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Created March 14, 2011 14:55
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Save matatabi/869255 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
jQuery と rails 色々
// require this file in the header
// And also add the following to the bottom of whatever partial you're using
// <script type="text/javascript">
// $("#pl_<%= index %>_full").charCount({counterText: '文字数:', transCost: 15, language: '#locale_<%= index %>'});
// </script>
(function($) {
$.fn.charCount = function(options){
// default configuration properties
var defaults = {
allowed: 140,
warning: 25,
css: 'counter',
counterElement: 'span',
cssWarning: 'warning',
cssExceeded: 'exceeded',
counterText: '文字数',
transCost: 10,
transText: '翻訳料 &yen;',
language: ''
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
function calculate(obj){
if($(options.language).val() == 'ja'){
// var count = $(obj).val().length;
//var count = $(obj).val().replace(/(^\s+|\s+$|(.*)>\s*)/g,"").length;
var count = $(obj).val().replace(/[-+=%.。=&()\r\n]/g,"").length;
var cost = count * options.transCost;
$(obj).next().html(options.counterText + count + " " + options.transText + cost);
this.each(function() {
// Generates a <span class="counter"> after each element
$(this).after('<'+ options.counterElement +' class="' + options.css + '">'+ options.counterText +'</'+ options.counterElement +'>');
<script type="text/javascript">
// $('input.to_weight').change(function(event) {
$('input.to_weight').live('change', function() {
var changed_weight = $(this).val();
var changed_id = $(this).attr("id");
var changed_zone = $("#" + changed_id.replace(/to_weight/,"zone")).val();
$("input.to_weight").each(function () {
if($(this).val() == changed_weight && $(this).attr("id") != changed_id){
this_zone = $("#" + $(this).attr("id").replace(/to_weight/,"zone")).val();
if(this_zone == changed_zone){
$("#"+changed_id).effect("highlight", {color: "#ff0000"}, 6000);
<style type="text/css">
ul#sortable-list li { width: 100%; list-style: none; float:left; }
ul#sortable-list li div.cell {float:left; padding:5px; min-height: 50px; }
ul#sortable-list li div.s {width: 100px;}
ul#sortable-list li div.m {width: 200px;}
ul#sortable-list li div.image img {padding: 1px; border: 1px solid #DDD; }
ul#sortable-list .handle {padding: 0px; width: 50px; height: 50px; float: left; cursor: move; background: none;}
ul#sortable-list .crud {float: right; width: 50px; height: 50px; }
<ul class="list" id="sortable-list">
<% for category in @categories %>
<li id="ids_<%= %>" class="<%= cycle('odd', 'even') %>">
<div class="handle">
<div class="icon i_reorder" style="margin:15px;"></div>
<div class="cell image"><img src="<%= category.thumbnail.url(:s) %>"></div>
<div class="cell s">
<%= %>
<br/><span class="help"><%= get_display(category.display) %></span>
<div class="cell m">
<%= link_to category.formal_name, edit_vendor_category_path(category) %>
<br /><span class="help"><%= %></span>
<div class="cell m">
<%= link_to "新しい子カテゴリ", new_vendor_category_path(:parent_id=> %>
<%= link_to("[#{t('action.show_children')}]", vendor_categories_path(:parent_id=> if category.has_children %>
<div class="crud">
<%= link_to image_tag('/images/icons/pencil.gif'), edit_vendor_category_path(category) %>
<%= link_to(image_tag('/images/icons/bin.gif'), vendor_category_path(category), :confirm => t('help.confirm_delete'), :method => :delete) unless category.parent_id == VENDOR_ROOT_CATEGORY %>
<% end %>
<input type="button" onclick="reorder();" value="<%= t('action.reorder') %>"/>
<%= javascript_tag do %>
function reorder(){
type: 'post',
data: $('#sortable-list').sortable('serialize'),
dataType: 'script',
complete: function(request){
url: '<%= reorder_vendor_categories_path %>'})
axis: 'y', dropOnEmpty:false, handle: '.handle', items: 'li', cursor: 'move', opacity: 0.4, scroll: true
<% end %>
If you want to update everytime a sort occurs you can do this, but it's horribly inefficient
<%= javascript_tag do %>
axis: 'y', dropOnEmpty:false, handle: '.handle', items: 'li', cursor: 'move', opacity: 0.4, scroll: true,
update: function(){
type: 'post',
data: $('#sortable-list').sortable('serialize') + '&id=<%= %>',
dataType: 'script',
complete: function(request){
url: '<%= sort_vendor_newsletters_path %>'})
<% end %>
class CategoriesController < RootController
def reorder
counter = 1
if params[:ids]
for id in params[:ids]
if category = current_vendor.categories.find(id)
category.update_attribute('sort_id', counter)
counter += 1
render :nothing => true
<script src="/javascripts/jquery-validation/jquery.validate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/jquery-validation/localization/messages_<%=I18n.locale.to_s %>.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//submitHandler: function() { alert("submitted!"); },
highlight: function(input) {
unhighlight: function(input) {
$().ready(function() {$("#f").validate();});
function hide_selector(){
function add_snippet(id){
var subject = $("#subject_" + id).text();
var content = $("#content_" + id).text();
// requires
// %= f.hidden_field :translation_cost, :id => "translation_cost_#{index}" %>
// %= f.hidden_field :do_translation, :class => "do_translation" %>
// div id="translation_data_%= index %>" class="counter"></div>
// ========== inside header
$('.translate').live('keyup', function() {
recalculate(this, {unitPrice:<%= @vendor.current_translation_cost %>, somthing:"hello"});
$('.locale').live('change', function() {
recalculate(this, {unitPrice:<%= @vendor.current_translation_cost %>, somthing:"hello"});
// =============== js file
function recalculate(obj, options){
var defaults = {
unitPrice: 15,
countText: '文字数',
target_locale: 'en'
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
var index = $(obj).attr("idx");
if(($("#locale_" + index).val() == 'ja')&&($("#tr_status_" + index).val()== '1')){
var total_text = "";
$(".t_" + index).each(function () {
total_text += $(this).val();
var count = total_text.replace(/[-+=%.。=&()\r\n]/g,"").length;
var cost = count * parseInt(options.unitPrice);
$("#translation_cost_" + index).val(cost);
$("#word_count_" + index).val(count);
$("#translation_data_" + index).html(options.countText + count + " @ &yen;" + options.unitPrice + " = &yen;" + cost);
// alert($("#locale_" + index).val());
// alert($("#tr_status_" + index).val());
$("#translation_data_" + index).html("翻訳料はかかりません");
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