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Last active January 31, 2017 17:53
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Generates plot from caffe training log file
if [ "${1}" == "loss" ]; then
elif [ "${1}" == "accuracy" ]; then
echo "First argument should be either loss or accuracy"
exit 1
# generate csv files from log
DIR=$(dirname "${2}")
python2 $CAFFE_ROOT/tools/extra/ $2 ${DIR}
# plot
gnuplot_cmd="set key left top; set datafile separator ','; plot '${train_file}' using 1:${D} with line title '${1} train', '${test_file}' using 1:${D} with line title '${1} test';"
# osx to display (requires: brew install gnuplot --with-x11)
#gnuplot_cmd="set terminal x11; set key left top; set datafile separator ','; plot '${train_file}' using 1:${D} with line title '${1} train', '${test_file}' using 1:${D} with line title '${1} test';"
# osx to save to accuracy.png file
#gnuplot_cmd="set terminal png; set output \"./accuracy.png\"; set key left top; set datafile separator ','; plot '${train_file}' using 1:${D} with line title '${1} train', '${test_file}' using 1:${D} with line title '${1} test';"
gnuplot -p -e "${gnuplot_cmd}"
unset D
exit 0
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