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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Complex Numbers
"uuid": "3f553bfc-9db4-40cc-8fba-bc797dfd530e",
"description": "Complex Numbers",
"dependencies": {
"davinci-mathbox": "1.0.14",
"DomReady": "latest"
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Complex Numbers</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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* Bootstrap
DomReady.ready(function() {
], function () {
document.getElementById('info').style.opacity = '1';
// MathBox boilerplate
var mathbox = window['mathbox'] = mathBox({
cameraControls: false,
cursor: true,
controlClass: ThreeBox.OrbitControls,
elementResize: true,
fullscreen: true,
screenshot: true,
stats: false,
scale: 1,
// Set up director
var director = window['director'] = new MathBox.Director(mathbox, mathboxScript);
// Arrow controls
// Controls for stand-alone
window.addEventListener('touchstart', function (e) {
document.getElementById('info').style.opacity = '0';
window.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
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else {
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* Custom helpers
// Wandering point
function wander(t: number, x: number, r: number): number[] {
var u = r * (1 + .1 * (Math.cos(t*.31+x+Math.cos(t*.67-1))+Math.sin(t*1.32-x*3+Math.cos(t*.441))));
var v = t*.21+x+Math.cos(t*.57-2)+Math.sin(t*1.12-x*3+Math.cos(t*.541));
return [Math.cos(v)*u, Math.sin(v)*u];
* Setup
function setUp(mathbox: MathBox.IStage) {
// Viewport camera/setup
// Polar viewport
type: 'polar',
polar: 0,
range: [[-5.5, 5.5], [-5.5, 5.5]],
scale: [1.4, 1.4, 1],
orbit: 3.5,
phi: τ/4,
theta: 0,
// Number line
id: 'a0',
axis: 0,
color: 0xa0a0a0,
lineWidth: 2,
size: .1,
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lineWidth: 2,
* Script
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// Add 3 points
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id: 'c',
n: 1,
data: [[5]],
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pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 2,
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// Animate points
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data: [[-2]],
}, { duration: 1200 }],
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data: [[-1]],
}, { duration: 1200 }],
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data: [[-3]],
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// Vectors
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mathPosition: [0, 1.5],
color: 0xC02050,
zIndex: 5,
size: .1,
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duration: 300,
delay: 0,
// Animate vectors
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[-1], [-3]],
mathPosition: [0, .75],
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duration: 500,
['animate', '#vb', {
mathPosition: [0, .75],
}, {
duration: 500,
// Animate points / vectors
['animate', '#a', {
data: [[2]],
}, { duration: 1200 }],
['animate', '#b', {
data: [[3]],
}, { duration: 1200 }],
['animate', '#c', {
data: [[5]],
}, { duration: 1200 }],
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [2]],
mathPosition: [0, .5],
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duration: 1200,
['animate', '#vb', {
data: [[0], [3]],
mathPosition: [0, 1],
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duration: 1200,
['animate', '#vc', {
data: [[0], [5]],
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duration: 1200,
['animate', '#vb', {
data: [[2], [5]],
mathPosition: [0, .75],
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duration: 500,
delay: 300,
['animate', '#va', {
mathPosition: [0, .75],
}, {
duration: 500,
delay: 300,
// Clear rect, return axis
['remove', '#a, #b, #c, #va, #vb, #vc', {
duration: 300,
