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Last active February 9, 2022 21:54
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* Tool to convert routes from LDWA website to a GPX file.
* It's probably easier to pay for a subscription, but that's not the point.
* This should be modifiable for any other OpenLayers website.
* This would be much easier but LDWA is still on OpenLayers 2.11 so many of the newer methods are not available.
* Instead it:
* - grab the 'points' global
* - transforms from OSGB 1936/EPSG:27700 to WGS84
* - creates a GPX format file
* - kicks off a download
* GeoTools javascript coordinate transformations
* This file copyright (c)2005 Paul Dixon (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Credits
* The algorithm used by the script for WGS84-OSGB36 conversions is derived
* from an OSGB spreadsheet ( with permission. This has been
* adapted into PHP by Ian Harris, and Irish added by Barry Hunter. Conversion
* accuracy is in the order of 7m for 90% of Great Britain, and should be
* be similar to the conversion made by a typical GPSr
* See accompanying documentation for more information
* GT_OSGB holds OSGB grid coordinates
function GT_OSGB()
GT_OSGB.prefixes = new Array (
new Array("SV","SW","SX","SY","SZ","TV","TW"),
new Array("SQ","SR","SS","ST","SU","TQ","TR"),
new Array("SL","SM","SN","SO","SP","TL","TM"),
new Array("SF","SG","SH","SJ","SK","TF","TG"),
new Array("SA","SB","SC","SD","SE","TA","TB"),
new Array("NV","NW","NX","NY","NZ","OV","OW"),
new Array("NQ","NR","NS","NT","NU","OQ","OR"),
new Array("NL","NM","NN","NO","NP","OL","OM"),
new Array("NF","NG","NH","NJ","NK","OF","OG"),
new Array("NA","NB","NC","ND","NE","OA","OB"),
new Array("HV","HW","HX","HY","HZ","JV","JW"),
new Array("HQ","HR","HS","HT","HU","JQ","JR"),
new Array("HL","HM","HN","HO","HP","JL","JM"));
GT_OSGB.prototype.setGridCoordinates = function(eastings,northings)
GT_OSGB.prototype.setError = function(msg)
GT_OSGB.prototype._zeropad = function(num, len)
var str=new String(num);
while (str.length<len)
return str;
GT_OSGB.prototype.getGridRef = function(precision)
if (precision<0)
if (precision>5)
var e="";
var n="";
if (precision>0)
var y=Math.floor(this.northings/100000);
var x=Math.floor(this.eastings/100000);
var e=Math.floor(this.eastings%100000);
var n=Math.floor(this.northings%100000);
var div=(5-precision);
e=Math.floor(e / Math.pow(10, div));
n=Math.floor(n / Math.pow(10, div));
var prefix=GT_OSGB.prefixes[y][x];
return prefix+" "+this._zeropad(e, precision)+" "+this._zeropad(n, precision);
GT_OSGB.prototype.parseGridRef = function(landranger)
var ok=false;
var precision;
for (precision=5; precision>=1; precision--)
var pattern = new RegExp("^([A-Z]{2})\\s*(\\d{"+precision+"})\\s*(\\d{"+precision+"})$", "i")
var gridRef = landranger.match(pattern);
if (gridRef)
var gridSheet = gridRef[1];
var gridEast=0;
var gridNorth=0;
//5x1 4x10 3x100 2x1000 1x10000
if (precision>0)
var mult=Math.pow(10, 5-precision);
gridEast=parseInt(gridRef[2],10) * mult;
gridNorth=parseInt(gridRef[3],10) * mult;
var x,y;
search: for(y=0; y<GT_OSGB.prefixes.length; y++)
