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Working from home

Aidan McQuay math0ne

Working from home
View GitHub Profile
Deck - Golgari Midrange
1 Assassin's Trophy
2 Carnage Tyrant
1 Cast Down
1 Detection Tower
2 Doom Whisperer
3 Find/Finality
8 Forest
4 Jadelight Ranger
{{ $CurrentContainer := where $ "ID" .Docker.CurrentContainerID | first }}
{{ define "upstream" }}
{{ if .Address }}
{{/* If we got the containers from swarm and this container's port is published to host, use host IP:PORT */}}
{{ if and .Container.Node.ID .Address.HostPort }}
# {{ .Container.Node.Name }}/{{ .Container.Name }}
server {{ .Container.Node.Address.IP }}:{{ .Address.HostPort }};
{{/* If there is no swarm node or the port is not published on host, use container's IP:PORT */}}
{{ else if .Network }}
# MyVariables
base-hue: '220' #Controls the base (and accent) color hue (0-360) | 0=Red 60=Yellow 120=Green 180=Cyan 240=Blue 300=Magenta 360=Red
base-sat: '5%' #Controls the saturation of the theme (0%-100%) | 0%=Grey 100%=Full Saturation
# MyVar
huesat: 'var(--base-hue), var(--base-sat),'
# Primary Color
primary-color: 'hsl(var(--huesat) 36%)' #header colors and some text colors
"alternate_base": "#30343e",
"base": "#30343e",
"bright_text": "#ffffff",
"button": "#404552",
"chat_timestamp": "#494b4e",
"disabled_button": "#393a3e",
"disabled_icon": "#a4a6a8",
"disabled_text": "#a4a6a8",
"highlight": "#EBCB8B",
.NavBar-container-1T0BJz {
background: #30343e;
background-color: #30343e;
.FullPage-container-17Y0cs > div > div{
background: none !important;
math0ne /
Last active January 9, 2018 05:48
Ultra Simple Instructions on How to Create a Pull Request on Github
# 1. fork the repo in github to your personal account
# 2. make a working directory
mkdir working-fork
cd working-work
# 3. clone the your newly forked repo from step 1
git clone .
# 4. create the branch where you changes will live
math0ne / firefox-newtab.ahk
Created January 5, 2018 17:18
Fix custom new tab page, firefox quantum, firefix 57+
;; This fixes an issue where addons dont have the ability to clear the url bar in
;; firefox quantume (57+). This is an issue if you want to use a custom new tab page
#ifWinActive ahk_class MozillaWindowClass
Send, ^t
sleep, 500
Send, ^l
math0ne / gist:ae0c9566bc337a7ca9a45d1ac621e634
Created October 27, 2017 23:43
Enable srcset support in mod pagespeed
# despite the docs saying that the newest beta mod pagespeed will rewrite srcsets, I still had to add this to make it work:
ModPagespeedUrlValuedAttribute source srcset image
* Your Stylesheet
* This stylesheet is loaded when Atom starts up and is reloaded automatically
* when it is changed and saved.
* Add your own CSS or Less to fully customize Atom.
* If you are unfamiliar with Less, you can read more about it here:
# Requires the gtk-xfce-engine.
gtk-icon-sizes = "panel-menu=16,16:panel=16,16:gtk-button=16,16:gtk-large-toolbar=16,16"
gtk-button-images = 0
gtk-menu-images = 0
style "default"
GtkButton::default_border = {0, 0, 0, 0}
GtkButton::default_outside_border = {0, 0, 0, 0}