['animate', 'axis, #tick', {
opacity: 1,
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duration: 300,
delay: 150,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'va',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [1]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 20,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
}, {
delay: 450,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vr',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [1.5]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 10,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
color: 0x20B050,
}, {
delay: 450,
// Clone sequence positive
['set', '#va', {
opacity: 0,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, .5],
}, {
duration: 600,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5]],
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duration: 600,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 1],
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delay: 800,
duration: 600,
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data: [[0], [1.5*1.5]],
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delay: 200,
duration: 600,
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opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 1.5],
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delay: 1600,
duration: 500,
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data: [[0], [1.5*1.5*1.5]],
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delay: 200,
duration: 600,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 2],
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delay: 2400,
duration: 600,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5*1.5*1.5*1.5]],
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 500,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 2.5],
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delay: 3200,
duration: 500,
['set', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
['animate', '#va', {
opacity: 0,
}, {
delay: 3700,
['add', 'curve', {
id: 'dots',
points: true,
pointSize: 12,
line: false,
n: 5,
data: [[1, 0], [1.5, 0], [2.25, 0], [3.375], [5, 0]],
color: 0xC02050,
zIndex: 10,
}, {
delay: 3700,
// Clean
['remove', 'vector, #dots'],
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'va',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [1]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 20,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
}, {
delay: 450,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vr',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [-1.5]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 10,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
color: 0x20B050,
}, {
delay: 450,
// Clone sequence negative
['set', '#va', {
opacity: 0,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, .5],
}, {
duration: 700,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [-1.5]],
}, {
duration: 700,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 1],
}, {
delay: 900,
duration: 700,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5*1.5]],
}, {
delay: 300,
duration: 700,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 1.5],
}, {
delay: 1800,
duration: 700,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [-1.5*1.5*1.5]],
}, {
delay: 300,
duration: 700,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 2],
}, {
delay: 2800,
duration: 700,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5*1.5*1.5*1.5]],
}, {
delay: 300,
duration: 700,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 2.5],
}, {
delay: 3800,
duration: 700,
['set', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
['animate', '#va', {
opacity: 0,
}, {
delay: 4000,
['add', 'curve', {
id: 'dots',
points: true,
pointSize: 12,
line: false,
n: 5,