for(x=0; x<GT_OSGB.prefixes[y].length; x++)
if (GT_OSGB.prefixes[y][x] == gridSheet) {
this.eastings = (x * 100000)+gridEast;
this.northings = (y * 100000)+gridNorth;
break search;
return ok;
GT_OSGB.prototype.getWGS84 = function()
var height = 0;
var lat1 = GT_Math.E_N_to_Lat (this.eastings,this.northings,6377563.396,6356256.910,400000,-100000,0.999601272,49.00000,-2.00000);
var lon1 = GT_Math.E_N_to_Long(this.eastings,this.northings,6377563.396,6356256.910,400000,-100000,0.999601272,49.00000,-2.00000);
var x1 = GT_Math.Lat_Long_H_to_X(lat1,lon1,height,6377563.396,6356256.910);
var y1 = GT_Math.Lat_Long_H_to_Y(lat1,lon1,height,6377563.396,6356256.910);
var z1 = GT_Math.Lat_H_to_Z (lat1, height,6377563.396,6356256.910);
var x2 = GT_Math.Helmert_X(x1,y1,z1,446.448 ,0.2470,0.8421,-20.4894);
var y2 = GT_Math.Helmert_Y(x1,y1,z1,-125.157,0.1502,0.8421,-20.4894);
var z2 = GT_Math.Helmert_Z(x1,y1,z1,542.060 ,0.1502,0.2470,-20.4894);
var latitude = GT_Math.XYZ_to_Lat(x2,y2,z2,6378137.000,6356752.313);
var longitude = GT_Math.XYZ_to_Long(x2,y2);
var wgs84=new GT_WGS84();
wgs84.setDegrees(latitude, longitude);
return wgs84;
* GT_OSGB holds Irish grid coordinates
function GT_Irish()
GT_Irish.prefixes = new Array (
new Array("V", "Q", "L", "F", "A"),
new Array("W", "R", "M", "G", "B"),
new Array("X", "S", "N", "H", "C"),
new Array("Y", "T", "O", "J", "D"),
new Array("Z", "U", "P", "K", "E"));
GT_Irish.prototype.setGridCoordinates = function(eastings,northings)
GT_Irish.prototype.setError = function(msg)
GT_Irish.prototype._zeropad = function(num, len)
var str=new String(num);
while (str.length<len)
return str;
GT_Irish.prototype.getGridRef = function(precision)
if (precision<0)
if (precision>5)
var e="";
var n="";
if (precision>0)
var y=Math.floor(this.northings/100000);
var x=Math.floor(this.eastings/100000);
var e=Math.floor(this.eastings%100000);
var n=Math.floor(this.northings%100000);
var div=(5-precision);
e=Math.floor(e / Math.pow(10, div));
n=Math.floor(n / Math.pow(10, div));
var prefix=GT_Irish.prefixes[x][y];
return prefix+" "+this._zeropad(e, precision)+" "+this._zeropad(n, precision);
GT_Irish.prototype.parseGridRef = function(landranger)
var ok=false;
var precision;
for (precision=5; precision>=1; precision--)
var pattern = new RegExp("^([A-Z]{1})\\s*(\\d{"+precision+"})\\s*(\\d{"+precision+"})$", "i")
var gridRef = landranger.match(pattern);
if (gridRef)
var gridSheet = gridRef[1];
var gridEast=0;
var gridNorth=0;
//5x1 4x10 3x100 2x1000 1x10000
if (precision>0)
var mult=Math.pow(10, 5-precision);
gridEast=parseInt(gridRef[2],10) * mult;
gridNorth=parseInt(gridRef[3],10) * mult;
var x,y;
search: for(x=0; x<GT_Irish.prefixes.length; x++)
for(y=0; y<GT_Irish.prefixes[x].length; y++)
if (GT_Irish.prefixes[x][y] == gridSheet) {
this.eastings = (x * 100000)+gridEast;
this.northings = (y * 100000)+gridNorth;
break search;
return ok;
GT_Irish.prototype.getWGS84 = function(uselevel2)
var height = 0;
if (uselevel2) {
e = this.eastings;
n = this.northings;
} else {
//fixed datum shift correction (instead of fancy hermert translation below!)
