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import Foundation
func measure(_ title: String, operation: () -> Void) {
let closedRange = 0...4
let averageTimeInSeconds = closedRange
.map { _ -> CFAbsoluteTime in
let startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
return CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - startTime
.reduce(0.0, +) / Double(closedRange.count)
print("Average time from 5 executions: `\(title)` => \(averageTimeInSeconds)s.")
let a = "I'm"
let b = "iOS"
let c = "Developer"
measure("string interpolation") {
for _ in 0...99_999 {
let _ = "\(a) an \(b) \(c)"
measure("string concatenation") {
for _ in 0...99_999 {
let _ = a + " an " + b + " " + c
measure("string concatenation using joined(separator:) function") {
for _ in 0...99_999 {
let _ = [a, b, "an", c].joined(separator: " ")
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