data: [[1, 0], [-1.5, 0], [2.25, 0], [-3.375], [5, 0]],
color: 0xC02050,
zIndex: 10,
}, {
delay: 3800,
// Clean
['remove', 'vector, #dots'],
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'va',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [1]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 20,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
}, {
delay: 450,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vr',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [-1.5]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 10,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
color: 0x20B050,
}, {
delay: 450,
// Clone sequence complex 180
['set', '#va', {
opacity: 0,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, .5],
}, {
delay: 300,
duration: 900,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5]],
mathRotation: [0, 0, π],
}, {
duration: 900,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 1],
}, {
delay: 1500,
duration: 900,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5*1.5]],
mathRotation: [0, 0, π*2],
}, {
delay: 300,
duration: 900,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 1.5],
}, {
delay: 2700,
duration: 900,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5*1.5*1.5]],
mathRotation: [0, 0, π*3],
}, {
delay: 300,
duration: 900,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 2],
}, {
delay: 3900,
duration: 900,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5*1.5*1.5*1.5]],
mathRotation: [0, 0, π*4],
}, {
delay: 300,
duration: 900,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, 2.5],
}, {
delay: 5100,
duration: 900,
['set', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
['add', 'curve', {
id: 'trail',
n: 128,
domain: [0, 2],
color: 0xe0e0e0,
expression: function (i) {
var t = window['director'].clock(11)*.42*4;
t = t-Math.sin(t*π)/π;
var m = Math.min(t * .25, i);
var a = m*τ;
var b = Math.pow(1.5, m*2);
return [Math.cos(a)*b, Math.sin(a)*b];
zIndex: -40,
['animate', '#trail', {
opacity: 0.5,
}, {
delay: 5100,
duration: 600,
['animate', '#va', {
opacity: 0,
}, {
delay: 5100,
['add', 'curve', {
id: 'dots',
points: true,
pointSize: 12,
line: false,
n: 5,
data: [[1, 0], [-1.5, 0], [2.25, 0], [-3.375], [5, 0]],
color: 0xC02050,
zIndex: 10,
}, {
delay: 5100,
['add', 'surface', {
id: 'sr',
n: [32, 2],
domain: [[0, 0], [.75, 1]],
expression: function (x,y,i,j) {
var t = 26.5;
var th = x*π/2;
var r = y*1.5;
return [Math.cos(th)*r, Math.sin(th)*r];
shaded: false,
opacity: .25,
zIndex: -30,
color: 0x20B050,
['animate', '#sr', {
domain: [[0, 2], [.75, 1]],
}, {
duration: 1000,
// Clean
['remove', 'vector, #trail, #dots'],
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'va',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [1]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 20,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
}, {
delay: 450,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vr',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [0, 1.5]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 10,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
color: 0x20B050,
}, {
delay: 450,
['animate', '#sr', {
domain: [[0, 1], [.75, 1]],
}, {
duration: 300,
// Clone sequence complex 90
['set', '#va', {
opacity: 0,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [-3.2, 2],
}, {
delay: 300,
duration: 800,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5]],
mathRotation: [0, 0, π/2],
}, {
duration: 800,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [-3.2, 2],
}, {
delay: 1300,
duration: 800,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5*1.5]],
mathRotation: [0, 0, π],
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 800,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [-3.2, 2],
}, {
delay: 2300,
duration: 800,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5*1.5*1.5]],
