU AN ANVIL USE!", "body": "IF YOU WANNA PUT REND ON YOUR BOW YOU SHOULD WAIT UNTIL IT'S FIXED, IT WILL CURRENTLY ADD AN ANVIL USE ON YOUR BOW!\n\nENCHANT THO IS A 11/10"}, {"title": "You can mine the dark ah in the lobbys", "body": "i think you need silk touch to break it but it only work on hub lobbys"}, {"title": "e", "body": "skyblock: red claw egg"}, {"title": "[Idea] New Ultimate Enchants (25+ Positive Reactions!)", "body": "Currently, there aren't a lot of Ultimate Enchantments in the game, but most of them are not as useful as they should be, or very situational. Of course, there are exceptions to this(such as Ultimate Wise) but by increasing the variety and overall usefulness of all available, I think the game could benefit. So here are a few of my ideas on what new enchants could be added as dungeon loot in lower floors.\n\nKnockback Resistance I-V: Decreases taken knockback by 5-30%. Does not work on abilities. (Armor Enchantment)\n\nDeflection I-V: 5-25% chance to deflect a projectile back at the enemy. The deflected projectile does 50-170% damage of the original projectile. (Armor Enchantment)\n\nBunny I-III: Increases a player's jump boost by 10-30%. (Armor Enchantment)\n\nSteel I-V: When shifted, lose 250-150% speed and gain 10-50% defense. (Armor Enchantment)\n\nUltimate Cleave I-V: Deals 10-50% damage dealt to target monsters to other monsters in a 3-7 block radius. (Weapon Enchantment)\n\nSpell I-V: Increases ability damage of item by 10-50%. (Weapon Enchantment)\n\nWave I-V: When a mob is hit, knocks back all mobs in a 3-7 block radius. (Weapon Enchantment)\n\nFreeze I-V: Freezes enemies in place for 0.5-2.5 seconds when a bow is fired at full charge. (Bow Enchantment)\n\nDuplicate I-II: 10-20% chance to fire 1-2 extra arrows. (Bow Enchantment)\n\nI think such enchantments will help add some variety to play styles, as well as balance some dungeons classes(Spell could balance Ult Wise, Steel could buff tank, etc.)\n\nThis is just my opinion. If you have any suggestions/comments, please feel free to suggest it!"}, {"title": "Stop post farming with the absurd 'last to reply...' games", "body": "This has to come to an end"}, {"title": "A bug?", "body": "Diamond minions need diamonds to upgrade, but cannot use diamonds that are broken down by block of diamond,it's a bug?"}, {"title": "someone put up their bonemerang for 5m", "body": "i bought it \nthen i sold all my skeleton master pieces for 5m each\nthen i woke up\nno seriously, that was all that happened in my dream"}, {"title": "someone put up their bonemerang for 5m", "body": "i bought it \nthen i sold all my skeleton master pieces for 5m each\nthen i woke up\nno seriously, that was all that happened in my dream"}, {"title": "How to mage [After nerf]", "body": "Go in a dungeon, finish all your mana in 2secs wait 15mins for them to regen,the game ends,we would like to thank hypixel for making mage so exciting"}, {"title": "Petition to rename seal of the family to seeeeeeeeel of the family", "body": "seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of the family > seal of the family"}, {"title": "minimum requirements to beat floor 4?", "body": "this is what my friends are planning for:\nmage: Adaptive, Frozen scythe\ntank: Super heavy, earth shard\nBerserk: (deciding armor), adaptive blade\nhealer: Zombie heart, wise for the rest, ornate zombie sword"}, {"title": "what armor for berserker", "body": "currently have Superior, AOTD, Ender Dragon pet.\nwhat armor should i buy, or should i stick to superior"}, {"title": "I have technoblade foot in my accesory bag", "body": "Relesase pigs elbow"}, {"title": "i got scammed", "body": "Please help me! Or say how i can help myself."}, {"title": "Hypixel needs to stop nerfing everything they add", "body": "Cant wait till spirit sceptre gets nerfed!"}, {"title": "Hypixel Skyblock IRL Trading Discord Server", "body": "Hey, I got invited to a hypixel skyblock IRL trafing server I wanted to report it here.\nThe discord link is please do something about this staff"}, {"title": "best pet candy?", "body": "WHAT IS IT"}, {"title": "WAYYBACKMACHINE IN HYPIXEL!", "body": "2012\n\n2013\n\n2014\n\n2015\n\n2016\n\n\n\nStore\n2015\n \n\nORIGINAL POST"}, {"title": "questions regarding the reaper falchion", "body": "I have a revenant falcion and i want to upgrade it into a reaper falchion. is it better to sell my rev falcion or craft a revived heart. also if i craft one will it keep the enchants?"}, {"title": "Stop butthurting about End island meta, and stop demanding changes", "body": "This content is 1 year old, or at least will be, tomorrow. Health of zealots shouldn't be changed, because it's literally late early game at this point.\nIf Admins wanted Zealots to be melee only, they would do it.\nIf you can't click right click on mobs, and only left click, it's your problem.\n\nIf you can only play the game in one way, sorry, you're basic."}, {"title": "Banned", "body": "Will i get banned for bhoping on mort"}, {"title": "[Forums Game] Win Money [EASY GOLD]", "body": "Guess what number I am thinking of between 1 and 1,000,000. \n\nYou will win 1 gold ingame."}, {"title": "How much is Rare treasure talisman, and should i wait before buying it.", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Is adaptive helm useless?", "body": "You can use bonzo mask for double lives and zombie heart (better than reaper mask until like catacombs 30), I mean eventually full adaptive will be better cuz of full set bonus, so idk"}, {"title": "What is the ip for the alpha server(I know I am stupid)", "body": "Whats the ip pls"}, {"title": "IDEA: JERRY ARMOUR", "body": "But make it ridiculously expensive, but pretty much useless unless you have certain things on it. So there should be upgrades that are also rlly expensive. Kinda like if you max an aotj. Jerry pet should buff the armour aswell. I wanna see Palikka waste more money cos funney"}, {"title": "Level 10 Enchants", "body": "The best way to combine to get level 10 enchants?"}, {"title": "Can i use a Recombulated Recombulator to Recombulate an Item", "body": "For Science \u2122\ufe0f"}, {"title": "u need to fix the players hit box with mobs", "body": "i cant hit my bosses some times cuz of the mob hiting me far away and i cant do damge but it can to me and i have like no lag to the server plz its annyoing and i can die to t3 revs cuz of it"}, {"title": "Potion bottle disappearing setting", "body": "Hello, I think there should be a setting in the skyblock menu that allows you to make a potion bottle disappear after drinking a potion.\n\nwhen I start foraging I drink a haste 3 potion and i always have to manually throw it away and sometimes I forget and my inventory fills up quicker and my foraging is slowed down.\n\nplease consider this admins"}, {"title": "bazaar flipping", "body": "Hello, recently I was on a discord server that vanished from the face of the earth. It helped me bazaar flip and now a need a new server to help me flip items. Thx for the help in finding a new place i can make in game money."}, {"title": "are custom item textures bannable?", "body": "in pit, custom item textures are now bannable because they are an unfair advantage.\nyou might say \"skyblock isn't a pvp gamemode so its allowed!\"\none word, COLISEUM"}, {"title": "Rend? New ultimate enchantment", "body": "Hi, does anyone know what this ultimate enchantment does? I saw a bow with rend 3 on the AH, I assume it comes from the new dungeon floor."}, {"title": "Best spooky festival strat?", "body": "I've heard it's done in the hub, but can someone explain what to do? Want to see how high of a position I can get, since only got #48 killing 9ks"}, {"title": "Leaping Strat?", "body": "For people who don't do enough damage and can't tank the hits:\nGet leaping (leaping has decent stats)\nPick mage and keep stunning the mobs with the ability\n(works against most if not all mobs that I tested)"}, {"title": "Can the personal compactor compact String, spider eyes and iron?", "body": "I have a huge tarantula dropper farm, and taking all the items out and crafting them into enchanted takes forever, so I thought I should ask you guys (who actually know how to play this game) can it do what the title asks? \n\nThanks, i know this is a stupid question lol"}, {"title": "replenish broke", "body": "Rookie hoe. replenish. nether wart. the replenish enchant says it replants nether wart. it does not. scam, pls fix hypixel"}, {"title": "What's the best armor for beserker class?", "body": "Title. I've noticed that I die a bit too easy with adaptive on the latest floor and was wondering if there was a good alternative with same damage and more ehp"}, {"title": "Hypixel should start taking people idea's", "body": "hypixel need to make posts specifically for idea's cuz i bet there is thousends or people have great idea's \nand admins just cant see dont see them"}, {"title": "God Splash", "body": "Anyone know the cost of mats for a normal god splash\n\nIs it still worth it to god splash if you don't have good rank because not many people can visit you at a time"}, {"title": "What should I use as a mage.", "body": "My bonzo does no damage. I kinda want to buy FrozenS but idk if its worth it. Any other suggestions?"}, {"title": "Is recombobulator worth it? Im a mid-late game player", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Yeti sword vs Spirit Sceptre?", "body": "Which is a better weapon? Or do they serve different purposes? Despite the mage nerf, I still want to go for it so I'm wondering what's better to sink some money into"}, {"title": "what are the requirements for well known member", "body": "title"}, {"title": "How much is pigman sword going for on bin rn?", "body": "I dont have access to my pc and i wanna know?"}, {"title": "Treecap + AOTE = bad bug (please fix)", "body": "The bug: Treecapitator under the effect of Haste III gets reset with an AOTE.\n\nIf you go to the foraging islands with a treecap under the effects of haste III, and the AOTE, you will lose Haste III. It's still listed as an active effect but does not work, as I cut at the same speed as if i had no haste at all.\nSBAddons might be causing this?"}, {"title": "Slayer suggestion", "body": "There are only 2 suggestions I have for slayers. Make it so telekinesis works on slayers and give slayers hit protection so people stop punching them. Like the only people that can hit your slayer is if they are in your party. The telekinesis suggestion is for fighting revenant horrors in lava my friend lost a scythe blade in lava because there was a new player hitting him back into the lava as he tried to pull the revenant horror out."}, {"title": "i has question", "body": "would i be able to do a wolf t3 with a maxed tacticaions sword and strong armor?"}, {"title": "Slayer revamp idea", "body": "slayers are wayyyyy to inperfect. RNGsus drops take too much item, actually can be detremental for people who can stay for hours on end doing slayers trying to get overfluxes or something else, so here is my slayer revamp idea, it took me like hours to do this lol\n\nP.S i was watching, or more listening to f1 qualifying so yeah might have imperfectins wee\n\n1. RNGsus DROP FIX\nthis will be like the Dungeon Boss drop system, what will happen if it you reach a certian number of kills slayers you will get a item, you can still get the RNGsus item, but this will be a more efficent way\n(tier 1 gives 0.1 kills, tier 2 gives 0.3, tier 3 - 0.5 and tier 4 1 kill)\n\nhere are the kills u need for the item\n\nREVNANT HORROR TREE\n\nREVENANT HORROR: (NEW ITEM) Destroyed Unholy Raiper - 50 kills smite 6 book - 90 kills| (NEW ITEM) Broken Mythological Long bow - 120 kills| Beheaded horror - 180 kills | (NEW ITEM) Haunted Undead Talisman - 240 kills | Scythe blade - 390 kills.\n\nHERE I EXPLAIN THE DROPS FROM REVENANT HORROR\n\n: Destroyec Unholy Raiper - this item has a %3.5 to drop from Revenant tier 2 and up., The broken form of this item have really bad stats, 170 damage and 60 strenght, the way you repair it is with a new npc named Pablo, Pablo is specialized on repairing Slayer items, the way you repair this item is with the sword like a stick and the 2 enchanted blocks like the blade (like crafting a vanilla sword), 1 beheaded horror and 1 gold dust, this will craft the Perfect Unholy Raiper, here are the stats : 180 damage, 65 strenght, 30% crit damage, 20% crit chance, and the special ability is Spectral union: No zombie will attempt to kill you unless you hit it, also the stats of the sword are doubled in the howling cave and in the deep caverns. stats are multiplied by 0.5 times in dungeons.\n\nBroken mythological long bow - this item has a 2.5% drop rate from revenant tier 3 and up, this item again has to be repaired with pablo, this item needs, 3 stacks of enchanted strings, 1 hurricane bow, 1 magma bow, and 1 gold dust, this item broken does not do anything, but the item repaired casn be one of the best in the game, Here are the stats: MYTHOLOGICAL LONG BOW: 200 damage and 100 strenght, SPECIAL ABILITY: Strenght of age: the more time you have it in your hotbar, the more powerfull it becomes, 1 damage and 0.5 strengh per 4 minutes, the max stats ae 90+ damage and 35 strenght, 2ND SPECIAL ABILITY: Combat locker, can do 50+ damage and 10+ strengh without aiming.\n\nHaunted undead talisman: this is like a extremely powerfull undead talisman, if you actually want to get it by revenants it is 0.8% from revenants t3 and up, here are the stats: 25 crit damage and 10 strenght, it is a legendarytalisman, here is the special ability: Awoken: while fighting any mob that has consideraly more powerfull than you the stats will be doubled by half.\n\nTARANTULA BROODFATHER TREE\n\n(NEW ITEM)Silk touch Book (EVERY 10 KILLS) (NEW ITEM) Enchanted Nunchucks - 50 kills| 5 toxic arrow poison (EVERY 40 KILLS)| (NEW ITEM)Kindergarten String thrower - 130 kills| Bane of arthropods 6- 180 kills| fly swatter - 290 kills| (NEW ITEM) silk talisman - 350kills| (NEW ITEM) eletronic fly swatter - 400 kills| Digested mosquito - 550 kills| tarantula talisman - 600 kills.\n\nNEW ITEMS EXPLAINED\n\nEnchanted nunchucks: this is a item that has a new mechanic, every hit hits twice, so the stats might seem low but this item can be a MONSTER in the right occasions, it is 5% and you can get it from t2 and more, STATS: 80 damage, 30 strenght and 20 crit damage, SPECIAL ABILITY: Power container: every 10 hits a hit does %50 precent more damage.\n\nKindergarten string thrower- this is a new bow with a funky name, this bow isnt very special, it will be good for new players, here are the stats- 100 damage, 50 strenght, SPECIAL ABILITY: Detention: Can randombly double the crit damage this can do, Example, might do 200 crit damage instead of 100.\n\nSilk talisman - this talisman is a starter tarantula talisman, it can craft a monster item with it, here are the stats: 5 damage and 5 strenght, randomly a hit can do 5% extra damage.\n\n(CRAFT) megarachne servinei: named after a mythical giant spider, this talisman is one of the best in the game, every 10th hit can do 10-25% more damage. It also gives 20 strenght and 50 crit damage. this is a monster item that you will need to be clasified as a god in the game.\n\nEletronic Fly swatter - This is a item can be crafted to make a new book called thorns 7- thorns 7 is crafted with 1 electronic fly swatter and 3 stacks of enchanted paper - if you have this in ALL of your set it reflects 10% of the damage you recive. you will need to place it with 15 million coins in a anvil.\n\nSVEN PACKMASTER TREE\n\nHamster wheel- 20 kills |( NEW ITEM) Tasty bone - 40 kills |\n\n\n@Alagator s idea\n\n\nAs far as I'm concerned, we all hate the rngesus runes obtained through slayers. I would like to suggest a rework to ONLY slayer runes. Before any defaults scream pAy2wIn, these runes should be applicable by any rank, limited only by runecrafting level, giving the defaults a chance to upgrade the runecrafting skill, but not view the rune effects. The difference would be that only ranked players can see the rune effect, but all players are given the buff. The idea is to give the runes a purpose, worthy of their rarity, in oppose to just cosmetic.\n\nRune 1: Couture Rune\nConsidering the rune is obtained from svens, the buff would be + X amount of magic find, and + X amount of true defense. Depending on the tier of rune (1 - 3), the buff would be multiplied accordingly.\n\nRune 2: Snake Rune\nThis rune is given through the revenant horror slayer boss. Similar to the Couture Rune, it supplies + X amount of magic find, but also gives + X number of hit tickers similar to the scorpion foil's ability. When the hit ticker is used up, you will deal + X percentage of damage to revenants. The cooldown between this ability will be decreased as the runes tier is upgraded.\n\nRune 3: Bite Rune\nThe bite rune is obtained from killing broodfathers. This rune will again add X amount of magic find per tier, with the main buff being that every X amount of hits from a broodfather you will take no knockback. Again, the cooldown of this will be determined by the tier of the rune.\n\nIf you got this far, thanks for reading! I would also appreciate if you could discuss exactly what values to replace the X's should be, as I don't want to make it too op or useless. Also, depending on whether people like this idea or not, I may do the less rare slayer runes as well!\n\n\n\n\nI COULDNT FINISH IT, I WIL MAKE A NEW POST ABOUT THE FINISHED ONE, I HABVE A TON OF STUFF TO DO, HOPE YOU LICKED THIS!!\n\nPls bump to keep this alive!!"}, {"title": "MAGES MAD SO ITS SHOW TIMEEEEEE", "body": "It all started with me at hub 1, bored as always, so i started spamming my bonzo staff to village and colosseum, after like 20 minutes the first guy appeared. After like 10 minutes there was like 40 people spamming bonzo staff, frozen scythe, everything. It was beautiful.\n\n\n#MagesMAD\n\n\n\n\n\nSHOW TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"}, {"title": "How to make a fully automatic wheat farm (no redstone needed!)", "body": "Hey everyone!\n\nSpent a few hours trying to develop a solution to creating automatic wheat farms, after realising that redstone was disabled - I figured out that you could use a cobblestone generator + cobblestone minion to automatically harvest the wheat for you. And using the serve's custom wheat crystal, could automatically plant wheat without ever needing to interact with the machine.\n\nI made a quick youtube tutorial for anyone interested.\n\n\n\n\n\nAs a side note - this is expandable to be a lot bigger (You put the cobble flusher and crystal in the center of the multiple fields and have 4 surrounding the main cobble flusher system), this is just a single farm tutorial. (This can also be expanded sidewards by 2 blocks, but may have issues with water flow). One of these can cover up to 4 fields without another water source."}, {"title": "Un co-op", "body": "some time ago i accidently added some ppl to my coop who were on for less than 10min i think(im glad they didnt scam they left wen i asked them), and my prof still says coop. Let me b clear they did not do ANYTHING at al to help my progression. How do i change my prof to say solo?"}, {"title": "[Guide] How to CHEESE FLOOR 4! (0 deaths S+ EASY!)", "body": "Here's a method for you to cheese f4\n\n1. Go up to the balcony when u got in boss room\n2. Place 3 decoys\n3. Let the decoys attract the bats and then kill the bats to spawn the Spirit Bear\n4. Stop killing bats when the spirit bear spawn, kill bear and shoot ghast.\n5. Go back up to the balcony to kill bats and repeat the process until the boss died.\n\nDo not agro the animals and try to guide the bear to somewhere far from the animals\n\n\nSpoiler: Video Tutorial (If needed)"}, {"title": "What is the best way to farm mushrooms?", "body": "Title. I need as many mushrooms as you can get."}, {"title": "Leg Skelly Master vs Strong Drag", "body": "Isn't full fierce legendary skeleton Master better for dmg than full Fierce Strong Dragon?"}, {"title": "is there any dungeon set better for tank than t12 WITH some dmg?", "body": "title, I know about heavy but its no dmg"}, {"title": "[SUGGESTION] (indirect) berserker buff", "body": "Just whenever there are mobs (except shadow assassin and bosses and stuff, which have different AI) nearby, make them always target the tank instead of berserker if possible\n\nit would be extremely helpful in floor 4, where nearly everything can like 3-tap berserkers easily\n\nim not berserker, i play healer, but the berserker racks up the most deaths in the runs i've done, cuz they cant do ranged damage and only have slightly more ehp than mage/archer"}, {"title": "alright boys my account is linked to someone that hacked me so its been fun", "body": "totally didn't spend ages on skyblock, but its fine... I don't even know how this guy hacked me but ggs <3"}, {"title": "Door from the DA", "body": "As the title suggests, I mined the front door of the Dark Auction with my AOTE before the DA started. Surprisingly, it dropped the iron door and stayed open, allowing me into the DA building before Sirius let me in. How rare is this?"}, {"title": "Jerry Minion! Should it be added?", "body": "Who thinks a jerry minion would be cool to add but it gets a purpose and you sell enchanted jerry eggs for money and the way to get it is by doing a quest from a jerry in the hub to find their child and you can make jerry armor with a jerry island as the last thing to make with the skills.\n\nCredit: AstroCoins Admin and helpers for this idea\nHelper Cosmo\nHelper Hydra\nAdmin Leko\nIf this gets 90% yes than please add it Hypixel"}, {"title": "Whats the price of undead essence?", "body": "I am trying to sell undead essence but idk the price. Can someone help me with the price?"}, {"title": "[IDEA] Jerry Essence", "body": "Read title, get 5 every time you find a secret, make the AOTJ a dungeon item, also each time the aotj is upgraded its ability produces another hurr"}, {"title": "how do you get flexible jerry?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Am I getting banned?!Pls help", "body": "I i slept on my friend house.He has 2 Computers and i logged my Account into his computer...Is this account sharing?\n(He didnt play on my account)\nAm I getting banned?\nPls tell me"}, {"title": "Hypixel SkyBlock Ideas!", "body": "Some Cool New Things to Add!\n\nDragon Eye:\nThe Dragon Eye is a Mythic (Or Legendary) Talisman that has a 1% chance to be dropped by a Superior Dragon. (A 0.00010526315% Drop Rate Including The Superior Spawn Rate) What it does is increases the chance to get a better dragon/ dragon loot by 1%. I think this would be good because rich players will do anything and spend millions for a slight buff. You can upgrade it with 8 Summoning Eyes to increase the buff by 2%. Its not OP because that's 2% of the ITEM. An aotd has a slight chance of dropping, so it would be an added 2% chance of the normal drop rate\n\nEnchanted Summoning Eye: (Cringe)\nThis might sound dumb, but when you combine 4 Summoning Eyes together, It creates an Enchanted Summoning Eye. Each Normal Eye is 5 Weight. You need 20 to maybe get a piece. The Enchanted Summoning Eye Adds a Weight of 15 (Numbers May Vary) for each one placed. You can also get Enchanted Summoning Eyes by zealots. The Non Fixed Amount is 2200 Zealots/ 1 Enchanted Summoning Eye.\n\nEnderman Slayer:\nA slayer like The Rev and Sven, but an Enderman! T1, T2, T3, and T4. Can Spawn Minions and can Smash you like the Mutant Enderman in the Mutant Creatures Mod. Add a new place under the Dragon's Nest for The Enderman Slayer.\n\nRNG Drops: CRAZY RARE DROP! (Ender Staff)\nThe Ender Staff Shoots out stuff. Idk. Stuff xD\n\nDrops: Ender Kind Flesh\nCan be used to craft the other recipes. Admins can decide I guess.\n\nWell that's All for now!"}, {"title": "What is the best reforge for unstable armor?", "body": "What is the best reforge for unstable armor as im aiming to get it now and i dont know what reforge to use?"}, {"title": "How to add friend", "body": "\u041a\u0430\u043a \u0434\u043e\u0431\u0430\u0432\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0433\u0430 \u0432 coop island, \u0435\u0441\u043b\u0438 \u0432 \u0431\u0430\u043d\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u044f\u0442\u0441\u044f 2 \u0447\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0435\u043a\u0430?"}, {"title": "What is a good way to get money?", "body": "i bought aotd im poor and my coop hates me help"}, {"title": "Delete this post", "body": "Could you delete this post now?"}, {"title": "whos the nicest person you ever met on forums", "body": "for me its @Whusgud spelled with a whushgud"}, {"title": "Pure or fierce", "body": "So I have full dragon set with max growth and prot and one of my friends says pure is better but the other says fierce so which should i use"}, {"title": "Mage deserves a buff.", "body": "Now that f4 was released, people still thought that it would be hard even with the current op mage. So the admins nerfed mage. I understand a nerf but the admins didn't nerf mage, they nuked it. Now mage does nothing and they buffed archer and berserker, basically f4 is impossible now. Theres no new dungeon items either which would help. They should make mage like before shouldn't they. Post your thoughts below and rise up mages, We must get our spots back. If this continues, later floors are going to be impossible."}, {"title": "Personal Compactors", "body": "I just have one question: What does upgrading them do? Is it even worth it?"}, {"title": "What are the minimum requirements to complete floor 4?", "body": "title\n\n\nand I don't mean requirements to join it, I mean what you think the minimum gear stats you think you need for the floor you large brained individuals."}, {"title": "PERSON WITH THE MOST REACTIONS GETS 14 COINS", "body": "Post anything, and in 24 hours, if your post has the most reactions, you will get 14 coins. Nothing more, nothing less. GOOD LUCK"}, {"title": "Deleted", "body": "This post has been deleted"}, {"title": "I got scammed what do i do", "body": "I asked some1 to craft me a tree cap and give it back. They said they would do i gave them the mats they crafted the tree cap and then blocked me and left. I have screenshots of the whole thing how do i get it back?"}, {"title": "What light level do carrots need to grow?", "body": "^^^"}, {"title": "Ahhh... Im in the dark auction place and got some free iron doors", "body": "\n\n\n\nIm just vibin. Hypixel please dont fix this."}, {"title": "SkyBlock Player Leaderboards (Week 4)", "body": "[Copypasting format from last week]\n\nI have my own weight calculator. At the moment it is almost entirely private (which only one person has access to, and they don't have access to all of the code). Using it, I have created a leaderboard for the top 20 (ish) from the top guilds.\n\nMy method:\n1. Pick out the top guilds. I have taken the 5 guilds from CoG, excluding Rollback.\n2. Take the top 10 skills and top 10 slayers from each guild, removing any duplicates.\n3. Calculate their weights and place them on the leaderboard.\n4. Remove any non-legit players (that we have proof of, and are aware of).\n5. Add any additional players who should be on the list (and that I am aware of).