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LeetCode 2462. Total Cost to Hire K Workers

C++ Approach 1:

class Solution {
    long long totalCost(vector<int>& cost, int k, int c) {
        priority_queue<pair<int,int>>pq; // Priority queue to store costs in descending order along with their corresponding type
        map<int,int>m; // Map to keep track of the occurrences of each type
        for(int i=0;i<c;i++){
            m[i]++; // Increment the occurrence count of type i
            pq.push({-cost[i],1}); // Push the cost with its type into the priority queue

        int i=cost.size()-1;
        // Iterate until the desired number of candidates is reached
        for(int j=0;j<c;j++){
            // Check if the type of the element at index i is already included
                m[i]++; // Increment the occurrence count of type i
                pq.push({-cost[i],0}); // Push the cost with its type into the priority queue
                i--; // Move to the next element from the end
            else break;
        int l = c; // Pointer to track the left side of the sliding window
        int r = cost.size()-1-c; // Pointer to track the right side of the sliding window
        long long ans=0; // Variable to store the total cost
        // Iterate until the desired number of candidates is reached
        for(int j=0;j<k;j++){
            ans += abs(; // Add the absolute value of the cost to the total cost
            int h =; // Get the type of the cost
            pq.pop(); // Remove the top element from the priority queue
            // Depending on whether the type was from the left or right side of the sliding window
                // Check if the type on the left side is already included and if we have not reached the end of the array
                if(m[l]==0 && l<cost.size()){
                    m[l]++; // Increment the occurrence count of type l
                    pq.push({-cost[l],1}); // Push the cost with its type into the priority queue
                    l++; // Move to the next element from the left side
                // Check if the type on the right side is already included and if we have not reached the start of the array
                if(m[r]==0 && r>=0){
                    m[r]++; // Increment the occurrence count of type r
                    pq.push({-cost[r],0}); // Push the cost with its type into the priority queue
                    r--; // Move to the next element from the right side
        return ans; // Return the total cost

C++ Approach 2:

class Solution {
    long long totalCost(vector<int>& costs, int k, int candidates) {
        long long ans = 0; // Variable to store the total cost

        // Priority queue to store the lowest costs from the beginning of the array
        priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> q1;

        // Priority queue to store the highest costs from the end of the array
        priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> q2;

        int low = 0; // Pointer to track the beginning of the array

        // Insert 'candidates' number of costs into q1
        while (low < candidates) {

        int cnt = 0;
        int high = (int)costs.size() - 1; // Pointer to track the end of the array

        // Adjust 'candidates' if it is greater than the number of elements from the end of the array
        if (candidates > costs.size() - candidates) {
            candidates = costs.size() - candidates;

        // Insert 'candidates' number of costs into q2 from the end of the array
        while (cnt < candidates) {

        // Perform k iterations
        while (k--) {
            if (q1.empty()) { // If q1 is empty, take the lowest cost from q2
                ans +=; // Add the top element from q2 to the total cost
                q2.pop(); // Remove the top element from q2
                if (low <= high) {
                    q2.push(costs[high]); // Push the next element from the end of the array to q2
                    high--; // Move the high pointer
            } else if (q2.empty()) { // If q2 is empty, take the lowest cost from q1
                ans +=; // Add the top element from q1 to the total cost
                q1.pop(); // Remove the top element from q1
                if (low <= high) {
                    q1.push(costs[low]); // Push the next element from the beginning of the array to q1
                    low++; // Move the low pointer
            } else if ( <= { // If the lowest cost in q1 is less than or equal to the lowest cost in q2, take the lowest cost from q1
                ans +=; // Add the top element from q1 to the total cost
                q1.pop(); // Remove the top element from q1
                if (low <= high) {
                    q1.push(costs[low]); // Push the next element from the beginning of the array to q1
                    low++; // Move the low pointer
            } else { // If the lowest cost in q2 is less than the lowest cost in q1, take the lowest cost from q2
                ans +=; // Add the top element from q2 to the total cost
                q2.pop(); // Remove the top element from q2
                if (low <= high) {
                    q2.push(costs[high]); // Push the next element from the end of the array to q2
                    high--; // Move the high pointer
        return ans; // Return the total cost

Now, let's provide a table to outline the key takeaways of the differences:

