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Last active March 30, 2022 19:36
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This method allows for applying smooth rounding to any polygon, while also keeping the curvature over the surface continuous. •
#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
precision highp float;
uniform float u_time;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
varying vec4 v_position;
varying vec2 v_texcoord;
uniform vec2 verts[100];
uniform int numVerts;
uniform int selection;
uniform float rounding;
uniform vec2 mouse;
float sigmoid(float x) {
return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x));
float anim(float m, float offset) {
return sigmoid(sin(u_time * m + offset) * 6.);
vec2 getCenter() {
return (u_resolution.xy * v_position.xy) / min(u_resolution.x, u_resolution.y);
vec2 getPos(vec2 vert) {
vec2 pos = vert / u_resolution;
pos = vec2(pos.x, 1. - pos.y);
pos = pos*2. - 1.;
// draw a circle at each pos
pos = pos - v_position.xy;
return pos;
float dist2(vec2 v, vec2 w) {
return pow(v.x - w.x, 2.0) + pow(v.y - w.y, 2.0);
float distToSegmentSquared(vec2 p, vec2 v, vec2 w) {
float l2 = dist2(v, w);
if(l2 == 0.0)
return dist2(p, v);
float t = ((p.x - v.x) * (w.x - v.x) + (p.y - v.y) * (w.y - v.y)) / l2;
t = max(0.0, min(1.0, t));
return dist2(p, vec2(v.x + t * (w.x - v.x), v.y + t * (w.y - v.y)));
float distToSegment(vec2 p, vec2 v, vec2 w) {
return sqrt(distToSegmentSquared(p, v, w));
float cross(vec2 v, vec2 w) {
return v.x * w.y - v.y * w.x;
float distToLine(vec2 p, vec2 v, vec2 w) {
return abs(cross(w - v, p - v) / length(w - v));
vec3 sdgCircle(in vec2 p, in float r) {
float l = length(p);
return vec3(l - r, p / l);
vec3 sdgCircleOnion(in vec2 p, in float cr, in float r) {
vec3 dis_gra = sdgCircle(p, cr);
return vec3(abs(dis_gra.x) - r, sign(dis_gra.x) * dis_gra.yz);
float sdPolygon(in vec2 p, vec2 s) {
float d = dot(p-verts[0]/s,p-verts[0]/s);
float res = 1.0;
for( int i=0; i<99; i++ ) {
if (i > numVerts - 2) {
// distance
vec2 e = verts[i]/s - verts[0]/s;
vec2 w = p - verts[0]/s;
vec2 b = w - e*clamp( dot(w,e)/dot(e,e), 0.0, 1.0 );
d = min( d, dot(b,b) );
// winding number from
bvec3 cond = bvec3( p.y>=verts[0].y/s.y,
p.y <verts[i].y/s.y,
e.x*w.y>e.y*w.x );
if( all(cond) || all(not(cond)) ) res=-res;
// distance
vec2 e = verts[i]/s - verts[i + 1]/s;
vec2 w = p - verts[i + 1]/s;
vec2 b = w - e*clamp( dot(w,e)/dot(e,e), 0.0, 1.0 );
d = min( d, dot(b,b) );
// winding number from
bvec3 cond = bvec3( p.y>=verts[i + 1].y/s.y,
p.y <verts[i].y/s.y,
e.x*w.y>e.y*w.x );
if( all(cond) || all(not(cond)) ) res=-res;
return res*sqrt(d);
float lerp(float a, float b, float t) {
return a + t * (b - a);
float map(float x, float a, float b, float c, float d) {
return lerp(c, d, (x - a) / (b - a));
// distance function to the supershape
vec2 shape(float theta, float m) {
float nn = 5.;
float n2 = nn;
float n3 = nn;
// curvature slope is calculated from a series of datapoints
// where the approximate integral of kappa(theta) minimizes the curvature