e = this.eastings-49;
n = this.northings+23.4;
var lat1 = GT_Math.E_N_to_Lat (e,n,6377340.189,6356034.447,200000,250000,1.000035,53.50000,-8.00000);
var lon1 = GT_Math.E_N_to_Long(e,n,6377340.189,6356034.447,200000,250000,1.000035,53.50000,-8.00000);
var wgs84=new GT_WGS84();
if (uselevel2) {
var x1 = GT_Math.Lat_Long_H_to_X(lat1,lon1,height,6377340.189,6356034.447);
var y1 = GT_Math.Lat_Long_H_to_Y(lat1,lon1,height,6377340.189,6356034.447);
var z1 = GT_Math.Lat_H_to_Z (lat1, height,6377340.189,6356034.447);
var x2 = GT_Math.Helmert_X(x1,y1,z1, 482.53 ,0.214,0.631,8.15);
var y2 = GT_Math.Helmert_Y(x1,y1,z1,-130.596,1.042,0.631,8.15);
var z2 = GT_Math.Helmert_Z(x1,y1,z1, 564.557,1.042,0.214,8.15);
var latitude = GT_Math.XYZ_to_Lat(x2,y2,z2,6378137.000,6356752.313);
var longitude = GT_Math.XYZ_to_Long(x2,y2);
wgs84.setDegrees(latitude, longitude);
} else {
return wgs84;
* GT_WGS84 holds WGS84 latitude and longitude
function GT_WGS84()
GT_WGS84.prototype.setDegrees = function(latitude,longitude)
GT_WGS84.prototype.parseString = function(text)
var ok=false;
var str=new String(text);
//N 51° 53.947 W 000° 10.018
var pattern = /([ns])\s*(\d+)[°\s]+(\d+\.\d+)\s+([we])\s*(\d+)[°\s]+(\d+\.\d+)/i;
var matches=str.match(pattern);
if (matches)
var latsign=(matches[1]=='s' || matches[1]=='S')?-1:1;
var longsign=(matches[4]=='w' || matches[4]=='W')?-1:1;
var d1=parseFloat(matches[2]);
var m1=parseFloat(matches[3]);
var d2=parseFloat(matches[5]);
var m2=parseFloat(matches[6]);
this.latitude=latsign * (d1 + (m1/60.0));
this.longitude=longsign * (d2 + (m2/60.0));
return ok;
GT_WGS84.prototype.isGreatBritain = function()
return this.latitude > 49 &&
this.latitude < 62 &&
this.longitude > -9.5 &&
this.longitude < 2.3;
GT_WGS84.prototype.isIreland = function()
return this.latitude > 51.2 &&
this.latitude < 55.73 &&
this.longitude > -12.2 &&
this.longitude < -4.8;
GT_WGS84.prototype.isIreland2 = function()
//rough border for ireland
var points = [
[ -6.39,50.94],
[ -5.07,53.71],
[ -5.25,54.71],
[ -6.13,55.42],
[-12.19,50.38] ];
// === A method for testing if a point is inside a polygon
// === Returns true if poly contains point
// === Algorithm shamelessly stolen from
var j=0;
var oddNodes = false;
var x = this.longitude;
var y = this.latitude;
for (var i=0; i < points.length; i++) {
if (j == points.length) {j = 0;}
if (((points[i][1] < y) && (points[j][1] >= y))
|| ((points[j][1] < y) && (points[i][1] >= y))) {
if ( points[i][0] + (y - points[i][1])
/ (points[j][1]-points[i][1])
* (points[j][0] - points[i][0])<x ) {
oddNodes = !oddNodes
return oddNodes;
GT_WGS84.prototype.getIrish = function(uselevel2)
var irish=new GT_Irish();
if (this.isIreland())
var height = 0;
if (uselevel2) {
var x1 = GT_Math.Lat_Long_H_to_X(this.latitude,this.longitude,height,6378137.00,6356752.313);
var y1 = GT_Math.Lat_Long_H_to_Y(this.latitude,this.longitude,height,6378137.00,6356752.313);
var z1 = GT_Math.Lat_H_to_Z (this.latitude,height,6378137.00,6356752.313);
var x2 = GT_Math.Helmert_X(x1,y1,z1,-482.53 ,-0.214,-0.631,-8.15);
var y2 = GT_Math.Helmert_Y(x1,y1,z1, 130.596,-1.042,-0.631,-8.15);
var z2 = GT_Math.Helmert_Z(x1,y1,z1,-564.557,-1.042,-0.214,-8.15);
var latitude2 = GT_Math.XYZ_to_Lat (x2,y2,z2,6377340.189,6356034.447);
var longitude2 = GT_Math.XYZ_to_Long(x2,y2);
} else {
var latitude2 = this.latitude;
var longitude2 = this.longitude;
var e = GT_Math.Lat_Long_to_East (latitude2,longitude2,6377340.189,6356034.447, 200000,1.000035,53.50000,-8.00000);
var n = GT_Math.Lat_Long_to_North(latitude2,longitude2,6377340.189,6356034.447, 200000,250000,1.000035,53.50000,-8.00000);
if (!uselevel2) {
//Level 1 Transformation - 95% of points within 2 metres
//fixed datum shift correction (instead of fancy hermert translation above!)