\n\nIf you aren't on this list, and you think you should be, contact me on Discord (same goes for guilds etc):\n\n\nSpoiler: contact thingy\n\n\n\nephemera\u04cfity#1337\n\n\n\nIf you disagree with your score, honestly I could not give less of a crap, because I've tested this far too much. If you want to be that guy who's like \"hur dur i have 500mil nw but im only considered late game\" - go away I really dont care.\n\nI have split the leaderboards into sections based on their weight:\n10500 -> \"Please stop playing this game\"\n6700 -> Far Endgame\n3000 -> Endgame\n1500 -> Late-End\n725 -> Late Game\n450 -> Mid-Late\n150 -> Mid Game\n70 -> Early Game\n0 -> Fresh\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Please stop playing this game\n\n\n\nMinikloon - 12693.627\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Far Endgame\n\n\n\nLinman - 10340.599\nThouqhtz - 9369.464\nKapam1 - 9268.735\nPxblo - 8612.807\nNeffexMix - 8582.814\nmor1122 - 8293.036\nIGoByLotsOfNames - 8039.729\nScuadush - 7938.744\nChur21 - 7801.01\nSkreewy - 7707.820\nAimaar - 7604.028\noParsha - 7208.709\nTehManu - 7059.431\nGimmeUrChicken - 6806.771\nmsng - 6747.100\naikosHD - 6740.124\nAwesomah - 6700.116\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Endgame\n\n\n\nTrapDrap - 6434.277\nRQuit - 6326.479\nalonecreeper - 6053.149\nJustuscrafting - 6000.461\nheawn - 5953.889\nPoaf - 5870.724\nuwuRqn - 5720.083\nThokan - 5677.558\nPixelClub - 5644.847\nEpicnoob__ - 5603.737\nPheasantBirb - 5546.330\niFabi - 5539.658\nxtcy - 5537.481\nSpalter90DayMute - 5477.884\nPandaren - 5456.687\nBenpla7z - 5391.488\nSimpleSilence - 5384.122\nsiimon_cabsa - 5353.172\nDragonboomer - 5226.634\nlejittt - 5196.872\nBigHero6 - 5170.724\nDaanDutch - 5148.651\nvndb - 5039.511\nOyasumi - 4951.715\nsoerenjr - 4887.656\nNua - 4832.564\nFlemmsen - 4749.060\nCoulter - 4720.491\nLinJay - 4716.865\n8_L - 4652.581\nWinterfrost - 4599.946\nDesterios - 4499.95\nITzGutterGT - 4487.105\nblacklisted_ - 4480.564\nTandyy - 4386.753\nbruhplane - 4324.107\ntonydawhale - 4113.156\nSwetay - 4017.398\nDarknessCombo - 3938.911\nPhilipp754 - 3937.079\na0g - 3918.357\nWorminators - 3904.196\nmuchnameless - 3897.632\nCryptify_ - 3839.178\nJasjag - 3792.355\nHakujinDanshi - 3732.508\nPogtoren - 3719.305\nSwap1n - 3685.703\nJeudi - 3496.211\niceblades11 - 3545.328\nMagiccalamari - 3473.052\nRadicial - 3423.620\nImJoyful - 3296.662\npdero - 3218.982\nCreed_Bratton_ - 3166.415\n_Sanchester - 3071.083\nMoyenChief - 3070.553\nDxvzz - 3068.734\nSonovi_ - 3039.022\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Late-End\n\n\n\nWrongCalculation - 2981.210\naahhhhhhhhhhh - 2956.196\nxScrubby - 2953.595\nzJoe - 2943.993\nc00kiecr33per - 2763.381\nLaachs - 2669.881\nMarliyn - 2635.447\nnadir278 - 2532.714\nSpeedyMarios - 2341.014\nUnderappreciated - 2300.026\nbai1ey - 2286.465\nBedwarsIsToxic - 2223.334\nblackbriarmead - 2109.826\nvndbaby - 2062.418\nBlatser - 2058.238\nxTheRush - 2014.861\nIamToo1337 - 2000.761\nHxrb - 1895.922\nsadcate - 1858.344\nFabUwU - 1850.669\nLiveBroadcast - 1645.206\nTechnoPingGood - 1589.558\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Late Game\n\n\n\nvCroix - 1254.346\nNaturesButler - 1194.955\nHenrythePanda - 1170.183\nPlebDuck - 1108.001\nKrisseyy - 967.723\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Mid-Late\n\n\n\nMr_Anime_Man - 688.869\nCatgirlCultist - 583.062\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Mid Game\n\n\n\nmetalcupcake5 - 343.310\nSkilledCub - 225.207\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Early Game\n\n\n\nWarpWing - 140.119\n9iron - 134.147\n\n\n\nIf you want to join the server to calculate your own weight, the invite is here:\n\n\nSpoiler: weight thing\n\n\n\n"}, {"title": "[IMPORTANT FEEDBACK] Current Classes Patch and How To Fix it! (25+ Positive Reactions!)", "body": "Hello,\n\nRecently there has been a new patch, 30th of July where Catacombs floor 4 has been released and some major changes regarding dungeon classes has been implement. Focusing on mage class, according to the patch that \"Also a note on mage, I understand some players believe the class is now terrible, but it apparently is still the best performing class in the Dungeons right now. Give it a few days.\" which I feel like it's not true currently.\n\nMage Class Changes\n\nBonzo Staff Damage buffed from 500 to 1000 but scaling is now 0.2 NERF\nFrozen Scythe damage buffed from 500 to 1000 but scaling is now 0.3 NERF\nPigman Sword now has a 5 second cooldown and costs 400 mana (instead of 150) but has 300 intel, grants 200 defense instead of 50 and has 30000 base damage instead of 7500 NERF\nDreadlord Sword now has a very short cooldown BUFF\nSkulls from Dreadlord Swords and Soulstealer Bows are now easier to hit and deal AOE. BUFF\nMana Regen is nerfed by 80% inside dungeons, every hit on enemy mob gives back 5 mana + 1% of total mana. CAN'T SAY\nOther Class Changes\n\nMana Regen is nerfed by 65% for tank and berserker and 50% for archer and healer inside dungeons, every hit on enemy mob gives back 5 mana + 1% of total mana. NERF\n\nANALYSIS\nAs we can see that mages got some nerfs and buffs at a glance, but let's take a closer look at each changes.\n\nBonzo Staff Damage buffed from 500 to 1000 but scaling is now 0.2 at the first 8 words you'll see that it's really buffed but once you looked at the change after the \"but\" it is a drastic nerf. I tested this with my own damage, with Bonzo's Staff I dealt around 50k damage per cast before the patch now it only deals 10k damage per cast with the same setup, that's only 20% than what it used to be.\nFrozen Scythe damage buffed from 500 to 1000 but scaling is now 0.3 I don't have enough data to test this out by myself. According to some reports on the forum now that Frozen Scythe deals 33% damage than what it used to be. The damage I deal with Frozen Scythe now is around 12k per cast.\nPigman Sword now has a 5 second cooldown and costs 400 mana (instead of 150) but has 300 intel, grants 200 defense instead of 50 and has 30000 base damage instead of 7500 it was spammable, but now it's not, this render the Pigman Sword to be useless. I was able to spam the pigman sword around 30 times per 5 seconds means I was dealing 45k/dps. Now it can only deal 6k/dps which is a drastic nerf, making Pigman Sword to deal only 13% damage than what it used to be.\nDreadlord Sword now has a very short cooldown this is a nice change, but still won't be sufficient for higher floor dungeon since ice essence is out.\nSkulls from Dreadlord Swords and Soulstealer Bows are now easier to hit and deal AOE this is a nice change, but still Frozen Scythe is a little more useful.\nMana Regen is nerfed by 80% inside dungeons, every hit on enemy mob gives back 5 mana + 1% of total mana this one is a big RIP to mage class. Mage's ability to deal damage very dependent to mana, means a low mana regen even with the regen on hit still a drastic nerf since you won't be hitting mobs all the time in a dungeon run. Some people has said that this is a buff, but let's calculate this, mana regen was 2% max mana/second since there's a 90% nerf on mana regen we can get 0.2% max mana/s regeneration. So if we have 1000 max mana means we will only regen 2 mana instead of 20 mana. But there's a regen on hit, 5 mana + 1% max mana, Assuming we did 6cps which is the general average we'll be regenerating around 120 + 6% mana/s. It seems that it's a buff right? It's not, since you don't hit mobs all the time in the dungeon, let's assume you only hit 10% of the time and the rest is usualy used for exploring dungeon which is kinda true for me. means you'll regenerate 12 mana + 0.6% max mana. Combined you'll regenerate 12 mana + 1.22% max mana per second, with the assumption of 1000 max mana then you'll regenerate 20 mana/s rather than 20 mana/s. This actually doens't need a calculation since you can feel this inside the dungeon yourself.\nTHEORY\nTo come up with a solution we'll basing our solution on this RPG class theory.\n\nArcherDamageHighMobilityHighHealthLowAbilityEnhancing it's damage even further\n\n\nBerserkerDamageHighMobilityMediumHealthMediumAbilityAble to survive for a good amount of time\n\n\nHealerDamageLowMobilityMediumHealthMediumAbilityIncreasing survivability for self and the others\n\n\nMageDamageHighMobilityLowHealthMediumAbilityDealing controlled AOE damage\n\n\nTankDamageLowMobilityMediumHealthHighAbilityTaunt and survive longer than the others\n\nLet's count each point for each classes, Low=1; Medium=2; High=3.\nArcher 7 points\nBerserker 7 points\nHealer 5 points\nMage 6 points\nTank 6 points\nWhat does these points means? this point currently are only able to govern the effectiveness of each class according to each stats without considering it's ability.\n\nCURRENT CLASSES STATE\nArcher glass bow, deals good amount of damage but rlly easy to get killed\nBerserker glass diamond sword, deals tons of damage but pretty much weak because low survivability\nHealer kinda ok imo, but just a little bit tankier will help avoid 2-3 shotted by Shadow Assassin\nMage glass water pistol, since it has lower damage than berserker and squishy\nTank needs to be a little bit tankier imo.\n\nSOLUTION\n\nImplement a bell curve magic damage scaling so that a weapon will have an increasing return of damage so that these type of weapons will only be able to be used by high intelligence setups. You can use this function as a reference.\nRemoving or reducing cooldown from Pigman Sword. Allow it to be spammable while being controlled, ex: maximum of 3 casts in a second.\nRegenerate mana based on intelligence instead of max mana. This will result in a small nerf(pre-patch) that applies for all classes.\nBalancing classes according to the theory given by implementing changes on armors instead of dungeon exclusive effects.\nWhile there's alot of complaints about mages are too op, implement a damage resistance to some mobs(while not rendering mages useless against that mobs). This can also apply to physhical damage resistance.\nCONCLUSION\nHypixel Skyblock's Dungeon will need lots of changes overtime, looking at the fact is just came out this month. As of now the balancing that the admins are implementing are nerfing one class so hard. Instead of doing that, considering the difficulty of the dungeon there should be a small nerf for mage class and buffs for the other classes that's lacking. Implementing balancing from armors rather than dungeon exclusive effects to ensure initial plan result that is to allow player to be able to switch classes easily.\n\nThis is all based on my opinion and calculation. If you found any problem or have any feedback, feel free to comment! React to this post so I know you agree to the solutions."}, {"title": "Everyone's so distracted that they've forgot the true purpose of skyblock", "body": "Everyone's so distracted that they've forgot the true purpose of skyblock:"}, {"title": "what armor do i get", "body": "hi so yeah im berserker now\n\ni have adaptive blade, reaper scythe, and 3/4 adaptive + reaper mask\n\nbut i get shredder on f4\n\nwhat armor do i get"}, {"title": "Would berserk class be a good fall back class if I quit being a mage", "body": "I\u2019m adapting to be a mage rn but idk if mage is just gonna slowly fall into the useless side of dungeons so I want a plan b. Any classes I should fall back on?"}, {"title": "Remove Dragonclaw from superior dragons", "body": "I honestly prefer an aotd over that, aotd sells for 3m while dragonclaw sells for 1m.\nThey should make it so sup drops only dragon horns and the armor set and frags, not something that you could get from any other dragon"}, {"title": "Does cleave have any negative drawbacks?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Stop bitching about mage nerfs", "body": "When someone is OP, you nerf it. \nBuffing things that are bad is just a way to get powercreep and anyone with a brain knows how that ends."}, {"title": "What is the price of each essence", "body": "Title im planning on selling some"}, {"title": "This Has To Stop", "body": "Everybody knows this problem. Scamming. It HAS to stop. The wits some people in this community is outrageous when they just flat out steal your things and/or make you PAY to get them back. I just recently bought an AOTD, it took me FOREVER to get the mats, and I was broke when i got it. So, I gave one of my very trusted friends the AOTD and the books to enchant it, and guess what they did, IGNORED ME AND UNFIRENDED. Keep in mind that was one of my VERY FIRST friends on Hypixel, and the wits some people have to do things like this. And the worst thing is, nobody can do anything about it except THEMSELVES, so if anybody reading this has scammed someone like this, just stop. It would make this game a LOT more fun to play and would help the community overall.\n\nEdit: Meant to say money for AOTD"}, {"title": "Give me pic so i cam make it look as bad as possible. Sb related only. Closed", "body": "Title."}, {"title": "[Aug 1] Floor 5 and other changes", "body": "Hello,\n\nThis is the second large Dungeon patch after release!\nQuite a few changes, here are the headlines:\n\nFloor 5 release\nSmall changes to magic items and mana regeneration\nFew general changes\nFloor 5\nIt's out! And includes:\n\nNew Boss: Livid\nNew Boss Rewards\nNew mobs and items from those mobs\n2 New secret chest rewards\nIce Essence is now deleted\nNew regular rooms with new special mechanics (we also added some new rooms to previous floors)\n1 New Puzzle room and 1 new Danger room (and 3 new mini-boss rooms)\nFloor 5 Watcher improvements\nOphelia now has Floor 5 Items and Potions\nFloor 5 Journals\nLivid Boss Milestones\nAnd more!\nMagic Damage\nWith the release of 0.8, we introduced a lot of new ability items with intelligence scaling.\nWhile we do believe those were a fun addition to the game, they are clearly outshining every other item in the Dungeons and making mage by far the best class.\nMany changes were made to magic items and their scaling:\n\nBonzo Staff damage buffed from 1000 to 5000 but scaling is now 0.1\nFrozen Scythe damage buffed from 1000 to 5000 but scaling is now 0.5\nPigman Sword now has a 50-second cooldown and costs 400 mana (instead of 150) but has 300 intel, grants 500 defense instead of 200 and has 350000 base damage instead of 30000\nDreadlord Sword now has no cooldown\nSkulls from Dreadlord Swords and Soulstealer Bows are now harder to hit and deal AOE.\nOn top of that we changed how Mana Regeneration works inside dungeons.\nMana Regen will now be nerfed by 95% inside Dungeons, however, players gain back mana when hitting enemy monsters.\nEvery hit on an enemy mob gives back 5 mana + 0.3% of your total mana. (This is the first draft and we will most likely tweak those values over the next few days based on testing and feedback.)\nThis works on all melee attacks, arrow hits and mage beams (ranged attacks).\nUsing abilities should now require a bit more strategy, let us know what you think about those changes!\n\nGeneral Changes\nMany tweaks, new features and bug fixes are rolling in this patch:\n\nAggro system should now work a lot better, but it is currently disabled during boss fights because of issues we could not fix on time.\nNo Pain No Gain enchantment buffed from 2 to 50 orbs.\nFixed a damage bug that would apply the Berserk melee damage buff to all kind of damage, and the Archer melee debuff to all kind of damage. (so Archer would deal less arrow and ability damage due to that).\nItem Ability messages will now appear in the action bar instead of the chat.\nWe are experimenting with magic damage reduction on some Dungeon monsters, for starter the Chaos Guardian and Withermancers will now take reduced damage from abilities.\nRemoved Adaptive boots.\nThe Silent Death' lore now shows that it refreshes on kills.\nThe Guardians now respawn slower during the Professor fight.\nThe unstable version of the lost Adventurer now deals lightning damage and the Holy version heals.\nRemoved a box puzzle variant and added different puzzle variants.\nSpirit Mask got a few stat buffs and is now removed.\nThanks for reading!\nPlease test the mana changes and give us your feedback, keep in mind this is the first draft and we will very likely improve the system based on your feedback.\n\nEDIT: Quick patch\n\nThe mana regen ticks are now rounded up.\nNon-mage classes mana debuff is now 95% instead of 75%.\nMob cap during Thorn fight is now 200, from 150.\nMore changes coming later.\nAlso a note on mage, I understand some players believe the class is now terrible, but it apparently is still the best performing class in the Dungeons right now. Give it a few days.\n\nEDIT 2: Other quick patch\n\nLess Spirit mobs are now spawning in the later waves (around 5% less).\nFixed an issue with the spirit bow being able to be moved around in your hotbar.\nFixed Spirit bunnies sometimes staying after the fight ends.\nFixed Dungeon Chest Key being an accessory.\nFixed the Mythic Spirit Pet having the Mythic perk.\nThe Spirit Pet works even when not selected, so when you become a ghost it'll pop up as long as you own it.\n\nEDIT 3: One more quick patch\n\nFixed an issue with Spirit Bats preventing waves to spawn sometimes.\nBuffed based Floor 4 EXP from 800 to 1000\nDeleted Wizard.\nProbably the last patch of the night. We noted a few more bugs that we will try to fix soon. Tomorrow we will look at class stats and talk balancing changes.\n\nEDIT 4: Nvm one more\n\nAdded Frozen Adventurers to regular rooms, fixed an issue that was making them too tanky and gave them 1 extra Ice essence drop.\nBuffed passive mana regen of classes\nMage from 20% to 40% (doubled)\nTank and Berserk from 35% to 15%\nHealer and Archer from 50% to 20%\n\nFixed recipe of Golden Scythe\nThat's it for tonight, more planned for tomorrow!\n\nEDIT 5: MORE patches\n\nFixed mobs spawning after the end of the Thorn fight sometimes\nLivid now requires 6 hits to kill instead of 4\nMort won't give Dungeon Orbs anymore in floor 2 and up if you don't have one already.\nFire Chicken damage nerfed by approximately 50%\nFixed Fire Chickens damaging tanks through their ultimate\nFixed Burning Adventurer dropping the wrong items and Essence numbers\nFixed Super Tank Zombie dropping the wrong items\nFixed button puzzle (new room mechanic) now correctly opening the door next to it\nFixed the Golden Scythe recipe (for real this time)"}, {"title": "Leveling up The Catacombs", "body": "How many floor 1 runs do I need to do to level up to Catacombs level 5\npls help i want dreadlord"}, {"title": "Cobblestone Generator question", "body": "Just wondering if it's okay to rebind spacebar to Attack so I can mine cobble with 1 hand. Holding down left click and W gets tiring and uncomfortable; Just keeping my hand down on my keyboard is easier so I can get cobble while watching movies.\n\nI WILL be at my desk at all times while mining cobble"}, {"title": "Question: will this make floor 4 boss fight easier", "body": "I need played floor 4 since I am bored\nBut can you grab the bow and just leaping up and shoot that ghast in the face?"}, {"title": "looking for decent guild", "body": "any decent guild? :v"}, {"title": "I need help.?", "body": "I bid on something on another profile and i deleted profile and I on aouctions i have items what i cant remove what do. Plzzzz help"}, {"title": "IRL trading Disc server", "body": "hi so i found this discord server that is based on IRL trading for skyblock. how should i report this to someone or do i just put the sever name in here and just wait till it gets sorted out"}, {"title": "Buff dragon armor, especially when upgraded to dungeon gear", "body": "I'm not too sure if it's true that dragon armor even when fully upgraded is worse than fully upgraded adaptive, but it is certainly really hard to upgrade dragon armor because of how rare dragon essence is. It also requires catacombs 30, so it would be nice to see a buff to that.\n\nAlso, I think dragon armor should be made harder to get (so that it's not too easy to buy) and given a small buff to so that it remains what it was, late/end game armor that was only rewarded to those who worked hard for it."}, {"title": "buying a very special midas sword", "body": "must have price paid 69,420,000 I will pay 100M+"}, {"title": "Is the Silent Death Better than the Earth Shard", "body": "Title, this is for the berserker class"}, {"title": "The Issues of Skyblock [Megathread] (20+ positives)", "body": "The Issues of SkyBlock \u200b\nHey all!\nI\u2019m back with another thread, this time complaining about some things. Some of these things you may have heard of some you may not have, some you will agree with, some not. But that is not the point of this thread. The point of this thread is to offer constructive criticism from a wealthy, experienced Skyblock player.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200b\nTo begin, I am NOT someone with much patience/the ability or desire to grind much. This has caused problems for me as this game is highly focused around grinding. You HAVE to grind to get somewhere. I found a way to bypass this in a way, flipping. Flipping is where you look for opportunities when buying/selling, anything to make you money. This is EXTREMELY hard and is even harder for beginners, but the richer you are, the bigger your profits. Now however, Skyblock is trying to get rid of this in various ways.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200b\nPlayers are unfairly banned based on assumptions and appearances. @Simon himself said he will not ban anyone unless they are 100% SURE that the player has committed an offense. Then what are these false bans? I\u2019ll tell you, they go about banning and wiping profiles that just look a little suspicious. Most often these people are just very successful flippers. Suspicious in skyblock basically means you have a lot of money, but not necessarily the most impressive stats. I mean, sure some people are not following the rules, but certainly not as many as are accused.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\nGame Function\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200b\nRNG. Some people hate it, some love it. I have almost never gotten a good rng drop. No good slayer drops, no good other mob drops, no good dungeon drops and rewards, nothing. But then we have a non(mindset) in ender armor killing some topfloor endermen, boom! They get a Phoenix. Why is this a thing? Well healthy RNG is definitely needed, but such a great pet(has 60 strength(more strength than any other pet, 150 intelligence(more than even the sheep)) available to such a noob? Then you have experienced players not getting an RNG drop after 1,000 svens or tarantulas. This is NOT healthy RNG. A good solution would be adding a lot more drops to boss collections/a new thing called mob collections which unlocks new drops/gives you a drop after a certain amount of kills of a certain mon\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200b-before the **** update- Dungeon Classes. Right now(here is where you will disagree) the only balanced class is mage. Before you disagree, let me explain. Balanced can go both ways, less and more. The other classes are less for the most part. For example archer does no damage even though that\u2019s kinda what the class is supposed to do, berserker does damage, but is a glass cannon and can\u2019t really get close enough without dying to take on some of the more challenging mobs. My one issue about mage involves a weapon, bonzo staff, it makes knockback, I find myself flying backwards when I use it, but I don\u2019t have another alternative because of how much the frozen scythe was nerfed. There is much more on this topic, but I have to go on.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200bSlayers- slayers are so irritating due to other people being clueless and making your boss move around away from you or causing you to die somehow. RNG for slayers also needs to be worked on, but I already talked about RNG, so I\u2019m not going over that right now. Biggest issues for slayers are tied between nons (Mindset) and glitches. Nons cause you to die or move you slayer across the map, and glitches, especially with tarantulas can cause mobs to get stuck in walls and stuff making them untouchable but they still deal massive amounts of damages. This needs to be fixed.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200bOvercrowding. Overcrowding makes the game hard, especially when grinding zealots or chopping wood, or getting combat XP for slayers, it\u2019s harder than it should be. This needs to be fixed. Maybe add new maps or something.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200bAt the moment, progression is very broken, most players can get Dragon Armor in a matter of weeks, this is supposed to be an end game armor. This is a problem, and this problem isn't limited to just armor, its all progression(except fishing rods maybe). In fact, for dungeons, there is no real progression, its just a matter of what gear is best because it is all affordable for those who play, end game players. Dungeons is clearly focused on end game players who deal many thousands of damage verses early & mid game players who deal 1-5000 damage. This is, again, broken. To fix this, I propose adding more content- new armors(better endgame armor is needed as well as mid game), new places(see my idea in my signature, that's a possible concept, also make places like the end & gazing fortress more challenging and rewarding), weapons are fine I guess, as for talismans, its difficult to track them all down, and we rely to heavily on them. Stuff like this would help.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\nFeedback, Opinions, People, and More!\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200b\nIdeas and feedback ignored: there are sooooo many amazing, brilliant, creative ideas on forums ignored. I\u2019m particularly salty about this due to the shear amount of time and effort I have put into some ideas I\u2019ve made. A solution that could be implemented is maybe adding a new forums staff that looks for good ideas, and when they find them, they then bring them to the developers/admins attention to have the possibility of being added to the game.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200b\nYouTube favoritism, all I can really say about this is it\u2019s actually kinda fair- they advert for free abs without them hypixel wouldn\u2019t have nearly the same amount of players. Only issue is hypixel staff need to pay more attention to us, non-youtubers/small youtubers.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200bDuping, macroing, these all ruin the economy much more than you may imagine. People say irl traders are an issue, they really aren\u2019t when compared to these two issues. Irl traders, sure they suck and I hate them, but they aren\u2019t the ones who decimate the economy.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u200bScammers, sooo annoying and what jerks. Tbh scammers have no lives, scamming kids for hard earned progression. Hypixel needs to crack down on them, maybe even make a task force dedicated to finding and getting them.\n\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\n\nTL;DR:\nRead it you lazy bum.\u200b\nThanks for reading! If you have anything to add please comment it! Thanks. Please @ some people you know/want them to see this so we can bring it to the staffs attention.