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Created April 4, 2019 19:41
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Basic ray marching done in python, based of this tutorial:
import math
from PIL import Image
class Matrix:
"""not really a matrix object"""
def fromVector(cls, v):
m = [[] for _ in range(3)]
return m
def toVector(cls, matrix):
return Vector(matrix[0][0],
matrix[2][0] if len(matrix) > 2 else 0)
def mult(cls, a, b):
if isinstance(b, Vector):
m = cls.fromVector(b)
r = cls.mult(a, m)
return cls.toVector(r)
colsA, rowsA = len(a[0]), len(a)
colsB, rowsB = len(b[0]), len(b)
assert colsA == rowsB
result = []
for j in range(rowsA):
for i in range(colsB):
s = 0
for n in range(colsA):
s += a[j][n] * b[n][i]
return result
class Vector:
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, z=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
def __getitem__(self, index):
return (self.x, self.y, self.z)[index]
def __len__(self): return 3
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self[i]
def __repr__(self): return f"<Vector({','.join(map(str, self))})>"
def length(self):
return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2 + self.z**2)
def _convertIfNotVec(cls, other):
if not isinstance(other, cls): return cls(other, other, other)
else: return other
def dot(self, other):
other = Vector._convertIfNotVec(other)
return sum(self * other)
def norm(self):
return math.sqrt(
def normalize(self):
n = self.norm()
p = 1 / n if n != 0 else 0
return self * p
def floor(self):
return Vector(*map(int, self))
def cross(self, other):
return Vector(self.y*other.z - self.z*other.y,
self.z*other.x - self.x*other.z,
self.x*other.y - self.y*other.x)
def __abs__(self): return Vector(*map(abs, self))
def __add__(self, other):
other = Vector._convertIfNotVec(other)
return Vector(*map(lambda x: sum(x), zip(self, other)))
def __radd__(self, other): return self + other
def __sub__(self, other):
other = Vector._convertIfNotVec(other)
return Vector(*map(lambda x: x[0]-x[1], zip(self, other)))
def __rsub__(self, other):
other = Vector._convertIfNotVec(other)
return Vector(*map(lambda x: x[1]-x[0], zip(self, other)))
def __mul__(self, other):
other = Vector._convertIfNotVec(other)
return Vector(*map(lambda x: x[0]*x[1], zip(self, other)))
def __rmul__(self, other): return self * other
def __truediv__(self, other):
other = Vector._convertIfNotVec(other)
return Vector(*map(lambda x: x[0]/x[1], zip(self, other)))
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
other = Vector._convertIfNotVec(other)
return Vector(*map(lambda x: x[1]/x[0], zip(self, other)))
def __neg__(self):
return self * -1
def min(cls, a, b):
return cls(*map(lambda x: min(*x), zip(a, b)))
def max(cls, a, b):
return cls(*map(lambda x: max(*x), zip(a, b)))
def linearMap(x,xm,xl,ym,yl): return (x-xm)/(xl-xm)*(yl-ym)+ym
def lerp(a, b, k): return linearMap(k, 0, 1, a, b)
def clamp(x, a, b):
if x < a: return a
if x > b: return b
return x
def smoothMin(a, b, k):
h = clamp(0.5+0.5*(b-a)/k, 0, 1);
return lerp(b, a, h) - k*h*(1-h);
def intersectSDF(a, b): return max(a, b)
def unionSDF(a, b): return min(a, b)
def differenceSDF(a, b):return max(a, -b)
def sphereSDF(p, radius, pos=Vector()):
p += pos
return p.length() - radius
def torusSDF(p, t, pos=Vector()):
p += pos
q = Vector(Vector(p.x, p.z).length()-t.x, p.y)
return q.length()-t.y