irish.setGridCoordinates(Math.round(e), Math.round(n));
irish.setError("Coordinate not within Ireland");
return irish;
GT_WGS84.prototype.getOSGB = function(uselevel2)
var osgb=new GT_OSGB();
if (this.isGreatBritain())
var height = 0;
var x1 = GT_Math.Lat_Long_H_to_X(this.latitude,this.longitude,height,6378137.00,6356752.313);
var y1 = GT_Math.Lat_Long_H_to_Y(this.latitude,this.longitude,height,6378137.00,6356752.313);
var z1 = GT_Math.Lat_H_to_Z (this.latitude,height,6378137.00,6356752.313);
var x2 = GT_Math.Helmert_X(x1,y1,z1,-446.448,-0.2470,-0.8421,20.4894);
var y2 = GT_Math.Helmert_Y(x1,y1,z1, 125.157,-0.1502,-0.8421,20.4894);
var z2 = GT_Math.Helmert_Z(x1,y1,z1,-542.060,-0.1502,-0.2470,20.4894);
var latitude2 = GT_Math.XYZ_to_Lat (x2,y2,z2,6377563.396,6356256.910);
var longitude2 = GT_Math.XYZ_to_Long(x2,y2);
var e = GT_Math.Lat_Long_to_East (latitude2,longitude2,6377563.396,6356256.910,400000,0.999601272,49.00000,-2.00000);
var n = GT_Math.Lat_Long_to_North(latitude2,longitude2,6377563.396,6356256.910,400000,-100000,0.999601272,49.00000,-2.00000);
osgb.setGridCoordinates(Math.round(e), Math.round(n));
osgb.setError("Coordinate not within Great Britain");
return osgb;
* GT_Math is a collection of static methods doing all the nasty sums
//GT_Math is just namespace for all the nasty maths functions
function GT_Math()
GT_Math.E_N_to_Lat = function(East, North, a, b, e0, n0, f0, PHI0, LAM0)
//Un-project Transverse Mercator eastings and northings back to latitude.
//Input: - _
//eastings (East) and northings (North) in meters; _
//ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
//eastings (e0) and northings (n0) of false origin in meters; _
//central meridian scale factor (f0) and _
//latitude (PHI0) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees.
//Convert angle measures to radians
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
var RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180);
var RadLAM0 = LAM0 * (Pi / 180);
//Compute af0, bf0, e squared (e2), n and Et
var af0 = a * f0;
var bf0 = b * f0;
var e2 = (Math.pow(af0,2) - Math.pow(bf0,2)) / Math.pow(af0,2);
var n = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0);
var Et = East - e0;
//Compute initial value for latitude (PHI) in radians
var PHId = GT_Math.InitialLat(North, n0, af0, RadPHI0, n, bf0);
//Compute nu, rho and eta2 using value for PHId
var nu = af0 / (Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * ( Math.pow(Math.sin(PHId),2)))));
var rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(PHId),2)));
var eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1;
//Compute Latitude
var VII = (Math.tan(PHId)) / (2 * rho * nu);
var VIII = ((Math.tan(PHId)) / (24 * rho * Math.pow(nu,3))) * (5 + (3 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(PHId),2))) + eta2 - (9 * eta2 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(PHId),2))));
var IX = ((Math.tan(PHId)) / (720 * rho * Math.pow(nu,5))) * (61 + (90 * ((Math.tan(PHId)) ^ 2)) + (45 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(PHId),4))));
var E_N_to_Lat = (180 / Pi) * (PHId - (Math.pow(Et,2) * VII) + (Math.pow(Et,4) * VIII) - ((Et ^ 6) * IX));
return (E_N_to_Lat);
GT_Math.E_N_to_Long = function(East, North, a, b, e0, n0, f0, PHI0, LAM0)
//Un-project Transverse Mercator eastings and northings back to longitude.