\n\n@Jayavarmen @Minikloon @Sylent @Dctr @Simon"}, {"title": "Is Mage Still Good?", "body": "So i was wondering if mage is still good. i wanted to know if its still worth 20 mil to get a bonzo staff, wise, and lvl 100 sheep. I know it got nerfed but mage was so OP before that it still might be good but idk, please help."}, {"title": "What IS scarfs thesis?", "body": "What is the thesis he concluded?"}, {"title": "[game v2] 37th person to reply gets 69420 coins", "body": "3 replies per person, u cheat u smell bad"}, {"title": "What is the best reforge for talismans for mid game", "body": "What is the best regorege for talismans for mid game"}, {"title": "Change Melody back to 90%", "body": "Hi\n\nI thought I'd torture myself a bit today and try to do the Melody songs and I realized that it's recently been changed.\nYou now have to score 100% instead of the previous 90% to unlock the next song. \n\nI understand that it's meant to be challenging, and I understand that you get an epic talisman at the end, but I think it was challenging enough prior. \nI haven't even gotten to the final song and having to 100% that (I've seen people do it) I think was difficult enough. \n\nBeing able to make 1 or 2 mistakes on a song is reasonable, but having to be perfect every single time on a system that many people (myself included) have a difficult time with due to ping seems overkill. \n\nIt's also a bit unfair to newer players; The talisman wasn't changed to my understanding, so people who already have it didn't have to go through this new, more difficult version. It would be a lot like if the recent mage update left weapons unchanged, but doubled the grinding requirements. \n\nMost of this probably stems from me being a bit annoyed at this change, but hey, suggestions are opinions, and I'd like to hear what other people have to say regarding this.\n\nThanks, \n-Sniddles"}, {"title": "Every dungeon class ranked", "body": "#1: Archer\nArcher after the i frame removal update flips the table with its amazing high dps, hundred thousands of damage on mobs in dungeons, and only 5-10sec to kill la/fa/aa/sa if you can tank and aim it properly, also with machine gun bow activated you can basically wipe everything you see in front within a second. Sure the lack of mana will decrease your survival rate a lot, but pretty sure this can be ignored if your movements are fine and is careful in dungeons. (note: archer probs wont get a good gear update compared to mage and berserker, as you can see the newest \"archer item update\" is spirit bow and its trash and only helps while you are dead, which means useless)\n\n#2: Mage\nSurprised huh? Everyone says mage bad after the mana regen reduction update, but the truth is its not heavily nerfed and keep its advantages. Rn mage's mana regen rate is 20%, and the lazers only regen 1% of the mana when hits a target, but keep in mind your teammate counts as a target too, and you can spam lazers on your teammte and regen in no time (tbh i think they capped lazer mana regen to 5% mana per second, so just 5cps is enough), or you can both left and right click while using your mage weapon, that can almost cancel out the mana regen nerf in this update, poggers. Well bonzo staff and pigman are both nerfed hardly, but bonzo staff still deals a lot of damage if spammed (no cd pog, start butterfly clicking), pigman? say rip to it lol. Also dont forget mage can deal splash damage with mage weapons (ice scythe ew) and this really helps a lot in dungeons, especially f4 when the bear literally melts in the crowd of animals. At last mana is fwuking free so abuse aote all the time and dodge every skeletor arrow and crypt bones, and you are basically unkillable. (note: high potential, consistent mage item upgrade, its not going to be bad in a few months if the admins are designing properly)\n\n#3: Berserker\nDont even need to explain, semi tank with high dps, can soak in the animal swarm with no problem, and knocking bear away from the animal crowd is a pog move, also can explore the dungeon rooms safely because of the tankness and dps. The ultimate is cool too, low cd and you get zombies to do the killing job for you while you are finding secrets, one man army 100%. (note: consistent update on berserker items too, swords and armor are the most easiest to design, and the admins definitely will spam more of them)\n\n#4: Healer\nShould be #1 in the first 3 days that released new floor, insane auto revive, auto heal when your health is low, and heal all teammates to full health and give insane absorption shield per 2min, overpower when paired with the \"hint teammate low on health\" function in chattriggers' dungeonutilities, having a healer means you cant fail a dungeon when playing normally, also its a good mage alternative, as it only have 65% mana regen reduction, and you can survive much easier when soloing rooms as mage-based healer. (note: hopefully admins will design more healing items, zombie sword trash with ticks rn, they forgot about healing items tho)\n\n#5: Tank\nWorst, f4 mobs arent dealing THAT high damage, even archers can survive a few hits, tank just isnt that helpful in general, berserker and mage can do what a tank can do, and even better... tanking mobs? mage can disintegrate them in seconds while tanking them, and berserker the same but slower... even more useless after the first week of f4, everyone is gonna tank f4 mobs easily, and tank just cant help anymore, also with sa shadow nerfed (low damage now lol), tank is even worse. (note: just give up there is no tip, its not like there will suddenly be a mob that nobody except tank can tank it, its never gonna happen)\n\ntldr: lazy **** go back up"}, {"title": "New gang, join us(we have converted ty39 and dragooooo)", "body": "Last thread got moved, join #WurpleGang\n@PlayThreeAre\n@BeansInMySwamp\n@Matt36\n@ArchieTapsell\n@eqxinxx\n@MrEggNoggin\n@Ty39\n@dragooo"}, {"title": "To fast to harvest pumpkins", "body": "I recently obtained a speedster set. Now with the speedster set, farmer boots, and the rouge sword I am so fast that when I am harvesting my pumpkin farm, I leave a lot of pumpkins behind. I have tried a haste 3 potion already and it doesn't work. I want to be able to harvest my pumpkins so I don't leave any behind but also keep my speed.\n\nps. I harvest my pumpkins by sticking to one wall and my max speed is 284%"}, {"title": "Few questions about dungeons", "body": "Help. I'm very confused about the new F4, greatly because the admins nerfed the bonzo staff, so, instinctively I sold it. With the money I got from it I maxed out an adaptive blade. Is this a good idea? Should I buy frozen scythe? Please helps.\nThanks\n-G089"}, {"title": "Does Tiger Pet work on thorn??", "body": "Some rando in a Lobby told me that it does and now I kinda wanna know"}, {"title": "[Tool] Find a Coop!", "body": "Skyblock Players! \nAre you wishing to find a co-op?\nWell here is a place where you can find some!\n\nI thought of ideas for a thread, and I noticed in the UHC thread that there was a pinned thread to look for a team for UHC, and I figured many people might want to find a co-op for SkyBlock, so why not make a thread for people to find a co-op!\n\n(Credits to @jucry , since this whole idea is based off of their thread. Also @StevenR8 thanks for pointing out the thread in the first place)\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFormat for a co-op request (you don't have to make it exactly the same, you can add or remove things):\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Co-Op Format\n\n\n\nUsername:\n\nTimezone:\n\nSkills(As in for skyblock skills like Combat X or Fishing VI, sorry for the confusion):\n\nAny type of communication (Teamspeak, Discord, Skype, etc):\n\nHow Active:\n\nHow long you've been playing Skyblock:\n\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf you are new to the game, don't be scared to make a request! You are not alone, and there will always be a person to help you out! And being in a co-op will be a big boost for your island!\n\n\nThats all! If you think there's something important that needs to be added to this thread, I will take your suggestion into account.\n\nI wish you all have fun in Skyblock!\n\n(again jucry thanks for the idea even if you havent been in the forums for a month kbye)\u200b"}, {"title": "What if...", "body": "What if I said that.. I do traditional art (and sometimes digital). Would you guys wanna see any of it?\nLike Dungeons art if I did it? .-.\n\n(Also, the friend that I had lost recently, is now friends with me again! So I'm happy about that.)\n\nSkyblock: Red Claw Egg"}, {"title": "Hurricane now needs an essence", "body": "Please my hurricane needs to do more than 100k per arrow"}, {"title": "how come when u take stuff out of item frames they dissapear?", "body": "like wtf? somethings dissappear but some drop down like how?"}, {"title": "Shadow Goggles Meta for f4?", "body": "Hello!\nWhat the title says ^. Is the setup tanky enough for f4 (to not be, like, 2-tapped), or is full adaptive or 3/4 Z + bonzo better all around?\nty"}, {"title": "post farm hefe", "body": "lol"}, {"title": "Imagine completing floor 4 then not getting a loot because of", "body": "Some animals still there even after we got the results"}, {"title": "Iron door glitch", "body": "u can also get into Sirius house with a pickaxe"}, {"title": "Why dungeons did nearly perfect.", "body": "1. The bosses had GREAT ai. The SA is one pf the BEST examples I can find. It teleports and goes invis and is very \u201cshadowy\u201d. The crypt lurkers are a one shot wonder and can deal tons of damage to you if you get swarmed by them. \n2. Catacombs levels. This finnaly provides hypixel skyblock with the classic mmorpg thing: levels. When you cant beat a floor, get some cata lvls \n3. Ghost and revive system. They try not to let the dead players bored.\n4. Pigman sword. God fucking just remove the fucking cooldown ok were neant to one shot bonzo if i have a 20mil weapon.\n5. floor 4 did great. the chaos, got solved wirh decoys. fun game."}, {"title": "questions about donating", "body": "so i got a few questions\n\n1. are people allowed to donate to other people, because my friend started 2 days ago and he is just a beginner. i funded him a raiders axe, so that poses my first question: is that allowed to basically give items 4 free\n\n2. if that is allowed would you guys mind giving old/spare items to my friend as he just started his ign is: icecube627, or you can discord me and i can get in contact with him: dudeperfect1248#8905\n\n3. so my other friend also quit and his username is snp_basy, he is in my guild and is a retired HARDCORE fisher who would grind fishing 24/7, he quit so he donated all his money to me, basically bidding 2mil on my rune and another 1mil on my other rune, is this allowed as well?\n\nthanks 4 reading have a good da/night"}, {"title": "Giving clay collection a use", "body": "160 E clay = 1 e clay block\nSince clay is really easy to get once you have minions, 160 e clay blocks = 1 e brick block(since it\u2019s basically from the same collection)\nThen y\u2019all can and some sort of brick sword or whatever idk\nPls comment ideas for what sort of weapons can be made\nI\u2019ll put the top ideas here so people see it"}, {"title": "Automated clicking", "body": "You can make your character right or left click continuously by unplugging you're mouse from your computer. Is this allowed to use?"}, {"title": "dear nons", "body": "non is a mind set"}, {"title": "Dreadlord and Zealots", "body": "If i use my dreadlord ability (from my dreaadlord sword) for zealot farming, will i get a special zealot?"}, {"title": "Special Zealot BUG!?>", "body": "when i got a special zealots normally like 300 some\nthe next special zealots spawns below 20 kills everytime\nBRUH how?\nit loops at least few time\nis this bug or something cuz i don't want my next special zealots is 10k"}, {"title": "Best Mining Pet?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "I need help adding my friend to a co op", "body": "hey guys i tried adding my friend to my co op today and the chat said he didnt have an extra profile so he deleted some but it still says that. anyone know why"}, {"title": "Free Item Hut #23", "body": "Free Item Hut #23\nHello everyone! The Free Item Hut is open once again! Due to the rules, I will clarify that I am not doing this to advertise, it is purely to spread positivity across the community. Do /visit Lightnin00 to claim your item, please do not be greedy because we want everyone to get what they want within our service limitations. If you would like to (NOT MANDATORY), we have a lovely discord community. Have an amazing day/night!\nAlso, we have many items today, as we stocked up recently.\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Discord Server Link\n\n\n\nJoining the discord is not mandatory, and the free item hut's main purpose is to spread positivity, and the discord server is just a sub-community.\n\n\n\nStatus of Free Item Hut: OPEN\n/visit Lightnin00"}, {"title": "Looking to make a 5 man co-op", "body": "Yes ( Must have strong set/tar helmet) /+ we will make farms etc do 5 man dungeons etc\n\n\n\n\nill be healer thanks tell your ign here preferable\npreferably a donor due to if any updates we all can play without any time wasted\n\n\n\n\nNOTE: We will start from scratch the requirement to test if you have the experience"}, {"title": "can someone help me", "body": "can someone help me figure out how to instal skyblock addons im dumb"}, {"title": "[Please Read] The issues & solutions of the most recent patch notes (Quality thread)", "body": "Hello,\n\nAs some of you may know, recently there has been a patch notes involving changes to magic damage & scaling. This has made many upset. So before we start, this is just a disclaimer, I AM a mage, however I will do my best to not let bias interfere with this thread as I do not want this to just pass by the admins & forums as just a rant from a mage. I want this to be a meaningful thread that will help spark action to change the current effects. Without further ado, I present my thread:\n\nProblems\n\nHere I will be listing the current problems with this most recent update. However, first things, first, I will give you the patch notes so you can read it if you so desire to see just what I am talking about:\n\nHere are the changes with weapons listed in the patch notes,most of which I dislike:\n\nBonzo Staff damage buffed from 500 to 1000 but scaling is now 0.2\nFrozen Scythe damage buffed from 500 to 1000 but scaling is now 0.3\nPigman Sword now has a 5 second cooldown and costs 400 mana (instead of 150) but has 300 intel, grants 200 defense instead of 50 and has 30000 base damage instead of 7500\nDreadlord Sword now has a very short cooldown\nSkulls from Dreadlord Swords and Soulstealer Bows are now easier to hit and deal AOE.\nLet's review some of these changes now. Bonzo staff has had its base damage doubled, but lost a ton in its scaling. This is good for players with little mana, but the more mana you have, the less good it is compared to how it used to be. Frozen Scythe, I believe around July 14th, it was nerfed EXTREMELY hard to the point it was worse than its counterpart, Bonzo's staff, which was 1/4 of the price. Of course after this change the price sunk from around 20M-30M to 9-13M, which is still double Bonzo's staff even though Bonzo's staff is now better because it can shoot faster(which makes up for the mana cost difference). This poor weapon does not deserve this further nerf(also by the way, here they make it look better, but that does not include shooting speed.) Now for the worst part of this, the Pigman sword nerf. While it may seem like a buff, the 5 second cooldown is an EXTREME nerf. Here's why: The way mage class players would use it is that they would spam the ability, which 1 time it may not deal very much DPS(damage per second), but when you have 10, even 20+ stacked, it deals enough damage to take out hard mobs in seconds. This made it extremely expensive, but very useful. With the 5 second cooldown, the huge buff in base damage and defense does not matter as it does not deal nearly the same DPS.\n\nHere's the magic damage formula & stuff included in the patch notes for reference:\n\n\nSpoiler: Magic Damage\n\n\n\nThe magic damage formula would read something like:\nfinal damage = ability damage * ((1 + intelligence / 100) * ability scaling))\n\nWhen it should have been\nfinal damage = ability damage * (1+ ( intelligence / 100) * ability scaling))\n\nWhich essentially means that the damage multiplier was always reduced by 1.\n\nSo in the case of the Pigman Sword for example, in the scenario where a player had 1000 intelligence, the formula would be:\n\nPigman Sword damage = 30000 *((1 + 1000 / 100) * 0.1))\nSo 30000 * 1.001\nWhich equals 30030 total damage\n\nWith the correct formula the pigman sword would deal:\nPigman Sword damage = 30000 *(1+ ( 2590 / 100) * 0.1))\nSo 30000 * 2\nWhich equals 60000 total damage\n\nThis affected everyone, but it was a lot more severe on players with low intelligence values.\n\nLet's take the example of a player using the Bonzo staff with 500 intelligence total:\nFormula with typo: 1000 *((1 + 500 / 100) * 0.2)) = 1001 Damage\nFormula without typo: 1000 *(1+ ( 500 / 100) * 0.2)) = 2000 Damage\nThe fix doubles the damage of Bonzo staff on players with only 500 intelligence.\n\nNow let's take the example of a player using the Bonzo staff with 5000 intelligence total:\nFormula with typo: 1000 *((1 + 5000 / 100) * 0.2)) = 10001 Damage\nFormula without typo: 1000 *(1+ ( 5000 / 100) * 0.2)) = 11000 Damage\nFor this player the fix only increases his damage by 10%\n\nAll those damage values are of course calculated only looking at magic damage scaling, other things apply to magic damage, like the Combat skill passive, items increasing ability damage (like shadow goggles) etc.\n\nTLDR; this fix should mostly affect players with lower Intel values, but could result in a very large damage increase.\n\n\n\nNow for why people wanted some of these nerfs(of course not all wanted it this severely). The most common reason people wanted these weapons nerfed was because \"mage was op,\" it in short dealt too much damge compared to other classes. I argue that the mage was the only class dealing enough damage, and that the other classes were under performing. Of course, I was proven correct with the release of floor 4. What happened was that the mobs had a lot more health and this made a problem, as teams were not dealing enough damage. This makes it very hard to achieve an S rank. While some may still hold their opinions that mage dealt too much damage, I will show you that that is not the case.\n\n-Point 1: Early floors = easy for most players. This means floor 0-3. The reason for this is that the mobs are a lot weaker- less DPS and health. This is why the mage would shred these floors. One thing that most people ignored was that people were mostly using the expensive, endgame weapons which are supposed to deal a lot of damage verses things like the leaping sword, ember rod, dreadlord sword, etc. My point: in later floors, if we nerf the best mage weapons, they will not be able to perform due to not dealing enough damage to combat these later mobs.\n\n-Point 2: Other DPS classes were not performing as well as they should've, pretty easy to see if you look in the right places; archer, beserker- should be dealing enough damage to almost one-shot most mobs in the dungeons.\n\n-Point 3: Mage was meta not because it was OP, but because it was easiest, just spam abilities, and boom, you've passed the floor.\n\nNext thing that I will be complaining about is what most other players were complaining about; mana regeneration. Here is what the patch notes said for reference:\n\n\"On top of that we changed how Mana Regeneration works inside dungeons.\nMana Regen will now be nerfed by 90% inside Dungeons, however players gain back mana when hitting enemy monsters.\nEvery hit on an enemy mob gives back 5 mana + 1% of your total mana. (This is a first draft and we will most likely tweak those values over the next few days based on testing and feedback.)\nThis works on all melee attacks, arrow hits and mage beams (ranged attacks).\nUsing abilities should now require a bit more strategy, let us know what you think about those changes!\"\n\nThis is a HUGE issue. This wrecks the essence of the mage; mana & magic attacks. We cannot be mages if we do not get enough mana, after one room now, we are completely exhausted of our mana and it'll take 10+ minutes to regenerate that. This gives us no chance of getting S rank. This is also tough for other classes as mana is needed for healing and other abilities, therefore this needs to be reverted.\n\nSolutions\n\nPretty much what I have here, I have already stated in another thread:\n but hopeful patch notes wanna be)\n\nBut what I said is pretty much revert all the most recent changes, then make mage what it is supposed to be; a glass cannon; deals tons of damage but is fragile. To do this I suggest taking away ~40% of mage health and defense, may be too much, or may be too little, but I tried.\n\nAlso, I almost forgot, thanks @MrEevee7 , the pigman sword. To counter mages from getting a ton of defense and becoming invincible, I propose that the defense does not stack(but the damage still does). Hopefully this should help!\n\nConclusion\n\nThanks for reading! If you are an admin/dev/staff member, thank you for reading this far and please share this with your fellow staff members! Again, thanks for reading! Please bump, respond, or react to let us know you've seen this and to keep it alive, thanks! Feedback & suggestions are appreciated, thanks!"}, {"title": "Tank pet", "body": "Does it go like this? Whale>Bee>Turtle?"}, {"title": "Is advertising a g splash against the tos?", "body": "i have made a god splash and was about to advertise it in hub lobbys when my friend said i was against the tos and not to do it. i looked into it and could not find anything."}, {"title": "Gift", "body": "I normally don't ask for things, but today my bday. If you want to give me money look at my auctions /auctions dismukewrestler I'll probably have random things./p dismukewrestler if you can give something (if I'm online). \n\nIf you can't give me anything that's ok, have a nice day."}, {"title": "my island was griefed what can i do? the island was griefed my yt_vortexx_sboy and overlord_x I NEED HELP", "body": "can anyone help me reporting them"}, {"title": "[SKYBLOCK] The terrible dynamic and how we can fix it", "body": "Hypixel SkyBlock\nThe lack of content, and how to fix it\n\nForenote\nToxicity on the forums\nNobody wants your passive aggressive toxic comments, it\u2019s my opinion, and I\u2019m aware it probably won\u2019t change anything.\n\nChapter 1\nIntroduction\nHypixel SkyBlock - One of, if not the most popular minigame in Minecraft. It\u2019s pretty obvious that people enjoy the game, as it gets thousands of players every day. Despite this, if you really think about it, it\u2019s kinda trash. If you want to get anywhere in SkyBlock, you are forced to do the same tasks, over and over and over again, without any changes or differences. Some people may enjoy this, but personally I think it gets old fast, and would rather give my coins away in Housing events than spend it on marginally better stats that will get nerfed later on anyway. I\u2019m not saying that\u2019s how it should be, I\u2019m saying that\u2019s how it is.\n\nChapter 2\nThe Mess We\u2019re In\nThe main reason I play SkyBlock is for the satisfaction of reaching your personal goal. For example when buying my AOTD, I spent weeks grinding to save enough money to get it. And as soon as I bought it, the moment I clicked that \u201cbuy it now\u201d button, that\u2019s the moment it stopped being fun. Why? Because in my opinion, when you start mid-game, SkyBlock gets old. You just have to grind zealots, thousands per day to get anywhere. You might say \u201cthere\u2019s other ways of getting money\u201d, sure, but are they any different? Bazaar flipping - clicking buttons in a GUI until the end of time. Farming - harvesting layer after layer with no difference. All money making methods are the same thing. Every time. But what if you don\u2019t want to use a money making method? Then you won\u2019t get anywhere, at all.\n\nChapter 3\nSkills\nThe skill dynamic is garbage as well. Foraging, mining, fishing, alchemy and enchanting are especially the worst. And yes, that\u2019s half the skills right there. Let\u2019s take foraging for example, literally, the ONLY thing you can do to level that up is break logs (or pick flowers if you\u2019re weird). There\u2019s not a single thing that theoretically could happen whilst foraging. What if, similar to animal crossing, some wasps attacked you whilst breaking a tree? Something different. Anything different. There was a foraging update which added a whole new island, wolf slayer cave (yay), and even a quest which costs millions to complete. And what did it add to the actual skill of foraging? Nothing.\n\nChapter 4\nSlayers, Dungeons, and The Ever-Growing Sense of Frustration\nLet\u2019s talk about RNG. It\u2019s not necessarily a bad mechanic, but too much of it can really make a game annoying, frustrating, and most importantly, trash. I can name so many things that require RNG to get right off the top of my head, but to save space, I\u2019ll just list a few. Summoning eyes, pet rarities, slayer drops, pet drops, dungeon chest loot, armor drops and worst of all - dragons. It\u2019s not great, but it\u2019s getting better. With the addition of the dungeon boss skills, you\u2019ll get a guaranteed item every milestone. It\u2019s not perfect, but it\u2019s not terrible.\n\nChapter 5\nImproving the Dynamic of the Game as a Whole\nI get it. The admins want the game to be a persistent MMORPG, with aspects of RNG and grinding. We can have that, as well as a fun minigame for all to enjoy, if we just make the right decisions. Take SkyBlock down for a day, hire some developers to work on content, improve the mechanic of doing the same tasks on repeat. Get the HPC and MVP++ to beta test new features, so you don\u2019t have to nerf/buff them later on. It\u2019s annoying grinding for a good item just to get it nerfed. The game isn\u2019t perfect, but it isn\u2019t bad. Yet. And that\u2019s how I feel about SkyBlock in general. It\u2019s not bad, it\u2019s just meh. Thanks for reading my thread, and I hope you agree with at least a few points I made. If any admins are listening (by the small chance they are actually looking at the forums), thank you for making this game, and even though it\u2019s not perfect, made me hundreds of friends, and created so many bonds within this community.\n\nBut hey, whatever happens,\nwe\u2019ll still play it anyway."}, {"title": "Can you like BUFF THE DAMN BERSERKER?", "body": "Hi salty berserker class boi here \nARCHER GOT A BUFF SO WHY DIDNT BERSERKER\n\nIt dies so quickly and does little dmg compared to other classes\n\n#buffberserker"}, {"title": "Fairy souls", "body": "I cant find 1 fairy soul in the hub. The video guide says i found 69-79 but then shows only 9. Any trusted fairy soul guides?"