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Last active September 4, 2022 00:43
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Forward segment TM decider
from bbconv import *
from collections import deque
# Machine, N - segment length, s - initial state, p in [0..N) - initial position, t - tape state encoded as an integer
# returns (p, t) - final position and tape state
# OR None if machine loops
def segrun(M, N, s, p, t, limit=999999999):
seen = set()
while 0 <= p < N:
#print(": " + bin(t)[2:].zfill(N)[::-1])
#print("- " + " "*p + "^")
# Detect loops
key = ((t << 4 | s) << 8) | p
if key in seen: return None, limit
limit -= 1
if limit <= 0: return None, limit
# Perform forward transition
w, d, s = M[s][(t>>p)&1]
if s < 0: return (p, t), limit # Halt
if w:
t |= 1<<p
t &= ~(1 << p)
if d:
p += 1
p += -1
return (p, t), limit # Ran off the segment
# M - machine, N - segment length
# returns whether the machine halts, or None if it can't decide
def fwddecide(M, N, limit=999999999):
# compute set of states going left / right
rs = set()
ls = set()
for t in (t for r in M for t in r):
if t[2]<0: continue
if t[1]: rs.add(t[2])
else: ls.add(t[2])
#print(ls, rs)
unseenhalts = set(range(N))
queue = deque()
seenl = {0}
seenr = {0}
for i in range(N):
queue.append((0, i, 0))
for s in rs - {0}:
queue.append((s, 0, 0))
for s in ls - {0}:
queue.append((s, N-1, 0))
while queue:
s, p, t = queue.pop()
assert 0 <= p < N
res, limit = segrun(M, N, s, p, t, limit)
if limit <= 0: return None, 0
#print("res =", res)
if res is None: continue # looped
p, t = res
if 0 <= p < N:
if p in unseenhalts:
#print("Found halt at position %d" % p)
if not unseenhalts: break
continue # halted
# ran off the tape
if p < 0: # left edge
if t in seenl: continue # already reached this position
for s in rs:
queue.append((s, 0, t))
else: # right edge
if t in seenr: continue # already reached this position
for s in ls:
queue.append((s, N-1, t))
print("left nodes:", len(seenl))
print("right nodes:", len(seenr))
if unseenhalts:
print("Machine does not halt in positions %r" % unseenhalts)
return False, limit
print("Machine halted in all reachable positions")
return None, limit
import multiprocessing, ctypes, sys
#counter = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_int32)
def rdecide(i):
M = read_short(i)[0]
limit = 5000000
for s in range(1, 64):
r, limit = fwddecide(M, s, limit=limit)
if r is False:
# with counter:
# counter.value += 1
if s > 10:
sys.stdout.write("machine %d proven at N=%d\n" % (i, s))
return s, limit
if limit is 0:
# with counter:
# counter.value += 1
# sys.stdout.write("machine %d bailed at N=%d\n" % (i, s))
# sys.stdout.flush()
return -s, 0
# with counter:
# counter.value += 1
# sys.stdout.write("machine %d bailed late\n" % i)
# sys.stdout.flush()
return -64, limit
undset = struct.unpack(">"+"I"*(len(undecided)//4), undecided)[::]
with multiprocessing.Pool(15) as pl:
resset =, undset, 256)
#for m in undset:
# print(m)
# print(rdecide(m))
#print("Reading from file")
#with open("resset5M.bin","rb") as f: resset = struct.unpack(">"+"i"*len(undset),
#with open("resset200k.bin","rb") as f: resset200k = struct.unpack(">"+"i"*len(undset),
import collections
rescnt = collections.Counter(resset)
print("===== OVERALL STATS =====")
print("%d nonhalting machines" % sum(v for k,v in rescnt.items() if k > 0))
for k,v in sorted(i for i in rescnt.items() if i[0] > 0):
print("- %d decided with N=%d" % (v, k))
print("%d undecided machines" % sum(v for k,v in rescnt.items() if k < 0))
for k,v in sorted(i for i in rescnt.items() if i[0] < 0)[::-1]:
print("- %d bailed at N=%d" % (v, -k))
#with open("resset5M.bin", "wb") as f: f.write(struct.pack(">"+"i"*len(resset), *resset))
#import os
#os.system("chmod -w resset5M.bin")