//Input: - _
//eastings (East) and northings (North) in meters; _
//ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
//eastings (e0) and northings (n0) of false origin in meters; _
//central meridian scale factor (f0) and _
//latitude (PHI0) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees.
//Convert angle measures to radians
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
var RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180);
var RadLAM0 = LAM0 * (Pi / 180);
//Compute af0, bf0, e squared (e2), n and Et
var af0 = a * f0;
var bf0 = b * f0;
var e2 = (Math.pow(af0,2) - Math.pow(bf0,2)) / Math.pow(af0,2);
var n = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0);
var Et = East - e0;
//Compute initial value for latitude (PHI) in radians
var PHId = GT_Math.InitialLat(North, n0, af0, RadPHI0, n, bf0);
//Compute nu, rho and eta2 using value for PHId
var nu = af0 / (Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * (Math.pow(Math.sin(PHId),2)))));
var rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(PHId),2)));
var eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1;
//Compute Longitude
var X = (Math.pow(Math.cos(PHId),-1)) / nu;
var XI = ((Math.pow(Math.cos(PHId),-1)) / (6 * Math.pow(nu,3))) * ((nu / rho) + (2 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(PHId),2))));
var XII = ((Math.pow(Math.cos(PHId),-1)) / (120 * Math.pow(nu,5))) * (5 + (28 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(PHId),2))) + (24 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(PHId),4))));
var XIIA = ((Math.pow(Math.cos(PHId),-1)) / (5040 * Math.pow(nu,7))) * (61 + (662 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(PHId),2))) + (1320 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(PHId),4))) + (720 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(PHId),6))));
var E_N_to_Long = (180 / Pi) * (RadLAM0 + (Et * X) - (Math.pow(Et,3) * XI) + (Math.pow(Et,5) * XII) - (Math.pow(Et,7) * XIIA));
return E_N_to_Long;
GT_Math.InitialLat = function(North, n0, afo, PHI0, n, bfo)
//Compute initial value for Latitude (PHI) IN RADIANS.
//Input: - _
//northing of point (North) and northing of false origin (n0) in meters; _
//semi major axis multiplied by central meridian scale factor (af0) in meters; _
//latitude of false origin (PHI0) IN RADIANS; _
//n (computed from a, b and f0) and _
//ellipsoid semi major axis multiplied by central meridian scale factor (bf0) in meters.
//THIS FUNCTION IS ALSO USED ON IT'S OWN IN THE "Projection and Transformation Calculations.xls" SPREADSHEET
//First PHI value (PHI1)
var PHI1 = ((North - n0) / afo) + PHI0;
//Calculate M
var M = GT_Math.Marc(bfo, n, PHI0, PHI1);
//Calculate new PHI value (PHI2)
var PHI2 = ((North - n0 - M) / afo) + PHI1;
//Iterate to get final value for InitialLat
while (Math.abs(North - n0 - M) > 0.00001)
PHI2 = ((North - n0 - M) / afo) + PHI1;
M = GT_Math.Marc(bfo, n, PHI0, PHI2);
PHI1 = PHI2;
return PHI2;
GT_Math.Lat_Long_H_to_X = function(PHI, LAM, H, a, b)
// Convert geodetic coords lat (PHI), long (LAM) and height (H) to cartesian X coordinate.
// Input: - _
// Latitude (PHI)& Longitude (LAM) both in decimal degrees; _
// Ellipsoidal height (H) and ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) all in meters.