}, {"title": "grappler", "body": "how do i get the grappler in skyblock"}, {"title": "SUGAR CANE GLITCH 7.3", "body": "Today I was creating a sugar cane farm on my co-op. When we were mid-way done some of our sugar cane went missing. And Then It started disapearing infront of me. None of the sugar cane dropped when it broke. \n\nThis Glitch happed when\n\n- Placed sugar cane\n- Placed water (In The Correct Area)\n- Broke Any Block, Around, Above, And Below.\n\nAbout The Bug: It broke more then one sugar cane at a time. None Of the sugar cane drops back.\n\nI almost lost 500+ sugar cane to this bug, Please attempt to fix this glitch soon !"}, {"title": "*clickbait* hey i need likes. thank you (actually clickbait a swear)", "body": "i told u it was clickbait, did u actually click?"}, {"title": "big brain money making strat", "body": "frozen scythe got nerfed so enchanted packed ice price went down. yeti sword got buffed so the price went up. cost to make yeti sword is 42m for ice, iron is 6m, hilt is like 3m. so u pay 51m and sell for 65m for 14m profit."}, {"title": "Foraging is the best skill. Change my mind", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Skyblock Mods", "body": "What mods do you guys use? Everyone knows optifine and sba, so if you can avoid mentioning those pls do. I need more mods in my folder"}, {"title": "How F4 Failed & How To Improve It", "body": "How F4 Failed:\n- Takes way too long : Most Runs usually take around 30-40 minutes, but if you are lucky you could maybe get a 25 minute rank for \"A Rank or Above\". Like it should take a bit but not take about an hour\n\n- It's Just Boring : The dungeon itself is fine but the boss is just mind numbing as all you do is stand in place right clicking for about 5-30 minutes depending on your team. Dungeons are supposed to be fun not just sitting there. I was never bored with the other floors as you are moving & doing something.\n\n- Lack Of Better Armor: With this update tank, healer & mage were the only classes to get armor upgrade. Archer & Berserkers didn't get any new (better) gear. For Example: Archer can only use adaptive on f4, you will get insta killed if you used anything else.\n\nHow To Improve It:\n-Faster Boss Encounter - Make the time needed/mobs killed to spawn Spirit Bear less as it can take several minutes for the bear to spawn & you are just left sitting there waiting. Like it should take a bit but not take about an hour\n\n- More Armor For Archers & Berserkers : This doesn't have to major, even just decently buffing the previous floor's gear when dropped on f4 would do. You may say \"it already does that\" but honestly not enough as f2-4 skeleton master is the same except f4 gives 1 more cc & 1 speed."}, {"title": "tryhards i need advice please please please", "body": "so i am currently a healer\ni got a leg jelylfish and adaptive and stuff\nand i want to switch to an archer\nif i sell the leg jellyfish for around 10 mil, i can get a spirit bow and a machine gun bow for like 4 mil, and keep 6 mil\nthe main reason i want to switch is because i want to be a more independant class\nThis will also give me alot of money"}, {"title": "Can we actually get Essence in the bazaar?", "body": "Would make selling quicker and more safe"}, {"title": "boating", "body": "is it bannable\n\nasking for a friend"}, {"title": "Is the fairy soul ESP mod allowed?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Don't read this its unfinished", "body": "."}, {"title": "Can some body do me a favor?", "body": "How to find it somebody else's minions are full:\nWait around 30 seconds staring at the minion, if it doesn't do anything it's full, if it does something it has space\n\n\n/visit me and look to see if my minions are full, I have clay and ice minion, spawn then turn right and you will see minion area, check (above) then get soup and go under island, go to the island with the weird endstone thing, the hub portal island. Look at the grass around it and there is a clay minion check that. Now go to my minion platform, now face spawn, fly left until you are past the stone brick wall, now go forwards to my emerald minion, it might not be perfect \"calculations\" so look around that area. Check that\n\n\nDon't bully for not placing all 15 minions, I had 4 minutes to get diamond spreading and can only afford how many sc3ks I bought, so no bully pls. I will be back on monday"}, {"title": "What now?", "body": "I\u2019m stuck in the mid game. I have full unstable and a maxed aote. Idk what to go for next, plz help my skylea is Enraged_Wolf"}, {"title": "Ghoul pet price", "body": "What is ghoul pet price?\nI dropped a leghoul today"}, {"title": "you just did public shaming", "body": "hey bro, nice job calling this person out for being a complete scumbag that should be banned from hypixel. your post has helped the community be more aware of this particular individual and staff members may even punish the player if your post gets enough traction and/or causes a sufficient amount of reports to be created to ban the person. however, you have violated the rule of \"no public shaming\" and now I must require you to delete your post or else you will suffer harsh consequence. im a 6'4 alpha male minimod and i will crush your skull between my legs. i will make you regret the day you violated the rule \"no public shaming\". you are but a fool who will soon see the suffering that i am about to cause you. you will never see the light of day again. say goodbye to your friends and family as i am soon to completely obliterate you."}, {"title": "I think a phoenix pet buff would be appropriate.", "body": "For the rarity it has it isn't quite up to standards is it?"}, {"title": "How do you get 50m coins easily", "body": "I have been stuck at the longest time at 5m. Can anyone try tell me some methods?"}, {"title": "Which floor should/can i do", "body": "\n\n\nlevel 14 mage\n\nwhich floor + what gear should i get if i want to do floors i can't do atm (f4)"}, {"title": "'Im end game'", "body": "And several other lies you can tell yourself to make you feel good"}, {"title": "Best berserk reforge on adaptive?", "body": "Hey, guys what is the best reforge for berserk adaptive ?"}, {"title": "Is Archer now any good or nah?", "body": "I'm thinking of switching classes from mage to a different class, and I was wondering if archer is any good now or if it is just too squishy to do anything. Or should I just go a different class?"}, {"title": "What is a good armor that can make me do floor 1?", "body": "What is a armor and class that isnt too expensive like 10 mil max that would make me able to do floor 1 easily and maybe floor 2 because i wanna grind till i ccan do floor 3 and be able to buy adaptive armor"}, {"title": "BUMB", "body": "BUMB"}, {"title": "What armor after hardened diamond?", "body": "What armor should i grind after hardened diamond? Only thing i care bout is defense and health i dont really care about the intelligence or Mana."}, {"title": "What Berserker gear should I get?", "body": "Rn I have \n\n- full adaptive\n- maxed adaptive blade\n\nsince floor 4 came out, theres more loot in the game so what should I get else?\n\nBudget: 10m"}, {"title": "Good dungeon swords?", "body": "Im going berserk and got zombie soldier set with bonzo helmet and a maxed aotd and is wondering what sword should I go for? Is it worth putting all the enchants on a soldier cutlass?"}, {"title": "will players be able to become necromancers?", "body": "cant wait to summon 6^9 undead priests\n\nadmins pls answer"}, {"title": "Am i allowed to sell essence on the forum", "body": "Title \nSince no one does it on hub 1 or discord \nWould you guys mind?"}, {"title": "Lost my leaping sword to a glitch. :(", "body": "So me and my friend (who is in my coop) just got the leaping sword. When the server was doing a reset the sword was dropped. When it reset it teleported my friend to the sky block hub, deleting the sword from our private island. It really sucks because we worked really hard to get it and it was our best sword. We used all of our money to get it. If there is any way to get it back or fix it that would be extremely helpful."}, {"title": "Petition to get rid of @walter210", "body": "all @Walter210 has been doing is posting the same thing over and over again on every single post saying \"NO WAY FLOOR 5 IS OUT\" and its super annoying\n\nEdit: @ahdgwigdabshdvasduwygayus is his alt and he keeps reacting to my post over and over again which is filling up my alerts feed"}, {"title": "[game] first person to reply gets a burger second person gets coins", "body": "haha who will reply first and guide other to a treasure they cannot posses"}, {"title": "Fix aotd and yeti sword", "body": "Aotd ability doesn't scale with combat level and yeti sword's toss damage is a bit randomized and when it hits 2 enemies one of them gets the full damage and the other takes less. Also make the terrain toss an ability similar to the one in arena brawl because it's the one with the best physics"}, {"title": "what armor should i go for", "body": "I have protector, but protector is bad so what is the next one i should go for?"}, {"title": "wierd stuff happened to my island!", "body": "so about 3 days ago I finished building a potato farm and today, when I got online half of the potatoes on the farm, was gone, and some water was missing and my coop members have no idea of what happened can someone pls help?"}, {"title": "who wanna buy THE ENDER DRAGON SKULL (common rarierty)", "body": "sky lea moe urgayifuoutbid if u dun believe its on my wardrobe. offer below ;D"}, {"title": "Ban ID", "body": "What does it do? And why do ppl say censor it when someone gets banned"}, {"title": "500 Messages LES GOOOOOO", "body": "only half way to WKM"}, {"title": "Recruiting an Army against Walter210 to post any comments", "body": "Sign up here"}, {"title": "Yeti sword bugged?", "body": "I get to deal random amounts of damage to zealots with the toss ability and when it hits multiple zealots a zealots takes 160k and the other 290k instead of both getting 290k"}, {"title": "Mobs don't agro even though I removed my intimidation artifact?", "body": "This spooky as I was trying to group my skeletons, they would not agro on me for any significant amount of time. I could maybe get like 2 steps out of them before they just stood still and did nothing. They didn't even shoot arrows at me. Any reason why this happens? I know 100% I had no type of intimidation accessory on me."}, {"title": "Recuiting an Army against E4gle to protect me from toxic comments", "body": "Sign UP!"}, {"title": "Recruiting army against Walter210 to protect all of us from postfarmers", "body": "So he made a post like this about me and now I recruit army against him.\n\n\nSign up!"}, {"title": "taking a break from the forums", "body": "hey guys you might know me as the shitposter man and today im gonna be taking a 2 week break from the forums, not because of like mental health or anyhing just becuz im tired of the toxicity here like a peanut brains in the comment section of someone that lost 40 hours of their like being like \"LLLLLLLLLLLL SUCK IT UP\" so yeah im taking a break i might do something like a day in my break but yeah nothing else bye guys"}, {"title": "What to go for ?", "body": "I have this stats and abt 70 enchanted diamond block in bazaar , should i get superior or something else"}, {"title": "very important information for players of any skill level!", "body": "sheep drop wool"}, {"title": "Spooky Rewards", "body": "I got 2134 pt.\nBut there was no \"Vampirism VI\" in the rewards.\nSame thing happened with the last Spooky."}, {"title": "My game crash if i entchant something", "body": "Why is my game crashing if i entchant somthing? How to patch this?"}, {"title": "The Most Damage Possible in Skyblock is 393,948,554", "body": "With a Scorpions foil with max enchants, endstone sword ability, sword swap to Gilded Midas, golem pet, Romero and Juliette talisman, 400 crit damage, (modest but idk max with this setup) 400 strength, ( still modest) Tara armor, and Tara talisman all triggering at the same time, you deal a whopping 1,733,373,638 damage. Enough to kill 722 t4 revs in one Hit. Plz like and comment so\nA) post doesn't die\nB) I get reactions\nC) Some rich YouTuber with Combat 50 can see this and test it. (Refraction, Timedeo, I'm looking at you guys.) I guess maybe Pigicial too."}, {"title": "Plz buff Bonzo Staff and Frozen Scythe back!!!", "body": "now it cost double time and double mana to do the same amount of damage as before\nit's very bad now plz buff it back, people flipping frozen scythe are losing lots and lots of money"}, {"title": "A non won the spooky festival", "body": "nons (and ex-nons) rise."}, {"title": "Reforges and Enchants", "body": "What is the best enchants on a sword and what reforges is the best on talismans?"}, {"title": "The copycat problem on skyblock forums", "body": "Hello epic gamers and forums readers\n\nIt isnt really a big problem but it is fairly annoying\n\nAs you probably have noticed, a ton of people do these lil forum games with the intent of helping out players and give them a couple mil coins\nSo far so good right? That's what i thought\n\nIf u notice, every post that gets over 50 positive reactions, surely has a copy cat with the intent of getting dem reactionz\nIf they actually gave the money and such i wouldnt mind, but doing it for the intend of getting reactions but not actually helping is just a d*** move\n\nIts even more annoying when you see a person doing such a creative game and actually giving the stuff but then comes a non and CTRL C + CTRL V it for the reactions\n\nWell thats my opinion"}, {"title": "Removing auctions from deleted profile", "body": "I made a new profile in Skyblock, and I bid on some dirt. Later, I decided to delete that profile. The bid still stood, and when I went to my original profile, I tried clearing the auction. It didn't work. How do I fix this?"}, {"title": "Guys!(and girls... and other genders) I just realized something...", "body": "AOTD = Aspect + of + the + dragons\n\nwhoa!"}, {"title": "I love how people just like long threads", "body": "People are probably too lazy and like if it\u2019s wrong because some posts are just so wrong; I can\u2019t believe people like it. Be honest, you probably just like it because you think they put in effort and research."}, {"title": "Giveaway server must be banned guys!!", "body": "there is new rule?? no giveaway? omg they are doing it ban!!!"}, {"title": "German- question- Seed", "body": "------GERMANY------\n\nGibt es ein Item,dass wenn man eine Karotte abbaut, direkt automatisch wieder platziert wird? \n\n------ENGLISH------\n\nIs there an item that is automatically placed again when a carrot is removed?"}, {"title": "German- question- Seed", "body": "------GERMANY------\n\nGibt es ein Item,dass wenn man eine Karotte abbaut, direkt automatisch wieder platziert wird? \n\n------ENGLISH------\n\nIs there an item that is automatically placed again when a carrot is removed?"}, {"title": "Best Budget Drag Setup", "body": "Want to get into drags and am looking at full tara dh3 runaans. And aotd with ender slayer 6. Any recommendations?"}, {"title": "can i get XP?", "body": "Do I get XP when the Minion is full and I have the hopper in there to level up the wheat collection?"}, {"title": "walter210", "body": "@Walter210 can you stop and leave already?\ni would appreciate it."}, {"title": "Is there any item in the game that if you salvage gives wither essence? (answered)", "body": "(except for adaptive armor)"}, {"title": "Tank builds?", "body": "pls help"}, {"title": "Holy dragon armor is the best looking armor in the game", "body": "I spent 1m coins on holy bc it looks good get it slappers"}, {"title": "The Catacombs: Floor 4 - New Puzzle, Trap room, and 2nd miniboss?", "body": "In the f4 patch notes, they claim there is a new puzzle, a new trap room, and 2 new minibosses, 1 of which is the frozen adventurer.\n\nI have done a couple f4 runs and never seen anything new, besides the frozen adventurer.\n\nHave you guys ever seen them?"}, {"title": "auction house not working correctly", "body": "i recently put up a leaping sword for a starting bid of around 600k and someone bids 850k on it, i look up leaping on the auction to see what i would get for it when i was looking around for a average price, i didn't see my sword on the list.\nim assuming that this means the person who bid only bid from doing /ah user and not looking for it on the auction house npc\nthis could be completely visual so if someone else can look for it and tell me if they see it. please do\ncurrent bid atm is 1.7m so it should be sorta low bid for leaping swords\nif you don't find it do /ah ThatBottleODuck and try to find it through there\n\n\n\n\nEdit: problem has been fixed, its a visual glitch on my side, probably some weird interference with a mod i have\n2nd edit: just realized i was looking at the bin the ENTIRE TIME and now i regret everything"}, {"title": "Why do we play sb", "body": "Why? Just to watch those meaningless numbers rise up? What for? Just to get that satisfaction? Is it actually with it? Actually tho, why?"}, {"title": "Crypt Dreadlords Souleaters Skeletors and SKele masters need to be changed.", "body": "Look I APPRECIATE Their concept to harrass you and to stop your tank from just rushing every room BUT its executed poorly Crypt dreadlords and souleaters deal way too much damage from way too much range and can SHOOT THROUGHT SOLID blocks. Skeletors are Just upgraded crypt lurkers which are a pain already but they can throw the bone multiple TIMES.Skele masters good on paper poorly executed shoot fast pretty much hit you with every shot and deal true damage."}, {"title": "Combat 50", "body": "As you may know, players were able to afk ghasts to get tonnes of combat exp during the early days of skyblock. This resulted in many players obtaining super high combat levels. This method was patched long ago, but the players still got to keep their level 50 combat. I believe this is unfair to new players who joined later or didn't exploit the method, as it would take 229 hours of constant Rev 4 grinding to get level 50 combat assuming you do 2 revs/minute. \n\nWhich is why I suggest admins remove all exp gained from killing ghasts spawned by minions, this can be easily done and I believe should be done Immediately \n\nTechnical method: As you may know, all mob kills are tracked, as seen from All admins have to do is take every player's combat exp and deduct (number of minion ghasts killed x 17)"}, {"title": "is a bonzo staff still effective for dungeons?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "What Class should I go now", "body": "Should I go archer, berserker, healer, tank, or even back to mage as I want to change to a different class. I have more than enough money to afford any setup for these classes."}, {"title": "All Minion Conversations!", "body": "If you haven't seen it yet, minions can have conversations with you or another minion! I will be listing all the conversations that I have seen the minions say! This thread might be incompleted, if you have seen a conversation not listed, just tell me in the reply section!\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 1\n\n\n\nConversation 1, Rock Paper Shears Cheater:\nMinion 1 & 2: 3, 2, 1\nMinion 1: Rock!\nMinion 2: Shears!\nMinion 1: Ha, I won!\nMinion 2: YOU CHEATED\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 2\n\n\n\nConversation 2, That New Song:\nMinion 1: Have you heard that new song yet?\nMinion 2: Not yet, I was too busy working, haha.\nMinion 1: Same!\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 3\n\n\n\nConversation 3, Hai:\nMinion 1: Hi (your name)!\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 4\n\n\n\nConversation 4, The Favorite:\nMinion 1: I'm your favorite, right?\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 5\n\n\n\nConversation 5, Shorter Minion:\nMinion 1: You're shorter than me!\nMinion 2: We are the same size!\nMinion 1: Yeah right!\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 6\n\n\n\nConversation 6, Hey, I'm a minion:\nMinion 1: Hey! I'm a ____ Minion! (ex. Hey! I'm a Diamond Minion!)\nMinion 2: I know\nMinion 3: k\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 7\n\n\n\nConversation 7, I shorter than you:\nMinion 1: I may be shorter than you, but I work for 2!\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 8\n\n\n\nConversation 8, After Work:\nMinion 1: Hey, wanna do something after work?\nMinion 2: When is that?\nMinion 3: Don't know.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 9\n\n\n\nConversation 9, Superhero Movie:\nMinion 1: Have you seen that new superhero movie yet?\nMinion 2: No, I've been working here.\nMinion 3: Same!\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 10\n\n\n\nConversation 10, Noice Armor:\nMinion 1: Nice armor you have there!\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 11\n\n\n\nConversation 11, Noice Sword:\nMinion 1: Nice sword you have there!\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Conversation 12\n\n\n\nConversation 12, On FIRE:\n-minion set on fire-\nMinion 1: This is fine\n\n\n\nThese are all the conversations I have seen the minions have, if there are any more that are not listed, please tell me in the reply section! Thanks a lot!\u200b"}, {"title": "Is hyper cleaver good?", "body": "also does cleaver enchant work with it."}, {"title": "Need help for berserker", "body": "What is a very good build for berserker in any floor?\n\nive been using sup, reaper scyth and wither skelly pet"}, {"title": "Farm layers help", "body": "Hi I am a bit new to Skyblock I think I will make 3 layers so what is the best for money making ? And thx"}, {"title": "Funny Dungeons Map BUG", "body": "So I died and i decided to explore the map. Then I was revived and spawned in the room where I was. But I was in a not explored room. And the map did funny..."}, {"title": "guardian pet", "body": "what is the chance to fish up a guardian pet? i rly want one"}, {"title": "why is my aotj stronger than my aotd?", "body": "i mean...\ni think they buffed aotj too much\nlike....\nby just adding ultimate jerry to my aotj makes it stronger than my aotd"}, {"title": "HELPER list", "body": "can someone send an Helper list?? I find a guy helped me yesterday but i don't remember the name... ty"}, {"title": "What is a good damage set that is pretty cheap?", "body": "I\u2019m looking for a cheap damage set so I can do more damage. I have a young set but my damage isn\u2019t very good on it and my cheap tux is squishy. Is there an armor set that has good damage, good health and defence and is cheap? Btw I use an aotd"}, {"title": "Please revert update", "body": "Mage was good so just buff the other classes and make bosses harder, just noticed bonzo staff shoots slower too this made dungeons good to bad"}, {"title": "Spooky fest", "body": "When will people at spiders den realise that skele jockey farming is better then aiming bow?"}, {"title": "asdas deleted", "body": "deleted, posted before meant to asjda\n\n\u200b"}, {"title": "This OP Items Should Be Nerfed", "body": "Spirit sceptre is wayyy tooo over powerd it deals millions and u can cheese thru any dungeon floor easily\nbonermage is op and should be nerfed a little bit\nand spirit bow can just be better than mousquito bow nerft it a little bit too\n(dislikes incoming...)"}, {"title": "The Reality of Dungeons, and the Concerning Future of Skyblock", "body": "Dungeons was and still is one of the most hyped updates in the history of this game. It brought many new items and concepts to the game itself. But, through all this, one thing has plagued dungeons this entire time, competitiveness. \n\n\nThe Hype of Dungeons\n\nI started playing around March of 2020. This is when Covid-19 hit. Player base rose to nearly 100k players at peak times, which means that more people were joining Skyblock. Every week it seemed as though there was a thread hyping for Dungeons. Then, after waiting for almost a year, we got the Reforge Update. On July 1st, Jayavarmen announced that the entire reforge system was going to be balanced and changed, in preparation for Dungeons. Now, people started to anticipate Dungeons even more. Rumors went around daily of dates of when they were going to release. Then, on July 7, Dungeons released to the public. When it first released, it was only open to MVP++, but it started to slowly let others in. Constant lag was a problem during this time and in the days after. Everything was alright for now, but, as time ensued, the bigger problem soon took over. \n\nThe Overall Problem with Dungeons\n\nSo, what went wrong? In order to understand this, we need to go back to the End Update. Before the End Update, the only real boss to fight was the Magma Cube Boss. Then, once the End Update came, Dragons were introduced along with other sets. Like Dungeons, it was all good at first because everyone was new to the update, but then it got competitive. People started fighting for Zealots, Dragons were only for the rich, and community eventually went downhill. This can easily relate to Dungeons. Dungeons was supposed to be an activity where you could play with friends together, working as a team, to kill a boss and receive some loot. However, this is not the case. In the beginning, everyone was Level 0, and everyone accepted each other because they were all just trying to play it. But then, as time went on, players grew in level, they grew in competitiveness. Now, Dungeons has become a grind. I see myself just coming on to maintain my level, because I might drop below the average. It became less of a fun activity to do with other people, less of a team effort to reach a goal, and more of a grind and more of a money grab to be. Dungeons was supposed to be an activity for all types of players, the casuals and the more determined ones, for early and end-game players, but it has instead, like all updates, fell into the favor of the devoted end-game community. This has blocked out the chance for more unexperienced players who have lower levels or who aren't as good as the grinders.\n\n\nThe Future of Hypixel Skyblock\n\nI see the future of Hypixel Skyblock to be, sadly, a slow demise. Hypixel is currently stuck in a pit, they are attempting to cater towards the End-Game community to keep them playing, while at the same time, they are making it harder for the Early-Game community to reach these new updates. This evidently means that the End-Game community will eventually die out, and it softlocks the Early-Game community who have to spend absurd amounts of time to reach the End-Game content. Once the End-Game community dies out, the Auction House, which is directly tied to having a large player base to survive, will die out. The economy crashes, and Hypixel Skyblock will fade into obscurity. Now, when will this happen? I predict in around 2 years. The Admins can release as much content as they want, but eventually, they will come to a roadblock. \n\n\nIf you actually read this, thanks for reading this. I will update this based off of questions in comments.\n\nTL;DR - Dungeons was supposed to be team oriented, became grindy. Skyblock will eventually die off due to Early Players being unable to reach new content."}, {"title": "why I dislike thorn boss fight", "body": "1) its long, like rl long\n2) its not boss difficuly hard, just compare it to dreadlords or skele masters\n3) its annoying af\n4) even if you get bow there is timer which is deadly connected with lags"}, {"title": "Can you recombobulate an recombobulator", "body": "Can you Recombobulate an Recombobulator??? and if you do can you use the Recombobulated Recombobulator to Recombobulate??? Then will it double the item being Recombobulated???"