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Last active October 4, 2023 00:54
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@goto :parse
@:: batchouli
@:: =========
@:: <FILL THIS CRAP LATER> for Windows command scripts.
@:: Usage: %(program)s [OPTIONS] Do the thing
@:: Options:
@:: -h or -? Print help
%$daynow% result
%$dayadd% result 13
%$putout% "%result.year% %result.month%"
exit /b 0
#pragma checksum "batchouli.cmd" "{406EA660-64CF-4C82-B6F0-42D48172A799}" "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
:exit (exit_code: number, _: string) > Abort | Never
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
::: Without a fully-qualified path, Windows first looks in the application
::: directory (`%__APPDIR__%`) and in the current directory (`%__CD__%`) if
::: `NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathW(ExeName)` is true before checking the
::: system directories, thus try to avoid executing unqualified `cmd.exe`.
::: See also:
if not defined ComSpec (set "ComSpec=%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe")
(goto) & (goto) & call :exit %~1 || (
if "%~1" equ "1" (
) else if "%~1" equ "0" (
(call )
) else (
"%ComSpec%" /d /c @exit /b %~1 2>nul
) 2>nul
endlocal & exit /b 3221225786 "`exit()` subroutine never returns normally"
:error (exit_code: number, message: string?) > Abort
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
if not defined PROGRAM (set "program=%~n0")
if """" == ""%2"" (
set "separator="
) else (
set "separator=: "
%$puterr% "%[red]%[%program% error]%[/red]%%separator%%~2"
endlocal & call :exit %1 "%~2"
:panic (message: string?) > Never
() %~*
:parse (options: string?)
@if not "Windows_NT" == "%OS%" goto :_fini
@(verify "" || setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions) 2>nul || (
(echo(Command Extensions could not be enabled; terminating the program.)
) >&2 && goto :EOF "Command Extensions could not be enabled"
@if not defined CMD_DEBUG (echo off)
@call :_init
@set /p "options=" <"%~f0" >nul
@for /f "tokens=1,2,* delims==@+.,:; " %\p%m in ("%options%") do @(
set "options="
) & if /i "goto" equ "%\p%~m" if /i "parse" equ "%\p%~n" (
set "options=%\p%~o"
@if not defined options (goto :main)
set /a "shift=1"
::: base/cmd/cbatch.c#L3533
if """" == ""%1"" (goto :parse_end)
if ""--"" == ""%1"" (goto :parse_end)
set "argument=%~1"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set PATH=
if not defined argument (set /a "shift+=1" & goto :parse_loop)
if "-" neq "%argument:~0,1%" (set /a "shift+=1" & goto :parse_loop)
if "" equ "%argument:~1,1%" (set /a "shift+=1" & goto :parse_loop)
if not defined argument (
set /a "shift+=1"
goto :parse_loop
if defined argument if "-" equ "%argument:~0,1%" (
) else (
if 9 leq %shift% (goto :parse_end)
set /a "shift+=1"
if ...
goto :main
:_parse (options: string, arguments: string...)
if "%~1" neq "0" (call :error EXIT_FAILURE "parameters are not supported")
set ^"options=a:^"
::: the plan:
::: shift regular parameters to the beginning
::: '--' stops option parsing, parameters only from that point
::: todo: should there be a variable for accumulating all the parameters?
::: todo: for options with arguments, should "" be equal to undefined?
::: or should the arguments contain unpeeled quotes?
::: todo: should we support options with optional arguments?
exit /b 255
for %%o in (%options%) do for /f "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%u in ("%%o") do (
set "%%u=%%~v"
set "state=OPTIONS"
set "shift=1"
if """" == ""%1"" (
goto :parse_end
) else (
set /a "shift+=1"
shift /?
goto :parse_loop
set "test=%~1"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if defined test if "!test:~0,1!"=="-"
if "!test!"=="-h" (call :usage)
if "!test!"=="-?" (call :usage)
set "test=!options:*%~3:=! "
if "!test!"=="!options! " (
endlocal & call :error %EXIT_USAGE% "invalid option -- %~3"
) else if "!test:~0,1!"==" " (
endlocal & set "%~3=1"
) else (
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion & if defined state if "%~4"=="" (
call :error %EXIT_USAGE% "option requires an argument -- %~3"
) else (
endlocal & set "%~3=%~4"
shift /3
shift /3
goto :parse_loop
for %%o in (options state) do (set "%%o=")
goto :EOF
goto :main
if defined options if not "%options%" equ "%options::=%" (
call :error 3 "options cannot include a colon"
if """" == ""%1"" (shift /1 & goto :parse_end)
if ""--"" == ""%1"" (shift /1 & goto :parse_end)
set "test=%~1" & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
goto :parse
:usage (program: string?) > Abort
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if not defined PROGRAM (set "program=%~f1")
set "sections=Description Usage Arguments Options Environment Files Notes"
set "synopsis="
for /f usebackq^ delims^=^ eol^= %\p%l in ("%~f0") do (
set "line=%\p%~l"
set "text="
set "ignore="
if not "@::" equ "!line:~0,3!" (
if ":::" equ "!line:~0,3!" (
set "ignore=1"
) else for /f "delims==@+.,:;/\[] " %\p%# in ("!line!") do (
if /i not "call" equ "%\p%#" if /i not "goto" equ "%\p%#" (
goto :usage_end
set "ignore=1"
) else if "" equ "!line:~3,1!" (
set "text=!line:~3!"
