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Convert an ip address to long integer created by matchilling -
function ipToInteger ($ip) {
if (empty($ip)) return 0;
$parts = explode('.', $ip);
return $parts[3] + $parts[2] * 256 + $parts[1] * 256 * 256 + $parts[0] * 256 * 256 * 256;
$id = '';
$uk = [35149824, 93968953];
$ipNumber = ipToInteger($id);
$isInUnitedKingdom = $ipNumber >= $uk[0] && $ipNumber <= $uk[1];
echo sprintf(
'The ip address "%s" translates to ip number "%s" and %s the United Kingdom.',
$isInUnitedKingdom ? 'is mapped to' : 'is not mapped to'
) . "\n";
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