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Save mateuszwenus/11187288 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PostgreSQL: How to handle table and view dependencies
create table deps_saved_ddl
deps_id serial primary key,
deps_view_schema varchar(255),
deps_view_name varchar(255),
deps_ddl_to_run text
create or replace function deps_save_and_drop_dependencies(p_view_schema varchar, p_view_name varchar) returns void as
v_curr record;
for v_curr in
select obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type from
with recursive recursive_deps(obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type, depth) as
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, null::varchar, 0
select dep_schema::varchar, dep_name::varchar, dep_type::varchar, recursive_deps.depth + 1 from
select ref_nsp.nspname ref_schema, ref_cl.relname ref_name,
rwr_cl.relkind dep_type,
rwr_nsp.nspname dep_schema,
rwr_cl.relname dep_name
from pg_depend dep
join pg_class ref_cl on dep.refobjid = ref_cl.oid
join pg_namespace ref_nsp on ref_cl.relnamespace = ref_nsp.oid
join pg_rewrite rwr on dep.objid = rwr.oid
join pg_class rwr_cl on rwr.ev_class = rwr_cl.oid
join pg_namespace rwr_nsp on rwr_cl.relnamespace = rwr_nsp.oid
where dep.deptype = 'n'
and dep.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass
) deps
join recursive_deps on deps.ref_schema = recursive_deps.obj_schema and deps.ref_name = recursive_deps.obj_name
where (deps.ref_schema != deps.dep_schema or deps.ref_name != deps.dep_name)
select obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type, depth
from recursive_deps
where depth > 0
) t
group by obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type
order by max(depth) desc
) loop
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'COMMENT ON ' ||
when c.relkind = 'v' then 'VIEW'
when c.relkind = 'm' then 'MATERIALIZED VIEW'
else ''
|| ' ' || n.nspname || '.' || c.relname || ' IS ''' || replace(d.description, '''', '''''') || ''';'
from pg_class c
join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
join pg_description d on d.objoid = c.oid and d.objsubid = 0
where n.nspname = v_curr.obj_schema and c.relname = v_curr.obj_name and d.description is not null;
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' || n.nspname || '.' || c.relname || '.' || a.attname || ' IS ''' || replace(d.description, '''', '''''') || ''';'
from pg_class c
join pg_attribute a on c.oid = a.attrelid
join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
join pg_description d on d.objoid = c.oid and d.objsubid = a.attnum
where n.nspname = v_curr.obj_schema and c.relname = v_curr.obj_name and d.description is not null;
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'GRANT ' || privilege_type || ' ON ' || table_schema || '.' || table_name || ' TO ' || grantee
from information_schema.role_table_grants
where table_schema = v_curr.obj_schema and table_name = v_curr.obj_name;
if v_curr.obj_type = 'v' then
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'CREATE VIEW ' || v_curr.obj_schema || '.' || v_curr.obj_name || ' AS ' || view_definition
from information_schema.views
where table_schema = v_curr.obj_schema and table_name = v_curr.obj_name;
elsif v_curr.obj_type = 'm' then
insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ' || v_curr.obj_schema || '.' || v_curr.obj_name || ' AS ' || definition
from pg_matviews
where schemaname = v_curr.obj_schema and matviewname = v_curr.obj_name;
end if;
execute 'DROP ' ||
when v_curr.obj_type = 'v' then 'VIEW'
when v_curr.obj_type = 'm' then 'MATERIALIZED VIEW'
|| ' ' || v_curr.obj_schema || '.' || v_curr.obj_name;
end loop;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
create or replace function deps_restore_dependencies(p_view_schema varchar, p_view_name varchar) returns void as
v_curr record;
for v_curr in
select deps_ddl_to_run
from deps_saved_ddl
where deps_view_schema = p_view_schema and deps_view_name = p_view_name
order by deps_id desc
) loop
execute v_curr.deps_ddl_to_run;
end loop;
delete from deps_saved_ddl
where deps_view_schema = p_view_schema and deps_view_name = p_view_name;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
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claudep commented Mar 30, 2015

Awesome script. I've added name quoting (I have views names with spaces) in

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ghost commented Apr 11, 2015

does this function restore MV and indexes? I have a MV base on selecting from another MV. Thx.

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diogob commented Oct 13, 2015

Beautiful! Saved me a lot of time ❤️

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maerco commented May 25, 2016

this is not performing backup of rules

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fosils commented Jun 3, 2016

@maerco Thank you for your comment. Do you know how it behaves if there are rules involved. Will they just get dropped or will it fail with an error message?

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fosils commented Jun 3, 2016

This script seems to work so far. Brilliant. It solved this problem for me:

These were the commands I ran to add a label to an enum on Amazon RDS.

CREATE TYPE "public"."enum_new" AS ENUM ('value1', 'value2');
select deps_save_and_drop_dependencies('public', 'customers');
alter table customers alter column some_column type enum_new using enum_type::text::enum_new;
select deps_restore_dependencies('public', 'customers');

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fosils commented Aug 14, 2016

I would pay $80 if anyone would add the ability to also store rules on any of the dropped tables/views or is it already like that?