) else (
set "text=!line:~4!"
if not defined ignore if "---" equ "!text:~0,3!" (
goto :usage_end
) else if not defined synopsis (
if defined program if not defined text (set "synopsis=Usage")
if not defined program if defined text (set "program=!text!")
) else if defined text (
if not " " equ "!text:~0,1!" (
if not defined program if """" == ""%1"" (set "program=%~f0")
for /f "delims=" %\p%b in ("!program!") do (
set "text=!text:%%(program)r=%[b]%%\p%~nxb%[/b]%!"
set "text=!text:%%(program)s=%[b]%%\p%~nb%[/b]%!"
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %\p%c in (" :!text!") do (
set "header="
for %\p%s in (%sections%) do if not defined header (
if "%\p%~s" equ "%\p%c" (
set "text=!text:*%\p%c=%[b]%%[u]%%\p%c%[/b]%%[/u]%!"
set "header=1"
) else (
for %\p%t in (!text!) do (
set "token=%\p%t"
if defined token if "-" equ "!token:~0,1!" (
set "tail=!text:* %\p%t=!"
if not defined tail (
set "head=!text!"
) else for /f "delims=" %\p%z in ("!tail!") do (
set "head=!text:%\p%z=!"
set "head=!head: %\p%t=!"
set "text=!head! %[b]%%\p%t%[/b]%!tail!"
%$putout% "!text!"
endlocal & call :exit %EXIT_SUCCESS%
:_init ()
(set ^"\=^^^
) & (set ^"\n=^
) & if "%=^%=" == "%=%=" (
set ^"\p=%%<nul"
) else (
set ^"\p=^%<nul"
for /f %\p%r in ('"copy /y /z "%~f0" nul"') do (
set ^"\r=%\p%~r"
set ^"\t= "
set ^"$argc="tokens=1-%\p%~$=_=:$#,*""
set ^"$for=%\p%%\p%~$=_=:$#"
for /f "delims== " %\p%! in (
"!=! ^^^!"
) do for /f %\p%^^ in (
"^ ^^^^%\p%!=%\p%!"
) do set ^"$define=for %\p%$ in ($name) do ^
@for /f "delims== " %\p%%\p%! in ("%\p%!=%\p%! %\p%^%\p%^%\p%^%\p%!") do ^
@for /f %\p%%\p%^^%\p%^^ in ("%\p%^ %\p%^%\p%^%\p%^%\p%^%\p%^%\p%!=%\p%^%\p%!") do ^
@set %\p%^^"%\p%$="
::: debug (variable: string)
%$define:name=debug% for %$for:#=#% in (1 2) do if %$for:#=#% equ 2 ( %\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
for /f %$argc:#=1% %$for:#=0% in (": %\p%!__args%\p%!") do ( %\%
endlocal ^& endlocal ^& if "%$for:#=~1%" equ "" ( %\%
(echo(%[b]%%\p%$%[/b]%: undefined parameter received: variable) ^& 2^>nul (break)%\%
) else ( %\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
(set%\p%^^ __variable=%\p%!%$for:#=~1%%\p%!) %\%
if not defined __variable ( %\%
(echo(%[b]%%$for:#=~1%%[/b]% ::= undefined) %\%
) else if "%\p%!__variable%\p%!" equ "-" ( %\%
(echo(%[b]%%$for:#=~1%%[/b]% ::= "-") %\%
) else (if ERRORLEVEL %\p%!__variable%\p%! call ) ^>nul 2^>^&1 ^&^& ( %\%
if not "%\p%!__variable:~0,1%\p%!" equ "-" (set "__sign=") else ( %\%
set "__sign=-" %\%
set "__variable=%\p%!__variable:~1%\p%!" %\%
) %\%
for /f "tokens=* delims=0" %$for:#=a% in ("%\p%!__variable%\p%!") do ( %\%
if "" == "%$for:#=~a%" ( %\%
set "__variable=0" %\%
) else ( %\%
set "__variable=%\p%!__sign%\p%!%$for:#=a%" %\%
) %\%
) %\%
(echo(%[b]%%$for:#=~1%%[/b]% ::= %\p%!__variable%\p%!) %\%
) ^|^| ( %\%
for %$for:#=p% in ("s/\/\\/" "s/%\p%!\r%\p%!/\r/" "s/%\p%!\t%\p%!/\t/") do ( %\%
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=/" %$for:#=q% in ("%$for:#=~p%") do ( %\%
set "__variable=%\p%!__variable:%$for:#=~q%=%$for:#=~r%%\p%!" %\%
) %\%
) %\%
(echo(%[b]%%$for:#=~1%%[/b]% ::= "%\p%!__variable%\p%!") %\%