// Convert angle measures to radians
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
var RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180);
var RadLAM = LAM * (Pi / 180);
// Compute eccentricity squared and nu
var e2 = (Math.pow(a,2) - Math.pow(b,2)) / Math.pow(a,2);
var V = a / (Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * ( Math.pow(Math.sin(RadPHI),2)))));
// Compute X
return (V + H) * (Math.cos(RadPHI)) * (Math.cos(RadLAM));
GT_Math.Lat_Long_H_to_Y =function(PHI, LAM, H, a, b)
// Convert geodetic coords lat (PHI), long (LAM) and height (H) to cartesian Y coordinate.
// Input: - _
// Latitude (PHI)& Longitude (LAM) both in decimal degrees; _
// Ellipsoidal height (H) and ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) all in meters.
// Convert angle measures to radians
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
var RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180);
var RadLAM = LAM * (Pi / 180);
// Compute eccentricity squared and nu
var e2 = (Math.pow(a,2) - Math.pow(b,2)) / Math.pow(a,2);
var V = a / (Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * ( Math.pow(Math.sin(RadPHI),2))) ));
// Compute Y
return (V + H) * (Math.cos(RadPHI)) * (Math.sin(RadLAM));
GT_Math.Lat_H_to_Z =function(PHI, H, a, b)
// Convert geodetic coord components latitude (PHI) and height (H) to cartesian Z coordinate.
// Input: - _
// Latitude (PHI) decimal degrees; _
// Ellipsoidal height (H) and ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) all in meters.
// Convert angle measures to radians
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
var RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180);
// Compute eccentricity squared and nu
var e2 = (Math.pow(a,2) - Math.pow(b,2)) / Math.pow(a,2);
var V = a / (Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * ( Math.pow(Math.sin(RadPHI),2)) )));
// Compute X
return ((V * (1 - e2)) + H) * (Math.sin(RadPHI));
GT_Math.Helmert_X =function(X,Y,Z,DX,Y_Rot,Z_Rot,s)
// (X, Y, Z, DX, Y_Rot, Z_Rot, s)
// Computed Helmert transformed X coordinate.
// Input: - _
// cartesian XYZ coords (X,Y,Z), X translation (DX) all in meters ; _
// Y and Z rotations in seconds of arc (Y_Rot, Z_Rot) and scale in ppm (s).
// Convert rotations to radians and ppm scale to a factor
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
var sfactor = s * 0.000001;
var RadY_Rot = (Y_Rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180);
var RadZ_Rot = (Z_Rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180);
//Compute transformed X coord
return (X + (X * sfactor) - (Y * RadZ_Rot) + (Z * RadY_Rot) + DX);
GT_Math.Helmert_Y =function(X,Y,Z,DY,X_Rot,Z_Rot,s)
// (X, Y, Z, DY, X_Rot, Z_Rot, s)
// Computed Helmert transformed Y coordinate.
// Input: - _
// cartesian XYZ coords (X,Y,Z), Y translation (DY) all in meters ; _
// X and Z rotations in seconds of arc (X_Rot, Z_Rot) and scale in ppm (s).
// Convert rotations to radians and ppm scale to a factor
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
var sfactor = s * 0.000001;
var RadX_Rot = (X_Rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180);
var RadZ_Rot = (Z_Rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180);
// Compute transformed Y coord
return (X * RadZ_Rot) + Y + (Y * sfactor) - (Z * RadX_Rot) + DY;
GT_Math.Helmert_Z =function(X, Y, Z, DZ, X_Rot, Y_Rot, s)
// (X, Y, Z, DZ, X_Rot, Y_Rot, s)
// Computed Helmert transformed Z coordinate.
// Input: - _
// cartesian XYZ coords (X,Y,Z), Z translation (DZ) all in meters ; _
// X and Y rotations in seconds of arc (X_Rot, Y_Rot) and scale in ppm (s).
// Convert rotations to radians and ppm scale to a factor
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
var sfactor = s * 0.000001;
var RadX_Rot = (X_Rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180);
var RadY_Rot = (Y_Rot / 3600) * (Pi / 180);
// Compute transformed Z coord
return (-1 * X * RadY_Rot) + (Y * RadX_Rot) + Z + (Z * sfactor) + DZ;
GT_Math.XYZ_to_Lat =function(X, Y, Z, a, b)
// Convert XYZ to Latitude (PHI) in Dec Degrees.
