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Last active November 7, 2018 06:36
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace code
using static TryExtensions;
using StringMapper = Func<string, Maybe<string>>;
#region Marine Domain Types
public class Duty
public string Id { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return Id;
public class MusterList
public string Id { get; set; }
public string DutyId { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return $"{Id}: {DutyId}";
public class Cabin
public int Id { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<string> Seats { get; set; }
public Cabin(int id)
Id = id;
Seats = Enumerable.Range(1, 4).Select(x => $"{id}-{x}");
public override string ToString()
return $"{Id}";
public class CrewMember
public string Id { get; set; }
public string MusterListId { get; set; }
public Maybe<string> MaybeMusterListId => MusterListId.AsMaybe();
public IEnumerable<Cabin> Cabins { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return $"{Id}: {MusterListId}";
public class Ship
public IEnumerable<CrewMember> Crew => new List<CrewMember>() {
new CrewMember { Id = "1", Cabins = new List<Cabin>(){new Cabin(1), new Cabin(2)} },
new CrewMember { Id = "2", Cabins = new List<Cabin>(){new Cabin(3), new Cabin(5)} },
new CrewMember { Id = "3", Cabins = new List<Cabin>(){new Cabin(4), new Cabin(6)} }
class Program
const string crewMemberId = "existing";
public static void BadExample()
var bad = new BadService();
Duty duty = null;
var cm = bad.FindCrewMember(crewMemberId);
if (null != cm?.MusterListId)
var musterList = bad.FindMusterList(cm.MusterListId);
if (null != musterList)
duty = bad.FindDuty(musterList.DutyId);
public static void UglyExample()
var better = new BetterService();
var duty = better.FindCrewMember(crewMemberId)
.Bind(cm => cm.MaybeMusterListId)
.Bind(id => better.FindMusterList(id))
.Bind(ml => better.FindDuty(ml.DutyId));
Some: v => Console.WriteLine("Found: {0}", v),
None: () => Console.WriteLine("Not Found!")
public static void GoodExample()
var better = new BetterService();
var duty = from cm in better.FindCrewMember(crewMemberId)
from id in cm.MaybeMusterListId
from ml in better.FindMusterList(id)
from dt in better.FindDuty(ml.DutyId)
select dt;
Some: v => Console.WriteLine("Found: {0}", v),
None: () => Console.WriteLine("Not Found!")
public static void GeneralizationOfMaybe()
var ship = new Ship();
var cabins = ship.Crew
.SelectMany(cm => cm.Cabins)
.SelectMany(cb => cb.Seats);
Console.WriteLine("Seats available in cabins: \r\n {0}!", String.Join(",\r\n", cabins.Select(x => $"\t{x}")));
public static void Railway()
var value = 7;
Left: v => Console.WriteLine(v),
Right: e => Console.WriteLine("Validation message: {0}", e)
public static void ErrorHandling() {
var svc = new BetterService();
var dutyId = "MusterMaster";
Try(() => {
return svc.AssignDutyToCrewMember("cm1", dutyId);
.Bind(id => svc.RevokeCrewMemberDuty(id, dutyId))
success: id => Console.WriteLine("Duty has been reassigned from cm1 to {0}", id),
failure: e => Console.Error.WriteLine("An error has occured: {0}", e.Message)
static void Main(string[] args)
// 1. Maybe
// UglyExample();
// GoodExample();
// 2. Something more generic than Maybe
// GeneralizationOfMaybe();
// 3. Railway
// Railway();
// 4. Try
// ErrorHandling();
// 5.Monad Laws
// // Left Identity - Return is effect-free
// var ma = Maybe.Some("abc");
// StringMapper fa = s => Maybe.Some(s + s);
// Console.Write("Left Identity = ");
// Console.WriteLine(ma.Bind(fa) == fa("abc"));
// // Right Identity - Bind is effect-free
// var mb = Maybe.Some("abc");
// StringMapper fb = s => Maybe.Some(s);
// Console.Write("Right Identity = ");
// Console.WriteLine(mb.Bind(fb) == mb);
// // Associativity
// Console.Write("Associativity = ");
// Console.WriteLine(ma.Bind(fa).Bind(fa) == ma.Bind(pa => fa(pa).Bind(pb => fa(pb))));
#region Railway
public class Either<L, R>
public L Left { get; }
public R Right { get; }
public bool IsLeft { get; }
public Either(L left, R right, bool isLeft)
this.Left = left;
this.Right = right;
this.IsLeft = isLeft;
public Either<L, R> Bind(Func<L, Either<L, R>> func)
if (!IsLeft)
return this;
return func(this.Left);
public void Match(Action<L> Left, Action<R> Right)
if (IsLeft)
public static class Either
public static Either<L, R> Left<L, R>(L left)
return new Either<L, R>(left, default(R), true);
public static Either<L, R> Right<L, R>(R right)
return new Either<L, R>(default(L), right, false);
public static class Validators
#region Nothing interesting
public static Either<int, string> Failure(string msg)
return Either.Right<int, string>(msg);
public static Either<int, string> OK(int value)
return Either.Left<int, string>(value);