#h3, h5, h7, n = 0, 0, 0, 0
#for i in range(len(undecided)//4):
# m = struct.unpack_from(">I", undecided, 4*i)[0]
# M = read_short(m)[0]
# print(m, "...", end="\r")
# #print("Machine %9d: %s" % (m, "_".join(s.replace(" ","").replace("!","Z") for s in rustr(M))))
# if fwddecide(M, 3) is False:
# #print("Decided witn N=3")
# h3 += 1
# continue
# if fwddecide(M, 5) is False:
# #print("Decided witn N=5")
# h5 += 1
# continue
# if fwddecide(M, 7) is False:
# #print("Decided witn N=7")
# h7 += 1
# continue
# #print("Undecided :(")
# n += 1
#print("===== OVERALL STATS =====")
#print("%d nonhalting machines" % (h3 + h5 + h7))
#print("- %d decided with N=3" % h3)
#print("- %d decided with N=5" % h5)
#print("- %d decided with N=7" % h7)
#print("%d undecided machines" % n)
import struct
import mmap
import sys
def find(l, x):
if x in l: return l.index(x)
return -1
permuteback = [0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 18, 13, 19, 8, 10, 14, 20, 16, 22, 9, 11, 15, 21, 17, 23]
def rupermute(rules, n):
m = list(range(2,len(rules)))
pidx = [0,1] # 1RB assumed
inv = []
for i in range(1,len(m)+1):
n, k = divmod(n, i)
while m:
fixup = lambda r: (
(r[0][0], r[0][1], find(pidx, r[0][2])),
(r[1][0], r[1][1], find(pidx, r[1][2])))
newrules = [fixup(rules[i]) for i in pidx]
return newrules
def ruswap(rules, a, b):
pidx = list(range(len(rules)))
pidx[a] = b
pidx[b] = a
fixup = lambda r: (
(r[0][0], r[0][1], find(pidx, r[0][2])),
(r[1][0], r[1][1], find(pidx, r[1][2])))
newrules = [fixup(rules[i]) for i in pidx]
return newrules
# Defines lexical order on rules
def rulekey(rules):
ts = [t for r in rules for t in r]
ts.pop(0) # first transition is fixed, don't bother comparing
return [t[2] for t in ts] + [b for t in ts for b in [t[0], t[1]]]
def runorm(ru):
# Skip initial tape shuffling before writing 1
while not ru[0][0][0]:
if s == 0: return [((False, True, [True, False]), (True, True, [False, True]))] # 0RA1RH
ru = ruswap(ru, 0, s)
# Rule is now 1?? ??? ...
# Mirror rule to always go right first
if not ru[0][0][1]:
ru = [tuple((t[0], not t[1], t[2]) if t[2]>=0 else (1, True, -1) for t in r) for r in ru]
# Rule is now 1R? ??? ...
if ru[0][0][2] != 1:
if s == 0: return [((True, True, 0), (True, True, -1))] # 1RA1RH
if s > 1:
ru = ruswap(ru, 1, s)
# Rule is now 1RB ??? ...
assert ru[0][0][0]
assert ru[0][0][1]
assert ru[0][0][2] == 1
for t in (t for r in ru for t in r):
if t[2] == -1:
assert t[0] == 1 and t[1] == True, t
# Choose smallest permutation to achieve canonical lexical normal form (as defined by rulekey)
N = [1,1,2,6,24,120,720][len(ru)-2]
mi = 0
mp = ru
mk = rulekey(ru)
for i in range(1, N):
p = rupermute(ru, i)
k = rulekey(p)
assert rupermute(p, permuteback[i]) == ru
if k < mk:
mi = i
mp = p
mk = k
return mp, mi
def ruleparse(s, norm=True, partial=False):
assert not (partial and norm)
s=s.replace(" ","")
assert len(s)%6 == 0
N = len(s)//6
ru = []
for i in range(0, len(s), 6):
if not partial:
w0, d0, s0 = ord(s[i+0]) - ord("0"), s[i+1].upper() != "L", ord(s[i+2])-ord("A")
w1, d1, s1 = ord(s[i+3]) - ord("0"), s[i+4].upper() != "L", ord(s[i+5])-ord("A")
if not (0 <= s0 < N): s0 = -1
if not (0 <= s1 < N): s1 = -1
ru.append(((w0, d0, s0), (w1, d1, s1)))
w0, d0, s0 = [0, 1, None]["01".find(s[i+0])], [False, True, None]["LR".find(s[i+1].upper())], ord(s[i+2])-ord("A")
w1, d1, s1 = [0, 1, None]["01".find(s[i+3])], [False, True, None]["LR".find(s[i+4].upper())], ord(s[i+5])-ord("A")
if not (0 <= s0 <= N): s0 = None if s[i+2] not in "!HXZ" else -1
if not (0 <= s1 <= N): s1 = None if s[i+5] not in "!HXZ" else -1
ru.append(((w0, d0, (s0 if s0 is not None else None)), (w1, d1, (s1 if s1 is not None else None))))
if norm:
ru, _ = runorm(ru)
return ru
def rustr(rules, ass=None):
c = lambda s, x: s[x] if x is not None else "?"
