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Created November 2, 2016 18:31
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Motion and Kinematics
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Motion and Kinematics

Student Learning Objectives

  • To differentiate between position, velocity, and acceleration.
  • To identify velocity and acceleration vectors (direction and relative magnitude) at different points in an object's motion.
  • To recognize the relationship between $\vec{v}$ and $\vec{a}$ when an object is speeding up, slowing down, curving, or at a turning point.
  • To interpret kinematic graphs and to relate graphs of position, velocity and acceleration to each other.
  • To translate kinematic information between verbal, pictorial, graphical, algebraic, and computational representations.
  • To begin a robust problem solving strategy.
  • To learn the basic ideas of calculus (differentiation and integration) and to use these ideas both symbolically and graphically.
  • To understand freee-fall motion, both linear and in two dimensions.
  • To understand the basic ideas of circular motion.
  • To solve quantitative kinematics problems and to interpret the results.

Motion Diagram

A motion diagram is an ordered series of dots (representing the object as a particle) showing the position of the particle at several points in time.

<!doctype html>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id='canvas3D'></canvas>
<canvas id='canvas2D'></canvas>
<div id='error'></div>
import {domReady, requestFrame} from './visual'
import {meter, kilogram, second, newton} from './units'
import {createArrow, Arrow} from './visual'
import {createBox, Box} from './visual'
import {createGridXY, createGridZX, Grid} from './visual'
import {sphere, Sphere} from './visual'
import {color} from './visual'
import {curve} from './visual'
import {World} from './visual'
const i = EIGHT.Vector3.e1()
const j = EIGHT.Vector3.e2()
const k = EIGHT.Vector3.e3()
* A composite containing a camera, the canvas, a scene, etc.
let world: World
* A graphical arrow that will be used to visualize all vectors.
* This is done by moving it around (translation), by changing its color,
* and by changing the vector property that it is model that it represents.
let arrow: Arrow
* A grid in the xy-plane.
let gridXY: Grid
* A grid in the zx-plane.
let gridZX: Grid
* Vector A
const A = 1.0 * j
* Vector B
const B = 1.2 * i + 0.4 * j + 0.0 * k
* Vector C, a random vector.
const C = Math.random() * i + Math.random() * j + Math.random() * k
* Vector D, a random vector.
const D = Math.random() * i + Math.random() * j + Math.random() * k
const gui = new dat.GUI()
const folderA = gui.addFolder("A (vector)")
folderA.add(A, 'x', -2, +2)
folderA.add(A, 'y', -2, +2)
folderA.add(A, 'z', -2, +2)
const folderB = gui.addFolder("B (vector)")
folderB.add(B, 'x', -2, +2)
folderB.add(B, 'y', -2, +2)
folderB.add(B, 'z', -2, +2)
* The initialization function is called once, when the DOM has been loaded.
function init(): void {
world = new World()
// world.scaleFactor = meter
// = 12 * world.scaleFactor * k = 6 * k
arrow = createArrow(world)
gridXY = createGridXY(world)
gridZX = createGridZX(world)
* The update function is called repeatedly, for each animation frame.
function update() {
* A shortcut to the origin defined on our World.
const origin = world.origin
// Draw the vector A and label it.
arrow.model = A
arrow.label = "A"
arrow.position = origin
arrow.color =
// Draw the grid in the XY plane to get a sense of the magnitude and direction of the vectors.
// gridXY.draw()
// Draw the grid normal to A to avoid becoming disorientated!
// Label the origin.
world.drawText("origin", origin)
* The animation function is called repeatedly, as a callback for the browser.
function animate() {
* When the DOM has been loaded, initialize this program.