mathRotation: [0, 0, π*3/2],
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 800,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [-3.2, 2],
}, {
delay: 3300,
duration: 800,
['animate', '#va', {
data: [[0], [1.5*1.5*1.5*1.5]],
mathRotation: [0, 0, π*2],
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 800,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [-3.2, 2],
}, {
delay: 4300,
duration: 800,
['set', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
['add', 'curve', {
id: 'trail',
n: 128,
domain: [0, 2],
color: 0xe0e0e0,
expression: function (i) {
var t = window['director'].clock(14)*.53*4;
t = t-Math.sin(t*π)/π;
var m = Math.min(t * .25, i);
var a = m*τ*.5;
var b = Math.pow(1.5, m*2);
return [Math.cos(a)*b, Math.sin(a)*b];
zIndex: -40,
['animate', '#trail', {
opacity: 0.5,
}, {
delay: 5000,
duration: 600,
['animate', '#va', {
opacity: 0,
}, {
delay: 5000,
['add', 'curve', {
id: 'dots',
points: true,
pointSize: 12,
line: false,
n: 5,
data: [[1, 0], [0, 1.5], [-2.25, 0], [0, -3.375], [5, 0]],
color: 0xC02050,
zIndex: 10,
}, {
delay: 5000,
// Clean
['remove', 'vector, #trail, #dots'],
['animate', 'viewport', {
range: [[-2, 2], [-2, 2]],
}, { duration: 500 }],
['set', 'axis', {
ticks: 4,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'va',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [1]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 20,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
}, {
delay: 450,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vr',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [.707, .707]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 10,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
color: 0x20B050,
}, {
delay: 450,
['animate', '#sr', {
domain: [[0, .5], [.75, 1]],
expression: function (x,y) {
var t = 26.5;
var th = x*π/2;
var r = y*1;
return [Math.cos(th)*r, Math.sin(th)*r];
}, {
duration: 500,
// Clone sequence complex 45
['set', '#va', {
opacity: 0,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, -1.18],
}, {
duration: 600,
['animate', '#va', {
mathRotation: [0, 0, π/4],
}, {
duration: 600,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, -1.18],
}, {
delay: 800,
duration: 600,
['animate', '#va', {
mathRotation: [0, 0, π/2],
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 600,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, -1.18],
}, {
delay: 1600,
duration: 600,
['animate', '#va', {
mathRotation: [0, 0, π*3/4],
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 600,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, -1.18],
}, {
delay: 2400,
duration: 600,
['animate', '#va', {
mathRotation: [0, 0, π],
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 600,
['clone', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
mathPosition: [0, -1.18],
}, {
delay: 3200,
duration: 600,
['set', '#va', {
opacity: 1,
['add', 'curve', {
id: 'trail',
n: 128,
domain: [0, 2],
color: 0xe0e0e0,
expression: function (i) {
var t = window['director'].clock(16)*.65*4;
t = t-Math.sin(t*π)/π;
var m = Math.min(t * .25, i);
var a = m*τ*.25;
var b = 1;
return [Math.cos(a)*b, Math.sin(a)*b];
zIndex: -40,
['animate', '#trail', {
opacity: 0.5,
}, {
delay: 3200,
duration: 600,
['animate', '#va', {
opacity: 0,
}, {
delay: 3200,
['add', 'curve', {
id: 'dots',
points: true,
pointSize: 12,
line: false,
n: 5,
data: [[1, 0], [.707, .707], [0, 1], [-0.707, .707], [-1, 0]],
color: 0xC02050,
zIndex: 10,
}, {
delay: 3200,
// sqrt -1 pos
['remove', '#va-clone, #dots'],
['animate', '#vr', {
data: [[0], [0, 1]],
['animate', 'surface', {
domain: [[0, 1], [.75, 1]],
expression: function (x,y,i,j) {
var t = 26.5;
var th = x*π/2;
var r = y*1;
return [Math.cos(th)*r, Math.sin(th)*r];
['clone', '#vr', {
color: 0x3070F0,
mathRotation: [0, 0, τ/4],
}, {
duration: 1000,