// Input: - _
// XYZ cartesian coords (X,Y,Z) and ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b), all in meters.
var RootXYSqr = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(X,2) + Math.pow(Y,2));
var e2 = (Math.pow(a,2) - Math.pow(b,2)) / Math.pow(a,2);
var PHI1 = Math.atan2(Z , (RootXYSqr * (1 - e2)) );
var PHI = GT_Math.Iterate_XYZ_to_Lat(a, e2, PHI1, Z, RootXYSqr);
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
return PHI * (180 / Pi);
GT_Math.Iterate_XYZ_to_Lat =function(a, e2, PHI1, Z, RootXYSqr)
// Iteratively computes Latitude (PHI).
// Input: - _
// ellipsoid semi major axis (a) in meters; _
// eta squared (e2); _
// estimated value for latitude (PHI1) in radians; _
// cartesian Z coordinate (Z) in meters; _
// RootXYSqr computed from X & Y in meters.
// "Projection and Transformation Calculations.xls" SPREADSHEET
var V = a / (Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(PHI1),2))));
var PHI2 = Math.atan2((Z + (e2 * V * (Math.sin(PHI1)))) , RootXYSqr);
while (Math.abs(PHI1 - PHI2) > 0.000000001) {
PHI1 = PHI2;
V = a / (Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(PHI1),2))));
PHI2 = Math.atan2((Z + (e2 * V * (Math.sin(PHI1)))) , RootXYSqr);
return PHI2;
GT_Math.XYZ_to_Long =function (X, Y)
// Convert XYZ to Longitude (LAM) in Dec Degrees.
// Input: - _
// X and Y cartesian coords in meters.
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
return Math.atan2(Y , X) * (180 / Pi);
GT_Math.Marc =function (bf0, n, PHI0, PHI)
//Compute meridional arc.
//Input: - _
// ellipsoid semi major axis multiplied by central meridian scale factor (bf0) in meters; _
// n (computed from a, b and f0); _
// lat of false origin (PHI0) and initial or final latitude of point (PHI) IN RADIANS.
// "Lat_Long_to_North" and "InitialLat" FUNCTIONS
// THIS FUNCTION IS ALSO USED ON IT'S OWN IN THE "Projection and Transformation Calculations.xls" SPREADSHEET
return bf0 * (((1 + n + ((5 / 4) * Math.pow(n,2)) + ((5 / 4) * Math.pow(n,3))) * (PHI - PHI0)) - (((3 * n) + (3 * Math.pow(n,2)) + ((21 / 8) * Math.pow(n,3))) * (Math.sin(PHI - PHI0)) * (Math.cos(PHI + PHI0))) + ((((15 / 8
) * Math.pow(n,2)) + ((15 / 8) * Math.pow(n,3))) * (Math.sin(2 * (PHI - PHI0))) * (Math.cos(2 * (PHI + PHI0)))) - (((35 / 24) * Math.pow(n,3)) * (Math.sin(3 * (PHI - PHI0))) * (Math.cos(3 * (PHI + PHI0)))));
GT_Math.Lat_Long_to_East =function (PHI, LAM, a, b, e0, f0, PHI0, LAM0)
//Project Latitude and longitude to Transverse Mercator eastings.
//Input: - _
// Latitude (PHI) and Longitude (LAM) in decimal degrees; _
// ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
// eastings of false origin (e0) in meters; _
// central meridian scale factor (f0); _
// latitude (PHI0) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees.