}, {"title": "Invincibility frames with enchants", "body": "Does the enchantments cleave, fire aspect and venemous are still bad, does they still give invincibility frames to mobs?"}, {"title": "Mage sucks amaright", "body": "No it doesnt, stop crying that your class is balanced and now requires more brain power then sleeping"}, {"title": "Why", "body": "I just got a 49/50 silent death ._."}, {"title": "Update of the Dragons [SUGGESTION/CONCEPT] (69 positive reactions!)", "body": "Hi everyone reading my post, I spent a lot of time on this and I hope you like it.\nBasically after thinking a bit, I realized that Dragons, a large part of the skyblock minigame, were sort of boring.\nIt is fun when you have god potions, maxed dragon hunter bow/sword, sword swap ability mastered, good armor, multiple eyes placed, dragon party, and good drops, but generally, it's basically the same thing over and over again.\nThe dragon flies around, it stops a couple of times, the end crystals spawn, heal the dragon a bit, then get destroyed by the players, the dragon rushes and hits players, stands still and shoots fireballs, and occasionally shoots lightning bolts at players. That's basically all it is. Protector dragon takes reduced damage, Young dragon has good speed, etc, and that's all that dragons really are.\nSo here's my suggestion (to rework/upgrade dragons).\n\nMy main ideas:\n\n\nSpoiler: The Dragons!\n\n\n\nSo here, I want to make the dragons themselves have different abilities (based on their armor sets) and buffs.\nAlso, when in the range of a dragon, you only know its health. So I think that a separate on-screen menu for their health, damage, and mana will be shown.\nHealth is just basically like normal health.\nDamage is basically normal damage.\nNow mana. Mana is going to be basically the same thing normal players have, except the mana regen and cap varies for each dragon. The dragon would have, maybe bots/a.i. that automatically guesses which ability to use. For example, if there are 3 abilities, speed increase, health boost, and damage boost, then while its health is very low, then it could use health boost. When it is about to be hit with arrows, it could increase speed. When it is about to attack players, it could damage boost. These may be overpowered or very strange, so you could easily change these to different abilities and different moments where the abilities are used.\nI also think that a good idea would be to incorporate vanilla minecraft's \"Dragon Breath\". It won't be the item itself (with glass bottles and potions), but instead it would be a sort of fireball that stays where it hit, sort of decreasing the players' abilities to choose one good spot to attack the dragon. This may be annoying at times, since it basically damages players that touch the breath, but with enough regeneration orbs (maybe with radiant or mana flux), it can easily be countered/ignored. Also, it might be cool if it occasionally did True Damage, so that the regeneration orbs might not be enough.\nPlease note that when I say something like \"regeneration of 10,000 healthpoints/second\", this number can easily be changed to 5,000 or 100,000 or anything. All I am saying below are merely estimates and can easily be changed into something that would fit the game more. Because I am limited on information about these dragons' statistics and their behavior and I can't test these out to judge it for myself, please understand that these numbers can be very off and that they can be changed. Thank you.\n\nNow let's get into specifics for each dragon and my ideas on them.\n\n\nSpoiler: Old Dragon\n\n\n\nNow, Old Dragon is, to be honest, pathetic and is often ignored by late-game/end-game players. The armor is easily worse than most of the other dragon armors and doesn't give a big buff. The dragon itself is just a normal ender dragon, basically. So here's my idea on a rework.\n\nFirst, let's think about what the armor's set bonus is. The bonus buffs growth, protection, feather falling, sugar rush, and true protection enchants. That's basically it.\nSo I wanted to incorporate that into the dragon itself and its abilities and mechanics.\nIt would have 3 abilities.\n1) Health Boost! Gives 100,000 absorption health and 5 seconds of regeneration for 10,000 healthpoints/second. Costs 400 mana.\n2) Damage Boost! Gives large damage boost and deals 300 true damage to its next 3 targets. Costs 500 mana.\n3) Speed Boost! Allows speed to reach 150 max for 3 seconds. Costs 500 mana.\nIt would have a total of 750 mana and a regeneration of 25 mana per second.\nWhen spawned, the dragon will fly around normally.\nWhenever it can, it will rush towards nearest players and activate Damage Boost.\nWhen it is low on health or its health is depleting fast, it will activate Health Boost.\nWhen there are too many arrows behind it or players are hitting it with a sword too much, it can quickly move away with Speed Boost.\nDuring the battle, it can occasionally shoot dragon's breath, with a 20% chance that it deals true damage.\nThe Old Dragon will still be relatively slow and weak, but it will still have the most health and largest amounts of ability buffs.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Protector Dragon\n\n\n\nPossibly the worst dragon armor of all time. It's not too bad in terms of health+defense, but it's terrible in everything else. The Protector Dragon itself is just a normal ender dragon except it takes less damage generally.\nFirst, the armor set bonus. It increases defense by 1% for each percent of missing health, meaning that the smaller amount of health you have, the more protected you become. Now in the dragon itself, it might be difficult to increase defense, since increasing defense too much will be too overpowered and will cause long dragon fights, which people don't like. So instead of defense increase, it would be damage increase.\nIt would have 1 main ability.\n1) Protector Rage! For each percent of missing health, increase damage of the next 10 seconds by 50. Costs 500 mana.\nIt would have 500 total mana and regen of 25 mana per second.\nWhen the mana cap is reached, it will automatically use the Protector Rage ability.\nAlso, if the dragon is very very low, then the percent of missing health could be, say, 99%, so 99*50 = 4950, so it would be able to deal 4950 damage. Don't worry, it's not true damage.\nIt also shoots dragon's breath occasionally.\nI don't really know what else to do for protector dragon, since the armor set bonus is relatively bad.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Wise Dragon\n\n\n\nNow, more interesting stuff. The wise dragon armor is useful for stuff like races and mana in general.\nThe armor set bonus is that abilities cost less mana.\nSo in the dragon itself, it would have more mana and would do more frequent actions/abilities.\nIt would have multiple abilities:\n1) Instant Transmission! Teleport 10 blocks forwards and gain a speed boost of 100 for next 5 seconds. Costs 400 mana.\n2) Homing Fireballs! Shoot 5 fireballs that home towards the nearest players and deal 1000 damage. Costs 750 mana.\n3) Mana Steal! Steal all of the mana from the players within 10 blocks. 30 second cooldown.\n4) Fireball Volley! Shoot 10 fireballs towards random players dealing 500 area damage each. Can knock players up and hit all players near the explosion. Costs 300 mana.\n5) Lightning Strike! Strike 5 random players in the Dragon's Nest dealing 300 true damage. Costs 200 mana.\nIt would have a total of 1000 mana and a regen of 50 mana per second.\nIn Mana Steal ability, no mana is used. It will also go near players every 30 seconds, meaning that although it gains mana, it also is a good target for many players to attack it while it steals mana.\nInstant Transmission is basically aspect of the end ability, except for wise dragons.\nThe a.i. for this one may be relatively difficult, but I think the mana steal ability would be pretty cool.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Unstable Dragon\n\n\n\nUnstable armor is also one of those armors that are okay by itself but is better to buy other armors instead of it. It boosts crit chance and crit damage and it also sometimes strikes nearby mobs.\nSo here's my thoughts on its abilities:\n1) Lightning Strike! Strikes all nearby players within 10 blocks dealing 1500 damage. Costs 300 mana.\n2) Stun Attack! All players are stunned for 3 seconds, unable to do anything (includes moving, using abilities, placing/breaking blocks, throwing/shooting projectiles, and attacking). Costs 400 mana.\n3) Electric Charge! Shoots 5 bolts of lightning from its mouth to the 5 strongest players, dealing 1000 damage, then 100 damage/second for the next 10 seconds. 45 second cooldown and costs 450 mana.\nIt has a total of 500 mana and a regen of 25 mana per second.\nThe electric charge basically is like an instant damage potion and a poison potion immediately after, except with a lightning bolt and \"shocks\".\nThe abilities are, as you can see, based largely off of the armor's set bonus and lightning.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Young Dragon\n\n\n\nYoung armor is used very often because of it being the only armor to give large amounts of speed infinitely. The Young Dragon is already a fast dragon resembling its armor, so I will base the abilities off of that.\n1) Speed Boost! Gains +50 flight speed for next 10 seconds of flight. Costs 200 mana.\n2) Tank! Temporarily slows down to normal ender dragon speed, but gets a boost of strength and defense for next 10 seconds. Costs 300 mana.\n3) Lightning Speed! While flying, deal 5x damage through a lightning bolt towards nearest players. Costs 300 mana.\n4) Speed Steal! Make all players in Dragon's Nest have a speed of 1. Costs 400 mana.\n5) Speed Regeneration! For each percent of missing health, heal 100 hp/second for 10 seconds, while decreasing speed by 50. Costs 450 mana.\nIt has a total of 500 mana with 25 mana regen per second.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Strong Dragon\n\n\n\nOf course, the strong dragon. Probably the 2nd best dragon armor in the game. Although the set bonus isn't really useful (buffing aote), the pieces themselves buff strength by a large amount, making it very useful.\nSo here are some abilities I based off of that:\n1) Strength Boost! Boosts Strength by 100 for the next 10 seconds. Costs 200 mana.\n2) Strength Delete! All players in Dragon's Nest do the amount of damage they do with a fist for 10 seconds (applies to weapons and bows). Costs 300 mana.\n3) Fire Strike! Shoots fireball to middle of Dragon's Nest causing all players in Dragon's Nest to take 10 seconds of lava/fire damage regardless of fire-related talismans. Costs 400 mana.\n4) Fireball Barrage! Shoots multiple fireballs towards players dealing fire damage and explosion and area damage. Costs 200 mana.\n5) Aspect of the End! Teleports 10 blocks forwards. For each percent of health missing, regenerate 1000 health per second for 10 seconds, deal 100 more damage for next 10 seconds, and increase speed by 10%. Also have a 10% chance that it dodges any attack. Costs 500 mana.\nIt has a total of 500 mana with 25 mana regen per second.\nJust some additional information: When dodging any attack, it just means that when an arrow was supposed to hit it, it won't take damage. So if you're really unlucky, then while hitting the dragon with a sword, you might do 0 damage while the dragon has the ability activated. Also, when regenerating 1000 health per second for 10 seconds for each percent of health missing, then if it's at a very very low health, then it would regen almost 100% * 1000 health * 10 seconds = 1,000,000 health total. That's 1/9 of a strong dragons entire health. Not too overpowered, but definitely not negligible.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Superior Dragon\n\n\n\nOf course, the superior dragon. It's considered the best dragon armor (I repeat, dragon armor, not general armor) in the game. The set bonus increases all stats by 5% and aotd ability deals 50% more damage. Since it gives the best dragon armor, it should be the most difficult dragon to beat.\nSo here are some abilities I thought of:\n1) Stat Boost! Increases all stats currently (health, defense, damage, strength, mana, and speed) by 5% for the next 10 seconds. Costs 200 mana.\n2) Power Drain! Halves all stats of every player in the Dragon's Nest (health, defense, damage, strength, intelligence, crit chance/damage, etc) for next 10 seconds. Costs 500 mana.\n3) Rage! For the amount of health missing, deal 1% of that more in each attack for next 5 seconds. Costs 300 mana.\n4) Crystal Explosion! Summon end crystals near all players and have them self destruct, dealing area damage and knockback. Costs 400 mana.\n5) Endermen Strike! For every 3 players in the lobby, spawn an (9k health) enderman on players to attack them (these do not drop pets). Costs 400 mana.\n6) Fireballs! Shoot large amounts of fireballs towards the 5 strongest players (most health + defense + strength + damage). Costs 400 mana.\n7) Aspect of the Dragons. Summon one slightly smaller ender dragon (old, protector, wise, young, unstable, or strong) with 30% of their normal stats and take no damage while that dragon is still alive. When that dragon is killed, gain 20% in all stats for next 3 seconds and attack as many players as possible. Costs 700 mana.\nIt has a total of 700 mana with 25 (and + 1 for every 5 players in the lobby) mana regen per second.\nAdditional Information: Aspect of the Dragons ability spawns a separate \"mini-boss\", which is basically just another dragon (with all the abilities I mentioned earlier) with nerfed stats. During this time, the Superior Dragon is basically immune to everything.\nNormal Superior Dragon seems like the normal ender dragon, so adding these abilities will definitely make it more terrifying, fun, and interesting.\n\n\nThose were all the dragons and my thought on possible abilities they might have.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Baby Dragons\n\n\n\nNow, I was thinking about dragon fights and besides the separate dragon spawning from the Superior Dragon that I mentioned earlier, it's always just one dragon.\nSo what if, during the time when the dragons say \"I call upon my loyal servant for this final battle!\" it spawns not only the buffed zealots and endermen but also baby dragons. Also, all the crystals will respawn.\nNow basically baby dragons will be smaller ender dragons without a real distinction between old, protector, wise, etc. They're just small ender dragons.\nAround 5-10 of them will spawn, there being a higher chance that more of them spawn the better the actual dragon is, so it would be sorta like:\n(around 5 baby dragons) protector --> old --> wise --> unstable --> young --> strong --> superior (around 10 baby dragons), or something along those lines.\nThe baby dragons would have either a set value of health (maybe 1 million, 500k) or a percentage of the original dragon (maybe 30%, 10%, 1%), and the defense, damage, and strength would be the same (always a set amount of damage, so no crit). They would also be pretty fast, maybe the speed of young dragon, slightly slower. They would shoot fireballs (relatively weak but still does damage and knockback) to nearby players, and also \"bite\" them (just normal attacking but named it bite since it sounds like something a dragon would do). These baby dragons would have to be taken out first in order for the original dragon to be damaged. They wouldn't be able to leave the dragon's nest, and they would heal using the end crystals (the crystals will prioritize the baby dragons instead of the original dragon).\nThe stats could be played around with. Again, I don't really know how good they should be, it's up to admins and testers to try out different values and see how buffed they are. So saying \"bruh 1 mil health is too op\" doesn't matter since that can change whenever.\n\n\n\nSome extra ideas that I'm not too sure about:\n\n\nSpoiler: Swords\n\n\n\nSo basically what I thought of was having not only aotd, but also specific swords made for each dragon. Like Old Dragon Sword, Young Dragon Sword, Superior Dragon Sword, etc.\nSo what I thought is that these could be made from rare drops from the dragons. They wouldn't be directly rare drops, but instead they would require some amount of different drops to forge (not craft) them.\nI know that scales will be added for reforging, so I guess I'll go with Dragon Teeth (if you would like, you can easily replace every time I say teeth with scales, it really doesn't matter).\nEach Dragon will drop 0-3 teeth. Old Dragon will drop Old Dragon Teeth, Protector Dragon will drop Protector Dragon Teeth, etc. These would rely on dragon weight, but not too sure on how much you'll need.\nFor each Dragon Sword, you'll need 30 teeth (minimum 10 dragons of the type to be killed). I will get into the specifics of what each sword does later, but first, I will explain how you would forge the Dragon Sword.\nYou would need a forgery, something unlocked at iron collection level X (10). It will look like a normal anvil, except instead of the 3 iron blocks at the top, it will be 15 enchanted iron blocks (5 in each slot). It would also need 20 enchanted iron ingots in the place of the normal iron ingots (5 in each slot). Basically the same thing as normal anvil crafting except each iron block replaced with 5 enchanted iron blocks and each iron ingot replaced with 5 enchanted iron ingots.\nBy the way, the forgery does not look like an anvil and does not have gravity.\nOnce you place the forgery, you will need it to have a lava source block directly underneath it as fuel.\nNow, on this subject I would like to add something.\nEnchanted Lava Buckets can place normal lava, then when picked it, it becomes a normal lava bucket. So my idea is that when you place an enchanted lava bucket, it places a sorta shiny lava (same shine as swords have with enchants). This makes it distinct from normal lava. This enchanted lava will deal much more damage than normal lava (even if you have lava/fire talisman). This won't have any use besides being used for the forgery. If you pick up the enchanted lava again, you still get the enchanted lava bucket, meaning that placing it places enchanted lava and you can pick it right back up.\nSo back to forge. You must place an enchanted lava under the forgery. It will then \"turn on\"/activate and is ready for use. The enchanted lava will disappear too, now inside the forgery.\nIf you right click on the forgery without the enchanted lava underneath (instead a normal block or normal lava), then it will say \"Not Enough Fuel!\" and you won't be able to access the forgery slots, however you will be able to see what the menu looks like.\nNow, I don't really know how to create this sort of menu, but I want it to be something like this:\nIt has one slot near the top middle where you can place your dragon teeth. Below that, it will show a sort of red arrow where as the lava is being used, the arrow's red bar goes down, indicating that your lava is being used and showing you the progress of the forging. Below the arrow, there will be an empty slot where the dragon sword appears and the dragon teeth disappears. If you place, say 34 dragon teeth in the first slot, then after the forge, 4 teeth will remain in that slot. Placing 60 teeth will leave 30 teeth. Also, forging will take some time. Maybe seconds, minutes, hours, days.\nSo now, I will explain how the dragon swords will work.\n\n\nSpoiler: Dragon Swords\n\n\n\nAll of the item abilities use up all of your mana. Most of them would also be different/buffed versions of pre-existing items.\n\n\nSpoiler: Protector Dragon Sword\n\n\n\nThe Protector Dragon Sword will be close to the Aspect of the Dragons in terms of stats.\nIt would have the item ability \"Protector\", which would regenerate your health back to 100%. It's basically a more expensive and powerful wand of healing, which can also be used in battle.\nWith Protector Dragon Armor: Gain 50% more defense and max health.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Old Dragon Sword\n\n\n\nThe Old Dragon Sword will be close to the Aspect of the Dragons in terms of stats, similar to the Protector Dragon Sword.\nIt would have the item ability \"Old\", which would double your intelligence for 10 seconds. It would also boost your health and damage by 3%. It's basically pheonix pet but temporary.\nWith Old Dragon Armor: All enchants are buffed by 10%.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Wise Dragon Sword\n\n\n\nThe Wise Dragon Sword will be slightly better than Aspect of the Dragons.\nIt would have the item ability \"Wise\", which would double your mana and intelligence for 10 seconds. It would fill up your mana completely (once), and all item abilities would cost 33% less (same as Wise Dragon Armor Set Bonus).\nWith Wise Dragon Armor: All abilities cost 50% less mana.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Unstable Dragon Sword\n\n\n\nThe Unstable Dragon Sword will be much better than Aspect of the Dragons and 50 Million Midas.\nIt would have the item ability \"Unstable\", which would strike all mobs within 5 blocks with lightning (no players). This does not apply to bosses.\nWith Unstable Dragon Armor: All hits will strike with additional lightning.\nSpecifications: Those hits only apply when you hit a mob (no players, also bow and fishing rod won't strike lightning). This is basically like lightning rune, but it actually damages them. When you one shot a mob, it will strike in the same way lightning rune does (not damaging anything), and when you don't one shot a mob (say you're hitting a sea emperor), then it will continuously strike, dealing lightning damage. This lightning will not charge creepers, turn pigs into pigmen, or turn villagers into witches.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Young Dragon Sword\n\n\n\nThe Young Dragon Sword will be much better than Aspect of the Dragons and 50 Million Midas.\nIt would have the item ability \"Young\", which would make the player's speed be 300 for 10 seconds.\nWith Young Dragon Armor: You would have a speed cap of 300.\nSpecifications: You would have speed 300 unless you take off the armor and stop using sword for too long. This means you can use bow, grappling hook, etc then switch right back to the sword to maintain your speed.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Strong Dragon Sword\n\n\n\nThe Strong Dragon Sword will be much much better than Aspect of the Dragons and 50 Million Midas.\nIt would have the item ability \"Strong\", which would buff your strength and damage by 20%.\nWith Strong Dragon Armor: Deal 50% more damage total.\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Superior Dragon Sword\n\n\n\nThe Superior Dragon Sword will be much better than Aspect of the Dragons and 50 Million Midas.\nIt would have the item ability \"Superior\", which would buff all of your stats by 10% (includes pet luck, sea creature chance, etc) for next 30 seconds.\nWith Superior Dragon Armor: All stats are buffed by 25%.\n\n\nThese are definitely unbalanced, even seeing it myself. Definitely can be changed, buffed, or nerfed in whatever way fits the game.\n\n\nNow, that was it for dragon swords. You may have thought that that was all the new swords I thought of. No. I thought of a great definite end-game weapon that may be very overpowered.\n\n\nSpoiler: The Ultimate Dragons' Sword\n\n\n\nI have no clue how this would be called.\nAnyway, this won't be crafted with a crafting table. This will require an enchanted crafting table, made with 1 crafting table in the middle and 30 dragon teeth surrounding it. You may be wondering, how are 7 dragon teeth types going to fully surround a crafting table, requiring 8 slots total? Well, they are adding new \"Holy Dragon Fragments\". So when you clear dungeons, along with getting Holy Dragon Fragments when you can, you can also get Holy Dragon Teeth. So with that, 8 dragons total. 30 of each type's teeth around a crafting table (any arrangement) will give an enchanted crafting table. In this, there is only one available crafting recipe. Expensive as heck, but very very powerful.\nThe Ultimate Dragons' Sword can be crafted.\n1 Aspect of the Dragons in the middle. Then, around it, in the 8 slots available, you need one of each type of dragon sword. Old Dragon Sword, Protector Dragon Sword, Wise Dragon Sword, Young Dragon Sword, Unstable Dragon Sword, Strong Dragon Sword, Superior Dragon Sword, and of course, Holy Dragon Sword.\nAll of these combined gives you the Ultimate Dragons' Sword.\nCrafted and forged from hundreds of dragon deaths (probably like over 50 mil from just that), multiple enchanted lava buckets, lots of forging, lots of iron, tons of grinding.\nIt will be better than the aspect of the dragons, better than 50 million midas, heck, even better than maxed out Aspect of the Jerry! It would be the ultimate end game weapon, probably costing hundreds of millions of coins.\nIt would be the ultimate weapon.\nFaQ coming from literally no one: What about ultimate bow or ultimate fishing rod or ultimate armor?\nAnswer: Probably not, I mean it's hard enough to get what I just described. If you need to do that 4 more times for armor just to be completely end game, then I don't think people just have a couple billion coins just lying around.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSpoiler: Dragon Flesh\n\n\n\nThis item is a rare drop from all dragons. You can use it as a brewing ingredient to brew Dragon Potions, which increases your damage to dragons.\nThis was suggested by @Trooper828xx btw, credit to him.\n\n\nWell, that was all I came up with.\nI have been working on this post for almost a week and long months of thinking it out too.\nI hope you guys enjoy this or at least think it's a good idea. Please remember that this post is mainly me talking about reworking dragons and making new weapons and concepts out of it, not that we should buff Old Dragon by 10% even though it's better to buff it by 5%. Basically saying that it's the concepts I want to share, not the numbers, since those can be changed easily.\nPlease comment below if there's something you want to add or a mistake you noticed, or if you just want to say you liked it or hated it or whatever.\nI am not asking for creative ratings, but I am saying that the more creative ratings there are, the more likely that it will draw admins' attentions, possibly having one or more of these concepts being adding into the game.\nOnce again, hope you guys enjoyed this, I spent a very long time on this.\nBumps are highly appreciated! Also, all of the concepts above are my original ideas.\nEdit 1: We hit 69 positive reactions on 7/29, thanks guys."