public static Either<int, string> IsAboveZero(int value)
if (value <= 0)
return Failure("Value is bellow or equal to zero!");
return OK(value);
public static Either<int, string> IsOdd(int value)
if (value % 2 == 0)
return Failure("Value is odd!");
return OK(value);
public static Either<int, string> IsPrime(int value)
var primes = new List<int>() { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 };
if (primes.Contains(value))
return OK(value);
return Failure("Value is not prime (sorta)!");
#region Maybe
public static class Maybe
public static Maybe<T> None<T>()
return new Maybe<T>();
public static Maybe<T> Some<T>(T value)
if (null == value)
return new Maybe<T>();
return new Maybe<T>(value);
public class Maybe<T>
private readonly T value;
public bool HasValue { get; }
public Maybe(T value)
this.value = value;
this.HasValue = true;
public Maybe()
this.HasValue = false;
public Maybe<U> Bind<U>(Func<T, Maybe<U>> f)
if (HasValue)
return f(value);
return Maybe.None<U>();
public T Get()
if (!HasValue) throw new InvalidOperationException();
return value;
#region Equality
public override int GetHashCode()
return HasValue ? value.GetHashCode() : 0;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (null == obj) return false;
if (!(obj is Maybe<T>)) return false;
var other = (Maybe<T>)obj;
if (HasValue && other.HasValue)
return other.value.Equals(this.value);
if (!HasValue && !other.HasValue)
return true;
return false;
public static bool operator ==(Maybe<T> self, Maybe<T> other)
return other.Equals(self);
public static bool operator !=(Maybe<T> self, Maybe<T> other)
return !other.Equals(self);
public static class MaybeExtensions
// Enable LINQ
public static Maybe<U> SelectMany<S, T, U>(this Maybe<S> source, Func<S, Maybe<T>> collectionSelector, Func<S, T, U> projection)
return source.Bind(v => collectionSelector(v).Bind(c => Maybe.Some(projection(v, c))));
// Other naming
public static Maybe<U> FlatMap<T, U>(this Maybe<T> source, Func<T, Maybe<U>> projection)
if (null == source)
return Maybe.None<U>();
return source.Bind(projection);
// Allow Matching
public static U Match<T, U>(this Maybe<T> source, Func<T, U> Some, Func<U> None)
if (null != source && source.HasValue)
return Some(source.Get());
return None();
public static void Match<T>(this Maybe<T> source, Action<T> Some, Action None)
if (null != source && source.HasValue)
// Help construct Maybe from existing code
public static Maybe<T> AsMaybe<T>(this T source)
where T : class
if (null == source)
return Maybe.None<T>();
return Maybe.Some(source);
public class BadService
#region Nothing Interesting
public MusterList FindMusterList(string id)
if ("existing" != id)
return null;
return new MusterList { Id = "existing", DutyId = "existing" };
public Duty FindDuty(string id)
if ("existing" != id)
return null;
return new Duty { Id = "existing" };
public CrewMember FindCrewMember(string id)
if ("existing" != id)
return null;
return new CrewMember { Id = "existing", MusterListId = "existing" };
public class BetterService
#region Nothing Interesting
public Maybe<MusterList> FindMusterList(string id)
if ("existing" != id)
return Maybe.None<MusterList>();
return Maybe.Some(new MusterList { Id = "existing", DutyId = "existing" });
public Maybe<Duty> FindDuty(string id)
if ("existing" != id)
return Maybe.None<Duty>();
return Maybe.Some(new Duty { Id = "existing" });
public Maybe<CrewMember> FindCrewMember(string id)
if ("existing" != id)
return Maybe.None<CrewMember>();
return Maybe.Some(new CrewMember { Id = "existing", MusterListId = "existing" });
public string AssignDutyToCrewMember(string crewMemberId, string dutyId)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unauthorized operation!");
public Try<string> RevokeCrewMemberDuty(string crewMemberId, string dutyId) {
return new Try<string>(crewMemberId);
#region Try
public class Try<T>
private T value;
public Exception Exception = null;
public bool IsSuccess => null == Exception;
public bool IsFailure => null != Exception;
public Try(T v) => value = v;
public Try(Exception e) => Exception = e;
public Try<U> Bind<U>(Func<T, Try<U>> func)
if (IsFailure)
return new Try<U>(Exception);
return func(value);
public Try<T> Recover<E>(Func<E, Try<T>> recover) where E: Exception {
if(Exception is E) {
return recover(Exception as E);
return this;
public T Get()
if (IsFailure) throw Exception; // TODO: Preserve stack
return value;
public static class TryExtensions
public static Try<U> Try<U>(Func<U> op)
return new Try<U>(op());
catch (Exception e)
return new Try<U>(e);
public static void Match<T>(this Try<T> source, Action<T> success, Action<Exception> failure) {
if(source.IsSuccess) {
} else {
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