['animate', '#sr', {
domain: [[1, 2], [.75, 1]],
}, {
duration: 1000,
// sqrt -1 neg
['animate', '#trail', {
domain: [0, 4],
['remove', '#vr-clone'],
['animate', '#vr', {
mathRotation: [0, 0, 2*τ/4],
}, { duration: 700 }],
['animate', '#sr', {
domain: [[0, 3], [.75, 1]],
}, {
duration: 700,
['clone', '#vr', {
color: 0x3070F0,
mathRotation: [0, 0, 5*τ/4]
}, {
duration: 1000,
['animate', '#sr', {
domain: [[3, 6], [.75, 1]],
}, {
duration: 1000,
// sqrt -1 neg alt
['remove', '#vr-clone'],
['animate', '#sr', {
domain: [[3, 4], [.75, 1]],
}, {
duration: 700,
['animate', '#sr', {
domain: [[2, 3], [.75, 1]],
}, {
delay: 500,
duration: 1000,
['clone', '#vr', {
color: 0x3070F0,
mathRotation: [0, 0, τ/4]
}, {
delay: 1200,
duration: 1000,
// both sqrt -1
['remove', '#sr'],
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'v2',
n: 1,
data: [[0], [0, 1]],
points: true,
line: false,
pointSize: 17,
zIndex: 10,
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
color: 0x20B050,
}, {
delay: 100,
// arbitrary multiplication
['remove', 'vector'],
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'va',
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
n: 1,
zIndex: 5,
expression: function (i, end) {
var t = 26.5;
return end ? wander(t, 1, 1.2) : [0, 0, 0];
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vb',
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
n: 1,
color: 0x20B050,
zIndex: 5,
expression: function (i, end) {
var t = 26.5;
return end ? wander(t, 2, .8) : [0, 0, 0];
}, {
delay: 500,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vc',
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
n: 1,
color: 0xC02050,
zIndex: 5,
expression: function (i, end) {
var t = 26.5;
var a = wander(t, 1, 1.2);
var b = wander(t, 2, .8);
return end ? [a[0]*b[0] - a[1]*b[1], a[0]*b[1] + a[1]*b[0]] : [0, 0];
}, {
delay: 3000,
['add', 'surface', {
id: 'sa',
n: [32, 2],
domain: [[0, 1], [.75, 1]],
expression: function (x,y,i,j) {
var t = 26.5;
var a = wander(t, 1, 1.2);
var th = x*Math.atan2(a[1], a[0]);
var r = y*Math.sqrt(a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1]);
return [Math.cos(th)*r, Math.sin(th)*r];
shaded: false,
opacity: 1,
zIndex: -30,
color: 0xCBDBFB,
['add', 'surface', {
id: 'sb',
n: [32, 2],
domain: [[0, 1], [.75, 1]],
expression: function (x,y,i,j) {
var q = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, window['director'].clock(23) - 1.8));
q = .5 - Math.cos(q * π) * .5;
var p = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, window['director'].clock(23) - 3));
p = .5 - Math.cos(p * π) * .5;
var t = 26.5;
var a = wander(t, 1, 1.2);
var b = wander(t, 2, .8);
var tha = Math.atan2(a[1], a[0]);
var ra = y*Math.sqrt(a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1]);
var thb = x*Math.atan2(b[1], b[0]);
var rb = y*Math.sqrt(b[0]*b[0] + b[1]*b[1]);
var th = thb + tha*q;
var r = rb;
return [Math.cos(th)*r, Math.sin(th)*r, -.001];
shaded: false,
opacity: 1,
color: 0xC7EBD3,
zIndex: -10,
}, {
delay: 500,
['add', 'surface', {
id: 'sc',
n: [32, 2],
domain: [[0, 1], [.75, 1]],
expression: function (x,y,i,j) {
var t = 26.5;
var a = wander(t, 1, 1.2);
var b = wander(t, 2, .8);
var tha = Math.atan2(a[1], a[0]);
var thb = Math.atan2(b[1], b[0]);
var ra = Math.sqrt(a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1]);
var rb = Math.sqrt(b[0]*b[0] + b[1]*b[1]);
var th = x*(thb + tha);
var r = y * ra * rb;
return [Math.cos(th)*r, Math.sin(th)*r, -.002];
shaded: false,
opacity: 1,
color: 0xEFC7D3,
zIndex: -20,
}, {
delay: 3000,
// live multiplication
['set', '#va', {
expression: function (i, end) {
var t = window['director'].clock(24)*.6 + 26.5;
return end ? wander(t, 1, 1.2) : [0, 0, 0];
['set', '#vb', {
expression: function (i, end) {
var t = window['director'].clock(24)*.6 + 26.5;
return end ? wander(t, 2, .8) : [0, 0, 0];
['set', '#vc', {
