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Created June 9, 2015 08:17
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Poco::MongoDB connection pool and multithreading
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <Poco/UUIDGenerator.h>
#include <Poco/MongoDB/PoolableConnectionFactory.h>
#include <Poco/MongoDB/Connection.h>
#include <Poco/MongoDB/Database.h>
#include <Poco/MongoDB/Cursor.h>
#include <Poco/MongoDB/Document.h>
#include <Poco/MongoDB/Array.h>
#include <Poco/MongoDB/Element.h>
using namespace Poco;
typedef PoolableObjectFactory<MongoDB::Connection, MongoDB::Connection::Ptr> MongoDBConnectionFactory;
typedef std::unique_ptr<MongoDBConnectionFactory> MongoDBConnectionFactoryPtr;
typedef ObjectPool<MongoDB::Connection, MongoDB::Connection::Ptr> MongoDBConnectionPool;
typedef std::unique_ptr<MongoDBConnectionPool> MongoDBConnectionPoolPtr;
// global variables
MongoDBConnectionFactoryPtr g_connectionFactory;
MongoDBConnectionPoolPtr g_connectionPool;
MongoDB::Database g_db("TestDB");
MongoDB::PooledConnection takeConnection()
static std::mutex connectionPoolLock;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(connectionPoolLock);
MongoDB::PooledConnection pooledConnection(*g_connectionPool);
auto c = static_cast<MongoDB::Connection::Ptr>(pooledConnection);
if (!c) {
// Connection pool can return null if the pool is full
// TODO: Gracefully handle this here or implement ObjectPool::borrowObjectWithTimeout
return std::move(pooledConnection);
static Int64 extractInt64(const MongoDB::Document& d, const std::string& name)
Int64 num = -1;
if (d.isType<Int32>(name)) {
num = d.get<Int32>(name);
else if (d.isType<Int64>(name)) {
num = d.get<Int64>(name);
else if (d.isType<double>(name)) {
num = static_cast<double>(d.get<double>(name));
else {
throw Exception(name + " is not a number.");
return num;
static void verifyResponse(const MongoDB::Document& response, bool expectOK = true)
// TODO: Remove when updated MongoDB::Document header is used.
auto& r = const_cast<MongoDB::Document&>(response);
std::ostringstream ostr;
try {
if (r.exists("ok")) {
const auto ok = extractInt64(r, "ok");
if (ok != 1) {
ostr << "Command failed: ok = " << ok << ". ";
else if (expectOK) {
ostr << "UNEXPECTED: Missing 'ok' in response.";
else {
// Document that does not have embedded status response, e.g. from find cursor
// Find, aggregate commands
Int64 code = -1;
if (r.exists("code")) {
code = extractInt64(r, "code");
if (r.exists("errmsg")) {
ostr << (code >= 0 ? std::to_string(code) + ": " : "") << r.get<std::string>("errmsg");
if (r.exists("$err")) {
ostr << (code >= 0 ? std::to_string(code) + ": " : "") << r.get<std::string>("$err");
// insert, update, delete commands
if (r.exists("writeErrors")) {
const auto ev = r.get<MongoDB::Array::Ptr>("writeErrors");
for (size_t i = 0; i < ev->size(); ++i) {
auto err = ev->get<MongoDB::Document::Ptr>(i);
const auto index = extractInt64(*err, "index");
const auto code = extractInt64(*err, "code");
ostr << index << ": " << code << ": " << err->get<std::string>("errmsg");
if ( (i+1) < ev->size() ) {
ostr << std::endl;
if (r.exists("writeConcernError")) {
const auto err = r.get<MongoDB::Document::Ptr>("writeConcernError");
if (ostr.tellp() > 0) {
ostr << std::endl;
const auto index = extractInt64(*err, "index");
const auto code = extractInt64(*err, "code");
ostr << index << ": " << code << ": " << err->get<std::string>("errmsg");
catch (const Exception& e) {
std::cout << "Response error exception " << e.displayText() << std::endl;
if (ostr.tellp() > 0) {
std::cout << "Error response from server: " << response.toString(2) << std::endl;
throw Exception("MongoDB: " + ostr.str());
void insert(const std::string id)
try {
auto con = takeConnection();
auto c = static_cast<MongoDB::Connection::Ptr>(con);
MongoDB::Document::Ptr document(new MongoDB::Document());
document->add("_id", id);
MongoDB::Array::Ptr documents(new MongoDB::Array());
documents->add(std::to_string(0), document);
auto insert = g_db.createCommand();
.add("insert", "Object")
.add("documents", documents);
std::cout << "INSERT : " << id << std::endl;
MongoDB::ResponseMessage response;
c->sendRequest(*insert, response);
auto doc = *(response.documents()[0]);
for (auto i : response.documents()) {
std::cout << i->toString(2) << std::endl;
catch(const Exception& e) {
std::cerr << "INSERT " << id << " failed: " << e.displayText() << std::endl;
void query(const std::string id)
try {
auto con = takeConnection();
auto c = static_cast<MongoDB::Connection::Ptr>(con);
auto queryPtr = g_db.createQueryRequest("Object");
queryPtr->selector().add("_id", id);
std::cout << "QUERY : " << id << std::endl;
MongoDB::ResponseMessage response;
c->sendRequest(*queryPtr, response);
auto doc = *(response.documents()[0]);
verifyResponse(doc, false);
for (auto i : response.documents()) {
std::cout << i->toString(2) << std::endl;
catch(const Exception& e) {
std::cerr << "QUERY " << id << "failed: " << e.displayText() << std::endl;
void remove(const std::string id)
try {
auto con = takeConnection();
auto c = static_cast<MongoDB::Connection::Ptr>(con);
MongoDB::Document::Ptr query(new MongoDB::Document());
query->add("_id", id);
MongoDB::Document::Ptr del(new MongoDB::Document());
del->add("q", query).add("limit", 1);
MongoDB::Array::Ptr deletes(new MongoDB::Array());
deletes->add(std::to_string(0), del);
auto deleteCmd = g_db.createCommand();
.add("delete", "Object")
.add("deletes", deletes);
std::cout << "REMOVE : " << id << std::endl;
MongoDB::ResponseMessage response;
c->sendRequest(*deleteCmd, response);
auto doc = *(response.documents()[0]);
for (auto i : response.documents()) {
std::cout << i->toString(2) << std::endl;
catch(const Exception& e) {
std::cerr << "REMOVE " << id << " failed: " << e.displayText() << std::endl;
static const std::size_t poolCapacity = 16;
static const std::size_t poolPeakCapacity = 256;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
g_connectionFactory.reset(new MongoDBConnectionFactory(""));
g_connectionPool.reset(new MongoDBConnectionPool(*g_connectionFactory, poolCapacity, poolPeakCapacity));
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i(0); i<10; ++i) {
// const std::string id = UUIDGenerator().createRandom().toString();
const std::string id = std::to_string(i);
threads.push_back(std::thread([id]() {
std::cout << "waiting for threads..." << std::endl;
for (auto& t : threads) {
if (t.joinable()) {
return 0;
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