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Created March 16, 2023 14:38
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"basics": {
"name": "Matcha (Chloe) Desoutter",
"label": "Staff Software Engineer",
"summary": "I am passionate about engineering, engineers, developer experience, and problem solving. I started my career in backend engineering, pushed forward with R&D, helped a number of companies transition to DevOps, and now take pride in forming communities of engineers centered around problem solving, tech stacks, and improving efficiency in this post-COVID world in which physical spaces are harder to navigate. I'm obsessive about defining the problem space well and love delivering the right solution at the right time. I also love programming and constructing beautiful software designs.\n",
"email": "",
"phone": "+33659906332",
"url": "",
"pro files": [
"network": "LinkedIn",
"url": ""
"network": "Twitter",
"username": "matcha_x"
"network": "GitHub",
"url": "",
"username": "matchaxnb"
"location": {
"countryCode": "FR",
"city": "Paris"
"skills": [
"name": "Navigating challenges",
"level": "advanced",
"keywords": [
"Developer Experience",
"Open Source",
"Distributed architecture"
"name": "Acting on critical engineering domains",
"level": "advanced",
"keywords": [
"Large databases",
"Platform Abstraction",
"Cross-domain communication",
"Time-constrained processing"
"name": "Acting on critical people challenges in Engineering",
"level": "advanced",
"keywords": [
"Forming communities",
"scaling up engineering into communities"
"name": "Engineering Processes",
"level": "advanced",
"keywords": [
"name": "Software Architecture",
"level": "expert",
"keywords": [
"Distributed systems",
"Scalable systems"
"name": "Developer Experience",
"level": "expert",
"keywords": [
"Forming communities",
"Developer-centric infrastructure",
"Bridging knowledge gaps"
"name": "Free/OSS and Engineering culture",
"level": "expert",
"keywords": [
"Communities of Practice",
"Inner Source",
"name": "Software engineering and development",
"level": "expert",
"keywords": [
"Bash and POSIX shell",
"problem solving"
"name": "Relational database systems",
"level": "advanced",
"keywords": [
"name": "Enterprise server environments",
"level": "expert",
"keywords": [
"name": "AWS Cloud architecture",
"level": "advanced"
"name": "Cloud environments",
"level": "advanced",
"keywords": [
"name": "DevOps tooling and processes",
"level": "expert",
"keywords": [
"Infrastructure as Code",
"Engineering Assets Management"
"name": "Virtualization",
"level": "full-proficiency",
"keywords": [
"VMWare ESXi and vSphere",
"name": "Containers and Orchestration",
"level": "expert",
"keywords": [
"Kubernetes operations",
"security scanners"
"work": [
"name": "sennder GmbH",
"position": "Staff Software Engineer, Platform",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2021-05-01",
"summary": "As a Staff Software Engineer in the Platform BA, I take part in building sennder's internal platform that helps developers deploy numerous services as the company switches from a monolithic app model to a distributed asynchronous architecture. I also initiate the Developer Experience initiative and set the company on a path towards friction-less knowledge sharing across an Engineering community of 200+ people. When I am not doing this, I interview a large number of engineers so that more talented people join forces with us\n",
"highlights": [
"technical leadership",
"developer experience",
"open source"
"name": "bluenove",
"position": "Senior DevOps Engineer",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2019-04-01",
"endDate": "2021-05-01",
"summary": "DevOps-wise, I build the tools that deploy stacks of open source collective intelligence solutions and as co-Tech Lead I help developers study technical problems and produce elegant and efficient algorithmic and architectural solutions to these.\n",
"highlights": [
"technical leadership",
"system administration",
"network administration",
"relational databases",
"name": "Believe Digital",
"url": "",
"position": "Senior DevOps Engineer and System Administrator",
"startDate": "2017-01-01",
"endDate": "2019-04-01",
"summary": "As an experienced DevOps/sysadmin leading (tech-wise) a team of 4, we build together a better, more modern infrastructure for petabyte-scale data management and processing. We face numerous technical and security challenges to deliver the best, most reliable service to our team of 50 developers and their ever-growing number of customers.\n",
"highlights": [
"system administration",
"network administration",
"name": "NBS System",
"url": "",
"position": "R&D Engineer",