l = lambda i: chr(ord("A")+i) if 0 <= i < len(rules) else "Z?"[i == None]
return [" ".join([c("01", w) + c("LR", d) + l(s) for (w, d, s) in r]) for r in rules]
# --- #
def read_wide(i=-1, data=None):
if data is None: data = widedata
b = struct.unpack_from("B"*30, widedata, i*30+30)
return runorm([
(([0, 1][b[i ]], [True, False][b[i+1]], b[i+2]-1) if b[i+2] else (1, True, -1),
([0, 1][b[i+3]], [True, False][b[i+4]], b[i+5]-1) if b[i+5] else (1, True, -1)) for i in range(0, 30, 6)
def read_short(i=-1, data=None):
if data is None: data = shortdata
st, pk = struct.unpack_from("<II", data, i*8+8)
return ([
(((pk>>(4*i )) & 1, bool((pk>>(4*i+1)) & 1), [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,-1][(st>>(i*6 ))&7]),
((pk>>(4*i+2)) & 1, bool((pk>>(4*i+3)) & 1), [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,-1][(st>>(i*6+3))&7])) for i in range(5)
], pk >> 20)
def write_short(rules, n, data=None, pos=-1):
st, pk = 0, 0
for i, (r0, r1) in enumerate(rules):
st |= (r0[2]&7) << (6*i)
st |= (r1[2]&7) << (6*i+3)
pk |= r0[0] << (4*i)
pk |= int(r0[1]) << (4*i+1)
pk |= r1[0] << (4*i+2)
pk |= int(r1[1]) << (4*i+3)
pk |= n << 20
if data is None:
a = bytearray(8)
struct.pack_into("<II", a, 0, st, pk)
return a
struct.pack_into("<II", data, pos*8+8, st, pk)
with open("all_5_states_undecided_machines_with_global_header", "rb") as widedbfile:
widedata = mmap.mmap(widedbfile.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
if __name__ == "main" and sys.argv[1:] == "convert":
nmach = struct.unpack_from(">I", widedata, 8)[0]
import sys
shortdata = bytearray(8)
struct.pack_into("<I", shortdata, 0, nmach)
for i in range(nmach):
if i % 50000 == 0:
print(" %d / %d " % (i, nmach), end="\r")
ru, n = read_wide(i)
shortdata += write_short(ru, n)
with open("seeddb_short_norm.bin", "rb") as f: f.write(shortdata)
with open("seeddb_short_norm.bin", "rb") as shortdbfile:
shortdata = mmap.mmap(shortdbfile.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
with open("bb5_undecided_index", "rb") as f:
undecided = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
===== OVERALL STATS =====
1023776 nonhalting machines
- 256178 decided with N=2
- 332650 decided with N=3
- 197300 decided with N=4
- 104703 decided with N=5
- 54503 decided with N=6
- 30751 decided with N=7
- 18844 decided with N=8
- 11409 decided with N=9
- 6775 decided with N=10
- 4090 decided with N=11
- 2457 decided with N=12
- 1603 decided with N=13
- 866 decided with N=14
- 591 decided with N=15
- 354 decided with N=16
- 320 decided with N=17
- 150 decided with N=18
- 69 decided with N=19
- 60 decided with N=20
- 37 decided with N=21
- 33 decided with N=22
- 11 decided with N=23
- 10 decided with N=24
- 3 decided with N=25
- 5 decided with N=26
- 1 decided with N=27
- 3 decided with N=28
514836 undecided machines
- 189 bailed at N=9
- 1758 bailed at N=10
- 2546 bailed at N=11
- 6651 bailed at N=12
- 31764 bailed at N=13
- 81579 bailed at N=14
- 65780 bailed at N=15
- 31929 bailed at N=16
- 20972 bailed at N=17
- 18692 bailed at N=18
- 12640 bailed at N=19
- 8471 bailed at N=20
- 5907 bailed at N=21
- 3939 bailed at N=22
- 3410 bailed at N=23
- 2896 bailed at N=24
- 2603 bailed at N=25
- 2607 bailed at N=26
- 2521 bailed at N=27