) %\%
endlocal ^& (call ) %\%
) ^<nul ^>con %\%
) %\%
) else setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion ^& set __args= "
::: putout (string: string)
%$define:name=putout% for %$for:#=#% in (1 2) do if %$for:#=#% equ 2 (%\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
for /f %$argc:#=1% %$for:#=0% in (": %\p%!__args%\p%!") do ( %\%
endlocal ^& endlocal ^& (echo(%$for:#=~1%) ^& (call ) %\%
) %\%
) else setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion ^& set __args= "
::: puterr (string: string)
%$define:name=puterr% for %$for:#=#% in (1 2) do if %$for:#=#% equ 2 (%\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
for /f %$argc:#=1% %$for:#=0% in (": %\p%!__args%\p%!") do ( %\%
endlocal ^& endlocal ^& (echo(%$for:#=~1%) ^& (call ) %\%
) %\%
) ^>^&2 else setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion ^& set __args= "
::: strhex (out result: string, number: int, prefix: string? = "0x")
%$define:name=strhex% for %$for:#=#% in (1 2) do if %$for:#=#% equ 2 ( %\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
for /f %$argc:#=3% %$for:#=0% in (": %\p%!__args%\p%!") do ( %\%
endlocal ^& endlocal ^& if "%$for:#=~1%" equ "" ( %\%
call :error %EXIT_ERROR% "%[b]%%\p%$%[/b]%: undefined parameter received: result"%\%
) else ( %\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
set /a "__number=%$for:#=~2% + 0" ^>nul 2^>^&1 ^& ( %\%
set "__prefix=%$for:#=~3%" %\%
) ^& if "" == "%$for:#=3%" ( %\%
set "__prefix=0x" %\%
) %\%
set "__map=0123456789abcdef" %\%
set "__hex=" %\%
set "__digit=" %\%
for /l %$for:#=_% in (1, 1, 8) do ( %\%
set /a "__digit=__number & 15, __number>>=4" %\%
for %$for:#=d% in (%\p%!__digit%\p%!) do ( %\%
set "__hex=%\p%!__map:~%$for:#=d%,1%\p%!%\p%!__hex%\p%!" %\%
) %\%
) %\%
for /f "delims=" %$for:#=v% in ("%\p%!__prefix%\p%!%\p%!__hex%\p%!") do ( %\%
endlocal ^& set "%$for:#=~1%=%$for:#=v%" ^& (call ) %\%
) %\%
) %\%
) %\%
) else setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion ^& set __args= "
::: strlen (out result: int, in? string: string)
%$define:name=strlen% for %$for:#=#% in (1 2) do if %$for:#=#% equ 2 ( %\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
for /f %$argc:#=3% %$for:#=0% in (": %\p%!__args%\p%!") do ( %\%
endlocal ^& endlocal ^& if "%$for:#=~1%" equ "" ( %\%
call :error %EXIT_ERROR% "%[b]%%\p%$%[/b]%: undefined parameter received: result"%\%
) else ( %\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
if "%$for:#=~2%" == "%$for:#=2%" ( %\%
(set%\p%^^ __string=%\p%!%$for:#=2%%\p%!) %\%
) else ( %\%
(set%\p%^^ __string=%$for:#=~2%) %\%
) %\%
if not defined __string ( %\%
set "__length=0" %\%
) else ( %\%
set "__length=1" %\%
for %$for:#=#% in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do ( %\%
if not "" equ "%\p%!__string:~%$for:#=#%,1%\p%!" ( %\%
set /a "__length+=%$for:#=#%" %\%
set "__string=%\p%!__string:~%$for:#=#%%\p%!" %\%
) %\%
) %\%
) %\%
for %$for:#=v% in (%\p%!__length%\p%!) do ( %\%
endlocal ^& set "%$for:#=~1%=%$for:#=v%" ^& (call ) %\%
) %\%
) %\%
) %\%
) else setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion ^& set __args= "
