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Last active February 6, 2020 22:45
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Decaf's Wishlist for Podcast Subjects

I am tired of hearing podcasts about:

  • The top 2, 4, 8 at the latest big event
  • Why the Rebel Z6 is bad
  • Why Tauntauns and/or Shoretroopers are good
  • The 1000th interview of LJ or Franz or Luke Cook (Love ya all but seriously)

Here are some free ideas. If you like them and want to use them and feel like paying a royalty:

  1. Why is R2D2 a scary threat for Rebels? What does he bring to GAR? What battle cards work best?
  2. What units synnergize best with C3PO? Is he worth 15 points just as extra HP for R2D2?
  3. Bunker expansion: How does it look, what are the cards, what ideas does it bring, what else do we want to see?
  4. Talk about the previews of the new AAT and Saber tank heavies and pilots.
  5. How do you deal with being behind in activations? How do you deal with being behind in general?
  6. How do you play against a really competent melee-heavy list (e.g. with Luke, Luke/Sabine)?
  7. How do you best play a melee-heavy list?
  8. Vader: What 6 cards do you pick, what does he synnergize with? When do you take OpVader?
  9. Imperial DtF: Palp + OpVader. Ideas, test games, how can it work, can it work?
  10. How do you decide, generally speaking, what command cards to take, and which ones to play?
  11. Sabine in the modern meta: With DS or without? What does budget Sabine bring to the table?
  12. Jay's awesome Tank+AT-ST double heavy list. What is it good against? What is it not? What would he change?
  13. Modern Krossk: Interview Mike and maybe Darq about how they play Krennic/Bossk in the modern meta.
  14. A rant on why too many compeititve players want to see 100% HC/LOS blocking terrain on tables
  15. A podcast finally interviewing one non-white guy/how they feel playing Legion and how the game could be more inclusive
  16. A podcast interviewing parents/guardians about playing legion with their kids/nephews, getting little people into legion
  17. Revisit speeder bikes/BARCs, talk about why they are behind, what they could be good at, suggestions for improvement
  18. Jankiest interactions of all times: Fire supporting a ground buzzer Airspeeder, etc. Talk about modern jank
  19. Go over all the non meta lists at LVO and what they were good at (like the Landspeeder list beating Kingsley)
  20. A podcast going into the new YBTL format and what decisions were made compared to last season
  21. Techniques for simple/fast/cheap hobbying - rattle cans, constrast paints, air brushes, compared
  22. An entire episode on Airbrushing (getting started, advanced techniques, etc)
  23. Interview Alderaan Moses on the challenges of keeping the TTS mod up to date, and future plans
  24. Local meta round ups: reach out the community leaders in different states, talk about their local metas
  25. 500 pt skrimish a few months in: what works? what doesn't? are some units unbalanced? etc.
  26. A rundown on how MoV effects games/objectives. Techniques like IRG, Chewie, Medics, etc.
  27. An episode entirely about tilt - and how you can focus back on the game and when you just need to step back/concede.
  28. "Is force push too good", and talking about practical applications of JMT, Hope, Fear, Saber throw, etc, instead.
  29. Your favorite/least favorite types of terrain to see on the table (for Legion), and why
  30. "Ranges to care about": go over pre-measuring, and what ranges are significant in modern legion games
  31. Practical use of "standby" (outside of DtG)
  32. General strategies for turn 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6 (maybe vary a bit per objective)
  33. An episode entirely about "list building in the shower", or where you have come up with your best list ideas
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