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Created March 16, 2023 08:30
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Using Optim.jl with Manifolds.jl
using Manifolds, Optim, ManifoldsBase
# this is a generic part
ManifoldWrapper{TM<:AbstractManifold} <: Optim.Manifold
Adapts Manifolds.jl manifolds for use in Optim.jl
struct ManifoldWrapper{TM<:AbstractManifold} <: Optim.Manifold
function Optim.retract!(M::ManifoldWrapper, x)
ManifoldsBase.embed_project!(M.M, x, x)
return x
function Optim.project_tangent!(M::ManifoldWrapper, g, x)
ManifoldsBase.embed_project!(M.M, g, x, g)
return g
# example usage of Manifolds.jl manifolds in Optim.jl
M = Manifolds.Sphere(2)
x0 = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
q = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
f(p) = 0.5 * distance(M, p, q)^2
function g!(X, p)
log!(M, X, p, q)
X .*= -1
println(p, X)
sol = optimize(f, g!, x0, ConjugateGradient(; manifold=ManifoldWrapper(M)))
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Affie commented Mar 16, 2023

Thanks! I'll give it a try again. I did try at one stage but couldn't quite get it working nicely.
It looks like I just had to use embed_project, I also didn't know about the power manifold back then.
This is what I had:

struct ManifoldsVector <: Optim.Manifold

Base.getindex(mv::ManifoldsVector, inds...) = getindex(mv.mani, inds...)
Base.setindex!(mv, X, inds...) =  setindex!(mv.mani, X, inds...)

function ManifoldsVector(fg::AbstractDFG, varIds::Vector{Symbol})
  manis = Bool[]
  for k = varIds
    push!(manis, getVariableType(fg, k) |> getManifold)

function Optim.retract!(manis::ManifoldsVector, x)
  for (i,M) = enumerate(manis)
    x[i] = project(M, x[i])
  return x 
function Optim.project_tangent!(manis::ManifoldsVector, G, x)
  for (i, M) = enumerate(manis)
    G[i] = project(M, x[i], G)
  return G

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Thanks! I'll give it a try again.

Cool, let me know if you have any problems with it. embed_project is a relatively new thing. I've added it primarily for compatibility with Optim.jl.

This is what I had:

Using my wrapper with product and power manifolds would be a better solution 🙂 .

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dehann commented Mar 17, 2023

Okay thanks, so I worked in a CI unit test on IncrementalInference.jl that runs your above example (for future consistency checks) as well as this SpecialEuclidean(2) version with ManifoldDiff. We'll also do a SpecialEuclidean(3) and "partial measurement" version of this test:
(note this test fails if the coordinate 3 of q is larger than 1.5 radians)

using Manifolds, Optim, ManifoldsBase
using ManifoldDiff
# this is a generic part

using Test


    ManifoldWrapper{TM<:AbstractManifold} <: Optim.Manifold
Adapts Manifolds.jl manifolds for use in Optim.jl
struct ManifoldWrapper{TM<:AbstractManifold} <: Optim.Manifold

function Optim.retract!(M::ManifoldWrapper, x)
    ManifoldsBase.embed_project!(M.M, x, x)
    return x

function Optim.project_tangent!(M::ManifoldWrapper, g, x)
    ManifoldsBase.embed_project!(M.M, g, x, g)
    return g

r_backend = ManifoldDiff.TangentDiffBackend(


M = Manifolds.SpecialEuclidean(2)
e0 = ArrayPartition([0,0.], [1 0; 0 1.])

x0 = deepcopy(e0)
q  = exp(M,e0,hat(M,e0,randn(3)))

f(p) = distance(M, p, q)^2

## finitediff gradient (non-manual)
function g_FD!(X,p)
  X .= ManifoldDiff.gradient(M, f, p, r_backend)

## sanity check gradients

X = hat(M, e0, zeros(3))
g_FD!(X, q)
# gradient at the optimal point should be zero
@test isapprox(0, sum(abs.(X[:])); atol=1e-8 )

# gradient not the optimal point should be non-zero
g_FD!(X, e0)
@test 0.01 < sum(abs.(X[:]))

## do optimization
x0 = deepcopy(e0)
sol = optimize(f, g_FD!, x0, ConjugateGradient(; manifold=ManifoldWrapper(M)))

@test isapprox( f(sol.minimizer), 0; atol=1e-8 )
@test isapprox( 0, sum(abs.(log(M, e0, compose(M, inv(M,q), sol.minimizer)))); atol=1e-5)

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