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Last active July 7, 2021 10:29
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Fork of Apollo Server's cache-control plugin, with stale-while-revalidate support

Hi! This is a plugin I hacked together, to add another field staleWhileRevalidate to Apollo Server's @cacheControl directive!

To use this, you'll need to disable the built-in plugin by setting cacheControl: false in your Apollo Server config.

Then, add this plugin, and initialize it with the option calculateHttpHeaders: true (which Apollo Server normally enables by default).

const server = new ApolloServer({
    // ...
    cacheControl: false,
    plugins: [
        // ...
        cacheControlPluginFork({ calculateHttpHeaders: true }),

Please note that I haven't tested this very extensively! For details on the merge semantics, check the comments of computeOverallCachePolicy. (The general idea is, we look for the earliest max-age, and the earliest max-age + SWR sum, and use those values to compute our aggregate cache policy.)

You can also scan for changes by searching for the word "FORK" in the comments.

Hope this helps!

import {
} from 'graphql';
import { ApolloServerPlugin } from "apollo-server-plugin-base";
export interface CacheControlFormat {
version: 1;
hints: ({ path: (string | number)[] } & CacheHint)[];
export interface CacheHint {
maxAge?: number;
scope?: CacheScope;
// FORK: Added this directive field!
staleWhileRevalidate?: number;
export enum CacheScope {
Public = 'PUBLIC',
Private = 'PRIVATE',
export interface CacheControlExtensionOptions {
defaultMaxAge?: number;
// FIXME: We should replace these with
// more appropriately named options.
calculateHttpHeaders?: boolean;
stripFormattedExtensions?: boolean;
type MapResponsePathHints = Map<ResponsePath, CacheHint>;
export const plugin = (
options: CacheControlExtensionOptions = Object.create(null),
): ApolloServerPlugin => ({
requestDidStart(requestContext) {
const defaultMaxAge: number = options.defaultMaxAge || 0;
const hints: MapResponsePathHints = new Map();
function setOverallCachePolicyWhenUnset() {
// @ts-ignore: FORK. Don't know enough TypeScript to resolve this!
if (!requestContext.overallCachePolicy) {
// @ts-ignore: FORK. Don't know enough TypeScript to resolve this!
requestContext.overallCachePolicy = computeOverallCachePolicy(hints);
return {
executionDidStart: () => ({
executionDidEnd: () => setOverallCachePolicyWhenUnset(),
willResolveField({ info }) {
let hint: CacheHint = {};
// If this field's resolver returns an object or interface, look for
// hints on that return type.
const targetType = getNamedType(info.returnType);
if (
targetType instanceof GraphQLObjectType ||
targetType instanceof GraphQLInterfaceType
) {
if (targetType.astNode) {
hint = mergeHints(
// Look for hints on the field itself (on its parent type), taking
// precedence over previously calculated hints.
const fieldDef = info.parentType.getFields()[info.fieldName];
if (fieldDef.astNode) {
hint = mergeHints(
// If this resolver returns an object or is a root field and we haven't
// seen an explicit maxAge hint, set the maxAge to 0 (uncached) or the
// default if specified in the constructor. (Non-object fields by
// default are assumed to inherit their cacheability from their parents.
// But on the other hand, while root non-object fields can get explicit
// hints from their definition on the Query/Mutation object, if that
// doesn't exist then there's no parent field that would assign the
// default maxAge, so we do it here.)
if (
(targetType instanceof GraphQLObjectType ||
targetType instanceof GraphQLInterfaceType ||
!info.path.prev) &&
hint.maxAge === undefined
) {
hint.maxAge = defaultMaxAge;
if (hint.maxAge !== undefined || hint.scope !== undefined) {
addHint(hints, info.path, hint);
info.cacheControl = {
setCacheHint: (hint: CacheHint) => {
addHint(hints, info.path, hint);
cacheHint: hint,
responseForOperation() {
// We are not supplying an answer, we are only setting the cache
// policy if it's not set! Therefore, we return null.
return null;
willSendResponse(requestContext) {
const {
// @ts-ignore: FORK. Don't know enough TypeScript to resolve this!
overallCachePolicy: overallCachePolicyOverride,
} = requestContext;
// If there are any errors, we don't consider this cacheable.
if (response.errors) {
// Use the override by default, but if it's not overridden, set our
// own computation onto the `requestContext` for other plugins to read.
const overallCachePolicy =
overallCachePolicyOverride ||
// @ts-ignore: FORK. Don't know enough TypeScript to resolve this!
(requestContext.overallCachePolicy =
if (
overallCachePolicy &&