* Then request a frame to get the animation going.
domReady(function() {
"description": "Motion and Kinematics",
"dependencies": {
"davinci-eight": "2.319.0",
"davinci-units": "1.5.3",
"DomReady": "1.0.0",
"jquery": "2.1.4",
"stats.js": "0.16.0",
"dat-gui": "0.5.0"
"operatorOverloading": true,
"name": "copy-of-copy-of-a-ball-in-a-box-with-units",
"version": "0.1.0",
"keywords": [
body {
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
font-family: "Arial";
#canvas3D {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
z-index: 0;
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
#canvas2D {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
z-index: 10;
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
* Allow events to go to the other elements
pointer-events: none;
#error {
position: absolute;
left: 10px;
top: 10px;
z-index: 20;
export const unitless =
export const i = UNITS.G3.e1
export const j = UNITS.G3.e2
export const k = UNITS.G3.e3
export const meter = UNITS.G3.meter
export const kilogram = UNITS.G3.kilogram
export const second = UNITS.G3.second
export const newton = kilogram * meter / (second * second)
export const coulomb = UNITS.G3.coulomb
export default class Vector {
constructor(x: number, y: number, z: number, uom: UNITS.Unit) {
import {meter, kilogram, second, unitless, newton, coulomb} from './units';
// Change the lables used for the basis to i, j, k.
// These lables were borrowed from Hamilton's quaternions.
// Lighting
* Ambient Lighting for the World.
const ambLight = new EIGHT.AmbientLight(EIGHT.Color.white.scale(0.4))
* Directional Lighting for the World.
const dirLight = new EIGHT.DirectionalLight()
// Standard Colors
* The standard colors.
export const color = {
yellow: EIGHT.Color.yellow,
magenta: EIGHT.Color.magenta,
cyan: EIGHT.Color.cyan,
orange: EIGHT.Color.fromRGB(1, 102 / 255, 0),
white: EIGHT.Color.white
// Physical Constants
export const ε0 = 8.854E-12 * (coulomb * coulomb) / (meter * meter * newton)
// Validation
* Determines whether a multivector is admissable as a vector.
function isVector(mv: EIGHT.GeometricE3): boolean {
if (mv.a !== 0 || mv.b !== 0 || mv.yz !== 0 || mv.zx !== 0 || mv.xy !== 0) {
return false;
else {
return true;
* Determines whether a multivector is admissable as a scalar.
function isScalar(mv: EIGHT.GeometricE3): boolean {
if (mv.x !== 0 || mv.y !== 0 || mv.z !== 0 || mv.yz !== 0 || mv.zx !== 0 || mv.xy !== 0 || mv.b !== 0) {
return false;
else {
return true;
* A camera is a frame of reference from which the scene is viewed.
export interface Camera {
* The position of the camera, a position vector, measured in meters.
eye: EIGHT.Vector3;
* The point that the camera is looking at, a position vector, measured in meters.
look: UNITS.G3;
* The desired up direction, a dimensionless vector.
up: UNITS.G3;
* A ready-to-go composite for EIGHT animations.
export class World {
* The scale factor for converting world units to dimensionless units.
public scaleFactor: UNITS.G3 = meter;
* The frame of reference from which the world is viewed.
public camera: Camera;
public engine:EIGHT.Engine;
public scene: EIGHT.Scene;
public ambients: EIGHT.Facet[] = [];
private trackball:EIGHT.TrackballControls;
private dimlessCamera: EIGHT.PerspectiveCamera;
public framecounter: number = 0;
public overlay: EIGHT.Diagram3D;
constructor() {
// Notice that the canvas is "burned in".
this.engine = new EIGHT.Engine('canvas3D')
.clearColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
// .enable(EIGHT.Capability.BLEND)
// .blendFunc(EIGHT.BlendingFactorSrc.SRC_ALPHA, EIGHT.BlendingFactorDest.ONE);
this.scene = new EIGHT.Scene(this.engine)
this.dimlessCamera = new EIGHT.PerspectiveCamera()
this.dimlessCamera.eye.x = 0
this.dimlessCamera.eye.y = 0
this.dimlessCamera.eye.z = 3
this.ambients.push(this.dimlessCamera) = worldCamera(this, this.dimlessCamera)
this.trackball = new EIGHT.TrackballControls(this.dimlessCamera, window)
// Workaround because Trackball no longer supports context menu for panning.
this.trackball.noPan = true
this.overlay = new EIGHT.Diagram3D('canvas2D', this.dimlessCamera)
windowResize(this.engine, this.overlay, this.dimlessCamera).resize()
* The underlying HTML5 Canvas.
get canvas(): HTMLCanvasElement {
return this.engine.canvas;
* The origin is fixed to be zero.
get origin(): EIGHT.Vector3 {
return EIGHT.Vector3.e3().scale(0)
// return 0 * this.scaleFactor
* Adds a drawable object to the world.