<td><code style="color:orang; font-weight:900";>priority_queue</code>, `map`</td>
<td><code style="color:green; font-weight:900";>O(c)</code> - <code style="color:orang; font-weight:900";>priority_queue</code> and `map` are used to store c elements</td>
<td><code style="color:green; font-weight:900";>O(k * log(c))</code> - Multiple operations on <code style="color:orang; font-weight:900";>priority_queue</code></td>
<td>- Uses `map` to keep track of element occurrences<br>- Pushes elements with negative costs (reversed order) into the <code style="color:orang; font-weight:900";>priority_queue</code><br>- Considers left and right pointers to keep track of unused elements from the beginning and end of the array</td>
Data Structures Used Space Complexity Time Complexity Key Differences Takeaways
priority_queue O(candidates) - priority_queue O(k * log(k) + c * log(candidates)) - Uses two separate priority_queue queues, one to store lowest costs from the beginning of the array, and the other to store highest costs from the end of the array.
- Pushes costs normally into the priority_queue.
- Handles unused elements by adjusting the number of candidates and conditionally pushing them into the appropriate priority_queue.
First Approach Second Approach
Data Structures Used priority_queue, map priority_queue
Space Complexity O(c) - priority_queue and map are used to store c elements O(candidates) - priority_queue
Time Complexity O(k * log(c)) - Multiple operations on priority_queue O(k * log(k) + c * log(candidates))
Key Differences - Uses map to keep track of element occurrences - Uses two separate priority_queue queues, one to store lowest costs from the beginning of the array, and the other to store highest costs from the end of the array.
- Pushes elements with negative costs (reversed order) into the priority_queue - Pushes costs normally into the priority_queue
- Considers left and right pointers to keep track of unused elements from the beginning and end of the array - Handles unused elements by adjusting the number of candidates and condi- tionally pushing them into the appropriate priority_queue
Conclusion The first approach uses a combination of priority_queue and map to manage costs and element occurrences. However, it can have higher space complexity because of the additional overhead of map. The second approach simplifies the process by using two separate priority_queue queues and pointers to track unused elements, resulting in better space complexity and potentially better time complexity. While the second approach has a slightly more complex implementation, it offers improved efficiency compared to the first approach.

Versus JS, Python, and Java

Javascript Version:

function totalCost(costs, k, candidates) {
  let ans = 0; // Variable to store the total cost
  const q1 = []; // Array to store the lowest costs from the beginning of the array
  const q2 = []; // Array to store the highest costs from the end of the array
  let low = 0; // Pointer to track the beginning of the array

  // Insert 'candidates' number of costs into q1
  while (low < candidates) {

  let cnt = 0;
  let high = costs.length - 1; // Pointer to track the end of the array

  // Adjust 'candidates' if it is greater than the number of elements from the end of the array
  if (candidates > costs.length - candidates) {
    candidates = costs.length - candidates;

  // Insert 'candidates' number of costs into q2 from the end of the array
  while (cnt < candidates) {

  // Perform k iterations
  while (k--) {
    if (q1.length === 0) { // If q1 is empty, take the lowest cost from q2
      ans += q2[0]; // Add the first element from q2 to the total cost
      q2.shift(); // Remove the first element from q2
      if (low <= high) {
        q2.push(costs[high]); // Push the next element from the end of the array to q2
        high--; // Move the high pointer
    } else if (q2.length === 0) { // If q2 is empty, take the lowest cost from q1
      ans += q1[0]; // Add the first element from q1 to the total cost
      q1.shift(); // Remove the first element from q1
      if (low <= high) {
        q1.push(costs[low]); // Push the next element from the beginning of the array to q1
        low++; // Move the low pointer
    } else if (q1[0] <= q2[0]) { // If the first cost in q1 is less than or equal to the first cost in q2, take the first cost from q1
      ans += q1[0]; // Add the first element from q1 to the total cost
      q1.shift(); // Remove the first element from q1
      if (low <= high) {
        q1.push(costs[low]); // Push the next element from the beginning of the array to q1
        low++; // Move the low pointer
    } else { // If the first cost in q2 is less than the first cost in q1, take the first cost from q2
      ans += q2[0]; // Add the first element from q2 to the total cost
      q2.shift(); // Remove the first element from q2
      if (low <= high) {
        q2.push(costs[high]); // Push the next element from the end of the array to q2
        high--; // Move the high pointer
  return ans; // Return the total cost

