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Last active October 27, 2020 07:16
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I wanted to learn how to do isometric rendering:


And I wanted to learn about A* (how do you get out of a maze, quickly)


I wanted to learn how to make multiplayer games (running over TCP):


(no linear interpolation in that next one):


Something I made when I was in year 9 I think. I stole the idea from the game a friend of mine had installed. Probs wrote it in English or something haha


I also wrote nlfb (horrible name) at the beginning:

There's probably some more stuff I'm forgeting. Pretty much all of it is unfinished projects. 9 times out of 10, I just want to learn something, and once I've understood it, I just stop working on the thing. Like there's a project somewhere that was just an excuse to learn about cryptography, some stuff to learn how to evaluate mathematics expression/simplify and try to solve linear equations. I don't think I actually got it to the point where it could actually solve a linear equation tho...

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