add(drawable: EIGHT.Renderable): void {
if (drawable){
else {
// Throw Error
* Clears the WebGL canvas and keeps the directional light pointing in the camera direction.
clear(): void {
* Draws the objects that have been added to the world.
draw(): void {
drawText(text: string, X: EIGHT.Vector3): void {
const where = {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
// scale(text, X, this.scaleFactor, where)
this.overlay.fillText(text, X)
* Divides the measure by the scaleFactor to produce a dimensionless quantity.
function scale(name: string, measure: UNITS.G3, scaleFactor: UNITS.G3, out: EIGHT.VectorE3): void {
if (!isScalar(scaleFactor)) {
throw new Error(`scaleFactor must be a scalar. scale(${name}, ${measure}, ${scaleFactor})`)
// We are expecting the result of scaling to produce a dimensionless quantity.
const dimless = measure / scaleFactor;
const uom = dimless.uom
if (!uom || uom.isOne()) {
out.x = dimless.x
out.y = dimless.y
out.z = dimless.z
// return EIGHT.Geometric3.copy(dimless)
else {
throw new Error(`Units of ${name}, ${scaleFactor}, is not consistent with units of quantity, ${measure}.`)
function scaleToNumber(name: string, measure: UNITS.G3, scaleFactor: UNITS.G3): number {
if (!isScalar(scaleFactor)) {
throw new Error(`scaleFactor must be a scalar. scale(${name}, ${measure}, ${scaleFactor})`)
// We are expecting the result of scaling to produce a dimensionless quantity.
const dimless = measure / scaleFactor;
const uom = dimless.uom
if (!uom || uom.isOne()) {
return dimless.a
else {
throw new Error(`Units of ${name}, ${scaleFactor}, is not consistent with units of quantity, ${measure}.`)
* A type that is useful for representing vectors.
export class Arrow {
private _scaleFactor: UNITS.G3 = meter;
private _label: string;
private inner: EIGHT.Arrow;
constructor(private world: World) {
this.inner = new EIGHT.Arrow()
get color() {
return this.inner.color;
set color(color: EIGHT.Color) {
this.inner.color = color;
get label() {
return this._label;
set label(value: string) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
this._label = value
else {
throw new Error(`Arrow.label property must be a string.`);
get scaleFactor() {
return this._scaleFactor;
set scaleFactor(value: UNITS.G3) {
if (isScalar(value)) {
this._scaleFactor = value;
else {
throw new Error(`Arrow.scaleFactor property must be a scalar.`);
get model() {
return EIGHT.Vector3.copy(this.inner.h)
// return UNITS.G3.copy(this.inner.h).mul(this.scaleFactor)
set model(value: EIGHT.Vector3) {
if (isVector(value)) {
scale('axis', value, this.scaleFactor, this.inner.h)
else {
throw new Error(`Arrow.axis property must be a vector.`);
get position() {
return EIGHT.Vector3.copy(this.inner.X)
// return UNITS.G3.copy(this.inner.X).mul(;
set position(value: EIGHT.Vector3) {
if (isVector(value)) {
scale('pos', value,, this.inner.X)
else {
throw new Error(`Arrow.pos property must be a vector.`);
draw() {
if (typeof this._label === 'string' && this._label.length > 0) {, this.position + (this.model / 2))
//, this.position + (this.model / 2) * ( / this.scaleFactor))
* Constructor function for an Arrow.