def boxSDF(p, b, pos=Vector()):
p += pos
d = abs(p) - b
return Vector.max(d, Vector()).length() + min(max(d.x, d.y, d.z), 0)
minDist = 0
maxDist = 100
maxSteps = 255
# Minimum distance to be considered a hit
epsilon = 0.0001
offset = 0
def shortestDist(eye:Vector, dir:Vector, start:float, end:float):
depth = start
for _ in range(maxSteps):
dist = sceneSDF(eye + dir * depth)
if dist < epsilon: return depth
depth += dist
if depth >= end:
return end
return end
def rayDir(fov, size, fragCoord):
xy = fragCoord - size / 2
z = size.y / math.tan((fov * math.pi / 180) / 2)
return Vector(xy.x, xy.y, -z).normalize()
def estimateNormal(p):
return Vector(
sceneSDF(Vector(p.x + epsilon, p.y, p.z)) - sceneSDF(Vector(p.x - epsilon, p.y, p.z)),
sceneSDF(Vector(p.x, p.y + epsilon, p.z)) - sceneSDF(Vector(p.x, p.y - epsilon, p.z)),
sceneSDF(Vector(p.x, p.y, p.z + epsilon)) - sceneSDF(Vector(p.x, p.y, p.z - epsilon)),
def rotateX(theta):
c = math.cos(theta)
s = math.sin(theta)
return [
[1, 0, 0],
[0, c,-s],
[0, s, c],
def rotateZ(theta):
c = math.cos(theta)
s = math.sin(theta)
return [
[ c, 0, s],
[ 0, 1, 0],
[-s, 0, c],
def lookAt(eye, look, dir):
delta = eye - look
pitch = -math.atan2(delta.y, math.sqrt(delta.x * delta.x + delta.z * delta.z))
yaw = math.pi / 2 - math.atan2(delta.z,delta.x)
rotPitch = rotateX(pitch)
rotYaw = rotateZ(yaw)
dir = Matrix.mult(rotPitch, dir)
dir = Matrix.mult(rotYaw, dir)
return dir.normalize()
def reflect(I, N): return I - 2 * * N
def phongContribForLight(k_d, k_s, alpha, p, eye, lightPos, lightIntensity):
N = estimateNormal(p)
L = (lightPos - p).normalize()
V = (eye - p).normalize()
R = reflect(-L, N).normalize()
dotLN =
dotRV =
if dotLN < 0:
return Vector(0, 0, 0)
if dotRV < 0:
return lightIntensity * (k_d * dotLN)
return lightIntensity * (k_d * dotLN + k_s * pow(dotRV, alpha))
def phongIllumination(k_a, k_d, k_s, alpha, p, eye):
lights = [(Vector(4 * math.sin(offset), -2, 4 * math.cos(offset)), Vector(1, 1, 1)),
(Vector(2 * math.sin(0.37 * offset), 2 * math.cos(0.37 * offset), 2), Vector(1, 1, 1))]
ambientLight = Vector(1, 1, 1) * k_a
color = ambientLight * k_a
for light in lights:
color += phongContribForLight(k_d, k_s, alpha, p, eye, light[0], light[1])
return color
def sceneSDF(p):
#torus = torusSDF(p, Vector(1, 0.5))
sphere = sphereSDF(p, 1.2, pos=Vector(math.sin(offset)*5, 0, 0))
cube = boxSDF(p, Vector()+1, pos=Vector(0, -2.5, 0))
return smoothMin(cube, sphere, 1)
offset = 0
frames = 30
def render(width, height):
global offset
img ='RGB', (width, height), (100, 100, 100))
data = list(img.getdata())
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
i = y * width + x
dir = rayDir(45, Vector(width, height), Vector(x, y))
eye = Vector(8, -5, 7)
dir = lookAt(eye, Vector(0, 0, 0), dir)
dist = shortestDist(eye, dir, minDist, maxDist)
if dist > maxDist - epsilon:
data[i] = (0,0,0)
p = eye + dir * dist
K_a = Vector() + 0.2
K_d = Vector(0.5) + 0.2
K_s = Vector() + 1
shininess = 10
color = phongIllumination(K_a, K_d, K_s, shininess, p, eye)
data[i] = tuple(Vector.min((color * 255).floor(),Vector(255, 255, 255)))
offset += 2*math.pi/frames
return img
img = render(160, 90).resize((1280, 720))'output.png')
# def nf(n, digits): return ('0'*digits)[len(str(n)):] + str(n)
# for i in range(frames):
# render(120, 60).resize((1280, 720)).save(f'{nf(i,len(str(frames)))}.png')
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