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Created March 6, 2018 18:26
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Sysdig Secure Event JSON
"timestamp": 1518849360000000,
"timespan": 60000000,
"alert": {
"severity": 4,
"editUrl": null,
"scope": null,
"name": "Policy 59: FILE POLICY: Read sensitive file untrusted",
"description": "an attempt to read any sensitive file (e.g. files containing user/password/authentication information). Exceptions are made for known trusted programs.",
"id": null
"event": {
"id": null,
"url": ",t:1518849360"
"state": "ACTIVE",
"resolved": false,
"entities": [{
"entity": "",
"metricValues": [{
"metric": "policyEvent",
"aggregation": "count",
"groupAggregation": "none",
"value": 1
"additionalInfo": null,
"policies": [{
"id": 59,
"version": 9,
"createdOn": 1496775488000,
"modifiedOn": 1512474141000,
"name": "FILE POLICY: Read sensitive file untrusted",
"description": "an attempt to read any sensitive file (e.g. files containing user/password/authentication information). Exceptions are made for known trusted programs.",
"severity": 4,
"enabled": true,
"hostScope": true,
"containerScope": true,
"falcoConfiguration": {
"fields": [],
"ruleNameRegEx": "Read sensitive file untrusted"
"notificationChannelIds": [
"actions": [{
"beforeEventNs": 30000000000,
"afterEventNs": 30000000000,
"isLimitedToContainer": false
"policyEventsCount": 295,
"isBuiltin": false,
"isManual": true
"policyEvents": [{
"id": "513051281863028736",
"version": 1,
"containerId": "57c1820a87f1",
"severity": 4,
"metrics": [
"policyId": 59,
"actionResults": [{
"successful": true,
"token": "e0abbbfb-ae65-4c5d-966a-78f88b0f67fb",
"sysdigCaptureId": 432336
"output": "Sensitive file opened for reading by non-trusted program (user=root name=ftest command=ftest -i 25200 -a exfiltration file=/etc/shadow parent=docker-containe gparent=docker-containe ggparent=dockerd gggparent=systemd)",
"ruleType": "RULE_TYPE_FALCO",
"ruleSubtype": null,
"matchedOnDefault": false,
"fields": [{
"key": "falco.rule",
"value": "Read sensitive file untrusted"
"falsePositive": false,
"timestamp": 1518849310380639,
"hostMac": "06:90:90:7f:15:ea",
"isAggregated": false
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