}, {"title": "what reforge is good on talismans now ? i want damage", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Any Staff pls help me", "body": "I saw a kid in a lobby said he will build a farm for coins so i payed him 160k he said he wanted 200k i said i will give him the 40k after my minions made money tommrow he said fine then there was a power outage in my area i went offline for like a hour or 2 then he just stole everything \n\nhis ign is _TheSlayer_\nhe will change his ign now i think so i have got chat proof \ni dont have to proof of him spamming in the lobby but u guys can check the logs"}, {"title": "[POLL] When will you quit?", "body": "for me it will be when it becomes p2w"}, {"title": "What lvl should I start f3 in", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "[July 31] Dungeons Items and New Floor Description", "body": "Hello Again,\nToday I am discussing all the new things that was released in the patch.\n\nNew Mobs/Items:\nMINI BOSS - Traveling Avenger: Is wearing Zombie Knight armor and a Bonzo Mask, and has 500k health. The weapon is Zombie Knight Sword. Drops: Zombie Knight Armor (Epic/Legendary), Bonzo Mask (Rare), Zombie Knight Sword (Epic/Legendary), gold essence.\nSkeleton Lord: Has a shield of five bones circling around him, negating the first five hits taken. Once those five hits are taken, the arrows shoot into the direction where the fifth shot came from. Drops: (Skeleton Lord Armor (Does 10% percent extra arrow damage for each piece plus the 45% full set boost.\nZombie Commander: Uses a whip with massive knockback that summons a zombie with 150k health everytime he hits someone. Very, very slow movement speed. Has 850k health. Drops, Zombie Commander Whip (+1 Strength passively for every zombie killed during that dungeon run.), Undead Essence.\nEarth Shaker: 300k health, summons a Earth Wave every 20 seconds that lasts for 3 seconds in 7 block radius. Does no damage. Drops: dirt\nMINI BOSS - Mirror Master: Mirrors the armor and weapon of whatever player is closest to him. Can disappear and reappear up to 7 blocks away every 30 seconds. Drops: Eye of the Mirror. Required to craft the mirror wand, which summons a blinding flash, stunning the dungeon mobs in a 10 block radius for three seconds. Mana cost of that: 250, cooldown: 360 seconds.\nBrainbot: Runs at you, and when he gets close, he freezes, and after two seconds, he blows up, dealing massive damage to players and mobs alike in a two block radius. No drops.\nMINI BOSS - Mastermind: Leviatates, and lifts blocks off the ground with his mind and throws them at you. The blocks can be deflected by arrows. Drops: Big Brain Reforge Stone, (Brainy on Helmet only), +150 mana, +75 health.\n\nBoss: Livid\nHe summons 6 jesters that move insanely fast, doing no damage. However, when they stop, they are charging their ultimate attack up. This attack does 20,000 damage in a 3 block radius. Afterwards, the jester does not move for 8 seconds. This cycle repeats until all four jesters are killed. Then, Livid is essentially the same, except he is too fast to hit, and when he stops, his move has a 5 block radius with 30,000 damage. Afterwards, he stays still for 7 seconds. \nBoss Drops: \nLivid's Angry Face: 150 HP, 150 DEF, 40% CD. Ability: When dead, a highly damaging wave is sent in a five block radius.\nBarrel of Monkeys: Summons 3 monkeys that fight for you with 100k health each. Similar to an Ink Wand. 250 mana, cooldown, 120 seconds.\nBottle of Face Paint: Disguises you as a zombie, mobs do not fight you for the next 10 seconds. 100 mana\nTank Armor 350 HP and 350 Def. for each piece. Full set bonus: Increase defense by 5%.\nOverall Floor Five:\nTwo new rooms, one harder version of the trap room, with more traps, and one more chest in that room, and the other room is a maze challenge, where you have to walk through the maze to the chest. Once you are there, there will be a teleport pad to warp you back to the start.\nAdded three new fairy soul locations in various rooms.\nAdded new secrets, in pre-made rooms, and puzzle rooms.\n\nThanks for reading, and please let us know what you think!\n\nPLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT ME PRETENDING TO BE AN ADMIN, THIS IS NOT REAL, IT IS FOR A CONTEST."}, {"title": "no way fLOoR 6 iS oUT", "body": "Floor 5 is out omg omg and floor 6 is now out too holy crap"}, {"title": "NO WAY FLOOR 5 IS OUT", "body": "shut the **** up"}, {"title": "WATCHDOG???", "body": "Well I found a hacker, Nutgang. He is using nuker to mine endstone but doesn't get banned?!?"}, {"title": "Is there anything i can do rn do actually be viable berserk? (check", "body": "title\nHope someone has good reccomendations. : )\nEdit: my current sword i use is a recombob, fuming hpb'ed zombie cutlass."}, {"title": "No, you won't beat floor 4 in Wise Armor", "body": "for frogs sake are you this stupid? Even floor 3 is hard with wise armor"}, {"title": "Help with my mage build", "body": "I deal 25k without blessing \n\\n\nwhat should i got for next???"}, {"title": "I now have VIP+", "body": "POGGERS I AM NO LONGER A NON POGGERS POGGERS POGGERS\nBtw this is my waifu so..."}, {"title": "Authentification Servers down for maintenance", "body": "is it just me or can u also not get on hypixel"}, {"title": "serious: is a sugarcane farm worth building?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Hype train is the best reaction", "body": "I can barely explain it, but hype train somehow actually expresses the idea of hype so well. And they are so uncommon compared to likes and agrees that you actually get hyped when you see one.\n\nTL;DR (it\u2019s like 2 sentences but ok):\nI love this little red train"}, {"title": "What should i go for", "body": "\n\nDealing 25k no blessing with dreadlord sword\n\nwhat should i go"}, {"title": "[[QUESTION]] *i added extra brackets so you will have to be drawn to click on this*", "body": "Just curious cuz I wanna borrow my ghoul pet to a friend and ask him to upgrade it so what\u2019s the market price for getting a level 60 pet to level 100 without candies?"}, {"title": "What is the quickest way to get 12.6 million coins?", "body": "Title -"}, {"title": "Dungeon race leaderboards are broken", "body": "The leaderboards are showing incorrect information, I pasted or got second place on all of them on the nothing category(which I doubt I could do), and nothing updated, I'm probably just being impatient but it could be a problem"}, {"title": "Dear Crying Mages. Lol", "body": "Like, honestly,\nYou guys... are just... thee dumbest players Ive ever met.\n\nWhat?\nYou can't play the game without some popular youtuber telling you what do or build anymore?\nMust suck to not be able to think for yourself.\n\nHeres a little... Pro-Post-Update Tip for you.\nYou know how you guys. constantly cry about being \"Too Squishy\" and \"Its the Glass cannon Class\".\n\nWell, I have the fix for that, that you will HATE.\n\nLike.\nHave you ever considered.\nusing that End Stone Sword?\n\nLike. gonna be honest, with the new \"Mana changes\"\nGetting back 5+1% of your maximum mana back... per hit?\nYou understand what that means right?\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nSo, follow the logic with me on this one, Okay?\nIf your brain is big enough too.\n\nAt just a lower 300ish mana cost,\nthe sword gives you 100% damage reduction for a whole 5 seconds.\n\nHow many attacks can the average player get in those 5 seconds?\ngiven that people are so proud of their clicks per second, lets say, around 50.\n\nAnd, using my mana as a rough example,\nIf I use the end stone sword, I have a guaranteed 100% damage reduction. (Plus the additional attack damage)\nAnd, If I attack 50 times in that 5 seconds, that is. 250 + (50*(.01*1200))\nWhich is easily, 850 mana returned, + basic nerfed regen.\n\nMeaning, in those 5 seconds, thats enough time to get enough mana for 100% damage reduction, AND additional damage.\n\nMEANING,\nYOU ARE BASICALLY UNKILLABLE FOR MOST, IF NOT ALL FIGHTS, PROVIDED YOU DON'T SUCK AS A PERSON.\n\nYOU'RE WELCOME.\nTHIS WAS NOT HARD TO FIGURE OUT, JESUS.\nSTOP LISTENING TO YOUTIBERS,\nTHIS IS WHY YOU WASTED MILLIONS OF COINS BUYING USELESS GEAR."}, {"title": ".", "body": "LMAO WHY DID U CLICK ON THIS"}, {"title": "does dragon rage work on dragons and zealots?", "body": "i have got an AOTD and i love the dragon rage ability but when i kill zealots with it my zealot counter doesn't go up, is there still a chance for a special to spawn or not. Also does the ability do damage to dragons coz i tried to use it on an endstone protector and it didnt work but when i tried it on a dragon i didn't get an error message. did it do any damage?"}, {"title": "Crit chance help", "body": "What reforges do I put on my armour and talismans legend, epic, rare and stuff for critchance?"}, {"title": "Explosive bow & sword swapping (need help)", "body": "Hello i have a question why i deal over 8 k damage crit with my rapid explosive bow when i have full fierce strong dragon armour and i sword swap with my fully enchanted spicy end sword, cuz im very confused why im dealing so low dmg, and aslo i got 30 talismans please help"}, {"title": "F4 mobs are broken.", "body": "compared to Thorn, the mobs are stupidly broken.\nthe thorn boss fight is possible without even getting low, yet its basically guaranteed you will die to the mobs in the dungeon becouse of how dreadlords can snipe you from 40 blocks in a barrage of skulls dealing 5 hearts each hit and how skeleton masters deal like 15 hearts of damage.\nwhy are the mobs with 2M hp at the boss weaker then a simple skeleton master."}, {"title": "Under 1 mil dungeon dps tank suggestions", "body": "Anyone have a good suggestion for a good tanky dungeons setup that still can have good dps?\nI currently have adaptive blade with 3/4 fierce zombie soldier and fierce bonzo mask\nPls help\n(i'm catacombs level 10 btw)"}, {"title": "[Question] T3 Revenant Combat XP", "body": "Does anyone know the combat XP you gain from killing the T3 Rev? Summoning XP + Boss kill XP combined, with the wolf pet! Thank you!"}, {"title": "Making a white post", "body": "."}, {"title": "Can someone craft me a Piercing book? [Need it before spooky festival]", "body": "Title^^"}, {"title": "Crypt dreadlords.", "body": "Not a pain to most considering you'll be able to outheal or dodge their attacks or just run throught but yknow what is a pain when you get sniped halfway across the room by a dreadlord you CANT EVEN SEE and hiding behind solid objects has no bloody effect because I dont know."}, {"title": "[MAGE PERSPECTIVE] The New Update (and possible solutions)", "body": "So recently, there was a crazy update that absolutely destroyed mage. No one denies that. Everyone did know that mage had to be nerfed, but not to this level. It even affects classes like healers because of the mana regen nerfs.\n\nSo, I played a few dungeons runs, and these are my expierences with them.\n\n1. You could tell that you were dealing way less damage. With the Bonzo staff, it wasn\u2019t too bad, but with other magic weapons (like pigman sword) you could really tell the difference.\n\n2. Speaking of the Pigman Sword, it was nerfed all the way down. With a whopping 5 second cooldown, it\u2019s instantly a trash weapon. In fact, the whole purpose of this weapon now is to convert mana into defense. Nothing more, nothing less.\n\n3. Mana regen absolutely sucks. Some people can argue about the nerfs to the weapons, but everyone can agree a 90% nerf to mana regen took it way too far. This not only nerfs the mage, but all other classes too when it comes to healing, and even healer. The main point of the healer is to heal, why in the world would they need to attack in order to get mana?\n\n4. Fighting mini bosses like the watcher and bosses like Bonzo were way more tough. Without the \u201cPigman go brrrrrrr\u201d, I had to rely on my Bonzo staff, which was way more annoying because of the knockback. (It was a little more fun though seeing bonzo live for more than 3 seconds)\n\n\nWhat Mages Should Do\n1. Sell your pigman sword, unless you really want defense. Frozen scythe is much better.\n\n2. You can sell your Bonzo staff if you want. Other cheap weapons like the dreadlord sword deal almost as much damage. However, remember you need to deal melee damage to regen mana, and the Bonzo staff is much better for melee damage than the dreadlord sword.\n\n3. Start carrying mana potions with you. With your mana supply constantly running out, mana potions will be vital in a bad scenario.\n\n4. Definitely use Voodoo doll and Yeti sword. They weren\u2019t nerfed, and honestly they\u2019re some of the best mage weapons now.\n\n\nWhat Admins Should Do\n1. Reduce mana regen from 90%, to 50% maximum, and add a passive to the healer that doesn\u2019t reduce your mana regen at all.\n\n2. Reduce the cooldown of the Pigman Sword from 5 seconds, to 2 seconds. Right now, the pigman sword has become useless yet again, and something needs to be done about it. Reducing the cooldown to 2 seconds will at the very least make it useable, instead of trash.\n\n3. Instead of nerfing a single class really hard, nerf that class by a little bit, and buff all other classes. As you could tell, f4 is absurdly difficult, and the only way to combat that is to buff other classes. The better option in this scenario would be to nerf mage (obviously), but buff berserker, tank, archer, and healer. This in turn makes a more enjoyable experience for everyone, and will make the classes more balanced, instead of throwing one class into a garbage bin.\n\n\nEDIT: I am not saying that mages shouldn\u2019t have been nerfed, i am saying that the admins nerfed mage too much, and one of these nerfs impacted other classes as well."}, {"title": "Best way to get combat XP?", "body": "I am a relatively new player, I have a max enchanted AOTE and need to level my combat XP more so I can start using stronger weapons I have\n\nDoes anyone have any good ways to farm combat XP?\nI would like to stay out of the end because my gear is not strong enough to kill anything but the basic 4.5k hp endermen. (I do have a runaans bow if that matters)"}, {"title": "[Idea] Buff For Bonemerang / Archer", "body": "The bonemerang right now is pretty bad since the bone takes too long to come back and if it hits a wall it takes even longer, and its sometimes hard to hit mobs when they're moving around and/or when mobs are chasing you.\n\nI think what they can do is add a left click ability that makes the bone/projectile go back to you once you left click even if it didn't reach the max distance yet and/or, if it hits a wall they should make it so that it bounces back instantly instead of getting deleted to nowhere"}, {"title": "Should I sell my Bonzo staff?", "body": "I bought it for like 5-6 mil, but now it's useless for me and the price drops and drops and drops down.\nWhat should I do? sell it or keep it?"}, {"title": "Legendary Lvl 78 Spirit Pet", "body": "Since I need to sell this to have money, list your offers and /p me"}, {"title": "Sorry for asking so many questions but...", "body": "IS TURTLE PET FOR 4MIL LEVEL 1 EPIC WORTH IT?"}, {"title": "Ban nons", "body": "Ban these fucking disgusting nons from skyblock, they are a minority and deserve to be enslaved."}, {"title": "Let\u2019s talk about Nons", "body": "This post is long and talks about controversial topics, most people will only read the whole thing if you\u2019re bored lol. Please don\u2019t comment if you haven\u2019t read this to avoid confusion. \n\nSo I\u2019ve noticed obviously through playing skyblock that nons are discriminated against. First I\u2019m going to explain why this is wrong, and then I\u2019ll explain why it happens.\n\nThe non stereotype are lapis or ender armor players. They hit your Tara boss with a knockback or fire aspect sword. They try to steal your jerry gifts. They beg for money and free stuff in hub. They complain and whine. Sounds like a little kid right? That\u2019s because THEY ARE!\n\nMost of the people that play skyblock are kids around the ages 10-14. If you\u2019re older than that u can remember when u were that age. U were immature and lazy. No offense to 13 year olds, but your mind isn\u2019t developed yet. Ur not dumb, but u don\u2019t hav enough experience to know how to succeed in a game like this. It\u2019s easy to make money in skyblock but you\u2019re too lazy to do it and u can\u2019t figure out how to do it. Thats why nons beg for stuff. It\u2019s because they can\u2019t figure out the game.\n\nBut it\u2019s not right to discriminate against them. Not all nons are \u201cnons\u201d. Most nons are little kids cuz they dont have a debit card to buy themselves a rank and their parents won\u2019t do it for them. But you\u2019re forgetting all those people who are mature and are good at the game but they choose not to buy a rank cuz they don\u2019t think it\u2019s worth it. They don\u2019t deserve the discrimination. Don\u2019t hate on them for their rank just cuz of all the annoying little kids.\n\nNow let\u2019s talk about why people hate nons and target them. Obviously they\u2019re annoying, but I for one hav never lashed out at one. Sometimes I\u2019ll get annoyed and tell them to leave but I don\u2019t throw hate. Anyone who is mature knows that throwing hate doesn\u2019t do anything. And guess what, a lot of those people that are throwing hate? They\u2019re 13-15 years old too. These are the people that do have a rank. They either had their parents buy it for them or used their debit card. And because they have a rank they think they\u2019re so much better than nons. They attack them and rub it in their face. It makes them feel high and mighty by putting others down. That\u2019s fucked up, and if you do that then you\u2019re the real non. Non isn\u2019t just \u201cno-rank\u201d, it\u2019s the way you act. That\u2019s why people call VIP green non and mvp blue non. It doesn\u2019t matter what ur rank is, if ur gonna be an immature toxic little kid you\u2019re still a non.\n\nInstead of judging people by their rank we should judge them by the amount of work they put into their game. I don\u2019t care if a kid is 9 years old if he has enderdrag full sup and a maxed 50m Midas I respect him. He put in the work to get those things and despite being young and immature was able to succeed. Even if you\u2019re MVP++, if you hav a 10 skill average I would rather coop with a non that has a 25 skill average.\n\nDon\u2019t get me wrong ranks are amazing and I think it\u2019s good they exist, but judging people for them isn\u2019t right.\n\nI\u2019ll bet $100 that all the negative and toxic comments posted in the comments are kids younger than 15. Part of the reason a lot of people quit skyblock is because of the toxic kids that dramatize this game. Why can we all just be mature?"}, {"title": "Why is necro posting bad?", "body": "well?"}, {"title": "How to get the new bat wing ok thanks", "body": "the one used to make the new mage stuff"}, {"title": "Whare I Chek my catacombs lv?", "body": "??????"}, {"title": "If you want to do good with mage, learn how to block-hit", "body": "Block hitting is where you press left and right click ar the same time. With a mage weapon, it causes you to attack with your mage staff passive and then the ability, which means you recover mana. This is extremely beneficial as, as long as you have a high amount of intel, you end up with enough mana to constantly spam it. This means that you can use your ability MORE than you did before the mage nerf, as long as you consistently hit your mage staff passive. Simply put the nerf didn't make mage worthless, it just made it require a lot more skill.\n\nHope you find this post Helpful!"}, {"title": "Unlucky or Lucky?", "body": "i got a fly swatter at 10k exp"}, {"title": "The ICE CREAM MAN ANIMAL + SKYBLOCK", "body": "So some say deep inside the snow minions lives an ICE CREAM MAN ANIMAL these rare exotic beings are only seen when someone has more than a year to live. A player will find that there unaware of the ICE CREAM MAN ANIMAL when there about to die but a few days before there death will suddenly beware of its existence if this is your first time hearing of the ICE CREAM MAN ANIMAL your probably done. Why is this? Well, the ICE CREAM MAN ANIMAL lives inside of snow minions because they often speed up money-making, and make it overall less work for skyblock players to play the game, ICE CREAM MAN ANIMAL only uses his predictions on players who spend 4+ hours on the server a day, Why? They have no idea that there ruining their backs and their neck, and are also picking up a weird thing that starts with l but i can't be bothered to search up the word that basically means when you stop moving for long periods of time it ruins ur joints. ICE CREAM MAN ANIMAL is not evil he's basically a skyblock god sort of like DIAMOND MUN MINE but that's a story for another time, we should all be grateful for ICE CREAM MAN ANIMAL as he tells us when death is approaching just use him! every day pray to him and if one day u forget to, it means that you forgetting about him and are near death. If this is the first time UV herd about ICE CREAM MAN ANIMAL your not in a good situation just try prey to him every day until you forgot as ICE CREAM MAN ANIMAL makes mistakes when predicting the future!\n\nThanks for reading\nFor forum rules, everything I have said in this thread is a joke"}, {"title": "Bonzo mask", "body": "Which armor goes well with the bonzo mask ?"}, {"title": "how much is fabled reforge?", "body": "im gonna do a funny but i need"}, {"title": "Fix the tarantula helmet", "body": "The radioactive ability does not work. i tried testing it out. first i held nothing in my hand and had 93% crit damage. then i held up my ornate zombie sword that doesn't have the critical enchant and i still have 93% crit damage. So if the ornate zombie sword gives +92 strength, why didn't i gain 9% extra crit damage? the ability said i get +1% crit damage per 10 strength."}, {"title": "what the best time killer that makes a decent profit?", "body": "Hello, so recently i have started Bazaar flipping and it gives a decent amount i did it for like 2 days and made 5m. It takes a while for my order to be filled then to sell so i was wondering what the best time killer that makes a decent profit? Also the reason im flipping in the first place is for full sup armor. Since you know a really cool thing to own so any help advice would be appreciated."}, {"title": "is berserker the worst class now?", "body": "title. also if its not completely garbage please tell me the ideal build for a berserker"}, {"title": "Missing Fairy Soul", "body": "I was following timedeos video about all fairy souls and he went to this house near spawn (16:20 into the video) and he showed where the fairy souls was. but it seemed of been removed. what should I do?"}, {"title": "Are spirit boots worth it", "body": "1. I have floor 4 completion \n2. It cost 3.6mil and I only have 4.2mil\n3. YEAHHHHH I think that's it"}, {"title": "False wiping is still happening. Hope you don't get wiped. :)", "body": "My Friend Bigu2006 is recently false wiped. He had Full Superior and Midas. Why these things are still happening?!\nTo Staff: If you want to find IRL Traders and Boosters, Do it in another way, not{like randomly wiping players}.At least don't falsely wipe players they spent hours grinding. \n\nMy friend also unfriended me I don't know why. He got very upset by this I think. \n\nWill I get my Friend's Profile back?\n\nHe joined Skyblock 3 months ago and he got rich because he did a lot of grinding, he has many free hours.\nI joined like a year ago since skyblock released and I still not got wiped because I'm not rich I'm like a 1-10millionare."}, {"title": "50 mil midas!", "body": "Anyone have a 50 mil midas for trade do /visit KevwaN"}, {"title": "Story Competition (REWARDS)", "body": "Yo.\nSo I'm doing a story comp\nHere's what to do.\nMake a dungeons story to go with any floor or character.\nTomorrow I'll decide my favourite three, and those three people can do art requests of their skin with any Skyblock armor or sword.\n\nThey will be rated with these factors:\nLength\nQuality\nExcitement \nPlot\n\nSo without further ado...\nLets. Hop. Into it. *Zyph intro plays*"}, {"title": "RNG t3 tara", "body": "What are the drop chance for a bane 6 book and a tara Talisman, because i did 250 tara 3 with mf 4 and got 3 bane 6 books but no talismans."}, {"title": "Don\u2019t play the game alone", "body": "I\u2019m telling You right now, if you\u2019re playing this game without any friends or a guild that you can talk to people in, there is over a 90% chance you won\u2019t be playing by Christmas. With Grundy games such as this, the aspect of going through it and socializing helps so damn much more than you could ever think.\n\nif you are currently playing the game, and have no one to share it with, there are hundreds of guilds, and maybe even some irl friends that could get into the game. Being able to play the game with dozens of other people to hang out with improves the overall experience in indescribable amounts.\n\nDon\u2019t struggle through this game alone"}, {"title": "jump boost and speed 399%", "body": "Hi\n\ni have question from community players.\nhow get infinity jump boost and speed 399%\nI'm writing this here because I haven't found any YouTube videos on the topic."}, {"title": "[OPINION] What the Dev should have done with nerfing MAGES", "body": "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nWhat I agree on\nThey nerf mana regen 90% and damage scaling by a lot.\nThey shouldn't have nerfed the damage scaling.\nI agree that they should have nerfed mana regen because it was to op.\nI do 14k per hit with Frozen Scythe which is nothing for f4\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nWhat they should BUFF\n1st Thing is they should make the mana regen to 80 or 70%\n2nd Thing Buff the Mage Damage since its really bad now and Mage is supposed to deal a lot of damage\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nConclusion: Buff the Magic Damage again since you can't even do damage with Mage and they should have just buffed the other classes and only nerf the mana regen. F4 is really difficult and the boss is hard to kill so they should just buff mage damage\nTradeable: We can change a lot Hp or Defense for more Damage since it sucks"}, {"title": "The problem with random party level requirements", "body": "When dungeons came out, most people probably chose 1 class they would focus on. 1 class they would main.\n\nSome of these players then realized, that the class they chose doesn't fit their gameplay and switched class.\nThat wasn't really a problem back then, because the differences between players class XP were very small.\n\nA few days after rebalances started to come, such as fixing the archer or buffing berseker a bit, small portion of players started to switch their class, but they ran into a problem.\nRandom parties usually ask for a specific level and above, this scales dependant on the floor, because on higher floors you of course want people that know what they are doing and don't mess up as often as low level players.\nBut, what if these low level players are just people who switched class, because they simply just didn't enjoy their previous class or their class was badly reworked or had no demand for in dungeon parties.\nThey will get kicked.\nBecause all of the classes are slowly leveling even if you don't play them, you probably have some decent above-beginner level which allows you to reliably find decent floor 2 parties. Yep, only 150 xp per run, when you could be getting 400 or even 800+ xp from current higher floors.