Python Version

import heapq

def total_cost(costs, k, candidates):
    ans = 0  # Variable to store the total cost
    q1 = []  # List to store the lowest costs from the beginning of the array
    q2 = []  # List to store the highest costs from the end of the array
    low = 0  # Pointer to track the beginning of the array

    # Insert 'candidates' number of costs into q1
    while low < candidates:
        heapq.heappush(q1, costs[low])
        low += 1

    cnt = 0
    high = len(costs) - 1  # Pointer to track the end of the array

    # Adjust 'candidates' if it is greater than the number of elements from the end of the array
    if candidates > len(costs) - candidates:
        candidates = len(costs) - candidates

    # Insert 'candidates' number of costs into q2 from the end of the array
    while cnt < candidates:
        heapq.heappush(q2, -costs[high])
        cnt += 1
        high -= 1

    # Perform k iterations
    while k > 0:
        if len(q1) == 0:  # If q1 is empty, take the lowest cost from q2
            ans += -heapq.heappop(q2)  # Add the popped element from q2 to the total cost
            if low <= high:
                heapq.heappush(q2, -costs[high])  # Push the next element from the end of the array to q2
                high -= 1
        elif len(q2) == 0:  # If q2 is empty, take the lowest cost from q1
            ans += heapq.heappop(q1)  # Add the popped element from q1 to the total cost
            if low <= high:
                heapq.heappush(q1, costs[low])  # Push the next element from the beginning of the array to q1
                low += 1
        elif q1[0] <= -q2[0]:  # If the first cost in q1 is less than or equal to the first cost in q2, take the first cost from q1
            ans += heapq.heappop(q1)  # Add the popped element from q1 to the total cost
            if low <= high:
                heapq.heappush(q1, costs[low])  # Push the next element from the beginning of the array to q1
                low += 1
        else:  # If the first cost in q2 is less than the first cost in q1, take the first cost from q2
            ans += -heapq.heappop(q2)  # Add the popped element from q2 to the total cost
            if low <= high:
                heapq.heappush(q2, -costs[high])  # Push the next element from the end of the array to q2
                high -= 1
        k -= 1

    return ans  # Return the total cost

Java Version

import java.util.PriorityQueue;

class Solution {
    public long totalCost(int[] costs, int k, int candidates) {
        long ans = 0;  // Variable to store the total cost
        PriorityQueue<Integer> q1 = new PriorityQueue<>();  // Priority queue to store the lowest costs from the beginning of the array
        PriorityQueue<Integer> q2 = new PriorityQueue<>();  // Priority queue to store the highest costs from the end of the array
        int low = 0;  // Pointer to track the beginning of the array

        // Insert 'candidates' number of costs into q1
        while (low < candidates) {

        int cnt = 0;
        int high = costs.length - 1;  // Pointer to track the end of the array

        // Adjust 'candidates' if it is greater than the number of elements from the end of the array
        if (candidates > costs.length - candidates) {
            candidates = costs.length - candidates;

        // Insert 'candidates' number of costs into q2 from the end of the array
        while (cnt < candidates) {

        // Perform k iterations
        while (k > 0) {
            if (q1.isEmpty()) {  // If q1 is empty, take the lowest cost from q2
                ans += -q2.poll();  // Add the polled element from q2 to the total cost
                if (low <= high) {
                    q2.offer(-costs[high]);  // Push the next element from the end of the array to q2
            } else if (q2.isEmpty()) {  // If q2 is empty, take the lowest cost from q1
                ans += q1.poll();  // Add the polled element from q1 to the total cost
                if (low <= high) {
                    q1.offer(costs[low]);  // Push the next element from the beginning of the array to q1
            } else if (q1.peek() <= -q2.peek()) {  // If the lowest cost in q1 is less than or equal to the lowest cost in q2, take the lowest cost from q1
                ans += q1.poll();  // Add the polled element from q1 to the total cost
                if (low <= high) {
                    q1.offer(costs[low]);  // Push the next element from the beginning of the array to q1
            } else {  // If the lowest cost in q2 is less than the lowest cost in q1, take the lowest cost from q2
                ans += -q2.poll();  // Add the polled element from q2 to the total cost
                if (low <= high) {
                    q2.offer(-costs[high]);  // Push the next element from the end of the array to q2

        return ans;  // Return the total cost
<style> table th:first-of-type { width: 10%; } table th:nth-of-type(2) { width: 10%; } table th:nth-of-type(3) { width: 50%; } table th:nth-of-type(4) { width: 30%; } </style>
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