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Last active August 20, 2021 07:07
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interface Person {
name: string;
age: number;
gender: 'male' | 'female';
student: boolean;
const persons: Person[] = [
name: 'Bob',
age: 32,
gender: 'male',
student: false,
name: 'Alice',
age: 30,
gender: 'female',
student: false,
name: 'Philip',
age: 22,
gender: 'male',
student: true,
name: 'Sam',
age: 24,
gender: 'male',
student: true,
name: 'Anna',
age: 28,
gender: 'female',
student: false,
// 1. Create a linked list out of the array, where the linked items are of the following type:
interface LinkedItem extends Person {
next: LinkedItem | null;
const linkedList = persons.reverse().reduce<LinkedItem[]>((list, person, i) => {
const next = list[i - 1];
return list.concat({ ...person, next: next ?? null });
}, []);
// const linkedList = persons.reduceRight<LinkedItem[]>(
// (list, person, i, array) => {
// const next = list[array.length - i - 2];
// return list.concat({ ...person, next: next ?? null });
// },
// [],
// );
// 2. Reverse the linked list
const reverse = (item: LinkedItem | null, people: Person[]): Person[] => {
if (item) {
const { next, ...person } = item;
return reverse(, people.concat(person));
} else {
return people;
const people = reverse(linkedList[linkedList.length - 1], []);
console.log(typeof (1 < 2));
console.log(typeof (1 - 2));
console.log(typeof true);
console.log(typeof !1);
console.log(typeof +false);
console.log(typeof {});
console.log(typeof []);
console.log(typeof null);
console.log(typeof NaN);
console.log(typeof undefined);
console.log(typeof (() => {}));
console.log(typeof typeof (() => {}));
console.log(typeof 1 - 2);
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