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Last active February 15, 2024 16:57
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#### Postgres hosted on local machine
# postgres dump commands
pg_dump -U postgres_user -h localhost -Fc database_name > ./path/dump.sql
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -d database_name ./path/dump.sql
# restore with psql
psql -h localhost -d database_name < ./path/dump.sql
#### Postgres hosted on docker
## IMPORTANT TO USE -i not -it
# To dump database
docker exec -i app-service-db-1 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc database_name > dump.sql
# To restore use this command to login to psql and crate database
docker exec -i postgres-selfhosted-db-1 psql -U postgres
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE "your-database-name";
postgres=# \q
# restore dump file .gz
gunzip < your-database-name-dump.sql.gz | docker exec -i postgres-selfhosted-db-1 psql -U postgres -d your-database-name
# restore dump file .sql
cat your-database-name-dump.sql | docker exec -i postgres-selfhosted-db-1 psql -U postgres -d your-database-name
# restore with pg_restore
docker exec -i postgres-selfhosted-db-1 pg_restore -U postgres -d your-database-name < file.dump or file.sql
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