expression: function (i, end) {
var t = window['director'].clock(24)*.6 + 26.5;
var a = wander(t, 1, 1.2);
var b = wander(t, 2, .8);
return end ? [a[0]*b[0] - a[1]*b[1], a[0]*b[1] + a[1]*b[0]] : [0, 0];
['set', '#sa', {
expression: function (x,y,i,j) {
var t = window['director'].clock(24)*.6 + 26.5;
var a = wander(t, 1, 1.2);
var th = x*Math.atan2(a[1], a[0]);
var r = y*Math.sqrt(a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1]);
return [Math.cos(th)*r, Math.sin(th)*r];
shaded: false,
zIndex: -30,
['set', '#sb', {
expression: function (x,y,i,j) {
var t = window['director'].clock(24)*.6 + 26.5;
var a = wander(t, 1, 1.2);
var b = wander(t, 2, .8);
var tha = Math.atan2(a[1], a[0]);
var ra = y*Math.sqrt(a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1]);
var thb = x*Math.atan2(b[1], b[0]);
var rb = y*Math.sqrt(b[0]*b[0] + b[1]*b[1]);
var th = thb + tha;
var r = rb;
return [Math.cos(th)*r, Math.sin(th)*r];
['set', '#sc', {
expression: function (x,y,i,j) {
var t = window['director'].clock(24)*.6 + 26.5;
var a = wander(t, 1, 1.2);
var b = wander(t, 2, .8);
var tha = Math.atan2(a[1], a[0]);
var thb = Math.atan2(b[1], b[0]);
var ra = Math.sqrt(a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1]);
var rb = Math.sqrt(b[0]*b[0] + b[1]*b[1]);
var th = x*(thb + tha);
var r = y * ra * rb;
return [Math.cos(th)*r, Math.sin(th)*r];
// clean, switch to polar, show axis grid
['remove', 'vector, curve, surface, axis'],
['add', 'grid', {
n: [128, 2],
ticks: [8, 5],
tickUnit: [π, 1],
tickScale: [2, 10],
lineWidth: 2,
color: 0xc0c0c0,
zIndex: -10,
}, {
delay: 400,
duration: 300,
['animate', 'viewport', {
range: [[-π, π], [-2, 2]],
scale: [1, 1, 1],
polar: 1,
}, {
delay: 300,
duration: 0,
['add', 'axis', {
id: 'a1',
lineWidth: 1,
line: false,
labels: true,
axis: 1,
offset: [0, 0, 0],
ticks: 5,
color: 0xc0c0c0,
}, {
delay: 400,
duration: 500,
['add', 'axis', {
lineWidth: 1,
line: false,
labels: true,
axis: 1,
offset: [τ/8, 0, 0],
ticks: 5,
arrow: false,
color: 0xc0c0c0,
}, {
delay: 400,
duration: 500,
['add', 'axis', {
id: 'a2',
lineWidth: 1,
line: false,
labels: true,
axis: 1,
offset: [τ/4, 0, 0],
ticks: 5,
color: 0xc0c0c0,
}, {
delay: 400,
duration: 500,
['add', 'axis', {
lineWidth: 1,
line: false,
labels: true,
axis: 1,
offset: [3*τ/8, 0, 0],
ticks: 5,
arrow: false,
color: 0xc0c0c0,
}, {
delay: 400,
duration: 500,
['add', 'axis', {
lineWidth: 1,
line: false,
labels: true,
axis: 1,
offset: [τ/2, 0, 0],
ticks: 5,
arrow: false,
color: 0xc0c0c0,
}, {
delay: 400,
duration: 500,
['add', 'axis', {
lineWidth: 1,
line: false,
labels: true,
axis: 1,
offset: [-3*τ/8, 0, 0],
ticks: 5,
arrow: false,
color: 0xc0c0c0,
}, {
delay: 400,
duration: 500,
['add', 'axis', {
lineWidth: 1,
line: false,
labels: true,
axis: 1,
offset: [-τ/4, 0, 0],
ticks: 5,
arrow: false,
color: 0xc0c0c0,
}, {
delay: 400,
duration: 500,
['add', 'axis', {
lineWidth: 1,
line: false,
labels: true,
axis: 1,
offset: [-τ/8, 0, 0],
ticks: 5,
arrow: false,
color: 0xc0c0c0,
}, {
delay: 400,
duration: 500,
// Show i
['animate', 'viewport', {
range: [[-π, π], [-.1, 1.7]],
}, {
duration: 600,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'va',
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
n: 1,
zIndex: 30,
data: [[0, 0.01], [0, 1]],
}, {
duration: 600,
['add', 'surface', {
id: 'sr',
n: [32, 2],
domain: [[0, 1], [.8, 1]],
expression: function (x,y,i,j) {
var t = 26.5;
var th = x*π/2;
var r = y*1;
return [th, r];
shaded: false,
opacity: .2,
zIndex: -30,
}, {
delay: 300,
// Show cartesian notation
['remove', 'vector, surface'],
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vb',
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
n: 1,
color: 0x20B050,
zIndex: 50,
data: [[0, 0.0001], [π/3, 1]],
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vc',
lineWidth: 4,
size: .1,
n: 2,
color: 0xC02050,
zIndex: 50,
