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Created January 18, 2024 21:06
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package com.cplab.jstripe;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import io.scif.ImageMetadata;
import io.scif.config.SCIFIOConfig;
import net.imagej.axis.Axes;
import org.scijava.command.Command;
import org.scijava.command.Previewable;
import org.scijava.Initializable;
import org.scijava.log.LogService;
import org.scijava.plugin.Parameter;
import org.scijava.plugin.Plugin;
import org.scijava.command.DynamicCommand;
import org.scijava.ui.UIService;
import org.scijava.module.MutableModuleItem;
import io.scif.Metadata;
import io.scif.img.SCIFIOImgPlus;
import io.scif.ome.OMEMetadata;
import loci.formats.ome.OMEXMLMetadata;
import net.imagej.Dataset;
import net.imagej.DatasetService;
import net.imagej.ImageJ;
import net.imagej.display.ImageDisplayService;
import net.imagej.axis.AxisType;
import net.imagej.ops.OpService;
import net.imglib2.Cursor;
import net.imglib2.IterableInterval;
import net.imglib2.RandomAccess;
import net.imglib2.type.NativeType;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType;
import net.imagej.ImgPlus;
import net.imglib2.view.Views;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedShortType;
@Plugin(type = Command.class, menuPath = "Plugins>SPIM Destriping")
public class DeStripe extends DynamicCommand implements Command, Previewable, Initializable {
private UIService ui;
private LogService log;
private StatusService statusService;
@Parameter(required = false)
private ImageDisplayService idService;
private DatasetIOService datasetIOService;
private DatasetService datasetService;
TranslatorService translatorService;
private OpService opService;
final private String defaultStringFile = "<Use filename below>";
label = "Use open image (optional)",
choices = { defaultStringFile },
persist = false,
description = "If you want to use an open dataset select it here, otherwise " +
"select '" + defaultStringFile + "' and select a file below."
private String inputImage = defaultStringFile;
@Parameter(label = "Open from disk (optional)", required = false, persist = false)
private File inputFile;
@Parameter(label = "Load whole file into memory")
private boolean bufferInput = true;
@Parameter(label = "Display file (if opened from disk)")
private boolean displayInput = false;
@Parameter(choices = {"X", "Y"}, label = "Axis parallel to the lightsheet laser (and stripes)")
private String laserAxis;
@Parameter(label = "Process only current slice (for stack)")
private boolean currentSlice = true;
@Parameter(label = "Process slice range (or all slices - for stack)")
private boolean doSliceRange = false;
@Parameter(label = "Start slice (if range) - inclusive", min = "0")
private int startSlice = 0;
@Parameter(label = "Last slice (if range) - inclusive", min = "0")
private int lastSlice = 0;
@Parameter(label = "Display result")
private boolean displayResult = true;
@Parameter(label = "Save to disk (optional - if provided)", required = false, persist = false)
private File outputFile;
public void initialize() {
// update the dataset field with list of open datasets
ArrayList<String> openDatasets = new ArrayList<>();
List<Dataset> datasets = datasetService.getDatasets();
final MutableModuleItem<String> inputImages = getInfo().getMutableInput(
"inputImage", String.class);
for (Dataset dataset : datasets) {
public void run() {
Dataset resultF;
Dataset resultUInt;
Dataset dataset;
SCIFIOImgPlus<?> imgIn;
final long[] zRange = {0, 0};
// input dataset
dataset = getUserDataset();
if (dataset == null)
try {
// ensure we opened it with scifio
imgIn = getImgPlus(dataset);
} catch (final ClassCastException e) {
// requested range
computeZExtent(dataset, zRange);
// dataset for result
resultF = create(
dataset, new FloatType(),
zRange[1] - zRange[0] + 1, imgIn, datasetService
processDataset(dataset, resultF, zRange);
// resultUInt.setImgPlus(new ImgPlus<>(opService.convert().uint16((IterableInterval) resultF.getImgPlus())));
if (displayResult) {;
private Dataset getUserDataset() {
Dataset dataset = null;
// if no open dataset specified, open file
if (inputImage.equals(defaultStringFile)) {
if (inputFile == null) {
log.error("No input file provided");
return null;
SCIFIOConfig config = new SCIFIOConfig();
try {
dataset =, config);
} catch (final IOException e) {
return null;
if (displayInput);
} else {
// otherwise use open dataset
List<Dataset> datasets = datasetService.getDatasets();
for (Dataset datasetItem : datasets) {
if (datasetItem.getName().equals(inputImage)) {
dataset = datasetItem;
if (dataset == null)
log.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find dataset by name"));
return null;
return dataset;
/** Get the z stack range requested by user, returning a valid range
* for the dataset.