// data = {{1.1, 0.076}, {1.3, 0.106}, {1.5, 0.1405}, {2, 0.25}, {2.1, 0.275}, {2.2, 0.302}, {2.5, 0.39}, {3, 0.5625}, {3.5, 0.766}, {4, 1}, {4.5, 1.267}, {5, 1.5625}}
// FindFit[data,a*x^2, {a},x] (Wolfram Alpha)
// slope {a->0.0625148}
float curvatureSlope = 0.0625148;
float n1 = curvatureSlope * pow(m, 2.) * nn;
// calculate the supershape size from n1
float a = 1.;
float b = 1.;
// (abs(cos(m/4*t)/a)^n2 + abs(sin(m/4*t)/b)^n3)^(-1/n1)
float r = pow(pow(abs(cos(m / 4. * theta) / a), n2) + pow(abs(sin(m / 4. * theta) / b), n3), -1. / n1);
// r is distance to center, c is center
// get signed distance
// first derivative ∂f/∂t
float c = cos(m / 4. * theta);
float s = sin(m / 4. * theta);
float d1 = -(pow(abs(a), (((n1 + 1.) * n2) / n1)) * pow(abs(b), (n3 / n1)) * m * n3 * pow(c, 2.) * pow(abs(s), n3) - pow(abs(a), (n2 / n1)) * pow(abs(b), (((n1 + 1.) * n3) / n1)) * m * n2 * pow(s, 2.) * pow(abs(c), n2)) /
(pow(pow(abs(a), n2) * pow(abs(s), n3) + pow(abs(b), n3) * pow(abs(c), n2), 1. / n1) * (4. * pow(abs(a), n2) * n1 * c * s * pow(abs(s), n3) + 4. * pow(abs(b), n3) * n1 * c * s * pow(abs(c), n2)));
// second derivative ∂²f/∂t²
float m2 = pow(m, 2.);
float s2 = pow(s, 2.);
float c2 = pow(c, 2.);
float var1 = pow(abs(a), (((2. * n1 + 1.) * n2) / n1));
float var2 = pow(abs(a), (((n1 + 1.) * n2) / n1)) * pow(abs(b), (((n1 + 1.) * n3) / n1)) * m2 * n1;
float var3 = pow(abs(a), (n2 / n1)) * pow(abs(b), (((2. * n1 + 1.) * n3) / n1));
float var4 = pow(abs(b), (n3 / n1));
float d2nom = ((var1 * var4 * m2 * n1 * n3 * c2 * s2 + (var1 * var4 * m2 * pow(n3, 2.) + var1 * var4 * m2 * n1 * n3) * pow(c, 4.)) * pow(abs(s), (2. * n3)) + ((var2 * n2 - var2 * pow(n2, 2.)) * pow(s, 4.) + ((((-2. * var2) - 2. * pow(abs(a), (((n1 + 1.) * n2) / n1)) * pow(abs(b), (((n1 + 1.) * n3) / n1)) * m2) * n2 + var2) * n3 + var2 * n2) * c2 * s2 + (var2 * n3 - var2 * pow(n3, 2.)) * pow(c, 4.)) * pow(abs(c), n2) * pow(abs(s), n3) + ((var3 * m2 * pow(n2, 2.) + var3 * m2 * n1 * n2) * pow(s, 4.) + var3 * m2 * n1 * n2 * c2 * s2) * pow(abs(c), (2. * n2)));
float d2denom = (pow((pow(abs(a), n2) * pow(abs(s), n3) + pow(abs(b), n3) * pow(abs(c), n2)), (1. / n1)) * (16. * pow(abs(a), (2. * n2)) * pow(n1, 2.) * pow(c, 2.) * pow(s, 2.) * pow(abs(s), (2. * n3)) + 32. * pow(abs(a), n2) * pow(abs(b), n3) * pow(n1, 2.) * pow(c, 2.) * pow(s, 2.) * pow(abs(c), n2) * pow(abs(s), n3) + 16. * pow(abs(b), (2. * n3)) * pow(n1, 2.) * pow(c, 2.) * pow(s, 2.) * pow(abs(c), (2. * n2))));
float d2 = (d2nom / d2denom);
// curvature
// abs(pow(r, 2) + 2*pow(d1, 2) - r*d2)/pow(pow(r, 2) + pow(d1, 2), 1.5)
float kappa = abs(pow(r, 2.) + 2. * pow(d1, 2.) - r * d2) / pow(pow(r, 2.) + pow(d1, 2.), 1.5);
return vec2(r, kappa);
vec4 drawVerts() {
float aspect = u_resolution.x / u_resolution.y;
float a = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if (i >= numVerts) {
vec2 pos = getPos(verts[i]);
float dist = length(pos.xy * vec2(aspect, 1.));
float r = 0.01;
float aa = fwidth(dist);
float mul = selection == i ? 1. : .38;
a += (1. - smoothstep(r - aa, r + aa, dist)) * mul;
// draw a 1px line between verts
float mask = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < 98; i++) {
if (i >= numVerts - 2) {