\n\nThis brings a problem. People have to grind low floors again to become a level that gets accepted to higher floors,but this level is increasing overtime, because the higher floors (future ones) will grant much higher amount of XP making it really hard and grindy to catch up to the meta. After all 10 floors will be out (if they'll ever be.. xd) some players will run into a problem of not being able to find a party for specific floor (for example, f4), because most of the playerbase will be already at a much higher level (for example, floors 7 - 10). This player will be slowed down by this, get bored and eventually quit.\n\nThis is a problem that happens in most of team based grinding games, but there is 1 option to prevent this a bit, atleast for the people who just want to switch their class. While joining party, don't show only their class level, but also their catacomb level, because class levels grant only small buffs, meanwhile catacomb level upgrades your gear stats by a huge amount.\n\nIf you read all of this thanks for your time lol\n\nTLDR:\nWhen people switch class, they have problem to find a decent random party for the floor they were previously doing.\nThis problem will become bigger as more floors get implemented into the game.\nOne thing that would help to solve this problem a bit is to show not only people's class level, but also their catacomb level."}, {"title": "What Catacombs Level does it require for Frozen Scythe?", "body": "When you use ice essence what is the catacombs level require"}, {"title": "Combine my Heroic Bonzo's Staff with Ultimate Wise 1, get anvil use 1", "body": "I tried combine my Clean Bonzo's Staff (no enchantments) with Ultimate Wise I, after I combine, my Staff get anvil use 1"}, {"title": "so frozen scythe is the best now?", "body": "?"}, {"title": "Is it worth investing into e lapis blocks?", "body": "This might sound stupid but since the spirit spectre requires six e lapis blocks to craft it would it be a good/bad idea to invest into e lapis blocks?"}, {"title": "SIN (sell it now) Enhanced Version", "body": "Well im sure that this idea is already out there, so i would like to make some modifications regarding to that. Firstly SIN is where someone lists an amount of money for an item. So for example, for a legendary ender dragon pet, someone can say 160m and if u wanna sell urs for 160m, you get the cash straight away. I know that people can meme using this so i would like to set a base price, for example you would have to offer over 80k for a aote no matter what. If you have any changes or anything, ill add it in and please like and bump this idea! Best day to all of you guys."}, {"title": "Party at My Island", "body": "Come to my island quickly!\nwe hosting a party.\n\nhurry and join before all 15 visitor slots are taken."}, {"title": "Anyway to reset anvil uses", "body": "And have you tried it and did it work?"}, {"title": "should i get raiders and hardened", "body": ""}, {"title": "Need help understanding mage damage scaling", "body": "Me and my friend have almost identical Armor, weapon, talismans etc. but he can still deal more than double my damage. Can somone explain this to me?"}, {"title": "Is Spirit Sceptre going to get nerf?", "body": "I kinda want to buy it but I dont know if its going to get nerf. Lowest price 38mil"}, {"title": "mage is gone party at my island", "body": "visit squidysammy \n\nlime profile\n\ncome quick"}, {"title": "How does intelligence damage scaling work?", "body": "Some1 plz explain"}, {"title": "Why do so many people ask for carries.", "body": "Why would you do 12+ but your only lvl 6"}, {"title": "Petition to REWORK MAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "body": "mages would lose 30% of their defence.\nmages would regain mana regen\nmages would get 50% more magic damage at lvl 1, +0.5% every level\nmages would stop getting mana from hitting mobs\nmages would gain 500 extra mana at lvl 1, +5 every level.\n\n\nnote this would still be weaker than the OG mage, but would allow mage to be what it is SUPPOSED to do, be a glass cannon, as well as being FUN and still difficult to play\n\nedit: lets BUFF all the other classes but NERF archer, mage is the one who needs a REWORK"}, {"title": "Reforges", "body": "I want to know if silky or forceful is better because on rare silky gives 8 crit damage and on forceful gives 7 strength but 7 strength is more dmg then 8 crit damage but its 1 number less so like if i reforged all my talisman's to forceful i would get 32 less strength then crit damage so like does it make silky or forceful better?"}, {"title": "I\u2019m poor how me make money", "body": "Me need money make method"}, {"title": "[HELP] SHITPOST IDEA", "body": "I need a funny and nice one"}, {"title": "Less Speed", "body": "So a while ago i reached a normal all-around speed of somewhere around 510. But after about like a week i logged in today and my speed is only at 478. I can't tell what happened, since there wasnt any recent updates or patches. And i also wasnt using any speed potions at the time. I also had a level 69 black cat pet, Full young armor with wise, the boots had sugar rush 3 on them, and i was holding a hunters knife when i achieved above 500 speed."}, {"title": "a problem with f4", "body": "whenever i kill thorn, the animals dont despawn, and then they end up making it impossible for me to get a chest, pls make them disappear after i kill thorn\n\nalso if i die when the chests appear i cant even get a chest, so annoying aaa"}, {"title": "Mender Fedora", "body": "I am the only one a bit confused why this item can't be upgraded with essence."}, {"title": "Anyway to get rid of rank borders?", "body": "my rank border for my pfp Is kinda meh. So I want to change it but I don\u2019t know how"}, {"title": "New best money making method", "body": "get a spirit pet, kill minibosses for spirit leaps, sell them on ah."}, {"title": "Fairy soul tracker:", "body": "So i was following fairy soul guides in the hub area and after i was done i somehow missed 2 of them. As you may know theres like 79 in just the hub and finding the 2 i missed is going to be tedious is there a way to buy a fairy soul tracker that\u2019s like the one in jerry\u2019s workshop but instead of gifts its fairy souls? Or any way to buy a map etc. If there isn\u2019t ima hope a admin or dev sees this and maybe it\u2019ll get added in a future update"}, {"title": "What Counts as IRL Trading?", "body": "Is IRL trading any form of IRL support for Skyblock Items or Coins, or is it strictly things that cost IRL currency. Is a streamer allowed to give away coins to anyone who follows or is this IRL trading? Following is free, but giving away in-game item for something that benefits the streamer, even if that thing is free could count as IRL trading? Or is it purely for things that cost money?"}, {"title": "The real issue with the Thorn boss fight", "body": "Mobs bypass the turtle pet's antikb ability.\n\nI get that you're supposed to be thrown in the air by the chicken mines but does every mob really have to bounce you around constantly?"}, {"title": "Who has the #1 spot in the dark oak collection?", "body": "the tl;dr of this is I need to know who I must crush.\n\nThe long version: It all started 2 days ago on 4/5/2020. I was (and still am) a new player, having just convinced myself a few days earlier to try out Hypixel's skyblock. I got my first set of full lapis armor, and got to work starting to enchant it with prot 5 and growth 5. Prot was easy,but the real challenge came in from growth. I started bidding on the AH, but all the rich men stole my books at the last second. So I decided to level my dark oak collection. I got a jungle axe, and began murdering wood. A day later, I had my growth recipe. But I thought to myself, \"how can I take this further?\"and after looking at the growth armor set, and learning it was a subtle flex armor because people wanted to make actual money with clay minions instead of dark oak, I decided to become the #1 Dark Oak Farmer in skyblock. I know that with time (and donations from random rich people giving stuff away) I shall have the #1 spot that I crave. But I must know who is the current #1, so that I may dethrone them."}, {"title": "Admins be like", "body": "Mage was too op, nerf it and to balance the other classes buff them so they are much better than mage and so that half the community hates us. Also time to add make another class too op so we can bankrupt players"}, {"title": "doubts about treasure talisman and frozen adventurer", "body": "Do treasure talismans drop in lower floors or only in f4 and do frozen adventurers spawn in lower floors or only in f4"}, {"title": "Which Minion is better for money", "body": "Now i have 8 Icem, 10 Clay and 2 Chicken for eggs.\nBut i want more money, what minion should i spam?"}, {"title": "How to deal more damage with aote", "body": "How to deal more damage with aote\nI currently have 10 talismans which are mostly uncommon and common reforged to itchy and unpleasant but only do 6k damage what should I do to be able to one shot zealots"}, {"title": "Where can I buy snow minions from?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Switching from mage", "body": "With the new update I find mana regenerating very slow, i am constantly out of mana, I dont have great items and I am wondering if I should quit mage so what the new best class is rn?"}, {"title": "Time of the spooky event?", "body": "Ima do the spooky event what time is it at?"}, {"title": "Fullbright", "body": "Is fullbright bannable in Hypixel Skyblock? because i saw it on the skyblock addons mod..."}, {"title": "moving out", "body": "Hello!I am moving out to another coop and i am wondering if i can take all of my items i worked for.\nI am kinda scared if its called boosting cause i dont want to get banned\ncan i take all of my items and move to the coop or i have to redo all of them?\nPlease help me out.\nTY!"}, {"title": "This is just unfair", "body": "Like for real, is this a joke? You guys need to understand that skyblock its not only dungeons, I understand that mage did need a nerf in dungeons, but not like this\nI like being a mage, I play as mage every MMO, so I spent so much time and effort getting items for it here, I spent 16m on my frozen scythe(before first nerf) and 12m on 2 wisdom 5, and now I do less dmg than an AOTD(4m, that's not even 1/4), it's just ridiculous, you can't just play with my time like this.\nI feel that all the work for it was useless, that's sad and unfair."}, {"title": "Why archer is now the best class", "body": "1, archers get aiming 1 from their ability, which also works with spirit bow.\n2, bonemerang is overpowered as Frick and its technically a bow so it gets buffed by archer class.\n3, explosive shot does a ridiculous amount of damage, we talking 50m in boss room if you hit many enemies.\n4, new ultimate enchant: rend. Rend is basically the Renegade ability from megawalls. For each arrow inside a mob's body, they take a % of damage. The op part is this works on minibosses, and it also works with archer ultimate and machine gun bow, allowing you to literally insta-kill shadow assassin\n\n\n\nTl;Dr : archer definitely extremely overpowered and this is not a ploy so that Admins don't realize that spirit sceptre is brain dead broken at the moment."}, {"title": "Mage OP", "body": "Mages get OP items, same with archers? What about bez?"}, {"title": "Disable ability sound in lobbies and stuff", "body": "Lobby, two guys legit spam bonzo staff and other things to make noise. bruh, disable ability sounds in lobbies."}, {"title": "!!!!!!SCAM ALERT!!!!!!", "body": "I got scammed by \"Ghastmien\" for an ATOD he told me to craft him zombie hearts and instead he gave me revanant fleshes!"}, {"title": "Dreadlord Sword is insane", "body": "(In it before they nerf the heck out of this item)\n\nSo yeah the recent update buffed dreadlord sword quite a bit. In fact, I'd say that it's even better than the bonzo staff\n\nWhy? Well for starters, it has a much lower mana cost than bonzo staff (even bonzo staff with ultimate wise 5 still costs a bit more mana than dreadlord sword WITHOUT ultimate wise 5). Putting ultimate wise 5 on a dreadlord sword drops its mana cost to 20 mana, cheaper than you can get with frozen scythe.\n\nThe best part about it is that it's MUCH easier to obtain than the bonzo staff and frozen scythe. It comes as a rare drop from killing dreadlords in dungeons which spawns on any floor pretty much commonly. It's ability is pretty much spammable like frozen scythe and bonzo staff. If you sword swap after using the dreadlord ability you deal much more damage. \n\nSo yeah moral of the story is. Dreadlord sword is insanely good and I highly suggest picking one up for yourself! I wouldn't recommend buying it unless you want to have the top quality. Though even an ordinary one you pick up will do you wonders."}, {"title": "IRL TRADING", "body": "I discovered this shady discord server that promotes irl trade:\ne.g. $5 = 10M $10 = 25M $25 = 70M $50 = 155M $100 = 325M\nI would like this to be tackin' down, because I don't think irl trading is a good thing\n\nThanks,\nMiniCman(username.Fasp)"}, {"title": "Just a thought", "body": "Is it just me or is the Unstable Dragon Armour just basically a Haha-You-Just_Got_Smited armour"}, {"title": "is scorpion bow good?", "body": "Some guys in colosseum were using scorpion bow and could 2-3 shot me with it when I was in superior, so I guess my question is if scorpion bow is actually good for like dungeons/mobs or is it just a colosseum thing?"}, {"title": "day 2 of nemes being depressed because he lost a midas'", "body": "I hate dungeons"}, {"title": "[100% WORKS] how to get free rank", "body": "You can't get a free rank"}, {"title": "BUFF MAGE", "body": "Mana now takes 5 mins to regen alone and takes like 15 secs to all go. # BUFF MAGE"}, {"title": "Aight ima hed out", "body": "This is my final post....\n\n\nTonight"}, {"title": "Account was hacked", "body": "I didn't even realize my account was hacked, I just got confirmation in the worst way possible.\n\nFor some backstory, me and my friend have been playing skyblock for about 6-8 weeks and have been slowly learning the ins and outs of the game mode. Lately I had been noticing some weird things happening on my account. I am not sure when, but I started spawning in places I didn't recall logging out in, for example a skywars hub. Then I noticed that my chat language had been converted to Chinese. I just thought it might be hypixel glitching out and didn't think much of it. The reason I thought it wasn't a big deal was because I haven't exposed my account information anywhere.\n\nAnyways, today I was playing some Modern Warfare and my friend who I play skyblock with messaged me on discord asking if I had taken our super compactor 5000s out of our minions. I obviously hadn't since I had been playing cod all day. Turns out my account had been online 5 hours previous and went ahead and took our 6 super compactor 5000s out of our minions, our enchanted lava bucket, and withdrew 500k+ out of our bank. (I checked the bank logs and it showed my account withdrawing our entire balance 5 hours ago)\n\nMy friend and I have been grinding for these super compactors and its really frustrating to see all of our stuff stolen.\nWe don't need our items back, I know that isn't possible. We just want to know who my account gave our balance to so that we can track down the account that stole our stuff. If that's not possible, that's fine. We just want to get these hackers banned. I changed my password so hopefully my account is completely gone. I'm MVP and I'd hate to lose everything I've put into this server. If anyone else has similar experiences, I'd love some input on what I can do to keep my account secure in the future.\n\nEdit: I also hope that my account isn't banned for hacking. I know a hacked account isn't an acceptable excuse but to be caught up in a ban wave on top of losing all my stuff would suck. I wouldn't put it past the hacker to hack on my account in skywars but I have no confirmation on whether my account was being abused anywhere else in the server. I'm just covering my bases to refer back to at a later date if this post gets anywhere."}, {"title": "Dungeon combat xp potentional", "body": "I think some dungeons floors with good gear can be better than grinding revs. For example if you would have mage weapon from floor 7 and you would two-tap animal in floor 4 combat xp would be crazy."}, {"title": "Why in dungeon armors only boots have enchant texture", "body": "Who cares about that, but im interested"}, {"title": "Spirit Sword not working as intended", "body": "Hi, I just got spirit sword, if I understand correct I should be able to hit melee as a ghost, tho I only can use ability. Also sword durability goes down when hitting mobs as a ghost"}, {"title": "(dis is about some weird irl trading discord server)", "body": "So a friend told me there is this discord server where i could get 5m coins per discord nitro boost, but then later i realised its a irl trading discord, i didnt collect the coins yet but would it be bannable? Because i asked the owner of the server and he said that discord nitro boosts for coins arent bannable\n\n\nEdit: i wouldnt use the coins for myself but for a pvp tournament or something (it would destroy the fun of the game if i would take those coins)"}, {"title": "Prices - Help me", "body": "Once the f4 update settles down how much will a spirit scepter go for? And how will the mage nerf affect the economy?"}, {"title": "Jellyfish users how good is jellyfish?", "body": "I'm swapping to healer from tank, because I'm getting bored of tank, because healer's abilites imo are more interactive and engaging than tank's.\nI ran tank with turtle and mage tank with sheep and now I'm thinking about getting jelly, but atleast from my own reading on the abilites, jellyfsih looks pretty underwhelming as a healer pet and I would honestly just stick to turtle so I can live longer and have anti-kb for my healing circle. I'm wondering if it's way better than I think it is.\nDoes it help you guys get your milestones better? I am struggling to get past milestone 6 on floor 4 with ornate and overlux, but with tank i always consistently got past 9."}, {"title": "Why cany you craft banners in skyblock", "body": "today I decided to make a banner shop on my island but I couldn't make banners. I try looking up the recipe on the wiki but it didn't help I don't understand why banners are uncraftable please tell me why you can craft them \n\n\nthank you \n-SlimeBoots"}, {"title": "Roast my Skyleamoe", "body": "sky lea moe\n\nPlease don\u2019t murder me in the comments"}, {"title": "F4 Hidden Wizard Npc", "body": "His lines are:\n\"Mi dont know what I'd do with no crystal ball\"\n\"Just old wizard y'know\"\n\"You find mi crystal ball?\""}, {"title": "Armor Tier List", "body": "A\n\nPerfect Armor Tier X (1200 def) - Arguably the best armor in Skyblock. I mean with 1200 defense, you become nearly invincible. It is 3 times better than the Hardened Diamond Armor and provides 2 times the defense of Dragon Armor. Although this Armor has no abilities, it's insane amount of defense makes up for it.\n\nWise Dragon Armor ( 500 def, 350 hp ) - For me this is the best Dragon set. All abilities cost 50% less mana. You can basically become unkillable if you have a Zombie Sword with you. Rogue Sword and AOTE is also very fun and useful while wearing this armor.\n\nSuperior Dragon Armor ( 600 def, 450 hp ) - This armor boosts all your stats by five percent. AOTD ability also deals 50 percent more damage which means that it's ability will now do more than a thousand damage. For me this is the 2nd best Dragon set.\n\n\nStrong Dragon Armor ( 500 def, 350 hp) - With this full set on you gain 100 more strength, which increases your base damage by a lot. This set also buffs AOTE by a little. If you want to deal lots of damage, then use this set.\n\nUnstable Dragon Armor ( 500 def, 350 hp) - Increase your crit chance and damage by a ton, which is very good because you have a better chance to one or two shot Zealots and other End mobs. The lighting ability is also pretty decent too.\n\nProtector Dragon Armor ( 500 def, 350 hp) - This set is focused on defense. It also increases your defense when you are low which is really good. The lower you are the more defense you get.\n\nOld Dragon Armor ( 520 def, 650 hp ) - This set has no cool abilities, but it gives a lot of health and defense which is really awesome. It is not that great compared to other Dragon sets but I still think this set is an A tier.\n\nEmerald Armor ( 570 def, 300 hp ) - This used to be the best armor in the game, but now it is outclassed by Perfect Armor and Dragon Armor. It is still a pretty decent End game Armor though.\n\nDiver Armor( 500 def, 290 hp) - Super rare to get because you need to fish a LOT, which takes a crap ton of patience but it has really good stats. When you swim underwater you become aquaman. However, it is still outclassed by other end game armours.\n\nBlaze Armour( 410 def ) - An amazing armour. The recent update removes fire prot from the Armour which means that you can now put prot on it. With the full set on you gain 40 strength, 8 percent speed and immunity to fire and lava. Mobs will also take damage when you are near them. This armour is about as expensive as Speedster Armour but I think it's worth it.\n\n\nB\n\nEnder Armour( 170 def, 90 hp ) - This armour is only good in the end as it doubles all stats, including reforges. It is a pain to get this armour though, as Enderman rarely drop these. Outside of the end it is pretty useless.\n\nYoung Dragon Armor( 500 def, 350 hp) - Worst Dragon set. It is basically like speedster armor but with more health and defense. You gain 70% WALK speed when only you are at FULL health. You can just use rogue sword and it will still be faster. This is a good set but it is the worst Dragon set.\n\nSpeedster Armour (350 def) - It is like hardened diamond armor but with 20 more defense and a lot more speed. It is a very good mid game Armor and not that hard to get. Just build a huge sugar cane farm and you will be surprised how easy it is to get that armour.\n\nMonster Hunter( 235 def, 220 hp) - It has pretty decent defense and hp, but what makes this armour so good is the fact that there are four abilities in this armour. You also deal 25% more damage to mobs and take less damage from mobs. Pretty good mid game Armor.\n\nHardened Diamond( 330 def) - This is one of the best early to mid game armours. It provides good defense which is good as you will now not get one or two shotted by the obsidian sanctuary mobs. It is also very easy to get and craft.\n\nGolem Armour (250 def, 105 hp ) - This is a good early game armour, but I still think it's not worth the time to get this armor as it so expensive. It's stats is equally matched to Hardened Diamond so I recommend going for Hardened Diamond as it is much easier.\n\nSponge Armour( 285 def) - Relatively easy to craft, it has high defense and when in water, the defense is that of an Emerald Armour! Although on land it is outclassed by many mid game armours.\n\nZombie Armour( 60 def, 530 hp) - Similar to the Magma Armour, it has low def and high hp. But what makes this armour B tier is that you regenerate health two times faster and also regenerate health when hit by a projectile. However this armour is SUPER expensive to craft.\n\nC\n\nEmber Armour( 180 def, 200 hp ) - Honestly this armour is not that good. It provides less defense than golem and Hardened Diamond. The full set ability is also not that good. You could just use fire or lava talisman instead. \n\nMagma Armour( 85 def, 470 hp ) - This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Magma Armour is not that good. Sure it has super high health and intelligence but look at its defense..... ITS ABYSMAL. If you go to the end with this armour you would probably get one or two shotted. Heck, you would probably have a hard time against the Obsidian Sanctuary mobs.\n\nMiner Armour( 375 def in mines ) - In mines it is very good and it's regen ability is super broken, but outside of the mines it is probably one of the worst Armour in Skyblock.\n\nArmour of Growth( 145 def, 380 hp) - Pretty decent def and hp. This armour also has good healing abilities as well. But you need to get like 5000000000 dark oak wood....... so it's not worth it for me.\n\nLapis Armour( 120 def, 60 hp) - Great set for early game. It gives 200% more experience when mining ores which is very useful. However it's stats are low so you would probably get two shotted by the Obsidian Sanctuary mobs.\n\nMiner's Outfit ( 100 def ) - Absolutely must have when you are trying to grind cobblestone as it gives haste two which will insta break it. Not useful in combat.\n\n\nD\n\nCrystal Armour (100 def ) - The base defense is trash, even worse than Lapis Armor. You also need to rely on the freaking light level in order to make it slightly better. This armour is a complete joke.\n\nAngler Armour( 80 def, 165 hp ) - This is mainly used for fishing but....... with that defense you would get bodied by sea monsters. It did not even show statistics it just says it increases the spawn rate of sea creatures and reduces damage, but how much? If you want to increase sea creatures spawn rate then there are billions of ways you can do it in skyblock. \n\nDiamond Armour( 100 def ) - With that Armour set on you would absolutely get destroyed by even lapis zombies. It is a good starter Armour though because you can wear it and grind lapis zombies until you get lapis Armour.\n\nFairy Armour( 4 def, 4 hp ) - Sure you get speed but...... the defense is in the same level as leather Armour. Also you get -4 intelligence. Brilliant."}, {"title": "The mage does *not* need to be reverted", "body": "As a mage, I originally thought that these changes sucked and wanted to chuck my computer out the window.\nBut after actually playing and trying out the new system, it isn't actually too bad.\n\nThe reason people feel like mage needs to be reverted is because it does so much less damage than before, but still does just as easily, if not even easier because you can't regen the mana to put down the flux + wand + zombie sword anymore without engaging in combat. However, this is not the main issue.\n\nThe main issue right now is the agro system. As a mage, you'll be playing the game as intended if you stay behind the tank and attack large swarms of troops *from range* whilst the tank takes the hits which would have 2-3 shot you. But currently, the troops do not always target the tank.\nEven with the tank using their ultimate ability, which is supposed to agro *all* mobs in a 10 block radius, the mobs can still go and attack the archers/mages who rely on the damage absorption from the tank. Jingle bells does shockingly bad at agroing mobs too. This system needs to be fixed.\n\nThe reason why no one noticed this flaw before is that haha pigman sword went brrrrrrrr and handed you a ridiculous amount of defense, rendering you unkillable and you would take out the mobs before they even had a chance to deal any meaningful damage to you.\n\nTL,Dr: The mage is fine as is, it's the agroing system which needs to be fixed so tanks can actually do their job and protect the weaker \"glass cannons\"."