data: [[π/2, 0.866], [π/3, 1], [0, 0.5], [π/3, 1]],
['add', 'surface', {
id: 'sr',
n: [32, 2],
domain: [[.666, 1], [.8, 1]],
expression: function (x,y,i,j) {
var t = 26.5;
var th = x*π/2;
var r = y*1;
return [th, r];
shaded: false,
opacity: .2,
zIndex: -30,
color: 0x20B050,
// Show vector field
['remove', '#sr'],
['set', 'axis', {
labels: false,
arrow: false,
['set', '#a2', {
arrow: true,
['remove', 'grid', {
duration: 300,
delay: 500,
['add', 'grid', {
n: [192, 2],
tickUnit: [π, 1],
tickScale: [2, 10],
lineWidth: 2,
color: 0xc0c0c0,
zIndex: -10,
ticks: [6, 6],
}, {
delay: 500,
duration: 300,
['add', 'surface', {
id: 'fill',
n: [192, 2],
domain: [[-π, π], [0.001, 1.7]],
expression: function (x,y) {
return [x, y, 0];
zIndex: -20,
color: 0xffffff,
shaded: false,
opacity: .8,
}, {
delay: 500,
duration: 300,
['remove', '#vb, #vc, #slash'],
['animate', 'viewport', {
range: [[-π, π], [-1.7, 1.7]],
rotation: [0, 0, τ/4],
}, {
duration: 800,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vfield',
n: 16,
data: [
[0], [0, .5], [π/2], [π/2, .5],
[-π], [-π, .5], [-π+π/2], [-π+π/2, .5],
[π/4], [π/4, 1], [π/2+π/4], [π/2+π/4, 1],
[-π+π/4], [-π+π/4, 1], [-π+π/2+π/4], [-π+π/2+π/4, 1],
[π/8], [π/8, 1.5], [π/2+π/8], [π/2+π/8, 1.5],
[-π+π/8],[-π+π/8, 1.5], [-π+π/2+π/8], [-π+π/2+π/8, 1.5],
[π/8+π/4], [π/8+π/4, 1.5], [π/2+π/4+π/8], [π/2+π/4+π/8, 1.5],
[-π+π/4+π/8], [-π+π/4+π/8, 1.5], [-π/8], [-π/8, 1.5],
lineWidth: 3,
size: .1,
zIndex: 10,
opacity: 0.001,
}, {
duration: 0,
['animate', '#vfield', {
opacity: 1,
}, {
duration: 400,
delay: 500,
// Fold half of square root
['set', '#a2', {
arrow: false,
['set', '#a1', {
arrow: true,
['set', 'viewport', {
rotation: [0, 0, 0],
['animate', 'viewport', {
fold: .5,
}, {
duration: 3000,
['animate', 'viewport', {
power: .5,
}, {
delay: 3000,
duration: 3000,
// Show negative square roots
['animate', 'viewport', {
range: [[-τ, τ], [-1.7, 1.7]],
}, {
duration: 1500,
['animate', '#fill', {
domain: [[-τ, τ], [0.001, 1.7]],
}, {
duration: 1500,
['animate', 'grid', {
ticks: [12, 6],
}, {
duration: 300,
delay: 500,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'vfield2',
n: 16,
data: [
[τ], [τ, .5], [τ+π/2], [τ+π/2, .5],
[τ+-π], [τ+-π, .5], [τ+-π+π/2], [τ+-π+π/2, .5],
[τ+π/4], [τ+π/4, 1], [τ+π/2+π/4], [τ+π/2+π/4, 1],
[τ+-π+π/4], [τ+-π+π/4, 1], [τ+-π+π/2+π/4], [τ+-π+π/2+π/4, 1],
[τ+π/8], [τ+π/8, 1.5], [τ+π/2+π/8], [τ+π/2+π/8, 1.5],
[τ-π+π/8], [τ-π+π/8, 1.5], [τ-π+π/2+π/8], [τ-π+π/2+π/8, 1.5],
[τ+π/8+π/4], [τ+π/8+π/4, 1.5], [τ+π/2+π/4+π/8], [τ+π/2+π/4+π/8, 1.5],
[τ+-π+π/4+π/8], [τ+-π+π/4+π/8, 1.5], [τ+-π/8], [τ+-π/8, 1.5],
lineWidth: 3,
size: .1,
zIndex: 5,
worldRotation: [0, 0, -π],
opacity: .25,
}, {
duration: 0,
delay: 0,
['animate', '#vfield2', {
worldRotation: [0, 0, 0],
opacity: 1,
}, {
duration: 1000,
delay: 2000,
// Split disc
['set', '#vfield', {
mathPosition: [-π, 0, 0],
['set', '#vfield2', {
mathPosition: [-π, 0, 0],
['animate', 'camera', {
phi: .92,
theta: 0.32,
}, {
duration: 4000,
['animate', 'camera', {
phi: 2.22,
theta: 0.32,
}, {
duration: 3000,
['animate', 'viewport', {
helix: .1,
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 2000,
// Square back to normal
['animate', 'camera', {
phi: 2.22 + π,
theta: 0.32,
}, {
delay: 6000,
duration: 4000,
['animate', 'viewport', {
fold: 1,
}, {
delay: 0,
duration: 3000,
['animate', 'viewport', {
power: 1,
}, {
delay: 3000,
duration: 3000,
['animate', 'grid', {
ticks: [6, 6],
}, {
delay: 0,
duration: 500,
// Flatten
['animate', 'viewport', {
helix: 0,
}, {
duration: 1500,
['animate', 'camera', {
phi: 1.57*3,
theta: 0,
}, {
delay: 1500,
duration: 1500,
// Full square root
['set', 'viewport', {
range: [[-τ, τ], [-1.7, 1.7]],
['set', '#fill', {
domain: [[-τ, τ], [0.001, 1.7]],
['animate', 'viewport', {
helix: .1,
}, {
duration: 2000,
['animate', 'viewport', {
fold: .5,
power: .5,
}, {
delay: 2000,