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amazing work , thanks alot.

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very helpfull. Thanks again for putting this up.

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Some of my dependant views have dashes (*) and I'm getting this error after running.

ERROR: syntax error at or near "-"

I will implement a fix for myself, but this is just to let you know.

* Why? I'm using PostgREST with a sepatate schema that hosts views and functions exposed via rest (based on permissions). I url's dashes are more commonly usually used in resource names and the view names automatically become part of that

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vitalca commented Oct 9, 2018

Thanks Mateusz, this is a really nice trick!
There is a suggestion though. I would create functions by DBA role (postgres) with SECURITY DEFINER parameter and then execute 'ALTER ... OWNER TO ...' after restoring views. Because in real life there can be dependencies between objects in different schemas, owned by different roles.

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sergiosbx commented Nov 8, 2018

does this function restore MV and indexes? I have a MV base on selecting from another MV. Thx.

To add support for INDEX backups, add this code snippet to line 47:

insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select distinct p_view_schema, p_view_name, indexdef
FROM pg_indexes
WHERE schemaname = v_curr.obj_schema
AND tablename = v_curr.obj_name;

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It is MIT licensed?

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I would pay $80 if anyone would add the ability to also store rules on any of the dropped tables/views or is it already like that?

@christiaanwesterbeek or anyone else still intrested support for RULE backups, add this code snippet to line 47:

insert into deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select distinct tablename, rulename, definition
FROM pg_rules
WHERE schemaname = v_curr.obj_schema
AND tablename = v_curr.obj_name;

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Does it restore the roles of a dependent materialized view? I have a materialized view and another dependent materialize view. When I run your script on base materialized view it does not restore all the permissions assigned to the dependent materialized view.

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This script is incredible! I changed some types to get it working on PG12 because of this error:

mydb=# select deps_save_and_drop_dependencies('public', 'test_table');
ERROR:  recursive query "recursive_deps" column 1 has collation "default" in non-recursive term but collation "C" overall
LINE 6:     select p_view_schema, p_view_name, null::varchar, 0

Also included are commits by @claudep and index/rule suggestions by @sergiosbx and @tiitremmel

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Added support of owners, material views, column grants etc.

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claudep commented Dec 31, 2020

@rvkulikov, great idea to turn this gist into a real repo! Adding a bit more comments might be a welcome addition.

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megamit commented Apr 14, 2021

Small issue with this is calling it on a materialzed view will not save its indexes

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Wouldnt allow if drop done by non-owner.

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deepanshudj91 commented Aug 21, 2021

Hey guys.. does it work with postgre 12? I am getting error.

SQL Error [42P21]: ERROR: recursive query "recursive_deps" column 1 has collation "default" in non-recursive term but collation "C" overall
Hint: Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation of the non-recursive term.
Where: PL/pgSQL function deps_save_and_drop_dependencies(character varying,character varying) line 5 at FOR over SELECT rows

Please help

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Hey guys.. does it work with postgre 12? I am getting error.

SQL Error [42P21]: ERROR: recursive query "recursive_deps" column 1 has collation "default" in non-recursive term but collation "C" overall Hint: Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation of the non-recursive term. Where: PL/pgSQL function deps_save_and_drop_dependencies(character varying,character varying) line 5 at FOR over SELECT rows

Please help

To fix this problem modify lines 20 to 22 as such. Just need to collate those columns to "C"

select p_view_schema collate "C", p_view_name collate "C", null::varchar collate "C", 0
select dep_schema::varchar collate "C", dep_name::varchar collate "C", dep_type::varchar collate "C", recursive_deps.depth + 1 from

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Thanks for this gist. It's really helpful + the comments.

I noticed that it was skipping the recreation of materialized view permissions which are not stored in the information schema and added the below to capture them during object recreation

-- Save materialized views permissions. Why? Their information will be missing in the information schema since they are not SQL standard SQL objects
insert into public.deps_saved_ddl(deps_view_schema, deps_view_name, deps_ddl_to_run)
select p_view_schema, p_view_name, 'GRANT ' || priviliges_from_acl(s[2]) || ' ON ' || n.nspname || '.' || c.relname || ' TO ' || coalesce(nullif(s[1], ''), 'public')
from pg_class c
join pg_namespace n on n.oid = c.relnamespace
join pg_roles r on r.oid = relowner,
unnest(coalesce(relacl::text[], format('{%s=arwdDxt/%s}', rolname, rolname)::text[])) acl,
regexp_split_to_array(acl, '=|/') s
where n.nspname = v_curr.obj_schema and c.relname = v_curr.obj_name;

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2IGLM commented Nov 29, 2023

Thanks a lot, this has been bothering me for quite a while until now :)
This is the most intuitive version to adress the underlying problem amongst various other approaches (like manually just dropping all views and restoring them from a bkp or sql file)

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