}, {"title": "Is dh5 glitch or somethin coz with multiple hits no dmg like 200k....", "body": "im trying to figure out wut im doing wrong pls help"}, {"title": "New minion ideas and stuff", "body": "#1. Dirt minion\n\n#2. Quartz minion\n\n#3. soul sand minion\n\n#4. Sand minion\n\n#5. End stone minion"}, {"title": "even with dungeons out people are still unhappy about the game in general", "body": "I called it and most of you didn\u2019t listen"}, {"title": "Balancing Skyblock Ideas : Dungeon Classes", "body": "Disclaimer : This was made for fun. If there's something you don't agree with, share your opinion. This shouldn't be taken that seriously tho\n\nSo, when I woke up, I saw the patch notes and I see they nerfed mage...\nBravo Hypixel...\n\nJokes aside, this is how I'd change the classes\n\nBerserker is considered as the worst class by many. Let's change that :\n1 - Berserkers will get an extra defense bonus, like 1/4 of a tank's buff\n2 - As a tradeoff, berserker speed gain will be halved. This will make the berserker class a Mighty Glacier : Good def and attack, but mediocre speed.\n\nArcher is the wackiest class : Some consider it the worst, some say it's good.\nLet's buff it anyway : Archer's projectiles have a bigger hitbox and they deal more damage the further an enemy is. To top it all off, we can add the \"Sniper Duel\" achievement from vanilla minecraft, but instead of being against every skeleton, it will be given if you kill a sniper from 50 blocks away.\nThat way, the archer is better as a zoner.\n\nTank is, in my opinion, the most balanced class : A stone wall.\nThe only change I'm doing to it is that enemies will prioritize the classes as followed :\nTank and Berserker > Mage and Healer > Archer\n\nHealer is good, I don't see buffs/nerfs for these.\n\nMage was nerfed the wrong way imo. Let's start doing the changes :\n1 - All the nerfs made to mage are reverted\n2 - Their mana regen is also reverted\n3 - Their defense is 1/4 from usual. This way the mage is a real glass cannon.\n4 (Edit) - Bonzo Staff will be changed to 750 base damage and 3.3 x 10^(-1) mana scale (0.33). This will be something in between pre and post nerf\n\nIn general, the mana regen is going to be 80% for every other class. Also, if there's 3+ people with the same class, those ppl will get their dungeon buffs and XP gained debuffed :\n3 -> 0.9x of the dungeon buffs\n4 -> 0.8x\n5 -> 0.75x\n\nFor more info about archetypes, check out this vid. I know it's a Smash 4 video but it explains really well :\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWatermelon"}, {"title": "When will Floor 8 be released", "body": "admins plz answer me..."}, {"title": "Why god splashes are worth your time and money", "body": "You may have noticed my previous article on why godsplashes are a waste of time and money. I was actually wrong, but it\u2019s not black and white. \n\nPros:\n\n-allow you to outcompete others for various things like zealots or dark oak\n-speeds up slayers because the jump boost and speed lets you kill more enemies faster, also the combat xp boost helps with spawning and the crit and strength help with killing the boss fast\n-is cheap compared to the price of mats. It can cost up to 5 million coins to brew all of the potions because of red stone lamps. \n-makes you feel like a god, it\u2019s so fun\n\nCons:\n-while rich people can be arrogant and brag about how 100k is nothing to them, it can add up. Over the course of your skyblock game u could spend 10m or more on godsplashes. \n-if you disconnect from the server or die you lose all your effects\n-not all potions are helpful depending on the task\n\n\nI honestly think that people use godsplashes way too much. There are many things you don\u2019t need a godsplash for and it\u2019s just overkill. Sorry guys but you don\u2019t need a godsplash to grind wood in the park, brewing the pots you need yourself is cheaper. \n\nBut on the other hand there are things that are almost necessary to have a splash for. I recently grinded to Tara 7 and without a godsplash it would hav taken 3 or 4 times as long. The speed allowed me to outcompete other people and the jump boost was probably the best, allowed me to kill more spiders faster. The crit and strength gave me way more damage so I could kill them quickly. I don\u2019t think I\u2019ll ever grind slayers without a splash again. \n\nZealot grinding is eh, a godsplash will definitely help you outcompete others but I\u2019ve never used it for that, I\u2019ve never even grinded zealots in public lobbies because it\u2019s too slow. I wait to get a private one and then get 8 eyes in an hour. \n\nGod splashes are definitely worth it for several things, but they aren\u2019t required for everything u do in the game. My personal recommendation would be to only use them for slayers and zealots. \n\nI don\u2019t want all the drama I got in the last post about how I\u2019m wrong and all this stuff, this is just my opinion from using splashes and playing the game. Feel free to comment but don\u2019t be toxic."}, {"title": "Has anyone tried spirit sceptre yet?", "body": "Is Spirit sceptre good for dungeons as a mage?"}, {"title": "Mages are still OP if not even more.", "body": "Now isn'tead of waiting for mana regen you can just hit and gte mana back plus when i spam dreadlord and hit i get more mana back then i lose lamo stop complaining even if mage weapons are nerfed a bit they arent trash now stop crying"}, {"title": "Dungeons needs drop prioirty", "body": "I got my top quality legendary earth shard yoinked by some kid. Rip 4.5mil"}, {"title": "skyblock players in a nutshell", "body": "literally everyone: BUFF PIGMAN PLS ADMINS\n\nadmins: buff pigman\n\n\n\n\n\nberserk p*ssies: oh no pigman too good nerf plssss :'' '' '' '("}, {"title": "coop problem", "body": "I have a big problem... I gave good stuff to my coop member. He's dal online but don't play on my profile... he don't react to my party invites and I can't send msgs to him... he won't get kicked after 30 days, bc he's online... how can I get my stuff back???"}, {"title": "coop problem", "body": "I have a big problem... I gave good stuff to my coop member. He's dal online but don't play on my profile... he don't react to my party invites and I can't send msgs to him... he won't get kicked after 30 days, bc he's online... how can I get my stuff back???"}, {"title": "last one to reply to this gets my entire bank", "body": "currently at 1.73 mil"}, {"title": "Any good money making methods that aren't just clicking on Zealots for an hour", "body": "Basically list any good money making methods.\n(So I can get the last 2 Scarf's Studies I need and make Thesis uwu) \n\nSkyblock: Red Claw Egg"}, {"title": "What accessories should i buy", "body": "Ign: dumedume269\nbudget of 5.5m\nI am also buying Treasure talisman"}, {"title": "Summoning Satan to the Skyblock Forums", "body": "I mean I can just @ Satan\nor I can\n@BlueFireTrolling"}, {"title": "STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT ME", "body": "."}, {"title": "Skyblock CO-OP suggestion", "body": "I am currently in a co-op with some friends on skyblock, but we fight over who get to spend the money in the bank. I think a system that shows the total amount of money each person has put in/out should be added.\n\nFor example, if:\n\nPerson 1 deposits 10k\nPerson 2 deposits 10k\nPerson 1 withdraws 5k\n\nThen, it would show that\n\nPerson 1 has +5k\nPerson 2 has +10k\n\nThoughts?"}, {"title": "[REPORT]Giveaway well spamming his discord using", "body": "[I dont know how to report stuff to staff so heres a public thread]so i was in a skyblock lobby and a vip star invite me to a party i join and from what i know he was using a macro to invite people and a macro to spam FULL SUPERIOR GIVEAWAY [discord link]so from what i know hes using a cracked account likely or just is spending alot of money on accounts from what i know its against the rules so heres that check the chat logs staff if you think its fake\nsorry staff for showing the discord link i dont have a photoediting program"}, {"title": "Fix Skyblock policy on wipes", "body": "*Disclaimer* This is basically a rant because 10 months have gone down the drain\n\nBackstory:\nFirst off, I would like to say that I have been playing this game for 10 months, but I mainly come on every week and check my minions, then log off. I only recently started actually playing the game legit. I have been a solo account for basically all 10 months, albeit a 5 minute period with a guild member when I wanted to test /coop. I know this is kinda sad, but in the 10 months of on and off playing, I have 24 minion slots, young dragon armor, and raiders axe with only 2 mil in my bank account. As you can see, I am not the most grindy person in the world, but I enjoy playing it when I have time.\n\nAbout a week or two ago, I logged on to see that my profile that I had been slowly working on for months had been wiped randomly. From what I know, there are only a few reasons where you can get wiped without receiving a ban of any sorts. First reason is being a buyer in irl trading. There isn't really a way to prove I never have done it, but if you just look at my profile, its pretty clear to me at least that I am the least likely person to irl trade. First off, I have been playing for 10 months with very little to show for it. Second, I literally have no money, no op gear, nothing. Another reason for my wipe could be profile boosting. I only have that 1 profile, so I can't profile boost myself. I barely ever trade with anyone so I doubt I was mistaken for a profile booster or whatever. And the third reason, and last I can think of, is my 5 minute coop got banned or wiped, which ruined me. If I was wiped for a 5 minute coop, that stupid, and what I know, my coop member was not banned or wiped in this recent wave.\n\nSupport and my complaint:\nI contacted support to see if my wipe could be appealed as well as asking them the reason for my wipe. First, they responded kindly telling me they would investigate the reason for my wipe and see if my coop was banned or anything. But after that initial review, they responded with\n\n\n\n\nHello,\n\nLosing your profile for unknown reasons is a very big indicator that your account may have been compromised.\n\nPlease re-secure your account using this guide here:\n\nSadly, we cannot restore any lost items, stats, progress, or give back coins. SkyBlock is currently a prototype gamemode, which means that it is under heavy development at all times.\n\nIf you have any further questions or issues that we can help you with, feel free to reply here or create another ticket!\n\nClick to expand...\n\n\nNow here is my complaint. I get that wipes are necessary to prevent economies being broken and everything, but what I don't understand is how even during this recent wipe wave, where I see tons of people complaining about false wipes and never being unwiped after the forum post explaining the recent wave, you don't see any reason to change your policy over when people can be restored. And I don't understand why even after an investigation where it seems there is zero reason for a wipe, you can just brush it off and blame it on a very slight chance that after 3 years of having Minecraft with no problem, my Minecraft account was compromised. IMO, its disgusting how you can totally disregard a wipe of a player who has played for 10 months without a single infraction in any game mode and make excuses for a wipe without any reason. I know this thread will probably do nothing, but Hypixel, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, change your system and make it so people can appeal wipes.\n\nFinally, Thank you for a fun 10 months. See you probably never. But feel free to help me admins"}, {"title": "What do I do?", "body": "seriously"}, {"title": "So i Just lost 20 mil coins bc of pigman sword nerf...", "body": "Why hypixel why..."}, {"title": "Bruh my brewing stand only accept 1 bottle", "body": "i just made like 3 haste 3 pots and i wanted to make more but when i put bottles in the brewing stand only accepts 1 bottle and if i put in another it throws it back in my inv, is this a known bug? How do i fix it?"}, {"title": "RIP Me", "body": "Well guys, I just lost 28 mil (all my money) to a dungeon glitch. I tried to deposit coins into the bank from the dungeon, and it said that it was deposited, but when I checked the bank later, there was none. If y'all want to help a guy out (please don't feel obligated to do so), I have a couple of auctions up (/ah CoolDoodShooz), so if you could bid even a hundred thousand, it would be really helpful.\n\n(if anyone is gonna check my profile, yes, I have like 2 mil right now. It was from about 2 weeks of snow minions)"}, {"title": "What is the best weapon for Berserker?", "body": "I currently have an adaptive blade but I'm just wondering if there is a better weapon"}, {"title": "yikes", "body": "I sure love invite bots"}, {"title": "[July 31st] Foraging and Farming XP, Item drop rates, and other changes", "body": "Hey!\n\nA new patch has been released, here are the headlines:\n\n\nFarming and Foraging XP changes\nItem Drop Rates\nGeneral Changes\n\nFarming and Foraging XP Changes\n\n\nPumpkins now give 10% less Farming experience\nCocoa beans now give 20% more Farming experience\nSpruce logs now give 5% more Foraging experience\nJungle logs now give 5% more Foraging experience\nDark Oak logs now give 8% less Foraging experience\n\nItem Drop Rate Changes\n\n\nHarvesting enchant will only increase the chances to double crops by 9.5%\nEach Farming level will increase your chance to get double crops by 5%\nEach Foraging level will increase your chance to get double logs by 5%\n\nGeneral Changes\n\n\n Trees on the Park Island will regrow 30% faster\nJungle Axes now have a cooldown of 1.5 seconds\n\nThanks for reading! Be sure to leave feadback and criticism to let us improve!\n\n(Made for SwapMC's competition)"}, {"title": "Tips for broodfather III", "body": "Anybody know how to beat it easily?"}, {"title": "Dangerous Bots in Skyblock - DONT CLICK ON THE LINK THEY SENT YOU", "body": "So theres a bot problem right now. Hacked accounts are getting botted to send everyone in their lobby party invites. If you join their party, they send a discord link into the party chat that leads to a discord server which name i dont say here, but it sounds like a IRL trader server, it has coins in his name.\n\nBut how to join that server?\nYou have to enter your phone number. Ofc i didnt enter the phone number, i guess you just complete a subscription which costs 5$ per week.\nI just GUESS that happens, but dont be dumb and type your phone number into there.\nAlso dont click on the discord link because it can also be an IP grabber, i joined with a VPN Browser.\n\nI hope hypixel does something against that, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Not everyone knows about that and i bet one or the other younger player already type his phone number into here, which means the moderators of that server already profited IRL."}, {"title": "Buying Skyblock Coins?", "body": "If hypixel were to start selling skyblock coins I would definitly quit and should most others!\nIt would ruin it as people who cannot get coins for whatever reason would be at a disadvantage to a rich man just buying his way to victory"}, {"title": "A random post dont say ANYTHING in this post im testing stuff", "body": "STOP"}, {"title": "Invite Bots", "body": "i have been larted 7 times by invite bots for one server 4 just happened back to back if you are in any server dont accept party invites from anyone you dont know and /ignore add"}, {"title": "New Mage Builds", "body": "Outside of the OP flower, what builds have other mages been using lately? What items have over performed? What have under performed? In my experience the voodoo doll has be great, and from what I gather frozen scythe has also been pretty solid."}, {"title": "12 Needed Dungeon changes", "body": "-Buff mage a bit, but lower its ehp (glass cannon)\n\n-Nerf archer a bit\n\n-Less animals in floor 4 (laggy af)\n\n-Buff berserk\n\n-Buff bonzo staff's intel scaling up to 0.5\n\n-Remove Pigman swords cooldown but add 5 tickets (Like the zombie sword, 15sec to regen one ticket.)\n\n-Spawn less rabbits in floor 4\n\n-Make thorn die in 3 or 4 shots instead of 5\n\n-Let us pick what level and what class can join our party (party finder)\n\n-Add +10% attack speed for berserk (I dont know if that already in the game)\n\n-Make solo dungeon possible\n\n-Buff mana regen a bit\n\n\nLet me know what you think"}, {"title": "Legend says Rezzus will reply to this thread (HE REPLIED LOL)", "body": "@Rezzus"}, {"title": "please dont complain about getting scammed", "body": "please dont complain about getting scammed on the forums, just be more wary in the future. and look at it this way, at least it was in a game, right?"}, {"title": "Advertising GIveaway promoting a discord server", "body": "DirtyDishTowel_ was advertising a discord server claiming that there was a superior dragon armor giveaway her is my proof"}, {"title": "When will Floor 7 be released?", "body": "admins answer me"}, {"title": "just realized hypixel just made mage even more broken lmao", "body": "haha mana broke"}, {"title": "When will Floor 6 be released?", "body": "admins answer me plz"}, {"title": "Quick Poll about linking accounts", "body": "I mean look at @Klerx69 @VietnamTaxEvader"}, {"title": "Mage buff eh", "body": "It's kinda like eh. Everyone was really annoyed but you don't deal that much less damage tbh. Or maybe I just suck idk"}, {"title": "Anyone knows recipe of Spirit Sceptre?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Anyone knows recipe of Spirit Sceptre?", "body": "title"}, {"title": "Carrots, Potatoes, and Wheat not being counted towards the collection when farmed", "body": "I've been trying to get to carrot level 8 to get the superb Candy recipe, but I've noticed that most of the crops i break won't count towards my carrot collection, my farm generates ~ 32320 carrots yet only ~10k of the carrots are being counted towards the collection. I have determined that this is due to the code used to detect if the player is afk while gathering resources(afk mining) which causes the server to not count most of the resources towards collections, this seems to happen to me with resources like Wheat, Potato and Carrots; Pumpkins, melons, Cactus, and other resources seem fine. This should be fixed..."}, {"title": "best dungeon gear for mages?", "body": "after the newest update i want to know what gear would be the best for mages in dungeons\n\nweapons, armor, others"}, {"title": "Random Interesting AFK Pool Fact", "body": "Very pointless and wont help you in any way but...\n\nIf you are in a being pushed by water source block for example a Afk Pool you will move slower with depth strider boots on \n\nThank's For Listening Ladies And Gents."}, {"title": "What isBest Dragon set for farming zealots other than superior?", "body": "Title"}, {"title": "Lobby 8 is being spammed with party invites", "body": "It has come to my attention that at the time of writing there a several accounts that are inviting every player in mega lobby 8 to their party in order to spam discord links. Can something be done about this, thanks!\nedit: got another one"}, {"title": "When is Necron Boss floor releasing?", "body": "i hope admins answer this"}, {"title": "Bone thingy or The spiritual flower", "body": "Im a tank lookin to deal some dmg"}, {"title": "Sadness", "body": "I just wanted to make this post just because why not? Anyway, earlier today, my friend's account got hacked and his stuff got taken and all of my coop's money got taken, which was 34 mil. It was the most money we have all had in the bank at once. I know most of you guys will probably say get over it or whatever, but I have gotten over it a bit. It still is hard losing most of what you worked hard on. My coop made most of that money from bonzo staffs, but with the mage nerf, staffs dont go for anything anymore. I'm not saying that I want things and am begging, but I will say that you shouldn't share any personal account info or real life info virtually. Don't tell it to a person you met online, or a friend you haven't met in person. I just hope people use this as an example to not share personal info online. Another thing, most people probably have posted this on the forums before, but I just felt that I needed to do this to maybe help others prevent the hacking of other accounts."}, {"title": "No farming xp or collection xp when farming on my island", "body": "I built some farms (carrot,pumpkin and melon) and when i run through the farms to harvest, at some point it will just stop giving me farming or collection xp, please i need help maybe someone ingame?"}, {"title": "When will Floor 5 be released?", "body": "i hope the admins will answer"}, {"title": "Question about a mod", "body": "So I have seen multiple people using a mod that gives them a mini map of the dungeons map \nWhere can i Get this mod \nand what is it called and\nis it safe on hypixel"}, {"title": "Idea to avoid spam in skyblock", "body": "You may or may not know there are accounts that party spam people and ad irl trading servers\n\nI was thinking a rank exclusive feature but even VIPs were doing this and p2w people will start crying\n\nMake network level 50+ are allowed to create party's greater than 5 people\n\nAnd that people that don't have network level 50 have a cooldown on invites, so they can't invite every second"}, {"title": "Advertising?", "body": "So, a lot recently people have started to make discord servers where they do splashes. After they splash usually they send the code ( to the discord.... And ive also read that advertising can lead to a perm ban. So i just wanted to make things clear, is advertising for discord allowed?"}, {"title": "Is it necessary to enchant angler set?", "body": "Title ^"}, {"title": "Remove Hypixel from skyblock", "body": "It would make drag fights a lot less laggy and overall make skyblock much less laggy"}, {"title": "Frozen Adventurer", "body": "for anyone looking for it:"}, {"title": "good set for berserk?", "body": "im a berserk in strong with adaptive blade tryin to grind floor 2 but i keep on dying and lowering the score. i need an armor set that can keep me alive and keep me doin close to the same damage i can with strong. Is there any sort of set like this i can go for?"}, {"title": "I don't know how to do more damage", "body": "Rn I've got an AOTE and 20 talismans. Each talisman is reforged to hurtful except uncommon talismans which I have reforged to forceful.\n\nI've also got Fierce Unstable Dragon Armor. Right now, I deal 8,300 damage from 83% crit chance and 268% crit dmg. It's good, but I want to be able to one shot Zealots with 13k+ dmg.\n\nWith that being said, the only ways I can think of to increase my damage is using potions (which requires a ton of gravel collection.) or getting more talismans which is annoying and grindy as hell.\n\nI don't know what else I could do to improve my damage that won't take a month to complete. Can anyone give me advice on what to do?"}, {"title": "Sponges", "body": "Hello, I've just been playing hypixel skyblock, and I checked the end to see that there are sponges in the end, it this a bug or what?"}, {"title": "Buff Diamond minions", "body": "An estimation of math, T11 snow makes around the same amount of diamonds but it doesn't matter because 2 ench snow blocks are basically 1 diamond. One t11 snow is equal to 2 t11 diamond minions"}, {"title": "is unstable full set (with unstable boots) and farmer boots worth young dragon full set", "body": "title^"}, {"title": "does anyone have a screenshot?", "body": "Of legendary frozen blaze?\nI would like to see its stats compared to sup"}, {"title": "What's the best Left Click Mage build?", "body": "I'm guessing the Spirit Sword is the best left click weapon to buy?"}, {"title": "What is the Recipe for Bonemerang", "body": "What is the Recipe for Bonemerang"}, {"title": "Spirit bow dissappering ?", "body": "I bought a spirit bow like an hour ago and I just finished a dungeon run and it dissappered, that same run I got a spirit pet, does that have anything to do with each other?"}, {"title": "My small changes to the tank class", "body": "make the ultimate ability cool down shorter because it only works for like 2 sec"}, {"title": "is my setup for zealot grinding coo l", "body": "i have a bat person set to fly around and a bonzo's staff to kill the zealots\nit's f un"}, {"title": "What is BEST archer class gear for dungeons?", "body": "65mil budget"}, {"title": "Is this good", "body": "This is what I got from a total of 4 hours of grinding zealots, I use full unstable soon to be strong."}, {"title": "game breaker???", "body": "so... i discovered a duping glitch, the glitch requires a minion with a full inventory, you pick an item up from YOUR inventory and while holding it (with the mouse not your player hand) click on the \"collect all items\" button, (btw you have to have double click drops turned off) the item you are holding will be dropped with it still in your inventory, effectively \"duplicating\" the item. \n\nit only works sometimes though.\n\n\n\n\n-GOLDSTREAKotgw"}, {"title": "what does, 'the proxy is restarting soon, please re-connect to' mean?", "body": "i dont understand, im on skyblock and keep getting things in chat saying 'the proxy is restarting soon, please re-connect to' how do i connect, the link doesnt take me to a working website."}, {"title": "Looking to buy a tier 1 tarantula minion.", "body": "Was wondering if anyone has a tier 1 Tara minion I could buy off them. If so how much for it."}, {"title": "Question/advice from other archers", "body": "Ok so I am an archer with an epic machine gun bow, hurricane bow, and full legendary skele master set (all 5starred) but I still stand no chance and get one tapped on floor 4. Is it like this for everyone? What am I doing wrong? What gear should I get?"}, {"title": "(GUIDE) The best strategy to beat Floor 4", "body": "To start off you want:\n- 1 Mage\n- 1 Healer\n- 1 Tank\n- 1 Beserker\n- Preferably and extra berserker but and extra tank is also decent \n\nGear Recommendations:\nBeserker: \n- Full Adaptive Armor \n- Hyper Cleaver (MUST HAVE)\nMage:\n- Full Adaptive Armor (or with bonzo mask)\n- 3/4 Legendary/Mythic Zombie Soldier + Bonzo Mask\n- Voodoo Doll (MUST HAVE)\n- Frozen Scythe (MUST HAVE)\nTank:\n- Full Adaptive\nor\n- 3/4 Epic/Legendary/Mythic SUPER Heavy Armor + 5 Star Mender Fedora\n- Earth Shard (Must have but requires catacombs 19)\n- Hyper Cleaver (MUST HAVE)\nHealer: \n- Same as tank but 3/4 Adaptive + Mender Fedora \n- Hyper Cleaver (MUST HAVE)\n\nGeneral Tips and Strategies\n- It is recommended that you have 5 starred all of your gear and are atleast catacombs 16/17\n- Don\u2019t rush in rooms if you aren\u2019t confident\n- Shadow Assassins barely deal damage so Lost Adventurers and Angry Archeologists are your biggest danger\n- Hyper Cleaver is basically necessary due to its OP aoe damage and it being the 3rd best sword in dungeons right (thats not a thorn drop)(it has 400+ damage and almost 300 strength)\n- Recommended that you get your team to help you with Frozen Blaze lost adventurers due to them being very tanky\n- Blaze room exploit is fixed\n- Trap room last secret is still bugged\n\nBoss Tips and Strategies\n-
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