private void computeZExtent(Dataset dataset, long[] zRange) {
if (currentSlice) {
if (idService == null) {
log.error("No display, but current slice requested");
if (dataset.dimensionIndex(Axes.Z) >= 0)
zRange[0] = zRange[1] = idService.getActivePosition().getLongPosition(dataset.dimensionIndex(Axes.Z));
} else if (doSliceRange) {
zRange[0] = startSlice;
zRange[1] = lastSlice;
} else {
zRange[1] = Math.max(dataset.getDepth() - 1, 0);
zRange[0] = Math.min(Math.max(zRange[0], 0), dataset.getDepth() - 1);
zRange[1] = Math.min(Math.max(zRange[0], zRange[1]), dataset.getDepth() - 1);
/** Save the dataset to the file, if requested by user
private void saveDataset(Dataset dataset) {
if (outputFile != null && !outputFile.getAbsolutePath().isEmpty()) {
SCIFIOConfig config = new SCIFIOConfig();
try {, outputFile.getAbsolutePath(), config);
} catch (final IOException e) {
private void processDataset(final Dataset src, Dataset dst, long[] zRange) {
final ImgPlus<? extends RealType<?>> srcImg = src.getImgPlus();
final ImgPlus<? extends RealType<?>> dstImg = dst.getImgPlus();
final long[] min = new long[src.numDimensions()];
final long[] max = new long[src.numDimensions()];
final int indexT, indexC, indexX, indexY, indexZ;
indexT = src.dimensionIndex(Axes.TIME);
indexC = src.dimensionIndex(Axes.CHANNEL);
indexX = src.dimensionIndex(Axes.X);
indexY = src.dimensionIndex(Axes.Y);
indexZ = src.dimensionIndex(Axes.Z);
final long sizeT = src.dimension(Axes.TIME);
final long sizeC = src.dimension(Axes.CHANNEL);
if (indexX >= 0){
min[indexX] = 0;
max[indexX] = src.dimension(Axes.X) - 1;
if (indexY >= 0){
min[indexY] = 0;
max[indexY] = src.dimension(Axes.Y) - 1;
for (long t = 0; t < sizeT; t++) {
if (indexT >= 0)
min[indexT] = max[indexT] = t;
for (long c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) {
if (indexC >= 0)
min[indexC] = max[indexC] = c;
for (long z = zRange[0]; z <= zRange[1]; z++) {
if (indexZ >= 0)
min[indexZ] = max[indexZ] = z;
logSlice(src, dst, zRange, min, max);
computeParallel(srcImg, dstImg, min, max);
// computeSerial(src, srcImg, dstImg, min, max);
private void logSlice(Dataset src, Dataset dst, long[] zRange, long[] min, long[] max) {
Object[] items = {
src.numDimensions(), dst.numDimensions(),
src.dimension(Axes.TIME), src.dimension(Axes.CHANNEL),
src.dimension(Axes.Z), src.dimension(Axes.X),
src.dimensionIndex(Axes.TIME), src.dimensionIndex(Axes.CHANNEL),
src.dimensionIndex(Axes.Z), src.dimensionIndex(Axes.X),
String.join(", ", Arrays.toString(zRange)),
String.join(", ", Arrays.toString(min)),
String.join(", ", Arrays.toString(max))
String[] strings =[]::new);", ", strings));
private void computeParallel(
ImgPlus<? extends RealType<?>> srcImg,
ImgPlus<? extends RealType<?>> dstImg, long[] min, long[] max) {
final IterableInterval<FloatType> srcImgF = opService.convert().float32(
(IterableInterval) Views.interval(srcImg, min, max));
final IterableInterval<FloatType> dstImgF = (IterableInterval) Views.interval(dstImg, min, max);
opService.math().multiply(dstImgF, srcImgF, srcImgF);
private void computeSerial(
Dataset src, ImgPlus<? extends RealType<?>> srcImg,
ImgPlus<? extends RealType<?>> dstImg, long[] min, long[] max
) {
final long[] pos = new long[src.numDimensions()];
RandomAccess<? extends RealType<?>> ra = Views.interval(srcImg, min, max).randomAccess();
Cursor<? extends RealType<?>> cursor = Views.interval(dstImg, min, max).localizingCursor();
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
final double sum = Math.pow(ra.get().getRealDouble(), 2);
}", ", Arrays.toString(pos)));
/** Creates a new dataset of the specified type, based on the input dataset
* and metadata, if provided.
private static <T extends RealType<T> & NativeType<T>> Dataset create(
final Dataset d, final T type, long zExtent, SCIFIOImgPlus<?> imgIn,
DatasetService datasetService)
final int dimCount = d.numDimensions();
final long[] dims = new long[d.numDimensions()];
final AxisType[] axes = new AxisType[dimCount];
int index = d.dimensionIndex(Axes.Z);
if (index >= 0)
dims[index] = zExtent;
for (int i = 0; i < dimCount; i++) {
axes[i] = d.axis(i).type();
Dataset result = datasetService.create(type, dims, "result", axes);
SCIFIOImgPlus<?> img = getImgPlus(result);
if (imgIn != null) {
return result;
/** Gets a SCIFIOImgPlus image object representing the dataset.
private static SCIFIOImgPlus<?> getImgPlus(Dataset data) {
ImgPlus<?> imp = data.getImgPlus();
if (imp instanceof SCIFIOImgPlus) {
return (SCIFIOImgPlus<?>) imp;
return new SCIFIOImgPlus<>(imp);
public static void main(final String... args) throws Exception {
// Create the ImageJ application context with all available services
final ImageJ ij = new ImageJ();
// ij.launch(args);
// Launch the "Add Two Datasets" command right away.
ij.command().run(DeStripe.class, true);
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