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Last active February 18, 2018 03:38
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Conway's Game of Life

Conway's Game of Life


Copyright (c) 2015-2017 David Geo Holmes.

export class Game {
export interface ModelOptions {
threshold?: number
export class Model {
public rows: number
public columns: number
public data: boolean[] = []
private threshold: number
constructor(rows: number, columns: number, options: ModelOptions = {}) {
this.threshold = typeof options.threshold === 'number' ? options.threshold : 0.5
this.rows = rows
this.columns = columns
for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for (let column = 0; column < columns; column++) {[this.indexFromPosition(row, column)] = Math.random() > this.threshold
indexFromPosition(row: number, column: number): number {
return (row % this.rows) * this.columns + (column % this.columns)
isAlive(row: number, column: number): boolean {
return[this.indexFromPosition(row, column)]
neighbors(row: number, column: number): number {
let count = 0
if (this.isAlive(row - 1, column - 1)) {
count += 1
if (this.isAlive(row - 1, column)) {
count += 1
if (this.isAlive(row - 1, column + 1)) {
count += 1
if (this.isAlive(row, column - 1)) {
count += 1
if (this.isAlive(row, column + 1)) {
count += 1
if (this.isAlive(row + 1, column - 1)) {
count += 1
if (this.isAlive(row + 1, column)) {
count += 1
if (this.isAlive(row + 1, column + 1)) {
count += 1
return count
step(): void {
const next = => x)
for (let row = 0; row < this.rows; row++) {
for (let column = 0; column < this.columns; column++) {
const index = this.indexFromPosition(row, column)
const N = this.neighbors(row, column)
if (this.isAlive(row, column)) {
if (N < 2) {
next[index] = false
else if (N > 3) {
next[index] = false
else {
// Do nothing (stay alive).
else {
if (N === 3) {
next[index] = true
else {
// Do nothing (stay dead).
for (let row = 0; row < this.rows; row++) {
for (let column = 0; column < this.columns; column++) {
const index = this.indexFromPosition(row, column)[index] = next[index]
export interface ViewOptions {
margin?: number
export class View {
private model: Model
private canvas: HTMLCanvasElement
private ctxt2d: CanvasRenderingContext2D
private margin: number
private tileX: number
private tileY: number
private stepX: number
private stepY: number
constructor(canvasId: string, model: Model, options: ViewOptions = {}) {
this.margin = typeof options.margin === 'number' ? options.margin : 1
this.model = model
this.canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId) as HTMLCanvasElement
this.ctxt2d = this.canvas.getContext('2d') as CanvasRenderingContext2D
this.stepX = this.canvas.width / model.columns
this.stepY = this.canvas.height / model.rows
this.tileX = (this.canvas.width / model.columns) - 2 * this.margin
this.tileY = (this.canvas.height / model.rows) - 2 * this.margin
* Render the model.
update() {
// Redraw the view
this.ctxt2d.fillStyle = '#444444'
this.ctxt2d.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height)
for (let row = 0; row < this.model.rows; row++) {
for (let column = 0; column < this.model.columns; column++) {
this.colorRect(row, column)
private colorRect(row: number, column: number): void {
this.ctxt2d.fillStyle = this.model.isAlive(row, column) ? '#555577' : '#AAAACC'
const x = this.margin + column * this.stepX
const y = this.margin + row * this.stepY
this.ctxt2d.fillRect(x, y, this.tileX, this.tileY)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base href='/'>
<script src=''></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'>
<canvas id='game-canvas' width='600' height='600'></canvas>
System.defaultJSExtensions = true
import { Model, View } from './game'
const model = new Model(30, 30, { threshold: 0.8 })
const view = new View('game-canvas', model, { margin: 1 })
let frame = 0
const animate = function() {
if (frame === 60) {
frame = 0
frame += 1
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