options.calculateHttpHeaders &&
) {
if (overallCachePolicy.staleWhileRevalidate) { // FORK
}, stale-while-revalidate=${
}, ${overallCachePolicy.scope.toLowerCase()}`,
} else {
}, ${overallCachePolicy.scope.toLowerCase()}`,
// We should have to explicitly ask to leave the formatted extension in,
// or pass the old-school `cacheControl: true` (as interpreted by
// apollo-server-core/ApolloServer), in order to include the
// old engineproxy-aimed extensions. Specifically, we want users of
// apollo-server-plugin-response-cache to be able to specify
// `cacheControl: {defaultMaxAge: 600}` without accidentally turning on
// the extension formatting.
if (options.stripFormattedExtensions !== false) return;
const extensions =
response.extensions || (response.extensions = Object.create(null));
if (typeof extensions.cacheControl !== 'undefined') {
throw new Error("The cacheControl information already existed.");
extensions.cacheControl = {
version: 1,
hints: Array.from(hints).map(([path, hint]) => ({
path: [...responsePathAsArray(path)],
function cacheHintFromDirectives(
directives: ReadonlyArray<DirectiveNode> | undefined,
): CacheHint | undefined {
if (!directives) return undefined;
const cacheControlDirective = directives.find(
directive => === 'cacheControl',
if (!cacheControlDirective) return undefined;
if (!cacheControlDirective.arguments) return undefined;
const maxAgeArgument = cacheControlDirective.arguments.find(
argument => === 'maxAge',
const staleWhileRevalidateArgument = cacheControlDirective.arguments.find( // FORK
argument => === 'staleWhileRevalidate',
const scopeArgument = cacheControlDirective.arguments.find(
argument => === 'scope',
// TODO: Add proper typechecking of arguments
return {
maxAgeArgument &&
maxAgeArgument.value &&
maxAgeArgument.value.kind === 'IntValue'
? parseInt(maxAgeArgument.value.value)
: undefined,
staleWhileRevalidateArgument &&
staleWhileRevalidateArgument.value &&
staleWhileRevalidateArgument.value.kind === 'IntValue'
? parseInt(staleWhileRevalidateArgument.value.value)
: undefined,
scopeArgument &&
scopeArgument.value &&
scopeArgument.value.kind === 'EnumValue'
? (scopeArgument.value.value as CacheScope)
: undefined,
function mergeHints(
hint: CacheHint,
otherHint: CacheHint | undefined,
): CacheHint {
if (!otherHint) return hint;
return {
maxAge: otherHint.maxAge !== undefined ? otherHint.maxAge : hint.maxAge,
staleWhileRevalidate: otherHint.staleWhileRevalidate !== undefined ? otherHint.staleWhileRevalidate : hint.staleWhileRevalidate, // FORK
scope: otherHint.scope || hint.scope,
function computeOverallCachePolicy(
hints: MapResponsePathHints,
): Required<CacheHint> | undefined {
let lowestMaxAge: number | undefined = undefined;
let lowestMaxAgePlusSWR: number | undefined = undefined; // FORK
let scope: CacheScope = CacheScope.Public;
for (const hint of hints.values()) {
if (hint.maxAge !== undefined) {
lowestMaxAge =
lowestMaxAge !== undefined
? Math.min(lowestMaxAge, hint.maxAge)
: hint.maxAge;
// SWR is defined as the amount of time _after_ max-age when we should
// treat a resource as no longer fresh, but not _entirely_ stale.
// So, to merge, we want to know the time when our first resource becomes
// non-fresh, and then time when our first resource becomes too stale to
// serve at all. The first value is the min max-age across our hints, and
// the second value is the min max-age-plus-SWR across our hints. So,
// that sum is what we actually compute and compare when looping here -
// and then we subtract the final max-age off of the final
// max-age-plus-SWR to get the SWR for our HTTP header!
// If SWR is not specified, we treat it as 0: the resource can be served
// for zero additional seconds!
// Note that we skip processing staleWhileRevalidate if maxAge is not
// also specified. TODO: Type check this, and/or louder error?
const maxAgePlusSWR = hint.maxAge + (hint.staleWhileRevalidate || 0);
lowestMaxAgePlusSWR =
lowestMaxAgePlusSWR !== undefined
? Math.min(lowestMaxAgePlusSWR, maxAgePlusSWR)
: maxAgePlusSWR;
if (hint.scope === CacheScope.Private) {
scope = CacheScope.Private;
// If maxAge is 0, then we consider it uncacheable so it doesn't matter what
// the scope was.
return lowestMaxAge && lowestMaxAgePlusSWR // FORK
? {
maxAge: lowestMaxAge,
staleWhileRevalidate: lowestMaxAgePlusSWR - lowestMaxAge, // FORK
: undefined;
function addHint(hints: MapResponsePathHints, path: ResponsePath, hint: CacheHint) {
const existingCacheHint = hints.get(path);
if (existingCacheHint) {
hints.set(path, mergeHints(existingCacheHint, hint));
} else {
hints.set(path, hint);
export const __testing__ = {
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