- 2948 bailed at N=28
- 3481 bailed at N=29
- 3838 bailed at N=30
- 4243 bailed at N=31
- 5155 bailed at N=32
- 5622 bailed at N=33
- 5823 bailed at N=34
- 6675 bailed at N=35
- 7404 bailed at N=36
- 7718 bailed at N=37
- 7103 bailed at N=38
- 7076 bailed at N=39
- 6949 bailed at N=40
- 6182 bailed at N=41
- 6121 bailed at N=42
- 6874 bailed at N=43
- 6493 bailed at N=44
- 6116 bailed at N=45
- 5372 bailed at N=46
- 5763 bailed at N=47
- 5277 bailed at N=48
- 4890 bailed at N=49
- 8449 bailed at N=50
- 4230 bailed at N=51
- 4164 bailed at N=52
- 5338 bailed at N=53
- 10050 bailed at N=54
- 6051 bailed at N=55
- 2602 bailed at N=56
- 2957 bailed at N=57
- 1979 bailed at N=58
- 3274 bailed at N=59
- 6923 bailed at N=60
- 6552 bailed at N=61
- 2202 bailed at N=62
- 2206 bailed at N=63
- 13882 bailed at N=64
9916.70user 4.99system 9:56.16elapsed 1664%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 261552maxresident)k
8inputs+12024outputs (0major+653059minor)pagefaults 0swaps
===== OVERALL STATS =====
1024265 nonhalting machines
- 256178 decided with N=2
- 332650 decided with N=3
- 197300 decided with N=4
- 104703 decided with N=5
- 54503 decided with N=6
- 30751 decided with N=7
- 18844 decided with N=8
- 11409 decided with N=9
- 6780 decided with N=10
- 4092 decided with N=11
- 2469 decided with N=12
- 1627 decided with N=13
- 934 decided with N=14
- 626 decided with N=15
- 391 decided with N=16
- 349 decided with N=17
- 200 decided with N=18
- 97 decided with N=19
- 110 decided with N=20
- 76 decided with N=21
- 58 decided with N=22
- 34 decided with N=23
- 19 decided with N=24
- 15 decided with N=25
- 15 decided with N=26
- 3 decided with N=27
- 14 decided with N=28
- 7 decided with N=29
- 5 decided with N=30
- 4 decided with N=31
- 1 decided with N=32
- 1 decided with N=37
514347 undecided machines
- 10 bailed at N=11
- 1151 bailed at N=12
- 2157 bailed at N=13
- 1822 bailed at N=14
- 2134 bailed at N=15
- 4100 bailed at N=16
- 11689 bailed at N=17
- 44878 bailed at N=18
- 77568 bailed at N=19
- 45239 bailed at N=20
- 19562 bailed at N=21
- 11498 bailed at N=22
- 10335 bailed at N=23
- 12316 bailed at N=24
- 12359 bailed at N=25
- 9130 bailed at N=26
- 7089 bailed at N=27
- 4462 bailed at N=28
- 3053 bailed at N=29
- 2553 bailed at N=30
- 2451 bailed at N=31
- 2330 bailed at N=32
- 1672 bailed at N=33
- 1251 bailed at N=34
- 1033 bailed at N=35
- 985 bailed at N=36
- 1032 bailed at N=37
- 844 bailed at N=38
- 728 bailed at N=39
- 577 bailed at N=40
- 448 bailed at N=41
- 357 bailed at N=42
- 392 bailed at N=43
- 338 bailed at N=44
- 294 bailed at N=45
- 295 bailed at N=46
- 312 bailed at N=47
- 264 bailed at N=48
- 286 bailed at N=49
- 266 bailed at N=50
- 297 bailed at N=51
- 320 bailed at N=52
- 358 bailed at N=53
- 363 bailed at N=54
- 348 bailed at N=55
- 389 bailed at N=56
- 396 bailed at N=57
- 494 bailed at N=58
- 561 bailed at N=59
- 581 bailed at N=60
- 630 bailed at N=61
- 655 bailed at N=62
- 743 bailed at N=63
- 208952 bailed at N=64
201112.22user 137.30system 4:11:39elapsed 1332%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 621704maxresident)k
1489176inputs+12024outputs (8329major+34152729minor)pagefaults 0swaps
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