export function createArrow(world: World, options: {scaleFactor?: UNITS.G3; color?: EIGHT.Color} = {}): Arrow {
const that = new Arrow(world)
if (options.scaleFactor) {
if (options.scaleFactor instanceof UNITS.G3) {
that.scaleFactor = options.scaleFactor;
else {
throw new Error("pos option must have type UNITS.G3");
if (options.color) {
if (options.color instanceof EIGHT.Color) {
that.color = options.color;
else {
throw new Error("color property must have type EIGHT.Color");
return that;
export class Box {
public scaleFactor: UNITS.G3 = meter;
private inner: EIGHT.Box;
constructor(private world: World) {
this.inner = new EIGHT.Box({k: 1})
this.scaleFactor = world.scaleFactor
get color() {
return this.inner.color;
set color(color: EIGHT.Color) {
this.inner.color = color;
get width() {
return UNITS.G3.scalar(this.inner.width, this.scaleFactor.uom)
set width(value: UNITS.G3) {
if (isScalar(value)) {
this.inner.width = scaleToNumber('width', value, this.scaleFactor)
else {
throw new Error(`Box.width property must be a scalar.`);
get height() {
return UNITS.G3.scalar(this.inner.height, this.scaleFactor.uom)
set height(value: UNITS.G3) {
if (isScalar(value)) {
this.inner.height = scaleToNumber('height', value, this.scaleFactor)
else {
throw new Error(`Box.height property must be a scalar.`);
get depth() {
return UNITS.G3.scalar(this.inner.depth, this.scaleFactor.uom)
set depth(value: UNITS.G3) {
if (isScalar(value)) {
this.inner.depth = scaleToNumber('depth', value, this.scaleFactor)
else {
throw new Error(`Box.depth property must be a scalar.`);
get pos() {
return UNITS.G3.copy(this.inner.X).mul(;
set pos(value: UNITS.G3) {
if (isVector(value)) {
scale('X', value,, this.inner.X)
else {
throw new Error(`Box.pos property must be a vector.`);
get visible() {
return this.inner.visible
set visible(value: boolean) {
this.inner.visible = false
draw() {
* Constructor function for a Box.
export function createBox(world: World, options: {pos?: UNITS.G3; color?: EIGHT.Color} = {}): Box {
if (world) {
const that = new Box(world);
if (options.pos) {
if (options.pos instanceof UNITS.G3) {
that.pos = options.pos;
else {
throw new Error("pos option must have type UNITS.G3");
if (options.color) {
if (options.color instanceof EIGHT.Color) {
that.color = options.color;
else {
throw new Error("color property must have type EIGHT.Color");
return that;
else {
throw new Error("World has not yet been initialized.")
export class Cylinder {
private inner: EIGHT.Cylinder;
public scaleFactor: UNITS.G3 = meter;
constructor(private world: World) {
this.inner = new EIGHT.Cylinder();
get color() {
return this.inner.color;
set color(color: EIGHT.Color) {
this.inner.color = color;
get length() {
return UNITS.G3.copy(this.inner.length, void 0).mul(this.scaleFactor);
set length(length: UNITS.G3) {
scale('length', length, this.scaleFactor, this.inner.length)
get radius() {
return UNITS.G3.copy(this.inner.radius, void 0).mul(this.scaleFactor);
set radius(radius: UNITS.G3) {
scale('radius', radius, this.scaleFactor, this.inner.radius)
get axis() {
return UNITS.G3.copy(this.inner.axis, void 0)
set axis(axis: UNITS.G3) {
scale('axis', axis, unitless, this.inner.axis)
get transparent() {
return this.inner.transparent;
set transparent(transparent: boolean) {
this.inner.transparent = transparent;
get X() {
return UNITS.G3.copy(this.inner.X, void 0).mul(;
set X(X: UNITS.G3) {
scale('X', X,, this.inner.X)
export class Grid {
constructor(private world: World, private inner: EIGHT.Grid) {
get color() {
return this.inner.color;
set color(color: EIGHT.Color) {
this.inner.color = color;
draw() {
export function createGridXY(world: World) {
const that = new Grid(world, new EIGHT.GridXY())
return that;
export function createGridZX(world: World) {
const that = new Grid(world, new EIGHT.GridZX())
return that;
export class Sphere {
public scaleFactor: UNITS.G3 = meter;
public trail: Curve;
private inner: EIGHT.Sphere;
private _velocity: UNITS.G3 = 0 * meter / second;
constructor(private world: World) {
this.inner = new EIGHT.Sphere()
this.scaleFactor = world.scaleFactor;
this.inner.transparent = false
this.inner.opacity = 1
get color() {
return this.inner.color;
set color(color: EIGHT.Color) {
this.inner.color = color;
get radius() {
return UNITS.G3.scalar(this.inner.radius, this.scaleFactor.uom)
set radius(value: UNITS.G3) {
this.inner.radius = scaleToNumber('radius', value, this.scaleFactor)
get velocity() {
return this._velocity;
set velocity(value: UNITS.G3) {
if (isVector(value)) {
this._velocity = value;
else {
throw new Error(`Sphere.velocity property must be a vector.`);
get pos() {
return UNITS.G3.copy(this.inner.X).mul(;
set pos(value: UNITS.G3) {
if (isVector(value)) {
scale('X', value,, this.inner.X)
else {
throw new Error(`Sphere.pos property must be a vector.`);
* Constructor function for a Sphere.