// Convert angle measures to radians
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
var RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180);
var RadLAM = LAM * (Pi / 180);
var RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180);
var RadLAM0 = LAM0 * (Pi / 180);
var af0 = a * f0;
var bf0 = b * f0;
var e2 = (Math.pow(af0,2) - Math.pow(bf0,2)) / Math.pow(af0,2);
var n = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0);
var nu = af0 / (Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(RadPHI),2) )));
var rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(RadPHI),2) ));
var eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1;
var p = RadLAM - RadLAM0;
var IV = nu * (Math.cos(RadPHI));
var V = (nu / 6) * ( Math.pow(Math.cos(RadPHI),3)) * ((nu / rho) - (Math.pow(Math.tan(RadPHI),2)));
var VI = (nu / 120) * (Math.pow(Math.cos(RadPHI),5)) * (5 - (18 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(RadPHI),2))) + (Math.pow(Math.tan(RadPHI),4)) + (14 * eta2) - (58 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(RadPHI),2)) * eta2));
return e0 + (p * IV) + (Math.pow(p,3) * V) + (Math.pow(p,5) * VI);
GT_Math.Lat_Long_to_North =function (PHI, LAM, a, b, e0, n0, f0, PHI0, LAM0)
// Project Latitude and longitude to Transverse Mercator northings
// Input: - _
// Latitude (PHI) and Longitude (LAM) in decimal degrees; _
// ellipsoid axis dimensions (a & b) in meters; _
// eastings (e0) and northings (n0) of false origin in meters; _
// central meridian scale factor (f0); _
// latitude (PHI0) and longitude (LAM0) of false origin in decimal degrees.
// Convert angle measures to radians
var Pi = 3.14159265358979;
var RadPHI = PHI * (Pi / 180);
var RadLAM = LAM * (Pi / 180);
var RadPHI0 = PHI0 * (Pi / 180);
var RadLAM0 = LAM0 * (Pi / 180);
var af0 = a * f0;
var bf0 = b * f0;
var e2 = (Math.pow(af0,2) - Math.pow(bf0,2)) / Math.pow(af0,2);
var n = (af0 - bf0) / (af0 + bf0);
var nu = af0 / (Math.sqrt(1 - (e2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(RadPHI),2))));
var rho = (nu * (1 - e2)) / (1 - (e2 * Math.pow(Math.sin(RadPHI),2)));
var eta2 = (nu / rho) - 1;
var p = RadLAM - RadLAM0;
var M = GT_Math.Marc(bf0, n, RadPHI0, RadPHI);
var I = M + n0;
var II = (nu / 2) * (Math.sin(RadPHI)) * (Math.cos(RadPHI));
var III = ((nu / 24) * (Math.sin(RadPHI)) * (Math.pow(Math.cos(RadPHI),3))) * (5 - (Math.pow(Math.tan(RadPHI),2)) + (9 * eta2));
var IIIA = ((nu / 720) * (Math.sin(RadPHI)) * (Math.pow(Math.cos(RadPHI),5))) * (61 - (58 * (Math.pow(Math.tan(RadPHI),2))) + (Math.pow(Math.tan(RadPHI),4)));
return I + (Math.pow(p,2) * II) + (Math.pow(p,4) * III) + (Math.pow(p,6) * IIIA);
// Note: could use osMap object and try to find the feature to clone and transform,
// but source page only uses OpenLayers 2.11 which seems a bit limited.
// var feature = osMap.getLayersByName('VectorLayer')[0].features[0];
// The LDWA page has a points global with the raw OSGB points in it
const transform = (points) => {
var osgb=new GT_OSGB();
return => {
osgb.setGridCoordinates(p.x, p.y);
wgs84 = osgb.getWGS84();
return wgs84;
}, '');
const createXmlString = (points, name) => {
let result = '<gpx xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.1" creator="runtracker">';
result += `<metadata/><trk><name>${name}</name><desc></desc><trkseg>`;
result += points.reduce((accum, point) => {
let segmentTag = '';
segmentTag += `<trkpt lat="${point.latitude}" lon="${point.longitude}"></trkpt><ele>0</ele>`;
return accum += segmentTag;
}, '');
result += '</trkseg></trk></gpx>';
return result;
const downloadFile = (data, name) => {
const url = 'data:text/json;charset=utf-8,' + data;
const link = document.createElement('a'); = `${name}.gpx`; // TODO: add name
link.href = url;
const params = new Proxy(new URLSearchParams(, {
get: (searchParams, prop) => searchParams.get(prop),
let name = params.path_name;
downloadFile(createXmlString(transform(points), name), name);
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