"summary": "I work in the 3-person R&D team as a backend python developer, solving problems pertaining to scaling an Information System, general performance, reliability. I also perform consulting missions for clients who need special expertise on relational databases.\n",
"highlights": [
"system administration",
"relational databases",
"startDate": "2015-01-01",
"endDate": "2017-01-01"
"name": "Atasta SAS",
"summary": "I am in charge of the infrastructure aspects of this small company, and also team with the other employees in tasks of software development and deployment. I also assess skills and interview candidates. I do a number of technical meetings, audit sessions, consulting with clients, and help the company shape its general technical direction\n",
"startDate": "2012-01-01",
"endDate": "2015-01-01",
"highlights": [
"relational databases",
"name": "Freelancer",
"position": "Technical Consultant",
"summary": "I provide small and medium businesses with consulting on their database and web stacks, help them with online shop migrations and general IT operations, system architecture reviews and more services.\n",
"highlights": [
"system administration",
"relational databases",
"startDate": "2010-01-01",
"endDate": "2019-01-01"
"name": "Nerim SAS",
"summary": "I work as a system administrator in web hosting and network support, handling tickets and managing relations with customers.\n",
"startDate": "2009-01-01",
"endDate": "2009-07-01",
"highlights": [
"customer management",
"system administration",
"education": [
"studyType": "STEM training",
"institution": "Self-training"
"studyType": "AWS Solutions Architect \u2013 Associate",
"date": 2016
"studyType": "Advanced PostgreSQL DBA",
"date": 2014,
"institution": "Dalibo"
"studyType": "DUT Informatique",
"date": 2008,
"institution": "IUT de Lens, France",
"courses": [
"Software development",
"System administration",
"Project management"
"studyType": "Baccalaur\u00e9at scientifique",
"date": 2006,
"institution": "Lyc\u00e9e \u00c9douard Branly, Boulogne sur Mer, France",
"courses": [
"languages": [
"language": "French",
"fluency": "CEFR-C2",
"years": 34
"language": "English",
"fluency": "CEFR-C2",
"years": 24
"language": "German",
"fluency": "CEFR-A2",
"years": 20
"language": "Dutch",
"fluency": "CEFR-A2",
"years": 10
"language": "Hebrew",
"fluency": "CEFR-A1",
"years": 10
"projects": [
"name": "Speaker at CodePub Berlin meets Sennder",
"location": "Berlin, Germany",
"startDate": "2021-11-29",
"endDate": "2021-11-29",
"keywords": [
"type": "workshop",
"summary": "I introduced the concepts of DevOps and Agile development to a feminine and non-binary audience typically under-represented and showed how it actually is about empowering developers and people in general by focusing on achievable delivery, quicker value cycles, and on building ecosystems.\n"
"references": [
"name": "Manu Ustenko, Manager at sennder GmbH",
"reference": "I was working with Matcha as a peer and then as a manager for about 2 years. I would highly recommend Matcha as a proven expert in software development. She is smart, precise, and attentive to details. She is able to take a task, make the entire research, and finally implement it. On the other side, it is easy to communicate with Matcha. She is able to explain difficult concepts with easy language.\n"
"interests": [
"name": "Queer rights",
"activity": "I am an activist for the rights and autonomy of queer and disabled people"
"name": "Making music",
"activity": "I create electronic music and maintain old (analog) synthesizers. I also play guitar and piano."
"name": "Live music",
"activity": "I am fond of attending electronic music events of all sorts."
"name": "Literature",
"activity": "I am a sci-fi buff, also a dedicated reader of Pratchett, Gaiman, Iain M. Banks and other prominent authors."
"name": "Cinema",
"activity": "I love movies in general and art movies in particular."
"name": "Open Source",
"activity": "I contribute to a number of open source projects both as part of my professional activities and outside of work"
"name": "Science",
"activity": "I am passionate about maths (especially statistics), physics, chemistry, electronics, and spend a hefty amount of time reading or educating myself about these topics."
"name": "Social sciences",
"activity": "I am fond of philosophy and sociology and also have a decent education level in these."
"name": "Analog photography",
"activity": "I shoot and process photos made using mechanical cameras and film (rolls and plates)."
"name": "Wikipedia",
"activity": "I'm a Wikipedia contributor since 2005"
"name": "Internet civil rights activism",
"activity": "I have been a member or participant in various actions for civil rights on the Internet since 2008"
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