export function sphere(world: World, options: {pos?: UNITS.G3; radius?: UNITS.G3; color?: EIGHT.Color} = {}): Sphere {
if (world) {
const that = new Sphere(world);
if (options.pos) {
if (options.pos instanceof UNITS.G3) {
that.pos = options.pos;
else {
throw new Error("pos option must have type UNITS.G3");
if (options.radius) {
if (options.radius instanceof UNITS.G3) {
that.radius = options.radius;
else {
throw new Error("radius option must have type UNITS.G3");
if (options.color) {
if (options.color instanceof EIGHT.Color) {
that.color = options.color;
else {
throw new Error("color option must have type EIGHT.Color");
return that;
else {
throw new Error("World has not yet been initialized.")
export interface Curve {
append(point: UNITS.G3): void
export function curve(world: World, options: {color?: EIGHT.Color} = {}): Curve {
const track = new EIGHT.Track({engine: world.engine, color: options.color})
const that: Curve = {
append(point: UNITS.G3): void {
return that;
* Wrapper object for the PerspectiveCamera so that the eye, look (vector)
* properties use the units of the World (usually meters).
function worldCamera(world: World, camera: EIGHT.PerspectiveCamera): Camera {
const that: Camera = {
get eye() {
return EIGHT.Vector3.copy(camera.eye)
// return UNITS.G3.copy(camera.eye).mul(world.scaleFactor);
set eye(value: EIGHT.Vector3) {
if (isVector(value)) {
scale('eye', value, world.scaleFactor, camera.eye)
else {
throw new Error(`Camera.eye property must be a vector.`);
get look() {
return UNITS.G3.copy(camera.look).mul(world.scaleFactor);
set look(value: UNITS.G3) {
if (isVector(value)) {
scale('look', value, world.scaleFactor, camera.look)
else {
throw new Error(`Camera.look property must be a vector.`);
get up() {
return UNITS.G3.copy(camera.up).mul(unitless);
set up(value: UNITS.G3) {
if (isVector(value)) {
scale('up', value, unitless, camera.up)
else {
throw new Error(`Camera.up property must be a vector.`);
return that;
* Displays an exception by writing it to a <pre> element.
function displayError(e: any) {
const stderr = <HTMLPreElement>document.getElementById('error') = "#FF0000"
stderr.innerHTML = `${e}`
* Calls the callback argument when the Document Object Model (DOM) has been loaded.
* Exceptions thrown by the callback function are caught and displayed.
export function domReady(callback: () => any): void {
DomReady.ready(function() {
catch(e) {
* Catches exceptions thrown in the animation callback and displays them.
* This function will have a slight performance impact owing to the try...catch statement.
* This function may be bypassed for production use by using window.requestAnimationFrame directly.
export function requestFrame(callback: FrameRequestCallback): number {
const wrapper: FrameRequestCallback = function(time: number) {
try {
catch(e) {
return window.requestAnimationFrame(wrapper)
* Creates an object that manages resizing of the output to fit the window.
function windowResize(engine: EIGHT.Engine, overlay: EIGHT.Diagram3D, camera: EIGHT.PerspectiveCamera){
const callback = function() {
engine.size(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
// engine.viewport(0, 0, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
// engine.canvas.width = window.innerWidth
// engine.canvas.height = window.innerHeight = `${window.innerWidth}px` = `${window.innerHeight}px`
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
overlay.canvas.width = window.innerWidth
overlay.canvas.height = window.innerHeight = `${window.innerWidth}px` = `${window.innerHeight}px`
const ctxt = overlay.canvas.getContext('2d')
ctxt.font = '24px Helvetica'
ctxt.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'
window.addEventListener('resize', callback, false);
const that = {
resize: function() {
return that;
* Stop watching window resize
stop : function() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', callback);
return that;
return that;
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