duration: 3000,
['animate', 'grid', {
ticks: [12, 6],
}, {
delay: 1500,
duration: 500,
['animate', 'viewport', {
helix: 0,
}, {
delay: 3000,
duration: 2000,
// Fourth power
['animate', 'camera', {
phi: 1.57+.7,
theta: 0,
orbit: 6.5,
}, {
delay: 0,
duration: 7000,
['animate', 'camera', {
phi: 1.57,
}, {
delay: 3000,
duration: 2000,
['animate', 'viewport', {
helix: .15,
}, {
duration: 2000,
['animate', 'viewport', {
fold: 2,
power: 2,
}, {
delay: 2000,
duration: 4000,
['animate', 'viewport', {
helix: 0,
}, {
delay: 5000,
duration: 3000,
// 1/sqrt(2) power
['animate', 'camera', {
phi: 3.14+1.57+.9,
theta: 0,
orbit: 6.5,
}, {
delay: 0,
duration: 10000,
['animate', 'viewport', {
helix: .15,
}, {
duration: 2000,
['animate', 'viewport', {
fold: 2*0.707,
power: 2*0.707,
}, {
delay: 3000,
duration: 4000,
// Extend
['remove', 'vector'],
['add', 'vector', {
n: 9,
data: [
[-τ*2], [-τ*2, 1.6],
[-τ*1.5], [-τ*1.5, 1.6],
[-τ], [-τ, 1.6],
[-τ*.5], [-τ*.5, 1.6],
[0], [0, 1.6],
[τ*.5], [τ*.5, 1.6],
[τ], [τ, 1.6],
[τ*1.5], [τ*1.5, 1.6],
[τ*2], [τ*2, 1.6],
lineWidth: 3,
size: .1,
zIndex: 5,
}, {
delay: 1500,
['animate', 'viewport', {
range: [[-τ*2.3, τ*2.3], [-1.7, 1.7]],
}, {
duration: 2000,
['animate', '#fill', {
domain: [[-τ*2.3, τ*2.3], [0.001, 1.7]],
}, {
duration: 2000,
['animate', 'camera', {
phi: 3.14+.7,
theta: 0,
orbit: 10,
}, {
delay: 0,
duration: 5000,
// Flatten
['animate', 'viewport', {
helix: 0,
}, {
delay: 500,
duration: 4500,
['animate', 'camera', {
orbit: 5,
}, {
delay: 500,
duration: 4500,
['animate', 'camera', {
phi: 3.14 + 1.57,
}, {
delay: 5200,
duration: 1500,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'dupe1',
n: 9,
data: [
[-τ*2], [-τ*2, 1.6],
[-τ*1.5], [-τ*1.5, 1.6],
[-τ], [-τ, 1.6],
[-τ*.5], [-τ*.5, 1.6],
[0], [0, 1.6],
[τ*.5], [τ*.5, 1.6],
[τ], [τ, 1.6],
[τ*1.5], [τ*1.5, 1.6],
[τ*2], [τ*2, 1.6],
lineWidth: 3,
size: .1,
zIndex: 5,
mathPosition: [τ*5, 0],
opacity: .001,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'dupe2',
n: 9,
data: [
[-τ*2], [-τ*2, 1.6],
[-τ*1.5], [-τ*1.5, 1.6],
[-τ], [-τ, 1.6],
[-τ*.5], [-τ*.5, 1.6],
[0], [0, 1.6],
[τ*.5], [τ*.5, 1.6],
[τ], [τ, 1.6],
[τ*1.5], [τ*1.5, 1.6],
[τ*2], [τ*2, 1.6],
lineWidth: 3,
size: .1,
zIndex: 5,
mathPosition: [τ*10, 0],
opacity: .001,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'dupe3',
n: 9,
data: [
[-τ*2], [-τ*2, 1.6],
[-τ*1.5], [-τ*1.5, 1.6],
[-τ], [-τ, 1.6],
[-τ*.5], [-τ*.5, 1.6],
[0], [0, 1.6],
[τ*.5], [τ*.5, 1.6],
[τ], [τ, 1.6],
[τ*1.5], [τ*1.5, 1.6],
[τ*2], [τ*2, 1.6],
lineWidth: 3,
size: .1,
zIndex: 5,
mathPosition: [τ*15, 0],
opacity: .001,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'dupe1',
n: 9,
data: [
[-τ*2], [-τ*2, 1.6],
[-τ*1.5], [-τ*1.5, 1.6],
[-τ], [-τ, 1.6],
[-τ*.5], [-τ*.5, 1.6],
[0], [0, 1.6],
[τ*.5], [τ*.5, 1.6],
[τ], [τ, 1.6],
[τ*1.5], [τ*1.5, 1.6],
[τ*2], [τ*2, 1.6],
lineWidth: 3,
size: .1,
zIndex: 5,
mathPosition: [-τ*5, 0],
opacity: .001,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'dupe2',
n: 9,
data: [
[-τ*2], [-τ*2, 1.6],
[-τ*1.5], [-τ*1.5, 1.6],
[-τ], [-τ, 1.6],
[-τ*.5], [-τ*.5, 1.6],
[0], [0, 1.6],
[τ*.5], [τ*.5, 1.6],
[τ], [τ, 1.6],
[τ*1.5], [τ*1.5, 1.6],
[τ*2], [τ*2, 1.6],
lineWidth: 3,
size: .1,
zIndex: 5,
mathPosition: [-τ*10, 0],
opacity: .001,
['add', 'vector', {
id: 'dupe3',
n: 9,
data: [
[-τ*2], [-τ*2, 1.6],
[-τ*1.5], [-τ*1.5, 1.6],
[-τ], [-τ, 1.6],
[-τ*.5], [-τ*.5, 1.6],
[0], [0, 1.6],
[τ*.5], [τ*.5, 1.6],
[τ], [τ, 1.6],
[τ*1.5], [τ*1.5, 1.6],
[τ*2], [τ*2, 1.6],
lineWidth: 3,
size: .1,
zIndex: 5,
mathPosition: [-τ*15, 0],
opacity: .001,
['animate', '#dupe3', {
opacity: .25,
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 300,
['animate', '#dupe2', {
opacity: .5,
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 300,
['animate', '#dupe1', {
opacity: .75,
}, {
delay: 200,
duration: 300,
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