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Last active September 3, 2022 13:32
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Simple Python script (v2.7x) that subscribes to a MQTT broker topic and inserts the data into a mysql database for later querying. This is designed to be used with the
#!/usr/bin/env python
# September 2013
# by Matthew Bordignon, @bordignon on Twitter
# Simple Python script (v2.7x) that subscribes to a MQTT broker topic and inserts the topic into a mysql database
# This is designed for the project backend
import MySQLdb
import mosquitto
import json
import time
#mosquitto broker config
broker = 'mqtt.localdomain'
broker_port = 1883
broker_topic = '/test/location/#'
#broker_clientid = 'mqttuide2mysqlScript'
#mysql config
mysql_server = 'thebeast.localdomain'
mysql_username = 'root'
mysql_passwd = ''
mysql_db = 'mqtt'
#change table below.
# Open database connection
db = MySQLdb.connect(mysql_server, mysql_username, mysql_passwd, mysql_db)
# prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
cursor = db.cursor()
def on_connect(mosq, obj, rc):
print("rc: "+str(rc))
def on_message(mosq, obj, msg):
print(msg.topic+" "+str(msg.qos)+" "+str(msg.payload))
vars_to_sql = []
keys_to_sql = []
list = []
list = json.loads(msg.payload)
for key,value in list.iteritems():
print ("")
print key, value
if key == 'tst':
print "time found"
print value
value = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(float(value)))
print value
value_type = type(value)
if value_type is not dict:
print "value_type is not dict"
if value_type is unicode:
print "value_type is unicode"
vars_to_sql.append(value.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
keys_to_sql.append(key.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
print "value_type is not unicode"
#add the msg.topic to the list as well
print "topic", msg.topic
addtopic = 'topic'
vars_to_sql.append(msg.topic.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
keys_to_sql.append(addtopic.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
keys_to_sql = ', '.join(keys_to_sql)
# Execute the SQL command
# change locations to the table you are using
queryText = "INSERT INTO locations(%s) VALUES %r"
queryArgs = (keys_to_sql, tuple(vars_to_sql))
cursor.execute(queryText % queryArgs)
print('Successfully Added record to mysql')
except MySQLdb.Error, e:
print "MySQL Error [%d]: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
except IndexError:
print "MySQL Error: %s" % str(e)
# Rollback in case there is any error
print('ERROR adding record to MYSQL')
def on_publish(mosq, obj, mid):
print("mid: "+str(mid))
def on_subscribe(mosq, obj, mid, granted_qos):
print("Subscribed: "+str(mid)+" "+str(granted_qos))
def on_log(mosq, obj, level, string):
# If you want to use a specific client id, use
#mqttc = mosquitto.Mosquitto(broker_clientid)
# but note that the client id must be unique on the broker. Leaving the client
# id parameter empty will generate a random id for you.
mqttc = mosquitto.Mosquitto()
mqttc.on_message = on_message
mqttc.on_connect = on_connect
mqttc.on_publish = on_publish
mqttc.on_subscribe = on_subscribe
# Uncomment to enable debug messages
mqttc.on_log = on_log
mqttc.connect(broker, broker_port, 60)
mqttc.subscribe(broker_topic, 0)
rc = 0
while rc == 0:
rc = mqttc.loop()
print("rc: "+str(rc))
# disconnect from server
print ('Disconnected, done.')
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im getting a constant error if i run the code.It says "attribute error float has no object iteritems".Can any one help me out?as soon as possible

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I got this error after subscribing the data "Caught exception in on_message: No JSON object could be decoded". Could anyone please suggest a solution
Thank you

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matbor commented Jul 25, 2019

I got this error after subscribing the data "Caught exception in on_message: No JSON object could be decoded". Could anyone please suggest a solution
Thank you

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