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Last active April 29, 2019 13:30
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Credentials Flow*
Loading Credentials*
done -> Credentials Available?
error -> What Kind Of Loading Credentials Error?
What Kind Of Loading Credentials Error?
unauthenticated? -> Unauthorizing
any other error? -> Loading Credentials Error
Credentials Available?
yes? -> Account Flow
no? -> Guide
Loading Credentials Error
try again -> Loading Credentials
done -> Sign Up
error -> Loading Credentials Error
Account Flow
Loading Account*
done -> Is Account Available?
error -> What Kind Of Loading Account Error?
What Kind Of Loading Account Error?
unauthenticated? -> Guide
any other error? -> Loading Account Error
Is Account Available?
yes? -> Profile Flow
no? -> Guide
Loading Account Error
try again -> Loading Account
finished viewing guide -> Sign Up
Sign Up
cancel -> Guide
back -> Guide
i agree -> Authorizing
done -> Profile Flow
error -> Guide
Profile Flow
Loading Profile*
done -> Inspect Profile?
error -> What Kind Of Loading Profile Error?
What Kind Of Loading Profile Error?
unauthenticated? -> Guide
any other error? -> Loading Profile Error
Inspect Profile?
account is in verifying state? -> Email Verification Waiting
account is in recovering state? -> Account Recovery Waiting
profile not available? -> Start Journey
profile is complete? -> Home
profile is not complete? -> Start Journey
Loading Profile Error
try again -> Loading Profile
Email Verification Waiting
Waiting For Confirmation*
check -> Checking Email Verification Status
resend email -> Showing Email Form
email verified out-of-band -> Home
Checking Email Verification Status
Reloading Account*
done -> Reloading Profile
error -> Waiting
Reloading Profile
done -> Inspect Reloaded Profile?
error -> Waiting
Inspect Reloaded Profile?
email is verified? -> Home
email is not verified? -> Waiting
Showing Email Form
back -> Waiting For Confirmation
email verified out-of-band -> Home
Waiting For Input*
send verification -> Inspect Email?
Inspect Email?
email is invalid? -> Waiting For Input
email is valid? -> Sending Email Verification Link
Sending Email Verification Link
done -> Waiting For Confirmation
error -> Sending Email Verification Link Error
Sending Email Verification Link Error
try again -> Waiting For Input
Account Recovery Waiting
Waiting 2*
check -> Checking Account Recovery Status
resend email -> Account Recovery Email Form
email verified out-of-band -> Home
Checking Account Recovery Status
Reloading Account 2*
done -> Reloading Profile 2
error -> Waiting 2
Reloading Profile 2
done -> Inspect Reloaded Profile 2?
error -> Waiting 2
Inspect Reloaded Profile 2?
email is verified? -> Home
email is not verified? -> Waiting 2
Account Recovery Email Form
back -> Account Recovery Waiting
email verified out-of-band -> Home
Waiting For Input 2*
send verification -> Inspect Email 2?
Inspect Email 2?
email is invalid? -> Waiting For Input 2
email is valid? -> Sending Account Recovery Link
Sending Account Recovery Link
done -> Account Recovery Waiting
error -> Sending Account Recovery Link Error
Sending Account Recovery Link Error
try again -> Waiting For Input 2
Start Journey
Showing Screen Asking For Email Address
next -> Does Email Match Existing User?
Does Email Match Existing User?
yes? -> Ask User If They Would Like To Proceed With Recovery
no? -> Showing More Journey Screens
Ask User If They Would Like To Proceed With Recovery
proceed with recovery -> Account Recovery Email Form
cancel -> Showing Screen Asking For Email Address
Showing More Journey Screens
finished that stuff -> Home
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