::: dayadd (ref result: {day: int, month: int, year: int}, days: int = 0)
%$define:name=dayadd% for %$for:#=#% in (1 2) do if %$for:#=#% equ 2 ( %\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
for /f %$argc:#=2% %$for:#=0% in (": %\p%!__args%\p%!") do ( %\%
endlocal ^& endlocal ^& if "%$for:#=~1%" equ "" ( %\%
call :error %EXIT_ERROR% "%[b]%%\p%$%[/b]%: undefined parameter received: result"%\%
) else ( %\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
set /a "__x=%$for:#=~2% + 0" %\%
set /a "__d=%$ + 0" %\%
set /a "__m=%$for:#=~1%.month + 0" %\%
set /a "__y=%$for:#=~1%.year + 0" %\%
if %\p%!__m%\p%! leq 2 (set /a "__y-=1") %\%
if %\p%!__y%\p%! geq 0 (set /a "__era=__y") else (set /a "__era=__y - 399") %\%
set /a "__era/=400, __yoe=__y - __era * 400" %\%
if %\p%!__m%\p%! gtr 2 (set /a "__doy=__m - 3") else (set /a "__doy=__m + 9") %\%
set /a "__doy=(153 * __doy + 2) / 5 + __d - 1" %\%
set /a "__doe=__yoe * 365 + __yoe / 4 - __yoe / 100 + __doy" %\%
set /a "__z=__era * 146097 + __doe + __x" %\%
if %\p%!__z%\p%! geq 0 (set /a "__era=__z") else (set /a "__era=__z-146096") %\%
set /a "__era/=146097, __doe=__z - __era * 146097" %\%
set /a "__yoe=(__doe - __doe / 1460 + __doe / 36524 - __doe / 146096) / 365" %\%
set /a "__y=__yoe + __era * 400" %\%
set /a "__doy=__doe - (365 * __yoe + __yoe / 4 - __yoe / 100)" %\%
set /a "__p=(5 * __doy + 2) / 153, __d=__doy - (153 * __p + 2) / 5 + 1" %\%
if %\p%!__p%\p%! lss 10 (set /a "__m=__p + 3") else (set /a "__m=__p - 9") %\%
if %\p%!__m%\p%! leq 2 (set /a "__y+=1") %\%
for /f %$argc:#=3% %$for:#=a% in ( %\%
"%\p%!__d%\p%! %\p%!__m%\p%! %\p%!__y%\p%!" %\%
) do endlocal ^& ( %\%
set /a "%$ %$for:#=a% + 0" %\%
set /a "%$for:#=~1%.month=%$for:#=b% + 0" %\%
set /a "%$for:#=~1%.year= %$for:#=c% + 0" %\%
) ^& (call ) %\%
) ^>nul 2^>^&1 %\%
) %\%
) else setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion ^& set __args= "
::: daynow (out result: {day: int, month: int, year: int})
%$define:name=daynow% for %$for:#=#% in (1 2) do if %$for:#=#% equ 2 ( %\%
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion %\%
for /f %$argc:#=1% %$for:#=0% in (": %\p%!__args%\p%!") do ( %\%
endlocal ^& endlocal ^& if "%$for:#=~1%" equ "" ( %\%
call :error %EXIT_ERROR% "%[b]%%\p%$%[/b]%: undefined parameter received: result"%\%
) else ( %\%
for /f "skip=1 tokens=1,5,9 delims== " %$for:#=a% in ( %\%
'""%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\WMIC.exe" path Win32_LocalTime get 2>nul"' %\%
) do for %$for:#=a% in (%$for:#=a%) do if not "%$for:#=~a%" equ "" ( %\%
set /a "%$ %$for:#=a% + 0" %\%
set /a "%$for:#=~1%.month=%$for:#=b% + 0" %\%
set /a "%$for:#=~1%.year= %$for:#=c% + 0" %\%
) ^& (call ) %\%
) ^>nul 2^>^&1 %\%
) %\%
) else setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion ^& set __args= "
@goto :EOF
:_fini ()
@set windir=
@set winbootdir=
@if "" == "%windir%" set OS=DOS
@if "" == "%OS%" if "" == "%winbootdir%" set OS=Windows 3.x
@if "" == "%OS%" set OS=Windows 95
@echo This program is not compatible with your operating system (%OS%).
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