vec2 posA = getPos(verts[i]);
vec2 posB = getPos(verts[i + 1]);
vec2 posC = getPos(verts[i + 2]);
float dist = distToSegment(vec2(0.,0.), posA, posB);
// r is 1px based on resolution
float r = 0.002;//length(v_position.xy / u_resolution.xy) * 2.;
float aa = fwidth(dist);
a += (1. - smoothstep(r - aa, r + aa, dist)) * .12;
dist = distToSegment(vec2(0.,0.), posB, posC);
aa = fwidth(dist);
a += (1. - smoothstep(r - aa, r + aa, dist)) * .12;
// consider the angle between the two lines
vec2 v = normalize(posB - posA);
vec2 w = normalize(posC - posB);
// angle between the two lines
float alpha = acos(dot(v, w));
vec2 avg = normalize(v + w);
// rotate the line by 90 degrees
const float pi = 3.141592653589793;
vec2 perp = vec2(avg.y, -avg.x);
if (cross(v, w) > 0.) {
perp = -perp;
// draw a line at the angle and posB
dist = distToLine(vec2(0.,0.), posB, perp);
aa = fwidth(dist);
// a += (1. - smoothstep(r - aa, r + aa, dist)) * .12;
float beta = pi - alpha/2.;
vec2 vv = posB - posA;
vec2 ww = posC - posB;
float clampedRounding = min(min(length(vv)/2., length(ww)/2.), rounding);
float r_outer = clampedRounding / sin(beta);
float r_inner = r_outer * -cos(beta);
vec2 cr = perp * r_outer;
// draw circle onion
r = 0.001;
vec3 dis_gra = sdgCircleOnion(posB + cr, r_inner, r);
// a += (1. - smoothstep(r - aa, r + aa, dis_gra.x)) * .12;
float gamma = -atan(perp.y, perp.x);
mat2 rot = mat2(cos(gamma), sin(gamma), -sin(gamma), cos(gamma));
vec2 cr2 = posB + perp*r_outer;
// calculate the winding parameter
float m = pi/alpha * 2.;
mat2 rot3 = mat2(cos(alpha/2.), sin(alpha/2.), -sin(alpha/2.), cos(alpha/2.));
float s1 = 1./(r_inner);
mat2 scale = mat2(s1, 0., 0., s1);
cr2 = scale * rot * rot3 * cr2;
// float m = pi/alpha + 2.;
float theta = atan(cr2.y, cr2.x);
vec2 res = shape(theta, m);
float x = res.x - length(cr2);
float threshold = 0.;
vec2 cr3 = rot * (posB + perp*r_outer);
float diff = atan(cr3.y, cr3.x);
diff = abs(0. - diff);
threshold = alpha/2.;
aa = fwidth(diff);
float mask2 = (1. - smoothstep(threshold - aa, threshold + aa, diff));
// circle with "rounding" radius around posB
float dist2 = 1. - sdgCircle(posB, clampedRounding).x;
// a+= dist2;
aa = fwidth(dist2);
float mask3 = (smoothstep(1. - aa, 1. + aa, dist2));
threshold = 0.;
aa = fwidth(x);
float shapeRes = (smoothstep(threshold - aa, threshold + aa, x));
if (cross(v, w) > 0.) {
mask += (1. - shapeRes) * mask3;
} else {
mask += shapeRes * mask2 * mask3;
float x2 = res.y * .1 * 1./r_outer + res.x - length(cr2);
if (cross(v, w) > 0.) {
x2 = -res.y * .1 * 1./r_outer + res.x - length(cr2);
a += (1. - smoothstep(threshold - aa, threshold + aa, x2)) * .06 * mask2;
} else {
a += (smoothstep(threshold - aa, threshold + aa, x2)) * .06 * mask2;
aa = fwidth(x2);
// a += diff/pi;
// a = 0.;
vec2 p = vec2(v_texcoord.x, 1. - v_texcoord.y);
float d = 1. - sdPolygon(p, u_resolution.xy);
float threshold = 1.;
float aa = fwidth(d);
a += (smoothstep(threshold - aa, threshold + aa, d)) * .12;// * mask;
// a += d;
return vec4(vec3(0.), a) + vec4(vec3(0.), mask) * .54;
void main() {
gl_FragColor += drawVerts();
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